One Star Romance by Laura Hankin – Review & Giveaway

One Star Romance by Laura Hankin – Review & Giveaway


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Natalie and Rob couldn’t have less in common. Nat’s a messy artist, and Rob’s a rigid academic. The only thing they share is their devotion to their respective best friends—who just got engaged. Still, unexpected chemistry has Natalie cautiously optimistic about being maid of honor to Rob’s best man.

Until, minutes before the ceremony, Nat learns that Rob wrote a one-star review of her new novel, which has them both reeling: Nat from imposter syndrome, and Rob over the reason he needed to write it.

When the reception ends, these two opposites hope they’ll never meet again. But, as they slip from their twenties into their thirties, they’re forced together whenever their fast-track best friends celebrate another milestone. Through housewarmings and christenings, life-changing triumphs and failures, Natalie and Rob grapple with their own choices—and how your harshest critic can become your perfectly imperfect match.

After all, even the truest love stories sometimes need a bit of rewriting. 




One Star Romance by Laura Hankin is a standalone enemy to lovers rom-com novel. The story focuses mostly on Natalie, who has just published her first book; she lives with her bff, Gabby.  Natalie meets Rob, who happens to be Angus, bff; and during a party, where Angus asks Gabby to marry him. Natalie learns that one person gave her book 1 star, and after a bit of investigation, she realizes that Rob was the one who gave her the 1 star.  From that moment on, both of them got off on the wrong foot, and as the years passed, both Natalie and Rob, only saw each other only due to their respective best friends.

At times they were forced to be together, such as when Gabby and Angus got married, Rob was the best man and Natlie was the maid of honor. Throughout the passing years, they met at their friend’s parties, housewarming, birth of baby, life changing or another milestone; as both of them dealed with their own life and ambitions.

This was a slow burn romance, with years having passed, and a tragedy will bring both Natalie and Rob together.  The friendship between the foursome (Gabby, Angus, Natalie, Rob), as well as other secondary character was lots of fun, and wonderful to get to know them over time. It was very well done, as we got to see the journey between the four of them during that period.  I got a kick out of Christina (Gabby/Angus) daughter. I did like some other secondary characters that played a nice part in this book. I did in time enjoy the love-hate relationship between Rob and Natalie.

One Star Romance is a fun story that focuses on friendship, romance, growth and humor over a number of years. It is a charming, witty, fun story that seamlessly combines life’s complexities and growth, as we change over a period of time.  If you enjoy slow burn romances, with lots of humor; you should read One Star Romance, with was very well written by Laura Hankin.

Reviewed by Barb

Copy provided by Publisher


Laura Hankin’s publishe,Berkley is graciously offering a hardcover copy of  ONE-STAR ROMANCE to ONE (1) lucky commenter at The Reading Cafe.

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8. Giveaway is open to USA only

9. Giveaway runs from June 18- 22, 2024



