DARK MEMORY (Dark/Carpathians 37) by Christine Feehan-reviews

DARK MEMORY (Dark/Carpathians 37) by Christine Feehan-dual review & excerpt


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ABOUT THE BOOK: Release Date October 3, 2023

Safia Meziane has trained since birth to protect her tribe, the family she holds so dear. All along she told herself the legends she was raised with were simply that. But now, she must call upon all of her skills to fight what lies ahead. Evil has come to their small town on the cost of Algeria, evil that Safia can feel but cannot see.

She is terrified she will not be able to protect the ones she loves. As her family’s “chosen one,” she has always believed she would face this task alone—until her family reveals she has been promised to a warrior who will join her. An outsider. A Carpathian. . . .

Petru Cioban is one of the oldest Carpathians in existence, and he has spent all that time without the soothing presence of his lifemate. For two thousand years he has waited for this woman to be reborn, only to find her in the sights of a monster he has fought before, a vampire risen again to finish a battle started centuries ago.

Now, Petru must face his greatest enemy and his greatest shame. He has no hope that Safia will forgive his betrayal once the memories of her past life return to her. But he will not make the same mistake again, even if he has to sacrifice everything for the woman who has claimed his immortal soul.


Sandy’s REVIEW: DARK MEMORY is the thirty-seventh instalment (33 plus 4 novellas) in Christine Feehan’s adult DARK CARPATHIAN erotic, paranormal romance series focusing on a group of powerful warriors known as Carpathians. This is ancient Carpathian Petru Cioban, and Safia Meziane’s story line. DARK MEMORY can be read as a stand alone without any difficulty. Any important information from the previous story lines is revealed where necessary.

SOME BACKGROUND: All Carpathian males must find their lifemates before they turn vampire or greet the dawn. Without a lifemate, the males no longer see in color, feel pain or experience emotions. A lifemate is the light to their dark. She is the keeper of his heart and the keeper of his soul. As the unmated Carpathian male ages, the darkness begins to envelope his soul, eventually turning the male vampire or forcing him to greet the dawn.

Told in several parts from dual omniscient third person perspectives, once again leaning strongly on the Tarot cards, DARK MEMORY follows the building relationship between Petru and Safia. Thousands of years earlier Petru found his lifemate, a five year old child, then lost her to a vampire’s madness. Fast forward to present day Petru has been told his ‘lifemate’ is alive in the current timeline, a woman who is very aware of the vampire’s existence. Safia Meziane has been trained in the ways of killing vampires and demons who escape from behind the gates of the Underworld, gates that are guarded by three powerful and ancient Carpathian women. When Petru comes face to face with his lifemate, he will discover that the danger is already present and he must claim our heroine before it is too late. What ensues is the quick building relationship between Petru and Safia, and the potential fall-out as Lilith was determined to take control

Safia Meziane has been trained to kill with a magical sword; to take down a vampire, a demon and all sorts of evil that threaten the lives of her family and friends. With the aid of Aura, an ancient Carpathian, a female whose duty it is to guard the gate to the Underworld, Safia is more than aware of the coming war, and the man that is about to take control of her world.

As per usual, there is a large ensemble cast of colorful, powerful and often dangerous secondary and supporting characters: many of Safia’s extended family and friends; Carpathian ancients Nicu Dalca, and Benedek Kovac, Tomas, Lojos and Mataias, as well as Lilith who commands the demons, the vampires, the mages from the Underworld; and a not so surprising Master vampire

DARK MEMORY continues to focus on a new series arc, one that now follows a form of reincarnation; the Tarot cards that tell the ancients of the existence of a mate, gate keepers, demons and demon slayers, hellhounds and the Underworld, as well as the woman in charge. The arc also renegotiates the death of a lifemate; the scarring of a Carpathian, and vampires that continue to work with someone else. The slow building, action-packed premise is intriguing and captivating but also familiar with a very prolonged fight scene; the romance is insta-lust to love, provocative and intense; the characters are charismatic and determined.


Barb’s REVIEW:  Dark Memory by Christine Feehan is the 33rd book in her fantastic Carpathian series.  I absolutely loved this book, as Dark Memory was fascinating and thrilling from start to finish.   Dark Memory continues the story of the remaining 4 ancients to find their Life-mates, Petru is the hero in this book, with Benedek and Nicu still to come in future books. We meet at the start, Safia Meziane, our heroine, who is an important member of her family, who live in Algeria.  Safia has trained her entire life to defend against demons, to protect her family, as she is a demon hunter. Safia worries that she will not be able to protect her family, as she is the ‘chosen one’; she is very independent, devoted to her family, and has extraordinary abilities to fight evil. She can sense the evil coming, she learns from her grandfather that she is not alone; since years ago,  she was promised to an Ancient Carpathian warrior, who will join her, with some other warriors to help in the battle.

Petru Cioban, our hero, is one of the oldest Carpathians, knowing that 2000 years he found his life mate, who was still a child, only to have lost her to the evil vampires under control by Lilith. Petru waited all these years for her to be reborn, and is determined to get there in time to help her fight another evil battle, but this time he will do anything to keep her safe.

Even though Safia, senses her life mate on his way, she manages to stop an early attack, using her ability to control animals/insects, as well as mind control others (vampires/hounds). As soon as things escalate, Petru and his group (Benedek, Nicos, Mataias, Tomas, Lojos) appear and they stop the onslaught for now; but evil Lilith is even angrier and will bring everything she has soon.   Lilith and her demons, hellhounds, vampires will use everything to kill Safia, Petru and all the family.  Can they survive?

Petru and Safia get to know each other, and in a short period, they both know they were destined to be together.   Petru was wonderful with Safia’s family, and together they all made plans on how to defeat this horrific evil. Petru marveled at how Safia had amazing mind control abilities, and knew she would always want to be able to use her powers when needed; and he easily worked closely with her. I got a kick out of Petru teaching Safia how to shift into a small bird. I love that Petru was sweet and caring, giving her time to accept their bond; I loved Petru and Safia together, as they were so good.  I did like that Safia near the end, would be able to read the cards, letting the other 4 men know they do have life-mates.

What follows is an exciting, intense story line where both Safia and Petru were in constant danger, with lives on the line.  Dark Memory was a pulse-pounding, edge of your seat thriller, that kept me unable to put the book down.  Safia and Petru were such an amazing couple, not to mention all the wonderful members of her family, who would join the battle against evil.  Dark Memory was another masterpiece by Christine Feehan. If you are a Dark/Carpathian fan, you need to read this book.



Petru drank in the sight of her. Her hair was sleek, shiny and dark from the water. It hung thick and long down her back. The moon seemed to spotlight her beauty, the oval of her face with her dark lashes framing her large, jeweled eyes. It was impossible to keep from looking at her full lips and not imagine kissing her, which was a little shocking to him. He didn’t have thoughts like that, not in the middle of a crisis.
Safia wore a royal blue one-piece bathing suit that hugged her figure like a second skin. Petru had dulled the brightness of colors to keep from hurting his eyes, but even with keeping them blurred, it was impossible to stop the vivid beauty of her from nearly blinding him. She shone like the brightest star. More, she had a natural sensuality in every line of her body that appealed to him.
There was no way to stop himself from putting his hands on her hips to hold her steady in the rough water. The moment his palms settled around her and his fingers pressed into the contours of her feminine shape, his body reacted. Discipline was gone. Unexpected fire swept through his veins every bit as hot as the blue flames in her crystal sword. Her green gaze jumped to his, confusion mixed with reluctant desire.
“Have you been here all along?” Her gaze didn’t leave his.
He realized he had to be very careful. “Yes, we have no knowledge of these demons or how to best fight them. You are the expert, and we thought it best to learn from you. We did not give away our presence for fear of distracting you.” He hoped it didn’t occur to her that he could just pull the knowledge from her mind the way he did from everyone else around him.
Benedek and Nicu both made some disparaging sound in his mind, which could have been a snicker on their private ancient path established in the monastery.
Petru thought it best to ignore the brethren and concentrate on his lifemate. Evidently, he’d given her the best answer possible. Her eyes lit up briefly, despite the wariness she was exhibiting.
“I think it best, Safia, if we allow Petru and these men to help,” Izem said. “I have little air in reserve, and if the last sea centipede is a giant, you’ll need to rest and regain your strength before you take on that large of an opponent.”
Carpathian males never allowed interference when it came to their lifemates, but Petru had gone to Safia’s father and oldest brother to ask for their advice. He was aware he knew nothing of relationships or humans. He had hurt her feelings once already through careless words. He knew she felt less than confident around him, even though those emotions were buried deep. He knew the vampire had planted those seeds in the child for Lilith. Now he kept quiet and was grateful for Izem taking control.
“But Izem . . .” Safia gave a halfhearted protest.
Izem gave her a stern look. “I don’t wish to argue over this. I will wait with Mataias for you. Rest on the boat while the demon is led farther from the harbor. Gain strength and then destroy it. Hopefully vampires stay away this night.” He leaned over, gripped his sister’s forearms and then looked at Petru. “I leave her in your care.”Excerpted from Dark Memory by Christine Feehan Copyright © 2023 by Christine Feehan. Excerpted by permission of Berkley. All rights reserved. No part of this excerpt may be reproduced or reprinted without permission in writing from the publisher.



Christine Feehan is a #1 New York Times bestselling author multiple times over with her portfolio including over 70 published novels, including five series; Dark Series, Ghostwalker Series, Leopard Series, Drake Sisters Series, the Sisters of the Heart Series and Torpedo Ink. All of her series have hit the #1 spot on the New York Times bestselling list as well. Her debut novel Dark Prince received 3 of the 9 Paranormal Excellence Awards in Romantic Literature (PEARL) in 1999. Since then she has been published by various publishing houses including Leisure Books, Pocket Books, and currently is writing for Berkley/Jove. She also has earned 7 more PEARL awards since Dark Prince.

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Viciously Mine/Jigsaw’s Blayde by Nikki Landis-review tour

Viciously Mine/Jigsaw’s Blayde by Nikki Landis-review tour





RBMC: Tonopah NV 14
by Nikki Landis
Genre: adult, contemporary, dark, erotic, MC, romance

Amazon.com / Amazon.ca / Amazon.uk / Amazon.au /

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ABOUT THE BOOK: Release Date February 23, 2023

A dual perspective mc romance from twin brothers Rael & Chrome.

Everything is finally falling into place.
I’ve reunited with my twin. The woman I love has become my wife.
And to top it off? I’m now patched into the RBMC in Tonopah.
With my ol’ lady Cameron, I move to Nevada to start our new life together.
But the past never fully dies, and when the ones I love are threatened, the monster inside me awakens.
I’ve been hunted since the moment I left Michigan. My enemies are coming for me, but I’m not alone anymore.
The Reaper is bringing the entire club to confront the man who started this path of carnage, the Russian who gave Solonik orders and ripped me from my family.
No one messes with me and mine. I’ll protect the ones I love viciously.
No matter the cost.

I’ve finally found peace.
The monster inside has grown silent, content with my woman and the upcoming birth of my twin sons. The brother I never knew existed has moved to Nevada, filling the last space of emptiness in my heart.
And that’s why I’ve become vigilant.
I’d kill to protect Nylah, my unborn children, my brother, and my club.
I thought I knew everything about Solonik and the Russians who worked with Rancid to kill my sister. They took Noah from me too.
Now I learn they’ve returned.
The beast inside roars to life, promising retribution.
There will be pain. There will be blood.
I can promise when it’s all over, my brother and I will be the ones left standing. We’ll unleash hell and reap every soul in our path of vengeance.
Let the carnage begin …

Note: For best enjoyment, the series should be read in order. This book is not a standalone. It is highly recommended that Ridin’ for Hell, Hell’s Fury, Devil’s Ride, & Twisted Devil are read before Viciously Mine.


REVIEW: VICIOUSLY MINE is the fourteen instalment in Nikki Landis’ contemporary, adult RBMC: TONOPAH NV dark, erotic, paranormal, MC romance series. This is the continuing story of Sargent at Arms Ian Azrael ‘Rael’ Braxton and his wife Nylah, and Rael’s twin brother Noah ‘Chrome’ Braxton and his mate Cameron. Rael and Nylah’s story first begins in Ridin’ for Hell 3, and Twisted Devil 10.

NOTE: Due to the nature of the story line premise, there may be triggers for more sensitive readers.

Told from four first person perspectives (Rael, Chrome, Nylah and Cameron) VICIOUSLY MINE begins with a little backstory as to some of the earlier events of Rael and Chrome’s lives. Separated at birth, raised by two different families, the brothers would reunite as adults, finding their place with the RBMC: Tonopah but as Rael and Nylah look forward to a future and the birth of their children, Chrome and Cameron continue to struggle as the past refuses to let go.Fighting for the lives, Chrome will have to face Lucifer or meet his maker, as Cameron comes face to face with her own demons that continue to destroys.

VICIOUSLY MINE is a dark story with supernatural elements. The RBMC: Tonopah are an MC whose members reap souls for the Devil, each having their own magical power and supernatural ability. The premise is gritty and raw; the romance is passionate and protective; the characters are determined, dynamic and desperate.

Previous Reviews
The Biker’s Gift
Bloody Mine
Twisted Devil
Haunting Chaos
Santa’s Biker
Mayhem Makers

Copy supplied for review

Reviewed by Sandy


RBMC: Tonopah NV 14
by Nikki Landis
Genre: adult, contemporary, dark, erotic, MC, romance

Amazon.com / Amazon.ca / Amazon.uk / Amazon.au /

RELEASE DATE: July 25, 2023

Five years ago, I made a mistake.
I walked away from the woman I loved.
Every day since, I’ve been living a lie, burying my regrets as I tried to move on.
It only takes one chance meeting to know I messed up.
Abby isn’t safe.
She’s got a stalker leaving threatening messages at the newspaper she works for.
There’s a hit on her head, and every shadow is a threat.
I thought I was protecting her when I left, but I was wrong.
When I see the son I never knew I had staring into my eyes, I swear I’ll do anything to make this right.
I’ll cut through every enemy and let the monster inside me take control.
My reaper won’t hold back his fury.
We won’t fail again. This second chance is a gift.
I’m wreaking havoc and unleashing the full potential of the demon within.
I’ll save my little Blayde and win back her heart.
And I’ll make damn sure no one stands in my way.


REVIEWJIGSAW’S BLAYDE is the fifteenth instalment in Nikki Landis’ contemporary, adult RBMC: TONOPATH NV dark, erotic, paranormal, romance series. This is twenty-seven year old, RBMC: Tonopath enforcer Micah ‘Blayde/Jigsaw’ Sturges, and twenty-three year old Abigail ‘Abby’ Harrington’s story line. JIGSAW’S BLAYDE can be read as a stand alone without any difficulty but the author recommends reading Devil’s Ride, Hell’s Fury, and Viciously Mine for backstory.

NOTE: Due to the nature of the story line premise, there may be triggers for more sensitive readers.

Told from dual third person perspectives (Abby and Micah) covering close to fifteen years JIGSAW’S BLAYDE follows the building but forbidden friendship and relationship between childhood friends Micah Sturges and Abby Harrington. Following her parents’ divorce, nine year old Abby struggled with her life going forward until meeting Micah Sturges, the son of RBMC enforcer Vice, Hale Sturges but Abby’s friendship with Micah was forbidden by her father, businessman Dwayne Harrington, a man whose illegal dealings will threaten not only himself but our story line heroine. As the years pass, Micah and Abby would fall in love but an attack against our heroine pushed Micah out of her life. Fast forward five years, Abby has returned, Micah and his ‘reaper’ are desperate to reconnect, but someone has targeted Abby, and Micah is about to discover the truth about what happened years before. What ensues is the rekindling relationship between Micah and Abby, and the potential fall-out as the Bloody Scorpions MC take aim at our story line heroine.

The world building continues to focus on the making of new ‘reapers. The RBMC: Tonopah is an MC with the powers to ‘reap’ the soul of those called by Satan. As each member of the MC discovers his ‘reaper’ side, the reaper becomes part of the biker’s need to protect the woman he loves. JIGSAW’S BLAYDE covers approximately fifteen years in the lives of our story line couple but skips several years where neither one know what the other is doing.

The relationship between Micah and Abby begins as childhood best friends as Micah vows to protect the woman with whom he will fall in love but Abby’s father is determined to keep them apart, believing the MC is a threat to his only daughter. With Abby’s return, Micah will discover the heart break of secrets and lies, a secret that Micah swears he knew nothing about. The $ex scenes are intimate and passionate without the use of over the top, sexually graphic language and text.

There is a large ensemble cast of colorful and familiar secondary and supporting characters. We are introduced to Abby’s best friend and Micah’s cousin Heather, as well as Abby’s father Dwayne Harrington. The requisite evil has many faces.

JIGSAW’S BLAYDE is a story of power and control, secrets and lies, betrayal and vengeance, forgiveness and love. The fast paced, character driven premise is dramatic and impassioned but much of the story line takes place off page-it felt like something was missing; the romance is provocative; the characters are desperate, determined and animated.




FOLLOW:Facebook / Goodreads / Twitter / Amazon Author Page / Website

Nikki Landis is the USA Today & International Bestselling, Multi-Award-Winning Author of over 50 romance novels in the MC, reverse harem, paranormal, dystopian, and science fiction genres. Her books feature deadly reapers, dark alpha heroes, protective shifters, and seductive vampires along with the feisty, independent women they love. There’s heart-throbbing action on every page as well as fated mates and soul bonds deep enough to fulfill every desire.

Sign up for Nikki’s Newsletter and get a FREE bookhttps://dl.bookfunnel.com/tlr47up53q


Monster Hunter For Hire (.5, 2, 3) by L. West -reviews

Monster Hunter for Hire Series (.5, 2, 3) by L West-a review

Monster Hunter for Hire .5
by L. West
Genre: adult, contemporary, erotic, paranormal, romance

ebook FREE or 99¢: Amazon.com / Amazon.ca / Amazon.uk / Amazon.au /

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ABOUT THE BOOK: Release Date September 1, 2021.

Meet Helena Graves, monster hunter for hire, in this action-packed urban fantasy short story!

When an innocent boy goes missing on Halloween, Helena vows to do everything in her power to find him. With the help of a few shape-shifting friends, they pick up the scent of the vampire responsible for the child’s disappearance.

Helena is no stranger to dangerous villains. She’s fought more than her fair share thanks to her own strange supernatural heritage.

Reluctantly, Helena decides to ask Dominick Pierce, the local vampire king, to help her find the boy before it’s too late.

Will this new alliance change the way Helena has always viewed the monsters once and for all?


REVIEW: FILTHY CREATURES is the prequel novella in L. West’s contemporary, adult MONSTER HUNTER FOR HIRE paranormal series focusing on club owner/ monster hunter for hire Helena Graves.

Told from first person perspective (Helena) FILTHY CREATURES follows thirty-six year old Helena Graves, club owner/monster hunter/ and single mother as she is tasked with finding a missing child. It is Halloween, and Helena’s club is hosting the MMA style supernatural fights but when one her her employee’s child goes missing, Helena calls in the shifters to ‘sniff’ out a possible lead, revealing a vampire is the likely suspect in the child’s abduction. Her only hope is Dominick Pierce, the vampire king. Helena reluctantly asks for help, knowing to gain access may require the finesse of vampire royalty. As Helena and Dominick take down the people responsible, the human police are about to make Helena an offer she cannot refuse.

FILTHY CREATURES introduces some of the players and pawns in L. West’s new MONSTER HUNTER FOR HIRE paranormal series including a possible love interest for our story line heroine. Helena Graves is not quite human but no one, including Helena herself, knows the truth about the who, how or what of our heroine’s heritage. We are introduced to Helena’s seventeen year old daughter Emery, Dominick PIerce, local vampire king; Werelion Henry, Werebear Amos, Werewolf Calvin; and human Detective Levi Cade.

FILTHY CREATURES: Monster Hunter for Hire is a quick read; a fast paced, entertaining and intriguing introductory story line that leaves the reader wanting more.

Haven’t read book one SUPER BEAST? –>ONLY 99¢: Amazon.com / Amazon.ca / Amazon.uk / Amazon.au /


(Monster Hunter for Hire 2)
by L. West
Genre: adult, contemporary, erotic, paranormal, romance

Amazon.com / Amazon.ca / Amazon.uk / Amazon.au /

ABOUT THE BOOK: Release Date October 12, 2021

Monster Hunter Helena Graves has her hands full planning her daughter’s 18th birthday and preparing her for the possibility of inheriting Helena’s rather complicated powers.

She doesn’t have time to get dragged into shifter politics. But she can’t sit back and do nothing when the shifters and vampires are on the brink of war, not when her boyfriend Dominick is a vampire, and her best friend Henry is a werelion.

Unfortunately, when a pack of wolves attack Helena, tensions between the two supernatural groups grow even more strained.

When the shifters join forces to turn on Helena and Henry, their lives are left hanging in the balance.

Will help come for them in time, or will the monsters finally get the better of the hunter?


REVIEW: POWER HUNGRY is the second instalment in L. West’s contemporary, adult MONSTER HUNTER FOR HIRE paranormal romance series focusing on club owner/monster hunter for hire Helena Graves. POWER HUNGRY can be read as a stand alone but I recommend reading the series in order for back story and cohesion as their is a continuing premise throughout.

Told from first person perspective (Helena Graves) POWER HUNGRY follows Helena as she prepares for her daughter’s eighteenth birthday, a birthday that should reveal her daughter’s potential powers but a war is about to be declared between the shifters and the vampire, and our heroine is caught in the middle when she is offered a lucrative contract to kill them all. Not only is Helena’s lover Dom a vampire, but her best friend Henry, is a were lion, and in this, our heroine refuses to kill in the name of speciesism and hate. All is not well in the were shifter community when both Henry and Helena are targeted in a fight to the death but a betrayal finds Helena struggling in her personal life, a life that has quickly spiralled out of control.

POWER HUNGRY is a quick read; a revealing and action packed story of betrayal and vengeance; power and control; secrets and lies; revelations and understanding. Helena Graves is a monster hunter but may very well be a descendant of one of the supernatural races she is hired to kill.


(Monster Hunter for Hire 3)
by L. West
Genre: adult, contemporary, erotic, paranormal, romance

Amazon.com / Amazon.ca / Amazon.uk / Amazon.au /

ABOUT THE BOOK: Release Date November 6, 2021

Helena is struggling to deal with a shocking twist in her unconventional personal life when someone kills her friend and employee. To catch the witches or warlocks responsible, Helena and the police will need to seek the help of an expert in magic – her old flame.

It’s been nineteen years since Helena has seen Emery’s father Aiden. She thought it would be a happy reunion for her and Aiden as they work together to solve the murder, but she is sadly mistaken. Aiden turns out to be yet another complication in her life.

In the rush to find the killers before they take the life of another innocent woman, Helena and her entourage of supernatural beings run headfirst into someone they never saw coming.

A terrifying figure believed to be a theological legend is currently walking the streets of Sebring, trying to convince Helena that not only are the two of them related, but that she’s going to need his help to stay alive.


REVIEW: SPOOKSHOW BABY is the third instalment and novella in L. West’s contemporary, adult MONSTER HUNTER FOR HIRE paranormal, romance series focusing on club owner/monster hunter for hire Helena Graves. SPOOKSHOW BABY should not be read as a stand alone as it picks up after the events of POWER HUNGRY.

Told from first person perspective (Helena Graves) SPOOKSHOW BABY follows our heroine as she must come to terms with the new direction of her life but when several of her friends, and club workers are found dead and apparently sacrificed to Satan, our heroine must return to her roots, and face the man who broke her heart, her daughter’s father Aiden. All does not go well with Aiden, a warlock of immense power, when he refuses to help, once again, pushing Helena out of his life but the number of bodies is increasing, and Helena’s own life is rapidly changing, including the appearance of a mythological creature who claims to be our heroine’s grandfather, and the destroyer of mankind. As Helena, and her intrepid group of supernatural lovers must face down the ultimate demon, said demon may become a permanent fixture in the lives of everyone Helena loves.

SPOOKSHOW BABY reveals a little bit about Helena’s past, the conception of her daughter, and the rejection by the man she continues to love but SPOOKSHOW BABY also reveals the ongoing love of one woman for three men, and the potential future for a polyamorous/ reverse harem relationship, and the growing family from which a demonic entity is claiming paternal rights. The fast paced premise is intriguing and entertaining; the characters are energetic, powerful and lost to the love of a very special woman.

Copies supplied for review

Reviews by Sandy


The Muse (Beautiful Magic #1) by Lauren Blakely-Review tour

The Muse (Beautiful Magic #1) by Lauren Blakely-Review tour

Amazon.com / Amazon.ca / B&N / KOBO / Google Play

ABOUT THE BOOK: Release Date March 19, 2021

Midnight in Paris meets Night at the Museum! A gorgeous standalone forbidden romance with magical elements! Fall in love with The Muse, a sweeping romance set in a modern day Paris that’s full of magic, art, mysteries, and passion from #1 NYT Bestseller Lauren Blakely!

The first time a woman stepped out of a painting, I thought I was seeing things.
The second time, I thought I was going mad.
The night she emerged from a Renoir, I felt something else entirely — a deep stirring of desire, and the wish to get to know the brilliant beauty who’s been trapped inside a painted garden for years.
She can only come out at night in the Musée d’Orsay, where I work. There, after hours, we wander through galleries, with the Van Goghs, the Monets, and the Toulouse Lautrecs the only witnesses to our midnight kisses and, soon, our trysts.
She opens her heart to me, and I learn her story.
But she keeps secrets too, ones I hope to unravel. Why she was trapped. Why Renoir is hunting her. And why artwork in famous museums across the world is starting to disintegrate.
Why I, too, seem to be the only person who can repair the masterpieces.
As I fall deeper for the woman who’s trapped in a museum, I’m caught up in another side of Paris after dark, one inhabited by forgers, ghosts of famous artists and, impossibly, by Muses.
But someone is after the woman I’m falling in love with, and it’s up to me to save her…even if it means losing everything I’ve found with her.


REVIEW:THE MUSE is the first instalment in Lauren Blakely’s contemporary, adult BEAUTIFUL MAGIC paranormal, romance series. This is Musee d’Orsay tour guide and art historian Julien Garnier, and lady in the painting Clio’s story line.

Told from first person perspective ( Julien) with a couple of final chapters by Clio, THE MUSE follows art historian student and museum guide Julien Garnier as he struggles to make sense of craziness that has become his life. Late night visits to the Musee d’Orsay in Paris, France finds Julien Garnier ‘talking with’ and watching the paintings come to life but more specifically the ‘Woman Wandering in the Irises’, a canvas painted by Renoir featuring Monet’s garden. Enter Clio, the woman in question, and the woman with whom Julien will fall in love. What ensues is the building romance and relationship between Julien and Clio, and the potential fall-out as Clio’s love for Julien begins to affect a number of famous paintings throughout the world.

Julien Garnier has no idea his life is about to change. With the ability to see what no one else has the ability to see, and repair the damaged masterpieces that are being destroyed at an alarming rate, Julien will have to confront the possibility of ghosts inhabiting the body of friends, the Muses, and art forgers desperate to take control of the world’s most expensive paintings. Clio is a woman with a secret, a secret that is about to affect the Classics, and Masterpieces, and in this, Clio struggles with what has to be done but our heroine has been targeted by someone from her past, someone who refuses to accept what happened years before.

The relationship between Julien and Clio is predicated upon Julien’s powers to see the paintings come to life, and talk with the characters featured in the museum’s Masterpieces. Magic plays a large role in the relationship between our leading couple as Clio and Julien embark on a journey into the some of the most famous paintings around the world. The $ex scenes are mostly implied.

There is a large ensemble cast of secondary and supporting characters including Julien’s sister and museum curator Adaline; art collectors Remy and Rafe; Julien’s friend Simon, and his new girlfriend Lucy; Clio’s sister Thalia; as well as several characters that come to life, or inhabit the bodies of people whom Julien knows. The requisite evil has many faces.

THE MUSE is an enchanting and magical story line with a little bit of real history and the art world woven together. The premise is detailed and charming; the romance is sweet and passionate; the characters are colorful and charismatic. THE MUSE and the Beautiful Magic series is a departure for author Lauren Blakely, a departure that is sure to resonate with fans of the paranormal genre.

Reviewed by Sandy

Copy supplied for review

A #1 New York Times Bestselling author, Lauren Blakely is known for her contemporary romance style that’s hot, sweet and sexy. She lives in California with her family and has plotted entire novels while walking her dogs. With fourteen New York Times bestsellers, her titles have appeared on the New York Times, USA Today, and Wall Street Journal Bestseller Lists more than eighty times, and she’s sold more than 2 million books. In October she’ll release HARD WOOD, a sexy, standalone romantic comedy. To receive an email when Lauren releases a new book, sign up for her newsletter! laurenblakely.com/newsletter

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Unbound (The Cursed Trilogy 1) by Betty Legend-Review Tour

Unbound (The Cursed Trilogy 1) by Betty Legend-Review & Excerpt Tour

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ABOUT THE BOOK: Release Date March 5, 2021

I had no idea how beautiful and terrifying my life was about to become.

Living as an independent artist in New York, I was soon faced with the new knowledge of my powers, a curse, and how bonding with five sexy-as-sin supernaturals would break that curse.

One by one they found me–Fae, Warlock, Demon, Wolf shifter, Vampire.
I’m their mate.
Their equal.
Their perfect match.
The one to unbind them from their curse.
Heart, body, and soul, I’m meant to be theirs. Theirs to share. Theirs to love.

From the beginning, they warn me of my fate. The stronger our magic bonds; the greater the chance evil will find us.
These incredible beings will give their lives to protect me, no matter the sacrifice, but I’m not willing to lose any of them.
They’ve stolen my heart and I’ll do whatever it takes to break the curse and stop the one who’s coming for us.

The Cursed Trilogy is a reverse harem paranormal romance series and includes:

From the Author: If you like steamy, paranormal romances with humor, action, and a bad@ss heroine who owns the hearts of five powerful and scintillating supernatural men, then this series is for you!


REVIEW: Selene is a struggling artist in New York, and she’s about to have her first art showing. But Selene wishes for more! She’s always wanted to meet some type of supernatural being, that’s probably why she paints them so much, her father told her so many wonderful tales, she believed him, and after he died, Selene wanted to be part of that magical world.

This is the first book by this author that I’ve read. I love Selene, she’s just a really nice soul. And totally clueless about what’s about to happen to her world. Griffin (Fae) and a really nice character, I think his role is peacemaker, he’s the one that brings Selene to the island after seeing her in a vision. Cyrus (Warlock) the one who brought her to the Island using a portal, the voice of reason. Emeric (demon) just thinks he can bond with Selene, then leave……

A curse ….. A Druid witch cast a spell that turns it into a curse ….. the curse is killing the supernaturals and only Selene can save them!! By bonding with them and sharing magic. Phoenix (vampire) bit of a dick if you ask me! Killian (werewolf) not met him yet, but I’m sure we will do soon.

Being kidnapped is not going to help win Selene over, but what else can Griffin do? He knows she the one to break the curse that both he and his friends have, he thought he’d tell her that and it would all be straight forward. But it’s not! She wouldn’t listen, she won’t believe and she’s always trying to escape! He needs to convince her fast, and before she meets the others!

Being told your a Druid witch after you’ve been abducted is just too much for her to take in. She’s looking to ignore the attraction she has for Griffin and looking for a way off this island! But spending time has Selene and Griffin falling for one another…..

Meeting Selene has Cyrus all confused! He knows he has to wait his turn, but having to watch Griffin and Selene together is proving difficult (especially as Griffin hasn’t told Selene about Cyrus and the others) Emeric thinks it’s just going to be about sex, no connection, but that’s not how it happens, and I liked watching him fall for his mate. He is just as protective and obsessed as Cyrus and Griffin. And Phoenix, well he’s just lost his coven! Slaughtered by the Holy Accolades! He’s in no mood to meet and greet Selene!

The Holy Accolades is an order of humans who are out to destroy the supernatural world. Selene is warned that the more they all bond and share her magic, the more danger she will be in, will the Order find her before she can bond with the five eldest sons?

I love my PNR and I’ve been reading a lot of RH, and I have to say this one has a lot of them beat. It’s fresh, it’s fast paced and it’s written very well. Love a descriptive story, actions and emotions too, I want to imagine the whole scene unfold in my mind, and with this book that was easy to do. And its got lots of passionate moments (she’s got five guys to please, what did you expect!) it’s got the drama of meeting demons who want her dead, and a vampire that wants to drain her dry!! And we get to watch Selene train with her magic.

And when Selene finally gets the magic she was promised, it totally opens her eyes. Getting her head around the fact she has to bond with five men seems daunting at first, but luckily Griffin, Cyrus and Emeric introduce her to the mate bond, Phoenix is going to be another matter!!

And I’m looking forward to meeting Phoenix and Killian……

? Reviewed by Julie B

Copy supplied for review

Rolling into the coffee shop parking lot, I put my motorcycle in neutral and drop the kickstand. Unclipping my helmet, I hang it on the right handle and head inside for a warm dose of liquid caffeine. Last night, I woke up at three a.m. Unable to sleep, I started painting the image from my dream. Each dream I have is as fantastic as the next, but this one was especially intricate in detail. In the dream, blue fire swirled around me as if it had an essence of its own. From my fingertips, I wielded its power. The possibilities of what I could do were limitless. My brush stroked ravenously, bringing the vivid images of color to life on canvas. When I collapsed back in bed, exhausted, my eyes returned to the painting. Staring back at me was a resemblance of myself—exquisite and eerie. My eyes, an electric blue, share the same shade as the fire. Looking into those luminous orbs, there’s a secret she holds, a power she’s eager to unleash.
Over the years, I’ve come to the conclusion my dreams are my mind’s escape from our boring reality. Being adventurous and curious has led me to research many subjects, particularly the supernatural. Unfortunately, the closest I’ve come to anything of the former has been from movies, books, and art.
With my turn to order next, I rattle off my request to the barista for a cappuccino and a muffin. She takes my name and I leave the counter in search of a quiet corner. Dropping my backpack on the cushioned bench at my favorite window spot, I pull out my tablet and sketch pad. My email inbox is filled with ads for painting tools and, of course, makeup because I’m addicted to it, as well as adventure tour ads to feed my inner adrenaline junkie. Skipping over the ads, I click on an important email from Susan, the art gallery director of the 369 Studio Gallery, one of the swankiest galleries in New York. It took me two years to get a show there. I breathe a breath of relief when all her email includes is a confirmation that my art has been delivered and, tonight, they’ll begin preparation for my show tomorrow.
Raising my head to the call of the barista brings my attention to a stunning man at the counter. Beneath a gray beanie is a messy mop of blonde hair with curls peeking out the bottom of his hat. Sunkissed golden skin is visible outside of his blue, short-sleeve shirt, white shorts, and leather flip flops. Not only is he handsome, but his beachwear causes him to stand out among the regulars. He’s definitely not from New York. He probably just flew in from a beautiful island on his private plane. Ugh, why can’t I meet a man like that?
Gathering my cappuccino and muffin, I catch beach stud eyeing me. Eyes as beautiful and blue as a turquoise ocean meet mine. A flutter of excitement and attraction shoots through me, drawing my lips into a curve. Beneath his heart-stopping eyes is a strong jaw, lips you want to kiss, and the kind of eyelashes women pay to glue on their lids. His features leave him in two categories—model or actor.
Not wanting to turn our moment into something awkward, I turn away from his golden angelic face, releasing a breath and all the butterflies with it. Back at my table, I peel away the wrapper from my muffin. Taking a bite, blueberry flavor bursts in my mouth and soothes the hunger pains in my belly. One of the things I like most about this coffee shop is the cute designs they make in the cappuccinos. Today, mine has five white leaves that are disbursed as my lips form over the edge of the mug.
Three tables down, beach stud is sitting alone with a cappuccino and laptop. As if he senses me ogling, he angles his head and pierces me with those sparkling ocean eyes. To be nice, his lips upturn in a kind smile. I’m sure he’s used to women staring.
Returning my attention to where it belongs, I shoot an email off to Susan, thanking her for the work and preparation she’s doing to ensure a smooth art show. The second email I send is to my cousin, Rachel, and my mother, Claire. It’s been a couple of weeks since I updated them on my activities, and I know they’ll be excited about the art show. With those emails sent, I turn off the tablet and reminisce about my vivid dream. More details come to mind, and I doodle on my sketch pad. Several minutes later, the image of a man with a scar on his cheek is looking back at me. I’m left wondering about the cause of that scar, then chuckle aloud at my ridiculous thoughts. The man is a figment of my imagination, yet I’m thinking of him as a living being. I need a boyfriend, I work too much, and now, I sound like my mother.
Gathering my belongings into my backpack, I swing it over my shoulder and head out to my motorcycle.
I’m halfway to my motorcycle when I hear my name called with male bravado. Turning toward the voice brings me face-to-face with beach stud. Taking a step back, I finger the mace bottle dangling from my backpack. Just because he’s handsome doesn’t mean he’s not a threat.
“How do you know my name?”
The left side of his jaw flexes as he smiles. “I heard the barista call your name.”
“Oh, right. What can I do for you?”
“I’d like to ask you out for coffee, but since we both just finished a cup, how about dinner?”
Is that a hint of an accent I hear? Irish maybe? My eyes sweep up and down, taking in his tall height, toned arms, and broad chest. Can this guy get any more attractive? I’m guessing he wins over every woman he sets his alluring eyes on.
“You’re tempting, honestly, very tempting, but I don’t do flings or one-night stands, and you look like you won’t be here in New York very long.”
Beach stud reaches out and snags my wrist as I turn away. My gaze whips to his hand, and he immediately drops it.
“You’re right, I won’t be here very long. I’m here on business for two weeks, but I would love to have someone local show me the best of New York.”
“What makes you think I’m local?”
“Just a guess.” One hand slips into a pocket while the other rests on his beanie and rubs his head. “Are you always this hard on men when they ask for your company?”
“For my company?” Laughter shakes my shoulders and curls my lips. “Around here, when men ask for a woman’s company, he wants to pay her for sex.”
A pink hue fills his cheeks. “That’s not what I’m asking for. I prefer sex to be consensual and for there to be passion.”
Goosebumps pebble on my arms as those words leave his lips. Goodness, it’s painfully obvious how attracted I am to him.
“All right, enough of the sex talk.” Pulling a business card out of my back pocket, I hand it to him. “I don’t give out my number to people I just met, but I’ll be at an art show tomorrow at the 369 Studio Gallery. Meet me there, and I’ll show you around town after. That work?”
Beach stud pockets my card with a triumphant grin. “It does. I’ll be there.”
“Great. What’s your name?
“Griffin Hughes. It was a pleasure to meet you, Selene.”
“I’ll decide if I feel the same tomorrow.” I give him a smirk, and he laughs.
“I have my work cut out for me then, don’t I?”
As I walk away, I raise both hands in the air. “Just giving you the full local experience.”
Griffin remains there, glistening in the sun like a golden statue, watching me get on my motorcycle and ride away.

FOLLOW: Goodreads /Website/Facebook-Betty Sheffler / Instagram /Facebook-Betty Legend

I’m a USA Today and International Bestselling Romance Author. Betty Legend is my pen name specifically for my paranormal and fantasy romance books. If you would like to view my romantic suspense and contemporary romance novels, they are available at: https://bettyshreffler.com/

I write what I like to read which means my stories are sexy and suspenseful, with hot alphas, kickass heroines, and twists you don’t expect. If I’m not writing or doing book events, you can find me creating cover designs, snuggling with my dogs watching a movie, sipping wine behind a deliciously steamy book, or enjoying the outdoors on my motorcycle.


Whisky and Wishes (Dark Kings 19) by Donna Grant-a review

Whisky and Wishes (Dark Kings 19) by Donna Grant-a review


Amazon.com / Amazon.ca / B&N / KOBO /

ABOUT THE BOOK: Release Date December 7, 2020

Return to New York Times bestselling author Donna Grant’s Dark King world for a special holiday novella.

Finally free of the dangers surrounding him and the burden of pining after his mate, the King of Dragon Kings is ready for some peace—time to enjoy the woman he loves without interruption. Sure, the matter of accessing the clans across the Dragon Bridge still looms, as does the ultimate Fate of Con and his brethren. But for now, Con plans to enjoy the people he loves and celebrate the holidays with those closest to him. Why borrow from tomorrow’s problems? When the time comes to confront what’s next, they will do it. Together.


REVIEW:WHISKY AND WISHES by Donna Grant is a holiday novella found in the author’s Dark Kings series following the revelations in book eighteen INFERNO.

NOTE: If you have not read book eighteen INFERNO there may be spoilers in my review.

Told from third person perspectives WHISKY AND WISHES focuses on the rekindling relationship between Constantine, King of Kings, and his mate, Fae warrior Rhiannon. With Con and Rhi’s relationship starting anew, the other Dragon Kings and their mates have booked time away to allow Con and Rhi to rekindle their love but the approach of the human holidays aka Christmas, Hanukkah, and the New Year, Rhi sets about to decorate the castle, preparing for a welcome home celebration for the Kings, the Reapers and the Fae, but there continues to be heart break and pain as Rhi and Con have not heard from the other Dragons and their loved ones, who were sent to the other realm. As Rhi and Con come to a decision, the Kings struggle to locate one of their own.

WHISKY AND WISHES is a quick read; a fast paced novella that bridges between the Dark Kings and Donna Grant’s new spin off series beginning with Dragon Revealed (Varek, King of Lichens) in January 2021. The premise is entertaining; the romance is spicy and seductive; the characters are numerous and familiar. WHISKY AND WISHES is a bit of a filler between series, setting up for a new adventure with the dragons and their mates.

Previous Reviews

Dark Craving
Night’s Awakening
Dawn’s Desire
Darkest Flame
Fire Rising
Burning Desire
Hot Blooded
Night’s Blaze
Soul Scorched
Dragon King
Passion Ignites
Smoldering Hunger
Smoke and Fire
Dragon Fever 9.5
Dragon Burn 11.5
Constantine: A History Part 1
Constantine: A History Part 2
Constantine: A History Part 3
Dragon Night 13.5
Dragon Fire
Dragon Claimed
Dragon Lost

Copy supplied for review

Reviewed by Sandy


Donna Grant is the New York Times and USA Today bestselling author of the sizzling Dark King series featuring dragons, immortal Highlanders, and the Fae.

She was born and raised in Texas but loves to travel. Her adventures have taken her throughout the United States as well as to Jamaica, Mexico, and Scotland. Growing up on the Texas/Louisiana border, Donna’s Cajun side of the family taught her the “spicy” side of life while her Texas roots gave her two-steppin’ and bareback riding.

Despite deadlines and voracious reading, Donna still manages to keep up with her two children, four cats, and one long haired Chihuahua.




Christmas Embrace (Immortals of New Orleans) by Kym Grosso-review

Christmas Embrace (Immortals of New Orleans) by Kym Grosso-a review


Amazon.com / Amazon.ca / B&N / KOBO / Chapters Indigo /

ABOUT THE BOOK: Release Date November 17, 2020

Joyeux Noël

A supernatural wedding brings everyone together during the holidays. But it doesn’t feel like Christmas for Detective Sydney Willows. She finds solace in the arms of her sexy vampire but with a fragile heart, not quite mended, she’s afraid to commit to an eternity. After she rescues an abandoned child and is then forced to give him away, she’s determined to fight for the family she never knew she wanted.

Vampire Kade Issacson never expected to have a baby but soon realizes what’s been missing in his life. After he’s forced to return the abandoned wolf pup to the pack, the child’s mother is found murdered in an alley. Vowing to protect the boy, Kade fights for him, swearing he’ll never give him back again.

Determined to win Sydney’s heart and her hand, Kade plans a surprise for his reluctant detective. Convinced their souls are destined for an eternal future, will he convince her to say yes once and for all?

Falling in love. Second chances. A new nemesis arises. Find out who’s naughty and nice as the Immortals of New Orleans conjure up Christmas magic.


REVIEW:CHRISTMAS EMBRACE is a contemporary, adult, novella in Kym Grosso’s Immortals of New Orleans erotic, paranormal, romance series.

Told from several third person perspectives CHRISTMAS EMBRACE follows numerous intersecting paths including the preparations for the Christmas wedding of vampire Luca Macquarie, and high priestess Samantha Irving; Sydney Willows, and Kade Issacson’s heart breaking struggle to have a family; and a gruesome murder investigation that points to demonic powers, drug trafficking and possible human involvement.

As Samantha and Luca’s wedding draws near, Sydney Willows struggles with the heart break of giving up an orphaned pup, a child whose mother returned after months on the run. Struggling with her new vampire lifestyle, Sydney has thought about the losses and gains but the loss of a child is what has hurt them the most. On the scene of a murder, Sydney finds the wolf pup stuffed in the trash, and along with the man that she loves, is determined to remain a family, one way or another. When the alpha reveals the child is most likely going to be raised by the wolves, Kade makes preparations in event of a ruling that may go very wrong for the woman he loves.

CHRISTMAS EMBRACE is a story of family and friendships; relationships, healing and love. The premise is heart warming and engaging; the characters are familiar, energetic and edgy; the $ex scenes are passionate and intense. CHRISTMAS EMBRACE sets the stage for a new direction in the series arc, a direction involving a power struggle for control of the supernatural of New Orleans.

Copy supplied for review

Reviewed by Sandy


KADE’S DARK EMBRACE: FREE ebook Amazon.com / Amazon.ca / Amazon.ukBarnes and Noble / KOBO / Smashwords

LUCA’S MAGIC EMBRACE: Amazon.com / Amazon.ca / Amazon.ukBarnes and Noble / KOBO / Smashwords

TRISTAN’S LYCEUM WOLVES: Amazon.com / Amazon.ca / Amazon.uk Barnes and NobleKOBO / Smashwords

LOGAN’S ACADIAN WOLVES: Amazon.com / Amazon.ca / Amazon.ukBarnes and Noble / KOBO / Smashwords

LEOPOLD’S WICKED EMBRACE: Amazon.com / Amazon.ca / Amazon.ukBarnes and Noble /

DIMITRI: Amazon.com / Amazon.ca / Amazon.ukBarnes and Noble / KOBO /

JAX: Amazon.com Amazon.ca B&N KOBO /

JAKE:  Amazon.com Amazon.ca B&N KOBO ibooks / Smashwords /


Season of the Wolf by Maria Vale-a review

Season of the Wolf (The Legend of All Wolves #4) by Maria Vale

Amazon.com / Amazon.ca / B&N / KOBO / Chapters Indigo / Google Play

ABOUT THE BOOK: Release Date August 25, 2020

In a world of danger and uncertainty, the Alpha has enough to worry about without him…

For Alpha Evie Kitwanasdottir, things are never easy. The Great North Pack has just survived a deadly attack. Evie is determined to do whatever is necessary to keep her Pack safe, especially from the four Shifters who are their prisoners.

Constantine lost his parents and his humanity on the same devastating day. He has been a thoughtless killer ever since. When Constantine is moved to live under Evie’s watchful eye, he discovers that taking directions and having a purpose are not the same thing.

Each moment spent together brings new revelations to Constantine, who begins to understand the loneliness of being Alpha. He finds strength and direction in helping Evie, but there is no room for a small love in the Pack, so Constantine must work harder than ever to prove to Evie he is capable of a love big enough for the Great North Pack itself.


REVIEW: Constantine knows how hard life is. A killer for the pack, he’s not sure if he fits the pack now, his deceased leader had different views, but the more time he spends with Evie, the more he knows this is home.

And when Evie finally comes round, he needs to prove to her that he loves the pack, and not just her. She not an easy wolf to know, but he keeps at it, he feels her pain and he feels like he’s the wolf for the job.

Evie is alpha, it’s a cold and lonely position. After losing her mate in the previous book (see you do have to read in order)she needs to carry on for the pack. It’s hard, but it’s her duty, so basically suck it up and get on with it.

Her ideas are simple, keep the pack safe at all times.

I’ve read the previous 3 books, and the series just keeps getting better.

The characters although not as good as the previous books hold onto your heart and make you believe in their story. It was great to catch up with older characters from previous books.

This series really is different from most shifter books. These are wolves that can change into humans, it’s not their preferred form, they love being wolves, it’s what they are.

And the wolf pack is EVERYTHING, above family and even mates. The pack provides protection, security and unconditional loyalty.

The world is harsh and unforgiving, the scenes can upset you, but that’s the sign of a good book.

I couldn’t put it down.

Constantine was in the last book like Evie and I liked him immensely and I’m glad it’s his turn for a story.

We meet up with previous characters from the last three books.

I feel you definitely need to read in order, there is a story that if you skip books you’ll miss out on information.

They are difficult to read, but please persevere. They are well worth the effort. This book although not action packed, I don’t think it was necessary (that was in the last book) we focused on how the pack was reforming and licking their wounds from the last battle, (maybe the next book will have more action?)

I’m not sure if I can stand another book in this series, it tugs at the heart string too much, but it’s a book that once your in, you are trapped till the end.

Another great read, and one I’m glad to have read. Highly recommend this book.

Reading Order and Previous Reviews
The Last Wolf
A Wolf apart
Forever Wolf

Copy supplied by Netgalley

? Julie B.
