The Scoundrel of Drury Lane by Lauren Smith – a Review

The Scoundrel of Drury Lane by Lauren Smith – a Review


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He was falsely accused and sentenced to die…

At nineteen, Christopher “Kit” Hollingsworth is spared the noose but sentenced to serve seven years in Australia as a convict. The men who betrayed him have plans to make sure he never returns to England. But Kit’s strong will and thirst for vengeance ensure his survival.

Seven long years later, he returns to London but he’s forever changed. Gone is the innocent, handsome young lad he’d been. Now Kit is a towering, muscular man of twenty-six with scars inside and out. He wants England to see the new him, the man who lost his soul, and he wants the three men who destroyed his life to forfeit theirs. The only light in his dark night is a beautiful, innocent young woman who paints the sets at the Drury Lane theater. 

There’s just one problem…she’s the daughter of one of the men who sent him to prison.





The Scoundrel of Drury Lane by Lauren Smith is a Regency romance. I do love a period romance, and I absolutely love this author. So when a new book appears it’s an instant read for me. 

It’s the seventh book in this series. It’s also a spinoff for a new series “The Rogues of Devil’s square.” So technically it’s book one ? it stands in its own, so no need to read the previous books. And as the other books are by different authors I’m assuming the author tends to take this book and turn it into a new series ? 

Kit was sent to Australia as a convict! Why? Well I’d tell you, but it would spoil the book, so you’ll have to find out for yourself ? 

He plans to hunt and take his revenge on the men that sent him to hell. They never expected him to return. But he did, and Kit is going to make them pay with the help of his friends (which sets up the next couple of books ?) his first task is to locate the men that betrayed him, and his friends are already on the task. Feeding him information gives Kit the feeling that his friends hadn’t forgotten him, and were going to exact revenge on his behalf. He is upset and angry that his first target has died! But finds out he had a daughter, Kit plans to make the woman give him the money stolen from him, and sets about making plans…..

It does remind me a little of the Count of Monte Cristo books. 

Suzannah isn’t your usual young lady, rich parents?  (in the past they were rather well off, now? Not so much) She’s use to getting her haves dirty and mucking in to help out. She’s also first to help someone out. 

Meeting Suzannah throws Kit into a conundrum! He’s smitten with the young woman, and can’t work out why she’s living a frugal life! She should be living in splendour, but no matter, he wants answers and his money! Suzannah is rather perplexed! This man claims her father stole his life and money!! 

The romance is the usual slow burn, but after reading so many instant love/lust books, it’s nice to read a buildup ? then we have the betrayal!! ? will Kit be able to look past at the turn of events with Suzannah? Or will his past dictate his future, and ruin the best thing that has ever happens to him?

The supporting characters were great, loved how Kit’s friends were still loyal and working in the background to find evidence of his innocence.

Another highly recommended read for anyone who loves a historical story with a little mystery thrown in for good measure. 

Reviewed by Julie

Copy supplied for Review
