The O Zone (Bears Hockey 11) by Kelly Jamieson -a review

The O Zone (Bears Hockey 11) by Kelly Jamieson -a review / / B&N / KOBO / Chapters Indigo / Google Play /

ABOUT THE BOOK: Release Date January 4, 2022

Owen Cook
I have one goal: To be the best hockey player I can be. I’m not going to waste the opportunity I have. All my focus is on hockey. I avoid distractions like women and relationships during the hockey season, but when a quirky subway busker asks me out on a fake date, somehow I’m intrigued enough to accept.

Emerie Ross
I gave up my music dreams to look after my half-sister. I don’t want her to feel as alone and neglected as I did after our mother died. But my ex-boyfriend is still trying to win me back and now my stepfather is helping him. Gah! I’d rather drink bleach than marry Roman Moretti. If they think I’m involved with someone else, maybe they’ll give up on that idea. All I need is a man…a date for a party.

When Emerie introduces me to her wicked stepfather (ha) I realize I’ve made a huge mistake. He’s my boss—the man who owns the team I play for. And he’s not happy to see me with Emerie. Can you say career ending move?

Oops. I hate hockey. How was I supposed to know who Owen is? How are we going to keep Vince from trading him away? How am I going to make sure I stay happily un-married? We’re going to have to keep up this pretense even if it means me going to hockey games. Ugh. Even if it means disrupting Owen’s rigid routines. Even if it means everything gets a lot more complicated


REVIEW:THE O ZONE is the first instalment in Kelly Jamieson’s contemporary, adult BEARS HOCKEY II erotic, hockey, romance series-spin off/companion to the author’s Bears Hockey series. This is New York Bears, professional hockey player Owen ‘Cookie’ Cooke, and busker Emerie Ross’s story line. THE O ZONE can be read as a stand alone, you do not have to have read the previous series to follow or understand.

Told from dual first person perspectives (Owen and Emerie) THE O ZONE follows the building romance and relationship between professional hockey play Owen Cooke, and busker Emerie Ross. Owen Cooke is all about the game of hockey but a local busker has caught our hero’s attention, a busker who needs Owen’s help to avoid a confrontation with her ex and pushy step- father but to Owen’s shock, said father is the New York Bears team owner, and a man who refuses to accept his step-daughter’s relationship with our story line hero. As Owen and Emerie’s relationship goes from fake to romantic, Emerie’s father takes a stand forcing Owen to reconsider his future with our story line heroine. What ensues is the building romance and relationship between Emerie and Owen, and the potential fall-out as Emerie finds herself persona non-grata with both her father, and the man with whom she has fallen in love.

Emerie Ross has never revealed her connection to her famous step-father but in the wake of her mother’s death, Emerie has never felt accepted or loved but for her relationship with her younger half-sister. Busking on the side, without her step-father’s knowledge, Emerie has always wanted a career in music but found herself raising her half-sister in her step-father’s absence. Owen Cooke suffered a devastating loss and has pushed himself to prove he is worthy of his professional status . Owen is obsessed with hockey to the point of ignoring everything else, and Emerie’s place in his life, is about to push our hero over the edge.

The relationship between Owen and Emerie begins as a fake relationship, friends to lovers, in which their romance begins to affect our story line hero. Having never considered his own happily ever after, Owen finds himself at a crossroads when his future is on the line, and the past refuses to let go. The $ex scenes are intimate and passionate without the use of over the top sexually graphic language and text.

Most of the original series couples return as secondary and supporting characters. We are introduced to Emerie’s father Vince D’Agostino, her sister Cat D’Agostino, Owen’s parents,and Emerie’s ex Roman Moretti.

THE O ZONE is a story of family, relationships, rejection and love. The premise is emotional and heart breaking; the romance is seductive ; the characters are energetic, broken but healing.

Previous reviews
Must love Dogs and Hockey
You Had Me at Hockey
Talk Hockey to Me

Copy supplied by Netgalley

Reviewed by Sandy

Kelly Jamieson is a USA Today bestselling author of over fifty romance novels and novellas. She writes the kind of books she loves to read–sexy romance with heat, humor and emotion. Her writing has been described as “emotionally complex”, “sweet and satisfying” and “blisteringly sexy”. She likes coffee (black), wine (mostly white) and shoes (high!). She also loves watching hockey. She is the author of the popular Heller Brothers Hockey series, Aces Hockey series, and the Rule of Three trilogy.

Connect with Kelly



A Good Day for Chardonnay by Darynda Jones-Dual Review

A Good Day for Chardonnay (Sunshine Vicram 2) by Darynda Jones-Dual Review / / B&N / KOBO / Chapters Indigo / Google Play /

ABOUT THE BOOK: Release Date July 27, 2021

Running a small-town police force in the mountains of New Mexico should be a smooth, carefree kind of job. Sadly, full-time Sheriff–and even fuller-time coffee guzzler–Sunshine Vicram, didn’t get that memo.

All Sunshine really wants is one easy-going day. You know, the kind that starts with coffee and a donut (or three) and ends with take-out pizza and a glass of chardonnay (or seven). Turns out, that’s about as easy as switching to decaf. (What kind of people do that? And who hurt them?)

Before she can say iced mocha latte, Sunny’s got a bar fight gone bad, a teenage daughter hunting a serial killer and, oh yes, the still unresolved mystery of her own abduction years prior. All evidence points to a local distiller, a dangerous bad boy named Levi Ravinder, but Sun knows he’s not the villain of her story. Still, perhaps beneath it all, he possesses the keys to her disappearance. At the very least, beneath it all, he possesses a serious set of abs. She’s seen it. Once. Accidentally.

Between policing a town her hunky chief deputy calls four cents short of a nickel, that pesky crush she has on Levi which seems to grow exponentially every day, and an irascible raccoon that just doesn’t know when to quit, Sunny’s life is about to rocket to a whole new level of crazy.

Yep, definitely a good day for chardonnay.



A GOOD DAY FOR CHARDONNAY is the second instalment in Darynda Jones’ contemporary, adult SUNSHINE VICRAM mystery, suspense, and of-times humorous series focusing on thirty-three year old, Sheriff Sunshine Blaze Vicram and her fifteen year old daughter Aurora ‘Auri’. A GOOD DAY FOR CHARDONNAY can be read as a stand alone without any difficulty but I recommend reading the series in order for backstory and cohesion as there is an ongoing premise throughout.

Told from dual third person perspective (Sunshine and Auri) A GOOD DAY FOR CHARDONNAY follows several paths including Del Sol, New Mexico sheriff Sunshine Vicram in the wake of a vicious stabbing, and hit and run at a local bar that left too many questions for our story line heroine. With the stabbing victim in the hospital, and his injured friend and Sunshine’s love interest Levi Ravinder on the hunt for the people responsible, Sunshine and her team of police investigators begin a search for the truth.

Meanwhile, believing her eighty year old neighbor Mrs. Fairborn is a serial killer, Sunshine’s daughter Auri, along with her friends Cruz and Sybil, begin an investigation of their own, only to place themselves in the direct line of fire. As Sunshine continues to search for Levi Ravinder, and the truth about what happened and why, secrets and lies are revealed pulling Sunshine into the past when her life spiralled out of control. A prisoner serving a life sentence for murder wants to come home but his story begins to contradict everything Sunshine thought to be true.

The world building continues to focus on the abduction, fifteen years earlier, of our story line heroine Sunshine Vicram, and the aftermath that would change her life forever. Without any solid evidence as to the who, how and why, Sunshine’s memories of that fateful time slowly begin to reveal a heart breaking connection, and the possibility that what she believes isn’t even close to the truth.

The colorful and energetic secondary and supporting characters include Levi Ravinder, his sister Hailey, and their uncle Wynn; Sunshine’s parents Cyrus and Elaine Freyr: Sunshine’s best friend and fellow law enforcement officer Chief Deputy Quincy Cooper; fellow law enforcement Poetry Rojas, Deputies Zee and Salazar; Auri’s besties Cruz De los Santos, and Sybil St. Aubin; as well as Keith Seabright, a mercenary for hire. The requisite evil has many faces.

A GOOD DAY FOR CHARDONNAY and the SUNSHINE VICRAM series reads similarly to the author’s Charley Davidson series- a best friend, a love interest who remains secretive and aloof, a great team of supporting friends and characters, a couple of teens who begin a series of investigations, and the snark, sarcasm, humor, giggles and laughs that add a little bit of ‘Sunshine’ into your life 😉

A GOOD FOR CHARDONNAY is a detailed and complex story of family, betrayal, secrets, greed, murder and love with spirited characters, a tragic back story, and a heart warming and twisted love affair that has been buried by secrets and lies.


A Good Day for Chardonnay by Darynda Jones is the 2nd book in her fun Sunshine Vicram series. I loved the first book in this series, and I loved this one even more. Refresher: Sunshine (Sunny) Vicram, our heroine, returned to her home town of Del Sol, New Mexico, as the newly elected sheriff, which she suspects her parents meddled into getting her elected.  Sunny left town years before, at the age of 17; after she suffered a trauma, having been kidnapped and then pregnant, and now comes home having had a seasoned and successful career as a detective, with her 14-year-old daughter, Auri.

Sunny, who seems to never have a day off, as her police team continually calls her for anything, even trying to catch a racoon, and all she wants is to relax with a glass of chardonnay.  Sunny is a tough, independent, smart, funny heroine, which you couldn’t help but love.  The relationship between Sunshine and Auri was wonderful, and I loved how close they were and their cute bantering back and forth throughout the book with each other.

Her best friend, Quincy (chief deputy), is crazy obsessed with this racoon, and calls her to his place, with the rest of the team.  They are a crazy, close and very good team, which gives us plenty of laughs.  While out, the team is called to a bar, as a fight broke out with people getting hurt.  One being Levi Ravinder (Sunny’s secret obsession), and his friend, who has been seriously injured.   The attackers have escaped, and Levi, despite his injuries is determined to find them.  At this point, the storyline splits between the attack at the bar, and discovering clues to an old case of Sunny’s when she was a detective; as well truths are revealed regarding her kidnapping years before.  This becomes an exciting, suspenseful, action filled, edge of your seat adventure, which kept me glued to my seat throughout. What makes this even better is the craziness and fun banter between Sunny, Quincy, Auri, the grandparents, and even Levi; so much fun, releasing the tension.

Auri, who I loved, decides she wants to be like her mom, and gets her boyfriend, Cruz and friend Sybil to help prove that a local 80-year-old lady is a serial killer.  Of course, they constantly get into trouble, but I loved Cruz, who gave me the feel of a young Levi. 

I absolutely loved Levi (he comes from a dangerous family, with one having been the one who kidnapped Sunny all those years ago); they both had feelings for each other; and as we edged slowly toward the end, both will act on their feelings. Levi was so great with Auri, acting almost like a father.  I liked Hailey, another member of the Ravinders, as she and Sunny became secret friends. 

A Good Day for Chardonnay was not only an intense exciting mystery, with lots of heartwarming humor that was a lot of fun, as Sunny, Levi, Auri, Quincy, Zee, Cruz, and others were so great together, making us laugh quite a bit.    I look forward to the next book in this series, as spending more time with Sheriff Sunshine Vicram is a must for me.  I suggest you jump on the bandwagon now, and start with A Bad Day for Sunshine, then A Good Day for Chardonnay, so very well written by a fantastic author, Darynda Jones.


Click HERE for review of book one A BAD DAY FOR SUNSHINE

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