One by One by Ruth Ware – a Review

One by One by Ruth Ware – a Review


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Getting snowed in at a beautiful, rustic mountain chalet doesn’t sound like the worst problem in the world, especially when there’s a breathtaking vista, a cozy fire, and company to keep you warm. But what happens when that company is eight of your coworkers…and you can’t trust any of them?

When an off-site company retreat meant to promote mindfulness and collaboration goes utterly wrong when an avalanche hits, the corporate food chain becomes irrelevant and survival trumps togetherness. Come Monday morning, how many members short will the team be?




One by One by Ruth Ware is another of her exciting suspense thrillers.  One by One is told in two POV’s’, Erin and Liz.  We meet both Erin and Danny at the start, when they are preparing the Chalet (a French Ski Chalet) for the arrival of a group of developers and employees of Snoop.  The company is an app that allows anonymous people who listen to music that celebrities, family, social media are listening to at the same time. Erin handles and takes care of the Chalet, while Danny is the chef.  

When the 8 members of Snoop arrive, we learn quickly that Eva, one of the partners, wants to accept a buyout that will make them millions, but Topher, the other partner, wants to keep control of the company and instead sell public shares.  Liz is the only member of the group who no longer works for Snoop, but was asked by Topher to come on the trip, as Liz owns shares of the company. Liz is very quiet, and avoids too much contact with the others, as she knows that both Eva and Topher want her support. There is a division between the 8 people, but they also want to enjoy their stay, and head out to ski.

When everyone returns, they realize that Eva is missing, with a few people thinking they saw her last skiing down a very dangerous mountain.  Within a short time, an avalanche hits, as well as a snow storm, and they are snow bound inside the chalet, suspecting that Eva is dead, especially after the avalanche. From that moment on the story intensifies, as electricity is lost, no Wi-Fi and no telephone to contact the police for help.  

Later that evening, another member of the group is found dead, which looks like he was poisoned.  Now the group is down to 6, and everyone looks at one another suspecting each other of being a murderer. Then the following morning someone else is killed, and group is down to 5.  Who is the killer?  One of the assistants leaves in these terrible conditions to find a way to get to the police, before anyone else dies.  Will he survive?

This a classic whodunit, with the guessing game on as to who could be the killer.  This was a wild but fun story, even in this intense time. I did enjoy the whole chalet/ski location, and the desperate change in elements with the loss of power, phone, food, etc.  The last third of the book became a thrilling ride all the way to the climax.  I really liked Erin, as she did her best to keep everyone calm, even when she broke her ankle limiting herself.  Liz was a different POV, as she hated being in the middle. 

In a desperate attempt to get help, they divide into three groups; one to trek toward the police, the others to head to the another chalet, and Erin and Liz to stay at the chalet, as both were too injured to travel.

One by One was a terrific, exciting, tense and fantastic ride, as I held my breath so many times, unable to put the book down.  I will not tell too much more, as you really need to read this book to find out what happens and who is truly the real killer.  I suggest you read One by One, which was so very well written by Ruth Ware.

Reviewed by Barb

Copy provided by Publisher



