Who We Were by Melissa Collins-Review Tour

WHO WE WERE by Melissa Collins-Review Tour

Amazon.com / Amazon.ca / B&N / KOBO / Chapters Indigo / Google Play

ABOUT THE BOOK: Release Date November 2, 2018.

Who We Were…

Two awkward teenagers – the loner and the nerd, trying to find our place in the world. Paired in wood shop, we knew nothing of each other, except that we wanted to know everything. Then one life altering moment changed it all and we were left with shattered dreams and broken hearts.

Who We Are…

Two grown men – braver and smarter than we used to be, trying to heal the damage from that irrevocable moment. Even though the past was behind us, dead and buried long ago, we found it impossible to move on without ripping open the scars of our deep wounds.

With twelve years of unanswered questions fueling our desperate need for the truth, we must figure out if who we were will destroy who we are.


REVIEW: WHO WE WERE by Melissa Collins is a contemporary, stand alone, MM, erotic romance story line focusing on Ryan Masterson , and Quinn Jacobs.

NOTE: WHO WE WERE contains scenes of MM sexual situations and may not be suitable for all readers.

Told from dual first person perspectives (Ryan and Quinn) WHO WE WERE follows several time lines focusing on the tempestuous relationship between Ryan Masterson, and Quinn Jacobs. As a thirteen year old boy Ryan Masterson found himself the target of bullies including his twin brother Patrick Masterson-all star athlete and the bane of Ryan’s existence. Throughout the years, Ryan would be friended by Quinn Jacobs, a young man who would jump to Ryan’s defence whenever and wherever possible. But Ryan’s home life spiralled out of control, targeted not only by his brother, but the fear of rejection by his demanding father, and it would be twelve years before Ryan would return Quinn’s life.What ensues is the rebuilding and rekindling, back and forth, relationship between Ryan and Quinn, and the continuing fall-out as Ryan struggles to move on from the past, and into the arms of the boy/man he has loved for most of his life.

At thirty years old, Ryan had yet to come out to his parents but coming out meant facing the possibility of rejection, all over again. Unable to move on from the abusive and controlling relationship of his brother, and the news that not all was it appeared to be, Ryan continues to battle between head and heart, especially as it involves Quinn Jacobs. Running was Ryan’s only option, running from what was, and what would never be. Quinn has never moved on from the loss of Ryan Masterson but Quinn was kept in the dark about Ryan’s past. Lost and struggling to forgive and forget, Quinn would come face to face with his past and his future but Ryan was unwilling to reveal the secrets that controlled every aspect of his life.

The relationship between Ryan and Quinn is tempestuous at best as Ryan struggles to find a place within his family, and within a world he knows nothing about. Twelve years would pass before Ryan and Quinn would rekindle a friendship destroyed by secrets and lies, a friendship that would turn into something more. The $ex scenes are passionate, provocative and intense.

The colourful secondary and supporting characters include Ryan’s brother Patrick, and his parents Marybeth and Stephen Masterson. We are introduced Quinn’s sister Sarah, and their parents Mr. and Mrs. Jacobs.

The world building focuses on the home life of Ryan Masterson-the volatile relationship between Ryan and Patrick, as well as between Ryan and his less than supportive parents. Quinn’s home life was in direct opposition to Ryan’s dysfunctional family situation, a situation that continued to haunt Ryan for most of his life. A lack of communication, compounded by secrets and lies, pushes Ryan to run on more than one occasion.

WHO WE WERE is a story of secrets and lies, family and friendship, forgiveness, acceptance and moving on. The premise is heart breaking, emotional and entertaining; the characters are dynamic, charismatic and colourful; the romance struggles in the face of Ryan’s inability to let go of the past.

Copy supplied for review

Reviewed by Sandy

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Melissa Collins has always been a book worm. Studying Literature in college ensured that her nose was always stuck in a book. She followed her passion for reading to the most logical career choice: English teacher. Her hope was to share her passion for reading and the escapism of books to her students. Having spent more than a decade in front of a classroom, she can easily say that it’s been a dream.

Her passion for writing didn’t start until more recently. When she was home on maternity leave in early 2012, she read her first romance novel and her head filled with the passion, angst and laughter of the characters who she read about it. It wasn’t long before characters of her own took shape in her mind. Their lives took over Melissa’s brain and The Love Series was born.

NOTE: The Reading Cafe is NOT responsible for the Facebook Giveaway. If you have any questions, please contact the author on Facebook



As I Am by Melissa Collins-Review and Release Blitz

AS I AM by Melissa Collins-Review and Release Blitz

Amazon.com / Amazon.com Paper books /Amazon.ca / B&N / KOBO / Chapters Indigo /

ABOUT THE BOOK: Release Date April 25, 2018

Chase Hansen. Broke. College drop out. Male stripper.

My life wasn’t at all what I imagined it would be. I should have been finishing up college, interning with a well-respected business, partying with my friends. But instead, I was raising my seventeen year old brother, struggling to make ends meet. Love wasn’t even on my radar. Besides, what did I have to offer? A few crumpled singles pulled from my G-string? Defeated and exhausted, I knew I had zero chance of finding someone to love me just as I am.

Noah Carpenter. Angry. Betrayed. Doctor.

Just when I thought my life was going exactly as it should, everything turned upside down. With my final rotation in medical school complete, I finally achieved my lifelong dream of becoming a doctor. What I never expected was to catch the man of my dreams in our bed with the man of his. Beyond infuriated, I struggled to piece together the remnants of my life. Just when I’d decided to give up on love altogether, I found a man who loved me just as I am.

This is the extended version of the short story which originally appeared in the Drunk in Love Anthology.


REVIEW: AS I AM by Melissa Collins is a stand alone, adult, contemporary, M/M erotic, romance story line focusing on twenty-three year old reluctant male stripper Chase Hansen, and twenty-eight year old ER doctor Noah Carpenter.

NOTE: AS I AM contains graphic scenes of M/M sexual situations and may not be suitable for all readers.

Originally released as a short story in the multi-authored Drunk in Love March 2017 anthology AS I AM follows the building relationship between reluctant male stripper Chase Hansen, and ER doctor Noah Carpenter. Several months earlier Chase Hansen, one semester from graduating business college, dropped out of school to raise his sixteen year old brother Benny, upon the death of his parents, in a motor vehicle accident. Needing a quick influx of money, Chase, and his best friend Gavin audition as male strippers, in the hopes of earning some much needed cash. What Chase never expected was to come face to face with his future; a potential one-night stand who ticks all of Chase’s boxes for a happily ever after. Enter Dr. Noah Carpenter, and the man with whom Chase will fall in love. What ensues is the building relationship between Noah and Chase, and the potential fall-out as Chase deems himself unworthy of Noah’s love.

The relationship between Noah and Chase is one of immediate attraction. Noah doesn’t usually frequent male strip clubs but he tagged along as his best friend celebrated her impending union. Chase had no aspirations as a male dancer but desperate times called for desperate measures including seducing the sexy newcomer to his late night parties. The $ex scenes are intimate, erotic and intense without the use of over the top, sexually graphic language and text.

AS I AM is a story of family and loss; friendship and love; forgiveness, moving forward and a happily ever after. The premise is realistic and edgy; the romance is provocative and emotional; the characters are tragic, animated and energetic.

Copy supplied for review

Reviewed by Sandy

Facebook release giveaway: https://www.facebook.com/MelissaCollins.Author/posts/1519797148126409

Follow: Goodreads / website / Facebook / Twitter

Melissa Collins has always been a book worm. Studying Literature in college ensured that her nose was always stuck in a book. She followed her passion for reading to the most logical career choice: English teacher. Her hope was to share her passion for reading and the escapism of books to her students. Having spent more than a decade in front of a classroom, she can easily say that it’s been a dream.

Her passion for writing didn’t start until more recently. When she was home on maternity leave in early 2012, she read her first romance novel and her head filled with the passion, angst and laughter of the characters who she read about it. It wasn’t long before characters of her own took shape in her mind. Their lives took over Melissa’s brain and The Love Series was born.


Unsteady (On Solid Ground #3) by Melissa Collin-Review and Book Tour

UNSTEADY (On Solid Ground #3) by Melissa Collins-Review and Book Tour

Unsteady BAnner

On Solid Ground #3
by Melissa Collins
Release Date: April 28, 2017
Genre: adult, contemporary, MM, erotic, romance


Amazon.com / Amazon.ca / Amazon.uk /

ABOUT THE BOOK: Release Date April 28, 2017

Micah Hudson and Jude MacMillian were both lonely teenagers. One the new kid and one the target of relentless bullying, they quickly became friends. But when friendship grew into more, the relationship was too much for either to handle. As their tenuous bond was tested, everything tumbled down, leaving them lonely once again.

A decade later, Micah is on the brink of losing his will to live. Beyond exhausted from lying to everyone, including himself, Micah thinks of the one person who knows his deepest secret. Desperate and alone, Micah makes the only decision he feels he has: he must leave. But his need for closure depends on one thing.

Can Jude make room in his Unsteady life for Micah once again?


REVIEW: UNSTEADY is the third installment in Melissa Collins’s contemporary, adult ON SOLID GROUND M/M romance series. This is army veteran Micah Hudson, and elementary school teacher / coach Jude MacMillian’s story line. UNSTEADY can be read as a stand alone without any difficulty. The reader was first introduced to Micah in an earlier story line.

NOTE: UNSTEADY contains graphic scenarios of M/M sexual situations.

Told from dual first person points of view (Micah and Jude) using present day and memories from the past, UNSTEADY is a second chance story line that focuses on the friends to lovers relationship between former childhood friends Micah Hudson, and Jude MacMillian. Micah and Jude grew up the outcasts: Jude a victim of school bullies, Micah the victim of his father’s rigid demands. Micah was Jude’s protector and guardian, and the man with whom Jude would fall in love. But the bullies that continue to stalk Jude throughout his school life forced our hero to push away the only man he would ever love. Fast forward ten years, where Jude would come face to face with his past- Micah Hudson, an army veteran and amputee looking for a second chance at life, love and a happily ever after. What ensues is the rebuilding friendship and relationship between Micah and Jude, and the fall out when too many lies cover the secrets Micah left behind.

Micah Hudson has been living a lie most of his life-rejected by the only man he would ever love, Micah found army life a way to escape everything he left behind including family and friends, and the truth about his love for a man who pushed him away. But Micah keeps buried a secret that once revealed forces Jude to question his relationship with Micah Hudson.

The relationship between Micah and Jude is one of second chances; a rekindling friendship and romance between two men who have never found love or peace without the other. Jude is an alpha male desperate to keep Micah back in his life; Micah is struggling with his place in the world. The $ex scenes are intimate and passionate.

We are introduced to Jude’s fellow teacher and coach Brandon, as well as Jude’s father George MacMillian, and Micah’s service dog Sarge, as well as a number of students at a sports camp run by Jude MacMillian. The requisite evil reveals the discrimination aimed at our story line heroes.

The world building looks at the fall out of fear, lies, betrayal and mistrust. Micah’s lies by omission surface to destroy the relationship with the man that he loves; betrayal comes from an outside source when their relationship goes public.

UNSTEADY is a story about struggle and pain; heartbreak and loneliness; acceptance and recovery. The premise is dramatic and intense; the characters are broken and anxious; the romance is challenging, provocative and fated. UNSTEADY is an emotional story line of second chances, family and love.

Reading Order and Previous Reviews
On Solid Ground
On Higher Ground

Copy supplied for review

Reviewed by Sandy

Unsteady Teaser

about the author

Follow: Goodreads / Website / Facebook / Twitter / Pinterest

Melissa CollinsMelissa Collins has always been a book worm. Studying Literature in college ensured that her nose was always stuck in a book. She followed her passion for reading to the most logical career choice: English teacher. Her hope was to share her passion for reading and the escapism of books to her students. Having spent more than a decade in front of a classroom, she can easily say that it’s been a dream.

Her passion for writing didn’t start until more recently. When she was home on maternity leave in early 2012, she read her first romance novel and her head filled with the passion, angst and laughter of the characters who she read about it. It wasn’t long before characters of her own took shape in her mind. Their lives took over Melissa’s brain and The Love Series was born.

Join me on Facebook where you will find a $50 Amazon Gift Card Giveaway!
Melissa Collins Author Page


On Higher Ground by Melissa Collins-Review and Release Blitz

ON HIGHER GROUND by Melissa Collins-Review and Release Blitz

On Higher Ground Banner

by Melissa Collins
Genre: adult, contemporary, M/M erotic, romance

On Higher Ground

Amazon.com / B&N / KOBO / itunes / Google Play

ABOUT THE BOOK: Release Date May 18, 2016

When there’s no peace after war…
When there’s no solace after death…
When there’s only pain and suffering…
Anxiety and loss…
All you can hope to find is something more…
Something that makes you whole and complete
Something that puts you
On Higher Ground


REVIEW: ON HIGHER GROUND by Melissa Collins is the follow-up to ON SOLID GROUND focusing on tattoo artist and shop owner Beckett ‘Beck’ Ridge and former soldier Jacob ‘Dax’ Daxton-two men with darks pasts and even darker issues. ON HIGHER GROUND is Dax and Beck’s continuing journey of loss, love, family, and personal struggles. The story line can be read as a stand alone but for back history and cohesion, I recommend reading the series in order.

NOTE: ON HIGHER GROUNDS contains graphic M/M sexual situations.

Told from alternating first person points of view (Dax and Beck) ON HIGHER GROUND advances the series one year and focuses on Dax’s continuing struggle with PTSD, and Beck’s acceptance of the family he has lost. The story line looks at family, healing, personal and emotional growth as well as acceptance of things one cannot change, and the power to change what can be done. From relationships to marriage, to friendships and loss, Melissa Collins touches on the personal cathartic moments, and emotional highs and lows for two people whose pasts are mired in darkness and loss. Marriage brings about a promise for the future, for family, and for a happily ever after-everyone deserves a happily ever after.

Copy supplied by the author

Reviewed by Sandy


Pageflex Persona [document: PRS0000026_00037]

ON SOLID GROUND book 1 is available for 99¢ from the following ebook retailers:

Amazon.com / Amazon.ca / B&N / KOBO / Google / ibooks

Click HERE for Sandy’s review of ON SOLID GROUND


About The Author

Follow: Goodreads / website / Facebook / Twitter

Melissa Collins has always been a book worm. Studying Literature in college ensured that her nose was always stuck in a book. She followed her passion for reading to the most logical career choice: English teacher. Her hope was to share her passion for reading and the escapism of books to her students. Having spent more than a decade in front of a classroom, she can easily say that it’s been a dream.

Her passion for writing didn’t start until more recently. When she was home on maternity leave in early 2012, she read her first romance novel and her head filled with the passion, angst and laughter of the characters who she read about it. It wasn’t long before characters of her own took shape in her mind. Their lives took over Melissa’s brain and The Love Series was born.


NOTE: The Reading Cafe is NOT responsible for the giveaway. If you have any questions, please contact the author.



Repaired by Melissa Collins-Review and Book Tour

REPAIRED by Melissa Collins-Review and Book Tour

repaired blog tour

by Melissa Collins
Genre: adult, contemporary, erotic, M/M romance

Pageflex Persona [document: PRS0000026_00037]

Amazon.com / Amazon.ca / B&N / KOBO / iTunes

RELEASE DATE: June 23, 2015

ABOUT THE BOOK: Liam Davis is a man without a past. That’s what he wants everyone to believe, anyway. Hell-bent on erasing any memories of his previous life, he knows that starting over is all he can do. Hiding who he is, where he’s from, why he’s running, and especially who he’s left behind, Liam has run away from everything he’s ever known. His plan works perfectly until one day when Parker Ryan threatens to expose his carefully concealed world.

Parker Ryan is a man without a future. Sure, he’s a partner in one of New York’s most prestigious law firms, but he’ll never be more than a failure in the eyes of his boss, his father. Rather than break away from his father’s standards, he finds himself mindlessly pursuing them, in turn sacrificing anything that would actually make him happy.

When Liam’s and Parker’s lives collide, the ugly truth about who they really are, and who they hope to become reveals itself when they least expect it. As both of their lives become wrecked beyond all belief, they’ll learn how to rely on each other in their journey to become Repaired.


REVIEW: REPAIRED is the latest, stand alone, adult, contemporary M/M romance novel by Melissa Collins. This is auto mechanic Liam Davis, and attorney Parker Ryan’s story.

NOTE: REPAIRED is a M/M romance storyline with graphic scenes of sexual imagery.

Told from alternating first person points of view (Liam and Parker) REPAIRED follows the building relationship between Liam and Parker-total opposites in every way but both vulnerable to pain and rejection. When Parker’s BMW hits a pothole Liam is the first on the scene to assess the damage, and the attraction between Liam and Parker is immediate. What ensues is Parker’s pursuit of Liam, and Liam’s need to push away when anyone gets too close to the truth about his past.

Liam is a quiet, sweet twenty seven year old man whose past is rife with abuse. Ten years earlier, Liam ran away from home in search of something else-anything else-that would help bury the pain and emotional wounds. Enter Paulie-the owner of an auto shop who takes Liam under his wing, and for all intents and purposes becomes Liam’s family and friend. Liam has kept most of his previous life a secret; the pain and embarrassment about the truth find our hero locked in a world of guilt and shame.

Parker Ryan is an attorney in his father’s prestigious law firm but coming out to his family was met with disillusionment by his homophobic father. Parker is a man who is looking for his father’s approval but knows that nothing he will ever do will make his father proud. When their latest case finds Parker questioning the truth about the evidence before him, he knows it is time to move on with his life.

The relationship between Parker and Liam is heightened by their mutual needs and understanding of rejection and heartbreak. The chemistry and sexual attraction is palpable; their connection to one another is realistic and heartwarming. The $ex scenes provocation and emotional; Liam and Parker are searching for love and acceptance, and will find it with one another, through the pain and guilt. Liam must overcome the darkness of his past, and Parker is the man to bring Liam into the present.

The secondary characters include autoshop owner Paulie and his wife Annie who are more than family to Liam Davis. We are also introduced to Liam’s ex Gabe, and Parker’s ex Zan-Zan and Gabe will meet and there is another potential love match on the horizon. There are a number of regulars at the local bar where Liam hangs with his friends; and Parker’s father whose only concern is the bottom line-no matter the truth about the people he represents.

REPAIRED is a heartbreaking but encouraging storyline about two people from opposite backgrounds who will find love with one another through their mutual need for love and acceptance. The premise is moving and inspiring; the characters charismatic, colorful and intense; the happily ever after fated and inspiring. Melissa Collins romance storylines are intimate, captivating and sensual. I would never hesitate to recommend one of her intoxicating M/M romance storylines.

Copy supplied by the tour operator.

Reviewed by Sandy

repaired bt teaser 5

Excerpt Black and Hot Pink


When I looked down at my watch, I realized it was still early enough to catch the usual crowd down at Murray’s. Parker’s face lit up at the suggestion, probably because the thought of a pool game and a few beers was a hell of a lot more appealing than being schooled in painting.
When we pulled into the parking lot, I saw Gabe’s car parked in its usual spot. Tipping my head at the black sedan, I said, “Windows are all steamed up. Wonder who he’s got in there.” Parker looked to where Gabe was parked and laughed.
“It’s Zan,” he said with an odd air of certainty.
“How do you know?” Twisting in my seat, I unclicked the belt. “You can’t possibly see in there.”
“The blue car is his. Besides, I may have thrown them together the night I went looking for you.”
As we walked to the entrance, the car doors swung open. Gabe exited first, busied with tucking his shirt back in. We stopped just in time to catch Zan stepping out the other door, refastening his jeans. “Well, well, well,” I joked. “Looks like someone was having a little fun.”
Gabe slammed his door and walked to the other side where Zan stood, shocked into silence. He reached down and took Zan’s hand in his own. “Yeah, and based on the smug-ass look on your faces, I’d say you two were having fun not all that long ago.”
“You think we can stop talking about our collective sex lives long enough to grab a beer?” Zan butted in, desperate to change the conversation.
Once inside, we set up a game of pool and laughed over a few pitchers of beers. Sitting to the side of the game, I watched as Gabe and Parker laughed together, ribbing on each other pretty good. It was impossible not to be happy for Gabe when I caught him stealing casual touches from Zan. Whatever it was that was brewing between the two of them, it looked good on them.
“I think I’m done handling big sticks for the night,” Parker declared jokingly as he placed his pool cue on the table. “Until later of course.” The drinks had made his lips a touch looser and out came the joker. It was times like this when the parts of Parker’s character, which he’d tried to hide for so long, came out to play.
Waggling an eyebrow at me, he bumped my shoulder with his, nearly toppling me over. “Hit your limits already?” Keeping my voice low, I whispered my question to Parker as we walked over to a table. Zan and Gabe looked as if they were lost in a similar private conversation as they walked over to the bar to order another round of drinks.
Shrugging, his answer was of the simplest kind. “Just celebrating I guess.” Before we slid into our seats, he promised he’d slow down, not wanting to be a burden on me.
Grabbing his shoulders, I made sure to look deep into his sapphire blue eyes. “I’m never burdened by you. Ever. If anything, I’m better because of you.”
“Thank you,” he whispered, pressing a kiss to my cheek. “And I want to be better for you.”


About the Author Black and rose

melissa collins bioMelissa Collins has always been a book worm. Studying Literature in college ensured that her nose was always stuck in a book. She followed her passion for reading to the most logical career choice: English teacher. Her hope was to share her passion for reading and the escapism of books to her students. Having spent more than a decade in front of a classroom, she can easily say that it’s been a dream.

Her passion for writing didn’t start until more recently. When she was home on maternity leave in early 2012, she read her first romance novel and her head filled with the passion, angst and laughter of the characters who she read about it. It wasn’t long before characters of her own took shape in her mind. Their lives took over Melissa’s brain and The Love Series was born.

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NOTE: The Reading Cafe is NOT responsible for the rafflecopter giveaway. If you have any questions, please contact the tour provider.

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On Solid Ground by Melissa Collins-a review

ON SOLID GROUND by Melissa Collins-a review

Pageflex Persona [document: PRS0000026_00037]

Amazon.com / Barnes and Noble / KOBO

ABOUT THE BOOK: Release date January 13, 2015

When Jacob “Dax” Daxton returns home from war, he has to fight a new battle – the one to find his place in the world. The man who normally has a clear path to victory surrounded by brothers in combat is suddenly lost and alone. After meeting Beckett Ridge, a bearded tattoo artist, Dax’s journey begins winding down an unexpected path.

Still reeling from events that shook his foundation, Beck has never been part of anything meaningful. Now faced with responsibilities foreign and daunting, Dax’s broken spirit mends Beck in ways he never even knew he was destroyed.

As both struggle to find balance, they are healed by the comfort they find in one other. On the other side of chaos, they hope to find themselves On Solid Ground.


REVIEW: ON SOLID GROUND is the latest adult, contemporary M/M erotic romance novel from author Melissa Collins. The storyline focuses on tattoo artist and shop owner Beckett ‘Beck’ Ridge and former soldier Jacob ‘Dax’ Daxton-two men with dark pasts and even darker issues.

Told from alternating first person points of view (Beck and Dax) the premise follows Dax, a gay man, who has yet to come out to his family but a former soldier who suffers horrific PTSD and anxiety attacks. Dax believes he is broken; lost in a world of heartbreak and pain; hiding behind a friend who knows his deepest, darkest secrets. Hoping to get a tattoo as a remembrance for someone he lost, Dax enters Beckett Ridge’ s tattoo shop. What ensues is a building relationship between two men-from friends to lovers- when both men need it the most. There is an immediate attraction to one another but one that must be examined before misunderstanding or emotions become involved.

Beckett or Beck as he likes to be called is a man with a dark past; a family history of drugs, alcohol, abuse and neglect. Beck and his sister have survived but along the way the road has not been smooth or without its’ share of loss, death and destruction. When Dax enters his life, Beck is reluctant to allow anyone close knowing that there are complications in his life he isn’t willing to share. There is a bit of back and forth in the relationship reluctance; both men have issues that must be addressed and in this there are some tense and anxious moments especially as Beck continues to push Dax away when the going gets tough. Talking with one another would have helped immensely.

There are some explicit M/M $ex scenes so be forewarned if you have issues with the graphic imagery.

Melissa Collins has written a heartfelt storyline of heartbreak and loss; family and friends; acceptance and forgiveness; and plenty of misunderstandings. Part of the storyline focuses on memories, flashbacks and history-for both Beck and Dax-allowing the reader to better understand what ensued to erect the barriers both men come to build.

Reviewed by Sandy
