Shot Across the Bow by Julie Ann Walker-Review Excerpt & Giveaway

Shot Across the Bow (Deep Six 5) by Julie Ann Walker-Review, Excerpt & Giveaway


Deep Six #5
by Julie Ann Walker
Release Date: November 29, 2021
Genre: adult, contemporary, romantic suspense / / B&N / KOBO / Chapters Indigo / Google Play /

ABOUT THE BOOK: Release Date November 29, 2021

The former Navy SEALs of Deep Six Salvage thought they could retire to the sea and hunt for treasures of the deep, but when trouble comes to visit, there’ll be hell to pay.

Former Navy SEAL Spiro “Romeo” Delgado is six-plus feet of high-octane charm, and he has two hard and fast rules. One, always come to the rescue of those in need. And two, never give up his fast and furious bachelor ways. But when Mia Ennis joins Deep Six Salvage on the hunt for the Santa Cristina, her mesmerizing blend of brains, beauty, and bravery makes him question everything he thought he wanted in life.

Mia’s traumatic past has taught her to keep everyone she meets at arm’s length. But Romeo, with that body that is forever tensed for action and that dark gaze that tracks her every move, makes her feel safe in a way she never expected. Yet the secret she carries compels her to keep her distance—even as the past comes back to haunt them.

A harrowing plane crash ends with Romeo and Mia marooned on a desert island. When a boatful of men bent on murder drop anchor, Mia discovers her only hope for survival depends on her letting her guard down around Romeo. But surrendering to the passion she feels for him might be the most dangerous thing of all…


REVIEW:SHOT ACROSS THE BOW is the fifth instalment in Julie Ann Walker’s contemporary, adult DEEP SIX romantic suspense series focusing on a group of former US Navy SEALs who own and operate a marine salvage business-Deep Six Salvage. This is former Navy SEAL Spiro ‘Romeo’ Delgado, and marine archeologist Mia Ennis’s story line. SHOT ACROSS THE BOW can be read as a stand alone without any difficulty. Any important information from the previous story lines is revealed where necessary. The DEEP SIX series is a spinoff from Julie Ann’s BLACK KNIGHTS INC series. Romeo and Mia’s story started in book four DEEPER THAN THE OCEAN.

SOME BACKGROUND: The DEEP SIX series follows six former military or special ops agents who, upon retirement, set up their own business running secret missions behind the scenes. Searching for the wreck of the Santa Cristina near Wayfarer Island, the Deep Six team continues to encounter terrorists, pirates and drug runners on their hunt for sunken treasure.

Told from several third person perspectives including Romeo and Mia, Doc and Cami, SHOT ACROSS THE BOW follows the Deep Six team as they continue their search for a sunken treasure off Wayfarer Island but three members of the team-Romeo, Mia and Doc-along with property attorney Cami D’Angelo find themselves stranded on a small, remote island when an explosion sends their plane into the ocean, an explosion that may have targeted one of the people on board. As the foursome set about making a temporary shelter, past histories reveal startling revelations wherein anyone could have been in the direct line of fire. What ensues is the building romance and relationship between Romeo and Mia, and the potential fall-out as the foursome find themselves facing down more than one gunmen when the true target is revealed.

Meanwhile, Dalton ‘Doc’ Simmons finds himself in an acrimonious relationship with the team’s property attorney Cami D’Angelo, a relationship fraught with palpable sexual attraction disguised by animosity, fueled by circumstance.

The relationship between Mia and Romeo is one of immediate attraction but Mia’s past refuses to let go, controlling all of her actions going forward. Believing she is not worthy of love, Mia is constantly pulling away from the man with whom she will fall in love, a man who has made it clear, he too wants nothing permanent going forward.Stranded together, Mia and Romeo find themselves acting on their mutual attraction, an attraction that is quickly crossing the line from friendship to love. The lone $ex scene is passionate and seductive without the use of over the top, sexually graphic language and text.

The secondary and supporting characters include Mason McCarthy and Alexandra Merriweather; LT Anderson and Olivia, Dalton ‘Doc’ Simmons, attorney Cami D’Angelo, as well as Mia’s mother Jane Ennis, and her cousin Carter. Doc and Cami’s story line is next in DEAD IN THE WATER.

SHOT ACROSS THE BOW is a story of betrayal and vengeance, greed and jealousy, dysfunctional family dyanamics, friendships, relationships, sacrifice and love.The character driven premise is edgy and compelling but the guilty party is revealed early on, therefore the intrigue and suspense is limited; the characters are animated and dynamic; the romance is compelling and intimate.

The DEEP SIX series is an imaginative, detailed and impassioned series that reveals the destructive nature of greed and power across all walks of life.

Reading Order and previous reviews
Hell or High Water
Devil and the Deep
Ride the Tide
Deeper Than the Ocean

Copy supplied by Netalley

Reviewed by Sandy



He noticed the sand had turned cool beneath his bare feet as he led her toward the western tip of the island. For a long time, he stayed as silent as she did. Listening to the waves hiss against the shoreline. Enjoying the gentle warmth of the evening breeze as it teased across his skin. Sneaking glances at her pretty profile and fantasizing about running his finger from the slope of her smooth forehead down to her button nose and ending under her stubborn little chin.
Eventually, though, he couldn’t stand her silence any longer. “You’re being awfully quiet this evening.” He realized what he’d said, and rephrased. “I mean, quieter than usual. What’s on your mind?”
She tentatively met his searching gaze. For a moment, he thought she wouldn’t answer. Then, she did. And when she did, the simple truth of her words, and the way she said them without ego or artifice, hit him like a grenade from a rocket launcher. “The answer to that question is the same as it’s been for the last couple of months. You. You’re what’s on my mind. It’s always you.”
“My god, Mia.” His voice sounded like it’d been raked over rocks on the way out of his mouth. “You have no idea—”
He stopped there, because he wasn’t sure what he even wanted to say. That she had no idea what she did to him? That she had no idea how she made him feel? That she had no idea that it was taking the last bit of his willpower not to pull her to him so he could taste the mouth those sweet words came out of?
She placed a gentle hand in the center of his chest, and his heart thudded up to meet her touch. “Are we about to become lovers?” Her expression seemed pensive.
When the wind whipped some of her hair across her face, he did something he’d been longing to do since the day they met. He brushed the wavy lock behind the delicate shell of her ear, letting the strands slip slowly through his fingertips.
“I want that,” he admitted in a voice so low it was barely more than a growl. “Is that what you want?”
His heart tripped over itself when something that looked very much like indecision moved behind her eyes.
“Yes,” she finally answered, and he realized his shoulders had tensed, because they suddenly relaxed. “But…” She frowned. “Can you promise, no matter what, we’ll stay friends? I don’t think I could stand it if—”
He silenced her by placing a finger over her lips. He’d have rather used his mouth for the job, but once he started kissing her, he wouldn’t be able to stop. And right then she needed his words, not his tongue.
“I will never stop being your friend, cariña,” he swore to her.
She looked relieved. But it only lasted a second before her brow beetled again.
He used her troubled expression as an excuse to run his finger over her forehead, down her pert nose, and beneath her stubborn chin. There, he stopped, tilting her face up so that she was forced to hold his gaze. “What is it?” he asked quietly. “Tell me.”
“I haven’t…” She rolled in her lips when the words seemed to get stuck in the back of her throat. After a second, she tried again. “I haven’t had as many lovers as you have. I might not be what—”
He didn’t let her finish. He didn’t need to. “Mia, my sweet, sexy woman, believe me when I say that’s nothing you have to worry about.”
She nodded. But he could tell she was still nervous.
Who could blame her? Doc had accused him of staring at her like he’d like to eat her whole. What small, delicate creature wouldn’t be nervous when she found herself caught in the sights of a much bigger, much hungrier predator?
But he wasn’t going to eat Mia in one giant gulp. Mia wasn’t a fast-food french fry. She was a seven-course meal from a Michelin-starred restaurant.
He was going to eat her slowly, lick by lick. And bite by delicious bite.
But first…
“Breathe, cariña.” He tucked another unruly strand of hair behind her ear because he couldn’t get enough of touching her. “We aren’t going to start now.”
Not that he didn’t want to. He’d have liked it if they never stopped after that first kiss. But she was all up in her head, and that’s the last place he wanted her. When he made his move, and he would make his move, he wanted her totally in her body.
“Let’s sit down.” He gestured to a small log that had washed up on the beach. It was bare of bark and made smooth by its time at sea. “Will you read to me?”
When she nodded, he led her to the driftwood. After sinking down beside her, he let out a contented sigh when she unzipped her purse, took out the book, and began to read.
Her husky voice drifted in the salty evening air, sounding like pure seduction. And the blush on her cheeks was a soft, delicate pink that matched the sunset-tinged clouds.
It was an odd feeling to know that, despite the loss of his plane, despite their precarious predicament, he’d never been happier than he was right then. Sitting next to her. His thigh touching her thigh. The waning light bathing them both. And the anticipation of what was to come humming softly in the air around them.
And what happens after? the voice in the back of his head asked.
He wished the sonofabitch had a face so he could plant his fist in it. The voice had never cared about after before, so why was it talking about after now?
After doesn’t matter, he assured the voice and himself. After we’ll be friends, just like I promised. And in the meantime…
She would be his. And that would be enough.
He would make sure it was enough.


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Julie Ann Walker is the New York Times and USA Today bestselling author of award-winning romantic suspense. She has won the Book Buyers Best Award, been nominated for the National Readers Choice Award, the Australian Romance Reader Awards, and the Romance Writers of America’s prestigious RITA award. Her latest release was named a Top Ten Romance of 2014 by Booklist. Her books have been described as “alpha, edgy, and downright hot.” Most days you can find her on her bicycle along the lake shore in Chicago or blasting away at her keyboard, trying to wrangle her capricious imagination into submission.

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8. Giveaway is open internationally

9. Giveaway runs from November 29-December 3, 2021


A SENSE OF DANGER by Jennifer Estep-Dual Review & Giveaway

A SENSE OF DANGER (Section 47 #1) by Jennifer Estep-Dual Review & Giveaway / / B&N / KOBO / Chapters Indigo / Google Play /

ABOUT THE BOOK: Release Date November 16, 2021

A SPY . . .

My name is Charlotte Locke, and I’m an analyst for Section 47, a secret government agency that tracks terrorists, criminals, and other paramortal bad guys who want to unleash their abilities on an unsuspecting mortal world. I have a magical form of synesthesia that senses danger and uncovers lies—making me a stealthy operative.

I’m trudging through another day when one of Section’s cleaners—assassins—takes an interest in me. I don’t need my synesthesia to realize that he is extremely dangerous and that he will do anything to achieve his goals—even if it means putting me in the line of fire.


I’m Desmond Percy, one of Section 47’s most lethal cleaners. I’m also a man on a mission, and I need Charlotte Locke’s skills to help me keep a promise, settle a score, and kill some extremely bad people.

Charlotte might not like me, but we’re stuck together until my mission is over. Still, the more time we spend together, the more I’m drawn to her. But at Section 47, you never know who you can trust—or who might want you dead.


Sandy’s Review

A SENSE OF DANGER is the first instalment in Jennifer Estep’s contemporary, adult SECTION 47 paranormal, urban fantasy series focusing on paramortal analyst / diner waitress for Section 47 Charlotte Locke, and assassin/cleaner Desmond Percy.

SOME BACKGROUND: Paramortals make up approximately one percent of the world’s population, and most have hidden their magic from the ‘mortal’ world. Section 47 is a paramortal spy organization whose mission was to gather intelligence to prevent terrorist attacks but found themselves tracking those who use magic to commit their crimes.

Told from dual first person perspectives (Charlotte and Desmond) A SENSE OF DANGER focuses on the take down of a paramortal bio-terrorist, and the search for a mole within Section 47. Charlotte Locke is a legacy member at Section 47, meaning her father, and grandmother were previously employed by Section 47. As an analyst Charlotte has the ability to read patterns and numbers and sense danger but as a human lie detector Charlotte knows when someone may or may not be telling the truth. Upon the death of her boss, Charlotte is reassigned as a liason, working with the Section’s latest arrival, cleaner and assassin Desmond Percy, whose own father continues to make a name for himself at Section 47. Desmond is on the hunt for a paramortal bio-terrorist but his every move is met with counter terrorism and resistance such that his last mission left him struggling to survive. With the help of Charlotte Locke, Desmond is hunting down the person responsible but struggles to trust the woman with whom he is falling in love as Charlotte’s secrets run dangerous and dark. What ensues is the set up and take down of a mole within the Section 47 organization, and the potential fall-out as Desmond believes Charlotte has been compromised but Charlotte has bigger plans when all is revealed.

Jennifer Estep introduces a number of players in the world of Section 47 including some of the backstory and history of Charlotte’s legacy connections, and Desmond’s father General Jethro Percy. There is a large ensemble cast of secondary and supporting characters giving the series a familiarity not unlike the author’s Elemental Assassin. We are introduced to cleaner supervisor Gia Chan, and ‘secretary’ Evelyn Hawkes, former Section 47 spy Gabriel Chase, as well as charmer Miriam Lancaster, charmer supervisor Trevor Donnelly, Russian paramortal Adrian Anatoly, and CEO and founder of Hyde Engineering Henrika Hyde.

A SENSE OF DANGER is a fast paced, intriguing, action packed story of betrayal and vengeance, power and magic, obsession, murder, greed and excess. The premise is captivating and compelling; the characters are energetic and enterprising; the romance is seductive and passionate.


Barb’s Review:

A Sense of Danger by Jennifer Estep is the 1st book in her new Section 47 series.  I am a big fan of Jennifer Estep, having enjoyed all her fantastic series.  I was thrilled to learn that she was starting a new series, and after reading the first book, I can’t wait for more. 

Secret 47 is a secret government agency that handles paranormal, terrorists, criminals, and have magical abilities.  Their job is to gather information to prevent attacks, casualties, as well as to protect the mortal world; especially against those who create dangerous weapons.  

Charlotte Locke, our heroine, is an analyst, who is very good at her job analyzing various reports and files to find mistakes, patterns, and anything that looks like threats.  Charlotte also has some magical abilities, such as having synesthesia ability to sense danger and detect lies. Charlotte followed her grandmother and father who were Section 47 employees, and she is considered a legacy employee, since her family (now deceased) were former employees.  Charlotte has been providing information to her superiors about an evil and dangerous woman (Henrika Hyde), who is building and selling horrific weapons to the enemy.

Desmond Percy, our hero, is a Section 47 Assassin (cleaners), who is considered one of the best and lethal. Desmond is also a legacy employee, as his father is a powerful member and very much in charge of Section 47. Desmond has returned to headquarters in Washington, DC for a special assignment, but also determined to find the person responsible for killing his teammates from his last assignment. 

When Charlotte is having lunch, she sees a strange man sit at her table, but she totally ignores him, and he eventually walks away. Charlotte is very much in debt, due to her father death and loss of money, and takes a night time second job as a waitress. After closing, she heads home only to be accosted by 4 assassins who are out to kill her; she is attacked, but out of nowhere, another powerful assassin manages to kill the attackers, and he takes her to her home, and uses his energy magic to heal her injuries.  Of course, her savior is Desmond, who has galvanist abilities, which uses energy around him to prevent attacks, as well as heal. 

Charlotte wakes up healed, and in a short time will learn that Desmond was the one who saved her, and despite her original dislike of him, she will soon be placed on his team to work together; especially since she is the one who knows everything about the enemy.   Their job is to find Henrika Hyde, and stop her from selling her weapons, as well as find the terrorist who was behind the attack on Desmond’s team.

What follows is an exciting, action filled, suspenseful story that kept me unable to put the book down. Charlotte was a great heroine, as she not only smart, savvy, but unbeknownst to others, lethal with a weapon, since she learned from her father.  I also liked Desmond, as he was not only a sexy hunk, but also very confident with his ability.   It took time for them to trust each other, but the chemistry between them was hot; which was a slow burn romance.

Charlotte stepped up to find a traitor within Section 47, even if it put her own life in danger.  The last third of the book was extremely tense and exciting, with a few surprises along the way. Since she took it upon herself to expose the traitor, her relationship with Desmond suffered, as he thought she betrayed him.  I will not tell too much more, as it would be spoilers, but it was a wild satisfying ending.

A Sense of Danger is another wonderful new intriguing urban fantasy series that is very well written by Jennifer Estep.  I loved both Charlotte and Desmond, and look forward to more on them in future books.   I suggest you read A Sense of Danger, as I fully enjoyed it.

Copies supplied for review

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9. Giveaway runs from November 15-19, 2021


Bad Moon Rising by Zoe Forward – Review & Giveaway

Bad Moon Rising by Zoe Forward – Review & Giveaway



Amazon / B&N / Kobo / Google Play / Apple


They are the ultimate weapon. The ultimate secret. They are the Crown’s wolves.

Lycan Roman Lanzo and his brothers are bound—by magic, no less—to serve the Crown of England. All he knows is honor, violence, blood, magic, and death. Which is exactly when he finds her. A rare female Lycan, gorgeous, fierce, powerful, and with no memory of who or what she is. Now everything in Roman’s blood wants to help her, protect her, and—damn it all to hell—want her.

Nova woke knowing only that her leather Goth get-up was riding up in the wrong places, and that she had to find Roman. Since then, every moment is a new and unsettling insight into her gifts, her dangerous skills, who she is, and what she wants…including this daunting, muscled Lycan whose name is tattooed on her skin.

But the Crown knows all about Nova. What she is, what she can do, and just how brutally dangerous a female Lycan can become. Now they want her put down for good. And they have their perfect weapon of choice… Roman




Bad Moon Rising by Zoe Forward is the 1st book in her new Crown’s Wolves series. We meet our heroine, Nova, at the start, as she wakes up in a car, with no memory of why she is there, nor who she is; her phone has a message, get the man named Roman out of the club he is in.

Roman Lanzo, our hero, is a Lycan, and with his brothers, they are bound by a curse to serve the Crown of England. They are very powerful, known as the Crown’s Wolves, and considered the ultimate weapon for the Crown. Roman is approached by a beautiful lady, who insists he leave with her, and when all hell breaks out, he does get out and Nova is with him.

Roman isn’t sure if he can trust Nova, especially since she claims amnesia, with no knowledge of who she is.  In a short time, he recognizes her to also be a rare female Lycan, with powerful skills and even magic.  They both find themselves attracted to each other, though Roman feels it isn’t safe for him to become involved, but in no time, he becomes totally obsessed with her; and together they will embark on a journey to discover the truth about Nova, and why was she sent to him.  When the Crown leader gives him a mandatory assignment to kill her, Roman, his brother, mother and others must find a way to keep her alive, especially if she may know something about their missing brother.

What follows is an exciting, action-packed adventure that kept me unable to put the book down.  I loved the chemistry between Roman and Nova, and prayed they would find a way to be together. I also like some the secondary characters, Finn, their mother, the angel, and even the vampire. I do not want to say too much more, because you need to read this book, especially with more fun to come in future books. 

Bad Moon Rising was a great start to this new series, and very well written by Zoe Forward.  I wholly suggest you read Bad Moon Rising, as I thoroughly enjoyed it.

Reviewed by Barb

Copy provided by Publisher



Zoe Forward is graciously offering a $15 Gift Card to ONE lucky commenter at The Reading Cafe

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8. Giveaway open to USA only

9. Giveaway runs from November 13th to 17th,  2021


Dark Tarot by Christine Feehan-Dual review, Excerpt & Giveaway

Dark Tarot (Dark Carpathians #35) by Christine Feehan-Dual Review, Excerpt & Giveaway / / B&N / KOBO / Chapters Indigo / Google Play /

ABOUT THE BOOK: Release Date November 9, 2021.

Sandu Berdardi continues to exist only to protect his people. An ancient Carpathian, his entire long life has been dedicated to honor above all else. He knows his time has passed, especially since he has not been able to find his lifemate — the anchor to keep him sane in a world he no longer understands. But just as he truly starts to give up hope, a voice reaches out to him in the night and his world explodes into color.

Adalasia enters Sandu’s mind seamlessly, as if she has been a part of him forever. While she can see the shape of things to come in her deck of cards, her gift is both a blessing and a curse. The true course of Sandu’s quest remains unclear, with danger waiting at every turn. She cannot see everything the future holds, but she does know it is a journey they will take togethe


Sandy’s Review:

DARK TAROT is the thirty-fifth instalment in Christine Feehan’s contemporary, adult DARK/CARPATHIAN erotic, paranormal romance series. This is Carpathian ancient Sandu Berdardi, and tarot reader Adalasia Ravasio’s story line. DARK TAROT can be read as a stand alone without any difficulty. Any important information from the previous story lines is revealed where necessary.

SOME BACKGROUND: All Carpathian males must find their lifemates before they turn vampire or greet the dawn. Without a lifemate, the males no longer see in color, feel pain or experience emotions. A lifemate is the light to their dark. She is the keeper of his heart and the keeper of his soul. As the unmated Carpathian male ages, the darkness begins to envelope his soul, eventually turning the male vampire or forcing him to greet the dawn.

Told from dual third person perpectives (Sandu and Adalasia) DARK TAROT follows the building romance and relationship between ancient Carpathian warrior Sandu Berdardi, and Tarot reader Adalasia Ravasio. Sandu Berdardi is one of the ancient warriors who had left the monastery in search of his lifemate but Sandu was considering greeting the dawn until a feminine voice in his head restored emotions and colors. Searching for his lifemate, Sandu finds Tarot reader Adalasia Ravasio, a young woman of immense power, trained as a warrior, but a woman who has spent her entire life on the run, trying to escape a mythological evil connected to Lilith, the wife of Satan. Throughout her life, Adalasia has known that Sandu would be making the journey with her, a journey where the past meets the present leading towards a future together. As Adalasia continues to avert the danger that is ever present, Sandu and the others must battle the master vampires, their minions, and a new evil that has attached itself to the woman he loves.

Sandu Berdardi is a man in search of his past, a past he can no longer remember but a past that may be connected to our story line heroine. Sandu, Adalasia and several ancients launch themselves on a journey around the world, a journey wherein Sandu discovers the truth about his life, and his family, but a journey wherein Adalasia’s ablities reveal a powerful woman, an warrior equal to the power of the ancients, themselves.

As Adalasia, Sandu and his fellow ancients embark on their search for the truth, the reader is reunited with several Carpathians and characters introduced previously in earlier stories: Dominic Dragonseeker and Solange, Solange’s cousin Jasmine, Jubal Sanders and Jasmine’s now six year old child Sandrine, jaguar turned Carpathian Luiz De La Cruz, Lucian Daratrazanoff and Jaxon, Gabriel Daratrazanoff and Francesca, Danutdaxon ‘Dax’ and his lifemate Riley. There are mentions of Josef, Joie and Traian Trigovise, and the De La Cruz’ brothers, Trixie and Fane, Gabrielle and Aleksei, as well as a little more information about Xavier and the parasites that have always been attributed to the high mage. Although not a reunion story line, the author does reveal some history, some back story and updates about the characters we have previously met.

DARK TAROT establishes the Dark series new arc wherein Sandu, and his fellow ancients Afanasiv ‘Siv’ Belan, Nicu Dalca, Petru Cioban and Benedek Kovac must find their lifemates or greet the dawn. Adalasia Ravasio’s ability to read the Tarot cards reveals the legitimacy of the ancients’ search for the other half of their souls, and whether their journeys are fruitless and unkind but Adalasia’s abilities do not end with the Tarot, as our heroine is a fighter, a capable warrior who alongside the ancients, is able to take down the malevolent and creatures that threaten their lives. A new battle has begun, a battle that pulls the Carpathians into a war with demons from the Underworld, where the four portals or gates to hell, have been protected and guarded by four woman, ancient Carpathian females who have yet to find a lifemate of their own.

DARK TAROT reestablishes and reinvigorates the Dark/Carpathian series. A new path, a new evil, a new war wherein the ancients find the other half to their souls, while protecting the people they know and love, revealing more of the history and back story of the Carpathian people. DARK TAROT is a lengthy, complex and detailed storyline wherein the world building is intricate and thorough: the premise is intriguing and intense; the characters are inspiring and energetic; the romance is seductive and passionate.


Barb’s Reviews:
Dark Tarot by Christine Feehan is the 31st book in her Dark series. We have met our hero, Sandu in the previous few books, as he is one of ancients sent from the Monastery to help. Sandu feels he is coming to the end of his life, until he hears a female voice telepathically call out to him that immediately restores color to his view. 

Adalasia, our heroine, is a human, who deals with tarot cards, as well as trained to fight demons. Her gift has been transferred to her from her mother, as each female generation in her lineage proceeded them. Adalasia has been trained to guard the gate, stop the demons since she was a child. She senses Sandu giving up, and she knows somehow, she has a journey that she will need to share with him; it is their destiny. Adalasia can see some of the future in her deck of cards, and along the way will learn more about her powers gifted to her. Sandu immediately tracks where his lifemate is, and to protect her from the danger surrounding her.  Sandu will call his ancient friends (Brethren) to help him protect Adalasia, as they must travel to discover why his memory is lost, and find out the truth of why the demons are trying to capture Adalasia. 

Dark Tarot was somewhat different, with Feehan laying the groundwork for possibly the 4 ancients to find their Lifemates, as well as protect the other remaining portal gates from opening in Hell.  I really loved all the ancients working with Sandu, and how they became so close to Adalasia, as well as the banter between them, as they travel during their journey.  Another wonderful aspect of this story was the many visits by Sandu, Adalasia and guardians to gain information about Sandu’s past, as they travel to various parts of the world to meet with many of our favorites (Lucian, Jaxson, Gabriel, Francesca, Dominic, Solange, Dax, Luiz, etc) and we get to see how they are settled in their lives.  Wonderful addition.

Along the way, with some of our previous heroes helping, danger escalates as the demons and creatures are always a step behind them.  I will not give out any spoilers, as this book needs to be read from start to finish.  There is an amazing rescue, that has us holding our breaths.  

As noted earlier, this book seems to be a change, that will allow the remaining ancients to get their story told, since there are other gates to protect and maybe find their lifemates.  Based on this story line, we hope to see the continuation of more gates into hell being guarded by each of the four warriors (Benedek, Nicu, Petru, & Siv)), and the demon-killing women (Lifemates?).

Dark Tarot was an exciting, tense and fun story, with a fantastic couple in Adalasia and Sandu, as well as wonderful secondary characters.  Dark Tarot was very well written by Christine Feehan.  If you are a Dark/Carpathian fan, you need to read this book.



Exclusive excerpt courtesy of Berkley/Penguin/Random House



Sandu wrapped his fingers around hers and obediently followed her lead, making certain his much larger body was between hers and the front door of the shop. His woman had a lot to tell him. She didn’t want to reveal her secrets, and he was reluctant to take them from her, something that would be easy enough to do if she persisted in refusing to share details with him. He wanted her trust, and trust had to be earned.
Adalasia moved quickly between the heavy cases in the antique store, opening an ornate door to a back room. There was confidence in her step. The moment Sandu had closed that door, she picked up the pace, rushing now toward the exit leading outside.
“Wait,” Sandu caught at her waist, halting her. “Someone is out there. They expected you to make a run for it.” He set her to one side to listen, scanning the alley. “One man, standing just to the side of the stairs. You stay behind me, Adalasia.”
She bent, drawing her skirt up to reveal soft boots and then the bare skin of a shapely leg. Up higher, on her thigh, she wore a leather harness. She drew a wicked looking knife from the scabbard and concealed the blade against her inner wrist. “Go,” she whispered, glancing back toward the front of the store.
He opened the door and was out, moving with blurring speed, straight at the man waiting for Adalasia to emerge. The watcher held a gun in his hand. He looked to be somewhere between thirty-five and just under forty. Olive-complected, he was a handsome man with dark hair and eyes. Reading his intent, it wasn’t to murder Adalasia, but to kidnap her for some purpose Sandu didn’t have the time in that second to pull out of the man’s mind.
Sandu hit him hard, at the last moment remembering to use the strength of a human. A strong human. Very strong. At the same time, he reached for the weapon, easily took it from the assailant, turned and caught up with Adalasia as the man crumpled to the ground. She gave a muffled little cry as she sidestepped the body. He groaned and writhed, tried to rise and fell again.
Adalasia took the lead again, nearly running along the back alley, turning a corner and once left and then right, circling back around to the store, Sandu pacing right behind her.
“Where are you going?”
“I have to get home.”
She wasn’t in the least out of breath, which told him she was in very good shape.
There had been an apartment over the antique store. Sandu considered that she lived there. When she caught up a ladder and went up it fast and was on the roof, he was certain he was right. He followed her up.
“You realize, they’ll go looking for you there.”
She sent him a quick look over her shoulder as she hurried across the rooftop, running, crouching low as she did. Sandu cloaked them just in case, as well as muffled the sound of their footsteps.
“I’m not going to stay there. I have some things I have to get before I leave.”
She was sure-footed. She’d made this run before multiple times. It was very dark. The sliver of moon didn’t throw much light, and yet she avoided the two large fans and knew exactly when to leap from one building to the next without even slowing down. Adalasia had clearly practiced for just such an event.
She was at a window, crouched low, peering in. Sandu towered over her. “Let me,” he said gently and moved her aside. He wasn’t asking, but he thought it was better to keep orders to a minimum and, the ones he gave, do his best not to make them sound like commands. In his world, he was always obeyed. She didn’t look the obedient type.
“You do realize we’re still connected. My mind and your mind. I can catch little snippets of your thoughts,” she informed him. She sounded amused. “You’re definitely the bossy type. I got that right away.”
Heat blossomed low and wicked in his belly, like a tight fist. At the same time, a deep well of laughter came out of nowhere. He had forgotten laughter. Real laughter. The kind that could rush through one’s body with joy and elation. His lifemate.From DARK TAROT published by arrangement with Berkley, an imprint of Penguin Random House LLC. Copyright © 2021 by Christine Feehan.


Christine Feehan is a #1 New York Times bestselling author multiple times over with her portfolio including over 90 published novels, including five series; Dark Series, Ghostwalker Series, Leopard Series, Drake Sisters Series, the Sisters of the Heart Series, Torpedo Ink and Shadow Riders. All of her series have hit the #1 spot on the New York Times bestselling list as well. Her debut novel Dark Prince received 3 of the 9 Paranormal Excellence Awards in Romantic Literature (PEARL) in 1999. Since then she has been published by various publishing houses including Leisure Books, Pocket Books, and currently is writing for Berkley/Jove. She also has earned 7 more PEARL awards since Dark Prince.

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The Explorer Baroness by Julia Justiss-Review & Giveaway

The Explorer Baroness by Julia Justiss-Review & Giveaway / / B&N / KOBO / Chapters Indigo / Google Play /

ABOUT THE BOOK: Release Date October 26, 2021

He’s the wealthiest nobleman

She’s a risk to his reputation!

Gregory Lattimer is well aware Charis Dunnfield is not the Society bride this Baron’s son needs to restore his family’s tarnished reputation. She is scandalising the ton – living mostly in Constantinople and running her father’s antiquities business! Gregory must settle for her friendship instead – and her help vetting other potential brides for him – until she voyages East again. But will any deb match up to Charis?


REVIEW:  Gregory Lattimer is eldest son of Baron Vraux, and he’s taken of the family reigns as Baron. His father is still very much alive, but has given up the Barony to pursue his love of artefacts.

Meeting the lovely Charis Dunnfield whilst clearing debts run up by his father, has Gregory at somewhat of a quandary! He’s totally enamoured with the miss, but she’s not the right kind of lady this Baron needs to socialize with, let alone think of courting!

Charis doesn’t worry what the social gossips thinks of her. She happier helping her father run his antiques business anyway! But meeting Gregory has her thinking she could be a little more lady like! But it’s too late anyway.

Friendship is better than nothing right? Well Gregory is totally in the “friend zone” and has to endure as more “suitable” ladies are sent his way to be vetted as the next Baroness!

Third book in this historical romance series, and I like this one the best. It’s easily read without the other two. Nicely written, plot easy to follow, low on angst and two characters you wanted to like and you do. Gregory is not a rake or a rogue, and hard working chap who has taken on the family name and mantle to give his father the chance to enjoy his “hobby”. Charis although a little self centred is a pretty decent young lady. There is a slow-slow-slow burn to this romance, but the plot carries it along quiet nicely, and as I’ve read this author a few time now, I wasn’t expecting fireworks.

So will Gregory and Charis remain friends? Will he watch as she sails away? Or will he grab what he so desperately desires?

Copy supplied for review

? Reviewed by Julie B

Award-winning historical romance author Julia Justiss has written more than thirty-five novels and novellas set in the English Regency and the Texas Hill Country.

A voracious reader who began jotting down plot ideas for Nancy Drew novels in her third grade spiral, Julia has published poetry and worked as a business journalist.

She and her husband live in East Texas, where she continues to craft the stories she loves. Check her website for details about her books, chat with her on social media, and follow her on Bookbub and Amazon to receive notices about her latest releases. For special subscriber giveaways, discounted books, character sketches and more, sign up for her newsletter at:
Amazon Author:

Julia Justiss  is graciously offering an ecopy of THE EXPLORER BARONESS to TWO lucky commenters at The Reading Cafe.

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9. Giveaway is open internationally

10. Giveaway runs from November 5-10, 2021


The Christmas Village by Annie Rains-Review & Giveaway

The Christmas Village (Somerset Lake 2) by Annie Rains-Review & Giveaway / / B&N / KOBO / Chapters Indigo / Google Play /

ABOUT THE BOOK: Release Date October 12, 2021

Lucy Hannigan has inherited her mother’s bulldog, Bella, and her childhood home, the only pink house on Gingerbread Lane. With the holidays coming up, the pressure is on to decorate the house for the annual lights competition and maintain her parent’s winning streak. But Lucy already has her hands full as a midwife and a new landlord-to her ex-fiance.

When Miles Bruno is suddenly asked to move out of his rental home, he’s grateful to Lucy for taking him on as a tenant. But their broken-off engagement doesn’t make it easy to live next door. Sparks still fly between them, and he’d give anything to get back in Lucy’s good graces. But to do that will take much more than just tree trimming and house decorating and contest winning. Will one wildly grand romantic gesture on Christmas Eve finally soften her heart?


REVIEW:THE CHRISTMAS VILLAGE is the second instalment in Annie Rains contemporary, adult SOMERSET LAKE sweet romance series-a spin off from the the author’s SWEETWATER SPRINGS series. This is Sheriff Miles Bruno, and midwife/nurse Lucy Hannigan’s story line. THE CHRISTMAS VILLAGE can be read as a stand alone without any difficulty. Any important information from the previous story line is revealed where necessary.

Told from dual third person perspectives (Miles and Lucy) THE CHRISTMAS VILLAGE follows the rebuilding romance and relationship between Sheriff Miles Bruno, and midwife/nurse Lucy Hannigan. Ten years earlier, couple Miles and Lucy had their entire future ahead of them but Miles broke Lucy’s heart, and in the interim watched as Lucy lost the people she loved. Fast forward to present day wherein Lucy finds herself in financial trouble following the death of her mother, and the numerous unpaid bills that are due before the end of the year. Meanwhile, Sheriff Miles Bruno is about to be homeless, and his only option is to rent an apartment from the woman he once loved bringing him up close and personal with memories from the past. With the approach of the Christmas holidays, Miles offers to help Lucy set up the Hannigan annual Christmas display, a display that Lucy is hoping to enter in the Somerset Lake holiday contest but all is not well in the small town of Somerset Lake, as a vandal has set their sights on the destruction of holiday cheer. What ensues is the second chance romance and relationship between Lucy and Miles, and the potential fall-out as Lucy is unable to let go of the past, taking her frustrations and anger out on the man she still loves.

The relationship between Lucy and Miles is one of second chances; a rekindling romance between two people torn apart by betrayal, ego, heart break and perception. While Miles reconsiders everything that happened in the past, Lucy is unable to move forward. There are no $ex scenes; the romance is limited.

There is a large ensemble cast of secondary and supporting characters many of whom refuse to leave well enough alone. The small-town mentality and nosy ‘butinskies’ threaten to destroy a relationship that is already struggling with too many painful reminders.

THE CHRISTMAS VILLAGE is a story of love, loss and second chances. The premise is cute and engaging; the characters are animated; the romance is mostly implied.

Click HERE for Sandy’s review of book one THE SUMMER COTTAGE

Copy supplied by Netgalley

Reviewed by Sandy

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Annie Rains is a contemporary romance author who writes small town love stories set in fictional towns on the coast of North Carolina. Raised in one of America’s largest military communities, Annie often features heroes who fight for their countries, while also fighting for a place to call home and a good woman to love. When Annie isn’t writing, she’s spending time with her husband and 3 children, or reading a book by one of her favorite authors.

Annie Rain’s publisher (Forever Romance) is graciously offering a paper copy of  THE CHRISTMAS VILLAGE  to TWO lucky commenters at The Reading Cafe.

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9. Giveaway open to USA and CANADA only

10. Giveaway runs from October 12-15, 2021


Mile High With a Vampire by Lynsay Sands-Review,Excerpt& Giveaway

Mile High with a Vampire by Lynsay Sands-Review, Excerpt & Giveaway


Mile High With a Vampire
Argeneau 33
by Lynsay Sands
Release Date: September 28, 2021
Genre: adult, contemporary, paranormal, romance / / B&N / KOBO / Chapters Indigo / Google Play /

ABOUT THE BOOK:Release Date September 28, 2021.

Jet Lassiter likes being a pilot for Argeneau Inc. Perks included travelling to exotic locations and meeting interesting people, even if they are the blood-sucking kind. He’s living the good life, until his plane goes down in the mountains and four of his passengers are gravely injured. They need blood to heal… and Jet is the only source.

Quinn Peters never wanted to be immortal. Once a renowned heart surgeon, she was turned against her will and now she has to drink blood to survive. Before she can ask how her “life” can get any worse, she’s in a plane crash. One of the few survivors, Quinn is desperate to get the mortal pilot to safety before her fellow immortals succumb to their blood lust and drain Jet dry.

But hungry vampires are the least of their worries—the crash wasn’t an accident, and someone is trying to kill Quinn. Will she and Jet find their happily ever after as life mates, or will her assassin find her first?


REVIEW: Mile High with a Vampire begins with Quinn Peters asleep on a flight aboard an Argeneau jet. She awakens to loud noises and debris flying everywhere. The next thing she sees is the ground rushing up to meet them and a gaping hole in the side of the plane. She hears an engine start and then the plane leveled out as it tore through the woods and slammed to an abrupt stop. Thankful to be alive, she speaks with another who is on the plane, and they check on the ones still aboard.

Jet Lassiter comes to and sees that the plane is on the ground, but also sees that his friend and mentor had been killed on impact. Jeff Miller had been a great pilot and Jet would miss him terribly. The next thing he saw was a “she-pire” (why in the world would an Argeneau employee ever use that word???) approaching Jeff and he yells at her to get away from him. When Quinn turns toward him, he immediately recognizes her and knows a little bit of her story. If he were being honest with himself, she had starred in a fantasy or two of his, but first things first………. they must get away from the wreckage before the other immortals who were horribly injured in the crash come to and look for the only thing that can help them: blood. Even though Quinn was immortal, Jet wasn’t, and she knew she’d never be able to keep them off him.

Quinn and Jet put as much distance as possible between themselves, the wreckage and the three immortals who were bound to be coming after them. As they navigate the forest around them, they are both aware they are running out of time. They eventually make it to an outpost of sorts that has a small crew of people working there. To say they have their work cut out for them trying to secure the facility, its people and themselves is an understatement. They do what they can until the calvary arrives. What neither of them expected was the pull they have towards each other. However, once they are taken to the enforcer house, things begin to make more sense, even though they both resist at first.

Mile High with a Vampire is a nice addition to the series. I really liked Quinn and Jet’s character development. I just wish there had been more conversation and less of them with their own thoughts. Quinn’s backstory ends up having a lot more layers than we initially learned of in a previous book. The chemistry between Quinn and Jet started slow but soon blossomed into what you expect from Sands. I always love getting to see the characters we’ve come to know and love over the last thirty-two books (this being the thirty-third). If you’re a fan of the genre and a fan of Sands, you’ll certainly enjoy this one! Well done, Lynsay Sands! Very well done!

Copy supplied for review

Reviewed by Vickie

“Do you?”

Quinn blinked her thoughts away at that question and peered up at Jet blankly, wondering when he’d moved in front of her. She could feel the heat of his body, he was so close.

“Do I what?” she asked with confusion.

“Like me?” he asked with amusement, and when she flushed and started to lower her head, Jet caught her chin with one finger and raised it back up, not letting her escape. “Come now. Be fair. You can read my mind so you know that I think you’re incredibly beautiful and have been crazy stupid attracted to you ever since I flew you, Marguerite, and Julius to Toronto from Albany four years ago.”

Quinn’s eyes widened at that news, because she hadn’t read his mind and hadn’t known that. She hadn’t even known he’d been her pilot before this flight.

“Surely you can at least tell me if you find me even a little attractive and might like me the teensiest bit?”

LYNSAY SANDS is the nationally bestselling author of the Argeneau/Rogue Hunter vampire series, as well as numerous historicals and anthologies. She’s been writing stories since grade school and considers herself incredibly lucky to be able to make a career out of it. Her hope is that readers can get away from their everyday stress through her stories, and if there’s occasional uncontrollable fits of laughter, that’s just a big bonus. Please visit her on the web at

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Lynsay Sands’ publisher (Harper Collins/Avon Imprint)  is graciously offering a paper copy of  MILE HIGH WITH A VAMPIRE to ONE (1) lucky commenter at The Reading Cafe.

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9. Giveaway is open to US only

10. Giveaway runs from September 30-October 5, 2021


The Sound of Violet by Allen Wolf-Review & Giveaway

The Sound of Violet by Allen Wolf-Review & Giveaway

by Allen Wolf
Release Date: September 21, 2021
Genre: adult, contemporary, romance / / / / B&N / KOBO / Chapters Indigo /

Desperate to find his soulmate, Shawn goes on one awkward date after another until he encounters the alluring Violet. He starts dating her, but his autism keeps him from realizing that she’s actually a prostitute.

Shawn thinks he’s found a possible wife while Violet thinks she’s discovered her ticket to a brand new life. This hilarious and dramatic award-winning story takes all kinds of twists and turns and has been adapted into a major motion picture.


REVIEW:THE SOUND OF VIOLET is a contemporary, adult, stand alone story focusing on twenty-four year old computer programmer Shawn Lambent, and prostitute Violet ‘Olivia’ Black.

WARNING: Due to the nature of the story line premise there may be triggers for more sensitive readers.

Told from dual third person perspectives (Shawn and Violet) THE SOUND OF VIOLET focuses on one man’s desire for love and to be loved. Twenty-four year old, computer programmer Shawn Lambent, is a young man on the autism spectrum, who ‘sees’ sounds in color. Shawn Lambent develops apps for a dating website, and wishes to one day find his own happily ever after. Meeting Violet Black gives Shawn a hope for the future but Shawn is unaware of Violet’s lifestyle, a lifestyle of which she struggles to leave. As Shawn quickly falls for Violet Black not all is well in Violet’s life, and our heroine must battle the man in charge. What ensues is the building relationship between Shawn and Violet, and the potential fall-out as Violet’s life begins to spiral out of control.

Shawn Lambent wants to find love. Having lived with his aging and ailing grandmother most of his life, Shawn fears one day, living alone, and in this, actively searches for someone to love. As a high functioning young man with autism, Shawn struggles with some of the basic day to day life skills, skills that come easy for the average person. Violet Black is a victim who has found herself in a precarious situation. Struggling to get herself free, Violet knows that her life is no longer under her control. ‘Dating’ Shawn Lambent, Violet sees a way out of her life but getting out will be dangerous for everyone involved.

The relationship between Shawn and Violet is predicated on a series of lies. Shawn has no idea that he has fallen in love with a prostitute, and Violet is reluctant to reveal the truth believing she has found an easy mark.

The secondary and supporting characters are colorful and energetic, reflecting the overall feel of the story line message. We are introduced to Shawn’s grandmother, and his brother Colin, both desperate to protect our story line hero; Violet’s fellow prostitutes Aleesha and Natasha who are caught in a vicious cycle, their pimp Anton; as well as Shawn’s co-workers Tammy and Flynn, and their boss Jake.

THE SOUND OF VIOLET is labelled hilarious and dramatic but I struggled to find anything funny or ‘hilarious’ about the story line content. Allen Wolf addresses autism, discrimination, sexual trafficking, abuse, power and control, and in this the story line is dramatic and intense. There are also several references to religion and religious beliefs, sometimes quoting bible verses in times of stress. As the book has been adapted into a major motion picture, perhaps the tone of the ‘film version’ plays out differently than the book. The premise is imaginative and spirited but often reads like a movie script.

Copy supplied by the publisher

Reviewed by Sandy

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Allen Wolf is an award-winning novelist, filmmaker, and game creator. He is also the host of the popular Navigating Hollywood podcast.

His debut novel “The Sound of Violet” has won multiple accolades and is described as “Entertaining, well-paced, and highly visual” by Kirkus Reviews. It is now a major motion picture. (

He has won 39 awards for his games that are available as books, including You’re Pulling My Leg! and You’re Pulling My Leg! Junior. They’ve brought smiles to hundreds of thousands of people around the world.

As a filmmaker, Allen wrote, directed, and produced “In My Sleep,” which was released worldwide, won multiple film festivals, and is available on iTunes and Amazon Prime. Hollywood Reporter raved, “In My Sleep never rests, a credit to the tight, psychologically astute pacing of filmmaker Wolf.”

Allen graduated from New York University’s film school. He married his Persian princess, and they are raising two kids together. He enjoys traveling around the world and hearing other people’s life stories. Allen also cherishes spending time with his family, eating chocolate, and visiting Disneyland.

Allen Wolf’s publisher (Morning Star Publishing) is graciously offering a signed,  paper copy of  THE SOUND OF VIOLET to ONE (1) lucky commenters at The Reading Cafe.

1. If you have not previously registered at The Reading Cafe, please register by using the log-in at the top of the page (side bar) or by using one of the social log-ins.

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9. Giveaway open to USA only

10. Giveaway runs from September 20-24, 2021
