Brutal Vows (Queens and Monsters 4) by JT Geissinger-Review Tour

Brutal Vows (Queens and Monsters 4) by JT Geissinger-Review & Excerpt Tour / / / /

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ABOUT THE BOOK: Release Date April 28, 2022

An Irish mobster with a brutal grudge.
An Italian mafia princess with a dark secret.
Two enemy empires joined in sacred marriage vows.
Let the hating games begin.


If this arrogant Irish mobster my brother sold my niece to thinks I’m going to play nice over this arranged marriage BS, he should think again.
I don’t care if this match with the Mob will make my brother capo of the Five Families.
I don’t care how much money, territory, or power it will gain us.
I especially don’t care that the Irishman is the sexiest man I’ve ever seen.
I won’t allow my innocent niece to suffer the same way I did.
Even if I have to kill him.


I’m supposed to marry sweet, beautiful Lili. So why can’t I stop thinking about her swamp witch of an aunt?
Reyna who hates me. Reyna who challenges me. Reyna with the guts of a Viking, the body of a fertility goddess, and the attitude of a feral cat.
Nothing good can come of what I’m feeling for a woman who’s not the one in the wedding contract I signed.
A woman I want so much, I’ll have to burn the whole world down to get.
If she doesn’t kill me first.


REVIEW:BRUTAL VOWS is the fourth and final instalment in JT Geissinger’s contemporary, adult QUEENS AND MONSTERS erotic, Mafia romance series. This is Irish Mobster Homer ‘Spider’ Quinn, and thirty three year old Italian Mafia princess Reyna Caruso’s story line. BRUTAL VOWS can be read as a stand alone without any difficulty. Any important information from the previous story lines is revealed where necessary.

Told from dual first person perspectives (Reyna and Spider) BRUTAL VOWS follows in the wake of an arranged marriage between Irish Mobster Homer ‘Spider’ Quinn and Reyna Caruso’s eighteen year old niece Lili. Reyna’s brother is the head of the Caruso family, and has signed a contract with the Irish Mob that will see the marriage of his eighteen year old daughter Lili to Spider Quinn, a contract that is to unite two powerful families but Lili is about to tear the family apart, and Reyna, who has already survived a marriage to the mob, refuses to let her niece become another statistic. Offering herself up in place of her niece, Reyna finds herself falling for a man who could destroy her life. What ensues is the building relationship between Reyna and Spider, and the potential fall-out as betrayal from within forces Reyna to reconsider her future with Spider Quinn.

Spider Quinn doesn’t want to marry an eighteen year old child but a contract has been signed to unite two powerful families. Meeting Lili’s aunt Reyna stirs something deep within our story line her, something Spider hasn’t felt for a very long time. Reyna Caruso knows that to defy the family means to place herself in the direct line of fire but in order to protect Lili, Reyna offers up herself to a man that is currently starring in her fantasies and dreams.

The relationship between Reyna and Spider begins acrimoniously as Reyna struggles to accept Spider into her niece’s life. Spider’s attraction to Reyna is immediate, and his need for Reyna grows with every encounter. The barely veiled sexual attraction between Reyna and Spider is palpable; the $ex scenes are intimate, passionate and intense but I dislike the use of a certain four-letter word.

The colorful and charismatic secondary and supporting characters include Kage and Nat (Ruthless Creatures 1), Declan and Sloane (Carnal Urges 2), Malek and Riley (Savage Hearts 3), as well as Reyna’s brother Gianni, her niece Lili, and her over the top, Italian Nonna, and Spider’s right hand man Kieran Byrne.

BRUTAL VOWS is a story of family and relationships, betrayal and vengeance, power and control, acceptance and love. The fast paced premise is captivating, entertaining and inviting; the romance is seductive and hot; the characters are broken, energetic, powerful but healing. BRUTAL VOWS is the final instalment in the Queens and Monster series but the final story is open ended, leaving room for something more

Reading Order and Previous Reviews
Ruthless Creatures
Carnal Urges
Savage Hearts

Copy supplied for review

Reviewed by Sandy

NOTE: Due to the strong language and content, excerpt is intended for mature readers.



I get only a glimpse of the woman in the window before the curtains fall back into place and she disappears, but the image of her is seared onto my retinas.
Dark hair, red lips, olive skin.
A black, low-cut dress.
Acres of cleavage.
And eyes that glittered silver in the afternoon sun like the flash of coins at the bottom of a wishing well.
She can’t be Liliana, the lass I’m here to meet. I’ve seen pictures of her. She has a sweet, innocent face. A shy, lovely smile.
The woman in the window looks like she’d only smile if she were slitting your throat.
Mindful of the armed guards, I say in Gaelic to Kieran, “I thought the lass’s mother died?”
Standing beside me, he follows my gaze and looks up at the blank window.
“Aye. Why?”
“Who else lives here?”
He shrugs. “Dunno. From the size of the bloody place, probably a thousand people.”
She’s not a servant, that much I know. There wasn’t a hint of servitude in those flashing eyes.
She looked more like a warlord about to lead an army of soldiers into battle.
“This way,” says the guard nearest to me. He nods toward an arched opening in the brick wall that leads from the circular driveway into an interior courtyard.
Dismissing the thought of the mystery woman, I button my suit jacket and follow behind the guard as he leads Kieran and me away from the car. The other guard walks behind us. We’re led through the lushly landscaped courtyard to a set of enormous carved oak doors, flanked on either side by towering marble columns.
The main house looms over us, three sprawling stories of beige limestone with elaborate balustrades and scrolled iron balconies, topped by a line of Roman centurion statues gazing down at us from a ledge on the red-tiled roof.
Inside the main foyer, the décor becomes even more ostentatious.
Naked cherubs frolic with hairy satyrs and woodland nymphs in colorful frescoes on the walls. Instead of one drop-crystal chandelier overhead, there are three. The floor is black marble, the carved mahogany furniture is edged in gilt, and my eyes are starting to water from the kaleidoscope glare of stained-glass windows.
Under his breath, Kieran says, “Jesus, Mary, and Joseph. Looks like Liberace hurled his lunch all over the bloody place.”
He’s right. It’s fucking awful.
I have to force myself not to turn around and walk out.
“Ah, Mr. Quinn!”
I turn to my right. A man approaches with his hands spread open in greeting.
He’s fit, of average height, and somewhere around forty. His dark hair is slicked back with pomade. Wearing a navy blue pinstripe suit I can tell is custom made, a powder blue tie with a diamond tie pin, a chunky diamond watch, and a gold pinky ring on each hand, he oozes wealth, privilege, and power.
His cologne reaches me before he does.
His smile is blinding.
I hate him on sight.
“Mr. Caruso, I presume.”
He grabs one of my hands in both of his and pumps it up and down like he’s a political candidate campaigning for my vote.
“It’s a pleasure to finally meet you. Welcome to my home.”
“Thank you. It’s a pleasure to meet you as well.”
He hasn’t stopped grinning or shaking my hand.
Ten more seconds of this shite, and I’ll break those Chiclet teeth of his.
“This is my associate, Mr. Byrne.” I extract my hand from Caruso’s death grip and gesture to Kieran, who inclines his head respectfully.
“Mr. Byrne, welcome. And please, both of you, call me Gianni. I prefer if we’re all on a first name basis, don’t you?”
I’d rather blind myself with acid, you wanker.
Kieran politely offers his name. I offer nothing. There’s an awkward pause while Caruso waits, but he gets the hint and suggests we retire to his study to speak in private.
After what feels like a death march through miles of echoing corridors, we arrive at the study. It’s probably larger than the law library at Notre Dame. We sit across from Caruso in a pair of leather chairs so uncomfortable, they had to be designed by sadists.
I haven’t been here ten minutes, and I’m already regretting the fuck out of this.
Until she walks in the door.
Dark hair, red lips, olive skin.
A black, low-cut dress.
Acres of cleavage.
Not only cleavage, but long legs and an hourglass figure that would make any man stupid with lust.
If he wasn’t too busy being turned to stone by the ice in her eyes, that is. I’ve never seen an attractive serial killer, but I bet this is exactly what she’d look like.


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A former headhunter, J.T. Geissinger is the author of more than a dozen novels in contemporary romance, paranormal romance, and romantic suspense.

She is the recipient of the Prism Award for Best First Book, the Golden Quill Award for Best Paranormal/Urban Fantasy, and is a two-time finalist for the RITA® Award from the Romance Writers of America®. Her work has also finaled in the Booksellers’ Best, National Readers’ Choice, and Daphne du Maurier Awards.

Join her Facebook reader’s group, Geissinger’s Gang, to take part in weekly Wine Wednesday live chats and giveaways, find out more information about works in progress, have access to exclusive excerpts and contests, and get advance reader copies of her upcoming releases.


SAVAGE HEARTS (Queens and Monsters 3)by JT Geissinger-Review tour

SAVAGE HEARTS (Queens and Monsters 3) by JT Geissinger-Review & Excerpt tour / / / /

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ABOUT THE BOOK: Release Date November 19, 2021

Savage (adjective):
1) Not domesticated; wild and untamed
2) A brutal or vicious person
3) Malek Antonov

He’s a myth. A ghost. A legend.
A Bratva assassin so feared, some won’t even dare to speak his name.

He comes in search of vengeance for the death of his brother, but what he finds instead is me.

A girl he thinks is someone else.
Someone unrelated to the man who killed his brother.
Except I am.

And when he finds out my true identity, he decides to take me as repayment for what he lost.

Now, I’m a little bird trapped in a cage, and the only way to survive is to make friends with the monster who captured me.

Except friendship isn’t what the monster has in mind.


REVIEW: SAVAGE HEARTS is the third instalment in JT Geissinger’s contemporary, adult QUEENS AND MONSTERS erotic, Mafia, romance series. This is thirty-three year old, Bratva assassin Malek Antonov, and twenty-four year old freelance editor Riley Keller’s story line. SAVAGE HEARTS can be read as a stand alone without any difficulty. Any important information from the previous story lines is revealed where necessary. Riley is Sloane Keller’s sisters (Carnal Urges 2). For fans of JT Geissinger, there is a character cross over with the author’s DANGEROUS BEAUTY, and BEAUTIFULLY CRUEL series.

NOTE: There are some scenes of sexual spanking and breath play that may be triggers for more sensitive readers.

Told from several first person perspectives including Malek, Riley, Declan and Kage, SAVAGE HEARTS focuses on Bratva assassin Malek Antonov’s need for revenge in the wake of his brother’s murder by the Irish Mob. Malek is a ghost, known as the ‘hangman’ in the criminal underworld but a man determined to right a wrong no matter the cost. Believing his target, head of the Boston Irish mob Declan O’Donnell, is possibly trafficking our story line heroine Malek offers to ‘free’ Riley Keller but quickly discovers Riley will be more useful as a pawn in his need for revenge. An attempt on Malek’s life finds Riley in the direct line of fire, and in the aftermath our heroine is whisked to places unknown, while Malek desperately tries to save the life of the woman with whom he will fall in love. What ensues is the building relationship between Malek and Riley, and the potential fall-out as Malek’s star is on the rise in the Russian Bratva, and Riley finds herself alone, wondering where everything went wrong.

Riley Keller is estranged from her sister Sloane but a surprise phone-call finds Riley a virtual prisoner more than a guest at her sister’s new home with the man that she loves but the Irish mob is at war with the Russian Bratva, and Riley will quickly discover that she is a pawn in a much larger game of betrayal and death. Malek Antonov doesn’t do relationships, as he is constantly on the go as an assassin for the Russian mob.Abducting Riley brings our hero up close and personal with a woman that pushes all of his buttons, buttons that haven’t been pushed in a very long while. Falling for his captive means placing our heroine in a dangerous position, a position that will bring our couple face to face with the man in charge.

The relationship between Malek and Riley begins as a need for revenge as Malek must avenge the death of his younger brother but kidnapping Riley forces Malek to reconsider his need for vengeance, a vengeance that is often guided by the heart and not the head. Time spent together finds Riley falling for her sexy abductor, a man who stirs something deep within our story line heroine. The $ex scenes are intimate, erotic and passionate.

We are reintroduced to Riley’s sister Sloane and her fiance Declan O’Donnell’s, Declan’s right-hand men Kieran, and Spider aka Homer; head of the Russian Bratva in New York Kazimir ‘Kage’ Porter and Natalie Peterson (Beautiful Creatures), Killian Black, and the King of the Bratva Pakhan. Spider’s story is next in BRUTAL VOWS.

SAVAGE HEARTS is a story of betrayal and revenge, power and control, family and blood, acceptance and love. The premise is haunting, gritty and twisted; the romance is provocative and spirited but I am not a fan of the male lead called ‘daddy’; the characters are energetic, controversial, animated and intense-the back and forth between Riley, and most of the other story line characters is often humorous, quirky, frenetic and fun.

Reading Order and Previous Reviews
Ruthless Creatures
Carnal Urges

Copy supplied for review

Reviewed by Sandy

“Yeah. Oh—can I ask you a favor? Will you please not hurt him? Kieran, either. He’s the other bodyguard. The bigger one. They’re both really nice.”
Malek stares at me in disbelief.
“Sorry. Is that asking too much? It’s just that I’d never get over it if they got hurt because of me. They’re only trying to do their jobs.”
After a moment, he says angrily, “You know who I am. You know what I do. Correct?”
“Yes. I’ve been filled in on the particulars.”
“And you’re lying there with my hand around your neck asking me not to hurt your bodyguards.”
He says it like my sanity is in question.
“I know it’s maybe a little unorthodox.”
“No,” he says flatly.
He growls, “What the fuck is wrong with you?”
“There’s no need to get testy.”
“I’m just saying. You don’t have to get all mad about it.”
Furious again, he glares at me, grinding his jaw and probably calculating how much pressure it will take to snap the brittle bird bones in my neck.
Before he does, I say, “I also want to thank you for the rose you left me. That was really nice. I’ve never had a man bring me flowers before. I know it was only the one, and also you thought I was a captive prostitute at the time, but still. It was thoughtful. So thank you.”
He stares at me with an expression somewhere between confusion and amazement, with a healthy dose of disgust on the side.
“Now is probably a good time to remind you that I’m still the same person you left the rose for. So if you did kill me, you’d be killing her, too. Just a thought.”
“Are you on drugs?”
“Not at the moment, no. Why, do you have any?”
“There’s something wrong with you. Mentally. Right?”
That makes me laugh. “Oh, totally. I’ve got more than a few screws loose. At least that’s what my dad tells me. But he’s super uptight, zero imagination, so his opinion doesn’t really count. Not that he’s wrong, because he isn’t, but normies shouldn’t judge creatives. They just have no idea how we’re wired. Why are you looking at me like that?”
“I’ve never had a conversation with an insane person before.”
“Very funny.”
“It wasn’t a joke.”
We stare at each other in silence. His hostile, mine hopeful. He still hasn’t murdered me, so things are looking up.
“What.” He says it flatly. With dread.
“Thank you for not killing me.”
He says emphatically, “Don’t thank me yet.”
“You’re still deciding?”
“If only to get you to shut up, yes.”
“In that case…” I make a zipper motion across my lips.
He watches with outrage, astonishment, and absolute disbelief.
“Actually, before I shut up, I also want to say that it was really sweet that you tried to save me from being a sex worker. I mean, what a gentleman! A gentleman killer who gives strangers big wads of cash in restrooms. You’re quite the puzzle, Mr. Ghost. Or is it just Ghost? I’m never sure how the nickname thing works, except between me and my sister, but that doesn’t count because my whole family is a little weird. I’ll just call you Malek, if that’s all right. Or Mal for short, since we’re such buds now, what with you breaking into my various bedrooms for midnight visits and all. Okay, I’m shutting up now. Here I go.”
I press my lips together and gaze up at him, watching him struggle with dueling urges to cut off my air supply or break something over my head.
Maybe he’s right about me being insane, because rather than terrifying, I find his indecision understandable.
He’s not the first man I’ve driven to the brink of murder. He’s just the most capable of actually going through with it.
“Oh, one more thing—”
“I know a way to keep that mouth quiet,” he snaps.
Then he kisses me.

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A former headhunter, J.T. Geissinger is the author of more than a dozen novels in contemporary romance, paranormal romance, and romantic suspense.

She is the recipient of the Prism Award for Best First Book, the Golden Quill Award for Best Paranormal/Urban Fantasy, and is a two-time finalist for the RITA® Award from the Romance Writers of America®. Her work has also finaled in the Booksellers’ Best, National Readers’ Choice, and Daphne du Maurier Awards.

Join her Facebook reader’s group, Geissinger’s Gang, to take part in weekly Wine Wednesday live chats and giveaways, find out more information about works in progress, have access to exclusive excerpts and contests, and get advance reader copies of her upcoming releases.


Carnal Urges (Queens & Monsters 2) by JT Geissinger-Review tour

Carnal Urges (Queens & Monsters 2) by JT Geissinger-Review & Excerpt tour / / / /

Don’t own a Kindle? Download the FREE Amazon Kindle App for your mobile device or pc

ABOUT THE BOOK: Release Date June 30, 2021

Carnal (adjective):
1) Relating to the pleasures of the body
2) Given to sensual indulgence
3) The man who kidnapped me

The devil has blue eyes, an Irish accent, and a hatred for me that runs deep.

He blames me for starting a war. Consorting with his enemies. Getting his men killed. Though I’m innocent on all charges, he wants his pound of flesh. With an eye on revenge, he makes me his captive.

But as we’ll both soon discover, there are more powerful urges than that for revenge.

When the devil meets his match but she’s his sworn enemy, that’s when the real war begins.


REVIEW:  CARNAL URGES is the second instalment in JT Geissinger’s contemporary, adult QUEENS AND MONSTERS erotic, Mafia, romance series. This is the forty-two year old, new head of the Boston Irish mob Declan O’Donnell, and twenty-eight year old, yoga instructor Sloane Keller. Declan was first introduced in the author’s Beautiful Cruel series. Sloane was introduced in book one Ruthless Creatures.

SOME BACKGROUND: At the end of book one RUTHLESS CREATURES, Sloane Keller heads back to New York to visit her best friend Natalie Peterson, the fiancée/wife of Bratva boss Kage Porter, and finds herself the victim of a kidnapping by the Irish Mob.

NOTE: There are some scenes of sexual spanking and bondage that may be triggers for more sensitive readers.

Told from dual first person perspectives (Sloane and Declan) with a chapter from Natalie and Stavros, CARNAL URGES follows the abduction of our heroine Sloane Keller by members of the Irish Mob but Sloane being Sloane begins to push all of Declan’s buttons. Declan O’Donnell, second in command, has orders to bring Sloane to his boss but said boss has apparently met his demise, leaving our hero in charge. Not knowing what to do, Declan holds Sloane prisoner, where she will make friends with Declan’s men, threatening any sense of normalcy within the Irish mob. What ensues is the building romance and relationship between Declan and Sloane, and the potential fall-out as Declan’s backstory is revealed, and a war brewing between the ruling families sees the heads taken down, one man at a time.

Sloane Keller is a spunky, confident, quirky, feisty, take no sh*t heroine who gives as good as she gets. Always ready with a chirpy come-back, Sloane easily makes friends with several members of Declan’s mob but her over the top attitude pushes at Declan’s barely veiled control. Falling for Sloane was never in the cards, but Declan finds himself pulled into the whirlwind that is our story line heroine. Declan O’Donnell never wanted to take control of the Boston Irish mob but circumstances required that Declan step in and step up, placing Declan at the top, in command but Declan keeps secret the who, how and why, and his secrets are about to place Sloane in the direct line of fire.

The relationship between Declan and Sloane begins as an abduction wherein Sloane’s energetic and high spirited personality immediately gets on our hero’s nerves. Reading to toss Sloane back from where she came, the palpable sexual attraction fuels a burning need for Declan O’Donnell. The $ex scenes are intimate, passionate, erotic and intense-with some scenes of spanking and light bondage.

We are reintroduced to Declan’s right-hand man Kieran, and Spider; head of the Russian Bratva in New York Kage Porter and Natalie Peterson; Bratva member and Sloane’s former boyfriend Stavros; and Declan’s ‘handler’ Greyson.

CARNAL URGES is a story of power and control; secrets and lies; obsession, betrayal, and love. The back and forth, humorous banter and snark between Sloane and Declan is fast, fun, and furious-Sloane is a fearless heroine who is full of life and love for a man who would kill to protect the woman he loves. The fast paced premise is spirited and often amusing ; the characters are fiery and animated; the romance is captivating, provocative and seductive. CARNAL URGES is a wonderfully humorous and sizzling addition to the author’s QUEENS AND MONSTERS Mafia series. CARNAL URGES epilogue ends on a cliff-hanger, you have been warned.

Click HERE for Sandy’s review of book one RUTHLESS CREATURES

Copy supplied for review

Reviewed by Sandy

We drive. He takes phone calls, one after another, speaking in Gaelic through each one. After maybe a dozen, he hangs up and turns to me.
“Don’t try to run. It’s safer for you with me than anywhere else right now.”
“Trust me, my feet hurt too much to…What do you mean, it’s safer with you?”
“Exactly what I said.”
We gaze at each other as the limo speeds through the night. Wherever we’re going, we’re going there fast. “So all that stuff you threatened me with on the plane—”
He interrupts, “What kind of guns have you handled?”
When I blink, he growls, “Answer the fucking question, please.”
Please. Astonished, I open my mouth, then close it again. My second attempt is successful. “. 357 Desert Eagle. Glock G19. AK-47.”
His brows lift. He’s surprised by the AK.
“Stavros had rifles lying all over the place. He liked to shoot at fish in the lake.”
“Of course he did. Fucking Russians.” He shakes his head in disgust, then leans down and pulls a small black pistol from a holder around his ankle.
He hands it to me.
“If we’re separated, use it on anyone who approaches you, even if they seem friendly. Even if it’s a little old lady, shoot that bitch between the eyes.”
I stare at him with my mouth hanging open and my eyes wide.
He sends me a mirthless smile. “At last. Silence.”
I can’t form words. This psychotic blue-eyed gangster has rendered me speechless.
When I finally manage to regain control of my tongue, I say, “How do you know I’m not going to shoot you?”
“Are you?”
I consider it. “Maybe.”
“Decide. We don’t have much time.”
“You’re insane, is that it?”
“Believe me, lass, I sometimes wonder.”
Pulling a beefy silver semi-automatic handgun from his waistband at the small of his back, he continues. “Things are going to get bad. We’re going to take fire. The car is armored, but if the tires are compromised, we have about eighty kilometers before they die.”
He stops and looks at me. “That’s roughly fifty miles.”
I see. He doesn’t think I’m brain damaged, he thinks I’m just plain stupid.
“I don’t give a shit about the tires. Rewind to the part about things getting bad and start over. What the hell is going on?”
“I can’t tell you.”
“If you can hand me a loaded gun and tell me to shoot an old lady between the eyes, you can tell me what’s happening. We’re past the honeymoon stage. Besides, I can handle it, no matter how bad it is. Spill.”
I could swear that flash in his eyes is admiration, but it’s probably just an urge to wrap his hands around my neck and choke me.
And not in the good way.
“War is what’s happening, Tinker Bell,”he says ominously. “War and all the bloody business that goes along with it.”
“Oh, swell. You’re being cryptic. I just love an incomprehensible Irishman. They’re my absolute favorite.”
“Careful. You’ll exhaust yourself using your entire vocabulary all at once.”“Can you tell from my tone how much I want to smash the butt of this gun into your face?”
“Can you tell from my face how much I want to smash the palm of my hand into your butt?
”“That was stupid.”
“Says the girl who jumped from a speeding car.”
“I would’ve jumped from a skyscraper if it meant I wouldn’t have to be near you.”
“If I’d known that, I would’ve taken you straight to the top of the Hancock Tower.”
I roll my eyes. “Just tell me the truth. I swear I won’t burst into tears. The last time that happened was before I’d even gotten my first period.”
He pauses, his gaze assessing. “Tell me how it’s possible that you’re not scared of me, or of this situation, or of anything else as far as I can see, and I’ll tell you what’s happening.”
I give it serious thought for a moment. “Honestly? I’m just badass like that.”
After a short, disbelieving silence, Declan starts to laugh.
It’s a deep, rich, sexy sound, beautifully masculine. I hate myself for liking it. And for noticing what nice white teeth he has. And how strong his jaw is. And is that a dimple in his cheek?
He stops laughing abruptly, looking as disturbed by the unexpected outburst as I am. Guess he wasn’t expecting that, either.
“Got that out of your system?”
Glowering, he says, “Aye.”
“Good. So who’s going to be shooting at us?”
More gangsters. I’m in up to my eyeballs. “Because…?”
“They don’t like me.”
I stare at him with my lower lip pinched between my teeth.
He says drily, “Thank you for showing restraint. It must be incredibly difficult.”
“You have no idea.”
“There’s another reason they’re after me.”
When he only sits there gazing at me in inscrutable silence, I prompt, “Anytime you feel like enlightening me, I’m all ears.”


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A former headhunter, J.T. Geissinger is the author of more than a dozen novels in contemporary romance, paranormal romance, and romantic suspense.

She is the recipient of the Prism Award for Best First Book, the Golden Quill Award for Best Paranormal/Urban Fantasy, and is a two-time finalist for the RITA® Award from the Romance Writers of America®. Her work has also finaled in the Booksellers’ Best, National Readers’ Choice, and Daphne du Maurier Awards.

Join her Facebook reader’s group, Geissinger’s Gang, to take part in weekly Wine Wednesday live chats and giveaways, find out more information about works in progress, have access to exclusive excerpts and contests, and get advance reader copies of her upcoming releases.


Ruthless Creatures by JT Geissinger-Review & Excerpt tour

Ruthless Creatures (Queens and Monsters 1) by JT Geissinger-Review & Excerpt  tour / / / / B&N Paper /

Don’t own a Kindle? Download the FREE Amazon Kindle App for your mobile device or pc

ABOUT THE BOOK: Release Date February 19, 2021

Five years ago, my fiancé disappeared. He left me with a wedding dress I’d never wear. Left me with the kind of scars that can’t be healed. The man I built my future on vanished like a ghost. All that remained were my broken heart and unanswered questions.

Until a mysterious stranger arrives in town.

Tall, dark, and dangerous, Kage is as full of secrets as he is sex appeal. Though I know he’s hiding something, I’m drawn to him like a moth to flame.

The intensity of our connection is addictive, unlike anything I’ve ever felt before. Heat crackles between us with every look, desire flares into passion, and I fall hard, unable to resist.

But when I discover how he’s tied to the darkness in my past, I learn what happens when you fly recklessly into fire:

You get burned.


REVIEW:RUTHLESS CREATURES is the first instalment in JT Geissinger’s contemporary, adult QUEENS AND MONSTERS erotic, Mafia, romance series. This is second in command Kage Porter, and middle school art teacher Natalie Peterson’s story line.

WARNING: Due to the nature of the story line premise including violence and BDSM sexual play, there may be triggers for more sensitive readers.

Told from dual first person perspective (Natalie and Kage) RUTHLESS CREATURES follows the building relationship between second in command Kage Porter, and middle school art teacher Natalie Peterson. Five years earlier Natalie Peterson’s fiancé David walked out of her life the day before their wedding, and in the ensuing time our heroine struggled to move on with her life. Fast forward to present day wherein a dark and brooding sexy stranger moves in next door, and declares our heroine his for the taking. Enter Kage Porter, the man with whom Natalie will fall in love but everything about Kage Porter is built upon a secret and a lie, and in this, our heroine is a target and a pawn in a much larger game. What ensues is the building relationship between Kage and Natalie, and the potential fall-out when Kage reveals the truth.

Kage Porter is a man with numerous secrets, many of them he has reluctantly revealed to the woman with whom he has fallen in love but with that love comes threats of a different nature when Kage refuses to complete an assignment, an assignment involving our story line heroine. Natalie Peterson has mourned the disappearance of her fiancé for close to five years, and never thought she would fall in love with another man but something about Kage Porter draws Natalie like a moth to flame, a moth who is about to get burned in more ways than one.

The relationship between Natalie and Kage is predicated upon a number of lies. Kage reveals a little bit about the darkness that surround our story line hero but not enough to forewarn Natalie that her life as she knows it is about to come to a screeching halt. Kage Porter fell hard for our story line heroine, and in this, his love for Natalie could mean the end of both of their lives. The $ex scenes are intimate, erotic and intense with scenes of spanking, bondage, anal and oral $ex.

We are introduced to Natalie’s best friend Sloan; local police officer Chris; as well as several members of the Russian and Irish mob. Sloan’s story is next.

RUTHLESS CREATURES is an imaginative, fast paced, intriguing and wonderful story of secrets and lies, power and control, betrayal and vengeance. The premise is dark, raw and gritty,; the romance is provocative, seductive and edgy; the characters are sassy, lively, spirited and dynamic. RUTHLESS CREATURES is an exhilarating start to the author’s QUEENS AND MONSTERS erotic, Mafia, romance series.

Copy supplied for review

Reviewed by Sandy



I recall my first impression of him when I saw him at the bar last night, how I told Sloane he looked like he walked off the set of Sons of Anarchy, and understand on a cellular level that the man sitting across from me is someone for whom the normal rules of society don’t apply.
I also understand that he’s dangerous.
And that he wants me but doesn’t want to.
And that I want him, too, but shouldn’t.
Because people who stick a hand too close to a lion’s mouth will come away with a bloody stump where that hand used to be.
The waiter arrives. Kage sends him away with a royally dismissive flick of his fingers, never taking his gaze off me.
When he’s gone, Kage says, “So your fiancé disappeared. And for the next five years, on every anniversary of what would’ve been your wedding day, you get drunk.”
“It sounds worse when you say it out loud. Do I need to be afraid of you?”
We stare at each other across the table. The silence is electric. If he’s surprised by my question, it doesn’t show.
He says softly, “What if I said yes?”
“Then I’d take you at your word and drive straight to the nearest police station. Are you saying yes?”
He hesitates. “Most people who know me are.”
My heart pounds so hard, I’m surprised he can’t hear it. “I want a yes or a no.”
“Would you believe me if I said no?”
I reply instantly, without thinking. “Yes. You’re not the kind of man who hides behind lies.”
He considers me in blistering, unblinking silence, slowly turning the cigar round and round between his thumb and forefinger. Finally, he says gruffly, “You’re so fucking beautiful.”
The breath I’ve been holding comes out in a rush. “That’s not an answer.”
“I’m getting there.”
“Get there faster.”
On his lips appears that faint approximation of a smile. “I’ve already told you I’m not a knight in shining armor—”
“There’s miles between that and what I asked.”
He growls, “Interrupt me again and I’ll take you over my knee right here and spank that perfect ass of yours until you’re screaming.”
Coming from anyone else, a statement like that—spoken in such a hard, dominating tone—would make me furious.
Coming from him, it almost makes me moan out loud with desire.
I bite my tongue and glare at him, unsure which one of us I dislike more at the moment.
He crushes his cigar in the ashtray, drags a hand through his dark hair, and moistens his lips. Then he shakes his head, laughing ruefully.
“All right. You want an answer? Here it is.”
He stares into my eyes, laughter fading, until he’s all hard jaw and thinned lips and smoldering hotness. “No. You don’t have to be afraid of me. Even if I wanted to hurt you, I wouldn’t.”
I lift my brows. “Somehow, that’s not exactly reassuring.”
“Take it or leave it. It’s the truth.”
The waiter returns, grinning. Without looking away from me, Kage growls at him, “Come over again when you haven’t been called and I’ll put a bullet in your head.”
I’ve never seen a man spin around and run away so quickly.
Feeling dangerously reckless, I say, “Since you’re in a truth telling mood, why did you pay for your house in cash?”
“To launder the money. Don’t repeat that to anyone. Next question.”
My mouth opens. For several moments, nothing comes out. When I manage to compose myself, I say, “Why would you trust me with something like that?”
“Because I want you to trust me.”
“Because I want you. And I suspect getting to have you requires a certain level of trust. I can tell you’re not the type who sleeps around. Next question.”
God, my heart is beating so, so fast. So fast I can barely breathe. Also, I think I might have whiplash.
I say, “Are you always this…”
“Direct? Yes.”
“I was going to say contradictory. Yesterday it seemed like you hated me. I’m still not sure you don’t.”
His voice drops. “Yesterday you weren’t under my protection. Now you are.”
His eyes are hypnotic. His voice is hypnotic. This man is putting me under a spell. “I’m pretty sure I have no idea what you’re talking about.”
“It doesn’t matter. What matters is that you believe you’re safe with me.”
My laugh is faint. “Safe with you? God, no. I think I’m in more danger around you than I have been with any other man before in my life.”


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A former headhunter, J.T. Geissinger is the author of more than a dozen novels in contemporary romance, paranormal romance, and romantic suspense.

She is the recipient of the Prism Award for Best First Book, the Golden Quill Award for Best Paranormal/Urban Fantasy, and is a two-time finalist for the RITA® Award from the Romance Writers of America®. Her work has also finaled in the Booksellers’ Best, National Readers’ Choice, and Daphne du Maurier Awards.

Join her Facebook reader’s group, Geissinger’s Gang, to take part in weekly Wine Wednesday live chats and giveaways, find out more information about works in progress, have access to exclusive excerpts and contests, and get advance reader copies of her upcoming releases.
