Hellhound by Kaylie Austen-A Review and Interview with the Author

Hellhound by Kaylie Austen-A Review and Interview with the Author


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HELLHOUND by Kaylie Austen

ABOUT THE BOOK: Release Date May 1, 2013

Selene is the Hellhound, a powerful and ruthless descendant of the Greek gods. She is bound by tradition and tied by bloodlines to lead her people against the mortals. Although she is arranged to marry Nathanial, she falls for Demetrius, the self-professed Black Angel, and things take a bitter twist. When she stumbles across the corpses of her father and Nathanial, all eyes move in on Demetrius. Selene must take the assignment to hunt down her accused lover. Facing the untrustworthy cerebral chamber, powerful shape-shifting sentinels, superhuman archers, and a deceitful Council, the Hellhound must work quickly to uncover the truth before she is forced to annihilate her lover


REVIEW: HELLHOUND is the first storyline in Kaylie Austen’s new series focusing on the fantasy world of the Mythian. There are shapeshifters, Hellhound, Black Angel and a cerebral chamber where the truth, as seen by the mind’s eye, can always be revealed. The political infighting is rife with deceit, betrayal, nepotism and the Council of Elders whose need to rule by power and intimidation are pushing the lower classes towards an uprising of epic proportions.

The world building is intense-so intense that I will try to explain the sociological description and implications.

The story is awash in a hierarchal political system, almost caste like (and Marxist) in structure where those beneath you are considered unworthy or minions. Minions is a term that is used quite frequently (throughout the novel) by those who consider themselves above reproach and in control. The entire societal structure of the Mythian culture reeks of ethnocentrism (whereby one judges all others based on the culture and belief system of one’s own) and in this, the Mythian society believes themselves to be better and more powerful than other species, societies and humans.

There is a definitive sociological and power elite premise at work within the story. The class structure is very Marxist and the relationship between the power elite and the lower class workers is definitely a study in class, status and power. There are arranged marriages and a hierarchy of inherited families (castes), class conflict, inequality, division of labor and of course, because of the powerful ruling elite-a revolt on the horizon.

The caste-like society within HELLHOUND is similar to many South Asian cultures and belief systems. The story is a study in discrimination, prejudice and stereotyping of anyone considered not within the same class. Classes are segregated in domiciles and work levels where the physical distance between the groups is to ensure there is no unnecessary contact or interaction. There were also issues of sex and gender. Selene was either objectified as a female of worth and power, or she was considered second class because of her gender and age. And the women within one particular class were considered nothing more than whores or to be objectified as a vessel for sex.

But I digress. Hellhound is a story about Selene-a young woman who is expected to ascribe (by bloodlines) to the position of ruling royalty of which she wants no part. She is also a woman who is expected to marry into an equally powerful family and bring forth an heir to continue the royal bloodline. Two powerful bloodlines insures the continuation of their supernatural powers and position within society, culture and the Council of Elders. But falling in love with Demetrius-a tracker and a man beneath Selene’s status- is enough to send the power families to war against one another. All too soon Demetrius is accused of killing Selene’s father and her future husband (arranged by the ruling families), and the memories of others could never be wrong. Selene is ordered to hunt for her elusive lover but in doing so she knows, to extract the truth will mean death to Demetrius-one way or another.

The writing is simple. There is no sex (implied only), no graphic or vulgar language but there is some violence and death. Because of the ‘cerebral chamber’ there are many flashbacks from retrieved memories. But I had a few issues of cohesion. Perhaps it was a problem with editing but the story (in several spots) seemed to jump into another scene without a break or build up.

HELLHOUND is an interesting storyline of murder and mystery; of friendship and love. But the relationship aspect of the story was lacking. Because the author chose not to delve into the romance/sex and love issues, the love story fell flat. I did not feel the connection between Selene and Demetrius. I do not need implicit sex scenes to grasp the love between two people, but there was very little to assure me that Demetrius and Selene were truly in love or had ever been intimate and close.

HELLHOUND is also a study in class distinctions, social structure, power and control. I am not sure if many readers will see the same sociological problems as did I, but the story is a definite study in social relations and class and, the struggle of the working class to gain a foothold in society.

Copy supplied by the publicist.

Reviewed by Sandy

Interview beige


KaylieAusten_5TRC: Hi Kaylie and welcome to The Reading Café. Congratulations on the May 2013 release of HELLHOUND.

Kaylie: Thank you, and thanks so much for having me!

TRC: We would like to start with some background information. Would you please tell us something about yourself?

Kaylie: I grew up in Austin, TX., and as it turns out, I’m pretty much what one might expect: I was a UT Longhorn, I love Dr. Pepper and Blue Bell Ice-Cream, and the annual rodeo is the best time of the year. I live in the Pacific Northwest with my husband, am an undercover nerd, and I intend to bring plaid back.

HellhoundTRC: HELLHOUND is your latest release. Would you please tell us something about the premise?

Kaylie: Selene is the Hellhound, a powerful and ruthless descendant of the Greek gods. She’s bound by tradition and tied by bloodlines to lead her people against the mortals. Although she’s arranged to marry Nathanial, she falls for Demetrius, and things take a bitter twist. When she stumbles across the corpses of her father and Nathanial, all eyes move in on Demetrius. Selene must take the assignment to hunt down her accused lover. Facing the untrustworthy cerebral chamber, power shape-shifting sentinels, superhuman archers, and a deceitful Council, the Hellhound must work quickly to uncover the truth before she’s forced to annihilate her lover.

TRC: What was your inspiration behind writing a storyline about a Hellhound rather than writing about another supernatural species?

Kaylie: I’ve always loved Greek mythology. I’ll admit, I starred in the mythology portion of the Latin decathlon in middle school. Those warped, tragic stories stuck. Besides, I was tired of hearing about vampires, werewolves, and elves and didn’t have anything to add to those creatures.

TRC: How many books do you have planned for the series?

Kaylie: So far, just the one, but who knows?

TRC: How thoroughly do you plan out your characters and story before you begin the first draft or do you “fly by the seat of your pants”?

Kaylie: I guess I write the way I live, by the seat of my pants! My characters come to me and they dictate everything. They tell me where to go and how they want to behave and look. After the first hurried draft, I go back and try to make sense of everything and tie loose ends.

TRC: What challenges did you face getting your novel to publication?

Kaylie: Rejections. There were lots! It’s just something every writer has to deal with. Rejections have a purpose, they let you know you’re not hitting the mark. Sometimes it’s subjective and the way the market is heading, which a writer has no control over. Other times, it’s the craft or story itself. When it’s the latter, it’s time to get down to revisions and use those rejections as helpful tidbits toward a better novel.

TRC: Writer’s block is a very real phenomenon for many authors. How do you handle the anxiety and pressure of writer’s block?

Kaylie: I read. When I come across a great story, I think, “Why didn’t I write that!” Usually it starts a spark to another story. Sometimes the spark sets fire to an entire novel, and sometimes it doesn’t. When it comes to writer’s block on a project already in motion, I’ll usually watch something in that genre to get the creative juices flowing.

TRC: With whom do you bounce ideas and storyline suggestions?

Kaylie: Friends, husband, co-workers, fellow authors, anyone who listens. I get the reader side and the writer/professional side.

TRC: If you could change something about yourself personal or professional, what would it be and why?

Kaylie: I would be more out-going. I’m very shy and quiet. I haven’t mastered charm, yet. When I do speak, it’s not small talk, it’s to the point because I speak to people for a reason. Being a little more fluid and a people person would help personally and professionally.

TRC: Who or what has been the biggest influence in your life and why?

Kaylie: My parents. They’ve been there from the beginning and, as parents do, molded me to be the way they wanted me to be and a reflection of them. They’re honest, sweet, hardworking, and still they face injustices that seem to befall the nice ones. I’ve learned a lot from them, and I could learn a lot more.

TRC: Is there a question that you would like to be asked in an interview, but nobody has asked? If so, ask away!

Kaylie: If I could live in a movie/sitcom/book, what would it be, why, and which character would I be. I’ll go ahead and answer that: Jean Grey in the XMen comics. She’s a class 5 mutant, powerful, beautiful, desired, and the Marvel Universe is a place that is both torrid and tragic. Superheros don’t have a happy ending, and maybe I secretly like a little drama.

TRC: What five things would you like to accomplish in the next ten years?

Kaylie: Get an agent. Get a major deal with my dream publisher. Make a bestseller’s list. Finish my degree. Have a baby.

TRC: What are your thoughts on book reviews-good or bad?

Kaylie: Book reviews are subjective, just like reviews on movies. I enjoy reading good ones. They encourage others to read. When there’s a bad review, I think people should keep it nice. As long as reviews are professional, they’re okay. It’s when a person gets into hateful words that leaves a black mark on reading.

TRC: On what are you currently working?

Kaylie: A multicultural new adult contemporary romance. Say that five times fast!


Favorite Food: Chicken crunchy tacos

Favorite Dessert: Chocolate cake

Favorite TV Show: The Big Bang Theory

Last Movie you saw: Iron Man 3

Dark or Milk Chocolate: Milk

TRC: Thank you Kaylie for taking the time to answer our questions. We wish you all the best in your writing career.

Kaylie: Thank you again!


Music for My Soul by Lauren Linwood-A Review and an Interview with the Author

Music for My Soul by Lauren Linwood-A Review and an Interview with the Author

Music for My Soul

Amazon.com / Amazon.ca / Amazon.uk

ABOUT THE BOOK: Release Date May 15, 2013

As the third wife of an abusive French vineyard owner, Madeleine Bouchard hasn’t produced the expected heir after three years of marriage. Fearing he plans to kill her, she flees during a trip to England. Unable to make her way home, she joins a troupe of traveling mummers and reinvents herself as the only woman troubadour in the land, captivating audiences with both song and story.

Nobleman Garrett Montayne’s fascination with Madeleine causes him to pay the troupe to bypass their next stop in order to journey to his estate. Though he suspects Madeleine of being a thief with dark secrets, love blossoms between them under the magical moon of summer solstice.

But Madeleine’s past is about to catch up with her, as her husband is set to arrive to conduct business with Garrett. Madeleine determines to free herself from her loveless marriage and make a new life with Garrett, no matter what the cost.


REVIEW: First just a word of caution, this book is very hard to put down! LOL…

It’s difficult to do this review justice as it’s one of those you have to read to believe how good it is! The story is one of basic old world abuse of wives, only this one escapes and finds the love of her life. It’s actually double that, as the hero has also been abandoned and heartbroken…

Madeleine is a young woman married to a monster. Henri de Picassaret is a vineyard owner and makes champagne. He is wealthy and has had three previous wives who have died. Her father thought he would be a good provider for her, not knowing of his love of “punishing” his wives. But after the marriage Heenri forbade her contact with her family and told her family the break was her idea. He has “punished” her for small failings often and severely. She has many scars on her back and legs from his punishments and even a circular scar on her cheekbone from his signet ring. She walks with a slight limp, due to a broken knee from Henri, when she told him she didn’t think her lack of children was her fault or his previous wives, but his. Madeleine is desperate to escape from Henri because she knows she will not live much longer if he has his way.

Fearing for her life and planning to return to her family, then to spend the rest of her life in a convent so as not to evade her marriage vows, Madeleine escapes via a “sally port”. She has secreted many of the jewels Henri gifted to her, (more for his own reputation than for caring for her) inside the hems of her tunics and skirts to pay for her passage to her family in France and her care at the convent.

Finally escaping to the road, she comes later upon two men riding, and fearing capture or that they were bandits she claims to be the wife of Lord Montayne – who has a reputation so dreadful that no one would touch her lest he come after them. However, since one of the men was Lord Montayne they knew she was lying but went along with her story to see what she was up to. Garrett who called himself “Sir Garrett” to Madeleine and his friend “Sir Ashby” decided to help “Lady Montayne” get to London as they tried to find out who she really was.

Garrett’s wife Lynette had run away about three years before and had never been heard of again, leaving him with a lovely little daughter and a broken heart. Here the story truly begins, though I’ve left enough details out so you will still be surprised and intrigued!
Of course, Garrett begins to fall for lovely Madeleine, who BTW sings like a bird and can tell imaginative and wonderful stories to entertain everyone! A very talented lady who plays the lute (another valuable she brought along – her only real possession). Garrett and Ashby stop at a small house outside of London to repair his horse’s shoe, Madeleine gets the smithy’s wife to help her hide from the men (concocting another story for the smithy’s wife) since she’s afraid to go to London with them because she really isn’t Lady Montayne…

Ok, enough spoilers…this is a marvelous and intricate story of desperation, escape, finding love…also of forgiveness, mystery, danger, and righting old wrongs! The tale is incredibly well told with some humor as well as a building romance. The characters are loveable, some you can hate, and some are comic…a little bit of everything!

Lauren Linwood is a wonderful writer with a fantastic imagination. I hope this is only the beginning of many wonderful tales! Believe me, it’s hard to put this one down, I found myself awake until the wee hours of the morning because I just had to know what was going to happen! This book has it all ladies! Please enjoy this one for yourselves, no regrets!

Copy supplied by the author

Reviewed by Georgianna S.

Interview beige

The Reading Cafe would like to introduce the author behind MUSIC FOR MY SOUL-Lauren Linwood

Lauren LinwoodTRC: Hi Lauren and welcome to The Reading Cafe. We would like to start with some background information.  Would you please tell us something about yourself?

FOLLOW: Website / Goodreads/ Facebook / Twitter

Lauren: I turned my passion for history into a career and taught teenagers for many years, hoping to spark their interest about people in the past and help them connect today with previous yesterdays.

I’m a so-so cook (although I do make a mean tortilla soup) who’s fascinated by MasterChef and The Next Food Network Star. I love to watch historical dramas such as Downton Abbey or The Borgias, yet I also wouldn’t miss Modern Family, White Collar, The Walking Dead, Game of Thrones, or Grey’s Anatomy.

I wish I could be the host for House Hunters on Vacation, eat at least once in one of Gordon Ramsay’s restaurants, and get 8 hours of uninterrupted sleep. Something tells me none of these will ever happen!

TRC: Your bio states you have an interest in the medieval historical period. What about this era draws you in and why?

Lauren: Everything! The politics, culture, war, architecture & art, the Church, the Black Death. It actually spans quite a long period in history. So much happened, and that’s the beauty of writing a story with such a rich backdrop of history to draw from.

Music for My SoulTRC: MUSIC FOR MY SOUL is your May 2013 release in the medieval fiction genre. Would you please tell us something about the premise?

Lauren: As the third wife of an abusive French vineyard owner, Madeleine Bouchard hasn’t produced the expected heir after three years of marriage. Fearing her husband plans to kill her, she flees during a trip to England. Unable to make her way home, she joins a troupe of traveling mummers and reinvents herself as the only woman troubadour in the land, captivating audiences with both song and story.

Nobleman Garrett Montayne’s fascination with Madeleine causes him to pay the troupe to bypass their next stop in order to journey to his estate. Though he suspects Madeleine of being a thief with dark secrets, love blossoms between them under the magical moon of summer solstice.
But Madeleine’s past is about to catch up with her, as her husband is set to arrive to conduct business with Garrett. Madeleine determines to free herself from her loveless marriage and make a new life with Garrett, no matter what the cost.

TRC: How many books do you have planned for the series?

Lauren: I wrote MUSIC FOR MY SOUL to be a stand-alone, yet Garrett’s very charming best friend kept trying to run away with the story! I finally told him if he’d go off to London for part of the book, I promised him he could come back to Stanbury in time to see things resolved, plus I’d write him his own story. I’m hoping my editor at Soul Mate Publishing will be interested in hearing how this flirtatious nobleman has his heart stolen and wants to settle down with his one true love.

TRC: How did you keep your plot of MUSIC FOR MY SOUL unpredictable without sacrificing content or believability especially for a storyline of the medieval genre?

Lauren: Having Madeleine join a troupe of traveling mummers as its troubadour helped somewhat. Being on the road lends itself to unpredictability. When the troupe comes to a faire at Stanbury, the hero’s home, it’s something new and out of the ordinary for his world, so that also changes up what usually happens at a castle. And then I have Madeleine injure herself so that the troupe goes on without her, and she has to think beyond Plan B, C, & D.

TRC: Do the characters talk to you and direct your writing, or do you have complete control over the direction of their story?

Lauren: Oh, I wish I had control over these people! Sometimes it’s like herding cats to get them to do as I wish. I start out with a very general outline, usually a single page with a bullet point list of 15-20 things I want to happen throughout my story. I feel if I get too deeply into an outline, it’ll take the fun out of the writing for me and my characters. I like being surprised!

One example bullet point in MUSIC FOR MY SOUL?

“Madeleine runs away – heads to London.”
Now how she got there – and what happened along the way – simply unfolded as I wrote. I run a movie in my head as I sit at my computer, so my people act and speak while I type furiously to get everything down. At times I try to have them streamline things and take the interstate to their destination. They much prefer getting off on farm-to-market roads and bypasses and meandering awhile, finding new conflicts and dangers that I hadn’t foreseen. They can be quite unpredictable! Eventually, they get back on track – but it’s always on their terms – never mine.

TRC: How thoroughly do you plan out your characters and story before you begin the first draft?

Lauren: I always start with the name of the hero and heroine. Once I have those names, I start visualizing them from their hair length and texture to height and body frames. I dress them, often researching the era online and saving pictures of clothing I think they would wear. Then I sprinkle in character traits. Are they brave? Impatient? Stubborn? After that I give them families, friends, and a back story. Half of this may never make the pages I write, but I have it in mind as I do so.

Once those character sketches are complete (definitely for the hero and heroine, sometimes for the antagonist and a few important secondary characters, but not as full-blown), then I do the brief outline I mentioned. I keep it a bit vague to give me options and let the characters be partners with me throughout the writing journey.

Henry and EmmaTRC: If you could virtually cast the lead characters of Music For my Soul which actors and models would be represent your ideal image?

Lauren: I adore Henry Cavill and think he’d make a terrific Garrett. Emma Stone has the spunk and inventiveness that characterizes Madeleine.

TRC: What challenges (research, historical, etc) did you face writing this particular novel?

Lauren: Research is much easier nowadays with the Internet. I had access to pictures and diagrams and timelines. The hardest part is integrating historical details that will lend an air of verisimilitude and help my readers learn a little about the period while they’re reading without coming across as a dry history lesson or distracting them from my story.

TRC: How do you deal with the stress and anxiety of writing deadlines?

Lauren: Red wine. Yoga. And I walk 4-5 miles almost every day, which is my major stress-buster. I’m actually very organized, so I like knowing my deadline and plan accordingly. Yes, I was that girl in high school who turned her senior research paper in 2 days early. Hey – it was done and I wanted it gone! Of course, everyone in my class hated me as they raced to slap theirs together, but I digress…

TRC: What do you believe is the biggest misconception about yourself?

Lauren: As a debut author, I just want to land on people’s radars! I doubt there are ANY misconceptions about me because people are just learning about who I am.

TRC: If you could become a contestant on one of the reality television shows, on which show would you like to be a participant?

Lauren: I have never missed a single episode of Survivor. I wish I had the smarts, athleticism, and social game to play it … but besides lacking in those areas, I HATE SNAKES!!! And I’m a mosquito magnet. I’d be the first contestant ever evacuated for having so many mosquito bites, I’d be on death’s doorstep.

TRC: On what are you currently working?

Lauren: I’m finishing up a western historical about a heroine who writes dime novels under a man’s pen name. She jilts her groom at the altar (Don’t worry, she didn’t love him!) and runs west to experience what she writes about. She falls for a gambler running from a gunslinger who wants him dead.

I’m also working on final edits for two western historicals coming out soon. OUTLAW MUSE is an October release about a schoolmarm about to hang for murder and the English playwright who stops the execution and takes off with her. Along the way, he finds his muse and proves her innocence. A GAME OF CHANCE comes out in January, and it’s the story of mistaken identity, with twins literally separated at birth. They don’t know the other exists, and the heroine puts two and two together – all while she’s impersonating her own mother! It’s a true story of mistaken identity.

TRC: Would you like to add anything else?

Lauren: Simply that I appreciate The Reading Café for hosting me and helping give MUSIC FOR MY SOUL exposure. Thanks so much!


Favorite Food – dark chocolate, hands down (when seafood is not calling my name)

Favorite Dessert – crème brulee

Favorite TV Show – Game of Thrones

Last Movie You Saw – Now You See Me (as I’m answering – but I’m sure I’ll have seen another half-dozen by the time you’re reading this because I’m mad for movies!)

Dark or Milk Chocolate – the darker, the better

Favorite Flower – tulips

TRC: Thank you Lauren for taking the time to answer our questions.  We wish you all the best in your writing career and congratulations (once again) on
the release of Music for My Soul.


Escaping Reality Blog Tour and Giveaway-INTERVIEW with Lisa Renee Jones

Escaping Reality Blog Tour and Giveaway-INTERVIEW with Lisa Renee Jones



Escaping Reality (The Secret Life of Amy Bensen) #1
by Lisa Renee Jones
Genre: New Adult
Release Date: July 22, 2013



Lisa Renee Jones Photo

TRC: Hi Lisa and welcome back to The Reading Café. Congratulations on a very successful 2013. For anyone who does not know Lisa Renee Jones, would you please tell us a little something about yourself?

FOLLOW: Website / Twitter / Facebook / Goodreads

Lisa: I write full time and live in Colorado. I use to be the CEO of a staffing agency but left that world behind to chase the dream of being a writer.



TRC: Please tell us about LISA’S UNDERGROUND ANGELS?

Lisa: The angels are just that. Angels! This is my street team and I am truly blessed with some very special ladies. I feel like I know many of them and like they are extended family.

TRC: How interactive are you with the Angels?

Lisa: VERY. I love these ladies. I talk with them on a yahoo group daily. I’ve gotten to feel like many are friends who live next door.

Escaping Reality July 2013TRC: ESCAPING REALITY: The Secret Life of Amy Bensen (July 22, 2013) is your latest release and first entry into the world of New Adult fiction. Would you please tell us something about the premise?

Amazon.com / Amazon.ca / Amazon.uk / KOBO / Smashwords / Barnes and Noble

Lisa: This series is much like INSIDE OUT, narrated by the main female character and you live a mystery and a romance through her eyes. This is like that series in that way. It’s very different though. Amy is younger, sheltered in that she is running from something and cannot truly live. Mature in that she has had to survive on her own. Liam Stone is rich and talented and a mix of dominant and gentle at just the right times for Amy’s personality to click with him. He enters Amy’s life and dares her to live and experience passion at a time when the past has come back to haunt her.

Amy is on the run from danger, that I can’t say much about without spoilers. Her family is dead and she isn’t sure who did it, only that they are after her as well. She meets Liam Stone, a protege, prodigy architect who inherited a fortune from his mentor. He makes her feel she isn’t alone but she fears she will drag him into danger as well. And can she really trust him?

And Liam Stone is a bit of a cross between Mark Compton and Chris Merit in INSIDE OUT but very different in his own right. He handles things much different than either of the INSIDE OUT men.

TRC: How many books do you have planned for the series?

Lisa: Three books now. If there are more it will be like INSIDE OUT and feed off secondary characters.

TRC: WITHIN THE FIRE is book two in the series. Would you please tell us something about the premise and do you have an expected date of release?

Lisa: Actually the title has changed to INFINITE POSSIBILITIES. It is book 2 and it picks up at the end of book 1. So I really can’t tell because it’s a spoiler. But at the end of book 1 Amy is determined to find out what happened to her family rather than hiding. As for release date I haven’t set it yet because of some things going on with INSIDE OUT but will very soon. And it won’t be a long wait. I want them out quickly.

TRC: Are any of the characters or experiences based on events in real life? Or are they an amalgamation of many characters and your imagination?

Lisa: Actually it’s set in Denver in the exact area we plan to live and the area we stay at least one weekend a month. Last weekend I was there writing to get the scenes exactly right. I started getting to know Amy about two years ago, jotting notes and plotting, but it was all imagination. Now she feels very real.

The hotel is actually the real hotel I stay in. And I am from Texas:) Oh and there are many places in the Denver neighborhood including the coffee shop Diego proposed in that are in the book.

being Me

TRC: BEING ME is the second installment in your Inside Out Trilogy. Would you please tell us something about the premise?

Amazon.com / Amazon.ca / Barnes and Noble / The Book Depository

Lisa: Being Me is a continuation of If I Were You. It answers many many questions. People will be surprised just how many.

BEING ME picks up the moment after IF I WERE YOU ends and IF I WERE YOU ends with a huge cliffhanger. So all I can say is you will be shocked how many details you get in this book and how many answers. I have a long series plan so I knew I would reveal many things in book 2. There is much more you don’t know about yet to come.

Revealing Us


TRC: REVEALING US (September 2013) is the final installment in the trilogy. Is there anything you can reveal about the storyline?

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Lisa: This is Chris’s book. Being Me was about Sara finding herself. Revealing Us is about Chris letting Sara find him. It has a mystery that leads into a spinoff series and readers will know what that is at the end.



The Master Undone Aug 13

TRC: THE MASTER UNDONE (August 2013) is a story written from ‘the master’s’ POV. Is it an epilogue (of sorts) or does the timeline follow parallel to Rebecca’s Lost Journals novella series?

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Lisa: No. This story takes place the day after BEING ME. It is not past and Rebecca is not part of the story. The Master Undone leads into books 4 and 5 that will be mainly about Mark. You meet a new female named Crystal and you get to see what really goes on in Mark’s head


TRC: What challenges or difficulties (logistical, research etc) did you encounter writing the Inside Out series and novellas?

Inside Out Series 2

Reading Order: Inside Out Series

Inside Out Reading Order

Lisa: They were emotional dark books that pushed my limits. I lived those books sunup to sundown while writing them and the characters became a part of me in a way I have never experienced.

Timelines were critical since there are journals in all of the books.I had to make sure they matched up perfectly. I did a lot of planning to make that happen.Then I couldn’t write with names in the journals or I’d give away things. That was hard.

TRC: If you could virtually cast the main characters in The Inside Out series, which models or actors would be represent your ideal image?

Lisa: Well, I have my dream cast but I am doubtful they are available:) Chris Hemsworth is my Chris. He’s a little busy being THOR darn it! And Alexander Skarsguard was always my Mark and Tru Blood is going strong. For Sara it’s Odette Annablel who many know from the show House.

TRC: When a popular (both writer and reader) series comes to an end, do you go into withdrawal and hope to revisit the series or characters one day? Perhaps with a novella or epilogue storyline?

Lisa: I am in major Chris, Sara, and Mark withdrawal which is why I cannot wait to start book 4. I really have a hard time letting them go. And those who know Tall, Dark and Deadly know Blake Walker. I was so attached I had him show up in BEING ME and REVEALING US .

TRC: If you could change something about yourself personal or professional, what would it be and why?

Lisa: I worry and stress. It is just my nature and I’m thankful my fiancee is the opposite. He brings me down a lot and handles my stress so well he often makes me laugh when I think it is not possible.

TRC: Who is the first person you think about when you need someone to talk with and why?

Lisa: My fiancee. He gets me. He really does. And he really listens.

TRC: Is there a question that you would like to be asked in an interview, but nobody has asked? If so, ask away!

Lisa: No I think you covered them. Great questions!

TRC: What five things would you like to accomplish in the next ten years?

Lisa: Less stress! To travel and enjoy life a little more. I have some careers goals to but the main thing is just to be happy.Life is short.

TRC: What are your thoughts on book reviews-good or bad?

Lisa: Both come with being a writer. You have to take the bad with the good. Over time you get thicker skinned. I only have a problem if I feel someone is personally attacking an author. They know them or whatever. I had someone posting dirty messages and 1 star reviews on one of my books on Barnes and Noble a while back. Like 15 reviews and they would have graphics typed out to look like male body parts or be one bad word and nothing else. All in a matter of hours. Apparently there are kids that play games on there for points and have no care that it effects an authors sales.

Another time on Barnes I had a werewolf release. This same group of gamers all started posting things like “Sheba” and “Wolf wolf” with 5 star reviews. Then people accused me of fluffing my reviews. I guess they were getting points for posting on wolf books for this game.

Both times I got Barnes and Noble to take them off but it took days.

TRC: On what are you currently working?

Lisa: Aside from preparing Amy for Net Galley, I have a novella I’m doing for a NY house I haven’t announced yet, and then straight into book 4 of INSIDE OUT

TRC: Would you like to add anything else?

Lisa: Just thank you for all your support and thank you to all the readers and bloggers out there that do so much to support my books!

TRC: Thank you Lisa for taking the time to answer our questions. Once again, congratulations on all of your success. We are looking forward to ESCAPING REALITY, REVEALING US and THE MASTER UNDONE.

Rebecca's Lost Journals

ORDER YOUR COPIES of Rebecca’s Lost Journals:

Rebecca’s Lost Journals are a supplement to The Inside Out series and should be read after IF I WERE YOU and before BEING ME.

THE SEDUCTION: Amazon.com / Amazon.ca/ Amazon.uk / Barnes and Noble / KOBO

THE CONTRACT: Amazon.com/ Amazon.ca / Amazon.uk /Barnes and Noble/ KOBO

HIS SUBMISSIVE: Amazon.com/ Amazon.ca / Amazon.uk /Barnes and Noble/

MY MASTER: Amazon.com/ Amazon.ca / Amazon.uk /Barnes and Noble/

special deals

ebook box sets by Lisa Renee Jones

THE WEREWOLF SOCIETY ebook box set ONLY .95cents
Amazon.com/Amazon.ca/Amazon.uk/ Barnes and Noble/

TALL, DARK and DEADLY ebook box set ONLY .95cents
Amazon.com/Amazon.ca/Amazon.uk/Barnes and Noble

Amazon.com/Amazon.ca/Amazon.uk/Barnes and Noble

ALPHA BAD BOYS ebook box set .95cents

series spotlight

Escaping Reality July 2013ESCAPING REALITY
Lisa Renee Jones’s first New Adult release
Publication Date: July 22, 2013
RELEASE DATE: July 22, 2013

Amazon.com / Amazon.ca / Amazon.uk

Infinite possibilities….
Infinite passion…..
Infinite danger….

His touch spirals through me, warm and sweet, wicked and hot. I shouldn’t trust him. I shouldn’t tell him my secrets. But how do I not when he is the reason I breath? He is what I need.

At the young age of eighteen, tragedy and a dark secret force Lara to flee all she has known and loves to start a new life. Now years later, with a new identity as Amy, she’s finally dared to believe she is forgotten–even if she cannot forget. But just when she lets down her guard down, the ghost’s of her past are quick to punish her, forcing her back on the run.

On a plane, struggling to face the devastation of losing everything again and starting over, Amy meets Liam Stone, a darkly entrancing recluse billionaire, who is also a brilliant, and famous, prodigy architect. A man who knows what he wants and goes after it. And what he wants is Amy. Refusing to take “no” as an answer, he sweeps her into a passionate affair, pushing her to her erotic limits. He wants to possess her. He makes her want to be possessed. Liam demands everything from her, accepting nothing less. But what if she is too devastated by tragedy to know when he wants more than she should give? And what if there is more to Liam than meets the eyes?


Blog Tour Schedule

July 1 – July 31

Click HERE for the complete Blog Tour Schedule and List of participating tour hosts


The Reading Cafe and Lisa Renee Jones are offering an additional giveaway for two lucky commentors

First Prize: a signed copy of IF I WERE YOU (Inside Out #1) by Lisa Renee Jones

Second Prize: an ecopy of ESCAPING REALITY by Lisa Renee Jones

1. You must post a comment to qualify for this giveaway.

2. This giveaway is in addition to the rafflecopter giveaway and is the sole responsibility of The Reading Cafe and its administrators.

3. Giveaway runs from July 14 to July 31, 2013

4. ESCAPING REALITY ebook Giveaway open to US and Canada only.

5. Signed copy of IF I WERE YOU is open INTERNATIONAL

rafflecopter giveaway

Lisa is giving away a canvas bag with Escaping Reality on one side and Revealing Us on the other side, and a package of signed INSIDE OUT and ESCAPING REALITY goodies to one lucky winner when the tour ends.

NOTE: The Reading Cafe is NOT responsible for the rafflecopter giveaway. If you have any questions, please contact the tour promoter.

a Rafflecopter giveaway


It’s A Crime (Blood and Tears) by C.E.Hansen-A Review and Interview with the Author

It’s A Crime by C.E.Hansen-A Review and Interview with the Author

Its A Crime

Amazon.com / Amazon.ca / Amazon.uk

IT’S A CRIME by C.E. Hansen

ABOUT THE BOOK: Release Date May 12, 2013

Wealthy New York socialite Grace Preston uses men for amusement, holding her heart inside an ice fortress for protection. Spurned by a sociopathic male model, Grace picks up a new man with all the right moves; smooth as bourbon, Cole slides under her wall and touches her in places she thought were well-guarded. But after a weekend of fiery passion, he leaves, devastating her.

Cole Grayson has spent ten years building his commercial real estate firm and chasing the arsonist who killed his family when he was a boy. Women are a dalliance, and have no place in his personal quest. Then Grace rocks his world—not only sexually-but, in her arms his nightmares cease. To protect her, he pushes her away; he’s close to finding the culprit and Grace must not get tangled in the cross-fire.

When women matching Grace’s description start turning up dead in Central Park, Cole is forced to divide his influence between personal revenge and protection for the woman he has come to love. But throwing money at the problem only goes so far. Grace is in danger—can he get to her in time?


REVIEW: IT’S A CRIME is an erotic, contemporary, suspense storyline with many similarities to Fifty Shades and the Crossfire Series. The premise follows several intersecting timelines going from past to present as the reader is pulled into a story of a psychopathic killer, murder, revenge, love, lust and sex. All timelines will eventually coalesce in the present day when a killer seeks revenge against the woman he believes wronged him many years before.

The storyline can best be described as an erotic tale of murder and sex. The main characters meet and their attraction is instant. There is no question that each is looking for a one-night stand but in the end, they will both lose their hearts to each other. The murder and suspense saga weaves throughout the story as a serial killer murders his way through New York hoping to find the one woman who drives him on his quest.

It’s A Crime is an interesting storyline and one I felt contained many similarities to Fifty Shades and the Crossfire series. The sex is explicit and verbal; and the storyline is rife with profanity-almost too much profanity. I am by no means a prude, but at times, I was overwhelmed with the continuous use of certain four letter words.

The storyline develops slowly as C.E. Hansen intertwines different background stories and timelines building up to the final scenes, but in doing so lost some of the momentum of the story. Then all too quickly, the final resolution is revealed and the storyline heads deeper into FSOG territory.

C.E. Hansen has written a storyline about sex and love; betrayal and revenge; murder and hate. It’s A Crime is a novel of erotic sex, billionaire moguls and a man who will not stop until the final plunge of the knife. There is mystery and suspense with a twist that begins to reveal the truth behind a murderous rampage and a man’s need to avenge the death of someone close.

Copy supplied by the author.

Reviewed by Sandy



TRC: Hi Cindy and welcome to The Reading Café.  Congratulations on the release of It’s A Crime.

Cindy: Thank you so much. It’s a pleasure to be here, thanks for having me.

TRC: We would like to start with some background information.  Would you please tell us something about yourself?

FOLLOW: Goodreads / Website / Twitter/



Cindy: First and foremost, I’m a wife and mom. I currently work full-time at a beautiful fine wine store in Central New Jersey. I have a wonderful husband and a beautiful daughter who just turned 25.

TRC: What difficulties or challenges have you faced as an author?

Cindy: Keeping all the characters in my head busy and talking so I could write it all down is probably the most challenging, but once I get them talking the going gets smooth…It’s quieting them down so I could sleep that becomes the issue…It would also be helpful if one of them were a good secretary, that knew how to keep files properly.

TRC: Many authors bounce ideas and information with other authors or friends and family.  With whom do you bounce ideas?

Cindy: I’m lucky enough to have a few great friends that have been my biggest critics as well as my biggest fans, Donna, Michelle and Gee, and my daughter, Katie whom I’m constantly bombarding with questions.

Its A Crime


TRC: It’s A Crime is the May 2013 release in your erotic new adult series. Would you please tell us something about the premise?

Amazon.com / Amazon.ca / Amazon.uk

Cindy: It’s a contemporary Adult Romance/Suspense story which takes place in New York City, and is about a beautiful, wealthy socialite, Grace-the stories heroine, who meets and falls in lust with Cole Grayson, our hero, very wealthy as well, who is unable to feel love after suffering the loss of his family when he was a boy, he’s turned himself off emotionally.

The two meet, at a bar and one thing leads to another, and they end up having an affair…

Of course they have their share of obstacles; Cole is close to finding the man who started the fire that killed his family, and Grace is close to being the killer’s next victim…

TRC: How do you keep the plot unpredictable without sacrificing content and believability?

Cindy: That has been a challenge for me as a first time author, in fact everything has been a challenge, but I love writing about crazy killers, the sex scenes just comes easy.

TRC: What difficulties did you encounter (logistical, research, etc) outlining and writing this particular novel?

Cindy: My biggest challenge was trying to combine the various story lines together to make it flow without giving anything away. Lets hope I was able to accomplish that.

TRC: If you could virtually cast the leading characters, which actors or models would best represent your ideal image?

Cindy: Chris Hemsworth as Cole, Elisha Cuthbert as Grace, and in a perfect world, Ryan Gosling would be Jonathan…lol

TRC: How many books do you plan for the series and will the characters and storylines overlap?

Cindy: Two books in this series and yes they do overlap. I loved them when I first wrote them, so I had no choice but to continue their story in book 2. But there will only be two books…I don’t want to stretch their story too thin. I also have a young adult book currently being edited and it’s sequel currently in my head.

TRC: It’s A Shame is the December 2013 release in the same series.  Would you please tell us something about the premise?

Cindy: Well, in It’s A Crime, I had started one or two story lines that fell to the background of the first book…I am now delving into those plot lines a little more in It’s A Shame…suffice it to say, it is just as twisted and crazy as the first book, but I was able to bring some of the smaller characters back and give them a much bigger pressence.

TRC: How thoroughly do you plan out your characters and story before you begin the first draft?

Cindy: I write out my outline by hand, which is constantly evolving as I bounce the ideas and storyline off my daughter…I enjoy picking her brain, she gives me a totally different perspective and she’s full of ‘what if’s’. She keeps me on my toes.

TRC: Do your characters direct the storyline or do you have a semblance of control?

Cindy: For the most part, I tell them what to do…once in while they take me on a joy ride at their expense.

TRC: If you could become a contestant on a television reality program, which show would you prefer and why?

Cindy: The Voice…because I always wanted to sing!

TRC: How do you handle the pressures and anxiety of deadlines?

Cindy:   Poorly, which is why I typically don’t give myself any.

TRC: On what are you currently working?

Cindy: I’m currently working on the last few chapters of It’s A Shame, and I have the sequel to the Young Adult ‘hero’ series rattling around in my head. I also have an idea for another erotic adult book and plan to create new people to talk to me. I will miss Cole and Grace though.

TRC: Would you like to add anything else?

Cindy: I wanted to thank you personally for being so kind to have me on and review It’s A Crime. I follow your blog and love your taste in books, they are so similar to my own. Again, thank you so much.


Favorite Food
big juicy hamburger

Favorite Dessert
ice cream

Favorite TV Show
Game of Thrones

Last Movie You Saw
Pitch Perfect with Anna Kendrick

Dark or Milk Chocolate

Favorite Flower

Early riser or Late sleeper
Early riser against my body’s better judgment

Favorite Pastime
Writing and reading

TRC: Thank you C.E for taking the time to answer our questions. Congratulations on the release of It’s A Crime.  All the best with your upcoming novels.


Ashes by Kelly Cozy-A Review and Interview with the Author

Ashes by Kelly Cozy-A Review and Interview with the Author


Amazon.com / Amazon.ca / Amazon.uk Barnes and Noble / The Book Depository

ABOUT THE BOOK: Released March 2013

Anonymous. That was Jennifer’s life. But when she survived a domestic terrorist attack and her last-minute escape became the iconic image of the event, that life was over. Wanting only to disappear and become just another face in the crowd, she cashed in on her unwanted fame and moved to a small town, hidden away and safe.

Retired. That was Sean’s life. A former covert operative – the kind the government denies exists – he’d been pushed unwillingly into a life of suburban peace and quiet. But his retirement ended when he saw Jennifer’s rescue; from then on he only wanted to find those responsible for the attack, even if it meant turning rogue.

What Jennifer and Sean will both find is that nothing goes to plan, and their paths will cross in a way neither could have foreseen.

Ashes is the first in a two-book suspense series


REVIEW: HOLY SMOKES! Ashes by Kelly Cozy had me glued by the first few pages! This has been the most suspenseful story that I have read in a long time. The story begins with Jennifer Thomson going to work on a typical work day in Los Angeles, talking with her co-workers and making her way to the copy room to make copies. Then her building explodes. She has to fight her way through death, destruction and a collapsing building to get out. She walks past co-workers that she had just spoke with that are now dead. She was the only survivor in her department. Unbeknownst to her, the image of her being carried out by the firefighter was splashed across the nation, making her an instant hero.

All the way across the states in Florida, Sean Kincaid watched the catastrophe unfold as millions of Americans did that day. He was an early retiree, living in Florida, living a low key life, trying to blend in and not be noticed. He was a former covert operative, he performed secret missions and caused plenty of death and destruction of his own. Watching this news unfold wasn’t a big deal for him until he saw Jennifer emerge on the tv screen amidst all the dust and debris. This woman touched something inside of him and he had to help her.

Now, this is where I thought the story would be about how Sean travels to find Jennifer and help her heal and they fall madly in love…..you know, typical romance stuff. Nope. Not in this book. What unfolds is one of the most interesting books I’ve read in a while. Sean decides he must find the persons responsible for this attack and bring them to Jennifer so she can serve up her own type of revenge. Using his skills that he learned in his former job, he begins his journey of investigating and tracking down who committed this crime. Meanwhile Jennifer struggles with returning back to a normal existence. She decides to relocate to a small town where hopefully no one would know who she is and begin a new life. It takes her a very long time, but she begins to function and make a happy life for herself. But just when she begins realizing how happy she is, Sean barges into her life, declaring how he has captured the person responsible for the bombing and presents the person to Jennifer to seek her revenge.

Keep in mind, Jennifer never knew Sean or that he was going to do this, so she’s terrified, shocked, scared….. you name it, she’s feeling it. So here she is, looking at the bomber, the person who altered her life forever. Sean has given her a gun and tells her do whatever she wants. Oh what to do???? What to do????? She makes a choice. And guess what? That is where the book ends. NOOOOOOOOO! What happened? What did Jennifer do? I have no idea! OMG, it was the best cliffhanger EVER! I was reading this on my e-reader, I swear I turned the e-reader over, looking for more pages. The last sentence says “The story continues in Reckoning.” Well, I do believe I will be reading Reckoning very soon. People, read this book. I was very brief on my descriptions because I didn’t want to give too much away. There is so much that happens within those pages and my review would never do the book justice. READ IT!

Copy supplied by the author

Reviewed by Tricia


TRC: Hi Kelly and welcome to The Reading Café. Congratulations on the release of your new novel ASHES.

We would like to start with some background information. Would you please tell us something about yourself?

Follow Kelly: Website / Goodreads / Twitter

Kelly CozyKelly: I’ve been in love with books literally since I was a baby. When I was a toddler I wouldn’t nap, so my Mom would put me in the crib with a few books, and I’d be perfectly happy for a good hour. I wrote my first short story when I was 9, and I’ve been writing ever since. Ashes is my second novel. My debut novel, The Day After Yesterday, is contemporary/women’s fiction.

I’m married with one child, and live in California. I love to cook, and my favorite time of year is the fall and winter holidays, when I can make big meals for my family and friends.

I’m also more than a bit of a nerd – I write movie reviews for the Horrorview.com site, and I’ll be at San Diego Comic-Con later this month.

TRC: ASHES is your March 2013 release. Would you please tell us something about the premise?

Amazon.com / Amazon.ca / Amazon.uk Barnes and Noble / The Book Depository

AshesKelly: In the opening chapter a Los Angeles federal building is bombed, and Jennifer Thomson, a young woman who works as an admin, is the last person to make it out of the building before it collapses. The whole world is watching her last-minute escape, and this makes her into the icon of the event. Jennifer’s life is overturned not just by the trauma of the attack, but by survivor guilt and her unwelcome celebrity, so she moves to a small town in British Columbia to start life over.

One of the people watching her escape from the building is Sean Kincaid, a former covert government operative who’s been in unhappy retirement for the past few years. Jennifer’s plight moves him and, when his request to rejoin his agency is denied, he decides to go rogue and not just find those who perpetrated the bombing, but to bring them to Jennifer so she can mete out justice personally.

TRC: Are any of the characters or situations in the storyline based in reality or an amalgamation of your imagination and current headlines?

Kelly: The federal building attack had its inspiration in events like Oklahoma City and 9/11. I didn’t want to write about those incidents specifically, but about the effect an event like those (or any catastrophic event, like a natural disaster) could have on a survivor, particularly in this era when the media is so ever-present and intrusive.

TRC: There is a second storyline planned for ASHES and your leading characters. Would you like to tell us something about the premise?

Kelly: The second book is titled Reckoning. Without spoiling things for those who haven’t read Ashes yet, by the end of Ashes Sean has done some things he’s remorseful for. He’s looking to make amends, while other characters – some we’ve met in Ashes, and some new to the story – are bent on revenge, or on manipulating the situation to a personal agenda. It’s very much about the ripple effect of Sean’s actions in Ashes. For me, Reckoning is probably the most enjoyable of my books in terms of storytelling. I’m looking forward to publishing it this November (in print and ebook).

TRC: When writing a storyline, do the characters direct the writing or do you direct the characters?

Kelly: I usually start a book with the major characters and the basic storyline, including the ending, in mind. But as I write and develop the story, I also learn more about the characters. There ends up being a balance between me moving the characters into situations, and the characters telling me how they deal with those situations. If a character “tells” me that he or she wouldn’t react a certain way or do a particular action, I respect that. Above all, I believe in being true to the characters, and if a storyline would require a character to behave out-of-character, I change the storyline.

TRC: What challenges or difficulties (historical, research, logistics) did you encounter writing this particular story/series?

Kelly: I don’t usually write outlines, but this book necessitated an outline because of the alternating chapters between Jennifer and Sean. I wanted their story and character arcs to parallel and mirror each other. I also had to ensure that the timeline of the story worked, as it was necessary for Jennifer to have reached a certain point in her life before Sean finally entered it.

In terms of research, because the group responsible for the attack is a domestic terrorist group, I had to do a fair amount of reading about these groups – their objectives, their structures, their goals. That was a bit unsettling, to say the least.

TRC: Many authors bounce ideas and information with other authors or friends and family. With whom do you bounce ideas?

Kelly: I have a group of friends and fellow authors I refer to as my Constant Reader Brigade. They read my manuscripts and give me their feedback. What makes this group so invaluable is that each person brings their own perspective: one is very detail-oriented and finds little errors, another gives me feedback on how well the story flows. And they’re not afraid to tell me when something doesn’t work.

TRC: How do you keep the plot unpredictable without sacrificing content and believability?

Kelly: How well a plot works is always very difficult for me to assess, because I know where it’s heading. I try to see the situation through my characters’ eyes, because that’s the perspective the reader will get. Also, I rely on my Constant Reader Brigade to tell me if the foreshadowing works, if something that was supposed to be a surprise is a surprise, and if it all works. If the majority of the Brigade members say, “I’m not buying that,” I go back and rewrite.

TRC: How do you handle the pressures and anxiety of deadlines while still having time to raise a family?

Kelly: Having a schedule helps. If I know that Monday is my evening to work on a current project, it helps me get into the zone. I also give myself time to just relax – the beauty of being a writer is that the work is fun, but it is still work. Oh, and having lots of coffee on hand helps, too.

TRC: What are your thoughts on book reviews-good or bad?

Kelly: Reviews can tell you what about your story works, and what doesn’t. Bad reviews can be difficult to read, but it’s important to read them and see if the criticisms can make your future writing stronger.

TRC: On what are you currently working?

Kelly: In addition to getting the Ashes sequel ready for publication, I’m working on a book of movie reviews (mostly genre films). I’m also laying the groundwork on research for a historical novel.

TRC: Would you like to add anything else?

Kelly: Thank you for giving me the opportunity to talk about my work! And I hope people enjoy reading my books as much as I enjoy writing them.


Favorite Food
Seafood, especially shrimp

Favorite Dessert
Anything involving chocolate

Favorite TV Show
Tie between Castle and Game of Thrones

Last Movie You Saw
Monsters University

Dark or Milk Chocolate

Favorite Flower

Last Vacation Destination
The Outer Banks in North Carolina

Pet Peeve
Staring at a shelf full of books and not finding anything I want to read

TRC: Thank you Kelly for taking the time to answer our questions. Congratulations on the release of ASHES and we wish you all the best.


Montana Mustangs Book Tour and Giveaway with Danica Winters

Montana Mustangs Book Tour and Giveaway with Danica Winters


Series Spotlight

The Nymph’s Labrynth
The Nymph Series #1
by Danica Winters
Release Date: December 31, 2012

The Nymphs Labrynth

Purchase Link: Amazon | Barnes and Noble | Kobo

A world shrouded in mystery and intrigue, the Sisterhood of Epione must not be exposed.

Shape-shifting nymph Ariadne Papadakis is tasked with keeping the truth of the group’s existence and their ancient mysteries far out of reach of the American archeologist, Beau Morris and his troublemaking son, Kaden. When forgotten and forbidden passions are awakened, Ariadne is forced make a choice—fall in line and continue to be overrun and pushed down by the sisterhood, or follow her heart and put Beau and Kaden’s lives in danger.

Can she have the man she loves or will the pressure and secrets of her past keep her from her heart’s desire?


Montana Mustangs
The Nymph Series #2
by Danica Winters
Release Date: May 2013

Montana Mustangs

Purchase Link: Amazon | Barnes and Noble | Kobo

A nymph: a woman with the ability to seduce at will, shift to protect, but cursed with the fate to have the man she falls in love with die a tragic death. As one of these ill-fated nymphs, Aura Montgarten has spent her lifetime drifting from one place to another hiding from love. Until she meets Dane.

When a body washes up on the shore of a rural Montana lake, police officer Dane Burke is faced with the task of finding the killer—even if it means he will be forced to put his life and heart at risk by working with a drifter. As the truth of Aura’s Mustang-shifting nymph ways are revealed, Dane learns exactly the amount of danger he and Aura are in, but can’t force himself to leave a case unsolved when the truth is just outside his grasp.

When the killer decides he needs to take another victim—Dane—Aura must choose between their forbidden love and her immortal life. Can there be life without love or is death her only choice?

About The author

Danica WintersDanica Winters is a bestselling author who is known for writing award-winning books that grip readers with their ability to drive emotion through suspense and often a touch of magic.  When she’s not working she can be found in the wilds of Montana working on her patience while she tries to understand the allure of various crafts (quilting, pottery and painting are not her thing).  She always believe the cup is neither half full nor half empty, but it better be filled with wine.

Website | Blog | Amazon | Barnes & Noble | Goodreads | Twitter | Facebook |


Other Titles by Danica Winters:
Love Under the Christmas Tree
A Christmas Miracle
The Vampire’s Hope
Curse of the Wolf
An Angel’s Justice

Coming Soon from Danica Winters (2013):

Winter Swans, The Nymph Series #3 (Crimson Romance)

Blog tour Schedule





Blog Tour-June 20 to July 20, 2013

7/07- Literal Hotties Naughty Book Reviews (series spotlight & reviews)
7/08- Reading Between the Wines (series spotlight)
7/09-  The Reading Café (series spotlight & reviews)
7/10- Sassy Book Lovers (series spotlight)
7/11-  Vampires, Werewolves & Fairies Oh My! (Interviews & reviews)
7/12-  You Gotta Read Reviews (interview)
7/13- Confessions of the Paranormal (series spotlight)
7/14- Page Flipperz (series spotlight)
7/15- Book Lovin’ Mamas (interview)
7/16- Night Owl Reviews (guest post)
7/16 – Riverina Romantics (series spotlight)
7/17- Nette’s Bookshelf (series spotlight & reviews)
7/18- Toot’s Book Reviews (series spotlight & reviews)
7/19- Cocktails and Books (series spotlight)
7/20- Mimmi’s Musings (series spotlight)

Rafflecopter Giveaway





Danica is giving away a the following prizes when her tour ends:

$25.00 Amazon gift card

TWO runners-up will get a copy of An Angel’s Justice?

NOTE:  The Reading Cafe is NOT responsible for the rafflecopter giveaway.  If you have any questions, please contact the blog tour promoter.

a Rafflecopter giveaway


Joe Marvullo-Interview with the Cover Model

Joe Marvullo-Interview with the Cover Model at The Reading Cafe

TRC: Hi Joe and welcome to The Reading Cafe.

We would like to start with some background information. Would you please tell us something about yourself?

FOLLOW Joe: Facebook / Twitter

Joe Marvullo 2Joe:  I grew up in a small town called Glenwood Landing on Long Island NY. I am the youngest of 3. I have two older sisters. So I am the baby boy… And I have a feeling it will always be that way 🙂 I grew up with 2 great parents that did everything they could to give me and my sisters what they could. My entire life sports played a huge role in giving me some self confidence, and a sense of belonging. I was a great athlete and used sports as an outlet for myself.

TRC:  Would you please tell us about your first tattoo and what was the decision behind the design? Do all of your tattoos have some significance to your life and struggle?

Joe:  The first tattoo I got was 2 weeks after my mother had passed away. It was a Japanese symbol for “Good Memory”. My decision to get this was driven off of guilt. I was feeling very guilty after my mother had passed because of the events that led up to that day. But I wanted something where I could have a constant reminder to remember the good, not the bad. Every one of my tattoos has significance. They all signify different points in my life where there was struggle and success.

TRC:  Many people, once they get their first inked artwork, are more likely to get another tattoo (body modification some call it) and some do not stop at one or two. Do you believe that getting multiple tattoos is another form of addiction?

Joe:  I don’t know if it’s another form of addiction, but I do know that there aren’t many people that I have met that can just stop after they get one. Once you get the creative juices flowing it’s hard to stop. You get one and love it, then think of another great idea, or you just like the overall design and you want to add to it. It’s weird to say, but when I look at someone with just one tattoo to me it looks a bit strange. I know that I am going to continue to get more and more. I don’t think I would fill my entire body, but I definitely want to add to what I have.

TRC:  Would you please tell us how you were ‘discovered’ and what was the precipitating factor behind your modeling career?

Joe Marvullo 5Joe:  I moved down to FL in the fall of 2007. I was working at an amazing restaurant in Dunedin FL. It was called Kellys For Just About Anything. It was there that I became friendly with a lot of the locals. There were 2 gentleman that owned a store in town called “Q”. Ron and Mark were regulars at the restaurant and had told me about a VIP party they were having for their best customers. They had asked if I would want to serve drinks and mingle with the ladies. I agreed and went to the event where I walked around shirtless and had a blast. There I met a fellow model and photographer named Edsras. He asked if he could shoot me and I agreed. I then went to Tampa and shot with him and his friends Daniel. That was the first shoot I ever did. In the past I NEVER wanted to model, but for some reason I decided to finally say yes.

From there I decided to see where it went and I started to communicate with a Miami based photographer named Luis Rafael. I set up a date and made my way to Miami. We did a 2 day shoot and it was the first time I ever felt “Alive” in front of the camera. He was, and to this day still is the best photographer I ever shot with. Not just because of the finished product, but because he was such a great person as well. He made me feel important, comfortable, and coached me through the entire shoot. Once we got the final images back it was then that I did my research and realized who Luis really was. One of the most well-known male photographers in the world. I decided to take the photos and put them on an on-line portfolio called ModelMayhem. It was then that I realized that I might be able to do something with all of this modeling. I might be able to go somewhere with it. Because of the great images I produced with Esdras, and the amazing images I produced with Luis, along with Luis’ name. I started to get a lot of offers to do shoots in the local market. Before I knew it people were recognizing me and my work, and it all just took off!

In the beginning the driving force behind my modeling was purely to see where it went. I was proud that I had worked so hard on my insides that I looked healthy on the outside. I worked hard in the gym, not just to achieve a nice body, but it was a form of therapy for me. At one point in my life when I was active I was so unhealthy that I looked sick and really unhealthy. I felt if I took pictures that I could be proud of all the hard work that I had put into myself as a whole.

TRC:  How did you become involved in the romance cover industry and do you remember your first cover?

Joe:  I had been contacted by a few authors in my past about doing some covers but never really had any interest. I was contacted by an author named Bonnie, and we discussed the possibility of doing a cover. That was the first time I had put any real thought into it. From there I had one of my close friends Kris Adams contact me that she knew someone that was interested in using me for her covers. Kimberly Knight and I were in touch soon after where we worked together to do our first cover. We did a remake of “Where I need to Be”. That was my first cover I ever did.

WantedTRC:  Do you know the number of ‘romance covers’ on which your image currently appears?

Joe:  As of right now I am on 2 covers for Kimberly Knight, “Where I Need to Be” & “Wanted” we are currently working on some more. I am on “Private Message” by Danielle Torella. And soon to be on a cover for author Maria DeSouza.

TRC:  There is a stigma in the cover model industry especially as it pertains to romance covers. The romance novel industry has dramatically increased in popularity over the past few years. Do you think the cover illustrations and ‘hero depictions’ have pushed the industry in such a way, that the reader’s imaginations can be fueled by the representation on the cover?

Joe:  I never was into reading in general, but I have noticed a huge increase in the popularity of romance novels. I think it is becoming more socially acceptable to share ones interest in that specific type of novel. I think that the ability to pick and choose someone that fits your character has given the ability for many authors to “brand” their novels. I think that if someone finds that a specific model has a certain type of following it can definitely help get more readers for the authors. To me it is still very strange that people think of me, and or fantasize in any way about my pictures coming to life.

Where I need to BeTRC: Nudity in the modeling industry can be very controversial. Photographs can range from sensual and sexual to bordering on pornographic. What advice would you give to young and up and coming models in the industry about nude photography?

Joe:  Nudity is one of the biggest issues in the modeling industry. Male or female models all go through struggles with photographers and industry professionals trying to get them to take nude photos. My advice would be to stay away from anyone that wants to shoot you nude. It is not worth it whether it be lots of money, or promises of fame. Stay close to the people that treat you with respect.

TRC:  What challenges or difficulties have you faced in the modeling industry?

Joe:  Most of the challenges I have faced in the industry is the fact that I started so late in life. So mainly my age, but also my tattoos. I have been stuck between two worlds in modeling. High fashion and fitness. Most of the time its either or, not both. My tattoos have stopped me from getting some jobs, but helped me with others.

TRC:  When you are not modeling, what do you do for excitement? Relaxation?

Joe:  Excitement, I love to travel, go out with friends to lounges, and definitely anything outdoors. I enjoy sporting events, concerts, and spending time with my family.

Relaxation, I love movies, cooking, playing with anything electronic. I would say I am def a computer nerd.

Joe Marvullo 3TRC:  Do you have a second career when you are not modeling?

Joe:  I have always, and always will have a full time “Professional” career while modeling. I recently have resigned from a job as a pharmaceutical rep for a skincare company. I am currently looking for a new job in Sales, Management, Business Development.

TRC:  What do you believe is the biggest misconception about you?

Joe:  A lot of people that first meet me think that I am going to be the complete opposite of who I really am. They think I am going to be vain, superficial, materialistic etc…. No one knows the struggles I have gone through and what my true purpose really is. Most would think I am selfish and egotistical, when I would say I am selfless, and humble.

TRC:  What five things would you like to accomplish in the next ten years?

Joseph Marvullo 1Joe:
Start my own business again.
Get married.
Have kids
Start a foundation.
Most importantly travel the world and have my story be heard!

TRC:  On what are you currently working?

Joe:  Currently I am working on a few project for some new magazines, I am working on a bunch of novel covers, editorials, fashion shows, music videos, TV commercials, and soon to be breaking into the Acting world some more.


Favorite Food:
Soup!! I love any kind of Soups… My sister always makes it for me when I go to her house. But if I had to choose a “type” I would have to say Italian.

Favorite Dessert:

Favorite TV Show:
Rediculousness/Fantasy Factory

Last Movie You Saw:
Mr. Nobody

Dark or Milk Chocolate:

Iron Man or Thor

Dream Car:
White 1987 Porsche 911 Turbo

Last Vacation Destination:
Puerto Rico

TRC:  Thank you Joe for taking the time to answer our questions. Congratulations on your recent cover appearances. We wish you all the best.


The Georgia Corbins by Kara Leigh Miller-A Review and Interview with the Author

The Georgia Corbins by Kara Leigh Miller-a review and interview with the author

The Georgia Corbins

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ABOUT THE BOOK:  Release Date June 10, 2013

Ali Philips never thought anything could be more devastating than the day Levi and Tucker Corbin, her two best friends—her only friends—moved away. Three years passed without a single phone call, text message, or email from them and she’s resolved to the fact that she will probably never see them again. Until one morning when she comes face-to-face with Levi Corbin in physics class.

Little does she know, the Corbins have returned to Haldeen with only one thing on their minds: winning Ali’s heart. Ali soon finds herself in the middle of a love triangle she doesn’t want any part of. As she tries to reclaim the friendships she’s lost and to adjust to the unfamiliar feelings she’s having, she struggles with making the one decision that will forever change their lives: Levi or Tucker Corbin?

She’s always had a special bond with Tucker and feels most comfortable when she’s with him. But Levi brings her to life in a way she didn’t think was possible and makes her feel things she didn’t think she would ever feel. Torn between the two, Ali is certain of only one thing–by the time it’s over, she’ll lose one of her best friends.


REVIEW: When you are young the friendships you make sometimes stay with you forever – that is – at least until they are taken from you. Ali Philips is a beautiful young girl from small town Haldeen, Georgia. Growing up here had been hard for Ali, she had always been picked on and had always been “one of the boys.” She did however have two best friends – her only friends – twins – Tucker and Levi Corbin. They were as close as any three friends could possibly be. Spending their summer days at Old Man Potter’s swimming hole, climbing trees and hanging out in the hay loft of the old abandoned barn. Life was simple and their friendships were forever. That is until Levi and Tucker abruptly announced that they were moving. Tearing Ali’s world apart – she was left with no one. No friends, no one to protect her. Life did continue – and Ali weathered the storm.

Fast forward three years later – Ali is a stunningly beautiful junior in high school. She has a group of friends that she is comfortable with and a life that she is secure in. Until she walks into Physics class and sees Levi Corbin. The Corbin Boys are back. After three years – three years of no contact – no phone calls, no emails, no letters. They just disappeared from her life – and here they are – back again in Haldeen. Ali is unsure of what the future holds now, but one thing is clear – the Corbin boys are all grown up and better looking than she remembers. The question is – will their friendships go back to the way they were and does Ali even want them to?

I found this book very heart-warming and well rounded. I immediately enjoyed the character of Ali Philips and her small town. I found the author’s knowledge of small town living and being a teenager growing up there was spot on. While I am years gone from being a teenager – I found myself remembering and reminiscing about my teenage years while reading this book. There is an abundance of teenage angst – which lets admit it – what teenager’s life isn’t filled with angst. But there is also an amazing amount of true friendship and loyalty, love and understanding. The relationships that Ali begins to explore with Levi and Tucker were very emotional and I could feel the pain that Ali felt. And I will admit to shedding a few tears here and there for the decisions she had to make. The characters of Levi and Tucker Corbin were almost real to me – at least I wished they were. Handsome, adorable, charming Southern boys – who could ask for or want anything more. I thoroughly loved this story – the only thing that I can complain about is (without revealing too much) – while I understand Ali’s choice – I do not agree with it. And I am praying to the book gods that there are more books in the works that will elaborate and continue the lives of these three characters. If you love a good, down home, Southern love story that grips your emotions and tears at your soul then I highly recommend this book.

Copy supplied by the publicist

Reviewed by Erin K.

About The Author beige

About the Author:

Born and raised in the small town of Mexico, New York, Kara was an only child who was forced to find ways to entertain herself. Playing make believe with her Barbie dolls and stuffed animals was her first real taste of storytelling before she became old enough to develop a love affair with the written word. In early 2010, Kara picked up her very first erotic romance novel, and she was instantly hooked. She loves to write contemporary romance, erotica, and young adult romance. Currently she has several full-length novels in the works, a series of novellas, and a handful of short stories. Kara is an active member of the CNY Creative Writers Café and the CNY Romance Writers. Today, Kara resides in New Haven, New York with her husband, five kids, and three cats. When she’s not reading or writing, she’s thinking about reading and writing. And when she’s not doing that, she’s spending time with her family and friends.

FOLLOW Kara: Goodreads / Blog / Twitter / Facebook

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 Interview beige

TRC: Hi Kara and welcome to The Reading Café. Congratulations on the release of The Georgia Corbins.

Kara: Thank you! And thanks so much for letting me stop by. I’m excited to be here.

Kara Leigh MillerTRC: We would like to start with some background information, would you please tell us something about yourself?

Kara: Well, I’m a full time stay-at-home mom to five children – four girls and one boy. I was an only child growing up and I hated it, which is why I opted to have more than one child. lol. Writing really is a passion for me and it started out as just something to occupy my time while my kids were in school, but then I realized I was kind of good at it and I decided to try getting published. As they say, the rest is history.

TRC: What difficulties or challenges have you faced as an author?

Kara: There are a lot of difficulties and challenges. The first is finding enough time to write all the stories that are rumbling around in my mind. The second is finding a good balance between writing time and marketing. Trying to get my books in the hands of the readers is a huge challenge, especially when there are so many great authors out there looking to do the same.

TRC: Many authors bounce ideas and information with other authors or friends and family. With whom do you bounce ideas?

Kara: Thankfully, I have a great network of friends and authors I can bounce ideas off, but my go to people are Giovanni Valentino and Nikki Lynn Vale. Not only are they close, personal friends, but they are members of my weekly writers group. Then I have a super awesome beta reader, Louise D. Gornall, whose insights are always spot on and tremendously helpful. I’d be lost without them.

The Georgia Corbins

TRC: The Georgia Corbins is the June 2013 release in your new Young Adult series. Would you please tell us something about the premise?

Amazon.com / Amazon.ca / KOBO/ Smashwords

Kara: It’s the ultimate love triangle — fraternal twin brothers fighting over their childhood best friend. As if the teen years aren’t hard enough, throw in the need to make an impossible choice and you’ve got a story ripe with tension.



Ali and the Corbin BoysTRC: Ali and The Corbin Boys is a free download from Smashwords. Should the readers grab a copy before reading The Georgia Corbins?

Click HERE for you free prequel

Kara: I hope they do! I mean, it’s free! Why wouldn’t they? Seriously though, The Georgia Corbins can be read without first reading Ali and The Corbin Boys. This free download gives the history between Ali and the Corbins. It shows how they became friends and the tumultuous relationship between Ali and Shelby, who is the closest thing to a villain in this story. I think it adds another layer to the book and helps to give a better understanding to the complex relationships among these characters.

TRC: How do you keep the plot unpredictable without sacrificing content and believability?

Kara: It was rather easy to do with this story. From the beginning its pretty clear who Ali wants to choose, but a series of events and realizations lead her to make the opposite choice. From the reviews and feedback I’ve already received, it was something readers didn’t see coming. They’re in for a lot more surprises in book two!

TRC: What difficulties did you encounter (logistical, research, etc) outlining and writing this particular novel?

Kara: The dialect. This takes place in the Deep South and the way of speaking down there differs from how we speak here in NY. I spent some time researching the dialect and the accents, listening to clips of it on YouTube. Then I incorporated all of that into the story only to be told it was too “heavy” and that it made it difficult to read. So, I had to go back and start over. At least now I know for next time. Lol.

TRC: If you could virtually cast the leading characters, which actors or models would best represent your ideal image?

Kara: The only one I ever had a real image for was Tucker and that was a young Chris Hemsworth.

TRC: How many books do you plan for the series and will the characters and storylines overlap?

Kara: Right now I’m planning on three books. This first book was the story of all three of them and Ali’s choice. The second and third books will focus on each Corbin boy individually, because I can tell you now, things don’t stay happy for the three of them for very long. I’ve considered writing a fourth book that would take place ten years in the future, at their high school reunion, but I’m still letting that idea toss around in my brain a little more. And yes, all of the characters and storylines will overlap. Even though it’s three separate books, it’s one long, continuous story.

TRC: How thoroughly do you plan out your characters and story before you begin the first draft?

Kara: Not much at all. I’m a panster to a fault. Typically I’ll jot down some character names with a physical description and maybe a plot idea or two, but that’s about it.

TRC: Do your characters direct the storyline or do you have a semblance of control?

Kara: I’d like to think I’m in control, but that’s not always the case. I guide them in a certain direction, and then my characters take over. It’s more fun that way.

TRC: You are a writer of several different genres. Do you prefer writing one over another? Which do you find easier?

Kara: Yes, I am a multi-genre writer. I hate to be confined to just one. My favorite genre to write is erotic romance because I feel like I have a lot more freedom with my characters. I don’t have to censor them as much.

TRC: If you could become a contestant on a television reality program, which show would you prefer and why?

Kara: Dancing With the Stars – for several reasons: (1) I’ve always wanted to learn how to dance; (2) I would LOVE to meet Derrick Hough; (3) I wouldn’t have to eat anything nasty like bugs; (4) I could, hopefully, finally lose these few last pounds that just won’t seem to go away; (5) Hello? Have you seen the pretty costumes they get to wear??

TRC: How do you handle the pressures and anxiety of deadlines?

Kara: With lots and lots of chocolate! I always try to break things down into smaller portions because if I look at the big picture, all seems hopeless. If I know I have to write 20K words in a week, I’ll break that down to 3K a day until it’s finished, which is doable with all my other responsibilities. If I’m feeling particularly overwhelmed, I’ll take some time for myself to decompress. I’ll take my dogs for a walk or take a nice hot bubble bath.

TRC: On what are you currently working?

Kara: Lots of fun things! The sequel to The Georgia Corbins; the sequel to my contemporary NA romance, Death of a Waterfall; and an erotic paranormal romance.

TRC: Would you like to add anything else?

Kara: Thank you to everyone who has bought and read my books. Your support means the world to me. Thank you to The Reading Café for inviting me to stop by to chat. And to all YA, erotica, and/or romance authors out there: I would love to work on a project with you. Contact me if you’re looking for a co-writer or a contributor to an anthology.


Favorite Food – Chicken Alfredo with broccoli

Favorite Dessert – Cheesecake with fresh strawberries

Favorite TV Show – The Vampire Diaries

Last Movie You Saw – Iron Man 3

Dark or Milk Chocolate – Milk Chocolate

Favorite Flower — Orchids

TRC: Thank you Kara for taking the time to answer our questions. Congratulations on the release of your new novel.
