Cassandra Giovanni-An Interview with the Author

TRC: Hi Cassandra and welcome to The Reading Cafe. Congratulations on the release of Love Exactly.
We would like to start with some background information. Would you please tell us something about yourself?
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Cassandra: My two main passions are writing and photography, so naturally I own businesses that surround those two things. I own my own photography company, and a publication marketing company. The marketing company is barely off the ground, but is something I plan to use to help other struggling Indie authors to get off their feet through my own learning experiences. During the day I’m a Retail Banking Operations and Project Manager at a local bank. I don’t take a break, and I am determined to make my mark on the world–my mantra, sleeping is optional, and stress only makes us stronger!
TRC: You are also a photographer and the owner of a publication marketing company. How do you incorporate the business of writing with your photography business?
Cassandra: I use my photography to design custom covers that authors can rest assured are meant for their novel, and their novel only. It’s a refreshing break from the stock covers and stock models who all look the same.
TRC: LOVE EXACTLY is the June 2013 release in your contemporary new adult STICKS AND STONES series. Would you please tell us something about the premise?
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Cassandra: The novel was begun with the intention of being light hearted, but ended up being about the journey of two lost souls as they tried to understand who they were, who they are and who they should be. It’s realistic, and sometimes dark, but in the end the two characters learn about each other, and most importantly about themselves.
TRC: How many books do you have planned for the series and will Emma and Evan be the featured couple in each storyline?
Cassandra: The series will only be two books, the first Love Exactly and the second Overexposed. Emma and Evan will be featured in Overexposed, but this time it will be written in Evan’s POV. It will start off exactly where the last novel left off, with a bit of overlapping. It’s going to start right as they walk out onto the red carpet.
TRC: What difficulties or challenges (e.g. research, logistics, etc) did you encounter writing this particular storyline?
Cassandra: I had to figure out what borders I needed to establish to make myself comfortable with other people reading a story so close to me, and my own hardships in my past. I danced on a thin line in my subconscious as I dealt with my own pain knowing that some people would pass judgement on Emma for her actions, and that I needed to try to not take it to heart as a judgement onto me. When one reader stated they thought Emma should be in therapy–I wasn’t surprised. I’d already prepared myself for that sort of reaction. I loved writing the story, and I’m very glad that I did.
TRC: How do you keep the plot unpredictable without sacrificing content and believability?
Cassandra: Honestly, I don’t know. I just write what I write, and then hope it’s believable, I guess. It may have to do with my writing style–I don’t outline, so a lot of the time I don’t actually know what is going to happen anyways. If I have some idea what is going to happen I don’t harp on it. I write as I go, and let things unfold on their own. This style may in itself lend to the plot being less predictable.
TRC: The mark of a good writer is to pull the reader into the storyline so that they experience the emotions along with the characters. What do you believe a writer must do to make this happen? Where do you believe writers fail in this endeavor?
Cassandra: I think a writer needs to fully engross themselves in the characters–be the characters. Throw yourself in the roles of each character and get to know them–watch their reactions from others eyes, knowing what they mean but what might not be conveyed. Some 95% of communication is non-verbal, between tone, and physical reactions. In writing it’s important to show and not tell–so describing actions, but not in overzealous detail, as opposed to saying exactly what some one is feeling (think words ending in -ly as tell words) and being in character are important. As for where writers fail in this endeavor; writing is an art, so opinions abound on what’s right and wrong. I don’t like an enormous amount of description, because it pulls me out of character. I describe only what I know my characters would notice (I write only in first person)–not ridiculous things that they wouldn’t, such as the size of a room when someone is holding a gun to their head. This lends to the telling as opposed to showing, but again, is merely my preference.
TRC: Do you direct the characters or do the characters direct the storyline as you write?
Cassandra: I guess it’s a little bit of both. I’m writing the characters, so I must be directing them in some way. Even if it is only in a subconscious way.
TRC: Many authors bounce ideas with family and friends or other authors. With whom do you bounce ideas?
Cassandra: I don’t honestly do a lot of bouncing off of anyone. I sit down and write–I have conversations with my editor about the novel once it’s done, but I don’t really talk about plot, etc with other people. I do let my readers see what I’m working on one to two times a week on my blog and then watch for their reactions to what I’m doing. I don’t know that their reactions would change my intentions, though. Once the novel is done I also send it out to Beta readers as well.
TRC: If you could select one reality TV show to be a contestant, which show would your chose and why?
Cassandra: Honestly, I don’t watch any, so I don’t know of any. I guess seeing I am the matron of honor in my brother’s wedding it would be Say Yes to the Dress, because I know Carley would love to be on it!
TRC: On what are you currently working?
Cassandra: The first novel in the Beautifully Broken Series, Flawed Perfection.
TRC: Would you like to add anything else?
Cassandra: I’d like to thank all my readers, friends and family for their constant support.
Favorite Food
Jalapeno Poppers
Favorite Dessert
Strawberry Rubarb Pie
Favorite TV Show
The Big Bang Theory
Last Movie you saw
White Chicks
Dark or Milk Chocolate
Favorite Flower
Angel Face Rose
Last Vacation Destination
Sedona, Arizona 4 years ago
Secret Celebrity Crush
Adam Levine
Pet Peeve
Coordinating Conjunctions starting sentences
TRC: Thank you Cassandra for taking the time to answer our questions. We are looking forward to Overexposed in 2014.