Just One Touch (Slow Burn #5) by Maya Banks-Review Tour

JUST ONE TOUCH (Slow Burn #5) by Maya Banks-Review, Excerpt, Book Tour & Giveaway


Slow Burn #5
by Maya Banks
Release Date: May 23, 2017
Genre: Adult, contemporary, erotic, romance


Amazon.com / Amazon.ca / B&N / KOBO / BAM / GOOGLE / ITUNES

About the book: Release Date May 23, 2017

#1 USA Today and New York Times bestselling author Maya Banks continues her suspenseful and sizzling Slow Burn series with the fifth book featuring the men and women of Devereaux Security Services.

Abducted as a young girl and raised in a strict religious cult, Jenna has no connection to the outside world beyond vague flashes of memory that seem to be from another life. Memories she clings to when the cult leaders discover her extraordinary ability to heal—and punish her. Years held captive and forced to do the cult’s bidding have turned Jenna into a meek, timid woman…or so they think. In truth, she is merely biding her time, waiting for the perfect moment to escape.

When a terrified young woman stumbles across Isaac’s path, Devereaux Security’s toughest recruit is intrigued by the beautiful, sheltered stranger. Jenna seems to know nothing of the world around her and refuses to tell him what danger haunts her, but Isaac will do whatever it takes to gain her trust. When it becomes clear that very powerful, dangerous people are after her, he vows to protect her at all costs… because with just one touch Issac knows he wants Jenna to be his—forever.


REVIEW: Just One Touch begins with Jenna running for her life and running as far away from the cult that has imprisoned her for the last twenty years. Just when she’s about to give up hope, she stumbles out of the woods and makes it to a gas station and steals away in the back of a truck heading to Houston and prays that she isn’t discovered….

Isaac stops by to grab some coffee and bagels before heading to the office. As he approaches his vehicle, he sees the door ajar with someone trying to steal it. He draws his weapon and stealthily approaches the thug trying to steal from him and demands that they turn around. Two things became evident in that moment: 1. This was no thug. 2. This woman had been through hell and was covered in bruises. Both of which kick his protective instinct into overdrive. When he tries to see if he can help this obviously terrified young woman, shots ring out and he goes into defense mode. However, his body isn’t working the way it should be, and to his horror, he knows he has been hit and he knows his time is limited. As he feels himself dying, he tries to convince the young woman to flee and save herself. She surprises him with her vehement denial of that request and says she can’t let him die because of her. Once she lays her hands on him, they both somehow know that their lives will never be the same…

Just One Touch is a great addition to the Slow Burn series. I absolutely love the premise of the entire series. The paranormal aspects, as well as the agents of Devereaux Security Services, keep me wanting more. Jenna is a likeable character and her back story will break your heart. She has been left and/or betrayed by everyone she’s ever known and finds it hard to believe in Isaac’s declarations that he’ll keep her safe. Isaac is your typical alpha who will stop at nothing to keep not only Jenna, but everyone he holds dear safe and well. Once he discovers that the cult is the absolute least of his worries, he and his DSS comrades have to call in every marker they’ve accumulated over the years to keep them all from falling into the hands of a ruthless cartel whose leader vows to have Jenna, no matter the cost. We are also privileged with the presence of all the characters that we’ve come to know since the beginning of this series. We get to know a little more about some of them, and that only whets my appetite. I think I know whose book will be next, but if I’ve learned anything from Maya Banks over the years, is that what you think you know can be an epic fail. One thing that did disappoint me a little was redundancy in relation the two main characters’ inner turmoil and having to repeatedly read the same thing. However, with that said, I LOVED THIS BOOK AND I LOVE THIS SERIES! I absolutely cannot wait for the next installment! Well done, Maya Banks! Very well done!

Copy supplied for review through Edelweiss

Reviewed by Vickie M


“She’s mine, Dane. No one else’s. I told you I’d ask if and when I need backup or help. Until then, it’s better that none of you are associated with her or are seen anywhere near her. She risked everything to save me when I could have been no better than the assholes trying to get to her. She sealed her fate in that moment because I’m not going anywhere. I need time to hear her side and I have a feeling she’s not just going to volunteer any information about herself, so I’m also going to need time to gain her trust and I’m going to prove to her that she can trust me. I appreciate the offer. More than you know. But she isn’t a DSS client or assignment. She’s mine, and I’ll protect her with my life.”

Q & A

Tasty Q&A with Maya Banks

Describe yourself in five words or less.

Unorganized, melt-down prone, laid back, despise drama & conflict!

If you had a theme song, what would it be?

My Give A Damn is Broken

Name one thing you won’t leave home without.

A cup of crushed ice

What do you like to do when you aren’t writing?

I’m a complete homebody & enjoy hanging out at home with my family every chance I get. It’s rare for me to leave my house!

What types of scenes are your most favorite to write?

I love revealing information about various characters personalities and the closeness between them through dialogue. I also always look forward to writing the dark moment as I love me some angst!

What are your favorite types of stories to read?

I love stories that don’t feature a couple who spend the entire book apart or that focus on internal conflict. I much prefer to see the hero and heroine together on the page and to see them working together to overcome external conflict.

Are there certain characters you would like to go back to, or is there a theme or idea you’d love to work with?

I absolutely love following up with characters from a previous story whether it’s including them as secondary characters in a newer book or writing a short novella that revisits them so readers can see them after the HEA

Is there anything that you would like to say to your readers and fans?

I absolutely credit my readers with my success and my career. They

about The author


Maya Banks is a multiple #1 New York Times and USA Today bestselling author whose chart toppers have included erotic romance, romantic suspense, contemporary romance, Scottish historical romances. She is the author of the Breathless Trilogy, the Surrender Trilogy, the KGI novels, the Sweet series, and the Colters Legacy novels. She lives in Southeast Texas.

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NOTE: The Reading Cafe is NOT responsible for the rafflecopter giveaway. If you have any questions, please contact the tour provider.



Brighter Than the Sun (KGI #11) by Maya Banks-a review

Brighter Than the Sun (KGI #11) by Maya Banks-a review

Brighter Than the Sun

Amazon.com / Amazon.ca / B&N / KOBO /

About the book: Release Date March 7, 2017

The Kelly Group International (KGI): A super-elite, top secret, family-run business.
Qualifications: High intelligence, rock-hard body, military background.
Mission: Hostage/kidnap victim recovery. Intelligence gathering.
Handling jobs the U.S. government can’t…

As the last unattached member of the Kelly clan, Joe is more than ready to risk life and limb on any mission he’s assigned to, but when it comes to love, he’ll keep his distance. He’s content to watch his brothers become thoroughly domesticated.

Zoe’s had nothing but heartbreak in her life, and she’s determined to start over with a completely new identity, thanks to her college friend, Rusty Kelly. But it’s the gorgeous smile and tender words of Joe Kelly that begin to weaken her resolve to never risk her heart again. And Joe will have to put everything on the line to save Zoe, when secrets of her past resurface—and threaten to tear them apart…

Brighter than the Sun begins with the KGI team having some actual down time. The entire Kelly clan is home and things are quiet. It still amazes Joe that all of his brothers have settled down and the number of babies around is truly astonishing. He does know one thing though: he’s not ready to settle down and have a woman be his reason for being. Nope, not him…..

Rusty Kelly, Joe’s adopted sister, is contacted by her best friend from college, Zoe, who is on the run and needs Rusty’s help. That’s all it took for Rusty to set into motion a life changing series of events in order to keep Zoe safe and bring her to the Kelly home. Little did either of them know how truly life changing it would be.

Joe knows that Zoe is scared of something or someone. Even though she tries to present herself as self confident, he knows that she’s hiding something. He decides then and there to make it his mission to see if he can not only find out what’s going on, but to help her as well. As he gets to know Zoe, Rusty warns Joe not to hurt her. Joe tells Rusty that he knows Zoe is hiding something, but Rusty tells him it’s Zoe’s story to tell. Everyone in the family and KGI sees that Joe has claimed Zoe as his own, even if Zoe doesn’t know it yet. What follows is a heart wrenching story that will leave you turning the pages faster and faster.

I LOVED BRIGHTER THAN THE SUN!!!! I’m so glad we finally got Joe’s story. He is a straight up Kelly with his protective instinct when he finds the “one”. In my humble opinion, he fell harder than the others. There was just something about his thoughts that we were privy to that truly endeared him to me. Zoe is perfect for him. She’s kind and loving and just wants to “be”. Her childhood and background story will endear her to everyone who reads this story. The bonus with this story is we get to see a lot of Rusty and Sean. And, it’s not good. I can’t say too much as I don’t want to give anything away, but it had my heart breaking. HOLY HELL! If you’re a fan of Maya Banks and her KGI series, this one will not disappoint. As always, I want to be a member of the Kelly clan! Well done, Maya Banks! Very well done!

Copy supplied by the publisher through Netgalley

Reviewed by Vickie M


With Every Breath (Slow Burn #4) by Maya Banks-Review and Giveaway

With Every Breath (Slow Burn #4) by Maya Banks-Review and Giveaway

With Every Breath Banner

Slow Burn #4
by Maya Banks
Release Date: August 23, 2016
Genre: adult, contemporary, erotic, romance

With Every Breath

Amazon.com / Amazon.ca / B&N / KOBO /

About the book: Release Date August 23, 2016

Eliza Cummings fought free of a monster who terrorized her when she was an innocent teenager and helped put him away for good. She took a job with Devereaux Security Services and devoted every hour to taking down the very thing she’d nearly become. No one, not even those closest to her, know her darkest, shameful secrets. But now the killer has been set free on a legal loophole and it’s only a matter of time before he comes for her. Eliza’s only choice is to run and lead the monster away from the people she loves.

Wade Sterling has always lived by his own rules, a law unto himself who answers to no one. He’s never professed to be a good man, and he’s definitely not hero material. Wade never allows anyone close enough to see the man behind the impenetrable mask—but one woman threatens his carefully leashed control. He took a bullet for her and the result was more than a piece of metal entrenched in his skin. She was under his skin and nothing he did rid himself of the woman with the courage of a warrior and who thinks nothing of putting her life before others.

But when Wade sees a panicked and haunted Eliza he knows something is very wrong, because the fool woman has never had been afraid of anything. And when she tries to run, the primal beast barely lurking beneath his deceptively polished façade erupts in a rage. She may not know it, but she belongs to him. This time, Eliza isn’t going to play the protector. She was damn well going to be the protected. And as long as Wade breathes, no one will ever hurt what is his.


With Every Breath begins with Eliza learning her worst nightmare was coming true…. The man whom she had trusted like no other, only to find out he was the devil incarnate, was being released from prison in just three short weeks. She immediately began planning how she would end him once and for all, seeking vengeance for of his victims. One thing she was sure of: she had to lead him away from those she now considered family and loved with all of her heart. Because, once he was released from prison, he would come for her. Obsession was a fickle thing……

Over the next several days, as her plan started coming together, she dreaded telling her DSS boss, Dane, that she was taking some vacation. Dane was not only her boss, but her best friend, and she knew she had to be spot on to convince him she just needed some down time to recuperate after being almost killed a couple of months before (in a previous book). What she didn’t tell Dane was that she wasn’t intending on coming back, that she intended to die right along with the devil himself. As Dane sat there listening to Eliza’s story, he told her she could take all of the time she needed and to please check in. However, as she leaves the building to set her plan in motion, Dane immediately calls the one person who seemed to care for Eliza almost much as him: Wade Sterling. Sure, Eliza acted as if she couldn’t stand Sterling, but Dane knew that Sterling would move heaven and earth to keep her safe, because, oh yeah, he’d taken a bullet for her. Eliza would be dead today if he hadn’t. Turns out that Dane didn’t believe a word she said about needing to recuperate. Thank goodness!

When Sterling approaches Eliza as she’s loading her car to leave town, she’s stunned to see him there. And, even more stunned when he acts as if he actually cares. Determined not to get distracted from her mission, she tells him to get a life and leaves. What she doesn’t know about Wade Sterling is that he’s not about to let harm come to her again. He has far reaching resources and will use everything at his disposal to ensure that she’s okay. Once he tracks her down and learns exactly what she’s running from, his feelings for her deepen even more as do hers for him. What transpires is a story that will leave you turning the pages faster and faster…..

With Every Breath is a wonderfully written addition to the Slow Burn series. I knew these two would have a scorching chemistry and Banks did not disappoint. Eliza was a great character: strong, independent, but most of all, loyal. Even though her view on her being responsible for the torture and murder of those women was skewed, I had to remember that she was 16 when it happened and it just continued to haunt her for ten long years. I’m sure I’d be a little skewed as well. Wade Sterling was even better than I thought he would be. Even though he had the same attributes as Eliza, it was his vulnerability that shone through for me. There was just something about him that grabbed my heart. The two of them together was spectacular. I’ve been a fan of Maya Banks for years, and have read everything she’s ever written. Even though this isn’t my favorite series by her, this is one of my favorite books. This is a story ultimately about finally standing up to your past so that you can face your future. If you’re looking for a romance that steams up the pages and has lots of awesome characters, along with some paranormal aspects, you will never go wrong with this series. Well done, Maya Banks! Very, very well done!

Copy supplied by the publisher through Edelweiss

Reviewed by Vickie M

About The Author

Follow Maya: Website / Facebook / Twitter / Goodreads

Maya BanksMy name is Maya Banks and I live in Texas with my husband and three children and our assortment of pets.

When I’m not writing, I love to hunt and fish with my family. We all love the outdoors and go on family hunting trips every year. We also love to travel. One of our more recent trips was to Scotland, which was every bit as comical as National Lampoon’s European Vacation. You know the part about “Look kids, Big Ben, Parliament” as they went round and round the roundabouts? Yeah, that was us, only we couldn’t even get out of the airport in Glasgow without hitting three of those suckers.

Perhaps the most rewarding aspect of a writing career is getting to meet so many wonderful readers. There’s nothing better than dishing books with someone who loves the romance genre as much as I do. Romance readers are passionate and vocal. We love our books, love our happily ever afters, and we love to spend time talking to others about our favorites. THIS is why I love my job so much, and I’m so grateful to readers who gave ME a chance when I began my career. So thank you.


Maya Banks’s publisher is offering an ecopy of WITH EVERY BREATH to ONE (1) lucky commenter at The Reading Cafe.

1. If you have not previously registered at The Reading Cafe, please register by using the log-in at the top of the page (side bar) or by using one of the social log-ins.

NOTE: If you are having difficulty commenting after logging onto the site, please refresh the page (at the top of your computer).

2. If you are using a social log-in, please post your email address with your comment.

3.  Follow MAYA BANKS on Facebook.

4. LIKE us on FACEBOOK and then click GET NOTIFICATION under ‘liked’ for an additional entry.

5. LIKE us on Twitter for an additional entry.

6. Please FOLLOW us on GOODREADS for an additional entry.

7. Please follow The Reading Cafe on Tumblr

8. Giveaway is open internationally

9. Giveaway runs from August 30-September 2, 2016


Dominated (The Enforcers #2) by Maya Banks-Review, Excerpt and Giveaway

Dominated (The Enforcers #2) by Maya Banks-Review, Excerpt and Giveaway

Dominated Banner

The Enforcers #2
by Maya Banks
Release Date: May 3, 2016
Genre: adult, contemporary, erotic, romance


Amazon.com / Amazon.ca / B&N / KOBO /

ABOUT THE BOOK: Release Date May 3, 2016

To save her, he had to betray her…

In Drake’s shadowy world, his enemies would exploit any weakness he had in order to bring him to his knees, and so he’s never allowed himself to care about anyone…never exhibited any vulnerability, and it made him a force to be reckoned with. Until Evangeline—his angel. A woman who slipped past his defenses like no one had ever managed. She was his to protect and ultimately, to do that, he had to do the unthinkable and drive the only good thing in his world away.

But he will stop at nothing to get her back…

Devastated and destroyed, Evangeline doesn’t know what made Drake turn on her in such a shocking manner. She only knows she’ll never be the same. He once freed her from all her inhibitions, only now she is a prisoner to never-ending pain. But when Drake finds her again, she realizes there is more to his world than she ever imagined, and she must decide if she can once more trust—and submit—to the man who holds her wounded heart in his hands. And he must convince her of just how far he’ll go to regain her love and forgiveness.



Dominated begins right where Mastered leaves off…………with a HUGE cliffhanger. As the blurb about the book says “to save her, he had to betray her….”and boy, did he ever betray her. Feeling utterly betrayed and humiliated, Evangeline runs away and hides from Drake. She just can’t understand why he had treated her that way in front of his business associates. She’d done everything to make him proud of her and to, for lack of a better analogy, “earn her keep”. Somehow, things had gone terribly wrong and she found herself with no money and nowhere to go, until an unexpected ally steps in and helps. The place she’s staying is humble, but she’s working to save a little money so that she can get back home.

To say Drake is crazy with worry about Evangeline is a huge understatement. He’s tried to track her down, but to no avail. His men are upset as well. Upset that she’s missing and even more upset at what sent her running in the first place. Seems Drake has a lot to make up for.

Drake finally tracks her down and finally gets her to understand what happened and how sorry he is. Of course, she forgives him and vows to try and make a life with him, but he has to meet her part way. He gives his word that he will. Funny thing about giving your word………you actually have to keep it. What follows will have you cheering for Evangeline (most of the time) and wanting to kill Drake (a lot of the time). As they navigate their relationship and the problems that come with Drake’s complicated life, one thing is for sure: Drake is in for a rude awakening. He’s never felt as out of control as he does with Evangeline, and he’s never been questioned by his inner circle, until now.

I love Maya Banks. Those of you who read my reviews know this. But, I didn’t love this one. I liked it, just didn’t love it. Evangeline is your typical fish-out-of-water and in-over-your-head heroine. She is as naïve as she is determined. Drake is your typical Alpha Male who swoops in to take care of the woman who he will come to love and feel he can’t live without. EXCEPT for the fact that not only does he make the big faux pas and lose her once, he does it AGAIN…………and AGAIN! With Evangeline seeing the good in Drake, she continues to forgive him, even though he knows he doesn’t deserve it. His inner circle isn’t even sure if he deserves her forgiveness. But, he gets it. I understand that Drake is really a mess and doesn’t really think he deserves anyone as good as Evangeline, but dang! Now, don’t get me wrong. I’ll say it again…. I liked the book. I liked the set up and I LOVED the secondary characters.

And, for the most part, I liked the story. I just didn’t like that he kept disrespecting her, until the end. But, even then, you have to wonder if he’ll do it again. That’s the part I didn’t like. You don’t know down to your toes that they are going to be okay. I’m also hoping that with the next book, which is Silas’s book (YAY!!!!!!), we find out more of the back story about Drake and his men. I loved the first book and had high hopes for this one. I just felt it lacked something……. With all of that said, I truly can’t wait for Silas’s book and to see what’s happening with the rest of the Enforcers.

Click HERE for Vickie’s review of MASTERED (The Enforcers #1)

Copy supplied by Netgalley

Reviewed by Vickie M




“Find her,” Drake said harshly, the nights without sleep evident in his haggard appearance. “This is your only priority, your only job. Find her and bring her back to me.”
He’d gathered his sentinels. The only men in his inner circle, a tight band of men—brothers—his partners in business and the only men he trusted with his life—and Evangeline’s.
The only men he’d allow to see him at his lowest, unguarded. Vulnerable. Nothing mattered to him. Not exposing his weakness. Not allowing his iron control that had maintained him through most of his life to slip. They all knew that Evangeline was . . . special. All important. And they, like him, liked her. Respected her.
And they were all pissed. At him.
“Goddamn it, Drake,” Maddox hissed out. “How could you do it? There had to be another way.”
“There was no other goddamn way and you know it!” Drake barked, fury and helplessness eating him alive, gutting him until there was nothing left but a soulless shell of a man standing helplessly in front of his brothers begging for their help.
Looks were exchanged. Some of sympathy, some of resignation as they realized Drake was right, and still others of quiet fury that Evangeline had been treated—betrayed—in such a despicable manner.
Goddamn useless woman. Can’t even give good head. Your only use is in my bedroom.
His cruel words sliced through his mind, a jagged cut making him bleed all over again, a vicious reminder of the unforgivable things he’d said to her. All in the effort to convince the fucking Luconis she meant nothing to him.
When in fact, she was his goddamn world. And she was gone.
He couldn’t blame her. He’d devastated her. Had ripped her to shreds until she was bleeding from the verbal wounds he’d inflicted. And Jesus, his physical treatment of her. No, the only person at fault was himself.
Silas had remained silent, his features carved in stone, but his eyes were a dead giveaway in a man who usually gave away nothing at all.
“She didn’t deserve this,” Silas said in his quiet voice. But then he never had to raise his voice to make his point. When he spoke, others instinctively ceased talking and listened to him. He was a man who commanded authority and respect.
“No, she didn’t,” Drake said hoarsely. “Don’t you think I know that? Do you think a single night goes by that I don’t replay the image of her broken, in utter despair, her tears—goddamn it, her tears—and worse, her fear. Of me. Of her humiliation. Her absolute belief in every insult, every word I hurled her way in an effort to make sure the goddamn Luconis never suspected what she meant to me. I’ll never forget. As long as I live, I’ll never forget that night.”
His tone grew savage, fury radiating from him like a beacon.
“She could be anywhere out there. Alone. Afraid. Her parents haven’t heard from her. And those bitches she called her best friends . . .” He broke off and had to visibly compose himself.
He and Maddox had gone there first only to discover that they hadn’t heard from her either. Except . . . Lana had admitted that Evangeline had called that day, the day she’d planned to visit them. To reconcile. And that she’d told her not to come. Guilt had been reflected in the eyes of all her “friends.”
It was then that Drake had understood that she’d never planned to execute her surprise to him, hadn’t lied to him in order to set up her playing hostess for him. She’d been hurt by her friends’ rejection, and so she’d turned to the one true thing in her life, seeking his approval, needing it, because she had no one else.



Posted by arrangement with Berkley Books, a member of Penguin Group (USA) LLC, A Penguin Random House Company. Copyright © Maya Banks, 2016.

About The Author Black and White

Follow Maya: Website / Facebook / Twitter / Goodreads

Maya BanksMy name is Maya Banks and I live in Texas with my husband and three children and our assortment of pets.

When I’m not writing, I love to hunt and fish with my family. We all love the outdoors and go on family hunting trips every year. We also love to travel. One of our more recent trips was to Scotland, which was every bit as comical as National Lampoon’s European Vacation. You know the part about “Look kids, Big Ben, Parliament” as they went round and round the roundabouts? Yeah, that was us, only we couldn’t even get out of the airport in Glasgow without hitting three of those suckers.

Perhaps the most rewarding aspect of a writing career is getting to meet so many wonderful readers. There’s nothing better than dishing books with someone who loves the romance genre as much as I do. Romance readers are passionate and vocal. We love our books, love our happily ever afters, and we love to spend time talking to others about our favorites. THIS is why I love my job so much, and I’m so grateful to readers who gave ME a chance when I began my career. So thank you.

Giveaway -black and white

Maya’s publisher is graciously offering a paper copy of MASTERED (Book 1 in The Enforcers series) to ONE (1) lucky commenter at The Reading Cafe.

1. If you have not previously registered at The Reading Cafe, please register by using the log-in at the top of the page (side bar) or by using one of the social log-ins.

2. If you are using a social log-in, please post your email address with your comment.

NOTE: If you are having difficult commenting after logging onto the website, please refresh the page at the top of your computer.

3. Follow MAYA BANKS on Facebook.


5. Please FOLLOW us on Twitter for an additional entry.

6. Please FOLLOW us on GOODREADS for an additional entry.

7. Giveaway is open to USA only

8. Giveaway runs from May 2-6, 2016


Mastered (The Enforcers #1) by Maya Banks-a review

Mastered (The Enforcers #1) by Maya Banks-a review


Amazon.com / Amazon.ca / B&N / KOBO / BAM

About the book: Release Date December 29, 2015

She stood out in his club like a gem, unspoiled and untouched. A lamb among wolves, she clearly didn’t belong. Drawn to her innocence he watched as she was surrounded by men who saw what he did—but no one but him could touch her. He summoned her to his private quarters. He sensed her fear. He also recognized the desire in her eyes. And he knew she wouldn’t leave before he possessed her. She had no need to know his secrets. Not until he had her under his complete and utter control.

What he wants, she isn’t sure she can give him.

The moment he told her want he wanted, she couldn’t resist. Instinct told her to run, but her heart said stay and walk the fine line between pleasure and pain. Though she wasn’t sure she could ever completely surrender, the primal part of her wanted to try, even knowing this man could break her in ways she never imagined. Because once he possessed her, he owned her and it would be too late to turn back. She can only pray that he doesn’t destroy her in the end.


Mastered begins with Evangeline being dumped by her jerk of a boyfriend. Her group of best friends are dressing her up and sending her to a club (to which one of them got a VIP pass), by herself. Seems the friend could only snag one pass. The reason Evangeline agrees to go is because her ex frequents the club and she wants him to see what he’s missing. (Really?) Of course, once she gets there, she runs smack dab into him and to say he berates her is a bit of an understatement. As he physically attacks her, the bouncers step in and quickly handle the ex and hustle Evangeline upstairs to the boss’ office.

As Drake watched the events downstairs unfold, he was livid. He could absolutely tell that Evangeline was in way over her head by coming to a club like his, but even more than that, no one was ever allowed to put their hands on a woman the way that jacka$$ had. When the door to Drake’s office opened and in walked Evangeline, he knew, somehow, that things would never be the same.

Things heat up quickly between the two, and as the blurb says, Evangeline knew she should run, but just couldn’t make herself do it. As Drake tried to sooth Evangeline, he also seduced her, and she couldn’t say no. He also informed her he’d see her again the next night. Once she regained a little control, she went home and was glad her room mates weren’t up. She had to get her head wrapped around what had happened before she could begin to talk about it. Once she and her friends did discuss what happened, they were all a little bumfuzzled. Evangeline was the slow and steady one and had never been adventurous and decided to go to work instead of going back to see Drake.

When Evangeline wasn’t there when she was supposed to be, Drake sent one of his men to pick Evangeline up after her shift and bring her to him. When she walked out and saw Drake’s man waiting on her, she tried to talk her way out of going with him, but he more or less told her she was going one way or the other. After that, things happen very quickly. They are both attracted to each other, but she is scared out of her mind. Her friends are not supportive of her decision to move things further with Drake, she’s left heartbroken by that, but decides she doesn’t need their permission or their encouragement. As Drake and Evangeline navigate their new relationship and try to get to know each other, they hit a few bumps but seem to work through things. Until one night when Evangeline was supposed to be gone because Drake was entertaining business associates, but she decides to surprise him by cooking for him and his guests. What follows turns everyone’s world upside down. Drake had his reasons, but all Evangeline knows is that she was humiliated and hurt more than she ever thought she could be. When she runs away, all Drake can do is go after her……

Mastered is a little bit different than Maya’s other books. First off, it ends with a cliffhanger. She said there wasn’t enough room in one book to tell these characters’ stories. Due to that, we really don’t know any of the background information on Drake. I mean nothing! We know some about Evangeline, but I have a feeling there’s more to her as well. The central characters are typical. Evangeline is surviving paycheck to paycheck and is doing everything she can to help her family back in Mississippi. Drake is very dominant and bossy and wants everything his way. Of course there was instant attraction, but I liked both of the characters, as I always do with Maya’s books. I liked this book, but didn’t love it. However, if the next book goes the way I hope it does, I may need to come back and amend the like/love thing. It has the potential to be really, really good, but I’ll have to see how the next one goes. Again, I liked the book. Just, didn’t love it. I’m a huge, HUGE Maya fan and can’t wait for the next one.

Copy supplied by Netgalley

Reviewed by Vickie M


Darkest Before Dawn (KGI #10) by Maya Banks-Review & Giveaway

Darkest Before Dawn (KGI #10) by Maya Banks-Review & Giveaway

Darkest Before Dawn Banner

KGI #10
by Maya Banks
Release Date: October 27, 2015
Genre: adult, contemporary, romantic suspense

Darkest Before Dawn

Amazon.com / Amazon.ca / B&N / KOBO / The Book Depository / BAM

About the book: Release Date October 27, 2015

The enigmatic Hancock has been both opponent and ally to the KGI teams for as long as they’ve known him. Always working a deep game, Hancock’s true allegiance has never been apparent, but one thing is for certain—he never lets anything get in the way of duty.

But now, his absolute belief in the primacy of his ultimate goal is challenged by a captive he’s been ordered to guard, no matter how much she suffers in her prison. She’s the only woman who’s ever managed to penetrate the rigid walls surrounding his icy heart, but will he allow his perplexing feelings for the beautiful victim to destroy a mission he’s spent years working to complete or will he be forced to sacrifice her for “the greater good.”


Honor Cambridge has dedicated her life to helping in war torn areas of the Middle East. When the camp she’s been volunteering at is bombed, she is the only one who survives. As the attackers are searching to make sure there are no survivors, she gets lucky in that they don’t discover that she’s alive. Even though she’s injured, she knows that she has to put as much distance between her and the camp as she can. She travels by night and finds hidey holes to rest in during the day, until she runs across a female in a village who is willing to help her, even though she knows that she herself could be killed for aiding Honor. There is a price on Honor’s head…………

Hancock has been trying to take out an enemy who is the epitome of evil. When his “boss” informs him that his next mission is to find the American woman who has outsmarted the very faction that he’s been trying to infiltrate for years, he can feel in his bones that he’s close to attaining his goal. As he and his team head out to track down the woman who has managed to stay two steps ahead of those searching for her, he has no idea how much everything is about to change.

It doesn’t take too long for Hancock and his team to locate Honor in the very village where she has found somewhat of a champion. When Hancock convinces Honor that they are her only option, she reluctantly goes with them. He’s promised to keep her safe and deliver her. Unfortunately for Honor, she thinks that she’s going to be going home. Once she figures out that she is no more than a pawn to be sacrificed for the greater good, she has never felt more betrayed. Neither has Hancock. He let his target slip away a couple of times before by helping KGI, but has vowed that he will not do so again. What follows is a series of highs and lows that will change everything.

I’ve been waiting for Hancock’s story for a long time now. I think most fans of KGI have been as well. Hancock has walked the line between good and bad for a long time. There have been times in previous books where you wanted to strangle him and times where you were cheering for him. His back story lets you in on why he has such a hard time letting down his guard. He’s had a hard life full of betrayal and heartbreak. But, when he meets Honor we see that guard slipping. He is so torn between saving one or letting down possibly thousands. Honor perplexed me. One minute she’s very understanding of being “sacrificed” and the next she is mad, albeit deservedly so. She is attracted to Hancock and his sense of honor, and then turned off by the same sense of honor. And, bless her bones, she’s so torn about what’s going on between her and Hancock, that she doesn’t know which end is up. She’s just not what I imagined Hancock’s woman would be.

There is a lot of action in this story, which I love. I just didn’t think that the romance was prevalent until the very last part of the book. We get to see pretty much all of the KGI folks in this one, so that’s always a big plus. If I were to pick one thing to be critical of, it would be the repetitiveness. The same thing gets said a lot. (I think I’ve said in other reviews that that seems to be a trend with a lot of authors lately.) The book was very long, and usually that’s a good thing for me, but not with this one. I did like the fact that there was a political undertone in this one that is current. With all of that said, I really liked the book. I just didn’t love it and I usually love anything in the KGI series. Fans of this series will like the fact that Hancock finally got his story. I look forward to the next installment. Well done, Maya Banks!

Copy supplied by Netgalley

Reviewed by Vickie M.

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Maya’s publisher and The Reading Cafe are offering a paper copy of DARKEST BEFORE DAWN to ONE (1) lucky commenter at The Reading Cafe.

1. If you have not previously registered at The Reading Cafe, please register by using the log-in at the top of the page (side bar) or by using one of the social log-ins.

2. If you are using a social log-in, please post your email address with your comment.

3. Follow MAYA BANKS on Facebook.


5. Please FOLLOW us on Twitter for an additional entry.

6. Please FOLLOW us on GOODREADS for an additional entry.

7. Please LIKE us on TSU for an additional entry.

8. Giveaway is open to USA only

10. Giveaway runs from October 29-November 2, 2015


Safe at Last (Slow Burn #3) by Maya Banks-a review

Safe at Last (Slow Burn Series #3) by Maya Banks-a review

Safe At Last

Amazon.com / Amazon.ca / B&N / KOBO / The Book Depository

About the book: Release Date June 23, 2015

They say young love doesn’t last, but a girl from the wrong side of the tracks with unique abilities and the hometown golden boy were determined to defy the odds. For Zack Covington, Anna-Grace—his “Gracie”—was the one. Until one night forever alters the course of their future, when a devastated Gracie disappears without a trace, leaving Zack to agonize over what happened to the girl he loved. As the years pass, his desperate efforts to find her uncovered nothing.

Now working for Devereaux Security, he stumbles across a painting featuring a special place only he and Gracie would know. The image is too perfectly rendered for it to be coincidence. His Gracie must be alive. When he finally tracks her down, he is shocked—and heart-broken—to discover the wounded shell of the girl he once knew and still loves. Her psychic gifts are gone, and worse, she believes he betrayed her all those years ago.

Zack has enemies, and once his weakness is discovered, Gracie becomes a target for revenge. He’ll have to save her before he can earn her trust and her love. And he vows they’ll never be torn apart again.



To say that Gracie has been through hell is an understatement. That one night twelve years ago was so horrid that she never thought she’d be able to pick herself up and build a life for herself. But she did. As a promising artist, she has finally gotten up the nerve to let Wade, a friend and art gallery owner host a show in her honor. It’s been a long road for her to come out of her self-imposed shell, but Wade had finally convinced her that it was time.

Zack has searched for Gracie for twelve long years. After he graduated from college, he played pro football until an injury caused him to call it quits. He just didn’t have the stomach for it without Gracie by his side. They’d had plans….big plans and it just wasn’t the same without her. He’d made enough money and invested it wisely and had taken a job with Devereaux Security. He loved his job and his co-workers. The only thing missing from his life was Grace. He had no idea if she was dead or alive, but he knew that he was only living half of a life until he found out what happened to her.

Zack and some of his teammates from DSS, Devereaux Security Systems, had to visit a client who had hired them to provide security for an event. Once they entered the art gallery, Zack spotted a picture that took him back twelve long years. A place where he and Gracie had been happy. As they were discussing the job with Wade, the front door opened and in walked Gracie. HIS Gracie. But her reaction to him was nothing like he’d expected. She was scared of him and wanted as far away from him as she could get. Once Wade tells them to leave, Zack is utterly shell shocked and devastated. His friends rally around him, of course, and vow to help him find out what’s got Gracie so scared. Be careful what you wish for….because as an old enemy pops up and causes DSS to rally the troops. And, when Zack finally finds out why Gracie left him all those years ago, God help the ones who cost him everything.

Safe at Last is Maya Banks at her best. I love this series. I love the paranormal aspect of it and I love the characters. All of them! Gracie’s story, however, is a hard one to stomach. The things that she endured at the hands of people that should have helped to protect her all those years ago will make you sick. But, to her credit, she tried to get past it and built a life for herself. A lonely life, but a life none the less. Zack was AWESOME. Yes, he’s an alpha male who will move heaven and earth to protect those he considers his, but he is also an old soul and very soft hearted when it counts.

We also get to see Ramie and Ari and their guys, Beau and Caleb, as well as the rest of DSS that we’ve gotten to know. And, the women KICK ASS!! I can’t wait to see what unfolds for the rest of the group. Safe at Last is a great addition to the Slow Burn series. If you’re looking for a book that will keep you guessing and turning the pages, this one is for you. Well done, Maya Banks! Very well done!

Copy supplied by the publisher

Reviewed by Vickie M

Series Spotlight Black and White

Keep Me Safe
Slow Burn #1
by Maya Banks
Genre: adult, contemporary, erotic, romance
Release Date: October 7, 2014

Keep Me SafeAmazon.com / Amazon.ca / Amazon.uk/ Barnes and Noble / KOBO / The Book Depository

Click HERE for Vickie’s review of KEEP ME SAFE by Maya Banks

About the book: Release Date October 7, 2014

A sizzling story of a woman who risks her life and her heart to find a wealthy man’s missing sister—the first novel in a sexy new romantic suspense series from #1 New York Times bestselling author Maya Banks

When Caleb Devereaux’s younger sister is kidnapped, this scion of a powerful and wealthy family turns to an unlikely source for help: a beautiful and sensitive woman with a gift for finding answers others cannot.

While Ramie can connect to victims and locate them by feeling their pain, her ability comes with a price. Every time she uses it, it costs her a piece of herself. Helping the infuriatingly attractive and impatient Caleb successfully find his sister nearly destroys her. Even though his sexual intensity draws her like a magnet, she needs to get as far away from him as she can.

Deeply remorseful for the pain he’s caused, Caleb is determined to make things right. But just when he thinks Ramie’s vanished forever, she reappears. She’s in trouble and she needs his help. Now, Caleb will risk everything to protect her—including his heart. . . .


In His Keeping
Slow Burn Series – #2
by Maya Banks
Release Date: January 27, 2015
Genre: adult, contemporary, erotic, paranormal romance

In His KeepingClick HERE for Vickie’s review of IN HIS KEEPING

Amazon.com / Barnes and Noble / KOBO / The Book Depository

About the book:

Arial knows the rules that keep her safe. She’s been following them since she was a little girl: Do not tell. Do not show. But in a moment of terror, facing an attacker intent on taking more than just her life, Ari has no choice but to unleash the psychic powers she’s been hiding since childhood.
Now, with her abilities revealed, a bigger threat looms – something that makes her question everything she thought she knew about her parents and her secretive upbringing. But this isn’t a fight she can face on her own.

As the head of Devereaux Security, Beau Devereaux is no stranger to the strange. But when he takes on a new client – a beautiful young woman with an extraordinary gift – Beau isn’t prepared for the extent of his attraction to her. What began as a simple assignment, just another job, quickly turns personal as Beau discovers he’ll do anything at all to protect Ari. No matter what it costs him personally. Even his heart and soul.


Keep Me Safe (Slow Burn #1) by Maya Banks-Review and Giveaway

Keep Me Safe (Slow Burn #1) by Maya Banks-Review and Giveaway

Keep Me Safe Banner

Keep Me Safe
Slow Burn #1
by Maya Banks
Genre: adult, contemporary, erotic, romance
Release Date: October 7, 2014

Keep Me Safe

Amazon.com / Amazon.ca / Amazon.uk/ Barnes and Noble / KOBO / The Book Depository

About the book: Release Date October 7, 2014

A sizzling story of a woman who risks her life and her heart to find a wealthy man’s missing sister—the first novel in a sexy new romantic suspense series from #1 New York Times bestselling author Maya Banks

When Caleb Devereaux’s younger sister is kidnapped, this scion of a powerful and wealthy family turns to an unlikely source for help: a beautiful and sensitive woman with a gift for finding answers others cannot.

While Ramie can connect to victims and locate them by feeling their pain, her ability comes with a price. Every time she uses it, it costs her a piece of herself. Helping the infuriatingly attractive and impatient Caleb successfully find his sister nearly destroys her. Even though his sexual intensity draws her like a magnet, she needs to get as far away from him as she can.

Deeply remorseful for the pain he’s caused, Caleb is determined to make things right. But just when he thinks Ramie’s vanished forever, she reappears. She’s in trouble and she needs his help. Now, Caleb will risk everything to protect her—including his heart. . . .


Keep Me Safe begins with Caleb finding Ramie in order to find his sister, and he’ll stop at nothing to make that a reality. Ramie is known for her psychic powers and her almost perfect record in locating abductees. Ramie had gone off grid in order to try and save herself from the devastation that using her “gift” causes her. However, Caleb can’t understand how someone could be so selfish as to not WANT to help victims of senseless crimes. Until he sees with his own eyes what happens when Ramie connects with a victim. Stunned, almost beyond belief, Caleb immediately knows that he crossed a line in tracking Ramie down, but, God help him, he’d do it again to help his sister. Once Ramie tells him what he needs to know, she tells him to leave and he reluctantly does so. He tells her he’ll be back, but by the time he goes back to the desolate cabin in Colorado, there is no sign of Ramie……..

A year passes and Caleb still cannot get the sight of Ramie out of his mind. He and his brothers have tried everything to try and find her, but to no avail. Until one night when a desperate Ramie reaches out to the only person she can think of that has enough resources that may actually be able to save her from a psychopath that has hunted and taunted her for a very long time. Caleb Devereaux. Once Caleb finds out where she is, he immediately leaps into action and brings her to his home, which puts the security at Fort Knox to shame. The once thing that Caleb hadn’t counted on? The psychopath is a very strong psychic that has the power to endanger everyone around Caleb and Ramie. And, endanger he does. Ramie fights Caleb along the way, not wanting to endanger his family, but Caleb will not have it. He wouldn’t have his sister back if not for Ramie, and he literally moves heaven and earth to protect those he considers his. And, yep, he considers Ramie his………

Keep Me Safe is not your usual romance novel. There are parts that are very dark, and even a little hard to read in places. The suspense is ramped up and the twists and turns keep you on the edge of your seat. Is there instant infatuation on both the main characters’ parts? Yes. Is there an alpha male who will do anything to keep everyone safe? Yes. Is it a hell of a read? Abso-freaking-lutely!!!! I loved this book!! The mystery, suspense and paranormal aspects of the story were so much fun. Now, with that said, parts of it were not “fun”, but did add a level to the story that made it something more than Maya’s usual fair. I know that it won’t be for everyone, but, for me, it is one of my favorite Banks novels. Well done, Maya Banks, very very very well done!!

Copy supplied by the publisher

Reviewed by Vickie M

Giveaway pink

Maya’s publisher is graciously offering a paper copy of KEEP ME SAFE to ONE (1) lucky commenter at The Reading Cafe.

1. If you have not previously registered at The Reading Cafe, please register by using the log-in at the top of the page (side bar) or by using one of the social log-ins.

2. If you are using a social log-in, please post your email address with your comment.


4. Please LIKE us on Twitter for an additional entry.

5. Please LIKE us on GOODREADS  for an additional entry.

6. Please LIKE Maya Banks on FACEBOOK.

7. Giveaway is U.S. only

8. Giveaway runs from October 21-October 25, 2014, 2014
