Lethal Protector (Rifle Creek 3) by Kaylea Cross-Review Tour

Lethal Protector (Rifle Creek 3) by Kaylea Cross-Review Tour

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ABOUT THE BOOK: Release Date January 26, 2021

She unknowingly threatens his control.

Single mom Tala Baldwin is no stranger to sacrifice. After losing her leg while serving her country, she’s now training to become a competitive biathlete. With her daughter off to college, she’s able to shoot for her dream of making the national masters team. Even her Christmas break in Rifle Creek doesn’t slow her down. She’s asked her trusted friend Braxton to help her train—all while trying to pretend she doesn’t ache for him. Braxton was there for her during the darkest day of her life and he’s been there for her since…but only as a friend. In fact, he seems more determined than ever to hold her at arm’s length—until a deadly blizzard traps them in the mountains with a wanted killer hot on their trail. Now Tala once again finds her life in his hands as they face the lethal threats together.

Now he’s at his breaking point.

Sgt. Braxton Hillard is a master sniper, renowned for his ability to operate without emotion. Except with Tala. She’s all he’s ever wanted—but can’t have. For four long years he’s kept his distance. She’s way too good for him and she would realize that if he ever made a move. But the attraction between them is too powerful to deny, and once she makes it clear she wants him, he can’t keep his distance any longer. As they fight to survive in the mountains, all bets are off. Braxton is ready to sacrifice everything to protect the woman he loves—even his own life.


REVIEW:LETHAL PROTECTOR is the third instalment in Kaylea Cross’ contemporary, adult RIFLE CREEK erotic, romantic suspense series set in Rifle Creek, Montana. This is thirty-five year old, Canadian Forces soldier/sniper Sgt. Braxton Hillard, and thirty four year old, single mother/ former solder, amputee and para-athlete Tala Baldwin’s story line. LETHAL PROTECTOR can be read as a stand alone without any difficulty. Any important information from the previous instalments is revealed where necessary. Tala is Tate Baldwin’s sister LETHAL EDGE #1.

Told from several third person perspectives LETHAL PROTECTOR follows the friends to lovers relationship between thirty-five year old, Canadian Forces soldier Sgt. Braxton Hillard, and thirty four year old, single mother/ former solder, amputee and para-athlete Tala Baldwin. Four years earlier, while on deployment in Afghanistan, Tala would lose her leg to an anti-personnel mine, and Sgt. Braxton Hillard, was the first on the scene to save his best friend’s younger sister. Fast forward to present day wherein, the Christmas holidays finds Braxton a part of the ever expanding Baldwin family, and the attraction between Braxton and Tala does not go unnoticed. In preparation for an upcoming biathlon, Tala asks Braxton to help with her target practice, help that brings Braxton up close and personal but a cross country ski trip finds our couple facing down a shooter, a gang-banger on the run, and our couple may be his next target-wrong place at the wrong time. What ensues is the building relationship between Tala and Braxton, and the potential fall-out as our couple cross paths with a killer on the run.

Tala Baldwin is a single mother whose time in the military was cut short by an anti-personnel mine, and the loss of her leg but Tala never forgot about Braxton Hillard, her brother’s friend and business partner at Rifle Creek Tactical, and the man that stirs something deep within our story line heroine. Braxton Hillard struggles with family and friendships but most of all in his relationships with the opposite $ex. Believing himself unworthy, Braxton refuses to move forward with our story line heroine but the palpable sexual attraction and need outweigh Braxton’s negative thoughts about his own happily ever after. A day of skiing finds our couple on the run, one step ahead of a man desperate to take down anyone who crosses his path.

The relationship between Braxton and Tala is one of immediate attraction but Braxton is Tate Baldwin’s business partner and friend, and in this Braxton battles between head and heart, fearing to cross the proverbial line of no return. Tala has lusted after Braxton for as long as she can remember, and in this she struggles with Braxton’s refusal to move beyond a possible one-night stand. The lone $ex scene is passionate and intense, without the use of over the top, sexually graphic language and text.

The secondary and supporting characters include Tala’s daughter Rylee, as well as Tate and Nina (Lethal Edge #1), Mason and Avery (Lethal Temptation #2), nosy but well-meaning spinster sisters Bev and Pat, and Reggie, the fainting goat.

LETHAL PROTECTOR is a story of family and friendships, relationships and love; a story of desperation and loss. The fast paced premise is intriguing and exciting; the characters are strong-willed and energetic; the romance is a slow build to a happily ever after.

Reading Order and Previous reviews
Lethal Edge
Lethal Temptation

Copy supplied for review

Reviewed by Sandy

New York Times and USA Today Bestselling author Kaylea Cross writes edge-of-your-seat military romantic suspense. Her work has won many awards and has been nominated for both the Daphne du Maurier and the National Readers’ Choice Awards. A Registered Massage Therapist by trade, Kaylea is also an avid gardener, artist, Civil War buff, Special Ops aficionado, belly dance enthusiast and former nationally-carded softball pitcher. She lives in Vancouver, BC with her husband and family.

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