The Undoing (Call of Crows #2) by Shelly Laurenston-dual review

THE UNDOING (Call of Crows #2) by Shelly Laurenston-dual review

The Undoing / / B&N / KOBO /

ABOUT THE BOOK: Release Date march 29, 2016

No one would ever accuse Jace Berisha of having an easy life—considering her husband…you know…killed her. But that was then! Now she fights for mighty Viking gods with the spectacular and vicious Crows.

But things are turning very bad, very quickly because a vengeful, ancient goddess has come into the world with just one thing on her mind—ending it. And the only way they can hope to stop her is if the Crows join forces with their one-time enemies, the Protectors. A Viking Clan created to do nothing but kill every Crow they see.

Thankfully, Protector Ski Eriksen is a peace loving kind of guy. Because the woman he is desperately trying to get close to is the beautiful and not-very-chatty Jace. Battling Nordic clans? Unkillable goddesses? Jace’s mean-spirited dog? None of these things would ever get in the way of a true Viking!


Sandy’s REVIEW:

THE UNDOING is the second installment in Shelly Laurenston’s adult, contemporary CALL OF CROWS paranormal / fantasy series based upon the gods and goddesses of Norse mythology. The continuing story focuses on the upcoming battle of Ragnarok ; and the building relationship between Jacinda ‘Jace’ Berisha-a Crow, a Beserker, and a specialist in ancient languages, and Viking Protector Danski ‘Ski’ Eriksen. THE UNDOING can be read as a stand alone but for backstory and cohesion, I recommend reading the series in order as each installment prepares for ‘The Doom of the Gods’.

For more information about the meaning of Ragnarok click on this link: Norse Mythology: Ragnarok

Told from several third person points of view THE UNDOING is a story line steeped in modern day Norse mythology; of gods and goddess; of a pending war to end all wars; and the return of the goddess Gullveig-who wreaks havoc on Earth in order to instigate ‘The Doom of the Gods’. But there is a potential for human involvement as Jace’s ex husband-a false prophet-has a strong support network with close ties to our leading heroine.

THE UNDOING follows the Crows (Jace and her fellow sisters), the Protectors (Ski and his warrior brothers of Viking scholars), the Ravens and a whole other assortment of earth bound warriors whose duty is to protect, to battle, and to defend their gods.

The relationship between Jace and Ski is slow to develop as Jace must decipher and translate ancient text to unearth the secrets and stories of Ragnarok, and the end of the world. While our heroine is under the protection of the Protectors, she finds herself falling in love with her very own personal guard. The $ex scenes are limited, provocative and seductive. Jace and Ski are quiet but strong; shy but passionate-the romance is secondary to the over arcing story line premise.

THE UNDOING has a very large ensemble cast of characters from Norse and Celtic Mythology including gods, goddesses, Scandinavian and Viking influences, folklore and legacies. The world building continues to focus on the coming of Ragnarok, and the end of life as it is or once was. Jace’s Crow-sisters are a force unto themselves, while Ski’s Viking Protectors wait quietly to be called into war.

Shelly Laurenston blends humor with crazy characters and dangerous situations. You can always count on Shelly to add a bit of sarcasm and witty word play to her story lines making a difficult situation easier to fathom but in comparison to her Pride, and Dragon Kin series I found the humorous situations lower in number and less in your face ‘slapstick’ funny. The kickass heroines are strong and capable yet avoid the bitchiness factor that is the doom of many story line premises.

THE UNDOING is a story ripped from Norse mythology and Celtic lore. The premise is intense yet humorous with playful and entertaining moments; the characters are animated, colorful and action-oriented; the romance is a slow build between two quiet and introverted warriors. Shelly Laurenston’s CALL OF CROWS series is as much a story about family, as it is about the mythological gods and goddesses.


Barb’s Review:

The Undoing by Shelly Laurenston is the 2nd book in her wild crazy fun exciting Call of Crows series. If you have not read anything by Laurenston, then you are missing an adventure that will have you filled with wild excitement, sexy romance, and laughing all the way. There is no one like Shelly Laurenston. Thank you, Sandy. 🙂

The Call of the Crows is a totally different type of series, which takes place in a modern day Nordic world with Gods, Vikings, Crows, Ravens, Protectors, and even a flying pit bull. Every single one of the characters, many of whom we have come to love, are wild, vicious, and mostly crazy; but darn so much fun.

The Undoing belongs to Jace Barisha, who is a member of the female clan, Crows. Jace was murdered by her husband, and brought back to a second life after she promised her loyalty to a God. Jace is shy, and quiet, but she has the rage of a beserker, which helps when the crows have to fight the other clans or Vikings to save the world. In the last book, Kera became a Crow, and she is the one who is closest to Jace.

Ski Eriksen is our hero, a key member of the Protectors. Jace’s knowledge of all languages will put her in closer contact with the Protectors, helping them translate their many books. In a slow built romance, Jace will learn to control her rages, befriend all the Protectors, and fall in love with Ski. Ski falls hard for Jace, and is instrumental and helping her control her powers.   I loved most of  the Protectors, how they began to care about Jace. Everyone usually fears Jace when she flips into her berserker rages. Keep in mind, all the clans usually hate each other. Most of all I loved the crazy antics of the Crows, as well as the other clans. All the clans are vicious and wild, but we spend time with all the members of the crows, especially Jace, Kera and Erin , not to mention the Protectors and Ravens.

There are two parts of this story, which involves Jace’s ex who was released from jail, after murdering her. The other is about trying to stop a powerful goddess from causing the end of the world. I couldn’t even explain to you about the wild fierce fighting & battles among each other. It is non stop action; fierce and violent; loyal sisters who do anything to protect their own; but most of all it’s like following a wild bunch screaming along the way. I had so much fun reading this, as you couldn’t help laugh at the antics.

The climax was pulse pounding, as all our favorites work together to fight the goddess; but it will take Jace to rise up out of an  impossible situation to help save her sisters. Wow.   Shelley Laurenston, I do not know how you do this. You make us enjoy the crazy, wild, fierce and violent situations; you make us laugh hysterically at the antics of them all; and most of all, you make us love them too.

Reading Order and previous review
1. The Unleashing
2. The Undoing

Copy proved by Publisher


Barb’s Review


Pippa of Lauramore by Shari L. Tapscott – a Review

Pippa of Lauramore by Shari L. Tapscott – a Review


Pippa of LauramoreAmazon / Barnes & Noble / The Book Depository / BAM

Princess Pippa of Lauramore is about to turn eighteen, and in honor of the great occasion, her father King Ewan invites thirty princes and lords from kingdoms near and far to compete for Pippa’s hand in marriage.

Arrogant Prince Lionel of Vernow is expected to win the competition handily, but spunky princess Pippa refuses to marry such a pompous man without a fight. When she spies Galinor, the dark-haired, blue-eyed prince of Glendon, she sets out to make him hers—convincing him to join her on a midnight ride away from the festivities.

When King Ewan catches Pippa, he orders her to spend twelve days of confinement in the castle, but she refuses to be contained while her fate is decided without her. Enlisting the help of her childhood friend Archer, master archer of the kingdom, they make a pact to do everything in their power to ensure Galinor’s victory in the marriage games.

But as the games progress and the stakes get higher and higher, Pippa and Archer are forced to not only confront marauding bandits, angry dragons, and King Ewan’s wrath, but also the growing attraction between them…


Pippa of Lauramore, is book one in The Eldentimber Series by Shari Tapscott.   This is a story that fairy tales are made from.  Our story opens with a celebration of birth for the coming of age Princess Pippa of Lauramore.  Princess Pippa has just turned eighteen, and her father King Ewan has invited thirty eligible Princes to compete in a tournament. The winner of the tournament will receive Pippa’s hand in marriage.  Her family is keen on one such prince – Prince Lionel of Vernow.  But Pippa does not see him the same as her family does.  In the midst of the festivities she knows that she must find the one Prince that is right for her.  There must be one that can and will defeat Prince Lionel for her hand in marriage.   As the guests toast to her eighteenth birthday, Pippa notices the one man that she thinks may just be able to save her.  He is tall, dark and handsome.  He has eyes as blue as a cloudless sky and the face that any artist would love to paint.  His name is Prince Galinor of Glendon.  From the moment they lock eyes Pippa is smitten.  Pippa has decided she wants to leave the festivities and show her new Prince an amazing place.  Just as they are about to leave, the kingdoms Master Archer finds them.  He instructs Pippa that it is not a wise idea to leave the castle walls. But Pippa begs him not to tell her father that she is leaving the castle walls alone with a man. Reluctantly and at Pippa’s urging Archer agrees.    But soon her father finds out and Pippa is punished to her quarters for twelve days.  Punishment means she will miss most of the tournaments festivities and the chance to help her true prince win…  Or will she.

Pippa soon devises a plan to help her Prince Galinor win the tournament. She enlists the help of the one man that has always stood by her side, her longtime friend and mentor, Archer. But the more Archer helps her, the more torn she becomes about the one she has chosen to be her prince.  Her heart begins to realize that the man she may seek quite possibly is the one that has always been there for her.  But they both know that a mere archer can not marry a princess, and so the tournament continues.  Will true love win out or will she be destined to live a life with a prince she does not wish to marry?

Prince Lionel is a cocky, arrogant, brooding prince of man.  He is the character that you will love to hate.  From page one I despised him.  And my feelings towards him did not improve at all throughout the story.  His demeanor is completely off putting and you truly want to see him come to a horrible fate.   Pippa is a young woman, strong willed, witty and headstrong.  She thinks she knows exactly what she wants and does anything in her power to achieve it.  Her character is real and authentic and exactly the type of woman you would want as a friend or for your children to look up to.  She is not afraid to speak her mind in a time when that was unheard of.   Prince Galinor is valiant, handsome and strong. He is the “prince” fairy tales are written about.  He is the one you want to win the heart of young Pippa.  And the one you want to know even more about.   I fell completely head over heels for this young prince.  That is until Archer sauntered (reluctantly) into the picture.  Archer will win you over and leave you begging for more.  And in an amazing and beautiful journey he may just become the true prince Pippa is looking for.

Will Pippa find the prince of her dreams?  Will she end up having to marry the insufferable Prince Lionel?  Will her father allow her to have a marriage based on true love and not the one decided upon by a tournament?  This book is a must read if you want to find out.  This  journey is new and fresh,  the twists and turns are  palpable. 

The authors  writing places you right into the story – it pulls you in and holds you there.  From the main characters to the sub-characters – you want to know it all.  You want the backstory and the future story all at the same time.  This is not your everyday foo foo fairytale – this Princess knows how to go about getting exactly what she wants and she can hold her own with the best of them. But be warned – this book contains magic – and any young girl (or old girl) will get lost in its pages and lose all track of time. I absolutely loved this story from page 1 to the end. Finished it in one day!   It is full of royal regality and reverence.  It places you right in the mix of the tournament and the turmoil.  From kings to princesses, from fairies to dragons it is a pure mix of magic and magnetism. Did I mention the dragons! Swoon!   This is one that I will buy a hard copy of and pass on to my daughter as a true treasure to hold for generations.  And I can barely contain my excitement that this series will continue – as I will continue to follow Mrs Tapscott!

Reviewed by Erin

Copy provided by Author


Cursed by Ice (Immortal Brothers 2) by Jacquelyn Frank-a review

CURSED BY ICE (Immortal Brothers 2) by Jacquelyn Frank-a review

Cursed by Ice / B&N / KOBO / The Book Depository

ABOUT THE BOOK: Release Date March 31, 2015

As punishment for plotting with his brothers to steal immortality, Garreth is suffering a freezing torment until the end of time. Again and again, his fierce fighter’s physique is frozen into a chiseled ice sculpture, his heart hardening like a diamond in his chest—only to thaw and resume the chilling torture. Until, like his older brother Dethan, he is offered a reprieve from a goddess—in exchange for his allegiance in a celestial civil war.

Garreth lives to fight and fights to live. But while laying siege to an embattled city, he finds another reason to go on—a beautiful warrior woman named Sarielle, who commands a mythic beast through a mysterious and powerful bond. Terrified of her strength, the city rulers have kept her captive, and now she refuses to submit to a new master. As Garreth seeks to unleash her passion and melt the icy resistance of her heart, will he become her ultimate salvation—or lead them both to greater destruction?


REVIEW: CURSED BY ICE is the second installment in Jacquelyn Frank’s adult Immortal Brothers fantasy series focusing on four brothers cursed, by the gods and goddesses, in their search for immortality. This is Garreth and Sarielle’s storyline. Although CURSED BY ICE is the second in the series, it can be read as a stand alone but I suggest reading the series in order as background information and world building continues to develop throughout each successive storyline.

Two hundred years earlier, four brothers went in search of the waters of Immortality and upon the discovery drank from the forbidden streams. The gods and goddesses were angered and cursed each brother to suffer eternal damnation and pain. Garreth’s punishment was to suffer the endless cycle of freezing and defrosting, and the accompanying pain that follows. When Garreth’s brother Dethan ( CURSED BY FIRE book 1 ) found love and was forgiven, Garrett was released from bondage to take over the command of the army of the gods. Although free during the daylight hours, Garreth would return to the same suffering each sundown only to be granted the same freedom several hours later.

Weysa, the goddess of conflict, continues to demand obedience from Dethan and Garreth, and as such the brothers are commanded to continue their battle against an enemy of the gods. Conquering the city of Kith, the brothers discover a town dependent upon slavery and a woman who controls a dangerous beast. Enter Sarielle, a young woman who is soul-bonded to a wyvern and the woman who will melt Garreth’s frozen heart.

The slow building storyline is similar in context to Jacquelyn’s CURSED BY FIRE. Weysa, the goddess of conflict, has commanded Garreth to enter into battle and secure the outlying cities, towns and villages in her name. As it pertains to Garreth’s never ending curse, it was not as large of a plot point as was Dethan’s fiery burn in CURSED BY FIRE. Garreth’s nightly pain and suffering was almost an afterthought in the storyline. Sarielle, a former slave, will become Garreth’s captive; her soul-bond with the wyvern reveals an intimate connection at a physical and visceral level. Garreth is ever the protector; his attraction and need for Sarielle continues to build throughout the story. He is a cursed man, who has fallen in love, but knows that he will not claim Sarielle when he is tied to the gods for all time. The $ex scenes are intimate and revealing.

The secondary characters include Davine, a young house maiden who will both befriend and betray Garreth and Sarielle. Dethan, Garreth’s eldest brother, returns as Garreth’s companion in battle but also becomes Garreth’s greatest threat to his relationship with Sarielle. I had a difficult time liking Dethan in his own storyline CURSED BY FIRE because of his attitude and cold demeanor, and with Garreth’s tale my animosity towards Dethan increases with his ill-conceived notions about Sarielle and his brother. Dethan is a threat to his brother’s happiness and is determined to destroy Garreth’s relationship with Sarielle, hurting his own brother in the process.

Jacquelyn Frank’s mythological world building continues as the all powerful and all knowing gods and goddesses battle for the rights to control the humans, and in doing so, punish those responsible for defying the gods. As Garreth honors his debt to the goddess of conflict, yet another brother, will be freed from perpetual bondage only to return each evening to suffer the same fate as his brothers’ before. CURSED BY ICE introduces a series of mythological creatures including mages, wyverns, were-dragons and the Fae.

CURSED BY ICE is an interesting and detailed storyline of fantasy and myth, the supernatural, and a happily ever after-for now. As each brother is granted a temporary freedom to serve and protect, he will come face to face with his future in yet another battle to prove allegiance to the gods.

Copy supplied by Edelweiss.

Reviewed by Sandy

Series Spotlight

Cursed by Fire Feb 15CURSED BY FIRE
Immortal Brothers 1
by Jacquelyn Frank
Genre: fantasy, adult, paranormal, romance
Release Date: February 24, 2015 / Barnes and Noble / KOBO / The Book Depository

ABOUT THE BOOK: Release Date: February 24, 2015

For centuries, Dethan has been trapped in a fiery inferno for defying the gods and snatching the power of immortality. Condemned to have his battle-hardened body licked by flames only to regenerate and be consumed all over again, Dethan has lost all hope—until the Goddess of Conflict appears. She will release him from torment—if he’ll use his power and strength as a warrior to raise an army and defeat a fierce enemy faction of gods.

Free to live as a man once again, Dethan meets Selinda—heir to the throne of Hexis—and his thoughts quickly turn from the conquest of cities to the conquest of this headstrong beauty. Betrothed to a cruel, calculating powermonger, Selinda needs a champion, and so Dethan enters into another bargain: If she will share her bed—and her body—with him, Dethan will save her city from destructive forces within and without. As the lovers ignite a searing passion, Dethan will risk all—even the wrath of the Goddess of Conflict—for a chance to make Selinda his forever.


The Crow of Connemara by Stephen Leigh – a Review

The Crow of Connemara by Stephen Leigh – a Review


The Crow of ConnemaraAmazon / Barnes & Noble / Kobo / The Book Depository / BAM

THE CROW OF CONNEMARA is a contemporary Celtic fantasy set primarily in Ireland. Picking up threads from ancient Irish mythology and folktales, this story is fantasy, drama, and tragic romance all at once, a tale caught in the dark places where the world of ancient myth intersects our own, where old ways and old beliefs struggle not to be overwhelmed by the modern world.

Colin Doyle is third generation Irish-American musician, whose interest is traditional Irish music. Maeve Gallagher is an Oileánach, an ‘Islander’ on Ireland’s west coast, outcasts treated with suspicion and disdain by the locals, who think them responsible for wild and strange happenings in the area. Colin’s and Maeve’s lives will soon intersect and intertwine. Colin will discover that Maeve has been involved with his family for far longer than seems possible, and Maeve will have to make a life-or-death choice in order to achieve what she wants for her people.



The Crow of Connemara is a contemporary Irish fantasy, with Celtic lore, and Fae mythology. This story is a romance tragedy of modern day and old time myths. Colin Doyle is our hero, who is pressured by his family to get his degree, even though his only interest is his Celtic music, and desire to go to Ireland. Colin dreams of this Irish woman, who calls to him in his visions. When his father dies, Colin decides to follow his heart and go to Ireland.

While joining other musicians playing his music in pubs, Colin with meet the woman of his dreams. Maeve Gallagher shows interest in Colin, but he finds the townsfolks do not like Maeve or her friends that live on the local island. The Oileanach’s are resented by the town, marked as outcasts, feared as witches. In a short time, Maeve and her friends are told they need to leave the island or they will be forced out.

Maeve and Colin’s relationship grows slowly, and we the reader learn quickly that Maeve is indeed more than anyone knows. This is where the fae mythology involving all the members of the island, goes into more detail as to who they are, and what is Colin needed for.

This is modern day contemporary story, with a romance that is doomed. I like Colin, but I thought that Maeve was a fascinating character. I enjoyed the mythology, and learning about them. I also love anything that takes place in Ireland.

Stephen Leigh did a wonderful job doing the world building of this story, though it was a bit slow early on as we learned more about the Oileanach and the island. It was an exciting and interesting ending, leaving me wondering if there would be another book, or we are to use our imagination.

Reviewed by Barb

Copy provided by Publisher


The Goddess Redemption Series 1-3 by Kelli Lockheart-a review

The Goddess Redemption Series 1-3 by Kelli Lockheart-a review

Goddess Redemption Series

The Goddess Redemption Series

The Goddess Redemption Series #1
by Kelli Lockheart
Release Date: Sept 14, 2013

.99cents at Amazon / /

A cruel twist of fate causes the goddess of the hunt, Artemis, to take the life of her lover, Orion, on the day of their betrothal. As punishment, Zeus locks her away in a stone prison, vowing that she would always search for love and never find it, that her stubbornness and anger rule her and that his death lay at her feet. He strips her of her power and knowledge and casts her in stone. Her punishment is swift and severe. The goddess of love has other designs for the Huntress and works out a plan for Artemis to redeem herself and come home. What entails is a story of redemption, a story of true change, and a tale of a desire that burns feverishly in every heart. But there is also a deeper lesson to be learned along the journey. Great power should be shown great respect.

REVIEW: TO CAST A STONE is the first novella in Kelli Lockheart’s The Goddess Redemption Series of novellas based loosely on the mythological lore of Greek Gods and Goddesses. The prologue reveals the history of Artemis and Orion and what has occurred prior to the storyline premise.

The short introductory story focuses on punishment and redemption following the death of Orion at the hands of his lover Artemis and the resulting centuries of isolation and loss. Artemis was cast in stone for her betrayal and Orion was sentenced to live and die over and over until the day his beloved is returned. And in the interim, a species of shifters will grow in power when their creator is unable to hunt for her prey. With Orion and Artemis gone, the shifters grow in numbers and strength.

The world building takes the reader on a journey through mythological lore, gods and goddesses, and a power struggle between Zeus and Aphrodite. If you are a fan of Greek Mythology, The Goddess Redemption series is an interesting take on the heroes of Olympus.

As an introductory storyline there is plenty of information and detail missing especially as it concerns the shifter species created specifically for the hunt. But it is a novella series, so let’s hope that more information is revealed as with each subsequent story.

Also there is a warning for violence and sexual content, but the detail is light in comparison to many other novels and series we read. Most of the sex is glossed over using euphemisms and flowery language. This is by no means your usual erotica storyline-the graphic detail is limited and most only hints at what happens and what is to come.


Goddess Redemption #2
by Kelli Lockheart
Release Date: October 1, 2013 / /

Spellbound continues the story of Artemis and Orion as they face the challenges of being human. In this second installment of the Goddess Redemption Series, our beloved huntress is posed a new task on her journey to redemption. Powerless and only beginning to recover her memories, Artemis finds herself in the role of Sara, a wood’s witch caught in the middle of a terrible war between the shifters and the gods whose power is threatened by the creature’s very existence. Victor is an adept hunter with a secret. He knows how to kill the shifters, but when his memories return, can the god of the hunt, find happiness in his human form?

REVIEW: SPELLBOUND is the second storyline in Kelli Lockheart’s Goddess Redemption novella series focusing on the continuing story and reincarnation of Artemis and Orion. In this particular instalment our hunter and goddess of the hunt are Sara and Victor. Sara is believed to be a witch who is searching for a way to protect the people of the village from the werewolves at night: and Victor is a hunter who has been gifted by a stranger with silver tipped magical arrows. Both Victor and Sara had been approached by a woman in disguise and the immortal gods of Olympus were once again at play. Zeus and Aphrodite would ensure that Artemis and Orion learn their lesson time and time again. But will Artemis’s jealousy keep our lovers in human form forever?

Kelli Lockheart weaves a fractured tale of mythological lore where at each incantation our hero and heroine must overcome the obstacles before finding one another’s heart and soul.

If you are a fan of the Greek mythology, Kelli Lockheart’s Goddess Redemption series puts a different spin on the lore of Orion and his beloved Artemis.


The Goddess Redemption Series #3
by Kelli Lockheart
Release Date: November 2013 / /

The adventure takes a twist as this time our hunters are thrown into the bodies of shifters. Tatiana is the Unul Pur, the promise of their kind and the only fertile shifter in a sea of barren werebeasts. She is their hope. She is also storing the consciousness of our goddess of the hunt, Artemis, who is trying to come to terms with the decisions she must make. Luca is a beta, forced to obey the commands of his alpha, Buru. He has traveled far and wide as an emissary to speak for Buru as potential mate to the lovely Tatiana. He is also Orion, god of the hunt, trying to find balance between his memories and the woman he loves.

The customs and traditions of the shifters demand that a mate is chosen and there are rules. In order for the lovers to be together, they will have to break every one of them. Can they find a way? As the shifters’ world evolves around the huntress, can she fit the pieces together enough to understand? And what of Aphrodite and Zeus? Well…… there is much and more going on in the clouds as secrets are kept and the tides of war turn under a Moonlit Promise.

˃˃˃ This is the third part in The Goddess Redemption Series. A Paranormal Romance Erotica.

REVIEW: MOONLIT PROMISE is the third instalment in Kelli Lockheart’s Goddess Redemption novella series focusing on the lives of Artemis and Orion. In this third incarnation, our couple are the very thing they hunt-shifters. Zeus and Aphrodite are still at war with one another and, Orion and Artemis are the pawns. As punishment for Artemis killing Orion, the couple have been forced to search for each other over and over only to suffer the indignity of loosing again.

This particular instalment finds the shifter known as Tatiana about to enter her mating phase and there is only one mate with whom she can conceive. But past memories and lives begin to plague the Tatiana as the lion shifter known as Luca draws near. And this time around they will recognize one another immediately but it may be too late.

Kelli Lockheart once again blends Greek mythology with the paranormal lore of shifters and weres. There is the familiarity of the gods and goddesses blended perfectly with the fantasy storyline loved by many. If you are a fan of the Greek and Roman mythological storylines, don’t miss Kelli Lockhearts take on vengeance and betrayal between the gods and goddesses of Olympus.

Copies supplied by the author

Reviews by Sandy


The Volatile Amazon (Alliance of the Amazons #4) by Sandy James-A Review and Giveaway

The Volatile Amazon (Alliance of the Amazons #4) by Sandy James-A Review and Giveaway

The Volatile Amazon / / Barnes and Noble / KOBO

THE VOLATILE AMAZON (Alliance of the Amazons #4) by Sandy James

ABOUT THE BOOK: Release Date September 30, 2013

Sarita Neeraj has never felt like a real Amazon. Compared to the obvious strengths of her sisters, her Water powers seem small as her stature. She’s determined to prove herself—unfortunately, all that gets her is captured by an enemy.

Ian serves a twisted goddess, preferring this to an empty afterlife. He’s taken Sarita hostage to coax the other Amazons from their safe haven. But in his ancient Scottish castle, the passion and love Ian finds for Sarita resurrect his honor, until he chafes at the dark will of his mistress.

Sarita has finally found happiness—but before she can enjoy it, she’s “rescued” by her furious sisters. To save Ian from destruction at the hands of the Amazons, Sarita must risk wielding magick that could change her very nature. Only then can she prove the Water Amazon is the strongest of the four—and save them all from destruction.

Meet Earth, Fire, and Air in The Reluctant Amazon, The Impetuous Amazon, and The Brazen Amazon.


Alliance of the Amazons

REVIEW: THE VOLATILE AMAZON is the fourth and final installment in Sandy James’s Alliance of the Amazon series focusing on four ‘amazon sisters’ each with an elemental power-earth, fire, air and water-and the men they love. But as with many endings, there is also a beginning, and it appears there is a spin off series in the works for the Sons of Gaia.

Sarita is the water Amazon. Always considered the weakest of the four elemental Amazons due to her size and personality, Sarita endeavors to prove to the Alliance and the Sentinels that she is just as powerful and capable as the others. But her latest assignment will find Sarita falling for a man long thought dead, and a man who believes Sarita is someone else.

Once again, Sandy James continues to weave a story of ancient goddesses, demi-gods and mythology into a contemporary storyline of betrayal, power and revenge. Each Amazon has a goddess representative and with these comes the struggle for the ultimate control. When an ancient goddess continues to battle for supremacy, everyone and everything in her way will become fodder in a war between the ancient dieties. And it will take one small water Amazon to prove that that the love of your sisters and one man, may be all you need to fight the evil that is hell on earth.

The relationship between Sarita and Ian begins as a case of mistaken identity. Although Sarita will soon learn the exact nature of Ian’s errors, it will take a stronger Sarita to let go of the man who has stolen her heart. The sex scenes are sensual and hot; and the tension builds because we know that at some point their true identities and purposes will be revealed.

The previous storyline characters are present as are the gods and goddesses who continue to make the Amazon’s lives miserable. And the continued animosity between the four Amazon’s goddesses makes for some rather interesting insight into what feels like basic sibling rivalry –all in the name of power and control.

This is a story of betrayal and trust; heartbreak and sorrow; family loss and reunion.

Sandy James has written a wonderful conclusion to her Alliance of the Amazon series-a series with strong female leads who are empowered by the men and women in their lives. I am looking forward to what (I hope) is a spin off series focusing on the Sons of Gaia.

Copy supplied by the author.

Reviewed by Sandy.

NOTE:  Book #1 THE RELUCTANT AMAZON is FREE for a limited time.  Order your copy today and start reading the Alliance of the Amazon series:

Order your FREE copy today: / / Barnes and Noble /

about the author

Follow Sandy at :  Website / Goodreads / Twitter / Facebook

Sandy JamesMy income tax return says that I am a teacher. I had originally intended it to say “lawyer,” but romance, marriage, and motherhood set my life on a different course.

I’ve been married to Jeff James since 1983. Even after all these years, he is still the love of my life. Jeff and I have two grown children who make us proud every day.

My husband and I share another strong and wonderful interest that is not only a great part of our day-to-day lives but has also become a running theme throughout some of my books. We own a small racing stable of Standardbred Harness horses, pacers to be exact. We have always loved the sport and as our children grew up enough to have their own interests, Jeff looked into what it would be like to own a racehorse. We jumped into the sport with both feet and are loving every minute of it. I’ve added a link to Jeff’s website if you’d like to follow the progress of our horses.

As another bit of personal information, I’d like to share that several years ago I was diagnosed with lupus. I know that there are others out there who either have had the same diagnosis or know someone who has. I’m sharing this because I want to encourage you all that chronic illnesses do not have to keep you down and out of the swing of life. I still teach, still work with my horses, have a wonderful family life, and am still able to spend hours at my laptop writing on my latest book.

I am blessed to be leading a life full of the things I like to do and people I love.


Sandy James is offering one lucky commenter ‘reader’s choice’ of any of her ebooks. Click HERE for a list of Sandy’s books.

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2. If you are using a social log-in, please post your email with your comment.

3. Giveaway is open INTERNATIONALLY

4. Giveaway runs October 3 to 7, 2013


Persephone’s Orchard by Molly Ringle-a review

Persephone’s Orchard by Molly Ringle-a review

Persephone's Orchard


RELEASE WEEK DEAL only .99cents for a limited time: / / Barnes and Noble / KOBO /

ABOUT THE BOOK: Release Date June 28, 2013

The Greek gods never actually existed. Did they? Sophie Darrow finds she was wrong about that assumption when she’s pulled into the spirit realm, complete with an Underworld, on her first day at college. Adrian, the mysterious young man who brought her there, simply wants her to taste a pomegranate.

Soon, though she returns to her regular life, her mind begins exploding with dreams and memories of ancient times; of a love between two Greeks named Persephone and Hades. But lethal danger has always surrounded the immortals, and now that she’s tainted with the Underworld’s magic, that danger is drawing closer to Sophie.



Persephone’s Orchard…….what a wonderful book. Molly Ringle builds a beautiful world of true love, wrapped up in Greek mythology. Sophie Darrow leaves home and goes to college where she is “kidnapped” and brought into the spirit realm to meet Adrian. Adrian has to convince her he is not a crazy stalker and he has a purpose for bringing her into this spirit world. Adrian is an immortal and he has shared several lifetimes with Sophie as other people. In the spirit realm, Adrian wants Sophie to eat a pomegranate, which will bring back all of her memories of their past love. Adrian refuses to live for eternity without her and she is faced with choosing between her current, mortal life or an immortal life with Adrian. As she remembers her past, it exposes her to a group of crazies that want all of the immortals dead. The journey through Adrian and Sophie’s previous lives unfold in a wonderful story.

The writing is so descriptive it feels like you are with the characters, living every memory right along with them. This story is beautifully written and intertwined with the Greek Mythology of Hades and Persephone. There was not one dull moment is this book, every page wove the story of Adrian and Sophie, linking their past with their present. There is so many parts of this story that I could talk about but one of the most moving for me was the Underworld. When Adrian first connected with Sophie, one of the things he used to intrigue her to come back to see him was being able to see her deceased grandfather in the Underworld. The Underworld is where the soul goes when it dies and stays there until reincarnated into a new life. The souls fly around and Adrian could talk to them, but couldn’t touch one. Sophie returns to see Adrian so she can see her grandfather and it’s a emotionally beautiful reunion.

I thought this was such a lovely element to the story because we all have that hope of seeing our loved ones again. Persephone’s Orchard will sweep you off your feet and leave you wishing that the story was real.

Copy supplied by the author

Reviewed by Tricia


South of Surrender by Laura Kaye-Review, Release Day Blitz

South of Surrender by Laura Kaye-Review, Release Day Blitz

Win 1 of five $50 gift cards – winners’ choice of Amazon/B&N/iTunes!


South of Surrender

SOUTH OF SURRENDER (Heart of the Anemoi #3) by Laura Kaye-a review

Review beige / / / Barnes and Noble / KOBO / The Book Depository

south of Surrender.May 2013jpg / / / Barnes and Noble / KOBO / The Book Depository

ABOUT THE BOOK: Release Date: May 28, 2013

She’s the only one who can see through his golden boy façade to the broken god within…

Chrysander Notos, Supreme God of the South Wind and Summer, is on a mission: save Eurus from his death sentence and prove his troubled brother can be redeemed. But Eurus fights back, triggering vicious summer storms that threaten the mortal realm, dangerously drain Chrys, and earn the ire of the Olympic gods who ordered Eurus dead.

Laney Summerlyn refuses to give up her grandfather’s horse farm, despite her deteriorating vision. More than ever, she needs the organized routine of her life at Summerlyn Stables, until a ferocious storm brings an impossible—and beautiful—creature crashing down from the heavens.

Injured while fighting Eurus, Chrys finds himself at the mercy of a mortal woman whose compassion and acceptance he can’t resist. As they surrender to the passion flaring between them, immortal enemies close in, forcing Chrys to choose between his brother and the only woman who’s ever loved the real him.


REVIEW: SOUTH OF SURRENDER is the third storyline in Laura Kaye’s paranormal Heart of the Anemoi series focusing on the mythological gods of the seasons and the winds. This is Chrysander’s storyline-Supreme God of the South Wind and Summer.

Laura Kaye has brought together two strong but damaged souls in SOS. Chrysander believes himself responsible for his brother’s dark and tormented life. Time and again, Chrysander will search out Eurus-the god of the East wind- hoping to convince his brother that death and destruction are not the only option. But Chrysander bears the scars of his brother’s actions and cruelty. Literally falling into Laney’s Summerlyn’s life will bring the reality of his brother’s evil front and center to Laney’s front door.

While Laney is strong and independent, our heroine is slowly going blind. But there is something else about Laney –something that will make her the perfect mate for a god who believes he is not worthy of love or the sacrifices she is willing to make. Laney’s soul will call to Chrys and in doing so will begin the long road to recovery for both Chrys and his new mate. But Laney is something more and it will take another god of Olympus to show Laney that she is much more than a young woman going blind.

The relationship between Laney and Chrys is both beautiful and aggressive. Chrys knows that to pursue any relationship means to put Laney in the eye of the storm-the storm that is the war between the gods and the brothers. But the heart knows only one thing, and when Chrys begins to push Laney away, there will be others who will open their eyes to the truth about love and sacrifice.

SOUTH OF SURRENDER is also a heartbreaking storyline. Eurus’s anger and rage knows no boundary-he attacks without provocation-believing himself to be wronged. The gods will suffer losses-some more than others-but in the end power will be passed to the sons; a potential new hero will emerge; and Laney will discover that when it comes to sight, she has been gifted beyond the ability of human comprehension.

Laura Kaye has written a wonderful storyline of sorrow and pain; betrayal at the hands of family; and a love story that will see two broken hearts finding what they need to begin a new life together with one another. And in the end it is still an amazing story of family, heartbreak and love from the mind (and pen) of Laura Kaye.

Copy supplied by the publicist.

Reviewed by Sandy

Excerpt beige

South of Surrender Release Day Blitz and Giveaway

I am thrilled to welcome Chrysander Notos and Laney Summerlyn to the world today, and to welcome back the whole Anemoi family, too! Chrys and Laney are the hero and heroine of South of Surrender, the third book in my Greek-mythology inspired Hearts of the Anemoi series. The Anemoi were wind gods the Greeks associated with controlling the wind, the weather, and the seasons, and as the summer god, Chrys is the hottest of them all! Passions and conflict between the Anemoi brothers heat way, way up in South of Surrender. Need more proof? Check out this tense excerpt as well as the giveaway that follows!

Aeolus stepped forward. “We are all expendable. It is not the god, but the wind he serves, that matters. So I ask each of you now. Are you prepared to stand and fight?”

The gods offered solemn agreement.

Aeolus moved to the center of the room. Anger and determination carved hard angles into his face. Thunder and lightning split the sky. “I say again. Are you prepared to stand and fight?”

A loud, fierce cheer of approval and commitment shook the room. Teddy fussed but didn’t cry, as if even his divine energy understood the threat they faced.

“Make no mistake. We are at war. We will not all come out of it alive. Sacrifices will be made.” He held up his maimed hand. “And you must understand the full extent of what you are up against. Eurus possesses the firestone ring. He has power over the winds, over each of you. This is my fault. I fully acknowledge it. And I stand ready to sacrifice myself to set this right.” Murmurs sounded from around the room.

This…this was the resignation he’d seen on Aeolus’s face. As many grievances as Chrys could voice against his father, he would fight to the last to prevent any of his family from dying. They’d lost enough. Had enough turmoil. For several lifetimes.

Aeolus continued. “Together, we are strong. Eurus cannot take us all at once. We must fight. To avenge the death of one of our own who has fallen this night. To avenge wrongs against others of our numbers in recent days, weeks, and months. To preserve and protect the human realm, as is our duty and purpose.”

Boreas pushed off the wall and stood tall. “In the name of the North Wind, I stand ready to fight.”

Zeph nodded. “In the name of the West Wind, I, too, stand ready to fight.”

“In the name of the South Wind, and in the name of vengeance for the Southeast Wind, I stand ready to kick some ass,” Chrys said. “So what’s our plan?”

Giveaway beige


Win 1 of five  $50 gift cards to winners’ choice of Amazon/B&N/iTunes!


==> Did you have a favorite line from the excerpt? Comment with your email address to enter to win! Open to international! Giveaway runs for one day and ends at midnight PST on May 28! <==

NOTE:  Giveaway is tour wide and all 5 winners will be chosen by rafflecopter and Laura Kaye

Visit more participating Blitz Day sites for more excerpts and more ways to win! And look out for the South of Surrender Blog Tour to start next week with more excerpts and giveaways! Check out the awesome early reviews coming in for the book, too!

About The Author beige

Laura Kaye-21


About Laura Kaye:


Laura is the New York Times and USA Today bestselling author of over a dozen books in contemporary and paranormal romance. Growing up, Laura’s large extended family believed in the supernatural, and family lore involving angels, ghosts, and evil-eye curses cemented in Laura a life-long fascination with storytelling and all things paranormal. She lives in Maryland with her husband, two daughters, and cute-but-bad dog, and appreciates her view of the Chesapeake Bay every day.


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