The Escort by Kelly Gendron-review tour

The Escort (A Different Kind of Escort Service 3) by Kelly Gendron-review tour / / / /

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ABOUT THE BOOK: Release Date June

Every journalist is looking for that big story.Mine is Lix Daxon.

The Daxon Brothers all have day jobs.At night, they’re escorts.But a different kind of escort.

They work with a local domestic abuse center.Like a thief in the night.They steal battered women from their abusers.

It’s not an easy job.And sometimes not legal.Still, they made an oath.Never leave a woman behind.

This is the Escort’s Story


REVIEW:THE ESCORT is the third (and final?) instalment in Kelly Gendron’s contemporary, adult A DIFFERENT KIND OF ESCORT SERVICE erotic, romantic, suspense series focusing on the Daxon brother. This is construction worker / MMA fighter Felix ‘Lix’ Daxon, and twenty-nine year old, reporter/journalist Chosen Ashley aka Luna Moon’s story line. THE ESCORT can be read as a stand alone without any difficulty but for back story and cohesion I recommend reading the series in order.

NOTE: Due to the nature of the story line premise including domestic abuse, there may be triggers for more sensitive readers.

SOME BACKGROUND: After living a life witnessing the abuse of their mother Maria, Brett, Cole and Lix Daxon work for an organization that rescues women from abusive situations.

Told from dual first person perspectives (Lix and Chosen) THE ESCORT follows two pathways, focusing on the search for the truth. Chosen Ashley is a journalist whose professional name is Luna Moon. Luna is desperate to talk to Felix Daxon but for reasons other than the rescue services the Daxon brothers provide. Felix’s brothers are worried about the real reason Luna Moon has contacted their youngest brother, and for good reason, as Luna’s intentions are personal and accusatory. Meanwhile, the Daxon brothers continue to find ways to get their mother released from jail but their mother Maria doesn’t want her sons involved hoping to hide the truth about what happened years before. What ensues is the building relationship between Chosen and Lix, as an ‘escorting’ assignment pulls Felix into the past.

Throughout the series, the Daxon brothers have been struggling with the reality of their mother’s incarceration for killing the man that had terrorized and abused their entire family but all was not as it appeared to be, and Felix will have to come to terms with what happened and why.

The relationship between Chosen and Lix begins acrimoniously. Chosen aka Luna is searching for information about a man who died years before, and the only link to the past is our story line hero. As Lix reveals the truth, another truth is about to send Lix into a spiral of his own. The $ex scenes are passionate and intense.

The secondary and supporting characters are energetic and dynamic. We are reintroduced to Lix’s brothers Brett (Cassie), Cole (Harper), as well as their mother Maria, Office Selina Starr, several women in need of assistance; and Willa, the woman who runs the domestic abuse centre.

THE ESCORT is a story of secrets and lies, abuse and terror, acceptance and love. The premise is dramatic and intense; the romance is seductive; the characters are desperate, determined and broken.

Reading Order and Previous Reviews
The Reading Cafe
Her Escort

Copy supplied for review

Reviewed by Sandy


Kelly’s motto ~ “Bad boys, give ’em a little time and experience, and they will evolve into misbehaving men!” And what hot-blooded woman doesn’t want a naughty, all grown up bad boy?

Kelly Gendron is the author of the TroubleMaker series, the up and coming series ~ Breaking the Declan Brothers, and a few other romantic suspense novels.

When she’s not writing steamy, blush producing romances, she’s out meeting new people while representing a group of reputable nursing facilities. You can find Kelly in a quiet suburb, somewhere between Buffalo and Niagara Falls. If you Google her, she’ll pop up there too. And, please do find her. Kelly loves to hear from her readers, and meeting new people.

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Her Escort by Kelly Gendron-Review Tour

Her Escort (A Different Kind of Escort Service 2) by Kelly Gendron-Review Tour / / / /

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ABOUT THE BOOK: Release Date August 23, 2022

The Daxon Brothers all have day jobs.
At night, they’re escorts.
But a different kind of escort.
They work with a local domestic abuse center.
Like a thief in the night.
They steal battered women from their abusers.
It’s not an easy job.
And sometimes not legal.
Still, they made an oath.
Never leave a woman behind.

This is Her Story
We all have our stories.
I need to know hers.


REVIEW:HER ESCORT is the second instalment in Kelly Gendron’s contemporary, adult A DIFFERENT KIND OF ESCORT SERVICE erotic, romance suspense series focusing on the Daxon brothers. This is twenty-nine year old construction worker Cole Daxon, and twenty-seven year old, social worker Harper James’ story line. HER ESCORT can be read as a stand alone without any difficulty. Any important information from the previous story line is revealed where necessary.

WARNING: Due to the nature of the story line premise including domestic abuse, there may be triggers for more sensitive readers.

SOME BACKGROUND: After living a life witnessing the abuse of their mother, Brett, Cole and Lix Daxon work for an organization that rescues women from abusive situations.

Told from dual first person perspectives (Cole and Harper) HER ESCORT follows in the wake of another case of domestic abuse, a case wherein Cole Daxon is called into help but the principle person taking charge is not the woman Cole expected but the woman’s niece Harper James, a woman’s whose need to help is about to spiral out of control. Struggling with the fall-out of her first case, Harper finds herself a target, a target of a man determined to get revenge for the perceived interference in his life. Forced to stay with our story line hero, Harper struggles with her attraction to Cole Daxon, a man whose own demons runs dangerous and dark. What ensues is the building romance and relationship between Harper and Cole, and the potential fall-out as no good deed goes unpunished, and our heroine is once again facing the demons from her past.

Harper James is a woman with secrets but refuses to acknowledge what happened or why. Holding onto the past means Harper is unable to let go, and Cole suspects Harper’s secrets continue to push at our heroine’s heart. Cole Daxon knows all too well the darkness that surrounds domestic abuse, and with it, the ghosts that refuse to give up and walk away. Keeping his own secrets close to his heart means having to let go if he wants to move on from the past.

The relationship between Harper and Cole is one of immediate attraction but our couple are in the business of saving every one else. Harper has a habit of running when her life becomes overwhelming, and in this Cole fears that Harper may run and never come back. Living together in the face of threats against our story line heroine forces our couple to admit the truth, a truth in which Cole is falling for a woman who refuses to let go. The $ex scenes are intimate, erotic and intense without the use of over the top, sexually graphic language and text.

The secondary and supporting characters include several victims and survivors of domestic abuse, Officer Starr, and Lisa, a young woman who works at the crisis center. We are reintroduced to Cole’s brothers Felix aka Lix, Brett and his girlfriend Cassie, as well as their mother, a woman who is paying for the sins of the past, and Willa, the woman who runs the service helping women in abusive situations.

HER ESCORT is another story of abuse and survival, power and control, acceptance and moving forward, love and understanding. The premise is tragic and dramatic; the characters are broken but healing and moving forward; the romance is passionate, forgiving and energetic.

Click HERE for Sandy’s review of book one MY ESCORT

Copy supplied for review

Reviewed by Sandy

Kelly’s motto ~ “Bad boys, give ’em a little time and experience, and they will evolve into misbehaving men!” And what hot-blooded woman doesn’t want a naughty, all grown up bad boy?

Kelly Gendron is the author of the TroubleMaker series, the up and coming series ~ Breaking the Declan Brothers, and a few other romantic suspense novels.

When she’s not writing steamy, blush producing romances, she’s out meeting new people while representing a group of reputable nursing facilities. You can find Kelly in a quiet suburb, somewhere between Buffalo and Niagara Falls. If you Google her, she’ll pop up there too. And, please do find her. Kelly loves to hear from her readers, and meeting new people.

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My Escort by Kelly Gendron -Review Tour

My Escort ( A Different Kind of Escort Service 1) by Kelly Gendron -Review Tour / / B&N / KOBO / Chapters Indigo / Google Play /


A Steamy Evocative Love Story
The Daxon Brothers all have day jobs.
At night, they’re escorts.
But a different kind of escort.
They work with a local domestic abuse center.
Like a thief in the night.
They steal battered women from their abusers.
It’s not an easy job.
And sometimes not legal.
Still, they made an oath.
Never leave a woman behind.

This is MY Story
A year ago, he saved me.
Now, can I save him?


REVIEW:MY ESCORT is the instalment in Kelly Gendron’s contemporary, adult A DIFFERENT KING OF ESCORT SERVICE erotic, romantic suspense series focusing on the Daxon Brothers-Brett, Cole and Lix Daxon. This is thirty-one year old, co-owner and project manager of Daxon Construction, and marketing director Cassie Redmon’s story line.

WARNING: Due to the nature of the story line premise including domestic abuse, there may be triggers for more sensitive readers.

Told from dual first person perspectives (Cassie and Brett) focuses on the rescue of abused and battered women. Brett and his brothers Cole and Lix, work for an organization that rescues women from abusive situations. Approximately one year earlier Brett rescued Cassie Redmon, a woman who stirred something deep within our story line hero but a recent construction contract brought Brett up close and personal with the woman he saved, the woman with whom Brett would fall in love. Enter Cassie Redmon, project manager for Grandmark Developments. What ensues is the building romance and relationship between Cassie and Brett, and the potential fall-out as Cassie’s past refuses to let go.

Brett Daxon knows abuse first hand having witnessed the fall-out of his parent’s abusive relationship. Working as an ‘escort’ to help abused and battered women, Brett has never fallen for one of his charges, always hoping they would move on with their lives, somewhere else but Cassie returned to Florida to oversee Grandmark’s latest location, a job that would find Cassie facing the man she could never forget.

The relationship between Cassie and Brett is one of the forbidden. Cassie is a domestic abuse survivor, and Brett is currently contracted by her marketing company. Cassie is the aggressor in her attraction to our story liner hero, a man she is determined to call her own. Brett struggles in the wake of his attraction to Cassie, knowing she continues to battle the demons from her past , and Brett knows he demands more than most women are able to handle believing himself not worthy of love and his own happily ever after. The $ex scenes are intimate and passionate without the use of over the top, sexually graphic language and text.

We are introduced to Brett’s brother Cole and Lix (Felix), as well as their mother;Cassie’s assistant Matthew Yates, and Cassie’s ex boyfriend Glenn Stillwell. Cole’s story is next.

MY ESCORT is a story of abuse and survival; family and relationships; acceptance and love. The premise is dramatic and intense; the romance is seductive; the characters are strong and energetic.

Copy supplied for review

Reviewed by Sandy

Kelly’s motto ~ “Bad boys, give ’em a little time and experience, and they will evolve into misbehaving men!” And what hot-blooded woman doesn’t want a naughty, all grown up bad boy?

Kelly Gendron is the author of the TroubleMaker series, the up and coming series ~ Breaking the Declan Brothers, and a few other romantic suspense novels.

When she’s not writing steamy, blush producing romances, she’s out meeting new people while representing a group of reputable nursing facilities. You can find Kelly in a quiet suburb, somewhere between Buffalo and Niagara Falls. If you Google her, she’ll pop up there too. And, please do find her. Kelly loves to hear from her readers, and meeting new people.

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Willing Me Him by Kelly Gendron-Review Tour

Willing Me Him by Kelly Gendron-Review Tour / / B&N / KOBO / Google Play /Apple

ABOUT THE BOOK: Release Date November 9,2021

Theo Nash makes women want to take him home to show off everything they’ve learned in the bedroom all in one night.

Our senior year, my twin brother was diagnosed with a rare bone disease.
Two years later, we lost him.
He left our little brother his skateboard collection.
Mom got his cherished camera.
And me?
He left me his cocky, button-pushing, skirt-chasing best friend, THEO NASH
He not only left me Theo.
He left instructions!
Take my brother’s place as Theo’s best friend for the next five years!
My time is almost up.
And I haven’t fallen victim to his sexy little smiles or his not to be ignored eyes.
I just need to get through the weekend with him as my fake boyfriend…


REVIEW: WILLING ME HIM by Kelly Gendron is a stand alone, contemporary, adult, erotic romance story line focusing on twenty-five year olds App developer/firefighter Jody Walker, and bartender/sky diving instructor Theo Nash.

Told from dual first person perspectives (Jody and Nash) using present day and memories from the past, WILLING ME HIM follows five years after the death of Nash’s best friend, and Jody’s twin brother Joey, a death wherein Joey bequeathed his best friend Nash to his sister Joey. Five years would pass, Jody and Nash and best friends but a corporate retreat finds Nash pretending to be Jody’s boyfriend, and the relationship between our couple will never be the same. Returning home Nash ghosts our heroine until a call to go home, wherein Nash’s life is about to take a drastic change going forward. What ensues is the back and forth, building relationship between Jody and Nash, and the potential fall-out when Nash discovers his best friend’s request, and Jody finds herself on the outside looking in when the man that she loves, walks away without looking back.

The relationship between Jody and Nash is a best friend’s sister, friends to lovers, fake boyfriend relationship in which a slow burning attraction turns into something more. Jody has watched from the sidelines as Nash jumped from girl to girl, and Nash struggled in the wake of falling in love with his best friend’s sister. The $ex scenes are intimate and passionate without the use of over the top, sexually graphic language and text.

We are introduced to Jody’s younger brother Aidan, their mother, and as well as Jody’s co-workers and friends; Nash’s Mima, her friend Betty Jean, and his father Allen.

WILLING ME HIM is an emotional story of loss and grief, friendships and love. The premise is heart breaking yet engaging; the romance is seductive; the characters are struggling but energetic and dynamic.

Copy supplied for review

Reviewed by Sandy

Kelly’s motto ~ “Bad boys, give ’em a little time and experience, and they will evolve into misbehaving men!” And what hot-blooded woman doesn’t want a naughty, all grown up bad boy?

Kelly Gendron is the author of the TroubleMaker series, the up and coming series ~ Breaking the Declan Brothers, and a few other romantic suspense novels.

When she’s not writing steamy, blush producing romances, she’s out meeting new people while representing a group of reputable nursing facilities. You can find Kelly in a quiet suburb, somewhere between Buffalo and Niagara Falls. If you Google her, she’ll pop up there too. And, please do find her. Kelly loves to hear from her readers, and meeting new people.

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The Tillman Crush by Kelly Gendron-Review & Excerpt tour

The Tillman Crush by Kelly Gendron-Review & Excerpt tour / / / /

Don’t own a Kindle? Download the FREE Amazon Kindle App for your mobile device or pc

ABOUT THE BOOK: Release Date May 18, 2021

It took ten seconds to fall for her, one accident to lose her, and seven years to get back to her

Britt Tillman was a jerk.
Yet I was forced to tolerate him.
Our parents were best friends.
I’m not sure if I hated him or if I secretly wanted him.
Then Britt kissed me.
He growled when his mouth touched mine.
His lips were soft. His hold was firm.
The next day, he vanished.
After seven years, he’s back with a sexy smile, flirty eyes, and jacked muscles.
Not that I care.
Let him slather on the charm.
I won’t give in to The Tillman Crush.
Not this time.

Sadie Holland. Beautiful. Smart.
The untouchable girl next door.
Growing up, I wanted her.
To keep her at a safe distance, I was mean to her.
Then, the accident happened.
With my mom gone, my father turned to the bottle.
So I left town the first chance I got.
Now, I’m back and not just for Sadie.
The other thing I want.
Well, the girl I came back for might not like it.
Still, I won’t stop until I get what I want.
Not this time.


REVIEW:THE TILLMAN CRUSH by Kelly Gendron is a stand alone, contemporary, adult, erotic, romance story line focusing on twenty-six year old, micro brewery owner Britt Tillman, and twenty three year old Sadie Holland’s story line.

Told from dual first person perspectives (Sadie and Britt) using present day and memories from the past THE TILLMAN CRUSH follows the best friend’s little sister /frenemies relationship between twenty-six year old, micro brewery owner Britt Tillman, and twenty three year old Sadie Holland. Most of her life Sadie Holland had been in love with her brother’s best friend Britt Holland until the day he kissed her good bye without looking back. Fast forward to present day wherein secrets are about to reveal the truth about what happened years before with Britt’s return to his hometown to claim our story line heroine. What ensues is the rebuilding relationship, friendship and romance between Britt and Sadie, and the potential fall-out as Sadie struggles with issues of trust, and Britt’s dismissive attitude years before.

Britt Tillman never wanted to leave Sadie behind but in an effort to escape the dysfunction of his family, Britt knew he had to leave in order to survive. Breaking Sadie’s heart was never what he wanted but life and everything it had to offer, was just beyond the horizon. Sadie Holland never recovered from the heart break of Britt Tillman’s kiss good bye. Without a word, Britt disappeared from their lives, and in the ensuing years life changed for everyone involved but now that Britt was back in town, secrets are revealed, lies exposed, and everything Sadie thought she knew, would turn out to be a lie.

The relationship between Sadie and Britt is one of second chances, of a sorts, for two people whose lives went in different directions. Britt’s return comes with the promise of a happily ever after but Sadie struggles in the face of betrayal and lies. The $ex scenes are intimate and passionate without the use of over the top, sexually graphic language and text.

The colorful secondary and supporting characters reveal a past mired in secrets and abuse. We are introduced to Sadie’s brother Caleb; one-time school bully Cole; Britt’s business manager Reece; Sadie and Caleb’s father Calvin Holland; and memories of Britt’s parents.I am hoping the author has plans for Caleb, Reece and Cole.

THE TILLMAN CRUSH is a story of family, friendships, relationships and love; a story of secrets and lies, betrayal and heart break; forgiveness and hope. The premise is emotional and heart breaking yet there are several fun and flirty moments as our couple reflect on past experiences; the romance is seductive and hot; the characters are wonderful but broken and moving forward.

Copy supplied for review

Reviewed by Sandy




“No.” I snag my gun back from him. “It’s not loaded.”
“Good. I wouldn’t want my welcome home to be a shot in the ass from an old friend.”
Did he just refer to me as his friend?
“Yes, Sadie. Home.”
“So you plan on staying?”
“Like you’re going to live here? Up there, in your dad’s house, from now on? You’re not leaving?”
“I can’t tell if that’s dread, disbelief, or uncertainty in your voice.”
Pick one, or better yet, all of the above nearly falls from my mouth, but everything stops when he reaches out and pinches the end of my braid. Well, everything except whatever is going on between my legs.
Yeah, that still wants to run over and give him…a hug?
Which is strange, considering Britt Tillman wasn’t one of those guys who made me bat my eyes or twirl my hair. No. He made my blood boil and fists clench. He didn’t say much, but it was usually a one-liner that I had a hard time figuring out when he did. After all, he’s almost three years older than me. So, when comparing fifteen to almost eighteen, there’s a difference. I’d like to think now that I’m older that there’s less of an understanding gap.
He stares down at his fingers. “I thought you were done wearing braids when you turned fourteen?” His eyes lift to mine. “I always liked them on you.”
Alright, no misunderstanding there. That was a compliment. What the hell is going on? I’m not sure how to react.
“Okay!” I hold up my hands. “All I want to know is what you did with Britt Tillman.” I laugh but fall short when he pulls on my braid.
He draws me closer to him. His head bends, and his smile melts away.
His lips relax inches from mine.
His eyes darken.
“Look really close, Sadie.” He pauses long enough for me to take that look, and everything he ever made me feel, good and bad, floods through me. “He’s still in here.”
The night he left comes crashing into me. The growl he made when his mouth touched mine. The way his lips were soft and his hold was firm. I was sixteen. I’d kissed a boy before, but none like Britt. He frightened me, and he made me feel something new… something I’ve been looking for but haven’t found since that kiss.
“Yes.” I yank my hair from his fingers and arch back. “I can see that.” I run my hand over my braid.
He stands up straight and smiles, but it doesn’t reach his eyes. They remain dark and astute as though he knows what’s between my legs and that it wants to jump all over his ripped body.
Damn him! I’m not going back there. He confused me that night, and then he left!
“Well.” His head dips. “I’ll see you tomorrow then.”
“Yeah.” He grins. “Didn’t Caleb tell you? He invited me over for dinner.”
“Caleb knows you’re in town?”
He laughs. This time, the gesture lights up his eyes. “I’ll see ya, Sadie.”
“Yeah,” I watch him turn and walk toward his truck.
Wait until I see my brother! He could’ve warned me Britt Tillman was back!


Kelly’s motto ~ “Bad boys, give ’em a little time and experience, and they will evolve into misbehaving men!” And what hot-blooded woman doesn’t want a naughty, all grown up bad boy?

Kelly Gendron is the author of the TroubleMaker series, the up and coming series ~ Breaking the Declan Brothers, and a few other romantic suspense novels.

When she’s not writing steamy, blush producing romances, she’s out meeting new people while representing a group of reputable nursing facilities. You can find Kelly in a quiet suburb, somewhere between Buffalo and Niagara Falls. If you Google her, she’ll pop up there too. And, please do find her. Kelly loves to hear from her readers, and meeting new people.

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Stone by Kelly Gendron-Review, Excerpt & Giveaway Tour

Stone (Daring the Kane Brothers #5) by Kelly Gendron-Review, Excerpt & Giveaway Tour / / B&N / KOBO / Google Play

ABOUT THE BOOK: Release Date June 1, 2020

She’s waited a long time to confront me, and after one red-hot kiss, I wonder what’s going to happen when she realizes she can’t have what she wants?

JAGGS showed up about a year ago. She’s feisty and difficult to ignore. She befriended my brother, and my family loves her. But the sexy spitfire hates me. She thinks I don’t know why she wants to destroy me or why she appeared out of nowhere, but I do.

With his dark amber eyes and smooth whiskey voice, this drug-fueled rock star has somehow become my addiction.

So what if he has a black belt in playing guitar, if he’s an Army vet who can deactivate bombs, or that he bubbles over with hotness? He’s the man who ruined my life, and no matter how tempting STONE KANE might be, I plan to crush him.


REVIEW:STONE is the fifth instalment in Kelly Gendron’s contemporary, adult DARING THE KANE BROTHERS erotic, romance series focusing on the Kane siblings. This is former EOD specialist US army soldier / guitarist Stone Kane, and auto mechanic Amanda aka Jaggs Downey’s story line. STONE can be read as a stand alone without any difficulty. Any important information from the previous instalments is revealed where necessary. Daring the Kane Brothers is a spin-off from the author’s Breaking the Declan Brothers series.

Told from dual first person perspectives (Stone and Jaggs) STONE follows the contemptuous relationship between former EOD specialist US army soldier / guitarist Stone Kane, and auto mechanic Amanda aka Jaggs Downey. Approximately one year earlier, Amanda aka Jaggs Downey arrived in Culver City, California, looking for a job at Crash Kane’s garage but in that year Jaggs’ relationship with Crash’s brother Stone started as a hate-filled, vitriolic, war of words that only worsened as time went by. Stone Kane rarely returns to visit his family, suffering the affects of his time in Iraq, a time he chooses to numb with alcohol and drugs but his last visit finds him spending the weekend at Crash’s house with Jaggs Downey, the woman with whom Stone will fall in love. What ensues is the back and forth, up and down building relationship between Jaggs and Stone, and the potential fall-out as Jaggs struggles with Stone’s rockstar lifestyle, and the potential for Stone to break her heart.

Several years earlier Jaggs’ sister Jenny died in an explosion and Jaggs Downey blames Stone Kane. Stone is an addict and struggles with his sobriety, and in this Jaggs is looking to destroy our story line hero but Stone keeps secret that truth about what happened months before, a truth that once revealed changes the direction of Jaggs and Stone’s relationship, a relationship that is about to cross the line, and never return.

The relationship between Jaggs and Stone is an enemies to lovers based upon mistaken belief and a need for revenge. Jaggs’ sister is dead and she is desperate to place the blame, seeking her vengeance against an innocent man, who himself, struggles with the death of so many in the past. When the truth is revealed, Jaggs and Stone take their affair on the road but our heroine refuses to loose her heart to a man who is capable of destroying her soul. The $ex scenes are intimate and passionate without the use of over the top, sexually graphic language and text.

All of the Kane siblings, and their mother Olivia Kane play secondary and supporting characters. We are introduced to Stone’s fellow band members Trigger, the drummer, Derrick, the lead singer, and their roadie Getty.

The world building reveals both Jaggs and Kane’s heart breaking and soul-crushing backgrounds: Jaggs and her sister Jenny’s ten different foster families, and Kane and his brother Steele’s birth mother’s horrific death.

STONE is a story of mistaken beliefs and a need for revenge; a story of revelations, acceptance, moving forward and love. The premise is captivating and heart breaking; the romance is seductive and provocative; the characters are energetic, broken but healing.

Reading Order and Previous Reviews

Copy supplied for review

reviewed by Sandy

TOKEN-ONLY 99¢: / / B&N / KOBO / Chapters Indigo / Google Play

STEELE: ONLY 99¢: / / / / B&N / KOBO / Apple /

CRASH-ONLY $1.99: / / B&N / KOBO / Google Play / Apple

NIX-ONLY $1.99: / / B&N / KOBO / Apple / Google Play

He stares at the Keurig for a long hard second.
“You know how to use it, right?” I snicker.
“Yeah.” He scowls at me. “Where’s those things?”
“Yeah.” He half growls.
“Up in the cupboard.” I nudge in the direction. He continues to stare at me. And all I can think about is what he might have going on in those lounge pants. Dammit, why did he ask me if I was going to get in bed with him? As if!
The truth be told, it brought me back to the day in the storage room when he was screwing one of his groupies. It’s not like I haven’t imagined what sex might be with the philandering rock star. I just convinced myself it would suck.
He smiles at me as he had when he nearly pulled the sheets back.
Is he messing with me?
I know he hates me as much as I hate him. Is he trying to be lewd? Trying to turn me off or on? Neither will work as I only have one feeling for the man—hate.
Still, it’s strange. He’s never paid me any attention. He’s never struck up a conversation or looked at me for that matter. He usually acts as if I don’t exist. So what’s with the sexual advances and all the fake smiles this morning?
What’s going on here?
I watch him get the pod and prepare himself a cup of coffee.
He takes a sip. “Ah, that’s good,” he says in a low, sexy raspy voice. He takes another sip and another, then sets the mug down on the counter and turns to me. “Thanks for last night. I was really fucked up.” His tone more sober and sincere.
“Yeah.” I clear my throat, instructing my eyes not to look at his chest or anything else other than his face. “Like I said, I didn’t want to tell my best friend his brother died on my watch.”
He flicks his hair from his face. “Crash is your best friend?”
“Yeah.” It’s the truth. He’s one of my only friends. I haven’t been this close to anyone since Jenny was killed. Crash and his family mean a lot to me, so that must be why I didn’t let Stone die last night. It’s not like I don’t want him dead, but the second I got the opportunity to have what I want, I did everything in my power—which was grabbing a pillow and sleeping on the floor, so not much—to keep the asshole alive.
He takes a step toward me, bringing his hard-to-resist aroma closer to my nostrils. “You two ain’t sleeping together?”
“Not that it’s any of your business.” I set my mug on the counter, and he takes a step closer. My back straightens.
“No. I suppose it ain’t.” His eyes roam to my mouth, pausing for an unspoken salacious moment. “But I know what you want.”
Yeah, you dead. “What’s that?” I smirk, his eyes making it back to mine.
He smiles, reaches for his mug, and takes another sip of coffee. I shake my head, staying focused on his face. I wonder what he looks like beneath all that scruff and hair. His eyes, the color, it’s brighter, softer, and lighter than I thought, but like the smooth whiskey color, the effects are no doubt the same, and too much of those eyes could alter my thinking. And I’ve already concluded that I hate the way my body reacts around him.
He sets the mug down and takes another step toward me. His hand comes out. Not sure what he’s going after, I grab his wrist and squeeze hard.
“I was going to check your mug to see if you needed another cup,” he says with a husky chuckle. “Do I scare you?”
“Scare? No.” I release his wrist. “Repulse? Yes.”
He bends until our heads are level. I get another whiff of his fuck-me-hard scent that clings to him like sweat and sex. I’m quick to swallow down the unbridled desire attempting to stir in me. His eyes lower to my mouth, then slowly move back up. I watch, sensing an attack of some kind. He leans forward. “I’m going to kiss you…

Kelly’s motto ~ “Bad boys, give ’em a little time and experience, and they will evolve into misbehaving men!” And what hot-blooded woman doesn’t want a naughty, all grown up bad boy?

Kelly Gendron is the author of the TroubleMaker series, the up and coming series ~ Breaking the Declan Brothers, and a few other romantic suspense novels.

When she’s not writing steamy, blush producing romances, she’s out meeting new people while representing a group of reputable nursing facilities. You can find Kelly in a quiet suburb, somewhere between Buffalo and Niagara Falls. If you Google her, she’ll pop up there too. And, please do find her. Kelly loves to hear from her readers, and meeting new people.

Blog, Twitter, Pinterest, Facebook, Newsletter

NOTE: The Reading Cafe is NOT responsible for the rafflecopter giveaway. If you have any questions, please contact the tour promoter.


NIX (Daring The Kane Brothers #4) by Kelly Gendron-Review Tour

NIX (Daring The Kane Brothers #4) by Kelly Gendron-Review tour

ebook ONLY 99¢ / / B&N / KOBO / Apple / Google Play

ABOUT THE BOOK: Release Date November 26, 2019

Single dad. Computer geek. One-night stand. Not looking for love.
That’s how my profile reads

And I was getting away with the whole no girlfriend status
Until Payton Tucker showed up

Damn, that woman walks in a room and the world stops spinning
Gravity pulls me right to her
Not to mention, my kid likes her

But, as my profile reads, I am NOT looking for love
Especially with a woman who smells, feels and touches me just like my first love- the same woman who walked out on me and our kid

So, Payton Tucker can take her makes the world stop spinning sexy blue eyes and go right back to where she came from

But, to be on the safe side- considering she is a lot like my MIA ex, before I send Payton Tucker on her way, maybe I should discover exactly where she came from


REVIEW: NIX is the fourth instalment in Kelly Gendron’s contemporary, adult DARING THE KANE BROTHERS erotic, romance series focusing on the Kane siblings. This is twenty-nine, year old computer programmer / single father Nickel ‘Nix’ Kane, and twenty-six year old, travel agent Payton Tucker’s story line. NIX can be read as a stand alone without any difficulty. Any important information from the previous instalments is revealed where necessary. Daring the Kane Brothers is a spin-off from the author’s Breaking the Declan Brothers series

Told from dual first person perspectives (Nix and Payton) NIX follows the building relationship between computer programmer / single father Nickel ‘Nix’ Kane, and travel agent Payton Tucker. Nix Kane can’t keep his eyes off of his brother’s new client, and while her car is in the shop for repairs, Nix offers Payton Tucker a ride to work but not before they have to make a detour for his six year old daughter Becca. Refusing to get swayed by Nickel ‘Nix’ Kane’s charm, Payton Tucker all but disappears from our hero’s life only for Nix to discover Payton has been volunteering for Becca’s upcoming dance recital. The push and pull of attraction keeps Nix circling within Payton’s orbit but all is not well in Nix’s well ordered life. What ensues is the slow building relationship between Nix and Payton, and the potential fall-out when the truth about Payton’s past is revealed.

Nix Kane is a single father whose former lover walked out of his and Becca’s life years before but a string of recent break-ins and assaults against our story line hero have Nix believing his past is searching for something important. Payton Tucker is a woman grieving the loss of her best friend but her latest assignment finds Payton battling between head and heart knowing that if she fails, she fails everyone she loves

The relationship between Nix and Payton is predicated upon several lies including the who, what, where and why of Payton’s appearance in the lives of Nix and his daughter Becca. Payton Tucker is a woman on a mission, a mission to get in and get out without falling in love. The $ex scenes are intimate, erotic and intense without the use of over the top, sexually graphic language and text.

There is a large ensemble cast of colorful secondary and supporting characters including Token and Harley #1: Steele Kane #2; Crash and Maggie #3; Crash’s employee Jaggs; their sister Lulu; and their mother Olivia Kane.

NIX is a story of family and friendship; secrets and lies; heart break and revelations; acceptance and love. The premise is intriguing and captivating but the guilty party was easily deduced; the characters are energetic and dynamic; the romance is passionate and seductive but I struggled with some issues of questionable consent, aggression and possible sexual assault, that in the age of #metoo, if the situation were reversed, some readers would be complaining about the actions of a particular story line character.

Reading Order and Previous Reviews

Copy supplied for review

reviewed by Sandy


Kelly’s motto ~ “Bad boys, give ’em a little time and experience, and they will evolve into misbehaving men!” And what hot-blooded woman doesn’t want a naughty, all grown up bad boy?

Kelly Gendron is the author of the TroubleMaker series, the up and coming series ~ Breaking the Declan Brothers, and a few other romantic suspense novels.

When she’s not writing steamy, blush producing romances, she’s out meeting new people while representing a group of reputable nursing facilities. You can find Kelly in a quiet suburb, somewhere between Buffalo and Niagara Falls. If you Google her, she’ll pop up there too. And, please do find her. Kelly loves to hear from her readers, and meeting new people.

Blog/ Twitter/ Pinterest/ Facebook/ Newsletter


Crash by Kelly Gendron-Review & Giveaway Tour

CRASH (Daring the Kane Brothers #1) by Kelly Gendron-Review and Giveaway tour / / B&N / KOBO / Google Play / Apple

About the book: Release Date January 22, 2019

Three years ago, I “married” my best friend’s sister on a dare and the next day, my best friend died. Maggie Mae is back in town and she wants a divorce. The thing is, we’re not really married
At least, I didn’t think we were…

Remember that guy in high school every girl wanted
Well, that sexy bastard was my brother’s best friend
With a mouth that always knew exactly what to say and a body that wouldn’t quit
Crash Kane was pure perfection
Perfect until he was almost mine

Remember that girl in high school every guy wanted
Maggie Mae was NOT that girl
While she wasn’t every guy’s dream
She was mine
She was also my best friend’s sister
And, like most guys,I knew the rules

Abandoned love, lost dreams and broken hearts. Sometimes, you’re going so fast, you don’t feel the CRASH!


REVIEW: CRASH is the third instalment in Kelly Gendron’s contemporary, adult DARING THE KANE BROTHERS erotic, romance series focusing on the Kane brothers –Token, Nix, Steele and Crash Kane-a spin off from the author’s BREAKING THE DECLAN BROTHERS series. This is twenty-six year old, former NASCAR driver and mechanic Crash Kane, and twenty-four year old Maggie Mae’s story line. CRASH can be read as a stand alone without any difficulty. Any important information from the previous story lines is revealed where necessary.

Told from dual first person perspectives (Crash and Maggie) CRASH is a multi-troped story line following the second chance, secret marriage, best friend’s little sister, rekindling romance between is twenty-six year old, former NASCAR driver and mechanic Crash Kane, and twenty-four year old Maggie Mae. Three years earlier the world as they knew it was torn apart and shredded when Maggie’s brother, Crash’s best friend Josh was killed on the track but not before Crash and Maggie participated in a drunken, quickie Vegas wedding, a wedding Crash thought had been annulled on the spot. Fast forward to present day wherein the woman with whom Crash hasn’t seen or spoken returns to their home town, keeping secrets that threaten the people he loves. What ensues is the rebuilding relationship and romance between Crash and Maggie, and the potential fall-out as Maggie’s past demands retribution, and Crash discovers the secrets Maggie was hoping to keep hidden.

Maggie has loved Crash for most of her life but death of her brother Josh brought with it the death of her relationship with Crash Kane. Returning home meant facing the man she hadn’t stopped loving, a return meant to move on with her life to protect the people she loved. Crash Kane had no idea the secrets Maggie kept but learning they were still married gave Crash a second chance at a happily ever after, a second chance that came with more secrets and surprises. Having taken the blame for Josh’s demise, Crash remained silent until his own secrets were revealed.

The relationship between Crash and Maggie is one of second chances; a best friend’s little sister, secret marriage that Crash thought was over, and Maggie wanted done. The palpable sexual attraction and desire did not go unnoticed by family and friends. The $ex scenes are intimate and passionate without the use of over the top, sexually graphic language and text.

The colorful secondary and supporting characters include Crash’s parents, and Maggie’s mother Bridget Knight.We are reintroduced to Crash’s brothers Token (see review below), Nix and Steele, as well as Jax and Emmie Declan, and Zeke Declan and Lurlene Kane (The Declan Brothers Series) and Crash’s roommate Jaggs. The requisite evil has many faces.

CRASH is a story of family, friendship, loss and love. The premise is heart breaking, emotional and entertaining; the romance is seductive and hot; the characters are dynamic, lively and charismatic. CRASH is a sexy, sensitive and moving story of second chances and happily ever after.

Copy supplied for review

Reviewed by Sandy



(Daring the Kane Brothers #1)
by Kelly Gendron
Genre: adult, contemporary, erotic,romance / / B&N / KOBO / Chapters Indigo / Google Play

About the book: Release Date March 21, 2017


Little did I know
The next Harley I’d pick up
Would give me the ride of my life
Harley Redbourne is beautiful
Self-destructive, unpredictable, sassy, temptress
And my mission to take her just got complicated ~ Token Kane

One week out of the year
On the anniversary of the death of my family
I put away my good-girl, free the darkness, and completely let go
This year, my plans were cut short by TokenKane
The ex-boxer hired to bring me back to California
And, while I was thrown-off by the sexy, Irish rogue
I’m still not going anywhere with him ~ Harley Redbourne

Will Harley continue downa self-destructive path, or will she change gears and give intothe undeniable attraction she has for the alpha brute and seewhere he might take her?


REVIEW: TOKEN is the first instalment in Kelly Gendron’s contemporary, adult DARING THE KANE BROTHER erotic romance series focusing on the Kane sibling. This is former boxer Token Kane, and twenty-five year old, Harley Redbourne’s story line. DARING THE KANE BROTHERS is a spin-off from the author’s BREAKING THE DECLAN BROTHERS series.

Told from dual first person perspectives (Harley and Token) TOKEN follows the building relationship between former boxer Token Kane, and twenty-five year old, Harley Redbourne. Token Kane works for boxing promoter and gym owner Bronx Mosely doing specialty jobs no one else wants to handle including the retrieval and babysitting of a woman who pushes all of Token’s buttons. Enter Harley Redbourne, the woman with whom Token will fall in love. On the run, staying one step ahead of her past, Harley Redbourne battles the guilt and memories of a time long ago, memories that she tries to drown at the bottom of a bottle. What ensues is the slow building romance, but tempestuous and acrimonious relationship between Harley and Token, and the potential fall-out as Token’s past is too close for comfort.

Token Kane is sent to retrieve Harley Redbourne but is unaware of the reasons surrounding his latest assignment. Battling his own demons, Token sees a kindred spirit behind the spitfire and fury of the woman that will call to his heart. Harley Redbourne is unwilling to go quietly; to be complacent for a man she believes is only doing his job. Struggling with the memories of heart break and loss, Harley continue to rebel and push at the man that calls to her heart.

The relationship between Harley and Token begins as an assignment. Harley refuses to cooperate with Token’s demands, as Token battles with the woman with whom he will fall in love. The $ex scenes are intimate, passionate and intense without the use of over the top, sexually graphic language and text.

We are introduced Token’s parents and his siblings: Crash, Nix, Steele and Lurlene, as well as boxing promoter Bronx Mosely. The requisite evil is familiar to our story line hero

TOKEN is a story of family, loss, guilt and grief. The premise is fast paced and spirited ; the characters are feisty, stubborn and determined; the romance is provocative and energetic. TOKEN is an engaging look at two broken people trying to hide from ghosts of the past.

Own a copy

Reviewed by Sandy

Kelly’s motto ~ “Bad boys, give ’em a little time and experience, and they will evolve into misbehaving men!” And what hot-blooded woman doesn’t want a naughty, all grown up bad boy?

Kelly Gendron is the author of the TroubleMaker series, the up and coming series ~ Breaking the Declan Brothers, and a few other romantic suspense novels.

When she’s not writing steamy, blush producing romances, she’s out meeting new people while representing a group of reputable nursing facilities. You can find Kelly in a quiet suburb, somewhere between Buffalo and Niagara Falls. If you Google her, she’ll pop up there too. And, please do find her. Kelly loves to hear from her readers, and meeting new people.

Blog, Twitter, Pinterest, Facebook, Newsletter

NOTE: The Reading Cafe Is NOT responsible for the rafflecopter giveaway.If you have any questions, please contact the tour provider.
