The Reading Cafe’s Anniversary GIVEAWAY from Berkley Publishing

The Reading Cafe’s 13TH ANNIVERSARY GIVEAWAY from Berkley Publishing

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10. Giveaway runs until February 28-March 5, 2025




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10. Giveaway runs until February 26-March 4, 2025




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The Reading Cafe is graciously offering a 3 book prize package to ONE (1) commenter.

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10. Giveaway runs until February 1-28, 2025




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The Reading Cafe is graciously offering a 3 book prize package to ONE (1) commenter.

One (1) commenter will receive all 3 books

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10. Giveaway runs until February 1-28, 2025


Dark Hope (Dark /Carpathian 38) by Christine Feehan-dual reviews

Dark Hope (Dark /Carpathian 38) by Christine Feehan-dual reviews  & Giveaway / / B&N / KOBO / Google Play / Apple / Chapters Indigo /

ABOUT THE BOOK: Release Date January 7, 2025

Silke Vriese Reinders knows a war is coming. The demon slayer has seen it over and over again in the cards—and the battle won’t just be for the survival of her remote village, but for all mankind. Silke knows the only way to win will be with the help of the Carpathians. A fact that fills her with trepidation, as she is fated to be the lifemate to one of the ancient supernatural warriors—bound to a complete stranger and responsible for his soul.

One of the oldest, most dangerous Carpathians, Benedek Kovak is more beast than man. Locked away for centuries, the only thing that has stopped him from becoming one of the monsters he’s sworn to defeat is the thought of his lifemate. When Benedek senses the impending danger, he sets out to find her before it’s too late. But their enemy has laid a trap that pushes him closer to turning than ever before.

For so long Benedek has felt nothing. Now, some dark art is compelling him to indulge in cravings he thought long buried. He has no hope that anyone can restore what’s left of his tainted soul, but Silke is nothing like he imagined. Perhaps she’s strong enough to fight back the darkness. Perhaps together they can defeat an adversary hell bent on destroying them all….


Sandy’s REVIEW:DARK HOPE is the 38th instalment in Christine Feehan’s adult DARK /CARPATHIAN erotic, paranormal romance series focusing on a group of powerful warriors known as Carpathians. This is ancient Carpathian Benedek Kovak and demon slayer Silke Reinders’ story line. DARK HOPE can be read as a stand alone without any difficulty. Any important information from the previous story lines is revealed where necessary.

NOTE: Due to the nature of the story line premise, there may be triggers for more sensitive readers.

SOME BACKGROUND: All Carpathian males must find their lifemates before they turn vampire or greet the dawn. Without a lifemate, the males no longer see in color, feel pain or experience emotions. A lifemate is the light to their dark. She is the keeper of his heart and the keeper of his soul. As the unmated Carpathian male ages, the darkness begins to envelope his soul, eventually turning the male vampire or forcing him to greet the dawn.

Told in several parts from several omniscient third person perspectives (Silke and Benedek) and the occasional tarot card, DARK HOPE continues to focus on a new direction for the series with the inclusion of dragons, serpents, demons, vampires, mages (from the Underworld commanded by Lilith), and a new character – witte wieven (wise woman) aka spirit walker aka healer. Silke Reinders is a demon slayer, and Lilith has commanded her demons and followers to destroy our story line heroine. Carpathian warrior Benedek Kovak knows Silke Reinders is his mate but as he journeys towards the woman who carries the other half of his soul, he, along with Nicu Dalca, Tomas, Lojos and Mataias encounter an uprising of demons and vampires, signifying the threat of war.

The world building focuses on Benedek’s search for his lifemate; Silke’s need to protect her mother; and the encroaching demons and vampires commanded by the underworld. The action packed story line follows the take down of a powerful demon and his minions with another protracted fight scene wherein our couple must fight separately and apart.

The relationship between Silke and Benedek is one of fated mates. Silke has been taught by Carpathian female Tora that she hold the other half to a warrior’s soul but Silke has no intention of taking orders from an ancient male. The lone $ex scene is intimate.

We are introduced to Carpathian female Tora Kros, one of the guardians of the gate; Silke’s mother and healer Fenja; ancient dragon Szelem, as well as the return of Nicu Dalca, Tomas, Lojos and Mataias. The requisite evil has many faces.

DARK HOPE, once again, focuses on the continuation of new story line arc: from Tarot cards that tell the ancients of the existence of a mate, gate keepers, demons and demon slayers, hellhounds and the Underworld, as well as the woman in charge, who perhaps has the assistant for a powerful vampire and mage. The arc also renegotiates the scarring of a Carpathian, and vampires that continue to work in tandem with someone else. The slow building, action-packed premise is engaging but familiar; the romance is fated and seductive but limited as our couple spend most of the story line apart. The characters are desperate and powerful.


Barb’s REVIEW: Dark Hope by Christine Feehan is the 34th book in her Carpathian series.  Silke Vriese Reinder, our heroine, knows there is a war on the horizon. Silke sees in her cards that the battle will begin soon; with the evil Lillith & her army, planning to arrive at her village to find the demon slayer. Silke is secretly the demon slayer, as well as she holds the soul of an ancient Carpathian, who is her lifemate. She knows she will need the help of the Carpathians to save their village.

Benedek Kovac, our hero, is one of the oldest and dangerous Carpathians, who has given up hope to find his lifemate, and after long years fighting against evil, is feels he is at the brink. But he senses impending danger, as he sets out with some of his long-time friends, to find his lifemate, before it’s too late. After a few attacks, Benedek and his group, manage to defeat some enemies, and they arrive in the village, where he will meet Silke.

At first, Silkie and Benedek will spend a lot of time to negotiate terms of their mating, especially Silkie determined to not become his mate.  Her mother pushes her to open her life and give him a chance. Silke was trained from a very young age as a demon slayer, and is having a hard time letting go of her solitary life to partner up with Benedek; even though she finds herself attracted to him.

Benedek begins to see Silke in a different and happy life, as he looks at the world through Silke’s eyes. He finally sees what her life is like in their village, and how he would be happy; with family, friends, and love; and her light changing his dark and chaotic life. Benedek had no hope that anyone could restore what’s left of his tainted soul, but Silke was strong enough to help him fight back the darkness. 

Together they will begin to accept each others purpose and hope. Silke and Benedek worked separately, with him and his group determined to defeat a dangerous enemy and Silke, with her friends doing all they can to stop Lillith’s demons, vampires, mages and creatures in the village.

Dark Hope was an intense, wild, dangerous story that kept me glued to my seat.  I really enjoyed how Silke and Benedek slowly knew they were destined to bond as life mates.  There is more to come, as 4 of the men working with Benedek will eventually find their own lifemates. Dark Hope was very well written by Christine Feehan.


Copies supplied for review

Excerpted from Dark Hope by Christine Feehan Copyright © 2025 by Christine Feehan. Excerpted by permission of Berkley. All rights reserved. No part of this excerpt may be reproduced or reprinted without permission in writing from the publisher.



Silke was fourteen when Astrid’s now familiar voice told her to go to Tora and ask questions about a species of people called Carpathians. Silke always looked forward to listening to her mother’s voice and hearing her advice. This was the first time the recording hadn’t been just personal advice from mother to daughter. There weren’t her usual thoughts on the recording or even tips on fighting demons. Astrid instead detailed how important it was for her to learn about the Carpathian species and reiterated several times that she was to rely on Tora to educate her.Silke had grown up speaking an ancient language, one that Tora referred to as Carpathian. She’d asked, of course, where its origin was, but Tora had simply said she would reveal all to her in time. Silke was so busy learning everything from fighting skills to other languages that she had stopped asking. Now, her mother had specifically instructed her to learn what she could about the Carpathian people from Tora.

Tora had been her best friend almost from the first day Silke could remember, even before she could walk. Tora was kind and patient, and Silke considered her family, a sibling. Since both of her parents had died, as a child Silke clung to Tora. She always seemed older, although when they were children, she couldn’t have been more than five years older-at least that was what Silke had thought at the time.

“When I first asked you about the Carpathian species, you told me they were warriors, hunting vampires,” Silke said to Tora. “At that time, you said they slept in rejuvenating soil and drank blood without killing their donors. You told me they had tremendous powers, including shape-shifting and flying. You were very matter-of-fact. I didn’t have any trouble understanding or believing. Mostly because I knew you. When you told me that every gift comes with drawbacks, and you explained that Carpathians were nearly immortal but would become paralyzed during daylight hours and come out only at night, I realized you were Carpathian. You visited me at night, never during the day. Only once in that conversation did you mention demons and Carpathians in the same breath. I thought you meant vampires, but you didn’t, did you?”

Tora shook her head. “Carpathians view vampires as just that-vampires. They’re wholly evil and prey on every species on this earth they can. They create flesh-eating puppets and ruin the land. They have made alliances in the underworld recently. Banding together and making alliances is new, from what I’m told.”

That didn’t explain the demon reference Tora had so casually made all those years ago. Silke knew where vampires came from. When she turned fifteen, she learned that aside from being a demon slayer, her mother had also passed on another responsibility-a huge one. Silke guarded the soul of a Carpathian warrior. If that wasn’t fantasy, what was? When a Carpathian male was born, his soul split. He retained all the darkness, and somewhere, a female child was born with the other half of the soul made up of his light. His task was to find her and bind their souls together. It wasn’t easy to find their lifemate, and many of them succumbed to temptation, turning vampire, forcing friends to hunt them. The woman could die, and the soul would be born again and again for as long as the Carpathian male still existed.

The thought of such a responsibility at fifteen was disconcerting. Still, at fifteen, none of the things she learned about Carpathians seemed real. They were larger-than-life heroes, hunting vampires and keeping mankind safe. They were warriors fighting for others despite the constant whisper of temptation to kill while feeding just so they would feel a rush. Those were facts she’d learned from Tora.



Christine Feehan is a #1 New York Times bestselling author multiple times over with her portfolio including over 70 published novels, including five series; Dark Series, Ghostwalker Series, Leopard Series, Drake Sisters Series, the Sisters of the Heart Series and Torpedo Ink. All of her series have hit the #1 spot on the New York Times bestselling list as well. Her debut novel Dark Prince received 3 of the 9 Paranormal Excellence Awards in Romantic Literature (PEARL) in 1999. Since then she has been published by various publishing houses including Leisure Books, Pocket Books, and currently is writing for Berkley/Jove. She also has earned 7 more PEARL awards since Dark Prince.

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The Reading Cafe and Berkley are graciously offering a copy of DARK HOPE to ONE (1) lucky commenter at The Reading Cafe.

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9. Giveaway open to USA only

10. Giveaway runs from January 8-12, 2025



Beautiful Broken Love by Shanora Williams-review & giveaway

Beautiful Broken Love by Shanora Williams-review & giveaway / / / / B&N Paper /

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ABOUT THE BOOK: Release Date December 3, 2024

It’s been months since her dreams of forever were brutally shattered. Seven long months since her husband and soulmate, Lew, died in her arms, leaving her to carry on. Alone. And Davina Klein-Roberts still isn’t sure how to move forward.

To escape her anguish, Davina throws everything into work, pushing Golden Oil Co., her self-built skincare line, to become a viral success. Now she’s poised to clinch a major endorsement deal too. But it’s bittersweet without Lew by her side.

A meeting with Deke Bishop, the hot NBA star she’s courting for her brand, leaves Davina flustered. With his dimpled smile and warm handshake, Deke’s a natural pitchman. And he’s clearly interested—not only in her lotions.

Davina soon discovers that Deke’s more than just another player and carries his own pain. But as her feelings for him grow, so does her guilt. Will the pain of a future already lost keep her from embracing hope for a new one?


REVIEW:BEAUTIFUL BROKEN LOVE by Shanora Williams is a stand alone, contemporary, adult, romance story line focusing on professional basketball player Declan ‘Deke’ Bishop, and thirty-one year old, skin care designer/ widow Davina Klein-Roberts.

NOTE: Due to the nature of the story line premise, there may be triggers for more sensitive readers.

Told from dual first person perspectives (Deke and Davina) BEAUTIFUL BROKEN LOVE focuses on the building romance and relationship between professional basketball player DEclan ‘Deke’ Bishop, and skin care designer / widow Davina Klein-Roberts. Davina Klein-Roberts is the CEO of Golden-Oil Co, a designer skin care manufacturer, and she is hoping basketball player Deke Bishop will become the new spokesperson for her latest line but Davina goes into their introduction and meeting with a set of preconceived notions, and the her attraction to Deke is offset by her guilt in the wake of her late husband’s death. Several months earlier, Davina’s husband passed away, and our heroine had not desire to move on from the past. Deke Bishop fell immediately for Davina Roberts but Davina continued to struggle with her guilt and grief. Unable to compete with a ghost, a broken-hearted Deke walks away, leaving the woman he loves behind.

The world building focuses on the the growing relationship in the face of Davina’s overwhelming guilt and grief. Unable to let go of the past, Davina struggles with her attraction to the man with whom she will fall in love but Deke is determined to bide his time but there is no end in sight for Davina’s grief. Meanwhile, with the approach of the Thanksgiving holiday, Deke’s embattled family want our hero to make amends with the man he blames for destroying their lives.

The relationship between Deke and Davina is one of immediate attraction but Deke is a client, and Davina is refusing to cross a line. In the wake of her husband’s death,Davina struggles to move forward, and her feelings for Deke add guilt to her ongoing grief. As their relationship grows, Deke’s past takes aim, targeting our story line heroine. The $ex scenes are intimate and provocative without the use of over the top , sexually graphic language and text.

The colorful secondary and supporting characters include family, friends, co-workers and teammates. We are introduced to Deke’s teammate and single father Javier Valdez , and Davina’s sister Octavia, a nanny who may be a prospect for Deke’s daughter. I am hoping the author has plans for a series.

BEAUTIFUL BROKEN LOVE is a story of grief and sorrow, family and relationships, acceptance and love. The character driven premise is emotional and often heart breaking; the romance is passionate; the characters are determined and charismatic.

Copy supplied for review

Reviewed by Sandy

Shanora Williams currently lives near Charlotte, North Carolina and is the mother of three boys, has a fiercely devoted and supportive husband, and is a sister to eleven.
When she isn’t writing, she’s spending time with her family, binge reading, or running marathons on TV streaming services.

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The Reading Cafe and Montlake are graciously offering a copy of BEAUTIFUL BROKEN LOVE to ONE (1) lucky commenter at The Reading Cafe.

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8. Giveaway open to USA only

9. Giveaway runs from December 4-7, 2024


A Legend in the Baking by Jamie Wesley -review & giveaway

A Legend in the Baking (Sugar Blitz 2) by Jamie Wesley -review, excerpt & giveaway / / B&N / KOBO / Google Play / Chapters Indigo /

ABOUT THE BOOK: Release Date November 19, 2024

August Hodges was supposed to be the silent partner in Sugar Blitz Cupcakes. Emphasis on silent. That is until his impromptu feminist rant about how women bakers are the backbone of the industry and baking cupcakes isn’t a threat to masculinity goes viral, making him the hottest bachelor in town. With a new location in the works, August and his partners decide to capitalize on this perfect opportunity to help cement their place in the community. But the hiring of his best friend’s younger sister, the woman who has haunted some of his best dreams for years, was as much of a shock as his new-found fame.

Social media manager Sloane Dell fell hard for her brother’s best friend the moment she met him more than a decade ago, but that teenage infatuation cost her dearly. Still, she accepts her brother’s request to revamp the bakery’s social media presence to take advantage of August’s newfound popularity, knowing it’s the big break her fledgling career needs. She’ll just ignore the fact that August is still August, i.e. sexier and sweeter than any man has a right to be. And that he drives her crazy with his resistance to all her ideas.

They vow to leave the past in the past. But when an explosive make-out session makes it clear their attraction burns hotter than ever, Sloane and August are forced to reconsider what it means to take a risk and chase your dreams.

As they’re both about to find out, all’s fair in love and cupcakes.


REVIEW:A LEGEND IN THE BAKING is the second instalment in Jamie Wesley’s contemporary, adult SUGAR BLITZ erotic, romance series focusing on professional football players and business owners Donovan, August and Nicholas. This is San Diego Knights fullback, divorcé and co-owner of Sugar Blitz Cupcakes August Hodges, and twenty-nine year old, social media manager Sloane Dell’s story line. A LEGEND IN THE BAKING can be read as a stand alone without any difficulty. Any important information from the previous story line is revealed where necessary.

Told from omniscient dual third person perspectives (Sloane and August) focusing on two timelines, A LEGEND IN THE BAKING follows the building relationship between our story line couple. After a rant defending femininity and masculinity goes viral, August Hodges finds himself at the mercy of the internet but when Donovan Dell’s sister is hired to help control the social media content, August Hodges finds himself facing the woman who stirs all of his urges, a woman whose heart he destroyed years ago. Enter twenty-nine year old Sloane Dell, his best friend and teammate’s younger sister. As Sloane attempts to navigate and control the online media explosion surrounding August Hodges, our couple find themselves facing another type of vitriol when Sugar Blitz Cupcakes sets about to open a second location.

The world building focuses on the past and the breakdown of a dysfunctional family unit: the incident that pushed Sloane out of August’s life, ; the fall-out and of a marriage, and a career going nowhere fast. As August’s defense of femininity goes viral, so too does his popularity with the women, and the explosion of interest in Sugar Blitz Cupcakes.

The relationship between Sloane and August is a best friend’s younger sister, unrequited love. Sloane has been in love with her brother’s best friend August for as long as she can remember but Sloane was always treated as the little sister but the heart wanted something more, and August was about to destroy any hopes for a happily ever after. Working with August brings Sloane up close and personal with the fame and fortune of a professional football player, the fame of being pulled in several directions. The $ex scenes are limited but passionate and intense.

The secondary and supporting characters are energetic and entertaining including the return of Sloane’s brother Donovan Dell, and his girlfriend Jada Townsend-Matthews, and football player and Sugar Blitz co-owner Nicholas; August’s ex wife Melinda DeJesus; August’s father Dale Hodges; football fans and angry neighbors.

A LEGEND IN THE BAKING is a story of family and friendships, relationships and love. The premise is edgy and entertaining; the characters are animated and determined; the romance is spicy and spirited.

Copy supplied for review

Reviewed by Sandy

From A Legend in the Baking by Jamie Wesley. Copyright © 2024 by the author and reprinted by permission of St. Martin’s Publishing Group.



This is it. Your time is now.
Sloane Dell beamed at Candace, her boss and the director of marketing at Organic Chemistry, who was seated across the glass desk from her. Sloane had put in the hours, the less-than-desirable assignments (which sometimes included literally scooping up dog poop) as a social media assistant at the organic pet food company for the last three years. But it was all for a good cause. The promotion to social media manager was about to be hers. Finally.
Candace’s head was bent down as she reviewed Sloane’s work file, no doubt cataloging all the metaphorical gold stars Sloane had received from colleagues over the years.
Sloane is the best! Sloane is such a team player! Sloane comes up with the best, most innovative ideas! We couldn’t survive without her!
Okay, maybe that last one wouldn’t be in there, even though it was true. She wasn’t cocky, but she loved her job and was good at it.
Sloane’s smile spread as Candace lifted her head, her eyes narrowing slightly. Her bright pink lipstick had started to bleed in the right corner.
Concentrate, Sloane! Now’s not the time.
Candace cleared her throat and adjusted the black frames that always seemed to be slipping down her nose. “Thanks for coming to see me, Sloane. I wanted to let you know we enjoy having you here at Organic Chemistry.”
Here it came. The big promotion. Sloane’s chest swelled with hope and excitement. She was already starting to think of all the ideas she wanted to implement to further the company’s goals, the student loan payments she could increase . . .
“. . . believe you still need more experience before you can move up to the manager position.”
“Tha—” The rest of that word petered out as Candace’s words sank through Sloane’s body like a lead stone, anchoring her to the stiff leather chair.
What the fuck?
Only the self-control she’d learned to assert over herself even through the most trying of times stopped her from blurting out that way-too-real question. Instead, she went with the much more sedate, more “professional” “Excuse me? Could you repeat that, please?”
Candace sighed and pushed up her glasses again. “Yes, it’s true. We agonized over this decision, but don’t feel putting you in a position you’re not quite ready for is the right move. It can only hurt your career.”
Such bullshit. Over the past two years, she’d put in countless hours for this company, come up with several campaigns that went viral, tripling their social media followers and directly correlating to an increase in sales, only for her immediate supervisor, the assistant director, Daniel, to take the credit. She’d let him get away with it because Sloane was a team player. And now her generosity had officially blown up in her face.
What a bunch of horseshit. Cow shit. Bear shit. Whatever excretions from whatever animal you could think of.
But she had to play the game.
After all, this was corporate America, where fakeness ruled and Black women were often punished for having the unmitigated gall to be both Black and female, so she was going to smile and play the game with the sunshiney-est smile possible. It was the only way to reach her ultimate goal of receiving the promotion she most definitely deserved. “I appreciate you looking out for me.”
Candace pressed a hand to her chest, the pink shade of her polish perfectly matching her lipstick, because appearances were always important. Her beady little green eyes gave off earnest vibes. “Thank you so much for understanding that this was such a tough decision for us. We agonized, but truly think this is the best for you.”
“I quit.”
Sloane froze. Wait. Who said that? The voice sounded familiar. Wait. She, Sloane Renee Dell, had said that. Sloane’s chest filled, not with panic, as she’d initially assumed, but a sense of rightness. Damn right she quit.
Candace’s mouth had fallen open in pure shock, her eyes bugging out behind her very tasteful, yet very expensive frames.
Sloane rose as a sense of purpose surged throughout her entire body. “I deserved that promotion. You know it. I know it. Everyone in this office knows it, and I’m not going to let you gaslight me into thinking it’s my fault you didn’t offer it to me. Consider this my resignation letter. I won’t need two weeks.”
Sloane whirled and strode confidently out of the office. With laser focus, she headed to her little cube—because offices were reserved for managers and directors and the like and not little pesky assistants who apparently didn’t deserve promotions. She quickly collected the few personal items she kept on her desk—the framed photo of her mom and siblings, her lucky shamrock plushy—and headed for the elevator.
Bethany, who worked in accounting, blinked when she saw Sloane. “Where are you going, Sloane?”
“I quit!”
Perhaps she’d said that a little too loudly, because heads began popping over the top of cubicle walls like the creatures in the Whac-A-Mole arcade game. She regally nodded at them all and gave them her best Duchess Meghan wave as she glided down the hall.
Her best friend, Felicia, the admin assistant, gave her a questioning look as she passed the front desk. Sloane shook her head but didn’t stop. Later. She would explain later. If she stopped now, she’d end up screaming at the top of her lungs about the injustice of it all and wind up being escorted off the property by building security.
Reality didn’t hit her until she was behind the wheel of her Mazda. Her vision went hazy for a second as she sucked in unsteady breaths.
Oh, God. What had she done? She had bills to pay. Student loans to whittle away at. She couldn’t quit a good job without another one lined up. But she had. She pressed a shaky hand to her abdomen. That mocha latte she’d treated herself to as a midday snack and pre-promotion celebration was now curdling in her stomach with the fury of sour milk.
But if the powers-that-be didn’t have her back, did she really want to work there?
No. She. Did. Not.From A Legend in the Baking by Jamie Wesley. Copyright © 2024 by the author and reprinted by permission of St. Martin’s Publishing Group.


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If I Were You by Cesca Major-review, interview & giveaway

🩷If I Were You by Cesca Major-review, interview & giveaway🩷 / / B&N / KOBO / Google Play / Chapters Indigo /

ABOUT THE BOOK: Release Date September 24, 2024

Amy and Flynn have been dating for two years. And they love each other. Don’t they?

Only Amy can’t read Flynn’s mind and Flynn can’t read Amy’s. Little do they know this weekend is make or break.

Amy’s nervous older sister is getting married at the world’s swankiest wedding venue in rural Devon and is relying on her younger sister to be the perfect Chief Bridesmaid. Frustrations on the way to the wedding escalate until both Amy and Flynn are shouting at each other in a country lane during a thunderstorm. Why can’t they see things from the other’s point of view? When lightning strikes, Flynn and Amy are thrown to the ground, and when they stand back up they realize—they’ve switched bodies.

Forced to attend the glamorous wedding weekend as each other is surely an impossible task. With spa mornings, exes, flash mob rehearsals, speeches and more, getting through this swap will test their relationship to breaking point. And when they each discover big secrets in the other’s past—it seems that switching bodies could be the least of their problems. Even if they do manage to swap back—can their relationship survive?


REVIEW:IF I WERE YOU by Cesca Major is a contemporary, adult, body-swap, romance story line focusing on Flynn Waller and Amy Norman.

Told from dual first person perspectives (Flynn and Amy) using present day and memories from the past, IF I WERE YOU focuses on the embattled relationship between our story line couple. Amy’s sister is getting married, and our couple is struggling with their own relationship but a sudden rain storm and flash of light results in a body swap between our story line couple. Having to attend the weekend activities in one another’s bodies, secrets are revealed, misunderstanding and miscommunication threaten the breakdown of their floundering relationship.

The world building follows the struggle of two people caught in an unimaginable situation but a situation that reveals a lifetime of secrets and regrets. Flynn is hoping for a future, Amy is battling between head and heart, reconsidering her relationship with our story line hero.

The secondary and supporting characters include Amy’s sister Laura and her fiance Jay, as well as Amy and Laura’s mother Trish, and her husband Geoffrey, and Flynn’s ex Tanya and her boyfriend Eddie.

IF I WERE YOU is a story with a little bit of everything: drama, heart break, humor and fantasy. The premise is entertaining and intriguing but often confusing as the reader had to remember the Amy/Flynn / Flynn/Amy dynamic. The characters are colorful and desperate. There is little to no romance as throughout most of the story line the embattled couple are not themselves, and the world around them is not what they expected.

Copy supplied for rview

Reviewed by Sandy

TRC: Hi Cesca, and welcome to The Reading Cafe. We would like to start with some background information. Would you please tell us something about yourself?

SOCIAL MEDIA: Instagram / Facebook / X (Twitter) /  Amazon Author Page /

CESCA: I live in the UK with my husband and three children in a bungalow – so every time a friend of theirs visits I get asked why we don’t have stairs.

TRC: Who or what influenced your career in writing?

CESCA: I grew up on a diet of Danielle Steele and Jilly Cooper who taught me books could be big and fun and clever and funny and I think that stuck with me. Up until then I’m not sure I thought books could be as entertaining as television, a film or a play and that idea went out of the window.

TRC: What challenges or difficulties did you encounter writing and publishing this story?

CESCA: It transpires writing a body swap novel is hard because you have to constantly try to remind the readers whose head you are in so they can picture what is happening – but do it in a subtle way. I think coming up with twists and surprises in the plot was always going to be a challenge too and I hope I’ve pulled that off.

TRC: Would you please tell us something about the premise of IF I WERE YOU?

CESCA: It’s about a couple – Amy and Flynn – who are in very different places in their relationship. They’re good together but communication is not great. On the way to Amy’s stressed sister’s wedding weekend they get into a huge row in the middle of a thunderstorm. Lightning strikes and they discover they have swapped bodies. They have to survive the wedding weekend as each other as they try to swap back

TRC: What kind of research/plotting did you do, and how long did you spend researching /plotting before beginning IF I WERE YOU?

CESCA: I always have a detailed chapter outline and try to research as I go along. I interviewed some fancy wedding planners for this one which was great fun and also researched wedding venues with flamingos! I think I probably spend a lot of time (months, sometimes years) thinking about the plot but probably come up with an outline over a few months. It’s a working document and always changing as I write when the characters start to take over and fresh ideas hit you.

TRC: What were your thoughts and emotions when your book was featured on Reese Witherspoon’s book club?

CESCA: Well I was even luckier than most because I was kindly flown out to join the Hello Sunshine team at their annual Shine Away Event where it was announced live – so I got to meet Reese and the brilliant book team. That made it even more surreal and amazing. It’s such an amazing club to be a member of and I have met so many other RBC authors who all feel incredibly lucky to be part of such a wonderful group. The team truly adore books and are serious about lifting up stories by women – I love them.

TRC: Do you have plans for a series focusing on the secondary characters?

CESCA: Oh that would be fun. I think Reggie should get his own dog picture book series for starters.

TRC: Is any of the story line premise based in fact?

CESCA: I stole my son’s friend’s excellent name (Flynn) to be my hero but no the book isn’t based on fact. Some settings are – I lived in Bristol in England for seven years and still love to go back there so enjoyed basing Amy there. And I was born in Devon so enjoyed returning there for the wedding.

TRC: Do you have any interest in writing, or have you ever written for another genre?

CESCA: I have written in a number of different genres – I write darker stuff as C D Major. Those books are always based loosely on something true, or supernatural and I fictionalise them. I love jumping from dark books to lighter books and I’m so lucky I get to be published in both.

TRC: Believability is an important factor in writing story lines .How do you keep the story line believable? Where do you think some author’s fail?

CESCA: This was definitely a concern for a body swap! I think the character’s emotional responses have to be as real as you can make them. So if you know them well, know their back story then hopefully you know how they would specially react in any given scenario. Then I think the reader comes with you. Even if the plot itself is magical.

TRC: Do you believe the cover image plays a deciding factor for many readers in the process of selecting a book or new series to read?

CESCA: I know we shouldn’t judge by covers but inevitably we do and publishers have teams of people who work really hard to try to get covers to fit the book. I think the IF I WERE YOU cover is just so clever and reflects the tone and story perfectly. I think it’s harder in some genres sometimes to sign post to the reader what a book is and, with so many books out there, I think a cover can be a useful way of telling a reader “you might like this.” I do love shops that cover all books though and get you to choose a date with a book on the description alone. Such Fun.

TRC: When writing a storyline, do the characters direct the writing or do you direct the characters?

CESCA: I try to control them but inevitably things get completely out of hand.

TRC: The mark of a good writer is to pull the reader into the storyline so that they experience the emotions along with the characters. What do you believe a writer must do to make this happen? Where do you believe writer’s fail in this endeavor?

CESCA: I think we need to know our characters so well to ensure the emotional responses feel genuine, and not hold back on taking the reader with us. I also think balancing the light with the dark helps too. So the reader doesn’t become numb to one emotion. I think some writers struggle to convey any emotion because they are too busy trying to get across the plot. I think that can be fixed in the edit.

TRC: Do you listen to music while writing? If so, does the style of music influence the storyline direction? Characters?

CESCA: I have to have silence or just background noise. I wish I could listen to music but anything with lyrics is just a total distraction.

TRC: What is something that few, if anyone, know about you?

CESCA: I was a big Nintendo player as a child and appeared on TV aged 9 to compete in a Nintendo Challenge. I took my mascots on the show “Funky and Spunky” and the presenter lost the button on his Mario dungarees halfway through our episode. I lost to an eleven year old and did not take it well.

TRC: What are you currently working on?

CESCA: I’m currently working on another big love story with a hefty dose of magical realism. This time it’s not an established love but first love and focuses on what makes someone perfect for you.

TRC: Would you like to add anything else?

CESCA: Thank you so much for having me and for reading IF I WERE YOU!


Favorite Food Any sweet stuff – coffee cake, donuts etc

Favorite Dessert Lemon Meringue Pie

Favorite TV Showprobably HACKS and I am desperate for the return of SEVERANCE

Last Movie You Saw I rewatched The Lord of the Rings because I listened to the brilliant What went wrong podcast about the making of it.

Dark or Milk Chocolate Milk

Secret Celebrity Crush there is nothing secret about my love for Julia Roberts.

Last Vacation DestinationCornwall on the west coast of England

Do you have any pets? I have three children

Last book you readthe gorgeous UNDER YOUR SPELL by Laura Wood


The Reading Cafe and HARPER COLLINS are graciously offering a paper copy of IF I WERE YOU to ONE (1) lucky commenter at The Reading Cafe.

1. If you have not previously registered at The Reading Cafe, please register by using the log-in at the top of the page (side bar) or by using one of the social log-ins.

NOTE:If you are having difficulty commenting after logging onto the site, please refresh the page (at the top of your computer).

2. If you are using a social log-in, please post your email address with your comment.

3. Please LIKE Cesca Major on Facebook

4. Please LIKE/FOLLOW The Reading Cafe on FACEBOOK and then click GET NOTIFICATION under ‘liked’ for an additional entry.

5. Please LIKE and FOLLOW Harper Collins on Facebook for an addition entry.

6. LIKE The Reading Cafe on  X (Twitter) for an additional entry.

7. Please FOLLOW The Reading Cafe on GOODREADS for an additional entry.

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9. Giveaway open to USA only

10. Giveaway runs from September 26-30, 2024
