Highland Vixen (Highland Weddings #2) by Mary Wine-Review, Excerpt & Giveaway

Highland Vixen (Highland Weddings #2) by Mary Wine-Review, Excerpt & Giveaway

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Highland Weddings #2
by Mary Wine
Release Date:February 7, 2017
Genre: adult, historical, Highland, romance

Highland Vixen

Amazon.com / Amazon.ca / Books-A-Million / Barnes & Noble / Chapters /Indiebound

ABOUT THE BOOK: Release Date February 7 , 2017

Fierce Highland war chief seeks comely lass for fun, frolic, and marriage

Marcus MacPherson is every inch the fearsome Highlander. He’s used to men averting their eyes and women cowering before him. He thinks he’ll eventually settle down with a nice, obedient bride. Instead, he gets Helen Grant… Stubborn as the day is long, fearless and dedicated to raising as much hell as possible, Helen is definitely going to challenge Marcus. And challenge him some more. And then some.

It’s anyone’s guess who’ll win this battle of the heart..


REVIEW: 5 out of 5 for this reader folks!

Another fantastic Highland read by Mary Wine! LOVE LOVE LOVE! 🙂

Highland Vixen by Mary Wine is the second book in her “Highland Weddings” series and it sure lives up to its name. Vixen indeed! We met our leading characters in the previous book of this series called “Highland Spitfire” and while I suppose it is not necessary to read the first book you would miss out on so much back story, which in my opinion makes this book so good as the story continues on! Besides, there are returning characters in Highland Vixen, and I love reading how characters progress in a series after they get their HEA! 🙂

Marcus MacPherson is one studly, “don’t mess with me!”, fierce, scary , hot badass Highlander. He is the war chief of the MacPherson clan, second to his half brother (who happens to be the lead in the first book). He doesn’t mess around, and icky love stuff is the furthest from his mind .. despite the little vixen lass that resides as a “protected prisoner” of sorts in his castle.

Helen Grant is our vixen. She is fierce and bold, smart and very angry at her current living situation. While she has shared a steamy moment with Marcus, Marcus won’t claim her as his, but won’t allow another to step forward safely either. She is at her wits end and only wants to return to her home (which Marcus has threatened to burn if she leave MacPherson land).

Circumstance allows Helen to sneak away, but not without Marcus hot on her trail. When trouble comes about for Marcus, Helen agrees to marry Marcus, but NOT consummate the marriage so she can get an annulment once danger passes. Well Marcus is having none of that and despite the danger that comes knocking and threatens to take all he stands for, he has decided he is keeping Helen married to him at all costs! He is going to consummate this marriage one way or another and keep her forever.

YES, this is as steamy, perfectly angsty with a side of sass as it sounds! I love my Highland men all fierce and demanding, but deeply kind and protective, like Marcus … and my Highland woman full of attitude and courage, yet seriously lovely underneath like Helen. They are a perfect compliment to the other. Mary Wine really weaves some serious SOB villains as well! Ones that give you the creeps deep to your soul. You can almost smell their evil.

This is a perfect love story that carries an adventure that one would expect to find in a really fantastic Highlander story. If you love a good back and forth match between two well written characters then I highly recommend this book. The story line and side characters are a very decadent cherry on this perfect Highland sundae! LOL


Reviewed by Rachel

Copy supplied by the publisher




“I did nae have me hands on ye at all, lass,” he responded arrogantly. “And I owe me sire a wee bit of an apology for me thinking last evening because his advice is sound.”
She rolled over and over and right off the edge of the huge bed, but her knees were shaky, so she stumbled, grasping one of the posts that held the bed curtains. Marcus was watching her, his grin widening as he took in his effect on her. He was wearing nothing but his shirt, and his member was sticking out in the front of it.
He’d lulled her into a false sense of ease. She realized he was every bit as menacing as ever and had simply waited for his moment to pounce on her.
“Do nae look at me like that, Helen.” Marcus sat up on the side of the bed and watched her move away. “Ye told me yer maidenhead was the only thing ye have left that is yer own, so I pleasured ye without taking it. Is it so hard to think of me as a man who does nae want to act the brute to ye?” He patted the surface of the bed. “I want ye to choose me.”
Did she dare?
Dare was certainly the correct word. He was looking at her, every inch the hardened man she’d faced time and again, and yet there was much more to him now. He was attempting to push inside her, to that place where no one had ever been, to her deepest feelings. However, he was offering her a glimpse at his own in return.
Such a tangle of possibilities.
She looked at the pile of clothing that she’d left on the bench, caught between the need to maintain her pride and the desire to simply let it go in favor of… Well, she wasn’t sure what exactly she’d find in his bed. She ended up looking back toward him, seeking the answer in his eyes.
“Naught to say?” he asked. “There is a first.”
“Oh, for Christ’s sake,” she exclaimed with her hip roll half laced. “There was a time when I knew how to speak kindly. Why do ye needle me until I can nae hold me tongue?”
He flashed her an arrogant grin. “Because I like ye the way ye are, no’ disguising yer nature to appease everyone about ye. Do ye have any idea how long it has been since a lass was honest with me? Since one came to me seeking me, and no’ me position? Ye are not the only one who feels isolated. As War Chief, I must be hard on the young lads, lest they fail to build up enough strength to survive. Smiling at them would be a disservice.”
Sometime during the night, he’d taken the time to pleat his kilt on a table that ran along the side of the bedchamber. His wide belt was already under it. It took only a moment for him to lean back, grasp the sides of the belt, and pull it all around himself. Most men used the floor, but clearly Marcus wanted to be ready, should there be a need to dress in a hurry during the night.
“It fell to me to either take ye or know without a doubt that I’d be sending me own men up against yer brothers because they refused to admit the cattle were ours.” He was buckling a second belt in place to make sure his kilt was secure. “Ye think I enjoyed it?”
“Yes, ye did,” she answered him. “Somewhat, anyhow. Admit it. Yer nature is suited to yer position.”
He offered her a cocky grin. “If ye’ll match me by admitting ye did nae think to notice I do nae always care for what me duty demands of me. That’s the thing about duty. Ye do it because it needs doing and others depend on ye seeing things through.”
“Fairly spoken,” she said softly while pulling her skirts over her head. The waistband caught on her hip roll, and she began to lace the waistband closed. “Ye are no’ a brute.” His smile was widening with victory. “But swine fits well, for ye knew well ye were twisting words last evening to get me into yer bed.”
He chuckled and opened his arms wide. “Taming a vixen requires cunning.”
Helen felt her temper stir at the use of the word taming.



Guest Post=Black and Red

For me, research is a two part thing. First off is doing the ‘foot work’ so to speak. That’s the researching. You either know that Elizabeth the first was born in 1533 or you don’t. If you intend to set your story in that era, this is information you need to know. Her mother was beheaded and if you want to go deeper, you learn things such as she was given the mercy of a French swordsman for her execution because the ax was often clumsy. Deeper still and you discover that some of the dates she was accused of having adultery were during her lying in, so completely false as her ladies would have been with her.

That’s part one. The dates, the circumstances. I actually love this stuff because for me, after I absorb the dry facts, I start to think about things like…okay, if there was a young daughter attending court, and in service to queen Elizabeth, what would her duties have been? What exactly was a lady in waiting. I would then learn that Elizabeth had ladies of the Bed chamber, of the presence chamber, and one the list goes. The duchess of Norfolk slept on a trundle bed that came out from beneath Elizabeth’s because that’s how close together they lived.

I like to take it all in and craft a book set in the era. Yes, it’s a fantasy story but I want my characters to be people of the time.

A second part of this is something I have done my entire life and that is historical re-enactment. I make the clothing and wear it. I take sword class. Dances that would have been done in Elizabeth’s court? Yes, I know a few. It’s also the little things, like turning bread on a table and trying….grrr….to bake it in an oven that you have to heat up with coals and no yeast during Elizabeth’s era. You learn to hum a tune because there is no music or make sure you are by the fire at night when someone pulls out an instrument.

I love to find little ways to fold all these details into my stories while still letting my charaters fall in love. It’s a challenge and a fun one.

Mary Wine

About The Author Black and Red

Mary WineAcclaimed author Mary Wine has written over 30 works of Scottish Highland romance, romantic suspense and erotic romance. An avid history-buff and historical costumer, she and her family enjoy participating in historical reenactments. Mary lives in Yorba Linda, California with her husband and two sons. Website | Goodreads | Facebook



Mary’s publisher is graciously offering a paper copy of HIGHLAND VIXEN to ONE (1) lucky commenter  at The Reading Cafe

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9.. Giveaway runs from February 7-11, 2017


Highland Spitfire (Highland Weddings #1) by Mary Wine-a review

Highland Spitfire (Highland Weddings #1) by Mary Wine-a review

Highland Spitfire

Amazon.com / Amazon.ca / B&N / KOBO /

ABOUT THE BOOK: Release Date February 2, 2016

In the throes of fierce clan wars, the Queen’s Regent tricks the children of two feuding lairds into a desperate choice: marry or die. The union—however reluctant—of a MacPherson and a Robertson could end three generations of hostilities between the two families.

Ailis Robertson wanted a husband, not a savage. But she is rocked by the intense passion she feels for Bhaic—who is likewise taken aback by the fierce jealousy he experiences when he sees Ailis speaking with other men. Is it possible for fierce enemies to become ardent lovers?


5 out of 5 for this reader folks!

Ok I admit it .. I am a sucker for a historical highland romance that features a couple who begin as enemies and end as bonded soul mate lovers! I also will admit that Mary Wine is one of my fave authors for this genre. She writes lots of great story with fascinating characters, lush scenery, some hot scenes and just the right dash of conflict.

Highland Spitfire is the first book of Mary Wine’s new “Highland Weddings” series. It centres around two incredible main characters who just so happen to be from warring clans. When circumstance, ultimatums, attraction, lust, misunderstanding, jealousy and so many laughs are weaved into a story the way Mary Wine has managed to do, you are left with one fricken heck of a page turner.

Ailis Robertson is the clan laird’s daughter. She is everything that I love in a heroine and so much more .. seriously, if I could of jumped through the pages and high fived this girl, I would have. She is the epitome of highland strength in character. A true love she has for her father, propels her into a choice (not really a choice in my opinion) that will not only affect her life, but the future of her clan.

Bhaic MacPherson is the son of his clans laird (although not the eldest son) and he too was so awesome and I may have been a little smitten by him. He is somewhat of a lady’s man, strong and brutish in the way a man was in those days, and every bit as invested as his older brother is, in ensuring survival of his clan.

Both Ailis and Bhaic are pretty much forced into a marriage to end their clans famous feuding. When they agree to NOT consummate their marriage in hopes of obtaining a future annulment, that is when they start to realize that resisting is not going to be as easy as all that. Both experience fits of lust, jealousy of attention the other may get, and the understanding that maybe this marriage is the solution to a peaceful future. However, there are some people who just cannot let go of grudges and soon this couple finds themselves trying to save themselves and each other.

These two made this entire book. Ailis surprised me with her strength. Can you imagine leaving everything you love behind, and being plopped right in the middle of a group of people that hate you? She managed to not only find her place, but impress upon others that her love was genuine and her intent good. Bhaic is presented to us at first as somewhat of a savage who likes what he likes and when he likes it, but you see this incredible transition and growth throughout this story. He comes into what I would consider manhood by thinking beyond his own selfish urges and protecting his wife against people who are family .. clan.

Highly recommend this book to my fellow Highland romance lovers and while I am at it, recommend all of Mary Wine’s books too! LOL


Copy supplied by Netgalley

Reviewed by Rachel T


A Sword For His Lady (Courtly Love #1) by Mary Wine-Review and Book Tour

A Sword For His Lady (Courtly Love #1) by Mary Wine-Review and Book Tour

a sword for his lady

Amazon.com / Amazon.ca / B&N / KOBO / The Book Depository

ABOUT THE BOOK: Release Date July 7, 2015

He’d defend her keep…

After proving himself on the field of battle, Ramon de Segrave is appointed to the Council of Barons by Richard the Lionheart. But instead of taking his most formidable warrior on his latest Crusade, the king assigns Ramon an even more dangerous task—woo and win the Lady of Thistle Keep.

If only she’d yield her heart…

Isabel of Camoys is a capable widow with no intention of surrendering her valuable estate. She’s fought long and hard for her independence, and if the price is loneliness, then so be it. She will not yield… even if she does find the powerful knight’s heated embrace impossible to ignore.

But when her land is threatened, Isabel reluctantly agrees to allow Ramon and his army to defend the keep—knowing that the price may very well be her heart.



5 out of 5 for this reader folks!

Oh how I love an amazing medieval romance. “A Sword For His Lady” by Mary Wine had all I have come to love in my medieval romances .. strong hero who is stubborn but has a sense of humour, honour and loyalty. A heroine that can match that stubborn charm by being the strong resourceful woman, who cares more about her people than she does herself. A storyline that has some believability of it’s time and that is enriched with battle and history .. oh and a nasty villain who you really hope gets what is due.

Set in the time of Richard the Lionheart, our hero is Ramon de Segrave, who after proving himself on the battlefield had been awarded lands and titles by King Richard. Included in his winnings is the hand of marriage to our heroine Isabel of Camoys. Isabel was married to a horrible man and would pray for his demise on the battlefield believing she had enough strength and support of her people to keep her home running. When her prayers of his demise are answered she is relieved, until she comes to understand that she is to wed once again. Not having any of that, the battle of hearts begins.

Ramon is worthy of his Knighted title. He is domineering yet sensible and caring, he has a fun playful side that seems to come out with Isabel, but he is ever much the dangerous foe. He is fair and believes he can sway Isabel to believe that they can have a happy union. Isabel thwarts all his efforts at first and it isn’t until her keep comes into serious harm that she realizes marriage to Ramon is a duty she must do to keep her people safe. It it the last thing she expects when her hearts begins to open to this Knight and she comes to recognize that he is truely a part of her home.

These two were so well matched. I adored Isabel as she was the brains behind keeping her lands running effectively before Ramon came into the picture. I loved how Ramon wasn’t put off but rather intrigued by a woman who had accomplished so much successfully without the aid of a man. I also loved how “when you know what” hit the fan, that Ramon was not a complete arse about taking the “man reigns”. There was a friendship that bloomed between the two and a mutual respect. When we get to the conflict of the story and the secrets that were hidden, Mary Wine perfectly times the love and lust aspect to her story.

Secondary characters were set up for what I hope is more to this series. If you love a strong medieval romance then this is certainly a book for you! You will find it all here and chances are you will be wanting for more of the same!


Copy supplied by the publisher through Netgalley

Reviewed by Rachel T.


He lifted one foot and set it on the bottom step.
“What are you doing?”
“I am entering the keep.” His tone made it clear he knew he was invading her home.
“No.” She fought back her breathlessness. “You shall not.”
She backed up, but forced herself to stop in the doorway.
“Why not, my lady?”
He climbed another step and she felt her knees quiver. It was an insane reaction, one that shocked her with how intense it was its intensity.
“You do not belong in the keep. This is my home.”
He frowned but climbed another step to stand on even ground with her. Isabel lifted her chin so she might maintain eye contact.
“I will be making a full assessment of this structure, lady. You may stand aside or I shall remove you from my path.”
She should have lowered herself and gracefully glided out of the doorway. It was the only response the code of chivalry afforded her, but she couldn’t force herself to do it. She didn’t feel in control of her emotions; they were scattering like autumn leaves. Her heart accelerated. He was pressing closer, watching her, gauging her reactions to him. She’d never felt so exposed. Never felt like any man took so much notice of her. He reached for her, his expression full of promise.
“No one enters this keep without bathing.” She spat the words out in a rush and had to pull in a deep breath because her lungs burned when she was finished. At last, relief flowed through her, for she had found a valid argument to use.
The baron’s expression didn’t change. His hands were clenched around his wide leather belt, his knuckles turning white.
“Take yourself off to the bath house, my lord baron.” She was being brazen.
He suddenly grunted, amusement returning to his eyes. “Very well lady, since you wish to offer me your hospitality, I accept.”
She stared at him, uncertain of the flicker burning in his dark eyes. This wasn’t a man who knew defeat, and the muscles in her neck tightened when his lips twitched into a smug grin once again.
An expression that was full of victory.
“I shall enjoy having you bathe me, Isabel. It is certainly a good place for us to begin to learn more about one another.” A gleam appeared in his eyes that sent a shiver down her body.
“I did not offer to bathe you myself.” Her voice was a horrified whisper. He stepped closer, capturing her wrist in a grip that surprised her because it lacked pain with its gentleness. Instead, she felt their connection keenly, so much so, it felt as though that she couldn’t form a single, sensible thought. Logic had always offered her salvation in the past. Before Ramon, it crumbled away, leaving her at his mercy.
“You claim you are no maiden, so it is only customary for you to attend me since you are the lady of this keep.” His voice lowered. “Or perhaps, you would prefer not to act as a lady. In such a case…I will be most pleased to dispense with ceremony.”


About The Author

Website /Goodreads /Facebook /Twitter

Mary WineMary Wine has written over twenty novels that take her readers from the pages of history to the far reaches of space. Recent winner of a 2008 EPPIE Award for erotic western romance, her book LET ME LOVE YOU was quoted “Not to be missed…” by Lora Leigh, New York Times best-selling author.

When she’s not abusing a laptop, she spends time with her sewing machines…all of them! Making historical garments is her second passion. From corsets and knickers to court dresses of Elizabeth I, the most expensive clothes she owns are hundreds of years out of date. She’s also an active student of martial arts, having earned the rank of second degree black belt.

While you are here, don’t forget to take a peek at all her intoxicating novels and also say hello at her blog!

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NOTE: The Reading Cafe is NOT responsible for the rafflecopter giveaway. If you have any questions, please contact the publisher


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Mary Wine – How To Handle a Highlander – Guest Post & Review

Mary Wine – How To Handle a Highlander – Guest Post & Review

How To Handle a HighlanderLinks to order How to Handle a Highlander:
Amazon / Barnes & Noble / Kobo / The Book Depository

Moira Frazer is betrothed to a man who is old enough to be her father, but it’s her duty to her clan to marry him, and she’s determined to see this through…until she meets Gahan Sutherland.

Gahan knows this match is designed to start a feud between the clans, which is why he decides to stop the wedding. But when Moira awakens a passion within him that he never knew existed, he realizes that the outcome of this perilous situation will determine the future of his own happiness.

As trust and honor clash with forbidden attraction, manipulations, rivalries, and schemes will threaten to blow the Highlands sky high


How to Handle a Highlander is the 6th book in Mary Wine‘s Highlander series.  This is my first book by Wine, but I thought this worked well enough to read as a standalone.  How to Handle a Highlander is a historical romance, as well as a Highlander story.  Moira Fraser is our heroine, being considered a commoner by her family; she is forced by her evil half brother Bari,  to marry an old laird, in a deal for help to destroy the Sutherland family.   Moira is a sweet, likeable and pretty heroine, and despite her being treated beneath the rest of the family, she feels it is her responsibility to do what is necessary to help her clan.

Gahan Sutherland is our hero, and a hot hunky Highlander he is.  Gahan, who represents his clan, heads for the home of the Laird Achaius Matheson, to try and stop a clan war.  The Laird, who will marry Moira, also has his own agenda.  When Gahan sets his eyes on Moira, he is immediately attracted to her, and knows she is being forced to marry Achaius, who is a mean and scheming old man. Gahan at first feels sympathy for Moira, but over a short period, he becomes obsessive and protective of her, and even though she is now married to the Laird, they both respond to their sexual chemistry.  What they do not know is that the Laird anticipates this, and secretly plans to destroy the Frasers, with the exception of Moira, enabling him to take over the Fraser land, 

Within that plot, Moira’s half brother is out for revenge against the Sutherlands for killing his sister, who had tried to poison Gahan’s father. This story is filled with plots, betrayals, scheming relatives, and a romance between two people who find true love. 

I liked both Moira and Gahan, as they made a nice couple.  I did think that it was a bit unrealistic that the serious and dutiful Moira, who was promised to another man, would fall into bed with Gahan almost the first night she met him.   The story moved back and forth, as Gahan was stopped just about at every move to free Moira from her half brother’s shenanigans, as well as from the clutches of her husband.  A surprise twist happens half way through that creates more havoc, and the last third of the story is exciting and action packed.  It was a nice historical romance, with a quite a few steamy scenes. Will Gahan be able to save Moira?  Will they both have a life together?  Will the Sutherlands survive the plotting of the other clans?  You need to read this book to find out. 

Reviewed by Barb

Copy provided by Publisher


About the Author Black and Orange
marypic1-200x300Mary Wine has written over twenty novels that take her readers from the pages of history to the far reaches of space. Recent winner of a 2008 EPPIE Award for erotic western romance, her book LET ME LOVE YOU was quoted “Not to be missed…” by Lora Leigh, New York Times best-selling author.

When she’s not abusing a laptop, she spends time with her sewing machines…all of them! Making historical garments is her second passion. From corsets and knickers to court dresses of Elizabeth I, the most expensive clothes she owns are hundreds of years out of date. She’s also an active student of martial arts, having earned the rank of second degree black belt.

While you are here, don’t forget to take a peek at all her intoxicating novels and also say hello at her blog!

Guest Post-White and Purple

Good afternoon, thanks for having me over today. I’m really excited about my newest book, How to Handle a Highlander. This is book three in my Sutherlands but you can read it stand alone. I’ll let everyone in on a little secret, I just finished up book four in this book. It will release next summer.

How Do You Create a Hero?

Wow, that’s a question and a half. Now inside all of us, is a little girl who played princess. Even though some of those inner princesses were more Xena than Cinderella. I think the best part about the Romance gene is that there are so many different types of stories. You can find something that suits your idea of a perfect world.

When it comes to the hero, let’s face it girls, we want him yummy. There is no getting around that…hard….fact. But I don’t feel too guilty when I pass through my living room and there is my husband playing a video game and all the female characters are these incredibly scrumptious creatures.

But what makes a man a hero? That’s the part where the writer has to craft her character and sell him to the reader. There are certain traits that go with hero and defiantly ones that don’t. When I’m working on the first part of a story, that beginning, creation stage, I get a feel on that hero and where his is in his life. Why is he there and what is it about him that keep him from crossing the line into that ‘non-hero’ zone.

I always need my books to be part of the time they are in. In How to Handle a Highlander, I’m dealing with harsh realities. My heroine is set to marry an old man, she’ll be wife number four. For the time, it wasn’t unheard of. Marriage was for children, so older men often took bride young enough to provide those children.

No my hero knows that the union is going to unite two clans against his own. He wants to stop it but what makes him a hero is the fact that he’s got to find a way to intervene without just resorting to violence. He also notices that my heroine is not the problem, she’s stuck in the problem. That’s where I think he shines the most. When he notices that she needs his help.

No matter what sort of hero you desire, they’ve got to have integrity, be men of their word and willing to face the challenges of fate.

Cheers Everyone!

You can find me on Facebook, Website, Goodreads


How to Handle a Highlander Excerpt-

“Inspecting yer new possession?”

She recognized Gahan’s voice instantly. It was slightly unnerving how swiftly she identified him.

“Yer sister would have found it beneath her,” he added.

Gahan parted from the shadow of a doorway. The hall was farther behind her than she’d realized; the setting of the supper table was now only a dim buzz. A strange twist of excitement went through her belly, startling her. But it also left a bitter taste in her mouth, because she realized she preferred Gahan to her groom.

It was knowledge she could have done well without.

“Nae that I’d expect any less of any woman wedding such an old man,” Gahan informed her.

His tone was condescending at best, and it irritated her. He was her better. The fine weave of his kilt and the silver buttons running up the sides of his knee-high boots showed off just how much his father gave him. She should have kept her mouth shut, but her pride flared up and she propped her hand onto her hip.

“And will yer father give ye any choice when he contracts a bride for ye?” She questioned boldly “Or will ye turn yer nose up no matter who is depending upon ye to do yer duty? Like a spoiled child who knows naught of the way alliances keep a clan safe?”

His eyes narrowed. For a moment, it looked like he was considering what she said, almost as if she’d surprised him somehow.

“Nae if me duty includes making sure me kin can start a feud.”

“I have no such desire.” She shouldn’t snap at him but just couldn’t squelch the urge. “A contented man”—she had to stop to swallow the lump lodged in her throat—“is happy to stay at home.”

He studied her for a long moment, one that felt far longer than it really could have been. She felt like he was looking at her thoughts, his gaze cutting past her realistic reasons, to see her true feelings.

“So what is it that draws ye to a man old enough to be yer grandfather? The title? I suppose I can believe that. Yer sister was certainly enchanted by titles.”

“Half sister.” She paused, realizing that what Bari had so often used to insult her was something she prided herself on.

“And I’m bastard-born,” he replied softly. “Which changes nothing when it comes to me loyalties. Or, I doubt, yers.”

He was trying to intimidate her, but instead, his words somehow impressed her. There was something in his dark eyes that intrigued her, and she stared into the dark orbs, trying to decipher it.

He snorted at her. “Do nae try it.”

“Try what?”

He crossed his arms over his chest, and she suddenly realized just how close he was. There was no more than a pace between them now, and she jumped back, colliding with the hard stone of the wall. His lips twitched.

“I admit, ye play the innocent better then Sandra ever did, but ye’ll nae find it simple to seduce me.”

She straightened up, stepping away from the wall as her temper simmered. “Ye have no right to accuse me of nae being innocent. Or of trying to act like a harlot. Ye were the one waiting in the shadows.”

His lips parted to flash his teeth at her. “I knew ye had claws. Ye are a Fraser after all.”

There was a ring of triumph in his tone, which irritated her beyond every bit of self-discipline she had.

“What I have is the sense to know when I’m hearing naught but dribble. Son of an earl or nae, ye do nae have the right to insult me for obeying me laird. I do nae need the Matheson thinking I turned up me nose at their laird. Marriage is for forming alliances. I’m nae so selfish as to think an insult to a laird, like refusing his offer, will nae become a festering point of contention.”

But her voice lowered as she finished, and she had to push the last sentence past her lips because she just didn’t want to believe she was one day away from having to wed Achaius Matheson.

“And I was nae trying to seduce ye,” she added.

His grin remained arrogant and large, but he opened his arms, offering her a view of just how wide his chest was. “Ye were looking into me eyes.”

“And ye were looking into mine,” she countered. He was suddenly too large and the hallway far too compact to suit her. “Enough arrogance. Perhaps ye are accustomed to only the sort of women who like to seduce, but I am nae of that sort. I’m set to wed, and I do nae think it wise to be standing here acting like—”

“Like lovers flirting in the night shadows?”

His voice dipped low and sent a tingle along her limbs. There was a gleam of mischief in his dark eyes.

She shook her head, her tongue feeling frozen with shock.

“Nay, we are nae acting like lovers, or are ye arguing that we are nae lovers—yet?” He pressed forward another few inches.

Something snapped inside her. She gasped and went to shove him away from her.

“Ye obnoxious urchin!”

She flattened her hands against his chest, but he didn’t budge. She’d used a fair amount of strength, but Gahan Sutherland only chuckled at her attempt to move him.

“Ye have no right to accuse me of such indecent things. Maybe there are plenty who would remind me that ye’re me better and can say what ye will, but I will do me duty.”

He closed his hands around hers, but he didn’t remove them from his chest. Instead, he trapped her there with her hands upon him.

“What if I told ye I would nae be opposed to becoming yer lover? I promise ye will find me bed more to yer liking.”

Her mouth dropped open, and her temper exploded. She never really thought about what she was doing; her body simply refused to remain still. With a snarl, she sent her knee toward his unprotected groin. One moment he was chuckling at her, and the next, she felt her blow connecting.
