Nice Girls Don’t Bite Their Neighbors by Molly Harper-a review

Nice Girls Don’t Bite Their Neighbors by Molly Harper-a review

Nice Girls Don’t Bite Their Neighbors  (February 2012 release)– Book 4

Nice Girls Don’t Bite Their Neighbors begins with Jane finally saying yes to her boyfriend and Sire, Gabriel, who was forced to turn her when she had been mortally injured. She finally feels that she is in a good place (after being turned into a vampire) and ready to get married. Before the celebrations can start though, Jane’s grandmother, Ruthie, dies. Along with that, while Jane is outside of her bookstore in town, a car comes out of nowhere and hits Jamie, a young man that Jane babysat when he was a child and their families had been friends for years. Jamie was dying and Jane made the decision to turn him in to a vampire in order to save his life. Once that is done, Jane is required by the council to take care of her “childe”, which means he has to move in with Jane and Gabriel so that they can teach him how to live as a vampire. On top of that, Grandma Ruthie, who has never been approving of Jane, either as a human or a vampire, starts haunting where Jane, Gabriel and Jamie live. She is bound and determined to drive them from their home.

Jane and Gabriel are a little overwhelmed with everything going on and decide to leave the house for an outing, where they are attacked and Gabriel is shot with an arrow and poisoned. All of this while trying to plan a wedding. Jane’s mom and sister are great in helping out with the wedding plans, (even though they have not been close in the last little while), as are Andrea (Dick’s wife, and to say dick has more connections than any mafia don is an understatement) and Jolene (Zeb’s wife). Zeb is Jane’s best friend, who also happens to be a werewolf. All along though, accidents keep happening.

To say there are a few bumps in the road during this story is an understatement. A lot of humans are furious about Jane turning Jamie, and constantly deface her bookstore. Once folks figure out that Jane did it to save him, they eventually come around. Dick and Andrea are instrumental in helping sort out who keeps causing the accidents. And Jane’s aunt (who is a ghost and Grandma Ruthie’s sister), finally come up with a way to get rid of Grandma Ruthie’s ghost. In the end, Jane and Gabriel say their I dos and are off to enjoy their honeymoon.

I really enjoyed this book and getting to know the characters. I have not read the first three books in this series, but will definitely be going back to read them! I enjoyed the humor in the book and the crazy situations they constantly found themselves in. The leader of the Vampire Council was frozen into her immortality at 16, so the fact that everyone has to take orders from a teenaged looking girl is hysterical. Jane is quick-witted and plays beautifully off of the other characters. There are so many scenes that will literally make you laugh out loud. And when they all gather, ghosts and vampires alike, to vanquish ghost granny, it was hysterical. And the outcome of Jane’s kidnapping (while getting ready for her wedding) will have you laughing and shaking your head. If you like quick, fun reads, you’ll definitely enjoy this book!!

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Reviewed by Vickie M.
