JASON VENDRYES-Cover Model and Actor:  The Interview

Jason Vendryes-the Interview

This week, Jaci Burton released her latest novel in the Play by Play series-TAKING A SHOT. As always, Jaci’s covers feature a fantastic male body, with abs anyone would want, but few achieve. And The Reading Cafe has an interview with the cover model for Taking A Shot-JASON VENDRYES

The Reading Cafe would like to introduce-Jason Vendryes

TRC: Hi Jason. Thank you for taking the time to answer our questions. It is always a pleasure to read about the model behind the cover picture.

Jason: Anytime! Thanks for having me!

TRC: We would like to start with some basic information.

NAME: Jason Vendryes
AGE: 29 years old
BIRTHPLACE: Long Island New York
RAISED: Wellington Florida
RESIDENCE: New York to Florida
SIBLINGS: One Sister, Stacey
EDUCATION/DEGREE: Graduated from Wellington High School and attended The University of Central Florida

TRC: Would you please tell us something about yourself?

Jason: Such a broad question to open with! Well, I’m a pretty active person. I love to travel and try new things. Some of my favorite things to do are going to concerts, rock climbing, sky diving, and camping. The best part of all those activities is that you get to enjoy them with friends and family.

TRC: As a child, what where your hobbies and sports ?

Jason: I grew up playing all sorts of sports. Luckily I had patient parents! I took karate lessons, played tennis, football, roller hockey, soccer, basketball, and finally in high school stuck with wrestling and volleyball. I think they all were so important, especially wrestling, because they let me understand how my body works and the proper ways to take care of it.

TRC: What were your aspirations growing up? Did you always want to be an actor or model?

Jason: When I was about five years old, I visited Graceland and wanted to be Elvis after that. Sadly, I learned you can’t be someone that already existed. I did get into modeling and acting briefly as a child, but my parents halted that after a hopeful – turned disappointing experience with the film Cop and a Half. I went to college for Computer Science and ended up back in entertainment after being approached by a casting director about an up coming audition which I was fortunate enough to book.

TRC: Your resume states you have experience in print, commercial, TV and film
industry. Which do you prefer and why?

Jason: To me, it’s all very similar. I approach print work like I would an acting job. I put myself into a character that fits the shot the photographer is trying to achieve. If I were forced to choose, I’d go with film. I like the idea of spending time developing and living out a character and then starting from scratch when the next project comes along.

TRC: Have you ever done any runway modeling? If so, what and where was your most recent show?

Jason: I’ve done a few runway shows. Mainly for fitness brands like Nike and Adidas. My last runway show was for the season finale of the Bravo! series Fashion Hunters in New York City.

TRC: Is there a particular shoot that you are most pleased with?

Jason: There is always something I am pleased with in every shoot. However, I’m very excited about the cover for Taking A Shot. I love the way it came out and the pose they went with.

TRC: Was there ever a shoot that went horribly wrong?

Jason: I haven’t had any experiences that have jaded me in anyway but I’ve had some that haven’t gone as well as others. I chalk it up to a learning experience and move on.

TRC: Is there someone you would like to work with or for, that you have not had the chance?

Jason: There are dozens! I’d love to shoot with Bruce Webber eventually. As far as film – directors David Fincher, Martin Scorsese, Kevin Smith and Bryan Singer are amongst my favorites and would jump at an opportunity to work with them.

TRC: Have you ever turned down a shoot and why?

Jason: I have had to turn down several shoots and projects sadly because of scheduling conflicts. That’s the worst, when you have several options that come along for the same time frame and neither can be rescheduled.

TRC: We see that you have appeared in Bachelor Party 2 as well as several other TV and commercial ads. What movies, TV shows or commercials have you recently appeared?

Jason: I’ve worked on a few. As I mentioned earlier, I was on the season finale of Fashion Hunters. Some of my others include W.E., The Beautiful Life, Big Lake, and Dr. G: Medical Examiner and commercials for Universal Orlando Resort, Labatt Blue Beer, and The Ritz-Carlton.

TRC: As a model, you must always be in shape. What is your daily work-out regimen?

Jason: I’m constantly switching up my routine, usually every 3 months. Right now I’m in the gym for an hour and a half in the morning and an hour and a half in the afternoon with a rest day every four days.

TRC: You are currently the cover model for author Jaci Burton’s –TAKING A SHOT. Would you please tell us about the shoot?

Jason: It was such a fun shoot! We shot it nearly a year ago in New York. The shoot itself took about 4 hours. We shot so much stuff and every piece of hockey equipment you can imagine: shoulder pads, gloves, a hockey stick, puck, helmet, leg pads. Both standing and sitting. The idea was to capture the feeling of a player after a game or practice. After shooting all that as we were getting ready to wrap, I noticed there was a pair of skates we hadn’t used. I asked if we could take some shots with them and explained how I use to tie the laces together of my skates and sling them over my shoulder. So we tried it. I was in my jeans since we had been getting ready to leave. They sprayed me down with some water so I looked sweaty and we shot a few more. I’m glad we did because I love the way the cover came out.

TRC: When and how were you notified that your picture was chosen for the cover?

Jason: I think I found out last June. Jaci had posted the cover as a teaser on her Website and I had a friend that saw it and called to ask if that was me. I checked out the site and saw the cover for the first time.

TRC: Is the cover of TAKING A SHOT your first cover? If not, which other covers have you appeared?

Jason: This is my second cover. My first cover was for the re-release of Susan Krinard’s Prince of Wolves last year. So it’s my first new release.

TRC: The Romance Genre is sometimes frowned upon, due to the content and storylines. Do you have any comments regarding the industry?

Jason: I don’t believe in frowning upon anything creatively. If you don’t like something, then don’t read, watch, listen, or partake in it. I think the romance genre is entertaining and that’s what’s important to me, just enjoying what you read.

TRC: Some of today’s more popular romance cover models have over 1200-1600 covers. Do you see yourself continuing in the cover model industry?

Jason: I would be happy to continue appearing in covers for as long as the readers enjoy seeing me on them.

TRC: Have you had a chance to read any of the PLAY BY PLAY series of books by Jaci Burton? Do you have a copy of YOUR current book?

Jason: I haven’t had the chance to read the first two PLAY BY PLAY books, but they’re on my list! I haven’t received the copy of Taking A Shot yet. I’ll have to wait until March 6 like everyone else. Jaci was nice enough to send me several post cards of the cover though. I’ve been corresponding with her and her assistant and they’re both so nice!

TRC: Many models refuse to pose NUDE, but some pictures run very close to the line. What is your experience with NUDE photography?

Jason: I don’t have too much experience with nudes. I have shot nudes for fashion photographer, and close friend, Chiun-Kai Shih for a future project he’s working on. That’s about it.

TRC: What would you tell a young and new model, fresh in the business, about NUDE photographs?

Jason: Make sure you trust and are comfortable with the photographer you are going to shoot nudes with and what they’re being used for. Some people are ok with shooting nude, some aren’t. Know where you stand before you start and know where your own boundaries are.

TRC: What are you currently doing?

Jason: I’ve been taking the last couple of days to get ready for a vacation to Singapore. It’ll be my first time visiting Asia, so I’m pretty excited.

TRC: Would you like to add anything?

Jason: I’d like to thank your readers for taking the time to get to know a little about me


It changes. Right now it’s Sushi

Ice cream!

The Tesla Roadster Electric Car

BOXER, BRIEFS OR COMMANDO ( we always ask)
I prefer the hybrid: Boxer-briefs

Actually, I like white chocolate

I took a short vacation this past November.

A Few Good Men. when I need a laugh, Stepbrothers

Modern Family and Community

Mission Impossible: Ghost Protocol

Stephen King’s 11/22/63


TRC: Thank you Jason for taking the time to answer our questions. If there is anything you would like to add, go ahead. WE are always interested in what the authors and models have to say. We wish you the best of luck in your career. Please keep us informed as to your progress.

Jason: Thanks!

To visit Jason’s website click here: Jason Vendryes


Francis Cura Interview


Many of you will recognize Francis from his many photos, magazine shots, commercials and book covers. Francis is the cover model for Christine Feehan’s latest Carpathian book DARK PREDATOR.

Francis Cura Interview

With his wavy brown hair and piercing blue eyes, is it any wonder, he could see down to a woman’s soul and steal her heart with just one look.

Height: 6’1″
Weight: 190lbs
Neck: 16″
Chest: 42″
Waist: 32″
Shoe: 12
Hair Color: Brown
Eye Color: Blue
Year of Birth: 1977
Hometown: New York City
Currently Resides: Los Angeles
Education: Degree in Graphic Design and Art History

Others: Classically trained Opera Singer
Marital Status: Single
Children: Not yet…..
Siblings: One sister



It gives us great pleasure to introduce you to …..

Francis (Francesco) J. Cura

S&B: How did you get started in the modelling industry?

Francis: I started a long time ago in Milan, Italy. I was really young (about 18) and knew very little about the industry. So with the exception of a few good gigs, I didn’t find it easy. I pursued it more seriously in New York as well to then continue here in Los Angeles.

S&B: We have read that you are a classically trained opera singer. As a young boy, was there always music playing in your family home? What sparked your desire to sing opera?

Francis: My father is a ‘Jack of all trades’ type. He was also a musician but that did not have much influence on me. I discovered I possessed a powerful instrument only at the age of 17. I then enrolled in a two year program where I had the chance to develop my voice through rigid operatic muscular technique. It was more about pushing the limits of my vocal capabilities than having a concrete opera singer career.

S&B: Where did you train? Have you ever performed professionally?

Francis: I trained at the Cem Lira Music Institute in Italy. And I never performed professionally.

S&B: Does anyone else in your family, have a beautiful voice? Siblings? Parents?

Francis: Not really (smiles). I believe I’m the only one who was given that gift.

S&B: Where may we hear your singing? Is there a video or CD available?

Francis: I’m working on a project right now, but I’d rather not say anything – as I can be a little superstitious about revealing things before they’re done.

S&B: You are obviously very gifted, very talented. Which do you prefer…modelling, acting or singing?

Francis: Singing. No doubt. Acting is definitely below singing as music is more powerful than words.

S&B: Are your parents involved in the entertainment industry? Did they mentor you, encourage you into the different fields you currently are involved?

Francis: They always supported me through struggles and joys. As I said, my dad has always been in the arts, so obviously he understands and promotes anything that is creative. But I always mentored myself. My parents never told me what to do as I grew up as a very independent individual driven by my own ideas and ambitions. I listen to myself and trust what is in me will be faithful to who I am. And if I end up making a mistake, I will certainly be glad to only blame myself by taking ownership and responsibility over them. So, shortly said: my parents have NOTHING to do with my choices.

S&B: You started in the commercial film industry at a very young age. What was your first commercial for?

Francis: It was for mineral water. I had to climb a dune in a desert until I found the ‘saving’ bottle. I must have been 10 or 11.

S&B: Film work in both TV and the movies. Have you ever consider working full time as an actor? Which do you prefer…TV or the big screen?

Francis: I deeply dislike (and therefore ignore) television. I think if the world could still wake up if it turned off that useless box. There is nothing that attracts me in today’s entertainment. There’s either (and only) too much stupidity -in idiotic comedies and sitcoms-and too much violence and darkness – in movies and prime-time television series. All the movie directors I’d love to work with have died a long time ago.

S&B: With a degree in Graphic Design and Art History, you can work in almost any part of the entertainment industry. What sparked your interest in graphic design and art history? Are you currently working in the graphic design industry and if so, where may we see some of your work? (smiles)

Francis: I was very young when I took the path into visual arts. Graphic Design was lost on me as it became too mathematical and linear for a right-brained person like myself. I was rather into portraiture, where the freedom from rulers and compasses would let the pencil create the magic I was truly attracted to. I excelled at it and I still conserve many of my works.

Art History was a passion of mine that came from childhood. I can remember being attracted to the hidden mysteries of ancient civilizations since my mother first bought me a world globe map. At night, I would go to my room, turn off the lights and stare at the glowing globe as my imagination would take me to Egypt, Israel or Morocco. I then started reading about those places until I could finally study them as an adult ( and accumulate knowledge as I still do today).

S&B: Have you ever had an art showing? Have you ever sold a piece of art work professionally?

Francis: Yes. I also used to make stained glass and I sold two of them.

S&B: We first noticed you as a commercial ad man for Cadillac etc, as well as several TV and movie appearances. But most of our site members are most interested because of your cover picture on Christine Feehan’s Dark Predator. Most pictures are usually selected from studio stock photos. Were you eve consulted regarding this particular cover? Do you have any say about where or when your cover shots will appear? Do you have a preference?

Francis: No. I have no preference. I’m just flattered to be the face on a cover, especially when it’s about a dark predator, which is probably the furthest thing away from me. To answer your question: many photos of mine are purchasable through stock agencies and I hold full copyrights on them.

S&B: What other ‘romance novel’ covers have you graced?

Francis: I wouldn’t be able to tell you . Many things I appear on I have no knowledge of.

S&B: Well, Francis….we found a few of your ‘romance covers’. A couple of these books have recently been released.

S&B: Your bio states you will NOT do nude photos, but there are several that run close to the line. What do you say to young models and actors, just starting out in the industry regarding nude photo shoots etc?

Francis: There are a lot of discussions regarding this ‘issue’. It is very personal and it all depends on the intentions, morals, artistic view and purposes of the person and the product involved. I’ve been asked many times to do full nudity but always refused. I’m strict when it comes to over exposing. But again: that is my opinion. My most revealing images do not show any private parts although I can’t deny that they do contain a certain level of eroticism. Still, they are very well executed images.

Now, if I had to give advice to young models, here is what I would say: Never settle for gratuity, vulgarity and objectification. The body is a sacred temple. Your soul is enclosed in it and is of Divine nature. So if the images are of great artistic value, executed with graciousness and innocence to elevate the human form, its nature and divine design, then you might (I underline MIGHT) consider partial and/or full nudity. But when you’re asked to use your body to feed the insatiable hunger of men of depravity and poverty of spirit, then stay away from it as you’ll soon regret. I see lost of models taking away their veil of dignity for a small paycheck. They let the photographer/client become rich by impoverishing themselves.

S&B: What are you currently doing?

Francis: I’m going to San Francisco in three days for a photo shoot (at the time of the interview). I just had a photo shoot for the sequel of the movie 300. I’m on avail for a Chesterfield commercial. Life is good!

S&B: Do you have any regrets:

Francis: No. Only the present. Regrets are useless and counterproductive. They make no sense! When people have regrets they frustrate me because there is nothing they ( or I or anyone else) can do. The past is gone. The future has to come. We must be joyful in the present, which is a gift.

S&B: Is there anything you would like to tell us, that we may not know?

Francis: There are many things you may not know and what I’m about to write might be something you know VERY well but still: I feel the need to express since it is a BIG part of me.

I’d like to say that all that matters is GOD. There is nothing else. God is all we have and HE is closer to us than we are to ourselves. The only certainty we have in life is its death. After that, the only certainty is eternity and God, who created us out of love.



I can’t think of one specific song. Too many to like…

Again: too many to mention. It would take a page.. ; )

Pizza and Pecan Pie

House of Pies on Vermont in Los Angeles

BOXERS, BRIEFS OR COMMANDO: (we always have to ask)

Hot tropical places


Rest and eat.

MILK for sure!!

Cadillac, of course….

I’d be a farmer.

I don’t have an ideal date. As long as I like the woman I have in front of me, I can be anywhere in the world.

We would like to thank you for this wonderful interview. You have been honest and forthright, and above all else….a pleasure. Please keep in touch and let us know about your upcoming music venture. I personally am looking forward to hearing your voice…*blushing* and you are definitely a man after my own heart….MILK chocolate AND Pecan Pie…my favorites….lol

This interview was previously posted at our other site…Bodice Rippers Femme Fatales and Fantasy Dec 2011
