Huckleberry Lake by Catherine Anderson – Review & Giveaway

Huckleberry Lake by Catherine Anderson – Review & Giveaway



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Erin De Laney came to Mystic Creek hoping that the slower pace might rekindle her enthusiasm for law enforcement. Instead she feels as frustrated as she did in the city and when her disillusionment with the job increases, she takes a position on her uncle’s ranch.

Her life has enough complications without her attraction to handsome, deaf cowboy, Wyatt Fitzgerald, the foreman on the ranch. Wyatt has sworn off dating, and Erin fears that nothing she does will ever change his mind. Yet while working with an abused horse under Wyatt’s guidance, Erin comes to better understand herself. She also learns that love can heal almost anything.

Wyatt yearns to take Erin into his arms, but he’s hesitant to pursue a romantic relationship. When their work sends them out alone together into a wilderness area, Wyatt is even more determined to hold Erin at arm’s length.

But out of their time alone together on the mountain blossoms a chance for a once-in-a-lifetime love if only he’s willing to give her his heart and make her his.




Huckleberry Lake by Catherine Anderson is the 6th book in her Mystic Creek series.  Each one of the books in this series usually centers on two couples; one being the main couple and the other playing a smaller but nice part.    In Huckleberry Lake, the main couple was Erin and Wyatt, whom we met in the previous book, which had left the storyline open about them. 

Erin was a new cop, who was also the niece of Slade (last book hero), and she truly was not happy in her job.  Wyatt, is the lead foreman on Slade’s ranch, and is deaf.   Erin has been trying to get Wyatt to pay attention to her attraction to him, but to no avail.  What she doesn’t know is that Wyatt, due to something in his past, has sworn off any relationship with woman.  Wyatt goes out of his way to tell Erin to stop flirting with him, as he is not interested. 

Wyatt’s brother Kennedy will rescue a girl from an attack from her former boyfriend, and in a short time after the girl is attacked again, Erin decides she cannot handle working for law enforcement.  She goes to her uncle and decides she would love to work on the ranch.  Of course, once she starts to work there, she learns that Wyatt will be her boss.   Erin gets discouraged, as she tries to work hard at a frenetic pace, which has Wyatt and Slade warning her to slow down and learn about safety; but Erin had a rough childhood, with a father that was never satisfied, and decided perhaps she needed to walk away.  Will Erin give up and leave the ranch, or find a way to get past her tough young years and learn to work with everyone?

The other couple, who also has a part of this story is Erin’s best friend, Julie, and Blackie, who is 20 years older.  There chemistry was very good, and I did like their story line. 

What follows is a nice romance about a couple who knew they were meant for each other, but unable to get past their issues.  I loved the part where Erin learned to deal with a troubled horse, and train him to trust her.  I also loved Wyatt’s dog Domino and of course, the cub bear Four Toes (who was part of the previous book). 

I did like Erin and Wyatt, but both had their own issues that blocked any relationship.  It took almost to the end of the book, for at least Wyatt to open his eyes.  Erin earlier began to rise up beyond her issues with her father, and I really liked seeing her change.  She showed Wyatt how much she cared for him, and knew it would be difficult for him to allow his feelings for her change his determination to never become involved.   That alone throughout the book did cut the chemistry between them.  It was nice when Erin pushed enough to make him realize that with her, he did not need to protect her.  

Huckleberry Lake was a great story and emotional, as well as very well written by Catherine Anderson.   I suggest if you have not read the Mystic Creek series, you need to do so soon and start with the first book.

Reviewed by Barb

Copy provided by Publisher


Catherine’s publisher, Berkley, is offering a paper copy of HUCKLEBERRY LAKE to ONE (1) lucky commenter at The Reading Cafe

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7. Giveaway is open to USA only

8. Giveaway runs from December 31 – January 4, 2020


