Knives (Ruthless Kings MC 9) by KL Savage-Review & Excerpt Tour

Knives (Ruthless Kings MC 9) by KL Savage-Review & Excerpt  Tour / / / /

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ABOUT THE BOOK: Release Date January 8, 2021

Love is a powerful force, but it doesn’t compare to guilt.
And just like most people, my guilt eats me alive.

I went from being an irresponsible kid who didn’t know any better to an irresponsible man who does.I make no apologies.Don’t take my carelessness for strength.My blood is as deadly as the bullet that killed my brother, and once I’m cut, there’s no stopping the river of rage.
My past is dead. I’m not like my MC brothers. Nothing is going to come bite me in the ass.
Or so I thought.

Because life gave me Mary, the little hellraiser who tries to be reckless.She’s only looking to escape the nightmare of what happened to her in Atlantic City.She’s a good girl. The kind to wear pearls and fancy cardigans. She doesn’t belong in this life.Even if I know she belongs with me.She paints her lips in red lipstick, but I know it’s an effort to hide the pain.There’s more than the fact we are too different to be together.

Her past isn’t dead.
And mine has come back to life.


REVIEW:KNIVES is the tenth instalment in KL Savage’s contemporary, adult RUTHLESS KINGS erotic, MC romance series focusing on the members of the Ruthless Kings MC in Vegas. This is Thomas ‘Knives’ Underwood, and Mary ‘Hellraiser’ St. James’ story line. KNIVES can be read as a stand alone without any difficulty but I recommend reading the series in order for back story and cohesion as there is a continuing premise throughout. Mary was one of the women/children rescued from captivity in BOOMER (book 2).

WARNING: Due to the extreme violence, abuse and dark subject matter, there may be triggers for more sensitive readers.

Told from dual first person perspectives (Knives and Mary) KNIVES follows several years in the life of Thomas ‘Knives’ Underwood. At the age of five, Thomas lost his family to a fatal motor vehicle accident, and spent the next ten years in the foster care system. At the age of fifteen, Thomas lost his foster brother Mason Fletcher, the only ‘brother’ he had ever loved, to police gunfire, and in a final push from Mason, found himself a new family with the Ruthless Kings MC. Fast forward to present day wherein Thomas, now known as Knives, for his penchant and use of the weapon of choice, finds himself struggling with his attraction to a rescued young woman who had been chained and imprisoned by the Atlantic City chapter of the Ruthless Kings MC. Enter preacher’s daughter Mary St. James. What ensues is the back and forth, acrimonious relationship between Mary and Knives, and the potential fall-out as Mary’s past comes back to claim our heroine as his own.

Mary St. James’ life had never been easy. On the outside, Mary was the perfect preacher’s daughter but behind closed doors Mary’s life was a life of nightmares and abuse. From the frying pan into the fire, Mary found herself from one captor to another but her rescue and subsequent life with the Vegas Ruthless Kings MC allowed Mary to free herself from a life of torture and abuse. Thomas ‘Knives’ Underwood had been biding his time before claiming Mary as the woman he loved but Knives knew Mary needed time to heal but their back and forth was just a prelude to what was to come.

Meanwhile, Maximo and Mateo Moretti, Vegas gambling and questionable hotel owners continue to make life miserable for the Ruthess Kings MC. Having recovered at the Ruthless Kings compound, from the hotel explosion that nearly took his life, Mateo Moretti, claiming no memories of the past, will discover that his brother Maximo, a man he does not remember, is the latest target of the RC MC, and he has news about another family member Mateo is desperate to find.

The relationship between Knives and Mary is one of immediate attraction but Knives doesn’t do relationship, and Mary is still recovering from her horrific ordeal but Mary refuses to be treated like a broken doll, and sets about to prove she is worthy of the Ruthless Kings MC. With one final flip of the finger to the MC, Mary finds herself in a local jail, having been arrested for breaking the speed limit, one too many times. With Mary freed with the help of a reluctant Knives, the couple endure fire, rain, tornado and gunfire in their endeavor to return home to the Ruthless Kings MC. The $ex scenes are intimate, erotic and intense.

There is a large ensemble cast of colorful secondary and supporting characters including most of the Ruthless Kings MC, as well as Reaper’s old lady Sarah; several members of Demon’s Fury MC including Mercy, Whistler, and their Sargent at Arms One; Mateo and Maximo Moretti; Mary’s father Preacher Man; Mateo’s daughter Natalia; and Knive’s foster brother Mason Fletcher.

KNIVES is a tragic, dark, emotional and gritty story of family and loss; abuse and power; secrets, lies, revelations and love. The premise is dramatic and intense; the romance is erotic, spicy and energetic; the characters are sassy and wounded-the back and forth between Knives and Mary is caustic yet sexually palpable and tense.

Reading Order and Previous Reviews

Reaper’s Rise
A Ruthless Halloween
A Ruthless Christmas

Copy supplied for review

Reviewed by Sandy

Bad things don’t happen to good people.
Bad people do.
And it’s made me love and appreciate good people more. Maybe I’m different. Maybe I’m not crying every night or having nightmares. Maybe I’m not losing myself in drinks or drugs, but I have lost something about myself.
I’m just trying to find it.
“You give me a headaches twenty-three out of twenty-four hours a day, but I can’t sit here and lie to you and say you aren’t beautiful,” Knives says, honestly, meeting my eye and keeping his hands to himself.
The flames dance in his cornflower blue eyes and they are so damn bright. I’ve never seen irises like his before. They are unique, just like him.
“And the other hour?” I tease when I sit down on the hay, which scratches my ass and is very uncomfortable.
“I’m sleeping. It’s the only damn peace I get.”
“Shut up,” I giggle, nudging his side with my arm. I lean forward and lay my elbows against my knees, watching the fire as it pops. The rain is slamming against the barn and the door shakes when the wind carries around us.
“It’s not letting up, is it?”
“No, it isn’t. I can’t believe it turned so ugly so fast.”
“The way of the world is bittersweet, ain’t it?” he asks, the stands and when I go to ask him where he is going, my eyes land on his package.
His very big, very long, very in my face, package. He has a tattoo above the waistband of his underwear, right above where I assume his pubic hair is and it says 666.
What’s that mean?
If a woman hops on top, does that mean she gets possessed by the devil?
Why does a part of me want to find out?


K.L. Savage decided they were tired of looking for the kind of books they wanted to read. They had an itch that needed to be scratched, and as every girl knows, nothing scratches better than an alpha.

They write about gritty, alpha males, sometimes their dark sides, and the women they love.
If you have the same itch, their alpha males should fix that.

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