The Dating Dilemma by Mariah Ankenman – a Review

The Dating Dilemma by Mariah Ankenman – a Review


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Lexi’s Reminders

* Work.

* Don’t think about your birthday tomorrow. Or debt, your crappy apartment, and nonexistent social life.

* Re-stock wine and ice cream because that’s coming.

* Die in a raging blaze of humiliation when the super-hot and very delicious fireman waiting in your office is not in fact the strip-o-gram birthday present you suspected.

* Reschedule the fire safety inspection you 100 percent failed because of said humiliation.

* Figure out how you, in fact, agreed to fake dating Mr. Not a Strip-O-Gram Fireman to help him with a bet.

* Oh yeah, and do not fall for this guy. Seriously, they call him One Night O’Neil. Red flags all over the place.

* Remember, this is fake dating, even though his very talented, very real lips are doing some sexy things you definitely like.

* Realize bending one tiny rule can’t be that bad, can it?

* Except bend too far, and something breaks. Something you can’t get back.



The Dating Dilemma by Mariah Ankenman is the 2nd book in her Mile High Firefighters series. I love these stories and the author that writes them, which I am automatically clicking on. Her use of words brings the emotions and the characters to life. 

Lexi is just great, she says what she thinks, and sometimes that gets her into trouble. Her center for kids needs updating, and what better person to help her than a fireman! She just had to remember he isn’t to be taken seriously! 

Dyson has a bit of a reputation as a one night stand, no one gets a second date. You can‘t help being that way after your fiancé was caught in bed with your best friend! He needs a “fake girlfriend” to take to his sisters minds off of trying to get him to date properly. 

The sparks that fly off these two is just electric, both think that the other one isn’t really interested in getting serious. And Lexi has sworn off dating after the last relationship went nowhere but heartbreak! 

Fake romance is what this author does best. Entertaining throughout the book. It’s really hard to put it down one you’ve open it up. The secondary characters were just as fun. The sisters needs stories (and the fire crew could be ideal ?) and there are a couple of characters that Dyson knows who could do with a prod in the right direction. 

So if you like a RomCom with a little angst, but plenty of laughter and embarrassing moments, I’d recommend this one. You don’t need to read the first book, but after reading this one I wouldn’t be surprised if you go back for seconds. 

Reviewed by Julie

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The Wedding Dilemma by Mariah Ankenman -a Review

The Wedding Dilemma by Mariah Ankenman -a Review


Amazon / B&N / Kobo / Google Play / Apple


My life has always been pretty predictable. Run into burning buildings, save those in distress, be a hero. Shoot the shit with my fireman buddies, come home, and do it all again tomorrow. Little did I know that a random SOS call from a woman stuck in a plaster cast with nothing underneath (I swear I only caught a flash of skin) would throw me for a complete loop. 


Until I see the flighty artist again. At my mom’s engagement party. To her dad.


Suddenly the unpredictable woman I couldn’t stop thinking about is my soon-to-be-stepsister. Yeah, the same one I mortified when I accidentally saw her a tiny bit naked. This should make family gatherings way more interesting.


Except when your mom’s as loaded as mine is, you can never fully let your guard down when a guy comes sniffing around. So I can’t help but be suspicious, even though his daughter’s the perfect blend of beautiful and wild. As we spend more time together, prepping for our parents’ wedding, we both agree that maybe there’s nothing wrong with having a little bit of fun in the meantime. But if she knew I was investigating her dad on the side, she would never forgive me… 





The Wedding Dilemma by Mariah Ankenman is the first book in her new Mile High Firefighters series.  You can always rely on Mariah Ankenman to make you both chuckle and swoon. What’s better than one fireman? Three firemen coming to Tamsen’s rescue….. 


Tamsen is a free spirit, an artist with an up coming art show. The last thing she needs is to be stuck in one of her show pieces….. But the upside of being rescued, she gets to drool over three fine specimens of manhood! Hey, she’s an artist, she can appreciate the human form. But the form that captures her eye and her breath is the gorgeous Firefighter Parker…..


Parker is firefighter, him and his mates do the saving thing down to a fine art. They work well together and have a really close bond. But he’s not thinking at all clearly when faced with a cutie in plaster, he’s blown away by the feelings she causing him, but he’s at work, and he really shouldn’t mix work with fun. He hope he catches up with her in the future, he’d love to get to know her better. 


The two are thinking about having a little fun, when the unthinkable happens, they meet at their parents engagement party! Parker’s mother and Tamsen’s father have fallen for one another after a six month whirlwind romance. And now they have to organise a wedding shower for their prospective parents! So maybe romance won’t be on the cards! It’s wrong! Isn’t it?! They will be siblings, albeit half…..


But those sparks keep flying between Parker and Tamsen and when they decide on a little light no strings fun, both are blown away by their feelings. But Parker has a hidden agenda.  He needs to be sure his mother isn’t being taken for a financial ride. So whilst pursuing and having fun with Tamsen, he’s checking out her father! Let’s hope she doesn’t find out…..


I didn’t really think of them as a forbidden couple, both were old enough not to be living at home, and there was no blood ties. 


I love the way this author gets inside the characters head, I really like hearing their thoughts. The wit is sharp and funny. The comebacks are quick and the passion is oh so naughty! Parker is your all American hero, Tamsen is your quirky arty type. 

I devoured the whole book in an afternoon. 
First in a new series and I’m hoping Parker’s buddies get stories. 

Reviewed by Julie

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The Roommate Problem by Mariah Ankenman – a Review

The Roommate Problem by Mariah Ankenman – a Review


Amazon / B&N / Kobo / Google Play / Apple


To Moira “Mo” Rossi, the world is full of sunshine, goodness, and happily ever afters—so of course she figures finding the perfect roomie will be easy. But after four creepos who ask if benefits come with the room and one woman who claims she’s a vampire, Mo is officially desperate. So what if the guy she agrees to on paper ends up being the Derrick Downer to her Sally Sunshine in person? She’s the queen of making lemonade.

August Porter expected his new roommate Mo to be like him—neat, practical, and oh yeah: male. Not the outrageous hippie with more stars in her eyes than there are in the sky. She’s infuriating, exasperating, his exact opposite in every possible way…and the bright ray of sunshine he didn’t even realize his gray world was missing. Suddenly, falling into bed with his roommate isn’t the worst idea he’s ever heard. Just falling in love with her is.

But one of them is keeping a secret that could turn their opposite attraction into utter disaster.




The Roommate Problem by Mariah Ankenman is the 3rd book in her Mile High Happiness series.  Moira has a sunny disposition, her rose coloured glasses outlook works for her. Her devil may care attitude and boho style. Add in her love of junk food, and you’ve got a fun loving wedding organiser.

August is a neat freak. Everything in its place, nothing wrong with a home that’s immaculate. He likes organic food, the gym and helping others. Not really a fun loving guy, more practical.

I had a chuckle through the whole book. Poor Moira, all she wants is someone like her to help pay the rent, what’s she gets is a procession of weirdos and creeps!

And when she meets August, at first she thinks he’s kind of cute, then he goes and ruins it by being a jerk. August on the other hand isn’t too impressed, she’s untidy, she’s just the total opposite of him.

But the more time they spend together, the more August sees past the mess, the jangling jewellery and pineapple on the pizza, and begins to like what he sees.  Mo sees the good in everyone, wants to give the benefit of the doubt to people. And bouncing everywhere. She lives life to the full, and she just had so much energy (probably the sugar coated cereal)

The book bounces along beautifully, the characters just spark off each other. Love August’s Gran, she’s just a fun loving person.  The romance between Mo and August is such a rollercoaster of emotions. Mo is determined to make August have fun, August is determined to help his Gran, then go back home. The attraction might sizzle between them, but he can’t fall for someone so sloppy.

But when the sparks ignite, both August and Mo try to keep to fun only, no commitments, no promises, just fun until August goes home.  And the secret one of them is keeping…. I can’t tell you, that’s for you to find out when you read this funny book.

Reviewed by Julie B

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The Best Friend Problem by Mariah Ankenman – a Review

The Best Friend Problem by Mariah Ankenman – a Review


Amazon / B&N / Kobo / BAM / Google Play



Prudence Carlson has been lucky in life. A fulfilling wedding-planning business run with her girlfriends in Colorado, plus the best guy friend ever in her firefighter bestie Finn.

 All that’s missing from it is a baby. Luckily, it’s the twenty-first century—Pru can take matters into her own hands. She doesn’t need to find true love to create the future love of her life. 

 Except all this talk of babies and insemination and…Pru and Finn cross a line they never expected to. Sure, one night of passion won’t change their close friendship. 

Until Pru goes in for a fertility check-up to find… she’s already pregnant. As best friends, Pru and Finn have survived college, new jobs, and bad breakups, but can they survive crib shopping, birth classes, and late-night cravings? Especially when Finn has never considered himself even remotely Daddy material?



Upon reading the back cover of The Best Friend Problem my Mariah Ankenman,  I wasn’t really taken with it (never a big fan of friends to lovers books) but I opened up the kindle and flipped the page ….. 

Pru is successful at business, loving life, but something is missing, Pru would love a child. Being an only child and orphan (she lost both her parents at a young age.) But with no man on the horizon (not counting her best friend Finn) Pru doesn’t see it happening anytime soon. But who needs a man when you have anonymous sperm donors?! 

Finn has known Pru since they were teenagers, they know each other inside out, she gets him like no one else does (so subconsciously has he been measuring past flames against Pru?) he’s a love them and leave them type of guy, not really looking for a commitment. But all that changes one night ….. 

After a booze filled evening Pru and Finn sleep together, both are terrified that it will ruin their friendship, and when she finds out she’s pregnant, what will they do next? 

Exploring their growing feelings for one another, it felt like it was only going to be a matter of time before this happened.  

I still don’t like the friends to lovers genre, but I did like how the author put this book together. 

Reviewed by Julie B.

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