Something Like Normal (Something Like Normal #1) by Monica James-Review,Interview & Giveaway

SOMETHING LIKE NORMAL (Something Like Normal #1) by Monica James-Review, Interview and Giveaway

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Something Like Normal
Something Like Normal #1
by Monica James
Genre: New Adult, contemporary
Release Date: May 13, 2014

Something LIke Normal / / Barnes and Noble /

ABOUT THE BOOK: Release Date May 13, 2014

Mia Lee has a secret…

A secret she’s kept hidden since she was eight years old, however, Mia will no longer allow that secret to define her.

An irrevocable decision has left Mia Lee a fugitive and on the run—a circumstance that should leave her weak and scared, yet Mia has never felt so alive.

Under the pseudonym of Paige Cassidy, Mia is ready to live the life she’s never had, and she’s determined not to allow her tainted past dictate her promising future.

Paige is on a Greyhound bus heading from L.A. to South Boston, Virginia, to start a new life. A life that includes finding her mother, who abandoned her at age three. But what she finds, is four people, who will change her life forever.

Yet no one can outrun their past…

Especially one filled with bitter memories, which refuse to remain hidden


REVIEW: SOMETHING LIKE NORMAL is the first instalment in Monica James’s contemporary, new adult series of the same name. The focus of the series is on nineteen year old Mia Lee (aka Paige Cassidy) and the horror that has been her life.

Told from first person (Mia/Paige) POV, the storyline premise follows Paige as she runs from her past. Landing in South Boston, Virginia with only a few dollars and a backpack with little more, Paige will discover that sometimes family has nothing to do with the blood in your veins but the people you meet along the way.Much of the back story is told through flashbacks and nightmares.

Monica James pulls the reader into an emotional storyline where a young woman had to make a choice –a choice that haunts her sleep but a choice that had to be made. Meeting Quinn and Tristan Berkeley, Hank the motel operator and Tabitha (her new BFF), Paige learns what it means to be family-a family of misfits who are there when the world begins to spiral out of control.

There is a slight love triangle formula developing between Paige and the Berkeley brothers which amped up my anxiety with an already emotional and heartbreaking storyline. Tristan and Quinn’s family history is just a step up from Mia’s horrific past and Paige (Mia) will find a kindred soul mate in Quinn.

The secondary characters (Tabitha, Quinn, Tristan, Hank) play a major role throughout the story and become one another’s sole source of comfort and support. The world building brings the abhorrent face of abuse, betrayal, neglect and addiction –front and center-in a storyline that will tug at your heart and your soul.

Monica James writes a seductive story about one woman finding solace and support from the unlikeliest of people and places. SOMETHING LIKE NORMAL is a provocative, emotional, intense and passionate storyline; the back story is gritty, abrasive and startling; and the present is traumatic and profound. You will not walk away untouched.

Copy supplied by the author.

Reviewed by Sandy

Interview beige

TRC: Hi Monica and welcome to The Reading Cafe. Congratulations on the release of SOMETHING LIKE NORMAL and the success of your I, Surrender series.

We would like to start with some background information. Would you please tell us something about yourself?

Follow Monica James: Goodreads Twitter / Facebook

Monica JamesMonica: Well, I am a humbled girl from Australia, who is incredibly grateful to be doing an interview with someone halfway across the world. I studied Philosophy and Literature at University and I loved it. I loved reading the philosophies of Aristotle, Plato and Nietzsche because their writings are simply beautiful. So I guess in a way, these philosophers inspired me to follow my dream, and take a chance to start writing seriously.

TRC: Who or what influenced your career in writing?

Monica: Life inspired, and still inspires me to write. I never really had a moment where I was like, ‘Yes, I want to be a writer.’ I just loved being able to express myself onto paper, as writing came so naturally to me. It started out jotting down simple phrases, quotes, thoughts, and then it extended into poems and short stories. Then it just exploded and went from there. I love being able to tell a story, and share my vision with everyone who reads my work.

TRC: When not writing, what do you do to relax?

Monica: I love hanging out with my pets. And of course, reading.

Something LIke NormalTRC: SOMETHING LIKE NORMAL is the first release in your latest contemporary, new adult series. Would you please tell us something about the premise?

Monica: Something like Normal is a manuscript I hold very close to my heart. This book was a very challenging, taxing project to write, but I loved every minute of it. I wanted to write a different story, and challenge myself as a writer, and also, challenge my readers. Some readers may find the context a little dark, but that’s what I love about this series. Every chapter challenges me, and also pushes me to write outside my comfort zone, which I love. The premise is simple: my characters just want to find their piece of normalcy in a not so normal world.

TRC: Are any of the characters or the premise based in reality or a combination of reality and fiction?

Monica: Honestly, I had to do a lot of research for this book. I wanted it to be as accurate as possible, and also, I wanted it to be confronting. It is mainly fiction; however, the characters are loosely based on people I know.

TRC: How many books do you have planned for the series?

Monica: There are 4 books in this series, and they all follow the same characters throughout each book. These characters have a lot of secrets, and I really wanted to ensure I didn’t rush anyone’s past, especially Mia’s and Quinn’s.

TRC: What challenges or difficulties (research, logistics, background) did you encounter writing this particular story and series?

Monica: Heaps. This story involves certain situations and topics which I have never personally encountered before. I wanted to make the story as real, and as raw as possible. Everything that you read was researched, and double checked, to ensure that what you are reading is factual.

TRC: SURRENDERED-the final book in your I Surrender trilogy will be released in July 2014. Will you give us any hints or clues about the premise?

Monica: It was actually very sad writing, Surrendered. I have become very attached to these characters, and wrapping up their stories was hard. I did cry a few times LOL Hints- hmm, let’s just say Jasper White is gonna make you swoon!

TRC: Have you considered a spinoff or novella series when the trilogy is complete?

Monica: Yes, I have. If the fans want it, then I’ll see what I can do 😉

I Surrender seriesTRC: We have read where you have re-written the first two books –I Surrender and Surrender to Me-in your I Surrender series. Has the premise changed from the original storylines such that reading the new release will be confusing to previous readers?


Click HERE for our reviews of I, Surrender and Surrender to Me.

Monica: Not at all. When I say they are rewritten, this means the flow of the storyline has been rewritten. The actual plot itself has remained the same. A few scenes have been added, so think of these as bonus scenes.

TRC: What are your thoughts on writing a series and ending an instalment with a major cliff hanger?

Monica: LOL I know many readers hate them, but I feel they are needed to keep the readers coming back for more. Personally, as a reader, the more powerful and devastating an ending, the more chance I have at remembering the story. I love eagerly awaiting the next book in a series I love, because it’s like Christmas morning when I get my hands on it!

TRC: When writing a storyline, do the characters direct the writing or do you direct the characters?

Monica: If only I had a say! It’s 100% the characters. I cannot tell you how many times I have sat down in front of my laptop with a clear vision in my head, and then by the end of it, it reads like a totally different story. Some characters are louder and more obnoxious than others LOL, but I do try and stay true to them, and even though their decisions are sometimes questioned by readers, there is a reason why they are doing it.

TRC: The mark of a good writer is to pull the reader into the storyline so that they experience the emotions along with the characters. What do you believe a writer must do to make this happen? Where do you believe writer’s fail in this endeavor?

Monica: This is a really good question. There is only one rule I religiously follow when writing, and that is, write what you know. Your readers are intelligent, and they will know if you’re trying to write about something you’re not comfortable with. I am not talking about subject matter, because like I mentioned, Something like Normal was a project out of my comfort zone. I’m referring to writing style, words, flow etc…

An honest, raw piece of literature which showcases your talent, I believe, is what makes a successful story. If you want to write about something totally foreign to you, just make sure you have done your homework.

TRC: Writer’s Block is a very real phenomenon. How do you handle the pressures and anxiety of writer’s block?

Monica: I usually take a breather for a few days. I watch movies, read, and listen to music, that kind of thing. The more pressure put on oneself, I believe, the worse it gets. Writing should be expressive, not structured and controlled.

TRC: Many authors bounce ideas and information with other authors or friends and family. With whom do you bounce ideas?

Monica: I am a very private writer, and I actually only use one other person to bounce my ideas off, and that is my friend, and fellow author, Lisa Edward.

TRC: What three things would you like to accomplish in the next five years?

Monica: Well, I am honoured to be an Amazon bestselling author, so I guess the next step would be reaching for the stars.

TRC: What is something that few, if any people, know about you?

Monica: I am terrified of Air Blown Inflatable Characters

TRC: On what are you currently working?

Monica: Book 2 of the Something like Normal series, and a standalone.

TRC: Would you like to add anything else?

Monica: I wanted to give a shout out to my ever supportive, forever loyal readers- You guys mean everything to me. Without you, I wouldn’t be where I am now. It’s because of your enthusiasm and loyalty that I am able to do what I love, and for that, I will forever be grateful to each and every one of you. And the only way I can repay you, is to continue writing stories I hope you will love.

Thanks for this. It was fun x


Favorite Food Pizza

Favorite Dessert Pancakes

Favorite TV Show Dexter and Supernatural

Last Movie You Saw The Lego Movie

Favorite Musical Group 30 Seconds to Mars

Dark or Milk Chocolate Dark

Secret Celebrity Crush Animal (yes, the character from The Muppets)

Last Vacation Destination USA (I miss you guys ☹)

Pet Peeve Dog ears in books!

TRC: Thank you Monica for taking the time to answer our questions. It is always fun to meet the author. Congratulations on the release of SOMETHING LIKE NORMAL and the upcoming release of SURRENDERED.

Giveaway beige

Monica James is offering an ecopy of SOMETHING LIKE NORMAL to one (1) lucky commenter at The Reading Cafe

1. Please register using the log-in at the top of the page (side bar) or by using one of the social log-ins.

2. If you are using a social log-in, please post your email address with your comment.

3. LIKE us on FACEBOOK and then click GET NOTIFICATION under ‘liked’ for an additional entry.

4. LIKE us on Twitter for an additional entry.

5. Giveaway is open to INTERNATIONAL.

6. Giveaway runs from May 19 to May 23, 2014, 2014


Surrender to Me (I Surrender #2) by Monica James

Surrender to Me (I Surrender #2) by Monica James

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Surrender to Me
I Surrender Trilogy #2
by Monica James
Genre: New Adult, contemporary, romance
Release Date: October 21, 2013

Surrender To Me / / and Noble

SURRENDER TO ME (I Surrender #2) by Monica James

ABOUT THE BOOK: Release Date October 21, 2013

Ava Thompson left the love of her life, Jasper White, to unearth her destiny. Even though the decision was the toughest of her life, it was the only way for Ava to grow into the woman she’s always wanted to become.

Sadly, that destiny has led her back to the place that broke her.


And more importantly, it has led her back to the man who broke her.


But Ava is no longer the scared, lost girl she once was. Ava is stronger, and she will not allow her past, taint her future.

Six months later, Ava travels back to Los Angeles for an event that embraces the true meaning of love. Sadly for Ava, her meaning of true love has been lost.

And that’s because of one life changing event that has altered her life forever.

Los Angeles is not how Ava left it. Things have changed. People have changed. She has changed. But what has remained untouched is her passionate love for Jasper White.

But does Jasper feel the same?

REVIEW: SURRENDER TO ME is the second storyline in Monica James’s contemporary, new adult romance series focusing on Ava Thompson and Jasper White. This instalment commences approximately four months following the end of I Surrender when Ava returns to the United States to stand up in her best friend’s wedding.

In the intervening four months the storyline changes dramatically. When we last left Ava and Jasper, they had pledged their undying love for one another as Ava departed for a scholarship program at the CIA (Culinary Institute of America) in Singapore-the same place where he ex boyfriend Harper still resides. Of course, you can see the problems approaching now that Harper and Ava are going to be in close proximity to one another.

The relationship between Ava and Jasper has fallen apart due in part to a piece of information that the reader is not privy to throughout most of the building story and when Ava returns to America with her ex-boyfriend in tow, things go from bad to worse with every encounter between our leading couple. And to complicate matters, Ava keeps the truth about her relationship with Harper a secret-one that even her BFF Veronica is not aware. Harper and Ava are back together as a couple and the reasons Ava keeps close to her heart.

The reader is pulled into another storyline of emotional ups and downs especially when Jasper is unable to stay angry with Ava for very long. His need and love for Ava has barely survived their separation and is clearly spiraling out of control as the storyline progresses. Jasper and Ava’s connection can be felt to the deepest part of their soul: their love for one another is both heartbreaking and sad because of the elephant in the room-what went wrong and why? The relationship issues needed to be resolved before anyone would get their HEA.

Harper (Ava’s ex) plays a more active role in Surrender to Me-one that will place Jasper and Ava in a difficult situation. He is an enigma and a man with an obvious plan. Although his part was predictable from a reader’s POV, I kept wondering why Ava hadn’t clued in to Jasper’s late night behavior and obvious avoidance of his girlfriend.

The world building and especially the character development continues from I Surrender. Monica delves deeper into Jasper and Harper’s personalities including Harper’s need for Ava and why. The storyline covers a few days in the life before the wedding and concludes with a surprising pronouncement a few weeks later.

SURRENDER TO ME is a passionate storyline about two people so much in love with another but two people who have a difficult time revealing the truth behind the continuous misunderstandings and thoughts of betrayal. It is a story where the heart knows what it wants before the mind has had a chance to see the entire picture.

Copy supplied by the author.

Reviewed by Sandy


I SURRENDER (I Surrender #1)
by Monica James
Release Date: July 2013 / /

I SurrenderSingapore has stolen a piece of Ava Thompson.

It took one life shattering moment, for her to realize, her EX is not the man she believed him to be. Returning home to Los Angeles was never going to be easy for Ava. Her heart has been shattered to smithereens and she’s convinced it’ll never heal. Or, so she thought.

Enter Jasper White.

Unbeknown to Ava, Jasper White will change her life forever.

The attraction is instantaneous which troubles Ava, who has sworn off men indefinitely. But, she is finding resisting Jasper, with his tousled bedroom hair and piercing cerulean eyes, harder than she ever imagined. And that’s because Jasper knows what he wants, and he wants Ava.

But, can Ava surrender to her feelings for the one man who compels her to love again? Because, what happens if love does not triumph all? What happens if love isn’t enough?

I SURRENDER is the first storyline in Monica James’s contemporary, new adult romance series focusing on Ava Thompson and rock god/guitarist Jasper White. Ava is broken-her boyfriend of four years announced that he doesn’t love her and wants a clean break. Believing that nothing or no one will ever mend her shredded heart, Ava will meet Jasper White-the man to whom she is drawn both body and soul. What ensues is a roller coaster of betrayal, jealousy, anger and hurtful words that will destroy the fragile repairs to each other’s hearts.

The storyline premise will see Ava and Jasper building a relationship – one of friends to enemies to friends to lovers to enemies to friends and back again. Yes, there it is. The proverbial roller coaster of misunderstanding, painful realizations, heartbreaking accusations and falling in love. As Ava and Jasper dance around each other both continue to ignore the elephant in the room-their exes who still have some sort of hold on their lives.

The reader is pulled into a story about one woman’s inability to move on and one man’s inability to forget about the painful childhood and the parents who cared for nothing but the next drink or getting high. Jasper believes himself unworthy of Ava’s love and Ava continues to prove him right when she is unwilling to admit that she loves the man who has stolen her heart.

The storyline is both emotionally draining and frustrating as we watch Ava destroy the relationship and the man because of her painful past. The couple push and pull at one another’s emotional fragility until there will come a point when hurtful words are daggers to the heart.

There is a colorful cast of secondary characters including Ava’s best friend V and Jasper’s band mate Lucas as well as Jasper’s evil, spiteful ex who continues to make Ava’s life miserable at every opportunity. Ava and Jasper push each other over and over, until finally, both will break under the pressure. This is a story about two people so drawn to one another but the walls that surround their hearts is so thick, it will take a separation to begin the long process of breaking down and giving in.

If you are a fan of angst driven, heartbreaking storylines where an uneasy declaration of love is threatened by yet another perfectly timed separation and threat, then I SURRENDER by Monica James is the read for you. It has all the elements of the new adult storylines: betrayal; secrets; painful past; sorrow; spiteful exes; and misunderstandings. And it also has a HEA for now because Ava has chosen to finish her goal of becoming a gourmet chef and it will bring her face to face with the man who broke her heart and sent her away.

Reviewed by Sandy


Surrender to Me by Monica James

“Do you like me more now?”

At the moment, I am trying to stop myself from liking him too much. But I’m pretty certain I am way too late, as the like ship, set sail a long time ago, and now I am faced with an endless sea of pure wanton need.

“Jasper…” I pause, unsure of what I want to say. “Let me take you home,” I finish off.

Jasper shakes his head, pulling me towards him so we are chest to chest.

“Answer my question first.”

His alcohol laced breath is fanning my cheeks, and for some reason, it is a total turn on. My hormones begin a striptease, hoping I listen to them and give in to my needs.

“Yes,” I reply simply, because it’s the truth.

Jasper leans forward, hovering over my mouth. “How much?”

I hold onto my breath, afraid if I breathe the wrong way, I might do something I know I shouldn’t.

“This much,” I say breathlessly, while stretching my thumb and forefinger as far as they will extend.

Jasper tongues his top lip. “Good. Okay, now let’s go home,” he says while pulling back with a smug look on his face, as he knows he has caused me to go weak at the knees.


How I wish his home was mine.

Surrender to Me playlist:

Passengers of Ego links: (where you can purchase the cd and tshirts)

POE’s debut song Set Me Free Lyric Video:

Direct Link:

About The Author

Monica JamesMonica James spent her youth devouring the works of Anne Rice, William Shakespeare and Emily Dickinson. Listening to the likes of Elvis to Fiona Apple and everything in between has been her inspirational tool to write. Her varied musical and literary tastes have shaped her into the writer she has become. Monica partook in extra Literature and Writing studies in High School. She studied a Bachelor of Arts, Humanities and Social Sciences at La Trobe University Victoria, Australia, majoring in Philosophy and Cinema Studies for three years. When she is not writing she is running her own business, but always finds a balance between the two. Monica enjoys reading honest, heartfelt and turbulent stories that leave an imprint on her. She put pen to paper because she wanted to write a book that she would want to read. She draws inspiration from her surroundings, hopeful others enjoy reading about the world as she sees it.

Rafflecopter Giveaway

Grand Prize of a signed copy of Surrender To Me, swag, Passengers of Ego CD and a T-shirt.

3 Amazon Ebook copies of Surrender to Me

NOTE: The Reading Cafe is NOT responsible for the rafflecopter giveaway. Please contact the tour promoter if you have any questions.

a Rafflecopter giveaway


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