Nichole Chase-Interview with the Author

Nichole Chase is a daydreamer.
No, really, just ask any of the math teachers that had the misfortune of seeing her name appear on their class schedule.
For years she has had story lines and characters begging for attention, but she resolutely pushed them aside to focus on more normal (read, boring) jobs. Well, no longer She is currently heeding the voices in her head and frantically writing their stories. Nichole resides in South Georgia with her husband, energetic toddler, three dogs, and two cats.
When not devouring novels by the dozens, you may find her writing, painting, crafting, or chasing her daughter around the house while making monster noises.
Nichole Chase: Website
TRC: Hi Nichole and welcome to The Reading Café.
We would like to start with some background information. Would you please
tell us something about yourself?
Nichole: I originally went to college for Art History, but ended up in a completely different profession. It wasn’t something that made me very happy. Thankfully, I realized that people were publishing their stories independently of publishing houses and it gave me the courage to finish Mortal Obligation. After publishing in July of 2011, I haven’t looked back.
A little random stuff about me: the ring tone on my cell phone is the theme song from the Goonies. I love to paint and be crafty. I am the mother to a crazy, wild, beautiful, brilliant toddler that has inherited my imagination. I am a sucker for tv marathons on hot afternoons. I’m married to my soul mate who thankfully appreciates my love of random marathons.
TRC: You proclaim yourself to be a daydreamer. Daydreamers tend to have very active imaginations. Do you believe this is where your love of writing stems from?
Nichole: Without a doubt, my daydreams are what inspires me to write. I’ve always loved to read, but as a child and teenager I’d get caught up in my daydreams and started scribbling down little stories in notebooks. I still have those notebooks and flip through them from time to time. In fact, one of the scenes in Mortal Obligation had a rough beginning in one of those notebooks.
TRC: As a child, how did you put your creative energies to use?
NIchole: Lots and lots of ways! Painting and drawing were my first obvious creative outlets. My parents still give me grief for painting a dolphin on my bedroom. Let’s just say we didn’t discuss my decorating idea before I put brush to wall. They did come around eventually and let me paint my whole room. My parents were great about fostering my love of art.
In middle school I wrote my first short story. It’s rough and kind of horrible, but my grandmother took it and kept it for years. She was the first person to believe that I would be an author.
TRC: What challenges and difficulties have you faced as a writer?
Nichole: I think one of the hardest things for a writer to do, is to believe in their self. Every time you put a book out, you are placing a bit of yourself out for the world to read. As the mother to a rambunctious toddler, it is also hard to make time to write! That’s been a very large task to accomplish and I’m constantly trying to come up with new ways to manage it!
TRC: MORTAL OBLIGATION is the first book in your YA Dark Betrayal series?
Nichole: Yes.
TRC: Would you please tell us about the premise?
Nichole: Mortal Obligation follows the story of Alastriana (Ree) McKenna as she learns her frightful destiny. She is the only mortal standing between the Earth and utter destruction. Thankfully, she has the help of immortal guardians, one of which just happens to be her brothers hot best friend.
LINKS TO PURCHASE Mortal Obligations:
Amazon Kindle, Amazon Paper Books,B&N Nook and Paper Books
TRC: The premise is different compared to other ‘vampire’ genre storylines. How did you come up with the idea?
Nichole: It started with a scene, or rather while driving through downtown Savannah and seeing a girl walk through one of the squares. She had this look of concern and kept glancing over her shoulder as if thinking someone was following her. The radio was playing Evanescence and my mind took off. I needed to know what she was trying to get away from, who– or more importantly, what was following her. From there, my mind just picked at the idea until I had a working outline. In a lot of ways, I worked backwards. I had a scene, but needed the details, the in’s and out’s.
TRC: Was there an ‘ah ha’ moment that pushed you along a certain path?
Nichole: There were several, but I will say that the main one had to do with Roland. When I first began the book, I had no intention of having a love triangle. Unfortunately, Roland was very persistent about some things. (Yes, my characters talk to me. They have their own personalities. My husband is constantly giving me worried looks.) I was driving home from a doctors appointment, when Roland suddenly explained why certain things had to happen, why certain people felt certain ways. It was a huge AH HA moment. I may have fist pumped and drummed on my steering wheel, but only the other drivers on the road will know for sure. 😉
TRC: MORTAL DEFIANCE is the second instalment in the series. Would you please tell us about the premise?
Nichole: Mortal Defiance picks up immediately following Mortal Obligation. In this book, lines are drawn between people, gods, and enemies. The gang also realizes that when the gods are involved nothing is as clear-cut as it seems. The romance picks up in this book and Ree has to come to terms with who she is and the responsibility that comes along with it.
TRC: Is Mortal Defiance available for e-readers?
Nichole: Actually, Mortal Defiance released in December of 2011. It is available for Nook and Kindle as well as paperback on both Barnes and Noble and Amazon.
LINKS TO PURCHASE Mortal Defiance: Amazon Paper Books, Amazon Kindle, B&N Nook and Paper Books
TRC: IMMORTAL GRAVE is the final book in the Dark Betrayal series. Would you please tell us about the premise? When will it be available?
Nichole: Immortal Grave is the conclusion to the Dark Betrayal Trilogy. The final battle unleashes chaos in Savannah, while Ree learns to deal with the changes that happened in Mortal Defiance. So far, Immortal Grave has been my favorite story line. So much happens, so much comes clear, and Ree starts kicking serious butt. I don’t have a release date for Immortal Grave, yet, but I do think it will be soon!
TRC: The ‘love triangle’ between Ree, Payden and Roland is almost heartbreaking. It is difficult to pick a clear ‘suitor’ for Ree. Do you mange to write a conclusion that you were happy with the results? Will our hearts break?
Nichole: There is one thing that I can tell you, that will hopefully ease your worry: I am a ‘Happy Ever After’ kinda gal! The one thing I hate when reading a book is an ending where people I love are unhappy. There may be some heartbreak along the way, but it’s the same way in life.
TRC: What challenges have you faced with the Dark Betrayal series?
Nichole: Time constraints have been a problem. In fact, that has been the biggest challenge I’ve faced in writing period.
TRC: Many authors bounce ideas around with other authors, friends and family. With whom do you bounce ideas?
Nichole: I talk to my sister a great deal. She is the one that poked me until I finally published Mortal Obligation. There are a lot of people that I use as beta readers, that I know will be brutally honest. I also bounce ideas off of my lovely friends, Liz Reinhardt (author of the Brenna Blixen series and Inherit), Elizabeth Hunter (The Elemental Mysteries), and Sarah Ross (Awaken).
TRC: Writer’s Block is a real phenomenon for many writers. How do you handle the stress of writer’s block?
Nichole: Grrr. Writers block for me, usually means that I’m not happy with a turn my story has taken. So, I have to break down and be willing to change something. Sometimes, expectations can cause writers block and you have to let go of those and write the story you set out to write. (Much easier said than done.) I recommend some good mood music, anything to remind you of why you love your book and characters so much.
TRC: On what are you currently working?
Nichole: I’m currently finishing up Immortal Grave, but I’m also dabbling with my novel, Flukes. (I’m very excited about both of these books!)
TRC: Would you like to add anything else?
Nichole: Thank you so much for having me on your site! I loved answering these questions.
Favorite Food
Homemade burritos!
Favorite Dessert
Chocolate lava cake. YUM!
Favorite TV Show
Doc Martin (BBC)
Favorite Movie
Pride and Prejudice with Keira Knightly
Last Movie you Saw
Brave (loved it!)
Dark or Milk Chocolate
Last Vacation Destination
TRC: Thank you Nichole for taking the time to answer our questions. We are
looking forward to the release of Immortal Grave. We wish you all the
Nichole has offered an e- copy of MORTAL OBLIGATION to one lucky member at The Reading Cafe.

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