Luke’s Touch (Lucifer’s Trilogy 2) by Lisa Renee Jones-Tour

Luke’s Touch (Walker Security: Lucifer’s Trilogy 2) by Lisa Renee Jones-Review & Excerpt tour / / B&N / KOBO / Chapters Indigo / Google Play /Apple /

ABOUT THE BOOK: Release Date June 21, 2022

She loved him. He betrayed her. Nothing is what it seems.

One touch can change everything though, and it did. The minute he showed back up in her life, all deals were off. He touched her and she melted. He promised her everything, and she wanted everything. The question is: is he her salvation or her destruction? Love. Hate. Passion. Danger. It’s about to get hot in here…


REVIEW:LUKE’S TOUCH is the second instalment in Lisa Renee Jones’ contemporary, adult LUCIFER’S erotic, romantic suspense trilogy, set in the author’s Walker Security World. LUKE’S TOUCH is the continuing story of Walker Security specialist and pilot Luke ‘Lucifer’ Remington, and FBI Agent Ana Banks. LUKE’S TOUCH should not be read as a stand alone as it picks up immediately after the events and cliff hanger of LUKE’S SIN aka LUCIFER’S SIN.

SOME BACKGROUND: Six years earlier Luke Remington met and fell in love with FBI Agent Ana Banks but life, death, betrayal and vengeance pushed Luke out of Ana’s life, and in the two years since they have been apart, Ana struggles to accept what happened and why. When Luke gets word that he and Ana, as well as several members of his original team are part of a hit list, Luke and the team from Walker Security go in search of the woman he loves, only discover betrayal at the highest level.

Told from dual first person perspectives (Luke and Ana) LUKE’S TOUCH follows Luke and Ana on the run. Another member of Luke’s original team has gone missing and is presume dead, and Luke’s need to protect Ana becomes his first priority but all is not well when secrets begin to reveal betrayal at every level including betrayal by the people Ana thought she had loved. Clues take Ana and Luke on a cross country journey, a journey that comes full circle when the past comes back to life, threatening our story line couple. What ensues is the rebuilding romance and relationship between Ana and Luke, as our couple, along with Walker Security, try to stay one step ahead of the people in control.

The relationship between Ana and Luke struggles in the face of past heart break and lies. Luke has never stopped loving the woman who has stolen his heart but Ana battles with the knowledge that betrayal, death and secrets follow our hero, in his wake. The $ex scenes are intimate, erotic and passionate with the use of over the top, sexually graphic language and text.

Several members of the Walker Security Team return including Savage and Adam, as Blake Walker (via phone),Luke’s former teammate Parker, and Ana’s boss Mike.

LUKE’S TOUCH follows the search for the truth; the search for a killer, and the realization that heart break and betrayal are but the tip of the proverbial ice-berg. The fast paced premise is enthralling and exciting; the romance is provocative and steamy; the characters are broken but struggling to heal. LUKE’S TOUCH ends on a cliff hanger-you have been warned

Click HERE for Sandy’s review of book one Lucifer’s Sins

Copy supplied for review

Reviewed by Sandy


“What do you want, Ana?”

Her lips press together. “Not to be protected. And too much, apparently. We’ve been in one place too long. We need to go. Do you understand?”

I want to know what “too much” means, but damn it, she’s not wrong. We can’t hang out on the street, not if we want to live through the night. “We’re not done with this conversation.”

“You might not be, but I am.” She tries to step out of my grip.

I hold her to me, cup her face, and kiss her hard and fast. “I’m not. I’m not done with anything to do with you. Not now and not ever.”

“Okay, that statement contradicts the past two years and makes me angry.” She tries to knee me, and I catch her leg. Undeterred, she adds, “And I’m not done with this conversation either.”

My lips curving with how easily I drew her into battle, how easily I’ve always drawn her into battle. It feels like us and I do fucking love us. I want to push her harder. I want to kiss her harder. Instead, I release her and for just a beat we stare at each other, the air ignited with conflict. She turns on her heels and starts walking. I let her go, but not too far. I fall into step beside her. Not behind her. Not in front of her. Beside her, where I forgot to stand.

I won’t forget again.

As for her version of too much, there’s no such thing, not where Ana is concerned.

If she wants to test me on that, I’m along for the ride.

If she wants to test me on that while naked, even better.

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New York Times and USA Today bestselling author Lisa Renee Jones is the author of the highly acclaimed INSIDE OUT series.

In addition to the success of Lisa’s INSIDE OUT series, she has published many successful titles. The TALL, DARK AND DEADLY series and THE SECRET LIFE OF AMY BENSEN series, both spent several months on a combination of the New York Times and USA Today bestselling lists. Lisa is also the author of the bestselling the bestselling DIRTY MONEY and WHITE LIES series. And will be publishing the first book in her Lilah Love suspense series with Amazon Publishing in March 2018.

Prior to publishing Lisa owned multi-state staffing agency that was recognized many times by The Austin Business Journal and also praised by the Dallas Women’s Magazine. In 1998 Lisa was listed as the #7 growing women owned business in Entrepreneur Magazine.

Lisa loves to hear from her readers. You can reach her at and she is active on Twitter and Facebook daily.


Lucifer’s Sin (Lucifer’s Trilogy)by Lisa Renee Jones-Review Tour

Lucifer’s Sin (Walker Security: Lucifer’s Trilogy)by Lisa Renee Jones-Review Tour / / B&N / KOBO / Google Play /

ABOUT THE BOOK: Release Date March 22, 2022

About the series: Tall, dark, and deadly, these men run Walker Security. Each is unique in his methods and skills, but all share key similarities. They are passionate about those they love, relentless when fighting for a cause they believe in, and all believe that no case is too hard, no danger too dark. Dedication is what they deliver, results are their reward.

Meet Lucifer, one of those men…

A man with demons that run deep and dark…

The only woman who can bring him to his knees…

As one of the newest members of Walker Security, Lucifer lives up to his name. He’s a man with demons that run deep and dark. A man with secrets. A man betrayed by a woman, and that betrayal has shaped every part of his life moving forward.

He lives on the edge with fast cars, faster women, and some might say a death wish. That is until he crossed paths with Walker Security and one of their own pulled him from the bowels of his self-created hell.

But his own personal devil is about to show herself again. That woman from his past is back, and nothing is as it seems.


REVIEW:LUCIFER’S SIN is the first instalment in Lisa Renee Jones’ contemporary, adult LUCIFER’S erotic, romantic suspense trilogy-a part of the author’s WALKER SECURITY series. This is Walker Security specialist Luke ‘Lucifer’ Remington, and FBI Agent Ana Banks’ story line.

Told from dual first person perspectives (Lucifer and Ana) using present day and memories from the past, LUCIFER’S SIN follows in the wake of the murder of a former member of Luke Remington’s special forces team. Six years earlier Luke Remington met and fell in love with FBI Agent Ana Banks but life, death, betrayal and vengeance pushed Luke out of Ana’s life, and in the two years since they have been apart, Ana struggles to accept what happened and why. When Luke gets word that he and Ana, as well as several members of his original team are part of a hit list, Luke and the team from Walker Security go in search of the woman he loves. Enter Ana Banks, a woman who battles between head and heart knowing the man that she once loved is the man that betrayed her heart and soul. As Luke and Ana go on the hunt for the truth, the team begins to suspect a mole in the Agency, someone close to our story line heroine. What ensues is the rebuilding romance and relationship between Lucifer and Ana, and the fall-out as Lucifer and Ana are targeted, along with the members of the Walker Security Team.

Two years earlier greed was the impetus behind betrayal and murder, and Lucifer Remington was caught in the middle. His team duped and fooled by one of their own, Luke had no choice but to take down the man responsible. Fast forward to present day, Lucifer and several members of his original team, find themselves the target of an unknown source, a source that is also targeting the woman Lucifer loves. Ana Banks struggles to forgive the man that destroyed her life but everyone Ana’s loves is dead or dying, and our heroine is next on the list of for sins of the past.

The relationship between Ana and Lucifer is one of second chances; a relationship destroyed by the betrayal of someone close, a personal betrayal that forced Ana to push Lucifer out of her life. Luke aka Lucifer Remington never stopped loving our story line heroine but a series of long buried lies, and heart breaking secrets were met with denial and the ultimate betrayal. Their rekindling romance is passionate and intense but Luke Remington struggles to forgive our heroine for sins of the past.

We are reintroduced to several members of the Walker Security Team: Savage and Adam, as well as Blake Savage (via phone). The requisite evil has many faces.

LUCIFER’S SIN is a story of betrayal and vengeance; power and greed; family and friendships, relationships and love. The fast paced premise is intriguing and captivating; the romance is seductive and energetic; the characters are charismatic, determined, and emotionally wounded. LUCIFER’S SINS ends on a cliff hanger-you have been warned.

Copy supplied for review

Reviewed by Sandy




I open the door. Ana’s sitting on the edge of the bed, staring at the door. The instant she sees me, her lips part, and her eyes travel my body before jerking back to my face.“You have to put a shirt on. You just—have to.”

My cock is pretty damn pleased with this reaction that says she wants me, but my brain is working overdrive, and for once, overpowering that plaything in my pants. “Why, sweetheart? You want to kiss the scar you gave me better? It’s too late for that. Or maybe, you want to lick me all over? You already did that. You don’t get to do it again. Not after trying to kill me.” I walk to the end of the desk where I left my gun, pick it up, and then lay down on the ground at the foot of the bed. My phone goes to the floor. The gun sits on my gut.

Ana moves to the end of the bed, and sits there, staring down at me. “What are you doing?”

I notice she avoids my name when she would normally do otherwise. I guess she just can’t figure out who I am anymore. Well, I know. And Lucifer fits. She knows, too. “I’m catching a few z’s, and protecting you from anyone that comes in the door. If it so much as jiggles, I’ll sit up and shoot.”

“It’s been a hellish night and morning. Lay on the bed. You can have the side closest to the door. Please.”

I glance up at her. “Sweetheart, if I get in that bed with you, I’ll have you naked in about thirty seconds, and while we’ll both enjoy that, you’ll just hate me for it after. Not to mention we won’t get any sleep.”

“I could say a lot of things to that response, but I probably shouldn’t. We’ll put pillows between us.”

“If you think a pillow will stop me from getting naked with you, you might have been right when you said you never really knew me, Ana. That was right before you shot me, right? I told you. I want to fuck you. I don’t want to sleep next to you.”

She buries her face in her hands and groans a frustrating sound and then glowers at me, all sexy and way too damn hot for my own good. “Fine, Lucifer. Sleep on the damn floor. Just do what you want.” She stands up and walks to the side of the bed before climbing on top.

She tosses a pillow down on top of me. I grab it and stick it under my head. “For the record, me down here and you up there is not what I want. It was never what I wanted, Ana. It’s just who we are now.”

“Yeah,” she says softly. “I know. “

That’s all she says and I want more. But then, I’ve always wanted more when it comes to Ana. And more was never enough.



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Lisa Renee JonesNew York Times and USA Today bestselling author Lisa Renee Jones is the author of the highly acclaimed INSIDE OUT series.

In addition to the success of Lisa’s INSIDE OUT series, she has published many successful titles. The TALL, DARK AND DEADLY series and THE SECRET LIFE OF AMY BENSEN series, both spent several months on a combination of the New York Times and USA Today bestselling lists. Lisa is also the author of the bestselling the bestselling DIRTY MONEY and WHITE LIES series. And will be publishing the first book in her Lilah Love suspense series with Amazon Publishing in March 2018.

Prior to publishing Lisa owned multi-state staffing agency that was recognized many times by The Austin Business Journal and also praised by the Dallas Women’s Magazine. In 1998 Lisa was listed as the #7 growing women owned business in Entrepreneur Magazine.

Lisa loves to hear from her readers. You can reach her at and she is active on Twitter and Facebook daily.
