Redemption Refused (Mission Mercenaries 5) by Marie James-review tour

Redemption Refused (Mission Mercenaries 5) by Marie James-review tour / / / /

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ABOUT THE BOOK: Release Date June 1, 2023

Hooking up with the college freshman I was supposed to keep an eye on was easier than tracking her.
Kidnapping her after that first night was easier than following her around campus.
I’m massive, scarred, and tattooed. I don’t exactly fit in with her crowd.
After the job was done, cutting her loose was the hard part.
Making it through the day without seeing her became impossible.
Some may call it stalking, but I call it vigilance.
She seems invested in this game of cat and mouse we’re playing, but she’s mistaken.
I’m not a toy she can discard when she’s bored.
Trying to get her out of my system may leave us both in pieces.


REVIEW:REDEMPTION REFUSED is the fifth instalment in Marie James’ contemporary, adult MISSION MERCENARIES dark, erotic, romance series. This is twenty-three year old, vigilante Elio ‘Donavan’ Lombardi, and nineteen year old, college student Alani Warren’s story line. REDEMPTION REFUSED can be read as a stand alone but for back story I recommend reading books three and four BRIDGES BURNED and DEPRAVITY DELIVERED. Alani is Ayla’s sister (Depravity Delivered): Donovan is the brother to Madelene (Bridges Burned) Some of the events of REEMPTION REFUSED cross over with, and run parallel to some of the events of book four DEPRAVITY DELIVERED.

NOTE: Due to the nature of the storyline premise, there may be triggers for more sensitive readers including r*pe, torture and abuse.

Told from dual first person perspectives (Donavan and Alani) REDEMPTION REFUSED follows in the wake of the abduction, abuse, trafficking and recovery of Alani’s sister Ayla. Ayla was trafficked to the Mexican Cartel, and forced to do unthinkable acts in an effort to protect her younger sister Alani. Alani has no sense of self-preservation, searching for danger at every turn in and around the campus at Lindell University, believing she is untouchable but Alani has been assigned a guardian in the guise of Donavan, a man who stirs something dangerous and dark in our story line heroine.

Donavan and Alani are questionable characters-they are both angry and volatile, dark and psychopathic in their anti-social behavior. Alani has poor to no behavioral control, often hurting those she should loves the most. On a downward spiral, Alani places herself in perilous situations with erratic behavior in an effort to make herself feel. Donavan witnessed the horrific death of the woman he loved, the loss of their child, and the murder of his sister, and has set about to destroy everyone involved. Babysitting Alani is the last thing he wanted to do but Alani’s unhealthy and treacherous life is quickly falling out of control, where she will be targeted by the Cartel that abducted her sister.

The relationship between Donavan and Alani is tempestuous, turbulent, aggressive and destructive. Alani is a walking siren, loving the attention no matter how bad but things go from bad to worse when she is unable to fight the shadows in the dark. Donavan doesn’t do relationships, doesn’t do love but something about Alani draws Donavan to the kindred spirit so much like himself. The $ex scenes are contentious, provocative and intense.

The secondary and supporting characters include Alani’s sister Ayla and her boyfriend Nash; several members of the Cerberus MC, all of the previous story line couples from Mission Mercenaries, as well as fellow university students, and members of the Cortez Cartel. The requisite evil has many faces. Nash and Ayla struggle with Donavan’s dark personality but it is his darkness that attracts our story line heroine.

REDEMPTION REFUSED is a dark, gritty, haunting and twisted story of betrayal and vengeance, power and control, darkness and evil. The premise is tragic, edgy and raw; the characters are broken and questionable; the romance is unconventional, destructive but limited to aggressive $ex and foreplay.

Heed my warning-there are numerous triggers and questionable acts of vengeance that may not be suitable for more sensitive readers.

Reading Order and Previous reviews
Lessons Learned
Mistakes Made
Bridges Burned
Depravity Delivered

Copy supplied for review

Reviewed by Sandy

Let’s see…where to begin…

I’m inching up on the BIG 4-0. The gray hairs are doubling what seems like daily, and the wrinkles and laugh lines are more pronounced than ever.

I have an amazing husband (Married just over 15 years.)

We have two boys we’re doing our best to raise as respectful gentleman.

I have a master’s degree in criminal justice which I used to work as a juvenile probation office until deciding to write full-time in June of 2019. So that means there’s usually always some criminal/law element to my novels.

If I’m not writing; I’m reading.

My favorite genres recently are bully/reverse harem and enemies to lovers. Maybe I’m reliving my traumatic teen years through the girls who actually end up with the boys. (Not that I would change my history since it’s gotten me exactly where I need to be!)

I love coffee. I miss carbs. Music is LIFE. I try not to be too serious.

To learn more about Marie James & her books, visit here

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Depravity Delivered by Marie James-review tour

DEPRAVITY DELIVERED (Mission Mercenaries 4) by Marie James-review tour / / / /

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ABOUT THE BOOK: Release Date April 6, 2023

The job I took was personal for my boss, but my abduction quickly made it personal for me.

There’s no forgiveness for the things they made me do to her.

It would be easy to point fingers, but what about the part of me that liked it?

Something triggered that sickness and left me needy.

I made a choice to protect her when I could, but the need to hurt her again is always in the back of my mind.

The crazy thing is, I see that same darkness in her eyes when she looks at me.

If we survive captivity, there’s still no guarantee we’ll survive each other.


REVIEW: DEPRAVITY DELIVERED is the fourth instalment in Marie James’ contemporary, adult MISSION MERCENARIES dark, erotic, romance series focusing on a group of mercenaries for hire. This is mercenary Nash Cutler, and registered nurse Ayla’s story line. DEPRAVITY DELIVERED can be read as a stand alone without any difficulty. Any important information from the previous story line is revealed where necessary.

WARNING: Due to the nature of the storyline premise, there may be triggers for more sensitive readers including r*pe, torture and abuse.

Told from dual first person perspectives (Ayla and Nash) DEPRAVITY DELIVERED follows in the aftermath of the abduction of our story line heroine. After dropping her younger sister Alani off on her first day of university, Ayla becomes the victim of an abduction, trafficked to the Mexican Cartel. Four months in the hands of her captors, Ayla will meet her future in another victim of the Cartel’s abuse, mercenary for hire Nash Cutler, the man with whom Alya will find a mutual attraction and kindred spirit. Both Nash and Alya are forced to do unimaginable acts, and the end result leaves behind two broken individuals, who upon rescue and release, struggle to move forward with their lives. Unable to trust one another or the people who risked their own lives to save our story line couple, Nash and Alya have only one another in the face of more threats as they battle to survive.
The secondary and supporting characters include several members of the Cerberus MC, as well as mercenaries Lauren and Angel (LESSONS LEARNED 1), Donavan, and Ayla’s nineteen year old sister Alani. The requisite evil has many faces. Alani and Donavan’s story line is next in REDEMPTION REFUSED.

DEPRAVITY DELIVERED is not a story of romance nor love but a dark, gritty, heart breaking and thought-provoking story of power and abuse, and survival against the odds. Marie James pulls the reader into a dramatic, haunting, intense and emotional story of human depravity and exploitation of the body, mind and soul.

NOTE: Please heed my warning of triggers DEPRAVITY DELIVERED is not for the faint of heart or more sensitive readers.

Reading Order and Previous reviews
Lessons Learned
Mistakes Made
Bridges Burned

Copy supplied for review

Reviewed by Sandy

Let’s see…where to begin…

I’m inching up on the BIG 4-0. The gray hairs are doubling what seems like daily, and the wrinkles and laugh lines are more pronounced than ever.

I have an amazing husband (Married just over 15 years.)

We have two boys we’re doing our best to raise as respectful gentleman.

I have a master’s degree in criminal justice which I used to work as a juvenile probation office until deciding to write full-time in June of 2019. So that means there’s usually always some criminal/law element to my novels.

If I’m not writing; I’m reading.

My favorite genres recently are bully/reverse harem and enemies to lovers. Maybe I’m reliving my traumatic teen years through the girls who actually end up with the boys. (Not that I would change my history since it’s gotten me exactly where I need to be!)

I love coffee. I miss carbs. Music is LIFE. I try not to be too serious.

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BRIDGES BURNED (Mission Mercenaries 3) by Marie James-review tour

BRIDGES BURNED (Mission Mercenaries 3) by Marie James-review tour / / / /

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ABOUT THE BOOK: Release Date February 2, 2023

I didn’t swear vengeance on the Severino Family after Ellie’s death. I was only a child after all.
I didn’t swear vengeance when my father, a coward who wasn’t man enough to seek justice for her, drank himself into a divorce.
Going after them would be a death sentence.
I chose to live my life in the shadows, seeking revenge for others.
That was until I ran into the very man that took Ellie’s life.
I can still smell the smoke clinging to my skin from all the bridges I burned because of that man.
Walking away was no longer an option.
Killing him would be easy, but taking the woman that was promised to him seemed like a better wager.
Exacting retribution through her was the gamble I made.
Surviving her now seems impossible.


REVIEW: BRIDGES BURNED is the third instalment in Marie James’ contemporary, adult MISSION MERCENARIES dark, erotic, romantic suspense series focusing on the men and women who work for Mission Mercenaries-a spin off from the author’s Cerberus MC series. This is Hollis Ford, and twenty-one year old, Mafia princess Madelene Lombardi’s story line. BRIDGES BURNED can be read as a stand alone without any difficulty. Any important information is revealed when necessary.

WARNING: Due to the nature of the story line premise, there may be triggers for more sensitive readers.

Told from dual first person perspectives (Hollis and Madelene) BRIDGES BURNED focuses on the need for revenge. Mission Mercenaries latest contract is a suicide mission to Mexico, but Hollis Ford’s need for revenge is stronger than his need to survive. Hollis never expected to find himself with a hostage in the wake of taking down several members of the Cortez Cartel. Enter Madelene Lombardi, a victim of the Cortez Cartel, sold by her father as payment for a debt. In hiding, believing the Cartel is but moments behind, Hollis will take advantage of his current situation, forcing Madelene to obey his every command. Exchanging one jailer for another, Madelene discovers that in order to survive, she must bow down to the man in charge but Hollis is about to find himself in deeper than he could have ever imagined when Mission Mercenaries doesn’t look too kindly to going rogue. What ensues is the building relationship between Hollis and Madelene, and the potential fall-out as Madelene, once again, finds herself facing the past, as past that no longer accepts the woman she has become, or

The relationship between Madelene and Hollis is a forced proximity; enemies to lovers; tragic pasts; revenge abduction in which Madelene has gone from the proverbial frying pan into the fire. Regardless of the outcome, Madelene believes her life is forfeit, it is only a matter of when and how. Hollis is a man who likes to take control, and from the outset, he takes control of our story line heroine turning their relationship into a ‘Stockholm Syndrome’ affair. The $ex scenes are impassioned but I did not feel the love between our story line couple.

The secondary and supporting characters include Angel Guerra and Lauren Vos (Lessons Learned 1), Liam Stone and Raya Reed (Mistakes Made 2); Mission Mercenaries Nash, Fox and Donavan Gibson. The requisite evil has many faces.

BRIDGES BURNED is a graphic story of murder and abuse; betrayal and vengeance, power and control, acceptance and determination. The premise is dramatic, gritty and tragic; the characters are broken, flawed and desperate; the romance is edgy and intense. BRIDGES BURNED ends on a cliff hanger-you have been warned.

Reading Order and Previous reviews
Lessons Learned
Mistakes Made

Copy supplied for review

Reviewed by Sandy

Haven’t started the series? Book one LESSONS LEARNED is FREE : /

Let’s see…where to begin…

I’m inching up on the BIG 4-0. The gray hairs are doubling what seems like daily, and the wrinkles and laugh lines are more pronounced than ever.

I have an amazing husband (Married just over 15 years.)

We have two boys we’re doing our best to raise as respectful gentleman.

I have a master’s degree in criminal justice which I used to work as a juvenile probation office until deciding to write full-time in June of 2019. So that means there’s usually always some criminal/law element to my novels.

If I’m not writing; I’m reading.

My favorite genres recently are bully/reverse harem and enemies to lovers. Maybe I’m reliving my traumatic teen years through the girls who actually end up with the boys. (Not that I would change my history since it’s gotten me exactly where I need to be!)

I love coffee. I miss carbs. Music is LIFE. I try not to be too serious.

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Mistakes Made (Mission Mercenaries 2) by Marie James-review tour

Mistakes Made (Mission Mercenaries 2) by Marie James-review tour / / / /

Don’t own a Kindle? Download the FREE Amazon Kindle App for your mobile device or pc

ABOUT THE BOOK: Release Date November 17, 2022.

The worst thing you can ever do is make an assumption about me, despite my job resting solely on making people think I’m someone I’m not.
I know that makes me crazy, narcissistic, and a little out of touch with the reality of how the world works.
I’ll never argue that fact with anyone.
Maybe it was the hundred-degree Texas weather.
Maybe it was overstimulation from the crowds at the beach.
Maybe it was one of a million other things that irritated me that day.
But when Raya Reed looked me up and down, finding me lacking on some scale I’m sure no man in her life would ever live up to, I snapped.
It wasn’t until she was tied up in my house that I discovered she was Senator Thomas Reed’s daughter.
A normal person would let her go.
I’ve made a lot of mistakes in my past, but making Raya MINE will never be one of them.


REVIEW: MISTAKES MADE is the second instalment in Marie James’ contemporary, adult MISSION MERCENARIES dark, erotic, romance series focusing on a group of mercenaries for hire. This is mercenary Liam Stone, and senator’s daughter Raya Reed’s story line. MISTAKES MADE can be read as a stand alone without any difficulty. Any important information from the previous story line is revealed where necessary.

WARNING: Due to the nature of the storyline premise, there may be triggers for more sensitive readers including scenes of dubious consent.

Told from dual first person perspectives (Raya and Liam) MISTAKE MADE follows in the wake of the abduction and captivity of our story line heroine. Liam Stone sees red when the young woman he approaches spurns his attempts at flirting and seduction. Determined to own our story line heroine, Liam drugs and kidnaps said woman, unaware she is the daughter of a presidential candidate. Four weeks in hiding find our heroine falling for the man who is all kinds of wrong, the man whose life she will protect in the face of her own safety. What ensues is the Stockholm Syndrome relationship between Raya and Liam, and the potential fall-out when their whereabouts are discovered and Liam pushes Raya out of his life.

Raya Reed has never been loved; she is a prop in her parent’s fight for the ultimate control, a prop whose life is about to spiral out of control. Trapped with a man she knows nothing about, Raya realizes better to be imprisoned then freedom at the cost of her own sanity. Liam Stone doesn’t do relationships. He is a mercenary, a killer, a man who has no conscience or moral code. Taking Raya , claiming her as his own, places Liam in the direct line of fire but there is no place in his life for a woman like our story line heroine.

The relationship between Liam and Raya is that of captor and captive-a sexually erotic relationship in which Liam takes total control Liam was angry, he was p*ssed that our heroine thought herself above everyone else, and in an effort to prove she was nothing more than fodder, Liam took control, including forcing Raya to do as he commands. The $ex scenes are erotic, dramatic and intense with scenes of questionable consent.

The secondary and supporting characters are limited. We are introduced to Raya’s parents Senator Thomas and Mrs. Reed; mercenaries Hollis, Nash and Fox, as well as the return of Angel and Laura (Lessons Learned 1). Hollis’ story line is next.

MISTAKES MADE is another dark, gritty, raw, and disturbing story of erotica, power and control. MISTAKES MADE is not for everyone due to the nature of the story line content. The premise is dramatic focusing on the unconventional relationship between our story line couple. The characters are broken, flawed and determined; the romance is virtually non-existent-Liam wields his power using discipline and control.

Click HERE for Sandy’s review of book one LESSONS LEARNED

Copy supplied for review

Reviewed by Sandy

Let’s see…where to begin…

I’m inching up on the BIG 4-0. The gray hairs are doubling what seems like daily, and the wrinkles and laugh lines are more pronounced than ever.

I have an amazing husband (Married just over 15 years.)

We have two boys we’re doing our best to raise as respectful gentleman.

I have a master’s degree in criminal justice which I used to work as a juvenile probation office until deciding to write full-time in June of 2019. So that means there’s usually always some criminal/law element to my novels.

If I’m not writing; I’m reading.

My favorite genres recently are bully/reverse harem and enemies to lovers. Maybe I’m reliving my traumatic teen years through the girls who actually end up with the boys. (Not that I would change my history since it’s gotten me exactly where I need to be!)

I love coffee. I miss carbs. Music is LIFE. I try not to be too serious.

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LESSONS LEARNED (Missions Mercenaries 1) by Marie James -tour

?LESSONS LEARNED (Missions Mercenaries 1) by Marie James -review tour? / / / /

Don’t own a Kindle? Download the FREE Amazon Kindle App for your mobile device or pc

ABOUT THE BOOK: Release Date October 13, 2022.

They call me a soldier of fortune, a hired gun, a man with no morals only looking to get paid—a mercenary.
That’s true… mostly.
From where I stand, I don’t see it as a bad thing.
Getting paid to do the dirty work, to take the jobs saner people refuse is my bread and butter.
I love the danger, the thrill, the warmth that attempts to spark something in my cold, black heart.
Why shouldn’t I get paid for that?
Does it really matter if I’m indifferent about who I step on to succeed? The job always gets done, and I never look back.
The same went for Lauren Vos, an undercover FBI agent working in some of the most dangerous trafficking circles known to man.
Our paths crossed on a job years ago, and somehow fate has thrown us together once again.
Only this time around she isn’t interested in letting me forget.
The problem for her is that I’m not the same man she thought she left for dead.


REVIEW: LESSONS LEARNED is the first instalment in Marie James’ contemporary , adult MISSION MERCENARIES dark, erotic, romance series. This is mercenary for hire Angel Guerra, and rogue, undercover FBI Agent Lauren ‘Lola’ Vos’s story line. The MISSION MERCENARIES series is a spin off from the author’s CERBERUS MC series. Lauren and Angel were first introduced in THUMPER (Cerberus MC 17).

WARNING: Due to the nature of the story line premise there WILL be triggers for more sensitive readers.

NOTE: If you have not read THUMPER (Cerberus MC 17) there may be spoilers in my review.

Told from dual first person perspectives (Lauren and Angel) using present day and memories from the past, LESSONS LEARNED follows the unconventional relationship between mercenary for hire Angel Guerra, and rogue, undercover FBI Agent Lauren ‘Lola’ Vos. Months earlier Lauren Vos’s undercover operation within an El Salvador $ex trafficking ring went all to h*ll, including the take down of our story line hero but Lauren had no idea Angel was working as a mercenary for hire, leaving the man struggling for his life. Fast forward to present day wherein, Lauren is now living with the Cerberus MC but the MC has informed Lauren it is time to move on. With no place to go, Lauren ‘reconnects’ with Angel Guerra, the man that is about to slay the demons that continue to destroy her life.

The relationship between Lauren and Angel is unorthodox, dark and atypical. With the Cerberus MC no longer willing to house our story line heroine, Lauren finds herself at a crossroads between standing still or moving forward. Angel’s latest mission brings a face to face confrontation with the Cerberus MC, a confrontation that sets into motion Lauren and Angel’s descent into H*ll. Both Lauren and Angel’s pasts are shrouded in abuse, torture, murder and loss but our heroine struggles to overcome what happened and why. Lauren’s needs are individualistic- only Angel is able to give Lauren what she needs and wants. Borderline Personality Disorder / Impulsive Personality Disorder are but two possibilities for our heroine’s behavior. The $ex scenes are aggressive, dark and abusive.

The secondary and supporting characters include some of the members of the Cerberus MC, and mercenary Liam Jones.

LESSONS LEARNED is a story of desperation and obsession, abuse and madness, acceptance and understanding. The premise is dark, gritty, raw and often difficult to read; the characters are broken and damaged.

Copy supplied for review

Reviewed by Sandy

Let’s see…where to begin…

I’m inching up on the BIG 4-0. The gray hairs are doubling what seems like daily, and the wrinkles and laugh lines are more pronounced than ever.

I have an amazing husband (Married just over 15 years.)

We have two boys we’re doing our best to raise as respectful gentleman.

I have a master’s degree in criminal justice which I used to work as a juvenile probation office until deciding to write full-time in June of 2019. So that means there’s usually always some criminal/law element to my novels.

If I’m not writing; I’m reading.

My favorite genres recently are bully/reverse harem and enemies to lovers. Maybe I’m reliving my traumatic teen years through the girls who actually end up with the boys. (Not that I would change my history since it’s gotten me exactly where I need to be!)

I love coffee. I miss carbs. Music is LIFE. I try not to be too serious.

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