OMEGA FOR SALE (The Sanctuary 1) by Jade Marshall -review

OMEGA FOR SALE (The Sanctuary 1) by Jade Marshall -review / / B&N / KOBO /

ABOUT THE BOOK: Release Date July 12, 2024

I walked into The Sanctuary with one thing on my mind. Find an Alpha willing to buy me for the night and get out. I never took into account the type of Alpha who would buy an omega.

Aiden is not what I expected in the least. Neither is my time with him. But I got myself into this mess for a reason. All I have to do is survive the night and walk away with my money.

If only it were actually that easy.


REVIEW: OMEGA FOR SALE is the first instalment in Jade Marshall’s contemporary, adult THE SANCTUARY erotic, paranormal, romance novella series. This is Alpha Aiden Black, and Omega Bella’s story.

NOTE: Due tot the nature of the story line premise, there WILL BE triggers for more sensitive readers.

Told from dual first person (Aiden and Bella) OMEGA FOR SALE follows Bella as she enters herself into the Omega auctions. Bella is an Omega wolf, desperate for money in the wake of her mother’s illness, but Bella is much more than an Omega, and the Alpha’s are willing to pay for a chance at our story line heroine. Enter Alpha Aiden Black. Upon his winning bid, Aiden, against the rules, is determined to make Bella his own, a determination that could see both of them imprisoned or worse. What ensues is the rapidly building relationship and proclamation of love between our story line couple as Bella and Aiden must come to terms with their new life going forward.

The world and characters building are limited. We know very little about the history of Bella or Aiden, and in this there is some information missing. Aiden is a millionaire-owner of the Sanctuary where Omegas are auctioned off to the highest bidder; all Omegas are supposedly voluntarily offering themselves for twelve hours.

The relationship between Aiden and Bella begins when Aiden is the winning bid for a night with our story line heroine. Bella is naive, young and completely out of her element; Aiden is determined to take all, including the heart of the woman with whom he is falling in love. The $ex scenes are aggressive and energetic.

We are introduced to Aiden’s brother Zion; physician Owen, and Bella’s ailing mother Deliah.

OMEGA FOR SALE is a fast paced, quick read. The premise is dramatic and engaging; the is little to no romance-the Alpha is in charge, the Omega must obey; the characters are desperate and feel incomplete-a few more lines or paragraphs could have easily added some background and history but such is the beast that is often a novella.

Copy supplied for review

Reviewed by Sandy
