Heather McCorkle-Interview with the Author

Heather McCorkle-The Indelibles
The Reading Cafe has had the opportunity to read and review some of the Young Adult novels written by the members of the Indie website -THE INDELIBLES. Please welcome Heather McCorkle and her May 2012 release To Ride a Puca.

TRC: Hi Heather and welcome to The Reading Café. We would like to start with some background information. Would you please tell us about yourself?
Heather: I love all things fantasy and sci-fi, as you can probably tell by my novels. 🙂 I’m a huge supporter of other authors, both in my online communities and in buying as many books as my budget allows each month. Outside of writing I love all things~well outside! The outdoors is my favorite place to be.
TRC: What or who inspired you to publish your first novel?
Heather: Actually one of the editors of Simon Pulse did. I was agented at the time and my agent sent my novel to her. She loved it, thought it had the potential to be huge in fact, but had to pass because her list for paranormal novels was full. More followed from other houses with similar reasons for passing. I knew right then that my novel deserved the chance.
TRC: Do you have a specific writing style?
Heather: I do. Third person past tense is my style of choice, though I’m working on branching out.
TRC: You are a member of the INDELIBLES website for Indie authors. How has your experience with the INDELIBLES helped with the publication of your novels?
Heather: More than I could ever say. The Indelibles are fantastic ladies and the most generous resource one could ever hope to tap.
TRC: What have been some of the challenges you have faced as an Indie author?
Heather: I ‘ve been through two agents (the last parting ways because of the failing/changing market) and my steps have faltered a bit here and there. I will not name names, but I will say, to others who are thinking of going indie, stay as FAR as you possibly can away from vanity publishers (those who charge for services). Trust me, you don’t need them and you’re better off without them.
TRC: TO RIDE A PUCA is your latest release. Will you please tell us about the premise of this storyline? (see review below)
Heather: Imagine if Braveheart and Brave (the new Disney movie) were meshed together and took place in Ireland instead of Scotland. Then you’d have To Ride A Puca. It’s a tale about a girl who is one of the last of the druids in ancient Ireland, trying to survive and hold onto her home.
TRC: What were some of the research challenges involved with the premise of TO RIDE A PUCA e.g. Druid culture?
Heather: It takes place around 1160 A.D. which isn’t a much recorded time in history. Plus, history is written by conquerors and therefore a lot about the ancient Irish has been expunged. There is a bit on druid culture though because they inhabited far more than Ireland.
TRC: Did you learn anything from writing this particular storyline?
Heather: To write from my heart. In doing so I discovered the most amazing and powerful kind of writing. I will never go back to writing any other way.
TRC: Many authors bounce ideas between family, friends and other authors. Which do you bounce ideas off of?
Heather: All of the above! I talk through my novels to my hubby, and my friends (many of which are authors). That’s how I get over writer’s block.
TRC: On what are you currently working?
Heather: I’m editing the last novel in the channeler series (first of which is The Secret Of Spruce Knoll, second of which is Channeler’s Choice) and I’m drafting a historical fantasy about the Irish indentured servants. But ssshhhh! No one knows about that yet. 😉
TRC: Would you like to add anything else?
Heather: Only that if you read and enjoy To Ride A Puca please tell others or spread the word in any way you can. Word of mouth is the most powerful thing in the world. And I will be eternally grateful and send you boatloads of virtual chocolate. 😉
Favorite Food Ice Cream.
Favorite Dessert Ice Cream.
Favorite Movie War Horse, Braveheart, Wolverine, Firefly, Brave, Lord Of The Rings, and so many more!
Favorite TV Show Supernatural.
Last Movie You Saw The Hunger Games.
Dark or Milk Chocolate Dark if I must choose.
Do you have any pets? Two cats (one psychotic the other neurotic. No those are not their names. 😉 and two horses.
TRC: The Reading Café would like to thank you for taking the time to answer our questions. We wish you all the best with your writing career. WE wish all of the members of the INDELIBLES much success.