Ain’t She A Peach (Southern Eclectic #2) by Molly Harper-a review

AIN’T SHE A PEACH (Southern Eclectic #2) by Molly Harper -a review / / B&N / KOBO / Chapters Indigo / Google Play

ABOUT THE BOOK: Release Date June 12, 2018

An Atlanta ex-cop comes to sleepy Lake Sackett, Georgia, seeking peace and quiet—but he hasn’t bargained on falling for Frankie, the cutest coroner he’s ever met.

Frankie McCready talks to dead people. Not like a ghost whisperer or anything—but it seems rude to embalm them and not at least say hello.

Fortunately, at the McCready Family Funeral Home & Bait Shop, Frankie’s eccentricities fit right in. Lake Sackett’s embalmer and county coroner, Frankie’s goth styling and passion for nerd culture mean she’s not your typical Southern girl, but the McCreadys are hardly your typical Southern family. Led by Great-Aunt Tootie, the gambling, boozing, dog-collecting matriarch of the family, everyone looks out for one another—which usually means getting up in everyone else’s business.

Maybe that’s why Frankie is so fascinated by new sheriff Eric Linden…a recent transplant from Atlanta, he sees a homicide in every hunting accident or boat crash, which seems a little paranoid for this sleepy tourist town. What’s he so worried about? And what kind of cop can get a job with the Atlanta PD but can’t stand to look at a dead body?

Frankie has other questions that need answering first—namely, who’s behind the recent break-in attempts at the funeral home, and how can she stop them? This one really does seem like a job for the sheriff—and as Frankie and Eric do their best Scooby-Doo impressions to catch their man, they get closer to spilling some secrets they thought were buried forever.


REVIEW: AIN’T SHE A PEACH is the second full-length instalment in Molly Harper’s contemporary, adult SOUTHERN ECLECTIC romance (woman’s fiction) series focusing on the McCready family of Lake Sackett, Georgia. This is Lake Sackett Sheriff Eric Linden, and mortician/coroner Frankie McCready’s story line. AIN’T SHE A PEACH can be read as a stand alone without any difficulty. Any important information from the previous instalments is revealed where necessary.

Told from several third person perspectives including Eric and Frankie AINT SHE A PEACH follows the building relationship between Lake Sackett Sheriff Eric Linden, and mortician/coroner Frankie McCready. Frankie and Eric have an acrimonious relationship in that Eric eyes every death as a potential murder forcing Frankie to go above and beyond the necessary requirements. When a local teen known to Frankie, begins terrorizing the McCready Family Funeral Home & Bait Shop, Frankie must prove to our hero that it isn’t her imagination. What ensues is the slow building romance between Frankie and Eric, and the potential fall-out as Frankie disobeys Eric’s demands, placing herself in the line of fire.

Eric Linden is a former Atlanta police officer who’s hoping for a slower paced lifestyle in Lake Sackett, Georgia. From town drunks to mischief, bar fights and kittens caught in trees, the crime wave in Lake Sackett is the ideal situation for our story line hero. Frankie MCready is an only child, a little bit spoiled, but a woman determined to prove that sixteen-year old Jared Lewis is intent on doing damage to the family owned business.

The relationship between Eric and Frankie is one of immediate attraction but our heroine doesn’t believe there is a happily ever after in her future. A one-night stand, with Eric, months before, found Frankie walking away without looking back. The $ex scenes are all implied.

The secondary and supporting characters are colorful and fun as the town begins preparations for the annual Halloween Trunk R Treat. We are reintroduced to Frankie’s cousin Margot, and elementary school principal Kyle Archer (Sweet Tea and Sympathy #1), as well as Carl and Marianne (Save a Truck, Ride a Redneck .5). There is plenty of back and forth, snark, humor, quirky idioms, and southern charm.

AIN’T SHE A PEACH is an entertaining, sweet, spirited and delightful read. Clean romance, energetic characters, and an optimistic look at life in a small town.

Copy supplied by the publisher through Netgalley

Reviewed by Sandy
