🩷If I Were You by Cesca Major-review, interview & giveaway🩷

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ABOUT THE BOOK: Release Date September 24, 2024
Amy and Flynn have been dating for two years. And they love each other. Don’t they?
Only Amy can’t read Flynn’s mind and Flynn can’t read Amy’s. Little do they know this weekend is make or break.
Amy’s nervous older sister is getting married at the world’s swankiest wedding venue in rural Devon and is relying on her younger sister to be the perfect Chief Bridesmaid. Frustrations on the way to the wedding escalate until both Amy and Flynn are shouting at each other in a country lane during a thunderstorm. Why can’t they see things from the other’s point of view? When lightning strikes, Flynn and Amy are thrown to the ground, and when they stand back up they realize—they’ve switched bodies.
Forced to attend the glamorous wedding weekend as each other is surely an impossible task. With spa mornings, exes, flash mob rehearsals, speeches and more, getting through this swap will test their relationship to breaking point. And when they each discover big secrets in the other’s past—it seems that switching bodies could be the least of their problems. Even if they do manage to swap back—can their relationship survive?
REVIEW:IF I WERE YOU by Cesca Major is a contemporary, adult, body-swap, romance story line focusing on Flynn Waller and Amy Norman.
Told from dual first person perspectives (Flynn and Amy) using present day and memories from the past, IF I WERE YOU focuses on the embattled relationship between our story line couple. Amy’s sister is getting married, and our couple is struggling with their own relationship but a sudden rain storm and flash of light results in a body swap between our story line couple. Having to attend the weekend activities in one another’s bodies, secrets are revealed, misunderstanding and miscommunication threaten the breakdown of their floundering relationship.
The world building follows the struggle of two people caught in an unimaginable situation but a situation that reveals a lifetime of secrets and regrets. Flynn is hoping for a future, Amy is battling between head and heart, reconsidering her relationship with our story line hero.
The secondary and supporting characters include Amy’s sister Laura and her fiance Jay, as well as Amy and Laura’s mother Trish, and her husband Geoffrey, and Flynn’s ex Tanya and her boyfriend Eddie.
IF I WERE YOU is a story with a little bit of everything: drama, heart break, humor and fantasy. The premise is entertaining and intriguing but often confusing as the reader had to remember the Amy/Flynn / Flynn/Amy dynamic. The characters are colorful and desperate. There is little to no romance as throughout most of the story line the embattled couple are not themselves, and the world around them is not what they expected.
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Reviewed by Sandy

TRC: Hi Cesca, and welcome to The Reading Cafe. We would like to start with some background information. Would you please tell us something about yourself?
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CESCA: I live in the UK with my husband and three children in a bungalow – so every time a friend of theirs visits I get asked why we don’t have stairs.
TRC: Who or what influenced your career in writing?
CESCA: I grew up on a diet of Danielle Steele and Jilly Cooper who taught me books could be big and fun and clever and funny and I think that stuck with me. Up until then I’m not sure I thought books could be as entertaining as television, a film or a play and that idea went out of the window.
TRC: What challenges or difficulties did you encounter writing and publishing this story?
CESCA: It transpires writing a body swap novel is hard because you have to constantly try to remind the readers whose head you are in so they can picture what is happening – but do it in a subtle way. I think coming up with twists and surprises in the plot was always going to be a challenge too and I hope I’ve pulled that off.
TRC: Would you please tell us something about the premise of IF I WERE YOU?
CESCA: It’s about a couple – Amy and Flynn – who are in very different places in their relationship. They’re good together but communication is not great. On the way to Amy’s stressed sister’s wedding weekend they get into a huge row in the middle of a thunderstorm. Lightning strikes and they discover they have swapped bodies. They have to survive the wedding weekend as each other as they try to swap back…
TRC: What kind of research/plotting did you do, and how long did you spend researching /plotting before beginning IF I WERE YOU?
CESCA: I always have a detailed chapter outline and try to research as I go along. I interviewed some fancy wedding planners for this one which was great fun and also researched wedding venues with flamingos! I think I probably spend a lot of time (months, sometimes years) thinking about the plot but probably come up with an outline over a few months. It’s a working document and always changing as I write when the characters start to take over and fresh ideas hit you.
TRC: What were your thoughts and emotions when your book was featured on Reese Witherspoon’s book club?
CESCA: Well I was even luckier than most because I was kindly flown out to join the Hello Sunshine team at their annual Shine Away Event where it was announced live – so I got to meet Reese and the brilliant book team. That made it even more surreal and amazing. It’s such an amazing club to be a member of and I have met so many other RBC authors who all feel incredibly lucky to be part of such a wonderful group. The team truly adore books and are serious about lifting up stories by women – I love them.
TRC: Do you have plans for a series focusing on the secondary characters?
CESCA: Oh that would be fun. I think Reggie should get his own dog picture book series for starters.
TRC: Is any of the story line premise based in fact?
CESCA: I stole my son’s friend’s excellent name (Flynn) to be my hero but no the book isn’t based on fact. Some settings are – I lived in Bristol in England for seven years and still love to go back there so enjoyed basing Amy there. And I was born in Devon so enjoyed returning there for the wedding.
TRC: Do you have any interest in writing, or have you ever written for another genre?
CESCA: I have written in a number of different genres – I write darker stuff as C D Major. Those books are always based loosely on something true, or supernatural and I fictionalise them. I love jumping from dark books to lighter books and I’m so lucky I get to be published in both.
TRC: Believability is an important factor in writing story lines .How do you keep the story line believable? Where do you think some author’s fail?
CESCA: This was definitely a concern for a body swap! I think the character’s emotional responses have to be as real as you can make them. So if you know them well, know their back story then hopefully you know how they would specially react in any given scenario. Then I think the reader comes with you. Even if the plot itself is magical.
TRC: Do you believe the cover image plays a deciding factor for many readers in the process of selecting a book or new series to read?
CESCA: I know we shouldn’t judge by covers but inevitably we do and publishers have teams of people who work really hard to try to get covers to fit the book. I think the IF I WERE YOU cover is just so clever and reflects the tone and story perfectly. I think it’s harder in some genres sometimes to sign post to the reader what a book is and, with so many books out there, I think a cover can be a useful way of telling a reader “you might like this.” I do love shops that cover all books though and get you to choose a date with a book on the description alone. Such Fun.
TRC: When writing a storyline, do the characters direct the writing or do you direct the characters?
CESCA: I try to control them but inevitably things get completely out of hand.
TRC: The mark of a good writer is to pull the reader into the storyline so that they experience the emotions along with the characters. What do you believe a writer must do to make this happen? Where do you believe writer’s fail in this endeavor?
CESCA: I think we need to know our characters so well to ensure the emotional responses feel genuine, and not hold back on taking the reader with us. I also think balancing the light with the dark helps too. So the reader doesn’t become numb to one emotion. I think some writers struggle to convey any emotion because they are too busy trying to get across the plot. I think that can be fixed in the edit.
TRC: Do you listen to music while writing? If so, does the style of music influence the storyline direction? Characters?
CESCA: I have to have silence or just background noise. I wish I could listen to music but anything with lyrics is just a total distraction.
TRC: What is something that few, if anyone, know about you?
CESCA: I was a big Nintendo player as a child and appeared on TV aged 9 to compete in a Nintendo Challenge. I took my mascots on the show “Funky and Spunky” and the presenter lost the button on his Mario dungarees halfway through our episode. I lost to an eleven year old and did not take it well.
TRC: What are you currently working on?
CESCA: I’m currently working on another big love story with a hefty dose of magical realism. This time it’s not an established love but first love and focuses on what makes someone perfect for you.
TRC: Would you like to add anything else?
CESCA: Thank you so much for having me and for reading IF I WERE YOU!
Favorite Food Any sweet stuff – coffee cake, donuts etc
Favorite Dessert – Lemon Meringue Pie
Favorite TV Show – probably HACKS and I am desperate for the return of SEVERANCE
Last Movie You Saw – I rewatched The Lord of the Rings because I listened to the brilliant What went wrong podcast about the making of it.
Dark or Milk Chocolate – Milk
Secret Celebrity Crush – there is nothing secret about my love for Julia Roberts.
Last Vacation Destination – Cornwall on the west coast of England
Do you have any pets? I have three children
Last book you read – the gorgeous UNDER YOUR SPELL by Laura Wood

The Reading Cafe and HARPER COLLINS are graciously offering a paper copy of IF I WERE YOU to ONE (1) lucky commenter at The Reading Cafe.
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10. Giveaway runs from September 26-30, 2024