JAKE’S REDEMPTION (The Angel Eyes Series Prequel) by Jamie Schulz-Review & Interview

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ABOUT THE BOOK: Release Date February 1,2019
In a broken world, he faced a future full of pain. Will one daring woman be his last chance for love… Before time runs out…
Jake longs for the life men lived before war destroyed everything and women enslaved them. When fate forces a temporary reprieve from torment and imprisonment, escape becomes his primary objective. Until his new captor sparks hope, and something far more passionate, in his lonely heart.
After giving up on romance, Monica dedicated herself to sheltering unfortunate souls from a harsh new society. But then destiny delivered a desperate man to her doorstep. A man she soon discovers she cannot ignore and would do anything to save.
Will Monica be able to free Jake from the vicious woman who wants to break him? Or will Jake be forced to leave Monica behind to save himself?
REVIEW: JAKES’ REDEMPTION is the first instalment and full-length prequel in Jamie Schulz’ post-apocalyptic, dystopian, erotic romance series focusing on a world controlled and ruled by women. This is former rancher and slave Jake Nichols, and ranch owner Monica Avery’s story line.
WARNING: Due to the nature of the story line there are numerous triggers including rape, torture, abuse, non-consent, slavery and imprisonment that may not be suitable for more sensitive readers.
Told from dual third person points of view (Jake and Monica) JAKE’S REDEMPTION follows Jake Nichols spiral into the darkness, and the building relationship between our broken hero, and rancher Monica Avery. Several years earlier a catastrophic war destroyed cities and towns throughout the world, and ‘changed the social order’ between men and women. In the ensuing aftermath, a second civil war between the sexes resulted in women becoming the dominant and controlling sex, while men were slaves to be used and abused. Jake Nichols, and his best friend Bret Masters hid in the mountains only to find themselves captured by raiding parties and sentenced to servitude and slavery for the rest of their lives.
Jake Nichols is a broken man; shattered by months of sexual abuse at the hands of his Mistress and owner Darla Cain, and her equally cruel and abusive friends and council members. When rancher Monica Avery offers Jake a chance at temporary ‘freedom’ from Darla’s barbarism, Jake is sceptical about Monica’s intent. What ensues is the slow building relationship between Jake and Monica, and the potential fall-out as Jake’s time with Monica comes to an end.
The relationship between Jake and Monica struggles in the face of Jake’s imprisonment and torture by Darla Cain. Fractured, and unable to trust, Jake battles the memories, the fears, the humiliation, and the possibility of returning to Darla’s hold, fear that controls every aspect of his life. Monica’s attraction to Jake is met with uncertainty as Jake’s trust has been destroyed by betrayal, abuse and torture.
There is a large ensemble cast of colorful secondary and supporting characters including Jake’s friend Bret Masters; Monica’s best friend Angel Aldridge and her head guard Michelle, as well as Monica’s ranch hands and guards- Shawn Brohm, Rosa Santos, Kristine, Trevor and Kara, and Section Council member Jewel Stewart; Darla Cain, and Carrie Simpson. Angel and Bret’s story line is next.
The world building looks at the aftermath of another world war, and the consequences of corrupt power. Not all women are cruel or vindictive but those that are have destroyed any sense of peace for the men that survived.
JAKE’S REDEMPTION is a heart breaking, emotional, dark and gritty story of survival wherein recovery is next to impossible; and memories control the present and the future.
Copy supplied for review
Reviewed by Sandy

TRC: Hi Jamie and welcome to The Reading Café.
Congratulations on the recent release of JAKE’S REDEMPTION.
Jamie: Thanks!
TRC: We would like to start with some background information. Would you please tell us something about yourself?
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Jamie: I have been writing on and off for thirty-odd years. Working on this series much of that time, but other stories as well. Including short stories for friends when I was in school.
TRC: Who or what influenced your career in writing?
Jamie: Hum…Well, there are a few things that influenced me. I always really loved to read. My first favorite author was Tolkien. I loved the scope of his writing, the worlds and cultures he created enthralled me. I wanted to do the same. In high school, I had a notoriously difficult English teacher who was the first to comment on my raw talent and encouraged me to write every day to keep improving…and I did…mostly.
Thirdly, thanks to my cousin, I discovered romance novels in my early teens. I’d always made up stories in my head, used to fall asleep at night dreaming them up. After reading my first romance—Shanna by Kathleen Woodiwiss—I wanted to write my own.
And lastly, I’ve always loved cowboys and been a country girl at heart, if not entirely in life. In the Angel Eyes Series, I wanted to bring that out, mixed in with some other things (genres) to come up with something different and intriguing. I think I did that. Hopefully, readers will too.
TRC: What challenges or difficulties did you encounter writing and publishing your first novel?
Jamie: Oh, my, there were so many and I had so very much to learn to do it all! One was just finding the time to write. Another was finding good editors. Editing was arduous, but ultimately very worthwhile. Then getting reviews…Ah! All the research and details that go into this and all the other aspects of marketing are exhausting. Even more so when you’re doing it on your own. The cover design took me forever too, but everything worked out in the end. Now, I’m getting ready to do it all over again with my next novel.
TRC: Would you please tell us something about the premise of JAKE’S REDEMPTION and the Angel Eyes Series?
Jamie: Well, basically it’s about characters who’ve survived devastating wars, global destruction, and the restart of civilization, only to end up living in an oppressive, reversed society where women rule what is left and men have been subjugated. The main characters must struggle to overcome the harsh rules in order to be together permanently before their enemies can tear them apart.
TRC: There are a number of potential ‘triggers’ for more sensitive readers. What would you like to say to the readers to address their fears?
Jamie: Yes, there are some disturbing scenes—two dream scenes in particular. The society’s harsh rules are what make this a dystopian world. But it is also a romance, and there are some very steamy scenes between the main characters as they learn to trust and fall in love. The strongest themes in the story include love, trust, friendship, and family; about overcoming obstacles and working together to do so. (There is some contemporary cowboy romance in that.)
I asked some early readers to give me three words to describe the story after they finished the book. The three that came up the most were Romantic, Hopeful, and Intriguing. One reviewer also recently said that the story is “uplifting and lets the reader know that if you surround yourself with the right people, you CAN get through” anything. That was what I was hoping to accomplish.
TRC: How many books do you have planned for the series?
Jamie: Currently the plan is for six books (all a continuing story) and this one prequel. There is also a contemporary short story about how the two male characters discussed in Jake’s Redemption first became friends. People who buy the book will get a link to it at the end. I’m considering doing two or three other stories for other characters, but that’s still undecided right now.
TRC: From where did you get the idea for JAKE’S REDEMPTION?
Jamie: History is where I get a lot of ideas in general. The very first idea for this series came to me in high school history class. We were studying the American Civil War. I remember thinking, “What could be worse than living as a slave?” The idea grew and morphed as my friends and I discussed the topic. Especially after I brought up two questions:
1. “What if slavery wasn’t about race, but, instead, about gender?”
2. “What if women were the ones in control and they weren’t all that nice?”
Those ideas sparked a long, interesting conversation, which encouraged me to put pen to paper. Over the years, lots and lots of notebooks, napkins, parchment—you name the paper there’s a good chance I used it—were filled with outlines and notes and chapters for this long tale.
History is where a lot of the societal base and the inequality in the story comes from, both older and more contemporary. Jake’s story came to light about two years ago, when I felt, that because he plays such an important part in the lives of the main characters in the series, that he needed his own story told first. Once that thought struck me, I sat down and started to write.
TRC: What kind of research/plotting did you do, and how long did you spend researching /plotting before beginning JAKE’S REDEMPTION?
Jamie: I’d usually have a specific idea and think about it for a while, often making a quick outline or notes about it before starting a book. Then, once I have a basic idea of what I want, I start writing. I’m a bit of a pantser but I’m also a plotter, so I guess that makes me a “plantser”. I will sometimes stop writing for a day or two to think about the story and/or to read up on whatever scenario that “just came up” or that I feel I’m not knowledgeable enough to get the meaning or image across to the readers accurately. As I said, a lot of the story comes from history, so I did a lot of reading about the past. I researched slavery and the human reaction to trauma among other things. I actually started writing the main part of the series first, so I’ve done a ton of research on all kinds of things, including farming, ranching, construction and more, so it’s hard to put an amount of time on how long I spent.
TRC: There is a fine line between romance, erotic and erotica fiction. What do you believe are the differences? And where should the author draw the line?
Jamie: Hum…well, I haven’t thought a lot about this, but in my humble opinion they are very similar. The major difference that I’ve seen is that erotic romance involves two characters getting together for more than just sex (but with a lot of heat in the sex that is depicted and more of it), whereas erotica can often have many partners and with the main focus of the story being on the sex.
To me, romance is about more than just great sex. Sure, it’s a big part, but I’m more about the emotional connection that, which when there, makes the sex out of this world (and I’m not talking aliens here).
I find the human condition and how we handle/react to things in our environment and lives very interesting, but I think there are some authors that go to extremes in their stories and there are some things that I personally just won’t read. I have read both types of books and there were a few I didn’t finish simply because I didn’t like some aspect of the story or the characters themselves for whatever reason.
That said, I feel authors should write the story inside them, but keep in mind that people shouldn’t have to hurt to be with someone and I’m not talking about consensual BDSM here, if you know what I mean.
TRC: What was the most challenging scene to write?
Jamie: The boring ones. Okay, I’m only partially joking. I like writing almost all scenes. I’ve found that I want to rush through some of the less central parts and get to the good stuff where the characters get together. But I also like building the world and the suspense so that when they get together it’s meaningful.
Later in the series, there is a rather violent scene that was very hard to write and may get whittled down a bit before publication. That one was definitely the hardest one to write that I can recall.
TRC: Do you believe the cover image plays a deciding factor for many readers in the process of selecting a book or new series to read?
Jamie: Oh, yes, absolutely. I will often skim through covers and check out ones that catch my eye, but titles and subtitles are also important too and I look at those as well. If those two things are interesting enough, I’ll read the synopsis and buy if it sounds good. That said, I encourage everyone to read the synopsis before you buy. I’ve found some wonderful stories with not so wonderful covers simply because I bothered to read the synopsis.
TRC: When writing a storyline, do the characters direct the writing or do you direct the characters?
Jamie: I’d say a little of both. I usually have an idea of where the story needs to go. I call them milestones. The characters determine how the story travels to get them to each predetermined scene. Sometimes those milestone have to change because the character has changed, grown, and the scene needs to show that in their reactions.
TRC: The mark of a good writer is to pull the reader into the storyline so that they experience the emotions along with the characters. What do you believe a writer must do to make this happen? Where do you believe writer’s fail in this endeavor?
Jamie: Oh, wow, this is a deep question and one I struggled with when I first started. I feel that a writer must show how characters are feeling to draw the reader in. There are lots of ways to do this such as body language and dialogue, as well as descriptions of inner physical and emotional sensations that readers will intuitively understand and pick up on and, thus, be drawn into the character’s world and emotions.
So many of us storytellers make mistakes in this by simply telling the story. I’ve done it, but I’ve also learned a lot since I first started too. Hopefully, my readers will feel the same.
TRC: Do you listen to music while writing? If so, does the style of music influence the storyline direction? Characters?
Jamie: I used to do this a lot and I do for some stories, but lately I haven’t been. I’ve preferred to have quiet or to sit outside with the sounds of nature. But that may change for the next book, I never know.
Going by my previous experience with music and writing, I can’t say it influences the storyline or characters all that much. However, I have a story where I used quotes from songs to introduce a chapter because it hinted at what was going on and how the characters felt. In that way it may have had some influence, but my swirling brain did most of the work.
TRC: What do you believe is the biggest misconception people have about authors?
Jamie: That we make good money. Most authors, especially Indie authors, have full time jobs, many have families, and they all can only write when they are free of those responsibilities. Usually early in the morning or late at night and on weekends if nothing else is going on.
The other is that Indie authors are not really published authors. If people knew how much work goes into publishing a book, not to mention doing it on your own—and I’m not even talking about writing the thing—they’d have a whole new respect for Indie authors.
TRC: How should authors measure a book’s success?
Jamie: This depends on the author and what they want to accomplish. What is their idea of success? For me, it’s a series of steps. Get the book written. Get the book edited. Get the book published. Market the book. Advertise. Get sales. Get more sales. Make it to the Amazon bestsellers list, then USA Today, and then work on the next one, NYT, etc.
TRC: What is something that few, if anybody, knows about you?
Jamie: I like sauerkraut.
TRC: Who is your favorite author (living or dead)?
Jamie: I have several, but the top three are: Tolkien, Karen Robards, and Kathleen Woodiwiss
TRC: On what are you currently working?
Jamie: Editing Masters’ Mistress, Book 1 of the Angel Eyes Series and trying to finish Book 5 of the same series, Masters’ Betrayal
TRC: Would you like to add anything else?
Jamie: I am very thankful to everyone who has helped me with this project in some way. From friends and family, to my editors, to my beta readers, and to all those who take a chance to read and spread the news about a new Indie author like me. Thank you!
Favorite Food
French Fries
Favorite Dessert
Almost all of them
Favorite TV Show
Don’t watch a lot of TV, but I do love Supernatural
Last Movie You Saw
In the theater, Jurassic World: Fallen Kingdom
At home, Extinction
Dark or Milk Chocolate
Both… Depends on my mood
Secret Celebrity Crush
Jensen Ackles
Last Vacation Destination
Do you have any pets?
Last book you read.
I just finished three…
Jock by Jacob Chance
After We Fall by Melanie Harlow
A Husband’s Regret by Natasha Anders
All were quite good.
TRC: Thank you Jamie for taking the time to answer our questions. Congratulations on the release of JAKE’S REDEMPTION. We wish you all the best.