Flash of Fury by Lea Griffith – Review, Excerpt, Spotlight Tour & Giveaway

Flash of Fury
Endgame Ops series – Book #1
by Lea Griffith
Release Date: March 7, 2017
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Their spark is immediate
Kingston McNally lost men when someone betrayed his team, and now he’s out for retribution. His quest for the enemy’s courier leads him to Cameroon and Allie Redding, a petite Peace Corps volunteer as stubborn as she is brave. Their attraction is immediate, but Allie has secrets of her own…and she’s not giving them up easily.
But their secrets could burn them both
Allie’s life has been spent hiding in plain sight, but she’s had enough of her cloak-and-dagger existence. On her way home, her plane is hijacked-and King saves her life. But that doesn’t mean she owes him anything…even if he is the most damnably sexy man she’s ever laid eyes on. He’s got black ops and secrets written all over him, and trust is a two-way street.
Flash of Fury by Lea Griffith is the 1st book in her new Endgame Ops series. This is the first book I have read by Griffith and after reading Flash of Fury, it will not be my last. We meet our hero King McNally early on when he and his Endgame Ops team was ambushed on a mission that was an obvious leak. Three members of his team were lost. This leaves him determined to find out who was the betrayer, and to find and kill the terrorists, who were part of the original assignment. King trusts no one, especially the CIA, whom he feels is part of the betrayal. When he receives word that a courier for the terrorist will be on a plane, he makes sure he is on it.
Allie Redding, our heroine, is a Peace Corps volunteer, and also the daughter of the CIA Director. Allie, who tries to stay out of the limelight that her father is in, aboards the plane to take her home. The plane is hijacked by those who want to kidnap Allie, but King manages to save her life and both are now running for their lives. Even though he saves her, King does not trust Allie, thinking she is a courier for the terrorists.
What follows is an ultra exciting, tense, action filled story that will have both Allie and King constantly being in danger by the various attacks. King realizes that Allie has been innocently set up to be used against her father. His goal besides killing the evil villain, is to get Allie home safely. Along the way, they both will learn to trust each other, and at the same time fall in love. Each of them have their own issues; King with a father who abused him; and Allie losing her mother at an early age, and trying to stay clear of her father’s CIA responsibilities. Though in time, Allie knows she wants to stay with King after this is over; but he stubbornly tells her there is no future, as it is too dangerous for her to be with him.
I loved Allie and King together; they made a great couple, and their sexual chemistry was off the wall scorching hot. King’s Endgame ops team were great, and I cannot wait to see their story in future books. The edge of your seat action was very tense, keeping us emotionally invested as we worried if our heroes would survive. Once you start this book, you will not be able to put it down.
Flash of Fury was a sensational start to this new series. This story was fast paced, action filled, suspenseful, and filled with intrigue, betrayal, and romance with a fabulous sexy couple. There are so many plots and twists along the way, and the ending was not only exciting, but also exhilarating. There is so much more to come in the Endgame Ops series that I cannot wait to see what Lea Griffith has in store for us. This is a must read for those of you who love romance suspense.
Reviewed by Barb
Copy provided by Publisher
Hello, Readers! My name is Lea Griffith and I’m here to tell you a little bit about myself and my upcoming release, Flash of Fury, the first full-length story in my Endgame Ops series. Where should I start? How we start with some personal stuff? Everybody likes personal stuff, yeah?
Okay, here we go—you get five personal facts though to be honest I’m long-winded so I’ll say five but it will probably end up being lots more. Sharing is caring, lol.
- I’m married with three teenage daughters ages 16, 17, and just turned 19. I think I’m still sane. (Would I know if I wasn’t? J)
- I spend my days mimicking a Practice Administrator for two very busy internal medicine offices in Athens, Georgia. I’ve been in the medical field for a long, long time and again, I’m still sane. Same disclaimer from #1 applies.
- I graduated from Brenau University a long, long time ago in a land far, far away. I have a Bachelors of Science degree. I majored in Biology and minored in Chemistry. See disclaimer from #2.
- I LOVE reading. The only thing I love doing more is writing. I like to hunt, hate to fish, and I really, really enjoy spending time with my mom and kids. Hubs too when I can pull him away from Real Housewives episodes. The man has a serious heart-on for reality TV. *sigh* Again, I’m going to reference the disclaimer from #3.
- Favorite authors you ask? Julie Garwood, Kathleen Woodiwiss, Linda Howard. Favorite books of all time? The Wolf and the Dove by Kathleen Woodiwiss, Kiss Me While I Sleep by Linda Howard, The Prize by Julie Garwood, and one more—Wildcard by Lora Leigh. That’s my authors and books. You now know more about me than some of my family members, lol!
And now that I’ve given you deets on me, let me bend your ear (or would that be your eyes?) about my Endgame Ops series. If you like your heroes incredibly alpha and you like your heroines strong enough to take them on and give it right back, I think I’ve got a few stories cooking for you.
Suspense, heat, and overwhelming connections abound as you enter a world of shadows and intrigue. Each story of my Endgame Ops series brings you closer to a truth you may not be able handle. So watch your step because danger is around every corner and Endgame’s story is just beginning with my upcoming release, Flash of Fury. Let me introduce you to King and Allie. Prepare yourself.
Kingston McNally lost men when someone betrayed his team, and now he’s out for retribution. His quest for the enemy’s courier leads him to Cameroon and Allie Redding, a petite Peace Corps volunteer as stubborn as she is brave. Their attraction is immediate, but Allie has secrets of her own…and she’s not giving them up easily.
Allie’s life has been spent hiding in plain sight, but she’s had enough of her cloak-and-dagger existence. On her way home, her plane is hijacked-and King saves her life. But that doesn’t mean she owes him anything…even if he is the most damnably sexy man she’s ever laid eyes on. He’s got black ops and secrets written all over him, and trust is a two-way street.
Flash of Fury is a fast-paced, action-packed story of survival and how in the midst of the most harrowing circumstances, love can find a way to sneak in and knock you on your behind. With both of them hiding secrets, they’ll have to find a way to survive terrorists and each other.
I hope, with everything in me, that you enjoy reading it as much as I enjoyed writing it.
Now what are you waiting for? Go read ALL THE WORDS!
<3 you hard,
PS It’s your turn to tell me a little about you—fave authors? Fave reads? Are you still sane? Remember, sharing is caring.

It all went down so quickly that it took the remaining terrorists a moment to figure out what had happened. By that time, King was there, grabbing Abdul’s gun and firing in rapid succession, quickly eliminating all targets. He located the phone the terrorist had discarded, scooped it up, and turned to her.
“Get to the galley. There could be more,” he said in a low voice.
“Who the hell are you?” she asked softly as she stood rooted to the spot for an endless moment.
“Get to the galley at the back and open the door. Do it quickly. Do it now.”
Children screamed, while grown people shouted as they all clamored to get out of the front of the plane. Panic was in the air, but no more gunshots rang out. If the terrorists had help, they didn’t yet know what was going on.
King reached over, pushed Abdul from her grip, and his gaze narrowed again on her cheek. He brushed over the growing mark with his thumb. “He hurt you.”
Confusion clouded Allie’s face and she cocked her head, staring at him as if she’d never seen anyone quite like him before.
He shook his head, the sight of her big, blue eyes almost undoing him. He motioned her to the back and said simply, “Go.”
He reached for the small guy he’d almost clocked as the man tried to pass and said, “Tell them what happened but stay vague about us. Do you understand? Tell them all”—King motioned over the plane’s fleeing occupants—“to remain vague about us.”
It was unlikely that the two-hundred-odd passengers would keep silent about the blond who’d head-butted the lead terrorist. Or the giant American who dragged her away. Chances were that his and this woman’s faces would be all over the local news. But if even a few of the passengers negated the story, that mixed intel might buy them a bit of time.
The guy nodded and King took off. He rounded the corner of the attendants’ galley and noticed Allie had the door open. Rain sluiced in, wetting everything in its path. She stuck her head out and peered down, then pulled her head back in, spearing him with her gaze.
“It’s a long way down,” she said mournfully.
“Drop and roll, darlin’,” King responded. “Drop and roll.” Then he was out the door, dropping like a stone and rolling once he hit the ground. He pushed to his feet and glanced around. Security was pouring out onto the tarmac, and sirens could be heard in the distance. A luggage transport machine was rounding a corner, and they didn’t have much time.
He looked up at her, held out his arms, and yelled, “Jump!”
She didn’t hesitate. Good thing she was tiny because she fell right into his arms.
“Thanks,” she murmured.
He didn’t respond, just put her on her feet, grabbed her hand, and hailed down the luggage cart. He told the man they needed a ride to the terminal. The airport employee didn’t even blink—like random Americans came up to him every day asking for a ride in the middle of the pouring rain. He dropped them as far as another plane and told them they had to walk.
Instead of walking, they ran. King moved to an abandoned airport security truck, and they hopped in. He hot-wired the vehicle and had them on the move in under a minute.
“Get down,” he ordered.
She did as he directed. There was hope for her yet.
A gunshot punched out the back glass, and King ducked. He could see no one behind them, but obviously someone was back there shooting. He hung a right and took off around the terminal, passing planes and looking for the airport parking lot.
He’d have to ditch this truck and get them out into the city of Douala quickly.
“Who are you?” she asked and then grunted as she was thrown against the door.
King had just broken through a fence barrier to the airport parking lot and managed to shed the fence that tenaciously clung to the bumper. He picked a row of cars and barreled down it.
“King,” he replied succinctly.
She snorted. “Okay, now really, who…oomph…holy… Could you stop… Son of a…”
He slammed on the brakes. He winced when her head bumped against the glove box. “Sure.”
King hurried out of the truck and picked the first car he came to. He didn’t need flashy; he needed operational. Flashy had alarms. Operational could go undetected.
Fortunately, the first one he came to fit both bills. A Yugo. It just kept getting better and better. The car was unlocked and he slid in.
“A Yugo?” she asked, standing beside him now. “Seriously?”
“In the car and don’t talk,” he demanded.
Her brows lowered and her mouth tightened, but she decided to throw in her lot with him. She rounded the car and got in. King lowered the sun visor, and the keys fell into his lap. The Yugo’s only saving grace was that he wouldn’t have to expend the energy to hot-wire it.
The piece-of-shit car cranked, and King squealed out of the spot, though he slowed down as he approached the exit gate. “Act normal,” he said. “And don’t look anyone in the face.”
Allie didn’t say anything, but she didn’t have to—the anger pinching her features spoke volumes. He almost, almost, laughed. They were both soaking wet, but for some reason she looked even more beautiful.
“You laugh at me, and I’ll get you back,” she said from the corner of her mouth.
Spunk. He hated spunk. Oh, and bravery. He hated that too. “You already have,” he responded and enjoyed the way her eyes widened.
Blue, soul-sucking eyes. Her presence was enough of a payback.
“I didn’t. But first chance I get—”
King held up a hand. “Yeah, yeah, yeah…whatever. Now be quiet and lower your face.”
The woman actually growled at him. And it was sexy as hell. The smile that tugged his lips caught him by surprise.

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