Amber / Emerald /Rose (Red Hot Love Series1-3) by Elle Casey -Series Review

The RED HOT LOVE series follows the lives and loves of three sisters who grew up together, having never known their fathers, or knowing the truth about their mothers’ earlier lives. An offer of ten million dollars apiece finds our heroines struggling with the past, a past they never knew existed. An intriguing and engaging series focusing on the fall-out of secrets and lies, the RED HOT LOVE series is imaginative and thought-provoking.
(Red Hot Love #1)
by Elle Casey
Genre: adult, contemporary, rock, romance
ebooks only 99¢ / / B&N / Chapters/Indigo /
ABOUT THE BOOK: Release Date January 9, 2018
In the bright lights of the big city, she’ll find red-hot music—and red-hot love.
Fiery, free-loving Amber Fields has just discovered she’s the daughter of a 90s rock legend. Amber is determined to know more and heads to the bright lights of New York City, a world away from the hippie commune she’s grown up on in Maine.
She tracks down the band but answers seem hard to come by. And then there’s the new lead guitarist—troubled, sexy, intriguing Ty who is anything but welcoming.
Ty is not into commitment and Amber is not into the music yet, soon, sparks begin to fly. The more time they spend together, the hotter things get. They’re bound by music—could they also be bound by love?
REVIEW: AMBER is the first instalment in Elle Casey’s contemporary,adult RED HOT LOVE rock, romance series focusing on three sisters-Amber Fields, Emerald Collins, and Rose Lancaster. This is rock star Ty Stanz, and twenty five year old Amber Fields’ story line.
Told from first person perspective (Amber) AMBER follows twenty four year old Amber Fields as she goes in search of the truth. For twenty –four years Amber and her two ‘sisters’, Emerald and Rose, have lived a quiet, hippie-like lifestyle with their mothers, mothers who sought the peace and solitude of a free existence, an existence far from the life they once grew to love. When a powerful attorney shows up offering the sisters a lump sum payment for sins of the past, Amber is about to get the experience of a lifetime when she heads to New York, and discovers the secrets about her mother’s life. Enter rock star Ty Stanz, and the man with whom Amber will fall in love. What ensues is the building relationship between Amber and Ty, and the potential fall-out as all is revealed to the world to see.
Ty Stanz is the new lead guitarist for the 90s rock group Red Hot but as weeks lead to months where Ty does not feel like a member of the group relegated to errand boy and punching bag for Red Hot’s die-hard fans, our hero struggles with his place in the band. Meeting Amber Fields gave Ty a chance at his own happily ever after, a happily ever after that is threatened by secrets of the past, secrets that may destroy the woman he loves, and the band he hopes to call his own.
The relationship between Ty and Amber begins acrimoniously as Ty is unhappy as escort and chaperone for Amber Fields. Amber is a strong willed, independent young woman who is willing to go head to head with anyone discrediting her family or her life but secrets from the past are about to blow wide open the family she thought she knew. The $ex scenes are passionate without the use of over the top, sexually graphic language and text.
There is a large ensemble of colorful secondary and supporting characters. We are introduced to the members of Red Hot: lead singer Red Wylde, drummer Mooch Gyllenhaal, rhythm guitar Cash Stagger, bassist Paul Goldman, former band member Darrell Ford, and their lawyer Greg Lister and his niece Linny Lister, as well as Amber’s mothers Barb Fields, Carol Collins and Sally Lancaster.
AMBER is a story of family, secrets, betrayal and lies. The premise is engaging and entertaining; the romance is seductive and intense; the characters are flirty, cautious, sassy and real. AMBER is a wonderful and compelling story line with a kind-hearted heroine is determined to protect the people she loves.
Copy supplied by Netgalley
(Red Hot Love #2)
by Elle Casey
Genre: adult, contemporary, rock, romance
ebook only 99¢ / / B&N / Chapters/Indigo /
ABOUT THE BOOK: Release Date April 12, 2018
Emerald Collins is nothing like her strong-willed sister Amber. When she found out her father was a member of the legendary rock group Red Hot, sensitive Em was determined to carry on as normal—she had no interest in finding out more about her dad or leaving her quiet sanctuary in Maine.
But while visiting Amber in New York, Em meets Sam, a tortured, sexy, and utterly unsuitable musician. Sam and Em are used to life behind the scenes but their undeniable attraction is about to put them right in the spotlight.
When Sam reveals a shocking secret about his past, Emerald has to make a choice. Will she follow her head and return home or is the magnetism between them and the excitement of the big city enough for her to follow her heart?
REVIEW: EMERALD is the second instalment in Elle Casey’s contemporary, adult RED HOT LOVE romance series focusing on three ‘sisters’-Amber Fields, Emerald Collins and Rose Lancaster. This is twenty-seven year old, rock musician and song writer Sam Stanz, and twenty five year old Emerald Collins’ story line. EMERALD can be read as a stand alone but I recommend reading the series in order for back story and cohesion as there is an ongoing premise throughout.
NOTE: If you have not read book one –AMBER-there may be some spoilers in my review.
Told from first person perspective (Emerald) EMERALD follows the building relationship between twenty-seven year old, rock musician and song writer Sam Stanz, and twenty five year old Emerald Collins. Emerald’s sister Amber has fallen in love, and moved to New York, and our heroine misses her terribly. With an invite to visit, Emerald reluctantly sets her sights on the Big Apple but is unprepared to fall in love. Enter Sam Stanz, Ty Stanz’s (AMBER) younger brother, and the man with whom Emerald will fall in love. What ensues is the building romance and relationship between Sam and Emerald, and the potential fall-out as Sam’s life begins to spiral out of control when ghosts from the past take center stage.
Sam Stanz is a song writer but struggles with the spotlight. Heading to New York to meet up with his brother finds our hero battling between the present and the past, a past that controls his head and his heart. Emerald is the quiet sister; shy and reserved but not afraid to defend the people she loves and protects. Meeting Sam Stanz stirs something deep without Emerald’s heart, a heart she is quickly losing to our story line hero. Still struggling with the truth about her mothers’ past, Emerald battles between curiosity, anger and rejection in light of the startling news.
The relationship between Sam and Emerald is one of immediate attraction but Emerald is only in New York for a short amount of time. With Sam’s home base in LA, Emerald struggles with the what ifs and whys of falling in love with a man whose own life is spiralling out of control. The $ex scenes are passionate and seductive without the use of over the top, sexually graphic language and text.
EMERALD is, like Amber, a story of family and secrets, revelation and acceptance, heart break and loss. The premise is captivating; the characters are affectionate, spirited and real; the romance is tender, sweet and encouraging. EMERALD is an emotional and inspiring tale of love, loss, and acknowledgement.
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(Red Hot Love #3)
by Elle Casey
Genre: adult, contemporary, romance
ebook only 99¢ / / B&N / Chapters/Indigo /
ABOUT THE BOOK: Release Date July 5 2018
Rose Lancaster has watched her two sisters find new lives and loves in the New York rock scene, but she’s too busy running her animal clinic in rural Maine to join them. If only she could get the town council off her back, things would be perfect. Unfortunately, the council has just served up papers for a lawsuit, and she’s at her wits’ end.
When straitlaced lawyer Greg Lister drops by on band business and gets wind of her predicament, he offers to help, and although Rose suspects it may come with complications she doesn’t need, she accepts. For a New York hotshot, he sure seems more than happy to spend time at Rose’s Maine retreat ensuring the service is completely personal.
Rose tries to resist the urge to connect but the attraction between them is undeniable…until Greg makes a shocking revelation that threatens Rose’s future in more ways than she could have imagined.
REVIEW: ROSE is the third instalment in Elle Casey’s contemporary, adult RED HOT LOVE romance series focusing on three ‘sisters’- Amber Fields, Emerald Collins and Rose Lancaster. This is attorney Greg Lister, and animal rehabber Rose Lancaster’s story line. ROSE can be read as a stand alone without any difficulty alone but I recommend reading the series in order for back story and cohesion as there is an ongoing premise throughout.
Told from first person perspective (Rose) ROSE follows the building relationship and romance between attorney Greg Lister, and twenty-five year old, animal rehabber Rose Lancaster. Greg is the attorney for the 90s rock band Red Hot but our hero struggles between head and heart as his attraction to Rose places Greg in a compromising position. As the representative of the men whose lives have changed Amber, Emerald and Rose, Greg is unable to reveal the truth to the woman with whom he is falling in love. What ensues is the building romance between Greg and Rose, and the potential fall-out as Rose, and her animal clinic are targeted leaving a heart broken Rose in the wake.
Rose has always wanted to be a veterinarian but life and the quick take-off of her animal rehabbing hospital took priority in her life. Meeting Red Hot’s high powered attorney Greg Lister allowed Rose to consider her options for the future, options that would be quickly destroyed when the truth is revealed.
The relationship between Greg and Rose begins as a business arrangement as Greg is the purveyor of some intriguing and heart breaking news. Time together, and distance apart force Rose to reconsider what it is she wants to do with the rest of her life. The $ex scenes are intimate and passionate without the use of over the top, sexually graphic language and text.
ROSE is the final instalment in Elle Casey’s RED HOT LOVE romance series focusing on three young women who never knew their fathers but had always wondered about the who and why. The character driven premise is moving; the romance is spicy; the characters are spirited and sassy.
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Reviews by Sandy