Mall I Want For Christmas is You by Sarah Robinson-Review Tour

Mall I Want For Christmas is You by Sarah Robinson-Review Tour / / KOBO / Google Play

ABOUT THE BOOK: Release Date December 14, 2020

From Bah Humbug to Santa Baby, this standalone holiday novella is full of ho, ho, oh no…

Single mom Chrissy Eve is struggling to make ends meet selling pretzels at the Yule Heights Shopping Mall. All this mama wants is a silent night, but when her seven-year-old asks the mall Santa to teach his mom to drive a sleigh, she finds herself in knots over the man in red.

Dash Winters is the last person she needs pulling her reins. She has a son to think about and a “seasonal romance” with someone who gets paid to lie to kids once a year is not going to jolly her holly.

But the more she gets to know the Santa with a six-pack, the more Chrissy realizes she can’t judge a book by its cover… or a Santa by his suit!


REVIEW:MALL I WANT FOR CHRISTMAS by Sarah Robinson is a contemporary, stand alone story line focusing on twenty- eight year old Dash Winters, and single mother Chrissy Eve.

Told from three third person perspectives (Dash, Chrissy and Rudy) MALL I WANT FOR CHRISTMAS follows Dash Winters, and his part time gig as the local mall Santa. Doing a favour for his mother, Dash agrees to work as the holiday Santa but the first day on the job Dash meets seven year old Rudy Eve who asks Santa to teach his mother to drive. Trying to keep up appearances, Dash jumps between his Santa persona and that of a man trying to woo Rudy’s mother Chrissy, a woman who is sceptical about Dash’s intentions, and is quick to judge Dash based on initial appearance.

MALL I WANT FOR CHRISTMAS is a quick read; a short holiday story where all of the names are Christmas related, and the relationship goes from zero to sixty in the blink of an eye. A cute story with little to no romance mostly focusing on Chrissy Eve’s inability to trust a man who has taken a job as a part time Santa. I was hoping for a little more romance and character development for our leading couple.

Copy supplied by Netgalley

Reviewed by Sandy

Sarah Robinson first started her writing career as a published poet in high school, and then continued in college, winning several poetry awards and being published in multiple local literary journals.

Never expecting to make a career of it, a freelance writing Craigslist job accidentally introduced her to the world of book publishing. Lengthening her writing from poetry to novels, Robinson published her first book through a small press publisher, before moving into self-publishing, and then finally accepting a contract from Penguin Random House two years later. She continues to publish both traditionally and indie with over 18+ novels to her name with publishers like Penguin, Waterhouse Press, Hachette, and more.

In her personal life, Sarah Robinson is happily married to the gentle giant of her dreams and the duo recently welcomed to the world their first baby, Norah Grace. They have a home full of love, snuggly dogs and cats, and are happily living in Arlington, Virginia.

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