Gabi’s Secret by Sara Holland-a review

GABI’S SECRET by Sara Holland-a review

Gabi's Secret / / B&N / KOBO /

ABOUT THE BOOK: Release Date July 11, 2016

A damaged and slightly broken rock star, Jace Carrigan is one of those rare species. He’s a good man, despite his broken marriage and failed relationships. His greatest joy is his young daughter but he’s about to find a new love who seems to be even more damaged than he is. Bruised and bleeding, Gabi lands on his doorstep and brings with her excitement, passion, love and just a few surprises. Jace suddenly finds himself looking into a bright future with his new lady by his side. But he probably should have known better because things aren’t always what they seem…


REVIEW: GABI’S SECRET by debut author Sara Holland is a contemporary, adult, paranormal, erotic romance story focusing on rock star Jace Carrigan, and a woman known only as Gabrielle (or Gabi).

Told from dual third person perspectives (Gabi and Jace) GABI’S SECRET follows the building relationship between former bad boy, rock star Jason Carrigan, and Gabrielle. Our heroine Gabi (literally) landed on Jace’s door step, battered and bruised, claiming to have fallen with no place to go. Jace, unable to turn away what appears to be a woman from an abusive relationship, takes Gabi into his home, his heart and his soul. But Gabrielle has a secret; one that has placed our heroine in direct contact with our story line hero, and it is Gabi’s secret that will protect the most important person in Jace’s life-his ten year old daughter Summer.

GABI’S SECRET is a slow building story line that focuses on the building, highly sexual relationship between our leading couple but there is a simmering danger behind the scenes that is infinitely slower to reveal. Gabrielle is on assignment, and finds herself falling in love with the man she volunteered to protect while the danger to Jace and his daughter continues to build and grow stronger every day.

We are introduced to Jace’s daughter Summer, his ex Carla, and his housekeeper Meg. Jace’s best friend and band mate Mike has a couple of secrets of his own and recognizes Gabrielle for who and what she is.

The premise is imaginative but sluggish in spots as the author focuses on Gabi and Jace’s relationship keeping the reader in suspense (until the very end) about the reason why Gabi has volunteered to protect our hero. The characters are colorful and animated although Jace’s music career and life style are secondary to the main story. The romance is intense, provocative and erotic without the use of over the top graphic language and imagery. GABI’S SECRET is a passionate and enchanting tale about beautiful people and the danger that is about to enter their lives.

Copy supplied for review

Reviewed by Sandy
