More Than I Could by Adriana Locke-review tour

More Than I Could by Adriana Locke-review tour / / / /

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ABOUT THE BOOK: Release Date FEBRUARY 27, 2023

This grumpy hero makes things hard for the nanny.
You know what? I’m over him.
His moods.
The verbal sparring.
Those biceps that look like they were cut from marble.
Okay, maybe I’m not over him being shirtless.
Chase Marshall is a single dad with a daughter to love, so fighting with me shouldn’t be a priority. But he can’t seem to stay away.
The lingering looks when he thinks I’m not watching.
The seemingly innocent touches while making breakfast.
The smirks gracing his lips after I’m irritated by his antics.
He’s ridiculously sweet to his daughter. I even catch glimpses of how charming he could be to me—if he wanted to.
But that’s the problem. He acts like he doesn’t want to. That he doesn’t want me.
He does. It’s in the innuendos, the way he places his hand in the small of my back—the almost kisses while we’re putting away groceries. The way he comes running when I see a spider and checks on me before he goes to bed. Even if he does grumble about it.
I might not be totally over my boss, but I’m going to make him think I am.
Let’s see how frustrated Mr. Marshall gets now.


REVIEW: There is nothing like a good grumpy sunshine troupe, and Adriana Locke does it better than most. More Than I Could is a fun, sweet, romance that has the feels, all the spicy and all the best drama. This is a standalone in the Adriana Locke world so read to your heart’s content.

Megan and Chase have quick chemistry and are even quicker to act on it when Megan becomes Chase’ daughters new nanny. Yes, that’s right, it’s the nanny and daddy romance. What’s better is that Chase is a grumpy bear, but with a heart of gold. Little Kennedy is a Daddy’s girl, and Chase, while he struggles, is an amazing father.

The dynamic between Chase and Megan is enjoyable to read, and those moments with the three of them together, well they are enough to give anyone a toothache. Then, on the flip side of the couple they have the funniest back and forth arguing, and wow, even better spicy bits.

Adriana Locke always takes her time with her main character, developing their stories and emotions, but her side characters are also so likable and fun to read. I hope to see Gavin and Kate getting a story as well. If you like a heartwarming story to read during the cold nights, well look no further than More Than I Could.

Copy supplied for review

Reviewed by Sarah S

USA Today bestselling author Adriana Locke lives and breathes books. After years of slightly obsessive relationships with the flawed bad boys dreamed up by other authors, she decided to create her own. She is the author of Tumble, the first novel in her Dogwood Lane series; the Exception series; the Gibson Brothers series; and the Landry Family series.

She resides in the Midwest with her husband, her sons, two dogs, two cats, and a bird. She spends a large amount of time playing with her kids, drinking coffee, and cooking. You can find her outside if the weather’s nice, and there’s always a piece of candy in her pocket. Besides cinnamon gummy bears, boxing, and random quotes, her next favorite thing is chatting with readers. She’d love to hear from you! Look for her at

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