When Kings Bend (O’Sullivan’s Brides 2) by Vi Carter-review

When Kings Bend (O’Sullivan’s Brides 2) by Vi Carter-review

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ABOUT THE BOOK: Release Date June 28, 2024

Three brides have been given to me: Niamh is as delicate as the careful steps she takes, Selene is as challenging as the secrets she’s trying to unravel, and Amira who has been lost to me.

Someone has taken her and that fool does not realize that a King never forgives or forgets.

Blood debts must be paid and the collectors are knocking on doors. The Hand himself keeps the ledger and my name has been written in red.

Yet, no shadows appear at my doorstep.

He may be the Hand of the Kings, but I am Diarmuid O’Sullivan. Before this cult infiltrated Dublin, my family ruled it.

And this King always fights for his throne.

This time, I am not fighting alone. Despite my desire to keep them safe and secure, my brides have no fear of shadows.

In fact, they are determined to shine a light in every dark crevice where my enemies hide.

They don’t realize that if that light shines on me, they may not like what they see.

Some Kings are monsters.


REVIEW: WHEN KINGS BEND is the second instalment in Vi Carter’s contemporary, adult THE O’SULLVAIN BRIDES dark, erotic, romance series focusing Irish Mafia King Diarmuid O’Sullivan, and his three virgin brides Selene, Naimh, and Amira. WHEN KINGS BEND should not be read as a stand alone as it picks up after the events and cliff hanger of book one-WHEN KINGS RISE.

NOTE: Due to the nature of the story line premise, there WILL BE triggers for more sensitive readers.

SOME BACKGROUND: The Kings is a cult-like organization with the ability to replace and control CEOs, Presidents and Popes, and Diarmuid is about to rise to the position he has always wanted in the face of the death of his uncle Andrew O’Sullivan but family secrets and demons are threatening from the past.

Told from four first person perspectives (Diarmuid, Selene, Naimh, Amira) WHEN KINGS BEND follows the building but struggling relationship between Diarmuid and his remaining two brides Selene and Naimh. Amira has been chosen by someone else, and in this, the trio is struggling with the truth. As Selene continues to search for any information about the ‘cult’ into which they have been thrown, Amira’s new life is anything like she could have ever imagined. Death and destruction are waiting for them all when vengeance and retribution take aim at our story line hero.

The world building continues to focus on the Diarmuid, his embittered cousin Wolf, and the three brides chosen: Selene, Naihm, and Amira. Selene has come through as the dominant and more aggressive bride, while Selene focuses on protecting someone back home. As Amira’s life begins to spiral out of control, Wolf loses his touch with sanity, threatening everyone and anything that gets in his way.

The secondary and supporting characters include Diarmuid’s brother Ronan and Lorcan, their embittered cousin Wolf; head of the Hand of Kings Victor Maddigan, as well as the appearance of Naimh’s parents, and the Amira’s mother.

WHEN KINGS BEND is another story of power and control, betrayal and retribution, secrets and lies, murder and madness, desperation and denial, family and relationships. The premise is dark, dramatic and twisted; the characters are determined, desperate and tragic; the romance is limited to acceptance but jealousy prevails. WHEN KINGS BEND ends on a cliff hanger-you have been warned.

Click HERE for Sandy’s review of book one WHEN KINGS RISE

Copy supplied for review

Reviewed by Sandy


VI CARTER: When Vi Carter isn’t writing contemporary & dark romance books, that feature the mafia, are filled with suspense, and take you on a fast paced ride, you can find her reading her favorite authors, baking, taking photos or watching Netflix.

Married with two children, Vi divides her time between motherhood and all the other hats she wears as an Author.

She has declared herself a coffee & chocolate addict! Do not judge


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When Kings Rise (O’Sullivan Brides 1) by Vi Carter-review tour

When Kings Rise (O’Sullivan Brides 1) by Vi Carter-review tour

Amazon.com / Amazon.ca / Amazon.uk / Amazon.au / B&N PAPER /

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Goodreads: https://bit.ly/3UiKmRw

ABOUT THE BOOK: Release Date June 7, 2024

My rivals are Dons; I am a King.

Three brides have been chosen for my pleasure and displeasure. One of them will become a King’s consort; the others will be discarded.

Until my decision is made, I get to feast on them all.

They are mine.

After the demise of my uncle, the O’Sullivan family has yet to choose the new Don. With two brothers and a vengeful, unhinged cousin also vying for the position, tension is rising in an already dangerous business.

Especially since no one knows that I’m responsible for my uncle’s disappearance.

Enter the Hands of Kings, a global cult with the ability to replace CEOs, Presidents, and Popes. And their leader, Victor, has his eye on me.

Few men were made to be Kings and Victor has plans for me, plans that do not require my approval.

But an unseen enemy is hiding and they know my secrets. They are manipulating the people around me with the intention of taking my crown.

A King is not so easily dethroned, especially when threats are made toward me and mine.

No one shall have my brides.


REVIEW:WHEN KINGS RISE is the first instalment in Vi Carter’s contemporary, adult THE O’SULLIVAN BRIDES dark, erotic, romance series focusing on Irish Mafia King Diarmuid O’Sullivan, and his three virgin brides Selene, Naimh, and Amira.

NOTE: Due to the nature of the story line premise, there will be triggers for more sensitive readers.

Told from four first person perspectives (Diarmuid, Selene, Naimh, Amira) WHEN KINGS RISE follows in the wake of the murder of Diarmuid’s uncle Andrew O’Sullivan, and Diarmuid’s rise to ‘King’. The Kings is a cult-like organization with the ability to replace and control CEOs, Presidents and Popes, and Diarmuid’s time has come to take his place. Gifted with three virgin brides, Diarmuid is about to come face to face with his future, three woman as different as any three woman could be, but three women who could be the downfall of some powerful men. As the hunt for Andrew O’Sullivans killer intensifies, betrayal comes from within, taking aim at Diarmuid O’Sullivan.

The world building is detailed and complex. We are up close and personal with three woman who have been groomed to be a bride to a King but three women who are determined to take back control of their lives. Diarmuid O’Sullivan is much more than a King but a man with a need to control.

The relationship between Diarmuid and the three women is different on many levels: Amira who has suffered more then the others: Naimh is determined to protect her younger sister at all costs; and Selene wants to uncover the truth about Diarmuid and the Kings. Amira is determined to take everything and more, leaving the other women floundering for a post in Diarmuid’s world. The $ex scenes are provocative and aggressive.

There is a large ensemble cast of questionable and dark secondary and supporting characters. We are introduced to Diarmuid’s brothers Ronan and Lorcan, their embittered cousin Wolf; head of the Hand of Kings Victor Maddigan; investigative journalist Rian Morrissey; Niamh’s sister Ella, as well as the ’bride’s contemptuous parents.

WHEN KINGS RISE is a story of power and control, secrets and lies, betrayal and vengeance, murder and madness, family and relationships. The premise is dark, gritty, dramatic and intense; the characters are dangerous, powerful , determined and desperate. WHEN KINGS RISE ends on a cliff hanger-you have been warned.

Copy supplied for review

Reviewed by Sandy

VI CARTER: When Vi Carter isn’t writing contemporary & dark romance books, that feature the mafia, are filled with suspense, and take you on a fast paced ride, you can find her reading her favorite authors, baking, taking photos or watching Netflix.

Married with two children, Vi divides her time between motherhood and all the other hats she wears as an Author.

She has declared herself a coffee & chocolate addict! Do not judge


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