WE CAN FOREVER (Silent Journey 1) by Lenna Phoenix-review

WE CAN FOREVER (Silent Journey 1) by Lenna Phoenix-review

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ABOUT THE BOOK: Release Date September 4, 2024

Michael Greer is a second-generation fire chief and a single dad of a precocious 11-year old, so there’s not much that scares him.

(Admittedly, more because of the second than the first.)

When Pine Island’s new craft shop owner accidentally backs into his car, he takes that in stride too. And does what any fire chief would do.

Invite her out on a date.

It doesn’t take long to figure out that Hannah Lewis is gorgeous, quirky, smart as hell, and…hiding something.

Hannah has learned the hard way to keep the truth about her life as hush-hush as possible.

At best, people don’t understand. At worst, they call her lazy or a liar.

Better to just keep her secrets to herself and keep her distance from almost everybody.

But this tiny town’s sexy fire chief won’t seem to accept her attempt at solitude. He keeps showing up all patient and witty and a great dad. Everything Hannah has ever hoped for if she allowed herself to admit it.

He says he’s ready to fight her battles with her.

Will he still feel that way when he finds out the truth?


REVIEW: WE CAN FOREVER is the first instalment in Lenna Phoenix’s contemporary, adult SILENT JOURNEY romance series focusing on the small town and people of Pine Island. This is former teacher turned crafter Hannah Lewis, and fire chief / single father Michael Greer’s story line.

Told from dual first person perspectives (Hannah and Michael) WE CAN FOREVER follows the building romance and relationships between Hannah Lewis and Michael Greer. Hannah Lewis moved to Pine Island for the slower pace and to start her own business including a weekly group of like minded crafters and individuals, a support group for Chronic Pain sufferers. Meeting Pine Island’s fire chief Michael Greer was an added bonus but Michael’s life was often dangerous, and Hannah struggled with her own secrets and private affairs. As their relationship slowly turns into something more, Hannah begins to back away, fearing losing the man with whom she is falling in love.

The world building focuses on Hannah’s growing business and her personal health; Michael’s struggle to step out of his father’s shadow; the over protective nature of family; and the busy bodies of small town life.

The relationship between Hannah and Michael begins as a blind date. Michael’s sister is part of Hannah’s support group, and Hannah is the newcomer on Pine Island. Michael is the single, sexy, handsome fire chief, and Hannah struggles to keep up with her love life and health, going forward. The $ex scenes are limited but intimate and passionate without the use of over the top, sexually graphic language and text.

There is a large ensemble cast of secondary and supporting characters most of whom live and work on Pine Island. We are introduced to several members of Hannah’s knitting/support group including yarn dyer Flick, art teacher Maya, food blogger Alexis; Hannah’s aunt Carol, and Michael’s daughter Katie, sister Jenny, mother Cynthia, and his friend and mechanic Nathan. Flick’s story is next.

WE CAN FOREVER is a story of secrets, chronic illness, family and friendships, acceptance and love. The premise is endearing and engaging-most of the conflict is personal; the romance is impassioned; the characters are charismatic and charming.

Copy supplied for review

Reviewed by Sandy
