Homeland Insecurity by Shawn M Warner-review

Homeland Insecurity (The Langley Irregulars 1) by Shawn M Warner-review

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ABOUT THE BOOK: Release Date June 4, 2024

Secret agents are all Jack and his friends ever wanted to be. Spy adventures were the movies they watched, the books they read, even the games they played.

Playtime is over!

Kelly, a political refugee and friend of Jack’s sister is targeted for revenge by the man her father sent to prison. Armed with nothing but heroic courage and skills born from their childhood dreams, Jack and his friends fight a battle against an enemy who will stop at nothing to get what he wants. If Jack is to survive, he and his friends must work as a team and even then, winning comes at a terrible price.


REVIEW: This isn’t my usual read. But I was going on holiday, so I thought I’d try it out….

I did like the profiles of the characters at the front of the book, and I did pop back several times to check them out as they appeared in the book. I also really liked the camaraderie between them.

Phil/Peter/Collin and Jack were a blend of personalities that worked well together. So when Jack finds out that a friend of his sisters is being bullied, he rallies the troops and takes a stand. But you have to wonder if they’ve bitten off more than they can handle? Someone wanting revenge on Kelly’s father (he’d been sent to prison and now they want to settle a score!)

Great characters, well thought out and the plot although a little used, was given a new slant. It’s a teen book, it’s not that dark, but it certainly gave a few authors that write this genre a run for their money. It had something that was childlike, but also quiet grown up, I mean who takes on people that would 💀you and not think twice, and doing this as a teen (ok your a teen until nineteen)

It certainly wasn’t Nancy Drew/ Famous Five and the Secret Seven (all classics in my generation,) now readers want more of an edge and less innocent times!

It’s a YA book, but I’d happily watch this at the cinema (as long as it stayed true to the book.) I could not put it down until the last page. Definitely a book I’d read again on holiday.

It’s a fast paced, action and adventure story. Lots going on, a few twists thrown in for good measure.

Highly recommended if you’re a fan of Percy Jackson/Harry Potter/Inheritance Games. I did think of a younger James Bond at one point 😆

Copy supplied for review

Reviewed by Julie B 🦋

Shawn’s an adventure lover whose wildest and most rewarding journey is being a husband and father — followed closely by inventing Young Adult characters and concocting outlandish adventures for them.

In Homeland Insecurity, a fast-paced action-adventure, Shawn crafted a tale readers will fall in love with. Leigh Howard and the Ghosts of Simmons-Pierce Manor, his debut, became Amazon’s #1 Best Seller around the globe and is available in multiple languages as well as on audio


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