I’ll See You In My Dreams by Michael Edwin Q-A Review and Interview with the Author
I’ll See You In My Dreams
by Michael Edwin Q
Release Date: November 2013
Genre: romance, mystery, fantasy, adventure
ebook only $1.99: Amazon.com / Amazon.ca / Amazon.uk/
ABOUT THE BOOK: Release Date November 3, 2013
85 year old Christopher Goodman and 84 year old Irene Kelly live thousands of miles from each other. But ever night they meet in a shared dream where they are young lovers. It’s time they meet in the real world. Christopher runs away from home, and with the help of his grandson, Walter Jr., they journey on a quest to Irene – his intentions – marriage! A cast of characters you will never forget. There’s Romance, Mystery, Adventure, Drama, Fantasy, but most of all LOVE! You have a date tonight! Don’t forget I’LL SEE YOU IN MY DREAMS.
REVIEW: I’ll See You In My Dreams is one of the most unique and entertaining books I’ve read in quite awhile. The premise begins semi-unique but the twists and slant on the story line bring it fully on its own. Michael Edwin is a new author to me, but has made me a fan! Can’t wait for more by this enchantingly witty author.
There are chapter heading of songs, with a dream theme. I had no idea there were so many and certainly not so many that fit with this tale, just a little added inspiration.
It starts with an old man hitching a ride near a Texas cornfield, on his way to San Diego. A pretty ambitious undertaking when you learn he’s eighty-five! And get this, my friends, he’s going to see his girlfriend and get married; she’s eighty-four… got you interest yet?
While romance among the elderly is not a new thing, this is certainly a much more exciting one. I don’t do spoilers, but this was just so hard to put down. The story is told in different POV’s such as “Before the Journey”, “The Journey”, “After the Journey” and last but certainly not least, “A New Journey”.
What makes this such a wonderful read? Oh, so many things. Learning of his life before his wife died; living with his daughter and her family; his relationship with his second grandson; the lives he touches on his journey. The list could go on and on and on!
Here’s the really intriguing thing. He begins dreaming of an island and on this island he’s a young strong man again. Then he meets a woman, not just any woman (although he loved his wife with all his heart while she lived – she’s not the woman on the island, this perplexes him) his old sweetheart from high school. They begin a nightly, and sometimes more often, trip to their island and fall back in love.
They both know it’s a dream, but they love it! This is just the beginning!
That’s all the spoilers I’ll give out. Please, please read this marvelous tale for yourselves. This is one that must be enjoyed to be believed. This is thought provoking, entertaining and so incredibly surprising! I promise you won’t regret a minute of it.
Grab a bottle of your favorite beverage, some snacks (you won’t want to stop reading), and don’t forget a few tissues!
Enjoy, I certainly did! I’ll be looking for more from this author…
Copy supplied by the author
Reviewed by Georgianna
TRC: Hi Michael and welcome to The Reading Café. Congratulations on the release of I’LL SEE YOU IN MY DREAMS.
Michael: Thank you, I’m excited. I’ve been following The Reading Café for a while now – very impressive.
TRC: We would like to start with some background information. Would you please tell us something about yourself?
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Michael: I sold my first piece when I was twelve, and I’ve been at it since. I’ve always written short stories, articles, and poems for magazines with some success, especially in the past ten years. I’ve written many books, but I’LL SEE YOU IN MY DREAMS is my first to publish. I just felt like the time was right.
TRC: What or who influenced your foray into writing?
Michael: The list of books and authors is huge. My love of reading is kin to my love of writing. Sometimes I can’t tell where one begins and the other ends.
TRC: I’LL SEE YOU IN MY DREAMS is your November 2013 release. Would you please tell us something about the premise?
Michael: Eighty-five year old, Christopher Goodman and eighty-four year old, Irene Kelly live thousand of miles from each other. Every night they met in a shared dream as young lovers. Chris decides they need to meet in the real world. He runs away from home. With the help of his traveling companion, his grandson Walter Jr., he journeys to Irene. His intentions – Marriage!
TRC: Are any of the characters, including Christopher Goodman based in reality or a compilation of people and your imagination?
Michael: All my characters are a combination of real people, the same with all the incidents that happen. The more real you put in a story, the more real it feels.
TRC: What was your inspiration for the dream island and the whole ‘Death’ after them, the temple and underwater city etc?
Michael: I needed them to be alone, to relate and rely on each other – what better place than a desert island. As for Death, when Death comes, he doesn’t come to rob you of something or take someone you love away. He comes for everything and everyone. He’s the ultimate villain. Yet I didn’t portray him as evil; because I don’t think he is. He’s just doing his job. The temple denotes that there is something scared about True Love. It’s underwater because the sacred is not easily obtainable. It’s in an ancient city because True Love is sadly becoming rare and forgotten.
TRC: Did Gabriel have a special significance?
Michael: When you say the name Gabriel, most people think of an angel. He’s always in the background ready to step forward and help; he guards and guides. I like his aloofness and dry sense of humor.
TRC: Will Walter Jr. get his own story line?
Michael: At the end of the book it’s clear Walter Jr. is better for going on the journey. There’s a sweet hopeful magic about the ending. As any magician will tell you, when the audience looks too long and too hard the magic disappears.
TRC: How long did it take to complete this wonderful story?
Michael: I toss around an idea for one to two years. I write all the time in my head, even in my sleep. Once I sit down at the computer, it takes about a year to get it down. Then I let it sit for another year, and then I can look at it critically. That’s when I take another few months to rewrite. It’s a long process, but it works for me.
TRC: How many books do you have planned for the series or is this a stand alone story line?
Michael: I enjoy writing about the human condition, relationships, life. I’ll always write in that genre. So, in a way, though this will not be part of a series, I’LL SEE YOU IN MY DREAMS will not stand alone.
TRC: If you could virtually cast the leading characters in this storyline, which models or actors best represents your ideal image?
Michael: Richard Farnsworth would have been perfect for the elderly Chris, but he’s not longer with us. There are plenty of good actors and actresses nowadays, but being an old geezer, I don’t know their names.
TRC: When writing a storyline, do the characters direct the writing or do you direct the characters?
Michael: It’s a group effort, we all pull together. But I must admit they do get pushy at times.
TRC: The mark of a good writer is to pull the reader into the storyline so that they experience the emotions along with the characters. What do you believe a writer must do to make this happen? Where do you believe writer’s fail in this endeavor?
Michael: Write in a way people can relate. Touch what’s in us all. We only connect with what is familiar to all of us. Don’t make it so personal. Drop the I, me, mine, and think more us.
TRC: Writer’s Block is a very real phenomenon. How do you handle the pressures and anxiety of writer’s block?
Michael: I always have four to five projects going at the same time. If I go dry for awhile on one topic, I just switch to another, got to keep writing.
TRC: What challenges or difficulties (research, logistics, background) did you encounter writing this particular story and series?
Michael: In my twenties I hitchhiked across the country for a few years. All the little road stories that happen in the book are variations of things I experienced in real life. I did plenty of research on Texas and American Indian history, and all the cities mentioned in the book.
TRC: Many authors bounce ideas and information with other authors or friends and family. With whom do you bounce ideas?
Michael: My wife is a great help. She reads a lot, so if she doesn’t get it, it’s time to rewrite. As for stories, I won the 2013 Art Affair Literary Award for a story my wife felt was only so-so, and second place in the 2009 People’s Choice Awards with a story that didn’t even impress me. Just write for the joy of writing. No one truly knows.
TRC: On what are you currently working?
Michael: I’m writing two new books, I’m rewriting two others; I’m working on a short story, and a couple of poems. (Honest, this is what I do)
TRC: Would you like to add anything else?
Michael: I’d like to thank my readers, encourage all the young writers out there, and I wish you peace and joy. But most of all I wish you love
Favorite Food
Anything someone else prepares.
Favorite Dessert
Moscato (with bubbles)
Favorite TV Show
We don’t own a TV
Last Movie You Saw
If I Were You – a great Canadian film with Marcia Gay Harden
Dark or Milk Chocolate
If I’m going off my diet, it won’t be for candy.
Secret Celebrity Crush
Crushes? I can only think of my wife, but that’s no secret. (She saw the cover of my book in a dream, before the artist sent it)
Last Vacation Destination
Santorini, Greece
Pet Peeve
Life’s too short for such things.
TRC: Thank you Michael for taking the time to answer our questions. Congratulations on the release of I’ll See You In My Dreams. We wish you all the best !