Bedding the Highlander by Sabrina York-Review, Interview & Giveaway

Bedding the Highlander by Sabrina York (presented by James Patterson)-Review, Interview, and Giveaway

Bedding the Highlander Banner

by Sabrina York
BookShots Flames presented by James Patterson
Release Date: March 7, 2017
Genre: adult, historical, Highlander, romance

Bedding the Highlander / / B&N / KOBO / BAM /

ABOUT THE BOOK: Release Date March 7, 2017

Only a Scot can steal her heart.
There’s nothing ladylike about Katherine Killin. She’s a spitfire who cannot be tamed. To rid himself of her, and to honor a truce set by the Duke of Glencoe, her father agrees to wed her to his clan’s mortal enemy, Ben Rannoch. But when Katherine meets the enticingly masculine Kirk Rannoch, brother of her betrothed, she suddenly craves domination.
BookShots Flames

Original romances presented by JAMES PATTERSON
Novels you can devour in a few hours
Impossible to stop reading


REVIEW: Bedding the Highlander is a Book Shots Flames brand. This is a selection of stories that are well written with a sizzling romantic theme to their genre; today’s review is BEDDING THE HIGHLANDER by Sabrina York, presented by James Patterson. The books are priced at under $5.00 US and have approximately only 150 pages. Designed to be read in an evening or at work on lunch hours, etc. Interesting idea, but I, personally, love a good long well written story. But then, I’m retired and have lots of time to read.

Now to this captivating story.

The story is about rival clans in Glencoe, Scotland in 1603. The Duke of Glencoe, in order to try to make an alliance for peace, has ordered the marriage of Katherine Killin to the rival clan laird Ben Rannoch.

Kirk Rannoch, brother of Ben, and his friend Brodie have been assigned to bring Katherine from the Killin stronghold to the Rannoch keep to be wed to Ben. They are, understandably, reluctant to enter the Killin keep, as many don’t return. Unfortunately, when they do, they find the wrong Catherine…no misspelling, it seems many of the Killian Laird’s daughters, mostly illegitimate, are named a form of Catherine. However, they notice the one presented does not have the signature red hair of the real Katherine Killin. They are told the real Katherine has run off rather than be wed to their enemy and they don’t know where she is. Reluctantly, they leave.
During the trip back, while camping at night, two thieves try to take the men’s horses. They capture them only to find that they are females and both have a form of red hair. A romance between “Ann” (aka Katherine) and Kirk is immediate and sizzling.

Okay, that’s the set up and the rest must be read to be enjoyed. It’s only 150 pages and doesn’t take long. I found it to be incredibly entertaining and very well written. I loved her solution for not having to marry the laird…possibly brave, possibly foolish but very interesting! Sabrina York is a fine author and writes a very inventive period novel.

Give it a shot!

Copy supplied for review

Reviewed by Georgianna


TRC: Hi Sabrina. Welcome to The Reading Cafe.

Sabrina YorkSabrina: Thank you so much for having me! I am excited to be here!

TRC: We would like to start with some background information. Would you please tell us something about yourself?

Sabrina: Absolutely! My name is Sabrina York and I LOVE writing steamy, snarky romances…but I have ADD and enjoy writing in all sub genres (historical, contemporary, SEALs, Dukes, Highlanders and so on!).

Though I am predominantly published in romance, I also love writing in other genres like women’s fiction, fantasy, sci fi and more.

I think trying new things is important for working the writing muscles and keeps my writing fresh and fun.

TRC: Who or what influenced your career in writing?

Sabrina: My greatest influence was my mother, who refused to let me use my dyslexia as an excuse for not being an overachiever. She convinced me at an early age that this difficulty was actually a gift, because it allowed me to see things in ways other people might miss.

Indeed, it has been a gift, and so was having a mother so determined to help me succeed.

Although, I must say, I am also thankful for spellcheck and editors!

TRC: What challenges or difficulties have you encountered writing and publishing your stories?

Sabrina: Dyslexia aside, I worked for years writing and polishing my work. I submitted to hundreds of editors and agents and received an encyclopedia full of rejections. Though my work won many awards, I just couldn’t seem to sell.

And then, just when I was about to give up (for a career of sitting on the sofa, eating bon bons and watching Toddlers in Tiaras) I miraculously sold my first book.

My advice to writers who are struggling is: Don’t give up. Keep trying.

Now that I am published (in traditional and indie worlds) my challenges are balancing projects with the business side of things. There are so many things I have to do that I never imagined.

It would be wonderful if being an author meant sitting back and writing books, but there is so much more to it, including accounting (ick), marketing, social media, events, conferences and more (especially for Indie writers!)

Bedding the HighlanderTRC: Would you please tell us something about BEDDING THE HIGHLANDER?

Sabrina: I am so excited about this story! It has been a glorious experience working with James Patterson, Laura Fazio and the team at Hachette!

The core story is that with the death of the queen and the ascension of James VI—and the union of the crowns between Scotland and England—the world has turned on its ear. The new king is determined to make the transition a peaceful one. He is adamant that Scotland not be seen as a land of savages, but loyal, peaceful subjects of the crown. He has commanded his dukes to maintain peace and squash unrest at all costs.

In light of the rising turmoil and increased hostilities amongst his highland clans, Nicholas Lennox, the Duke of Glencoe—acting on explicit orders from the newly ascended King James VI—has issued an ultimatum to his unmarried lairds, demanding they unite with their rival clans…through marriage.

As logical as this plan is, nothing seems to go right.

His first declaration is that Ben Rannoch, Laird of Rannoch should marry Katherine Killin, daughter of Cuithbeart Killin (The Rannoch’s mortal enemy).

In Bedding the Highlander, Kirk Rannoch is sent to collect his brother’s intended. He has no idea that Katherine is far from a biddable wench. The plucky redhead has decided to seduce Kirk in hopes of scuttling a wedding to his brother, the Beast of Rannoch.

Imagine Kirk’s chagrin when he realizes the woman he had bedded is not the maid he thought her to be, but his brother’s bride!

I came up with this idea when my husband and I were visiting Scotland last September. I’d never been there before and it was a wonderful time. One of the villages we visited was Kinloch Rannoch, the town my mother’s people came from. I decided that my next Highland romp had to take place there!

TRC: How do you keep the plot(s) unpredictable without sacrificing content and believability?

Sabrina: I live by a maxim that an author can do whatever she wants, as long as she does it well. So no matter the twists and turns I fold into the plot, they have to be masterfully executed.

You get a feeling in your gut, a little niggle, when things aren’t right. I’ve learned you cannot ignore that, no matter how much work it is to rewrite. I’ve also learned I am always so much happier when I get it right!

One of my favorite things to do is lead the reader down the garden path, make her expect that something typical will happen, and then flip the script! The secret here is having fully-formed characters who behave in genuine and authentic ways. Needless to say, I lean toward strong, determined and sometimes stubborn heroines.

TRC: Have you ever had the opportunity to visit the Highlands of Scotland, and if so, how much of an influence or impact did the visit have on your stories?

Sabrina: I most certainly did, but sadly, only one time. I would love to go back.

Laird of her HeartIt was fascinating visiting historical sites like Urquhart Castle (which featured in my Highland Time Travel, Laird of her Heart) and the battlefield at Culloden, thinking of all the lives that had been lived and lost in these places. We took a tour of the north coast where my Untamed Highlander Series took place.

Standing on the cliffs at Duncansby Head Lighthouse and staring out over the cold grey waters of the North Sea gave me a new appreciation for the strength and stamina of the Scottish people.

I took hundreds of pictures so I would remember the feelings, the sights and the faces. Some things change with the times, but others don’t. I often felt I had stepped back in time.

Mostly, I was suffused with this amazing feeling of coming home, which makes sense, because my mother’s people are Stewarts.

TRC: You write several different genres. Which do you prefer? Which do you find the most difficult?

Sabrina: I love writing them all, because when I switch, it’s almost like taking a break. It makes work feel less like work. J

The genre I find most difficult is the one I am working on at any given time.

Don’t get me wrong. I love my job. But it ain’t easy!

TRC: Do you believe the cover image plays a deciding factor for many readers in the process of selecting a book or new series to read?

Sabrina: I believe the cover is the most important element these days because a good 90% of readers are buying books online. The cover is the first thing they notice, there in a sea of covers.

It has to be stellar, and it has to reflect the story accurately.

In polls I’ve done with my lovely street team, the cover is always the top ranking decision factor, with “An Author I Know and Love” as number two. That’s why it is also critical to write consistently excellent books and give the reader what they want.

From a personal perspective, I also believe that relationships are super important in this business, whether it is with publishers, other authors, industry professionals and, of course, readers. I offer lots of ways to connect with my readers from my VIP Facebook room, to my Street Team and a newsletter that offers exclusive contests and content.

Yes, it takes time away from writing to foster and maintain these relationships, but it think it is important to know for whom I am writing. Plus, they are damn wonderful people!

TRC: When writing a storyline, do the characters direct the writing or do you direct the characters?

Sabrina: I have a trick. I start out with a fairly well developed outline, but then, when I get going, yes, the characters start talking to me. I have to listen. It is their story after all!

TRC: The mark of a good writer is to pull the reader into the storyline so that they experience the emotions along with the characters. What do you believe a writer must do to make this happen?  Where do you believe writer’s fail in this endeavor?

Sabrina: Absolutely. My job is to let the reader FEEL the story. To evoke and exploit emotion. My tactic is to write in what is called deep POV (Point of View). I only write one character per scene and everything from the language to the tone to the simmering emotions MUST be genuine and true to that character.

Another trick I learned is to keep the story moving. Focusing on the action and evolution of the story, I fold tidbits of information into dialog, reactions and internalizations rather than providing it in huge choking chunks. This is essential to KEEP THE READER IN THE STORY. I do not want you to put the book down! Long dull chunks of exposition are the perfect excuse to close the book and go have a root canal or something.

No! This cannot be allowed!!!!

As for writers who fail in invoking emotion, I’d like to say (and to be honest) we all have failed at one point or another. If we are lucky and/or smart, we have learned from it.

In my opinion, this failure (for wont of a better word) occurs when writers try to rush through scenes and assume the words they are putting on paper are having the effect they desire. I call this lazy writing and I am an expert at it. But the trick is in the editing. It is in the second, third or fourth pass when we flesh out the scene, maximize opportunities to stir emotions and cut out anything that gums up the works.

This last bit is where many writers struggle, because they are not inclined to murder their darlings. You know, that perfectly wicked turn of phrase, or the description of the train station we are in love with but goes on waaaaay too long for the reader to tolerate… That stuff needs to go, but writers in love with their own words don’t want to cut it.

Ask yourself is the story truly better or worse with this and then become a slasher.

In my humble opinion, writers only truly fail when they let their ego get in the way.

TRC: Do you listen to music while writing? If so, does the style of music influence the storyline direction? Characters?

Sabrina: I love listening to music, but words distract me (muddles up the flow in my head) so the only music I listen to is classical. Fortunately, I love classical. It is supremely evocative.

Beethoven is a personal favorite (Appassionata and other such concertos), as well as Mozart and anything with the cello and oboe.

When I am in the “flow” the music does indeed influence me.

TRC: Many authors bounce ideas and information with other authors or friends and family.  With whom do you bounce ideas?

Sabrina: Believe it or not, no one in my family reads. Most of my friends are authors, but when we chat it is usually about other things (because we are all involved in our local chapter and conference). So no one, I suppose! Though I do occasionally talk to my agent about story ideas she would like to see.

TRC: What do you believe is the biggest misconception people have about authors?

Sabrina: I think they believe we live glamorous lives, which makes me giggle because I work from home, rarely leave the house and might have a conversation with one person other than my husband (or the dog). On a good day, I might actually get out of my PJs!

TRC: What is something that few, if any people, know about you?

Sabrina: I’m an Army Brat, so I grew up traveling the world (though I don’t travel much anymore unless it is for work because I am so busy). Because we lived overseas when I was in college, I took a course in Ancient Egyptian History…in Egypt. I’ve actually been inside the Great Pyramid. Which was awesome…until I remembered I’m claustrophobic.

TRC: On what are you currently working?

Sabrina: I am thrilled that St. Martin’s asked me to continue my Untamed Highlander Series. I am now plotting out Hamish’s story!

TRC: Would you like to add anything else?

Sabrina: I love to connect with readers. Here are my links! I also have a tiara fetish, so be sure to enter my giveaways!


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Favorite Food: Bacon

Favorite Dessert: Cheesecake

Favorite TV Show: Below Deck

Last Movie You Saw: Shawshank Redemption

Dark or Milk Chocolate: Dark

Secret Celebrity Crush: George Clooney (and it’s not so secret)

Last Vacation Destination: Los Angeles

Do you have any pets? A rottie mix named Lola

Last book you read: Tina Fey’s Bossypants

TRC: Thank you Sabrina for taking the time to answer our questions. Congratulations on the release of Bedding the Highlander

Sabrina: Thanks for letting me play!



Sabrina’s publisher is graciously offering an ebook copy of
BEDDING THE HIGHLANDER to ONE (1) lucky commenter at The Reading Cafe.

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8. Giveaway is open internationally

9. Giveaway runs from March 17-21, 2017




Stormchaser / Hurricane (Cutter Cay #4 & #5) by Cherry Adair-Reviews, Excerpt & Giveaway

Stormchaser / Hurricane (Cutter Cay #4 & #5) by Cherry Adair-Reviews, Excerpt & Giveaway

Storm Chaser Banner

Cutter Cay #4
by Cherry Adair
Release Date: March 7, 2017
Genre: adult, contemporary,romance, action


ABOUT THE BOOK: Release Date March 7, 2017

In the darkest storm…

Nick, Logan, and Zane Cutter are a tightknit, unstoppable force in the family treasure-hunting business. Now that half-brother Jonah has arrived at the scene, he’s got a lot to prove—and a powerful enemy who wants to stop him dead in his tracks.

Love will find a way….

A perilous sea journey. A bitter nemesis. A woman whose spectacular beauty and talents are to die for…Over and over, Jonah will be tested. Is he worthy of carrying the Cutter name? With his eyes on the prize, Jonah will fight with all his heart. But desire often comes with a price.


REVIEW: Stormchaser is book four of Cherry Adair’s Cutter Cay series. This is a wonderful five book series. I’ve started with Stormchaser and loved every second of it. It can definitely stand alone.

This is an adventure/romance series with all the trimmings and more. The plot is fast paced and well thought out. The characters are realistic and well developed. The romance sizzles and the intrigue and adventure never end.

This is the story of Jonah Cutter and Dr. Calista West (Rydell). An imaginative story about finding the lost city of Atlantis! Yes, it is! As well as other treasure. Adair pulls off an intriguing plot and wraps it in and exciting package of true love. She does it with such zest for life and yet manages to remain true to the exciting premise of otherworldly science, not to mention good old-fashioned human greed.

Jonah is one of the Cutter brothers (from another mother, but accepted by the brothers) and wants to prove himself to his successful brothers and show them how dedicated he and brilliant he is.

Dr. Calista West (a.k.a. Callie) is/was married to Adam Case, brother of the Cutter rival, Rydell Case. She uses her professional name, not her married one. There’s a lot of bad business and blood between these families. She actually had ulterior motives for taking this job, besides being paid four time her usual rate. Rydell wants her to spy on Cutter and let him know what treasure he’s after.

The attraction between the two main characters is immediate and very hot. Both fight the attraction with all they have. Callie uses her wedding ring (her husband died four years earlier due to illness) to keep single males at bay. Jonah, coming from a father that was unfaithful to both wives…doesn’t believe in poaching. The angst is sizzling as they fight the attraction. Callie is just as attracted to Jonah, but conflicted out of loyalty for Rydell. Ah, the tangled webs Adair weaves…

I don’t do spoilers, so I’ll just say that the plot weaving these two together through attraction, adventure, danger and more is one whale of a ride. It’s more than entertaining, it’s enthralling. This story and series is a keeper!

Reviewed by Georgianna

Copy supplied for review


Cutter Cay #5
by Cherry Adair
Genre: adult, contemporary, romantic, action

ABOUT THE BOOK: Release Date April 4, 2017

Rydell Case’s ship is his home, his heart, and his reason for being. After his ex-wife left him—taking his brand-new megayacht, Tesoro Mio with her—she sailed off with a royal billionaire and out of his life forever. Now Ry spends his days searching for treasure—until his ship is hijacked. With the prospect of his salvage business tanking, he needs both the ship and his ex back—if only she didn’t despise him more than any man on earth. . .

When Addison D’Marco boards Tesoro Mio to find her ex-husband in her cabin, she’s furious. Ry is more handsome, more annoying, and more determined than ever. Addy can’t believe he has the nerve to demand the ship back after the way he broke her heart. With her fiancé about to board, she doesn’t want Ry back in her life to ignite painful memories and never- forgotten desires. But could it be that, amid troubled waters, Addy and Ry can salvage what they once had and have a second chance at love. . .or does fate have something else in store?


REVIEW: Hurricane is the fifth novel in the Cutter Cay series. The fifth and probably final story in this marvelous series is truly top notch entertainment.

This is the incredible story of Rydell Case, his wife/ex-wife Addison (Addy). The plot in this is mind-boggling. To have so much happen to such wonderful people and yet they still can breathe and live…amazing, simply amazing.

I won’t do spoilers, this is a story you have to read and enjoy yourself. To say it has heartache is such an understatement. But there is more, there’s attraction and sizzling sex, adventure and treasure, crime and danger. There is so much happening that at first you don’t realize all the ramifications of how things got this bad.

Rydell is an amazing and determined man, and it certainly helps that he’s a man of honor. Addison, while more than a little naive, is a loving and wonderful woman who a terrible thing has happened to. That these two loved each other is obvious from the start. I found myself waiting breathlessly for the author to tell me the story behind it all. And what a story it is!

As with this whole series, the love story is but one part. The other parts are twists and mysteries, plots within plots. There is certainly the magical adventure of treasure, but beyond even that there is crime and betrayal almost unimaginable. Leave it to Cherry Adair to imagine the unimaginable.

Ms. Adair’s work is impeccable. Her plots are most excellent, the characters have flaws, but more than that they rise above any flaws to be truly heroic. The whole story line is believable and exciting.

I’d love to have a few days to curl up by myself and dive in with the characters, coming up only when absolutely necessary. My fondest dream would be to have another series as a spinoff to this one with some of the same characters, at least in cameo…oh well. I’m sure this author has many more planned.

Do yourself a favor and don’t pass on this series, it’s amazing!

Copy supplied for review

Reviewed by Georgianna



The day didn’t look like second hand revenge. Instead of ominous dark clouds hanging low over apewter sea, the hot Greek sun reflected glittering sapphires off the Mediterranean. The wake of the

motor launch frothed blindingly white as it carried marine archaeologist Dr. Calista West to the

megayacht Stormchaser, anchored in open waters south of Crete.

Salt spray cooled her bare arms and legs as the Riva Iseo cut through the dark water. The

sleek, twenty- seven foot Italian work of art, with yards of glossy mahogany, soft leather, and sleek

lines, looked like something straight out of a James Bond movie. Expensive and ostentatious.

Draco Thanos, the short, wiry forty- something chief engineer of Stormchaser sent to collect Callie

from Heraklion, controlled the fast tender with all the deference of a guy handling a sleek sports car.

Callie wasn’t even sure what day it was anymore. A short flight in yet another ostentatious,

expensive toy, a private plane from Athens. A twelve- hour flight from Miami, an hour flight from

Athens to Crete, and another two hours by luxury tender. She was hardly at her best to deal with

Jonah Cutter. Tuning out Thanos, who’d kept up a steady conversation in broken English for the

duration, she spread her feet, bracing her hands on the rail as they hit some chop. Her stomach did

a somersault that had nothing to do with the waves. The closer the motor launch carried her to

Stormchaser, the harder Callie’s heart pounded.

Anticipation. Fear. Excitement.

Thanos pointed unnecessarily. The massive ship was freaking impossible to miss. “There

she is.” Callie’s fingers tightened on the rail as the ship loomed large against a sparkling backdrop of

calm azure water and robin’s- egg- blue sky. Brilliant sun bounced off acres of white paint and

gleaming brass. Twenty, thirty mil? Callie guesstimated, put off by the unnecessary fl aunting of the

Cutters’ wealth.

“Spectacular, isn’t she?” Thanos said proudly as he slowed the tender, angling it sideways to

dock aft next to the wide dive platform where a guy sat reading. He got to his feet as they

approached, lifting a hand in greeting. Callie waved back.

She used both hands to tuck any loose hair back into the neatly tucked French braid on the

back of her head, even though she knew there were none. She was too controlled to have flyaway

hair. Her penchants for order and organization were perfect for her chosen career. She’d come by

them the hard way. By now the traits were ingrained and comfortable.

Without the fi ne cooling misted spray of the water, and wind generated by the fast

movement over the sea, the sun beat down unrelentingly, drying her damp clothes in minutes.

“She’s something, all right.” Too big, and far too fancy for a dive boat, but wasn’t that the Cutters all

over? A family of modern- day treasure hunters, they flaunted their wealth like robber barons or

nouveau riche Internet millionaires, with total disregard for anyone daring their ownership of the


For a moment Callie had a niggle of misgiving for what she was about to do. Jonah Cutter

hadn’t done anything to her personally; she’d never even met the man. Never met any of the

Cutters. But they adversely impacted people she loved.

She was uniquely qualified to balance the scales.

Straightening her shoulders, Callie grabbed her duffel before Thanos could reach for it.

Ingrained and as sure as her dark hair and green eyes was her in de pendence. Drawing in a salt-

laden deep breath, Callie let it out slowly as the tender bumped the edge of the wide dive platform

where the older man, dressed in cargo shorts and a yellow polo shirt, waited to grab the rope.

And the game begins, she thought, braced to disembark, her fingers tightened on the bag’s handles.

Lying was against everything she believed in. Been there, spent a lifetime perfecting the skill.

Just because she was good at it didn’t mean she liked doing it. But not only did she have to lie

through her teeth for the duration, she had to be convincing as well.

She reminded herself that these people were not her friends. She could not soften and bond with

them. Growing to like anyone on board Stormchaser would make what she was going to do harder.

She’d known going in that she’d have to keep to herself as much as possible. She was here to do a

job. Making friends would muddy the waters and certainly complicate things. And, she admitted,

make her second guess herself— which she unfortunately usually did. She tended to overanalyze

things before jumping in. Indecision was, she knew, her worst characteristic. Still, once she’d made a

determination, after weighing it from a hundred different angles, she tended to be like a dog with a

bone defending the decision.

Her friends tried to get her to be more spontaneous. But it was hard for her. Every decision

had consequences, and those had to be weighed and calculated and looked at from every angle.

What wouldn’t be hard? Pretending. That she was damn good at. If anyone knew how to

pretend, it was her. She’d done it from kindergarten on. When she’d learned to lie for her parents.

Why they’d forgotten to sign her up for school programs? Why they weren’t there to pick her up after

school? Why she rarely had a lunch packed, or money to buy lunch? She’d known instinctively that

to say her mama was passed out from Jack Daniel’s would be bad, and mentioning that sometimes

her dad didn’t come home would be worse.

These circumstances weren’t the same, but she figured she’d honed her acting chops. She

could do this by mentally tarring everyone on board with the sins of the Cutters. Which were too

numerous to count.

And by keeping as low a profile as possible.

The gray- haired man held out his hand, helping her from the boat to the diving platform.

“Saul Pinter.” His full, mostly gray beard was neatly trimmed. Fit and athletic, he had a nice smile

and firm handshake. “Welcome aboard, Dr. West.”

“Thanks, call me Callie.” A cursory glance revealed the dive platform geared with the usual

dive equipment and a row of wet suits ready and waiting. At least she’d get to do what she loved.

Dive. Discover. “Is Mr. Cutter diving?”

Saul shook his head, jerking his thumb toward the ladder leading to the deck above where they

stood. “Jonah will have seen you, and be on his way down. Heads up, he’ll meet you halfway.”

Oh, Callie doubted that very much, but she merely smiled as her heart thumped.

Anticipation—no, dread? After all the planning, things were finally happening. “I’m looking forward to

seeing our wreck.”

“You haven’t missed anything. We only arrived late last night ourselves,” Saul told her,

returning to his chair and the book he’d been reading. “We’re all eager to get started.”

Was that a jibe because she hadn’t joined them two weeks ago? Callie mentally shrugged.

Climbing the ladder, she observed in a quick sweep the spotless decks, the gleaming bright work

and shiny brass. Stormchaser was spit- polished. She’d heard Zane Cutter’s ship was a piece of

crap, but so far she couldn’t fault his half-brother on the maintenance of his ship.

Several men, in the whites of crew members, leaned on the rail on an upper deck watching

her curiously. Callie lifted a hand in greeting and kept going. It was a perfect afternoon to dive, the

ocean smooth with just a slight chop. A light breeze loosened strands of hair off her face and neck

and brought with it the faint smells of fresh paint and yeasty baking bread.

Water slapped the hull, and the sound of voices died as the men dis appeared from view. A

gull cried as it wheeled in a perfect circle overhead, then dived like a jet, skimming the water after

some hapless fish.

There wasn’t anyone else around, and she walked toward a set of sliding doors just as a

man stepped out onto the deck ahead of her. His face lit up as he came toward her.

Jonah Cutter. Callie stopped to wait for him, the sun hot on her scalp, the glare off the water bright

despite her dark glasses. The opinion formed before the man even opened his mouth. Her

assessment was quick and unflattering. But then she was predisposed to disliking him.

Cocky. Self- assured. Entitled.

Exactly what she expected. Her shoulders relaxed. Handing Cutter his ass wasn’t going to

be difficult at all.

The Matthew McConaughey look- alike wore blue, flower- printed Hawaiian board shorts, a

too- tight red T-shirt stretched over sculpted muscles as if it had been painted on. She’d heard that

youngest brother Zane was the vain one, but clearly his half-brother gave him a run for his money.

Under six feet tall, sun- bleached shoulder- length hair, movie- star good looks, and boy,

didn’t he know it. Cutter was like a peacock spreading his tail as he removed his shades to eye her

up and down.

Shorter, less attractive, and more smarmy than she’d been led to believe. And she’d been

led to believe the worst.

Maintaining a friendly smile, she extended her hand when he got close enough. He was

about the same height, so they were eye- to- lecherous- eye. “I’m Calista West, thanks for


“Now, aren’t you just the prettiest addition to the team, darlin’?” he cut in with a southern

drawl and a heated look from unremarkable blue eyes. His lingering handshake was the opposite of

firm. Callie disengaged and resisted wiping her hand on her shorts as he looked at her like a dog

staring at a juicy bone. Raking his fingers through his sunbleached brown hair, the better to show off

his physique, he gave her a wide, white smile. “Welcome aboard.”

Never had two words sounded so suggestive. Smoothing a hand over her tightly constrained

hair, Callie made sure the sun glinted off the plain gold band on her left hand. Although she

suspected a guy like this wouldn’t be deterred by a wedding ring, she had other methods to repulse

if the ring didn’t work.

Copyright © 2017 by Cherry Adair and reprinted by permission of St. Martin’s Paperbacks.


About The Author

Cherry Adair

Cherry Adair has garnered numerous awards for her innovative action-adventure novels, which include White Heat, Hot Ice, On Thin Ice, Out of Sight, In Too Deep, Hide and Seek, and Kiss and Tell, as well as her thrilling Cutter Cay series for St. Martin’s Press. A favorite of reviewers and fans alike, she lives in the Pacific Northwest.

Website / Goodreads / Facebook / Twitter


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His Highland Heart (His Highland Heart #1) by Willa Blair-a review

His Highland Heart (His Highland Heart #1) by Willa Blair-a review

His Highland Heart / / B&N / KOBO /

ABOUT THE BOOK: Release Date February 1,2017

Shipwrecked in enemy territory, Euan Brodie fears the rest of his crew are at the bottom of the Moray Firth. While he searches for his crew, the youngest barely fifteen years old, he must evade Clan Ross warriors. Yet when he sees a lass about to drown in the incoming tide, he risks capture to save her.

Along with two other Munro lasses, Muireall Munro was taken by Clan Ross raiders nearly a month ago. She’s yet to be claimed as a Ross bride. Still, after two failed escape attempts, her hope is waning of ever seeing her home and the younger brother she was raising. But the stranger who pulls her from the surf will change her life forever.

If Muireall reveals who she really is, the delicious man who just saved her life will want nothing further to do with her—yet she needs him if she is ever to escape her Ross captors. If Euan reveals who he really is to the woman he saved, he risks not only his life, but his clan. Left with no choice, can they save each other while they fall in love?


REVIEW: His Highland Heart is a romantic adventure novel by Willa Blair. This this book one of His Highland Heart Series. It’s a very interesting start to a strong new series.

This is a period type novel, set in the Scottish Highlands in 1410. Much of this novel involves the period customs of the day and clans.

Euan Brodie is fishing in a large sailboat, a birlinn size. A sudden storm flounders the ship and everyone aboard must jump into the sea and try to get away from the ship to keep from being dragged under. It’s winter and the water is cold. Euan manages to get the ship at least closer to the next shore but they are in dire peril.

We next meet Muireall Munro as she wakes in the Ross village. She and two of her friends are captives. They were captured near the village of their clan in Munro. They were told the raiding party killed all in the village and there would be no one to rescue them.
While being made to comb the beach for items from the ship wrecked in the fierce storm the night before, Muireall becomes trapped in a cove. The cove flood with the incoming tide and she fears death. Trying to get back to the far shore, she’s caught by waves and is being drawn into the water. She’s rescued by strong hands that she fears are her captors, but when she gets a look at her savior, his red hair sand green eyes are unknown to her.

Okay, that’s the setup. I don’t do spoilers in my reviews, but it’s an interesting beginning.

Author Willa Blair has written a lovely and adventurous tale of Highland love, danger, possible clan wars, and so much more. The characters are well developed and interesting. The scenes are set in the period and are well done. I loved the people, the hardships, the way they looked at their situations and the marvelous solutions to their issues the author provided. I found it well written, reasonably conflicted (given the age and way the girls were raised).

I’m looking forward to the next in this series. I do love a Highland romance and this is such an interesting time in history. I hope you give this story a try, it’s so well worth a read!

Copy supplied for review

Reviewed by Georgianna


Second Chances by Abbie Williams – a Review

Second Chances by Abbie Williams – a Review


Second ChancesAmazon / B&N / Kobo / BAM / Book Depository

The past summer has been a wild ride for Joelle Gordon, in more ways than one. After discovering her husband cheating, she fled Chicago for her small-town childhood home in Landon, Minnesota. There, her family’s lakeside diner, the Shore Leave Café, remains unchanged. Yet nothing else in Landon is the same, including her family of women, her three teenaged daughters, Camille, Tish, and Ruthann, and the intense, passionate love she has found with Blythe Tilson.  Now Blythe is in trouble and Jackson is back in Landon, rethinking the divorce. Joelle must face one of the most difficult and important decisions of her life – or will the Davis family curse ruin any chances of finding love?


Second Chances is the conclusion of Summer at the Shore Leave Cafe and the second Shore Leave novel by author Abbie Williams.

This novel begins with our heroine Joelle (Jo) preparing to go to Oklahoma to support her love Blythe Tilson. He’s up on charges of leaving the state without parole approval. Long story, but he had some troubles, explained in this story, that ended with his incarnation for a brief time. He thought since he had a job in Minnesota he was okay to go…short of it is he’s not a criminal even though her ex likes to say so.

He’s sentenced to thirty days, then will be released and can come back to the Shore Leafe Café to work. But not seeing him and having only 15 minutes once a week phone call and letters, makes a month feel like forever for the two of them. And while he’s away, the ex tries to win her back.

It’s an in depth look at finding your life again, beginning to put things in perspective for Jo. There’s lots of heartache for several people, as well as happiness and love, adventure and some issues. In short, it’s a great picture of the life of this family and friends at the Shore Leave Café.

Author Abbie Williams does a marvelous job of depicting the interesting lives of everyone concerned, while still having this plot revolve around Jo’s life and decisions.

There’s plenty of what most of us like, love scenes and downright romantic and hot conversations, fun, and thrills.

There was even a hint of drama for the next novel.

Reviewed by Georgianna

Copy provided by Publisher


Summer at Shore Leave Cafe by Abbie Williams – a Review

Summer at Shore Leave Cafe by Abbie Williams – a Review


Amazon / B & N / Kobo / BAM / Book Depository

Joelle Gordon is leaving Chicago and her cheating husband to head for her hometown of Landon, Minnesota. There, she returns to the Shore Leave Café, the lakeside diner the Davis women have run for decades. Joelle’s family, including her three teenaged daughters, Camille, Tish, and Ruthann, is made up of strong women who have long believed in a curse upon them – a curse that robs them of the men they love. This summer has plenty in store for Joelle. Finding herself confronted with the reality of single motherhood, the last thing she expects is gorgeous, passionate Blythe Tilson, a summer employee at Shore Leave, with an uncertain past. Can Joelle resist the temptation of a younger man, and does she dare to consider loving someone again, or will the Davis family curse prove all too true? A story about heartbreak, blame, family, destiny, and the difficulties of returning home,


Summer at the Shore Leave Café by Abbie Williams is a wonderfully complicated story of a family of women with a “myth” of men that voluntarily leave while the children are very young. These strong lovely women are used to surviving on their own and have a wonderful family business on a lake. The Shore Leave Café is their diner/restaurant/bar on Flickertail Lake in Landon, MN. This is the story of Joelle Davis-Gordon and Blythe Tilson (after her marriage, to Jackie Gordon, was mostly over).

The story begins with a brief overview of family history with men, then Joelle (Jo) tells her tale of getting pregnant on the night of the Sr. Prom, their subsequent marriage and lonely life being the young mother left in the apartment as Jack (Jackie) attends Northwestern and earns his law degree.

Like most of the ‘husbands’ before him, Jackie was a cheater, and Jo walks into a Christmas party at his firm, finding him well into the act on top of his desk. Five months later, she’s on her way home to Landon and the Shore Leave Café with her three girls, supposedly for the summer. She thinks the girls know nothing about the issues with their cheating father.

Interestingly enough, Jo doesn’t totally regret or hate her cheating spouse. She remembers all the heated lovemaking and fun as well as the bad. I personally think that’s more realistic. The relationships and family issues are absolutely to die for!

That’s the setup for the rest of the story. I don’t do spoilers, just give you my impressions of the writing and how I felt reading it. This is a great story, well worth a read. It has a real small town feel and you begin to love the people in it. There are steamy scenes and magnificent conversations, as well as a bit of clairvoyance. It’s well written. Abbie Williams is not a new author to me and I love her style of writing. Her stories have a very period and real feel to them. They’re descriptive, but not boring. Her plots are interesting but complicated, which I find intriguing.

The only downside to this book, at least for me, was the ending. I’m a HEA fan. This is more of a serial. While it does end with Jo making a decision to go after her man, you have to wait for the next book for a resolution. That said, I’m waiting breathlessly for the next book. Yeah, I need it bad!

If you love small town complicated romance, this one’s for you!

Reviewed by Georgianna

Copy provided by Publisher


Waiting for the Laird by Willa Blair-a review

Waiting for the Laird by Willa Blair-a review

Waiting for the Laird / / B&N / KOBO /

ABOUT THE BOOK: Release Date October 19, 2016

Will a ghost be the key to his past and their future?

Widow Lara MacLaren hungers for the hunky architect she hires to restore her derelict Scottish manor, but is she ready for a relationship…and is Ian ready for her twins?

Ian Paterson is eager to awaken Lara’s passionate side. Yet, if he reveals his ancestral claim to her estate, he risks losing her and his job. His clan’s history, lost over the years, may be hidden in the walls—along with a ghost waiting for the laird’s return.

When they uncover a room full of Jacobite treasure, proof of his ancestry, Ian realizes he’s out of time. If the ghost is real, it could expose his secret and destroy his romance with Lara. Ian must convince her she and her twins are the future he truly wants.


REVIEW: Just in time for Halloween! Waiting for the Laird is a delightful romance/ghost story by author Willa Blair. I began reading last night, late. Thinking I would just read a little and then head to bed. Oops! About 3:00 am I finally had to force myself to stop and get some sleep…yes, it was that good.

While it is a romance/ghost story, it’s not a completely chilling scary one. I found it delightful, the romance is a widow with twins, continuing to finish her husband’s dream of renovating the old Scottish keep, Cairn Dubh. She’s been grieving for a year and is beginning to be ready to heal and move on. Lara MacLaren finds everything she needs in Ian Paterson, an excellent renovation specialist and general contractor, or so she thinks.

Ian Paterson is an honorable and delicious man. With dark auburn hair that has those wonderful copper highlights, a toned body from construction, and a marvelous highland accent. He also has a few secrets. Ones that he’s afraid to let Lara know because he wants to keep this renovation job and, if possible, her and her children.

The romance builds slowly, with respect to her decease husband, very believable and well done. You get to know a bit about the characters, their joys and sorrows. The children are a boy and girl twin pair, 9 years old with all that the enthusiasm and willfulness you’d expect. The mysteries abound in this delightful tale. Secret rooms, treasure, and danger. It’s great to have a ghost story that won’t make you afraid to go to bed at night. In fact, you’ll probably wish for a ghost of your own.

Give yourself a treat and grab this book, you’ll have marvelous time, I certainly did.

Copy supplied for review

Reviewed by Georgianna S

About the author

Willa BlairGoodreads/ Website / Twitter Facebook

Willa Blair is an Award-winning Amazon and Barnes & Noble #1 Bestselling author of Scottish Historical, light Paranormal, and Contemporary romance. She has been featured on and contributes to USAToday’s Happy Ever After romance blog, Savvy Authors, Romance University, and more.

Her books have won numerous honors, including the Marlene, the Merritt, National Readers’ Choice Award Finalist, The Reader’s Crown finalist, Historical Romance finalist and Honorable Mention in InD’Tale Magazine’s prestigious RONE Award, NightOwl Reviews Top Pick, and InD’tale Review’s Crowned Heart.

A life-long student and reader, she has been a stained glass artist and instructor, a foreign language teacher, a computer scientist, an analyst, a manager and an executive. She has visited five continents and can get by in several languages. She loves scouting new settings for books, and thinks being an author is the best job she’s ever had.


Right Through Me (The Obsidian Files #1) by Shannon McKenna-Review, Book Tour & Giveaway

Right Through Me (The Obsidian Files #1) by Shannon McKenna-Review, Book Tour & Giveaway

Right Through Me Banner

The Obsidian Files #1
by Shannon McKenna
Release Date:July 26, 2016
Genre: adult, sci-fi, romance

Right Through Me / / B&N / KOBO /

ABOUT THE BOOK: Release Date July 26, 2016

Stranger, speak softly…

Biotech tycoon Noah Gallagher has a deadly secret: his clandestine training as a super-soldier gives him abilities that go far beyond human. Yet he’s very much a man. When Caro Bishop shows up at his Seattle headquarters with a dangerous secret agenda, his ordered life is thrown into chaos. Caro is a woman like no other—and her luminously sensual beauty cloaks a mystery he must solve.

Caro’s lying low, evading a false charge of murder. She means to clear her name, and she’ll do whatever it takes to survive—but seducing a man like Noah is more than she bargained for. His amber eyes have the strangest glow when he looks at her—she could swear he sees the secrets of her heart. The desire smoldering in Noah’s eyes awakens her own secret hunger, but Caro has to resist his magnetic pull. Anyone close to her becomes a target. The only right thing to do is run, far and fast, but Caro can’t outrun Noah’s ferocious intensity—or deny the searing passion that explodes between them.

Nothing else matters—until a vicious enemy bent on the ultimate revenge puts his murderous plan into play. Noah and Caro must battle for their lives…and their love..


REVIEW: Right Through Me is a novel by Shannon McKenna. It begins with our hero Noah Gallagher CEO of Angel Enterprises (a mega successful bio-tech company) in a merger meeting with his fiancé, Simone, and her father, Mr. Batello. When suddenly the lights go out and music starts…enter Shamira, the belly dancer.

The dance goes on and Shamira (aka Caro, aka Caroline Bishop) mesmerizes Noah, their eyes meet and his programs go ballistic! He’s an altered human with many bio systems put into him without his consent at Midlands lab via Obsidian Group. I’m not going to spoil the story…it’s great reading.

Obviously, the engagement is off and the ultra-sexy romance is on! Lots of excitement, deception, danger and more. This is an exciting action-packed novel. The love scenes are steamy and OMG… The writing is good, the conversations are excellent and the hotness between these two characters is immediate.

Grab a really big drink, and maybe you’ll need to add a seatbelt to your favorite chair! Prepare for lots of hot action in the bedroom, lots of fighting in many places as these two work out their places in each other’s lives.

I’m looking forward to more of what I hope is a series of vast proportions! Enjoy everyone, I know I did!

Copy provided for an honest review.

Reviewed by Georgianna

Right Through Me Teaser


T“Look,” he said. “I promised not to touch you. I can’t keep that promise anymore.”
She drifted closer, a cloud of sunset colors. Her scent washed over his senses. His supercharged synesthesia translated her aroma into colors in his head. He wanted to strip her bare. His hands flexed with the impulse to seize her. It almost overcame him.
“Leave.” His voice was tight. “I paid you.”
“No,” she said.
“You finished your dance. You said there could be nothing more. So go.”
“Shhh.” She stretched up, touching his cheek with soft, cool fingertips. Then, to his astonishment, she pressed a hot, soft kiss to his jaw.
“This is not helping,” he growled.
She rose up on her bare feet, her mouth near his. Never quite getting there. No kiss . . . just the caressing heat of her breath. The teasing promise of . . . maybe . . . almost.
He was so close to losing control, he didn’t dare inhale.
He stepped back. Not far enough. The sweetness of her perfume taunted him.
She didn’t move. Not one inch. She was enjoying this, feeling her power. It made his teeth grind, and his dick ache.
“You’re still here,” he said.
“I’m not ready to leave.” Her voice was a drifting whisper. “I like the way this makes me feel.”
“I’m ready,” he said. “And it’s my goddamn office.”
“Yes. After hours. And we’re alone. More or less.” She closed the slight distance between them with a single step.
So she was seducing him. He got the message—but he still didn’t dare breathe.
Then she took his hand, and pressed it against her bare belly.
They both inhaled sharply. She was flower-petal smooth against the hard, callused skin of his palm. A flash of hot lust pumped through him.
A swift, shocked ripple went through her, as if she’d had a small orgasm, and then her hand fastened over his, holding it firmly in place. As if she welcomed the touch but didn’t dare allow his hand to wander elsewhere.
“Take the envelope,” he said. “Put it in your bag, and we’re square.”
Her fingers tightened on his hand.
“I asked for a service, you provided it, I paid you,” he said stubbornly. All business. Meeting over. Too bad his dick didn’t get the memo. He was about to explode.
Without saying a word, she turned and headed to the bathroom, purple veils fluttering behind her.
He didn’t have to wait for her to return. But he knew that he would.
She was back minutes later, wearing jeans and a baggy black T-shirt. His exotic dancing maiden was gone but she was as beautiful as ever. Her real hair was a thick, curly dark cloud, caught up in back in a tousled knot of twisted ringlets. Some of them dangled around her face.
“Sorry,” he said stiffly. “That got out of hand.”
“It’s OK. Not your fault.” She looked down at herself. “I thought it was better to have this conversation in street clothes,” she said. “To see if the fantasy melted away for you without the props. Better for both of us to know right now.”
He looked her up and down. Blood roared in his ears. “That’s not happening.”
Her sig pulsed, excited pinks and reds. “So?”
“I promised not to touch you, and I broke that promise. With your help.”
She nodded reluctantly.
“If you stay here, I’ll break it again. Let me put that right out in the open.”

About The Author

Shannon McKennaShannon McKenna is the NYT and USA Today bestselling author of fifteen action packed, turbocharged romantic thrillers, among which are the stories of the wildly popular McCloud series. She’s also the author of the upcoming OBSIDIAN series, the first of which, RIGHT THROUGH ME, comes out in July of 2016. She loves tough and heroic alpha males, heroines with the brains and guts to match them, villains who challenge them to their utmost, adventure, scorching sensuality, and most of all, the redemptive power of true love. Since she was small she has loved abandoning herself to the magic of a good book, and her fond childhood fantasy was that writing would be just like that, but with the added benefit of being able to take credit for the story at the end. The alchemy of writing turned out to be messier than she’d ever dreamed, but what the hell, she loves it anyway, and hopes that readers enjoy the results of her alchemical experiments. She loves to hear from her readers.

Find out more: Website / Facebook / Twitter/ Newsletter

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Marked by Honor (Knights of Valor #2) by Lauren Linwood-a review

Marked by Honor (Knights of Valor #2) by Lauren Linwood-a review

Marked by Honor / / B&N / KOBO / BAM

ABOUT THE BOOK: Release Date July 6, 2016

Lady Beatrice Bordel blames herself for the riding accident that cost her father his life when she was a child. Tragedy strikes again when her mother and grandfather die on the same day, leaving her homeless. The young woman decides to travel to visit her grandfather’s closest friend, hoping she can use her domestic skills and lute-playing talent to find a permanent place in his household. Barely into her journey, a band of highwaymen accosts Beatrice and her sole servant. All seems lost—until Raynor Le Roux arrives.

As a knight of the realm, the code of chivalry guides Raynor’s life. While returning to his family’s home after many months absence, he rescues Beatrice, who tells a white lie to this handsome stranger. Raynor takes her to safety at Ashcroft, but his home has changed during his time away. No longer a thriving estate, Ashcroft has fallen into disrepair because his brother Peter is no longer interested in its welfare after his wife’s untimely death. Raynor determines to restore his home before he escorts Beatrice north so she may unite with the man he believes is her betrothed.

The couple’s growing attraction turns to love, but Beatrice’s dishonesty stands between her and Raynor’s happiness. Will she finally tell him the truth—and hope he forgives her deception—or will it be too late?



Marked by Honor is the second book in this romantic series of love and adventure by Lauren Linwood. It’s the story of Raynor Le Roux  and Beatrice

The setting is Southern England, beginning in 1363. There’s a tragic scene as Beatrice, just a little girl of three, was riding with her father. He held her in front of him and they galloped across a field, she loved going fast and was thrilled to be with her father. Just as she was about to tell him she loved him, the horse stumbled and they fell. Her father held onto her and turned to cushion the fall. Unfortunately, he broke his neck or back and died, leaving her with a fear of horses.

This marvelously complex and twisting story then takes us to meet a grown Beatrice, living not in luxury but with some comfort with her grandfather and mother. Her life is one of housework, cooking and taking care of her sickly mother and aging grandfather. But soon both her mother and grandfather died. She was left with little money and nowhere to go, except for an old friend of her grandfathers. He had invited her and her grandfather to come visit and attend the wedding of his grandson. She wasn’t sure she would be welcomed alone, if she could manage to get to Brookhaven.

Raynor departed Kinwick castle bidding goodbye to his cousin Geoffrey de Monfort, his wife Merryn and their children. According to Ashcroft’s steward, he was sorely needed at Ashcroft. Raynor meets Beatrice when he rescues her from highwaymen who killed her one servant and were to rob and rape her. Being late at night, he took her the rest of the way to Ashcroft and gave his word to see her safely to Brookhaven as soon as possible.

That’s the gist of the beginning. As usual, I didn’t give you all the details or interesting points. Those must be discovered by each reader. Let me just say that this talented author has written a tale of honor, love, romance, issues, and more. It’s so well woven you really find a hard time with a place to start, it’s difficult to explain all the marvelous ins and outs of this story without giving away all the great surprises in store for the reader.

Marked by Honor is a complicated tale that is well worth the read. It’s indicative of the times. Both exciting and frustratingly steeped in tradition. If you love knights and ladies and all the wonderful things that this world holds…you won’t want to miss this story or this series!!

Reviewed by Georgianna
