The Dangers of Dating a Rebound Vampire (Half Moon Hollow 3) by Molly Harper-review

THE DANGERS OF DATING A REBOUND VAMPIRE (Half Moon Hollow 3) by Molly Harper-a review

The Dangers of Dating a Rebound Vampire / B&N / KOBO / The Book Depository

ABOUT THE BOOK: Release Date March 24, 2015

In the next book in Molly Harper’s beloved Half Moon Hollow paranormal romance series, Gigi starts her first job (at Vampire Headquarters), gets over her first love, and may even fall for her first vampire!

Gigi is no longer an innocent teen. All grown up and looking for love, her family and friends worry she’ll go for the sexy, alluring vampire instead of a nice, safe human. But sexy and alluring, with a penchant for biting, could be just what Gigi wants…

REVIEW: THE DANGERS OF DATING A REBOUND VAMPIRE is the third full length installment in Molly Harper’s adult, contemporary Half Moon Hollow paranormal romance series. This is five hundred year old vampire Nikolai Dragomirov, and human female Gigi Scanlon’s storyline. Gigi is the younger sister of Iris Scanlon (The Care and Feeding of Stray Vampires). THE DANGERS OF DATING A REBOUND VAMPIRE can be read as a stand alone without any difficulty. Any important and necessary information from previous storylines is revealed where necessary. Nikolai and Gigi’s story begins in the December 2014 novella I’M DREAMING OF AN UNDEAD CHRISTMAS where Gigi finds herself falling for a man she knows nothing about.

Told from first person point of view (Gigi) the storyline follows Gigi on her first days working for the ‘World Council for the Equal Treatment of the Undead’. Her recently turned vampire sister, and her mate Cal become a little overprotective of the human female under their charge when Gigi is hired to work in a building surrounded by vampires, but Gigi isn’t willing to give up a lucrative position because of a few potential threats from a supernatural being. An attack after work finds Gigi face to face with the man who has haunted her dreams for several months. What ensues is an investigation into the who, how and why of Nikolai Dragomirov and his attacks against Gigi Scanlon.

There are several intersecting and building plotlines throughout the story. While Cal, Iris, Nola and Jed (The Witch’s Handbook of Kisses and Curses #2) embark on a journey to uncover Nikolai’s reasons for attempting to destroy Gigi’s life, Gigi and her co-workers (Jordan, Aaron and Marty) begin a massive undertaking searching and cataloguing the descendants of the ‘undead’. As the information begins to mount, there are too many similarities to recent events for Gigi to ignore and push aside.

The relationship between Gigi and Nik is one of immediate attraction but Nik does not remember the couple’s previous introduction, meeting or the attacks against the woman with whom he is falling in love. Nik has been hired by the Vampire Council to ferret out who is responsible for a string of supernatural thefts but the clues and information do no add up. Gigi’s friends and family become concerned when that attacks against Gigi increase and Nik cannot remember the events taking place.

The secondary and supporting characters include all of the previous storyline couples: Cal and Iris, Jed and Nola, as well as Gigi’s vampiric and spiteful boss Ophelia whose hatred for Gigi continues to grow. Gigi’s fellow humans and coworkers include the IT gurus of Jordan and Aaron, as well as Marty-a computer geek who knows nothing about the job of which he was hired to do.

Because the Half Moon Hollow series is a spin off from Molly Harper’s Jane Jameson paranormal series, there are a number of characters that continue to cross over between storylines including Jane and her sire/lover Gabriel; werewolves Jolene and Zeb; Ophelia and her young lover Jamie; and of course we cannot forget Andrea and her lover, the infamous Dick Cheney-Gabriel’s nemesis and friend.

THE DANGERS OF DATING A REBOUND VAMPIRE is a wonderful and imaginative storyline with plenty of humor, one liners, sarcasm and witty charm courtesy of Gigi’s thought processes and quick responses to events and happenings. I found the level of humor in this particular storyline flowed easily and felt realistic without being forced. We are up close and personal in the mind of a woman who takes life one day at a time, knowing that one can never take oneself or life too seriously than again, there is always the possibility of being ‘turned’. The ensemble cast of characters add plenty of color, interact with one another on a personal and emotional level revealing background information and history with the leading characters, as well as the addition of plenty of humorous moments –good for some giggles and a few ‘facepalms’.

If you like a little humor with your supernatural storylines, I recommend Molly Harper’s THE DANGERS OF DATING A REBOUND VAMPIRE and the Half Moon Hollow series.

Reading Order and Reviews
1. The Care and Feeding of Stray Vampires
1.5 Driving Mr. Dead
2. A Witch’s Handbook for Kisses and Curses
2.5 Undead Sublet
2.7 I’m Dreaming of an Undead Christmas
The Dangers of Dating a Rebound Vampire

Copy supplied by the publisher.

Reviewed by Sandy


I’m Dreaming of an Undead Christmas (Half Moon Hollow) by Molly Harper-a review

I’m Dreaming of an Undead Christmas (Half Moon Hollow) by Molly Harper-a review

Christmas Banner 2

I’m Dreaming of an Undead Christmas
Half Moon Hollow
by Molly Harper
Release Date: November 17, 2014
Genre: paranormal, romance

I'm Dreaming of an Undead Christmas / / Barnes and Noble / KOBO /

ABOUT THE BOOK: Release Date November 17, 2014

Experience the vampire world for the holidays through the eyes of Gigi Scanlon in this e-novella prequel to The Dangers of Dating a Rebound Vampire from beloved paranormal romance author Molly Harper!

College co-ed Gigi is headed home to Half-Moon Hollow for her first Christmas since her sister, Iris, was turned into a vampire by her beloved undead husband, Cal. Iris is working overtime to make this holiday as normal and special as possible. After all, it’s taken her months of working with Jane Jameson and the Hollow’s vampires to convince herself that she won’t bite her baby sister on sight.

Gigi has her own worries. She’s falling out of love with her high school sweetheart, Ben, and has no idea how to tell him. She’s got a secret job interview with terrifying teen Council official, Ophelia Lambert. And there’s a handsome but cagey vampire following her around town and then disappearing before Gigi can confirm that he’s not, in fact, a figment of her fertile imagination. Holidays with family are complicated. Christmas with an undead family can be downright dangerous.


Well, seeing as how the blurb hits all of the plot highlights of the book, I’m going to tell you why you should read Molly Harper. Her books are fun and quirky and very well written. The Half-Moon Hollow “crew” is a motley one. The characters are totally loveable, even the ones you don’t want to love. When Gigi finally arrives home, the mayhem that ensues will make you laugh and make your heart smile. Even though you have vampires, humans and weres in the mix, the one thing that always rings true in this series is the sense of family and camaraderie. They truly care for each other and want to keep everyone safe. And, for vampire purists (snobs!), this bunch can’t eat food, nor can they be in the sunlight, which in itself, is pretty funny in the way that they handle it. If they eat? Projectile vomit……. If they are exposed to sunlight? Yep, you guessed it. They’ll catch fire.

I’m Dreaming of an Undead Christmas centers around Iris wanting to keep the Christmas traditions she and her sister, Gigi, have had all of their lives. Does it go exactly as planned? Well, of course not. However, they do enjoy the huge “family” gathering and decide that this is their new normal and make new traditions. This is a very quick read, and is obviously setting up the next book for Gigi. And, I can’t wait to find out more about the mysterious vampire who keeps popping in on Gigi, and neither can she! Ha! If you’re looking for a fun series with characters who will make you laugh out loud and make your heart smile, this one is for you. Well done, Molly Harper, very well done.

Reviewed by Vickie M


Better Homes and Hauntings by Molly Harper-Review, Interview and Giveaway with the Author

Better Homes and Hauntings by Molly Harper-Review, Interview and Giveaway  with the Author


Better Homes and Hauntings Banner

Better Homes and Hauntings / / Barnes and Noble / KOBO / The Book Depository

RELEASE DATE: June 24, 2014

When Nina Linden is hired to landscape a private island off the New England coast, she sees it as her chance to rebuild her failing business after being cheated by her unscrupulous ex. She never expects that her new client, software mogul Deacon Whitney, would see more in her than just a talented gardener. Deacon has paid top dollar to the crews he’s hired to renovate the desolate Whitney estate—he had to, because the bumps, thumps, and unexplained sightings of ghostly figures in nineteenth-century dress are driving workers away faster than he can say “Boo.”

But Nina shows no signs of being scared away, even as she experiences some unnerving apparitions herself. And as the two of them work closely together to restore the mansion’s faded glory, Deacon realizes that he’s found someone who doesn’t seem to like his fortune more than himself—while Nina may have finally found the one man she can trust with her bruised and battered heart.

But something on the island doesn’t believe in true love…and if Nina and Deacon can’t figure out how to put these angry spirits to rest, their own love doesn’t stand a ghost of a chance.


REVIEW: BETTER HOMES AND HAUNTINGS is a stand alone, paranormal romance storyline from the amazing mind of Molly Harper. A ghost story with humor, sarcasm, friendship, love and a HEA, our intrepid crew have been hired to update and renovate the nineteenth century Whitney family owned mansion-known as Crane’s Nest- on a private island near the New England Coast.

Better Homes and Hauntings follows landscaper Nina Linden, billionaire Deacon Whitney, organizer Cindy Ellis, architect Jake Rumson and Deacon’s cousin Dotty Whitney as they forage through old diaries looking for clues to the death of Catherine Whitney-the original wife of Gerald Whitney –presumably murdered by the man that she loved. The stories surrounding the ghostly spirits that haunt the old mansion come to life as each of our characters will fall victim to memories of the past.

The storyline focuses on the building relationship between Deacon and Nina-a relationship that is plagued by nightmares, ghostly apparitions and someone else’s memories. We follow organizer and cleaner Cindy as she toys with the affections of Deacon’s best friend and architect Jake-a man who doesn’t recall the first time he met the vivacious Cindy Ellis; and the eccentric Dotty Whitney-a woman who is determined to write a biography of Gerald and Catherine Whitney-the original inhabitants and owners of Crane’s Nest whose reputation and deaths have followed the Whitney family legacy to the present day.

Molly Harper pulls the reader into a storyline of ghostly hauntings, angry spirits, mystery, possession and missing family heirlooms. As the ensemble cast of friends begins to uncover the secrets of the past, the spirits will step up their game until one of them finally breaks-possession is a nasty way to seek revenge and the truth.

BETTER HOMES AND HAUNTINGS is an entertaining storyline of mystery, suspense and romance where the ghosts of the past refuse to move on. It is a story of one family’s tainted past; a past that has haunted the descendants throughout the years and a past that is seeking revenge for a murder that was never solved.

Molly Harper’s remarkable storylines blend humor, love, friendship and family in a lively, spirited and clever presentation that everyone will enjoy.

Copy supplied by the publisher through Netgalley.

Reviewed by Sandy



CATCHING UP with Molly Harper at The Reading Café

Follow Molly at : Goodreads/Website/Facebook/Twitter

TRC: Hi Molly and welcome back to The Reading Café. Congratulations on all of your success since last we talked.

Molly HarperMH: Thank you for having me!

TRC: Who or what influenced your career in writing?

MH: I had a number of really fantastic English teachers when I was in high school. I was a weird, smart aleck kid with no apparent talent. I was a decent student, but I couldn’t sing, couldn’t draw, and despite being a six-foot-tall freshman, couldn’t play a sport to save my life. So the usual avenues that kids have to get praise and attention in school were unavailable to me. (In the case of sports, really, REALLY unavailable.)

But my freshman English teacher, Mr. Werner asked us to write an introductory essay so he knew something about us as the year started. I called mine, “Fence Posts and Tree Stumps” and wrote about the dinner table debates I had with my Dad about politics, news, science, etc. Mom told us that Harpers should argue with fence posts and tree stumps, because only inanimate objects could survive the circuitous, endless discussion. Mr. Werner loved it and had me read it aloud to the class. That was something I had never done before, sharing my writing with non-relatives. Like many girls my age, I had my Secret Notebook of Horrible Unicorn Poetry, but it was hidden beneath many Christopher Pike paperbacks under my bed.

Mr. Werner told me I was funny, and had a unique voice, like Erma Bombeck. And once I looked Erma Bombeck up in the library and realized he’d paid me a compliment, I started thinking about writing as a possible career. I’d always written stories, but it never occurred to me that I could make a living with it. There weren’t many published authors in Paducah, Ky.

But, knowing the odds of becoming of a full-time novelist weren’t awesome, I read more of Bombeck’s essays and looked into degree programs that would help pursue a career as a newspaper reporter. I wanted to write columns like Bombeck and Dave Barry and Lewis Grizzard, people who didn’t necessarily teach their readers life lessons, but made them laugh and brightened their day.

Throughout high school, that little spark of writer’s hope was encouraged by Mr. Werner, Mr. Toy, Mrs. Rafferty and Mrs. Campbell – wonderful English teachers who put up with a considerable amount of snark to help me find my writing voice and polish some pretty rough grammatical skills. I still live in the small town where I grew up. Every once in a while I see them, and I’m sure to thank them and tell them what a profound influence they’ve had on my life.

TRC: When not writing, what do you do to relax?

MH: I started studying martial arts about a year ago. I started with Brazillian jiu jitsu and recently earned my yellow belt in karate. (So I now have the fighting skills of your average seven year old.) It’s a cool bonding activity for my family as my husband has studied karate for most of his life. He’s black belt and teaches at the school where I am a student, along with our daughter, Darcy, 9.

Darcy is about four belt rankings above me and LOVES that she is better at something than her mom. When we spar in class, she shows me no mercy. It’s a humbling experience to be punched in the face by your pre-teen under sanctioned circumstances.

I am bruised. So very bruised. But we have a lot of fun and it’s a chance to spend time together. How many families can say, “We spent a couple of hours learning nunchuk techniques on Tuesday.”

And I like the idea that if confronted, I have at least a twenty percent chance of survival. Before starting classes, there was an excellent chance I would trip over my own feet and knock myself unconscious while running away.

TRC: Are any of your characters similar in nature or personality to you or anyone you know?

MH: I was pretty shameless about injecting my own personality into Jane Jameson. We have the same fondness for Jane Austen, the same social clumsiness, the same tendency to spout random trivia when nervous. But unlike me, Jane tends to make rash and emotional decisions when in crisis. I’m more of a hyper-rational over-thinker when panicking.

I don’t know anyone like the vampire Dick Cheney. Which makes me sad.

Better Homes and HauntingsTRC: June 24, 2014 marks the release date of your latest novel BETTER HOMES AND HAUNTINGS. Would you please tell us something about the premise?

MH: This is my first standalone paranormal romance and my first haunted house story, so I am doubly excited. I ventured past my Southern comfort zone and set the story on a remote island off the coast of New England. The Crane’s Nest is a Gilded Era mansion that never quite thrived as a family home as Gerald Whitney, the business tycoon who built it was accused of murdering his wife shortly after it was completed. The murder mystery and inevitable stories of hauntings and family curses followed the Whitneys throughout the generations. Deacon Whitney, a social media mogul who has managed to rebuild his fortune, wants to restore the house to its former glory and finally put the supernatural rumors about his family to an end. The team of experts he assembles to remodel the house is contracted to live there over the summer while the work is completed, a measure he had to take after mysterious noises and cold spots chased away previous teams.

Landscaper Nina Linden is hired to rehabilitate the gardens and she sees it as her chance to rebuild her failing business after being cheated by her unscrupulous ex-partner. She never expects that her new client would see more in her than just a green thumb. But Nina shows no signs of being scared away, even as she experiences some unnerving apparitions herself. And as the two of them work closely together to restore the mansion’s faded glory, Deacon realizes that he’s found someone who doesn’t seem to like his fortune more than himself—while Nina may have finally found the one man she can trust with her bruised and battered heart.

But something on the island doesn’t believe in true love…and if Nina and Deacon can’t figure out how to put these angry spirits to rest, their own love doesn’t stand a ghost of a chance.

TRC: HOW TO RUN WITH A NAKED WEREWOLF was your December 2013 release in the Naked Werewolf series. How many books do you have planned for the series?

Naked Werewolf Series

MH: As of right now, there will be three books in the series. HOW TO RUN is the third. But you never know what could happen.

TRC: Have you considered a spin off for the Naked Wolf series similar to Nice Girls and the Jane Jameson series?

MH: Sure, if the idea ever came up, I could see that happening.

TRC: What are your thoughts on writing a series and ending an installment with a major cliff hanger?

MH: Sometimes, it’s necessary, particularly if you’re writing a thriller series. I’ve never done it because I’m not really a “cliff hanger” writer. But as long as the author has plans to continue the series and no major health problems, I don’t see how it’s a bad thing.

TRC: When writing a storyline, do the characters direct the writing or do you direct the characters?

MH: It’s a mix of both. I start with a basic outline of what I want in the plot and then write the first and last chapters. Anything that happens in the middle is directed by character and my sick, twisted sense of humor.

TRC: The mark of a good writer is to pull the reader into the storyline so that they experience the emotions along with the characters. What do you believe a writer must do to make this happen? Where do you believe writer’s fail in this endeavor?

MH: I think the reader needs to see a little kernel of themselves in the character, something sympathetic so they can root for the character or at least feel compelled to find out what happens to him or her. That doesn’t necessarily have to mean the character is likeable. You can hate a character and still want to know how they end up. (The J.R. Ewing Principle.)

I think some writers make the mistake of trying to explain the character’s emotions in detail instead of just letting them happen. It’s a classic “show, don’t tell” issue that I struggle with sometimes, too.

TRC: What three things would you like to accomplish in the next five years?


I would like to finish the young adult manuscript I have been torturing for the last six months.

I would like to break onto a bestsellers list.

I would like to speak in public without getting really nervous.

TRC: What is something that few, if any people, know about you?

MH: I am addicted to sushi, as in, having it for lunch at least twice a week. I started a pretty serious diet a few years ago and it meant a complete nutritional overhaul. I had to replace the stuff I was eating with food that wouldn’t kill me someday. And sushi became my indulgence. I could eat green dragon rolls every day.

TRC: On what are you currently working?

MH: I will be writing several more spin offs to the Half Moon Hollow series. I could tell you what they’re about, but then I would have to send Ophelia after you.

TRC: Would you like to add anything else?

MH: If you enjoy audiobooks, BETTER HOMES AND HAUNTINGS will be released by Audible on the same day that it is released in print and ebook.

Also, my Half-Moon Hollow Christmas short story, I’M DREAMING OF AN UNDEAD CHRISTMAS, will be available in ebook on November 3, 2014.

And third book in the Bluegrass contemporary series, SNOW FALLING ON BLUEGRASS, will be released on September 22.

TRC: Thank you Molly for taking the time to answer our questions. Congratulations on the release of BETTER HOMES AND HAUNTINGS. We wish you all the best.


Molly and her publisher are offering a signed paper copy of BETTER HOMES AND HAUNTINGS and a $10 Starbucks Gift Card to ONE (1) lucky commenter at The Reading Cafe

Better Homes and Starbucks

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3. LIKE us on FACEBOOK and then click GET NOTIFICATION under ‘liked’ for an additional entry.

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6. Giveaway is open to USA only

7. Giveaway runs from June 23 to June 27, 2014


How To Run With A Naked Werewolf by Molly Harper-a review

HOW TO RUN WITH A NAKED WEREWOLF (Naked Werewolf #3) by Molly Harper-a review

How To Run with a Naked Werewolf Dec 2013 / / Barnes and Noble / KOBO / The Book Depository

ABOUT THE BOOK: Release Date December 31, 2013

Down, Boy

Anna Moder has just witnessed a shooting, seen her car pulverized, and rescued a wounded stranger only to discover he’s really a werewolf. And by her recent standards, things are actually looking up. Lycanthropes don’t faze Anna. Doctoring a wolf pack outside Grundy, Alaska, is the closest thing to home life she’s known in years. But hitching a ride to Anchorage with long-absent pack member Caleb Graham that’s a risk. Part of her itches to whack his nose with a newspaper. The rest is trying unsuccessfully to keep her own paws off every delicious inch of him.

The problem is, Caleb employs his lupine tracking abilities as a not quite-legal bounty hunter, and Anna is suspicious of both him and his profession. On the run from her past, with old problems closing in, she’d like to stay far, far away from anybody with connections to the law. Caleb, however, seems determined to keep her close. Are his intentions noble, or is he working a more predatory angle?
Anna’s been dreaming of returning to a semi-normal life, but now she’s experiencing a strange new urge . . . to join Caleb in running with the wolves.


REVIEW: HOW TO RUN WITH A NAKED WEREWOLF is the third instalment in Molly Harper’s contemporary, adult, paranormal Naked Werewolf series focusing on the werewolves of Grundy Alaska. This is Caleb Graham and Anna Moder’s storyline. Although it is the third in the series, it can be read as a standalone without any difficulty. Some of the previous storyline characters make a cameo appearance near the end, but it will not affect the storyline cohesion or cause reader confusion.

The storyline follows Anna as she comes face to face with a man who has been shot behind the grocery store at which she works. Making their escape from a gunman who is intent on taking them both down, Anna pulls Caleb into his truck only to discover that the man she is trying to save is a member of the werewolf pack where she used to live. Anna was the pack physician, but circumstances forced Anna to leave and she is still running when Caleb is shot at her back door. The only problem is that Caleb had never previously met Anna and does not know that she is aware of his supernatural side. Anna is human and on the run from her past.

The premise finds Anna and Caleb on the hunt. Caleb is a ‘bounty hunter’, of sorts, who takes on assignments that no one else is willing to handle. Anna finds herself partnered with Caleb for several hunts and soon realizes that she is falling for the man. But Anna’s past is dangerous and she will make several attempts to run but every time Caleb hunts her down forcing her to stay by his side.

The relationship between Caleb and Anna is slow to build. They are sexually and physically attracted to one another, but both keep their distance until Caleb’s wolf demands that this woman is his mate. But Caleb also has a secret and one that will push Anna away at a time when she needs him the most.

The storyline takes the reader through small towns and villages in and around Alaska searching for missing husbands and run away wives. From honky tonk bars to the snow covered forests, you can feel the cold; breathe the fresh air; and watch the sun set over a land that has yet to be explored.

HOW TO RUN WITH A NAKED WEREWOLF is another welcome storyline from Molly Harper and her Naked Werewolf series. If you life a paranormal storyline with a little bit of humor, a little bit of sex and a little bit of mystery, then this is the storyline and series for you.

Copy supplied by Netgalley.

Reviewed by Sandy


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Cover Reveals-March 14, 2013

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What do you think of the movie poster for BEAUTIFUL CREATURES?  The release date is February 13, 2013.

Upcoming in 2013

(For a more detailed list ‘click’ on the NEW RELEASE tab at the top of the page)

December 2013
Midnight’s Promise (Midnight’s Warrior #8) by Donna Grant

November 2013
Midnight’s Temptation (Midnight’s Warrior #7) by Donna Grant

October 2013
The Wicked Deeds of Daniel MacKenzie (Mackenzie #6) by Jennifer Ashley

September 2013
Untitled (Elemental #9) by Jennifer Estep
Through The Zombieglass (White Rabbit Chronicles #2) by Gena Showalter=YA

August 2013
My Notorious Gentleman (Inferno Club #6) by Gaelen Foley
The Untamed MacKenzie (MacKenzie #5.5) by Jennifer Ashley
Tall, Dark and Vampire by Sara Humphreys
Styxx (Dark Hunters) by Sherrilyn Kenyon
Burn (Breathless #3) by Maya Banks
Heart Fortune (Heart Mates) by Robin D Owens
Omens by Kelley Armstrong
Possession by Kat Richardson
Biting Bad by Chloe Neil
Heart of Venom (Elemental Assassin) by Jennifer Estep
Midnight Frost (Mythos Academy) by Jennifer Estep=YA

July 2013
The Darkest Craving (Lords of the Underworld #10) by Gena Showalter
Rapture’s Edge (Night Prowlers #3) by J.T.Geissinger
Fifth Grave Past the Light (Charley Davidson) by Darynda Jones
Enthralled by Lora Leigh/Alyssa Day et al
Outcast Prince by Shona Husk
Cold Copper (The Edge of Steam ) by Evan Monk

June 2013
Darkness Avenged (Guardians of Eternity) by Alexandra Ivy
Affliction (Anita Blake) by Laurell K Hamilton
Tiger Magic (Shifters Unbound) by Jennifer Ashley
Wicked Memories (Castles of Dark Dreams) by Nina Bangs

June 2013 Young Adult
Cold Steele by Kate Elliott
Born of Illusion by Teri Brown
After Daybreak (Darkness Before Dawn 33) by J.A. London
Rush by Eve Silver
Ink by Amanda Sun
The Keep by Veronica Wolff
Gameboard of the Gods by Richelle Mead



Molly Harper-Interview and Giveaway with the Author

Molly Harper -Interview with the Author

From the Website: When Molly Harper was eight years old, she set up a “writing office” in her parents’ living room, complete with an old manual typewriter and a toy phone. And she (very slowly) pecked out the story of her third-grade class taking a trip around the world and losing a kid in each city. She had a dark sense of humor even then.

When Molly was considerably older, she headed for Western Kentucky University, where she majored in print journalism. After graduation, she landed a job with the Paducah Sun and married her high school sweetheart, David, a local police officer. After six years at the newspaper, Molly took a more family-friendly secretarial position at a local church office.

Her husband worked nights and Molly was alone with their small child in the “The Apartment of Lost Souls.” A big fan of vampire movies and TV shows, she decided to write a vampire romance novel. “I wondered what would be the most humiliating way possible to be turned into a vampire—a story that a vampire would be embarrassed to share with their vampire buddies over a nice glass of Type O,” said Molly.

Read Complete Bio: Molly Harper Website

TRC: Hi Molly and Welcome to The Reading Cafe. Congratulations on the release of The Care and Feeding of Stray Vampires. We would like to start with some background information.  Please tell us something about yourself?

Molly: I am a former newspaper reporter turned romance author from small-town western Kentucky.  I wrote my first vampire book, NICE GIRLS DON’T HAVE FANGS, at night while I was working as a church secretary. I’m married to my high school sweetheart, David, a local police officer.  He was the inspiration for the character, Monroe, in AND ONE LAST THING…

TRC: What have been some of the challenges you have faced in your writing career?

Molly: I think, comparatively, my road to publication was fairly smooth.  There are people who spend years trying to get representation and sell one manuscript.  It took me a year to finish NICE GIRLS, and then about four months to find an agent and sell it.  I can’t complain at all there and realize that this is not a typical publishing story.  I am very, very lucky.

The challenge came after, when I was working full-time and writing at night to meet contract deadlines.  For about five years (2007-2012), I was getting an average of 4 to 5 hours of sleep at night because I would stay up way past midnight to write my manuscripts. Then I’d get up at 5:30 to get my kids ready for school, and go work a full day.  That wears on you after a while.   Fortunately, we reached the point where I could stay home and write full time earlier this year.  So I’m finally getting enough sleep. J

TRC: Many authors bounce ideas and information between each other and their family and friends. With whom do you share ideas and information and why?

Molly: I have a few author friends who are kind enough to put up with me when I’m stuck or need a barometer to determine if an idea stinks.  My mom, a lifelong romance reader, is also a good sounding board.

TRC: You have quite a wicked sense of humor that shows in your writing style. How would you describe your particular style of writing?

Molly: Snark-tastic.  For some reason, I see the world at a slight angle, and people seem to find it amusing.  My mom and dad are both very dry, funny people.  The stories and humor at family gatherings tend to be hyperbolic and wacky.  I think that shows in my writing.

TRC: Your heroine Jane Jameson is quite the ‘eclectic’ heroine.  Is there anyone in particular that you have ‘mirrored’ or emulated in the creation of Jane?

Molly: Myself.  I am shameless about injecting my own personality into Jane.  I wrote a book years before, which will never see the light of day.  It didn’t work, because there was nothing of my personality in the character.  I felt no connection to her and the intimacy that I seem to share with Jane and her world just wasn’t there.  So I gave Jane my love of books, my clumsiness, my occasional social awkwardness, and my ability to curse creatively.  We’re very similar, but different, because there are things Jane does that I would know better than to try.  (Mixing coffee and synthetic blood, for example.)  So far, it’s worked for me.

TRC: NICE GIRLS DON’T BITE THEIR NEIGHBORS was your February 2012 release in the Jane Jameson series.  Would you please tell us about the premise of the story?

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Molly: Just as Jane Jameson’s unlife seems to be stabilizing, fate sinks its fangs firmly into her butt. Despite her near-phobia of wedding planning, her no-frills nighttime nuptials to her sexy boyfriend, Gabriel, are coming along smoothly. That is, until she turns a fatally wounded teenage acquaintance, and the Council pronounces her responsible for the newborn vamp until he can control his thirst.

Jane’s kitchen barely holds enough Faux Type O to satiate the cute teen’s appetite and maintain Gabriel’s jealous streak at a slow simmer. As if keeping her hyperactive childe from sucking the blood out of the entire neighborhood isn’t enough to deal with, the persnickety ghost of Jane’s newly deceased grandma Ruthie has declared war on the fanged residents of River Oaks. Suddenly choosing monogrammed cocktail napkins and a cake she can’t even eat seem downright relaxing in comparison.

Tensions inside the house are growing…and outside, a sinister force is aiming a stake straight for the center of Gabriel’s heart. Most brides just have to worry about choosing the right dress, but Jane fears that at this rate, she’ll never make it down the aisle for the wedding all nice girls dream of…

TRC: Have you had any particular challenges with the character of Jane or the Jane Jameson series of novels?

Molly: Giving Jane so many problems.  I am afraid sometimes that I’m stretching believability that Jane – someone who’s generally pretty likeable – seems to attract so many mortal enemies.

TRC:   THE CARE AND FEEDING OF STRAY VAMPIRES is your July 2012 new release. Will you please tell us something about the premise of the book and the new spin-off series?

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Molly: I seem to be fascinated with poisoned vampires lately. I shot Gabriel with a poisoned arrow in NICE GIRLS DON’T BITE THEIR NEIGHBORS. I dosed a vampire’s blood with ghost chili oil in an upcoming anthology story, THE UNDEAD IN MY BED. And in CARE AND FEEDING, Iris Scanlon, Half-Moon Hollow’s only daytime vampire concierge, knows more about the undead than she’d like. Running all their daylight errands–from letting in the plumber to picking up some chilled O neg–gives her a look at the not-so-glamorous side of vampire life. Her rules are strict; relationships with vamps are strictly business, not friendship–and certainly not anything else.But then she finds her newest client, Cal, poisoned on his kitchen floor, and only Iris can help.

Cal – who would be devastatingly sexy, if Iris allowed herself to think that way – offers Iris a hefty fee for hiding him at her place until he figures out who wants him permanently dead. Even though he’s imperious, unfriendly and doesn’t seem to understand the difference between “employee” and “servant,” Iris agrees, and finds herself breaking more and more of her own rules to help him – particularly those concerning nudity. Turns out what her quiet little life needed was some intrigue & romance–in the form of her very own stray vampire.

TRC: Do you have any plans to continue the Jane Jameson series now that you have started a spin-off series?

Molly: No, I have written the last title focusing on Jane. But I really love doing the spin offs. I can go back to that world and those characters but still have fun with new characters.


TRC: Do you have any plans to continue the werewolf series? If not, is there a particular reason or aspect that determined your decision?

Molly: I hope to make an announcement about that soon.

TRC: Have you ever been approached about a television series for any or all of your books? Have you ever considered writing for a television series?

Molly: No, I would love to see any of my titles make it to the screen. But I’ve never been approached. And I would love to write for TV, but I would probably be the “funny quip” writer who adds meat to the already sturdy plot structure provided by other writers.

TRC: Would you please tell us on what you are currently working?

Molly: I could tell you, but then I would have to send werewolves after you. (Sorry, the contracts aren’t actually signed yet, so I don’t want to jinx the project.)

TRC: Would you like to add anything else?

Molly: If you don’t have time to read, I would recommend looking up my books on Audio. It’s a handy way to get your reading time in while commuting to work, doing chores, etc. I never would have finished the Percy Jackson series without them. J, iTunes and carry all of my titles on audiobook. Amanda Ronconi does a beautiful job narrating each one.


Favorite Food

Chicken Marsala

Favorite Dessert

Chocolate Truffle Cake

Favorite TV Show

The Office

Favorite Movie

“Daddy’s Dying, Who’s Got the Will?”

Last Movie you Saw

Lost in Austen. (Does that count? It was a miniseries.)

Dark or Milk Chocolate


Do you have any pets?

Two dachshunds.

Last Vacation Destination

Panama City Beach, FL.

TRC: Thank you very much for taking the time to answer our questions. We are looking forward to all of your new releases and re-reading our favorites. We wish you the best of luck with your writing career.

Molly has graciously offered a copy of THE CARE AND FEEDING OF STRAY VAMPIRES to THREE (3) lucky members at The Reading Cafe.

1. You must be a member at The Reading Cafe. If you are not a member, pleaser register using the sign-in at the top of the page, or by using one of our social log-ins.

2. If you use one of the social log-ins, please post your email address with your comment, as twitter etc does not allow for email addresses.

3. Please answer ONE of the LIGHTNING ROUND questions.

4. Giveaway open to continental USA and Canada only.

5. Contest runs July 31 to Aug 3, 2012


The Care and Feeding of Stray Vampires by Molly Harper-a review

The Care and Feeding of Stray Vampires by Molly Harper -a review


THE CARE AND FEEDING OF STRAY VAMPIRES is the new (July 31, 2012) release and spin-off from Molly Harper’s Jane Jameson Nice Girls series. I was introduced to the writings of Molly Harper through her Naked Werewolf series and thought I would give Jane Jameson a try. I must say the humor and comedic writings with which Molly weaves her storylines had me giggling and laughing.

Iris Scanlon, our heroine, is a take-charge young woman, raising her teen-age sister in a world where vampires and humans co-exist since the Great Coming Out of 1999- although not always a happy co-existence. Keeping food on the table and a roof over their heads in the fictional town of Half Moon Hollow, Iris owns a business (Beeline) that caters to humans and vampires-part events coordinator, part concierge services, and part personal organizer. As a “daywalker” she is a Daytime Vampire Concierge-doing special services for her undead clients who would otherwise be ‘indisposed’. But her most recent trip to a new client’s temporary home would find Iris sprawled on the floor trying to save the ‘life’ of a ‘poisoned’ vampire.

Cletus (Cal) Calix is an ancient vampire with ties to the World Council for the Equal Treatment of the Undead. In the town of Half Moon Hollow to investigate a series of unprovoked and vicious attacks by vampires against humans, Cal finds he is the victim of a potentially deadly poisoning and in the care of a very human female who has no desire to become friends, which suits Cal. Weak and barely able to stand Cal will find himself attracted to the spunky female and protective of her younger sister Gigi.

Iris is hoping her house-guest will leave, but sick and slow to recover, Cal needs a place to stay and continue his investigation behind a wall of secrecy. Possibly poisoned by the very vampires he works for, Cal and Iris begin a search that will put everyone at risk and possibly end the life of the woman he wants to call his own. As the investigation deepens Iris will venture out on her own, but soon finds herself caught between lies and deceit, and the knowledge that she should have trusted her instincts before she loses everyone she loves.

Many of Molly’s NICE GIRLS characters drop by for cameos giving the spin-off a recognizable and familiar edge. Blending the new novel with some of the Jane Jameson storyline flows smoothly and allows readers to feel like they never left Half Moon Hollow. The Care and Feeding of Stray Vampires had me laughing and crying. Iris is a strong-willed and spunky woman who knows what she wants but even lies and betrayal will cut deep when the heart is involved. This is a fantastic and wonderful storyline that I could not put down. Here’s to another great story from Molly Harper.

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Reviewed by Sandy
