Dreaming of a Devilish Highlander (Highlander Shifters 1) by Vonda Sinclair-Review, Interview & Giveaway
Highland Shifters #1
by Vonda Sinclair
Release Date: February 9, 2022
Genre: adult, historical, Highlander, paranormal, romance
Amazon.com / Amazon.ca / B&N / KOBO / Chapters Indigo /
A devilish Highlander cursed to change form…
After defending himself in an ambush and defeating his attacker, Gavin MacTavish finds himself cursed by a woman of the enemy clan. Lady Wilona MacRae is a witch of the dark arts and the mother of his slain foe. Ensnared in the curse, Gavin spontaneously transforms into a hawk at dawn each day, then shifts back into a man at sunset. Devastated that his father has been struck with madness because of the curse, Gavin has no choice but to become chief of a dwindling clan. Fearing him as if he were the devil himself, most have fled.
A wayward lass from the future…
When Dani MacRae, a 21st century English lit professor, is given an ancient family heirloom—a brooch—she begins having sensual dreams of a gorgeous Highlander. These spellbinding dreams threaten to take over her life. But when she holds a 400-year-old claymore at a Highland games event, she’s stunned to find herself thrust back in time to 1630 Scotland, into the bedchamber of the intriguing man who invaded her dreams.
A profound love…
After kissing the bonny, unusual lass, Gavin knows she’s the only woman for him, the woman his eccentric father insists he must marry to destroy the curse. But can Gavin conceal from her what he becomes during the daytime? Surely she will reject him and leave if she finds out.
In an effort to help his ill father and his clan, Dani reluctantly agrees to marry Gavin… at least until she can find his enchanted sword, which could return her to the future. Being ripped from her beloved modern day relatives and successful career, Dani is unsure whether she can sacrifice everything for Gavin. That is… until she falls hard for him.
Once Lady MacRae learns Dani is attempting to break her evil spell, she uses any means possible to thwart the union. Can Gavin and Dani seize the magnificent love that will shatter darkness, banish evil, and restore their good fortune?
REVIEW: Historical Romance with a hint of magic and I’m there.
This book did remind me a little of Outlander and The Discovery of Witches (with the time travel) but also a film that I love (Ladyhawke) but that’s where the similarities end.
A book I couldn’t put down once I started, really well thought out and written. Descriptions of the scenery had me easily imagining myself walking alongside Gavin and Dani. Loved the Scottish dialect and its usage in the book (some authors don’t use it correctly, and for me spoils the read.)
Gavin is the Laird of his small clan, he became the Laird after his father became mad after a curse settles on his clan! A lot of the villagers left (frightened off) so Gavin is working hard to restore both his name and reputation. Gavin is such a solid character, he’s frightened and angry at the curse, but he’s trying to live his life as normally as he can (a little hard when you turn into a hawk as the sun rises!)
Dani is our time travelling damsel. But the only distress she had was getting back to her own time, oh and avoiding marriage to Gavin! She’s an English literature professor from the 21st century, a no nonsense woman who had me in stitches with her wit and inner dialogue. Being thrown back in time would unsettle most people, and it certainly keeps Dani on her toes.
Lady MacRae is the villain in this book, casting spells and doing her best to keep the marriage from happening. She cast the curse after Gavin. I did feel a little sorry for her, and at times I wanted her to repent and change (if she does that you’ll need to read the book) but we also need a good villain to boo and hiss at, and Wilona more than adequately fit that remit.
Reading about this pair did have me chuckling as you watch them skirt around their feelings for one another. Can Gavin tell Dani about his predicament without scaring her away? Will Dani want to stay in a world that has no wifi, no lighting and no running hot water? Can the pair break the curse? Can they live as man and wife, or will Dani be forced to live a half life with her”hawk” husband?
This is the first book in a new series, and although I’ve not read this author or any of her previous books, I’m adding this series to my “watch for” list.
? Reviewed by Julie B
Copy supplied for review

TRC: Hi Vonda and welcome to The Reading Café. Congratulations on the release of DREAMING OF A DEVILISH HIGHLANDER.
<Vonda Sinclair: Thanks so much! It’s an honor to be featured on your site.
TRC: We would like to start with some background information. Would you please tell us something about yourself?
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Vonda Sinclair: I live in beautiful North Carolina but my favorite place to travel is bonny Scotland. I haven’t visited since 2017, so I’m really starting to miss it. Writing stories set in Scotland is always a great joy. My hobbies include gardening and amateur photography.
TRC: Who or what influenced your career in writing?
Vonda Sinclair: Several years ago, before I started writing romance, I was addicted to reading it. I loved all types… historical, paranormal, contemporary, etc. One day I thought… I wonder if I could create characters and write a story. Writing romance novels started as an experiment but became a huge part of my life and a wonderful career. I became obsessed with words and how they sound together, how they evoke images and emotions. I love to create a story world full of characters and experiences for readers.
TRC: What challenges or difficulties did you encounter writing and publishing this story?
Vonda Sinclair: I experienced a lot of stress in 2020 and 2021 for obvious reasons, as I’m sure everyone has. The stress, lack of focus, and difficulty concentrating hampered my creativity and inspiration. The book took much longer than it should have to complete. I hope I can keep going with a good momentum. In addition, I’m writing part time now instead of full time due to other responsibilities.
TRC: Would you please tell us something about the premise of DREAMING OF A DEVILISH HIGHLANDER?
Vonda Sinclair: The basic premise is can true love break a curse? Most of my stories are based on the healing power of love.
When Gavin MacTavish and his party are attacked in the forest on the way home, they’re forced to defend themselves or die. Unfortunately, the man Gavin kills is the son of a witch. Literally. She places curses on Gavin and his two friends. Gavin’s life becomes a living hell. Help comes in the form of a modern day woman. Dani has a wonderful career as a professor and a good life, but she cannot find love until she falls into the past. They complement and contrast each other in many ways. This story has a lot of steam and humor.
TRC: What kind of research/plotting did you do, and how long did you spend researching /plotting before beginning DREAMING OF A DEVILISH HIGHLANDER?
Vonda Sinclair: I’m always researching when I write. I like to get specific about which foods were eaten in Scotland in the early 1600s. When the characters move about the castles, details of what they’re seeing and experiencing are important. For instance, how the windows worked, how the door locks operated. What does it feel like and smell like in a castle dungeon? I’ve been fortunate to have explored several Scottish castles, both ruins and inhabited ones. This research has been invaluable for getting the details right. When I write rough draft, I don’t always include all the specifics. I’ll research the exact detail I need on later drafts. It helps that I’ve written several books set between 1618 and 1630. A lot of it sticks in my mind, and I might only have to go back and double check something. For instance, sending a missive back then required several more steps than writing a letter or email today. Everything was done differently four-hundred years ago, and I like to give readers a sense of what that was like.
TRC: How many books do you have planned for the series?
Vonda Sinclair: I plan to do three books, stories about Gavin, Torr, and Brodie. Of course, I could come up with a creative excuse to add more. One of my other series, Highland Adventure, has ten books so far and I’m not finished with the series. Secondary characters keep demanding their own stories which is wonderful fun.
TRC: Believability is an important factor in writing story lines especially stories with a paranormal premise-readers like to think ‘what if?’. How do you keep the story line believable? Where do you think some author’s fail?
Vonda Sinclair: For me, believability comes from specific details, which ties into research. You have to make the story feel real by inserting the reader into the story, making them experience every aspect of the world you’ve created. Sensory details are important and so are historical setting details. Scotland has changeable, tempestuous weather, and I like to include it when I can. I would include emotions here too. Help the reader to feel exactly what the character is feeling. For paranormal elements, show how and why something so farfetched is really possible. In other words, the explanation is shown in vivid detail. In any type of story, the author has to convince the reader to suspend disbelief. I suppose this is done via the author’s craft, skill, experience, intuition, creativity, etc.
TRC: Do you believe the cover image plays a deciding factor for many readers in the process of selecting a book or new series to read?
Vonda Sinclair: Yes, it does for me. I’m sure a lot of readers feel the same way. Most people ignore the old adage of don’t judge a book by its cover.
TRC: When writing a storyline, do the characters direct the writing or do you direct the characters?
Vonda Sinclair: I would say it’s a little of both in my case. Sometimes a scene will come to me almost fully formed. Other times, I’ll brainstorm on paper… maybe this could happen or maybe that could happen. This will spur other ideas until something gels.
TRC: The mark of a good writer is to pull the reader into the storyline so that they experience the emotions along with the characters. What do you believe a writer must do to make this happen? Where do you believe writer’s fail in this endeavor?
Vonda Sinclair: As I mentioned earlier, I feel it has to do with the details. Emotions are one of the trickier parts of writing. If it doesn’t come naturally to the writer, they’ll need to learn the skill through reading books, noticing how great writers do it, taking workshops and practicing. This is especially important in romance because it’s an emotional genre. Some new writers tell emotion (She was sad.) instead of making the reader cry. The best writers make the readers bite their nails, cry, laugh, yell, etc. You really want to get the reader involved in the story. Connected to this is creating characters that readers love. If readers care about your characters, they’re going to be invested in their emotions.
TRC: Do you listen to music while writing? If so, does the style of music influence the storyline direction? Characters?
Vonda Sinclair: I sometimes listen to Celtic instrumental music or music designed for concentration and focus. I don’t want to listen to distracting music or singing. It has to fit the mood of the story, and I keep it at a low volume.
TRC: What do you believe is the biggest misconception people have about authors?
Vonda Sinclair: If their books are flamboyant and over the top, then the author will be too. A lot of us are introverts. Or maybe they think we are just like our characters. (We’re not. lol)
TRC: What is something that few, if anyone, know about you?
Vonda Sinclair: Most readers don’t know I have a BS in psychology and a minor in studio art. I studied French for four years. Believe it or not, these do tie into my books. lol
TRC: Who or what influenced your path towards a young adult, paranormal story line.
Vonda Sinclair: I wanted a short break from historical romance. Sometimes it’s fun and refreshing to work on something unusual like shapeshifters and time travel.
TRC: On what are you currently working?
Vonda Sinclair: The second story in this series, the one about Gavin’s friend Torr. I haven’t finalized the title yet.
TRC: Would you like to add anything else?
Vonda Sinclair: I just want to say thank you for this interview. It has been fun!
Favorite Food
I love a lot of foods, but since I’m currently doing low-carb, I’ll say bacon. lol
Favorite Dessert
Favorite TV Show
Downton Abbey
Last Movie You Saw
Downton Abbey (See a pattern here?)
Dark or Milk Chocolate
Secret Celebrity Crush
Jason Momoa
Last Vacation Destination
Do you have any pets?
Yes, cats.
Last book you read
I listened to an audiobook about meditation by Emily Fletcher.
TRC: Thank you for taking the time to answer our questions. Congratulations on the release of DREAMING OF A DEVLISH HIGHLANDER. We wish you all the best.
Vonda Sinclair: Thanks so much!!

Vonda Sinclair is graciously offering a paper copy of DREAMING OF A DEVILISH HIGHLANDER to ONE (1) lucky commentator at The Reading Cafe
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