Ciao Bella (The Rise of the De Langes 1) by Rachel Van Dyken

🤎Ciao Bella (The Rise of the De Langes 1) by Rachel Van Dyken-review tour🤎 / / B&N / KOBO /

ABOUT THE BOOK: Release Date June 25, 2024

The Five Families thought the war was over.
They have no idea, I’m the very beginning.

I kidnapped her to prove a point—at knife point, it seemed sharper that way.
See what I did there?

I used the perfect virginal daughter from one of the most powerful Families in the Cosa Nostra to fix the broken pieces, knowing that in the process—I’d spread hers for the world to see.
I would embarrass her, shame her, use her, but I would never touch her… my one and only vow to her father in exchange for his allegiance.

The flowers at our wedding would be extravagant—people would watch it like a celebration, she’d live it as her funeral.
Call me twisted, but I thrive off her hate, I wouldn’t know what to do if I had her heart—I’m not good with pretty things I’m capable of breaking.

I’ll use every single person I can to restore order… to bring about the peace that my Family deserves.
But something sinister lurks in the darkness.
In the end, it may not be just my Family I save but theirs as well.

They say the past comes back to haunt you—that history repeats itself.
Bet they never saw this coming.

After all, when one Family falls—another will rise.

Ciao Bella.
The Rise of the De Langes


REVIEW: CIAO BELLA is the first instalment in Rachel Van Dyken’s contemporary, adult THE RISE OF THE DE LANGES dark, Mafia romance series, a spin off from the author’s MAFIA ROYALS series, set in the EAGLE ELITE world. This is twenty-one year old Ivan De Langes, and twenty year old Bella Abandonato’s story line. For background and cohesion, I recommend some knowledge of the Abandonato family via the Eagle Elite series as many of the current events are as of a direct result of the original series.Bella is the daughter of Nixon Abandonato; Ivan is believed to be the sole surviving member of the De Langes family.

NOTE: Due to the nature of the story line premise, there may be triggers for more sensitive readers.

Told from three first person perspectives (Ivan, Bella, King) CIAO BELLA follows the arranged marriage between our story line couple. Ivan De Langes, in the wake of the murder of his entire family, was placed under the guardianship of the Abandonato family but Ivan is about to reign holy h*ll, and Bella is about to be the pawn in a dangerous game of winner takes all.

The world building follows several intersecting paths including the life-long animosity between our story line couple. Forced to work out their differences with violence, Ivan and Bella find themselves forced into a marriage in an effort to protect our story line heroine but behind the scenes, the secrets are dark, and the lies will bring heart break for everyone concerned.

The relationship between Bella and Ivan is an enemies to frenemies to married couple to lovers but Bella struggles with what is happening and why, suspecting there is more to the story than she could have ever imagined. Ivan, as the sole surviving member of the De Langes crime family is about to come into his dues, and with it, a target has been aimed at our story line couple. The $ex scenes are limited but passionate.

There is a large ensemble cast of colorful, familiar and dangerous secondary and supporting characters including many of the couples from the author’s Eagle Elite series, and the Mafia Royals series.

CIAO BELLA is a story of power and control, secrets and lies, betrayal and vengeance, family and friendships, acceptance and love. The premise is dark, dramatic and intense; the romance struggles in the face of prior issues; the characters are determined, broken and charismatic.


Copy supplied for review

Reviewed by Sandy

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To learn more about Rachel & her books, visit here!

Rachel Van Dyken is the New York Times, Wall Street Journal, and USA Today Bestselling author of regency and contemporary romances. When she’s not writing you can find her drinking coffee at Starbucks and plotting her next book while watching The Bachelor.

She keeps her home in Idaho with her Husband, adorable son, and two snoring boxers! She loves to hear from readers!


Love Hazard by Rachel Van Dyken-review tour

Love Hazard by Rachel Van Dyken-review tour / / / /

Don’t own a Kindle? Download the FREE Amazon Kindle App for your mobile device or pc

ABOUT THE BOOK: Release Date May 14, 2024

When hate leads to love next door…

My dad is protective. Scratch that. He’s like the person who would grab a chair, place it on the lawn, and watch me walk across the street just to deliver an apple. So, when a bet between the rude, good-looking guy across the way becomes a full-on battle, it turns into absolute chaos.

He says my degree is useless and that I’m a rich, spoiled princess. I say he’s an idiot who only knows how to fix motorcycles and is incapable of having a clean-shaven face. He gives me a tiara. Thanks. I buy him a razor. Perfect. He follows that up with a book… Like. I. Can’t. Read. I then give him soap—explanation easy there.

The following day, I receive a pink princess blanket that I may or may not have burned and tossed on his front doorstep, not realizing his dad is a cop. Now, both dads want the war to stop between us, forcing us to go on a camping trip to bury the hatchet—which I’m convinced he actually brought.

He’s a hazard to my health. But it’s only a weekend. I honestly don’t know if we’ll make it out alive, but the dads are tired of it all. Regardless, I’ll come out, and prove I’m not the princess he thinks I am. Maybe he’ll end up lost in the woods—one can only hope.

One thing’s for sure. I will never, ever fall for him. Ever.

A bet with the boy next door? Challenge accepted. I’ll be waiting for my trophy at the finish line.


REVIEW:LOVE HAZARD by Rachel Van Dyken is a contemporary, adult, erotic, romance stand alone set in the author’s THE BET series. This is August Wellington, and Hazel Titus’ story line.

Told from dual first person perspectives (Hazel and August) LOVE HAZARD follows the frenemies to friends to lovers relationship between our story line couple. Throughout most of her life, Hazel has felt the teasing wrath of our story line hero. From bullying to spiteful language and hate, Hazel has been targeted by the boy who would steal her heart. Fast forward to present day, Hazel returns home following her graduation and the death of her beloved great-grandmother only to face down the boy who is now beautiful man. Tired of their bickering and childish behavior, both August’s and Hazel’s fathers put a plan into motion, forcing our couple to work out their issues spending a weekend camping but all does not go according to plan when a wild bear and a rainstorm upend their weekend, and August and Hazel are forced to acknowledge their attraction at a nearby hotel. What ensues is the frenemies to lovers relationship in the face of years of heartbreak and emotional abuse.

LOVE HAZARD is a fast paced, quick read. Hazel and August have spent most of their lives taunting and teasing to the point of petty vengeance but grief and years of misdirected hatred push the families to force a confrontation between our story line couple. The premise is interesting and entertaining; the romance is fast and furious; the characters are determined but initially very immature.

Copy supplied for review

Reviewed by Sandy

Follow: Website / Facebooks / Goodreads / Twitter /  Instagram

Rachel Van Dyken is the New York Times, Wall Street Journal, and USA Today Bestselling author of regency and contemporary romances. When she’s not writing you can find her drinking coffee at Starbucks and plotting her next book while watching The Bachelor.

She keeps her home in Idaho with her Husband, adorable son, and two snoring boxers! She loves to hear from readers!


OFFICE MATE by Rachel Van Dyken-review tour

OFFICE MATE by Rachel Van Dyken- review tour / / B&N / KOBO /Apple /

ABOUT THE BOOK: Release Date April 16, 2024

I liked to think things happened in threes:
1. My girlfriend ghosted me and changed her number.
2. I got promoted, but I worked for Satan.
3. Months later, said girlfriend was back in my life, working underneath me as an intern.
Ah, the universe had jokes, ha, ha, hilarious.
All I had to do was survive the fourth annual Emory Games, a ridiculous office bonding game that Max Emory, our CEO, put on every year to help boost company morale and encourage the new interns.
Yeah, just ask me if they felt encouraged after diving into shark-infested waters. Don’t worry… only one person got hurt, and the accidental death paperwork was sound.
I had to work with her as my partner for a full week, and then I could bounce back to my department, pretend that she hadn’t broken my heart, and run me over with my own truck for good measure.
I should have been focused on the games, except again, things happened in threes…
1. She’s my partner.
2. She’s hiding something.
3. I may have fallen on her and kissed her. It’s a thing, it actually happens in real life—people just fall, and mouths meet, and what are you going to do?
Hi, my name is Ace Harley, and I was two point five seconds away from marching down to HR and begging for therapy.
Being an adult sucked balls.


REVIEW: OFFICE MATE by Rachel Van Dyken is a stand alone, contemporary, adult, romance story line focusing on businessman Ace Harvey, and PA Bri.

NOTE: Due to the nature of the story line premise including talk of suicide, there may be triggers for more sensitive readers.

Told from dual first person perspectives (Ace and Bri) OFFICE MATE follows the second chance relationship between our story line couple. Several years earlier, Bri was struggling with her life until she met our hero and fell in love but all was not well, and believing Ace wanted someone and something different Bri walked away, losing everything and more. Fast forward two years, Bri is one of ten new interns at Emory Hotels, and the CEO is about to put everyone through the Emory Games Maze to learn about their weaknesses and strengths but Bri never expected to come face to face with her past, a past she was hoping to forget. Enter Ace Harvey, the man with whom Bri is still in love. What ensues is the rebuilding relationship between Ace and Bri as they are paired together in the Emory Games Maze events.

The relationship between Bri and Ace is one of second chances. Bri ghosted Ace in the face of perceived betrayal but Bri was struggling and refused to pull Ace into her downward spiral. Rekindling her relationship with Ace is either prophetic or fate but working together means a second chance at happily ever after. There are no $ex scene, everything is implied.

The secondary and supporting characters including CEO Max Emory, and his assistant Dustin, a young man who bears the brunt of Max Emory’s quirks and eccentricities.

OFFICE MATE is a fast paced, quick read; a novella length story of second chances. The premise is entertaining and captivating; the romance is fated; the characters are energetic-their back and forth frenetic and fast.

Previous reviews
Office Hate
Office Date

Copy supplied for review

Reviewed by Sandy

Follow: Website / Facebooks / Goodreads / Twitter /  Instagram

Rachel Van Dyken is the New York Times, Wall Street Journal, and USA Today Bestselling author of regency and contemporary romances. When she’s not writing you can find her drinking coffee at Starbucks and plotting her next book while watching The Bachelor.

She keeps her home in Idaho with her Husband, adorable son, and two snoring boxers! She loves to hear from readers!


Darkest Need (Dark Ones / 1001 Dark Nights) by Rachel Van Dyken

DARKEST NEED (Dark Ones Novella / 1001 Dark Nights ) by Rachel Van Dyken-review & excerpt tour / / / /

Don’t own a Kindle? Download the FREE Amazon Kindle App for your mobile device or pc

ABOUT THE BOOK: Release Date October 10, 2023

I see everything. I feel everything.
I watch people fall in love. I watch them burn with hate, anger, rage, and I see the cycle repeat over and over again. I take it on every night I work at Timber, aka Anubis’s bar in downtown Seattle, and then I help the rest of the immortals keep the very intense balance between Heaven and Earth.

I see everyone’s future but mine, and when I try to look, all I see is darkness, despair, need…

Until she walks into my bar with bruises on her face, getting pulled by one of the lesser demons. I do what any good bartender would do… I beat him within an inch of his life and turn my eyes to her.
By then, it’s too late.
She already has me in her grasp.
A succubus that has no other plan than to suck me clean of every inch of power that’s been bestowed on me by the Heavens.

I never thought my future involved getting kidnapped and tied up or that I’d die by way of sex—then again, maybe that’s for the best. Dying at the hands of my enemy rather than being one more burden to my already mated friends.

After all, giving into one last need before death, while selfish, may be exactly what my darkness means.

My need is great.
And she’s about to find out just how much.


REVIEW: DARKEST NEED is a contemporary, adult, novella found in Rachel Van Dyken’s DARK ONES paranormal, fantasy series, and a part of the multi-authored 1001 Dark Nights. This is Tarek, werewolf prince, and demon/succubus Lilith’s story line. DARKEST NEED can be read as a stand alone without any difficulty but for back story and cohesion, I recommend reading the series in order to learn about each member of the immortal council.

Told from three first person perspectives (Cassius, Lilith and Tarek) using present day and memories from the past DARKEST NEED focuses on the seduction of our story line hero. Lilith knows what she must do, and Tarek is her target but Tarek for all of the power of a prince quickly discovers that his life is to be forfeited for sins of the past. Lilith and Tarek have history, one that Tarek no longer remembers but it is their history that continues to bind the couple together.

The world building continues to focuses on life and death-someone must die in order for someone to live; sacrifice and survival, blood and memories, gods and goddesses, betrayal and revenge.

The relationship between Tarek and Lilith is one of need: Lilith is to seduce our story line hero, ensuring his death by $ex is one he will never forget. As Lilith ensures a sacrifice in order to live, she will realize that love may be stronger than the need to survive. The $ex scenes are passionate but mostly implied.

Most of the previous story line couples return as secondary and supporting characters. The Fallen Angel Cassius continues to struggle with the life and death cycles, the sacrifices in order to survive, as he watches his friends suffer to keep the world in balance.

DARKEST NEED is a story of betrayal and vengeance, power and control, madness and mayhem, death and resurrection, forgiveness and love. The fast paced, character driven premise is intriguing and engaging; the romance is limited to dreams, sacrifice and acceptance; the characters are magical, powerful and determined.

Copy supplied for review

Reviewed by Sandy


(Dark Ones Saga 1)
by Rachel Van Dyken
Genre: adult, paranormal, fantasy, romance / KOBO / Chapters Indigo /

ebook FREE at these outlets: / B&N /

ABOUT THE BOOK: Release Date September 2015

To touch a Dark One is death.
To talk to an immortal is suicide.
Yet, I’ve been marked by both.
A Vampire.
And the King of the immortals.
My life is no longer my own.
And now I know the truth, my life was never mine to begin with.
It was theirs.
It’s always been theirs.


REVIEW: THE DARK ONES is the first full-length instalment in Rachel Van Dyken’s adult DARK ONES SAGA paranormal/fantasy romance series. This is ancient vampire Ethan, and human Genesis’ story line.

NOTE: There is a prequel novella DARK ORIGINS that explains some of the history but it was either released in a newsletter or part of an anthology.

Told from dual first person perspectives (Ethan and Genesis) THE DARK ONES follows in the wake of the immortals choosing a human. It has been fifty years since the immortals have chosen a human female, a female that has been educated in the ways of the supernatural but Genesis will quickly discover that her education had been wrong, misleading and full of lies. Throughout her life Genesis was lead to belief she was never good enough, pretty enough or smart enough to be one of the chosen but when her ‘number was called, Genesis would discover that more than one immortal was willing to claim Genesis as his mate. Enter ancient vampire Ethan, and the man with whom Genesis will fall in love. What ensues is the re-education of our story line heroine, and the potential fall-out as our heroine will discover that to mate an immortal means to live and die precariously at the hands of the people in charge.

The world building introduces the who, how and why of the chosen human females. Genesis comes from a long line of females educated and prepared to be one of the chosen but fifty years has passed, and the last female chosen didn’t survive to her fate. As Genesis, Nathan, and his family of supernaturals struggle to make sense of what happened and why, a fallen angel will reveal the secrets he has kept to protect them all.

The relationship between Ethan and Genesis is that of fated mates. Genesis has been chosen, marked by both vampire and the fallen but in an effort to protect our story line heroine, Ethan will have to claim Genesis to save her life. The $ex scenes are passionate without the use of over the top, sexually graphic language and text.

We are introduced to Ethan’s family of immortals: werewolf Mason; fallen angel Cassius; sirens Alex and Stephanie; as well as several Archangels. Not everyone who is they claimed to be, and not necessarily of their own choosing.

THE DARK ONES is a story of power and control, death and immortality, betrayal and punishment, madness, acceptance and love. The character driven premise is detailed, complex and enthralling; the romance is seductive and fated; the characters are desperate, dynamic and determined.

Own a copy

Reviewed by Sandy

Listen, I know I have chains wrapped strategically around my wrists and that every second that goes by, said chains are burning a mark into my skin that may or may not mean I’m about to get completely demolished by a succubus demon.
But this is not how the story starts.
I mean, maybe it’s how it ends since I’ve been in this exact spot for the last two days without food or water, waiting for a rescue from my immortal friends, knowing full well they’re probably all just having sex and enjoying marital bliss without realizing I’m actually missing.
The manager of the Seattle demon bar, Sin.
Werewolf prince.
All around really upright kind of guy—or so I like to think. But do you know where that got me?
See also: Demon goddess who has not come back to check on me even once and says she wants to kill me via sex.
Bartending is looking great right now. Immortal life in my werewolf clan did not prepare me for this or the fact that saving one succubus would actually turn me into her prey.
She was bruised.
Beaten beyond recognition.
I was going to kill the vampire that attempted to slaughter her, but that’s a longer, more violent story since she ended up doing the deed once she got a bit of my blood. But I did give her water, thinking, wow, I’ve done this person a total solid. I mean, despite the fact that she was pretty. Even her tears were pretty. The bruising and swelling on her face didn’t even hide how beautiful she was—or is.
Maybe my first wrong act was comforting her. Because the minute we touched, her eyes flashed a creepy red, and well…see also actual burning handcuffs around my wrists.
It’s clearly been a fun forty-eight hours. Maybe she’ll make it quick, though a weird part of me kind of wants my last few moments being sucked dry via sex to last for a while, so long that it’s all I focus on, all I care about, all I see.
I see visions of the future, but I never saw this.
So, strap in because I’m sure it’s going to be a great story. I just may not make it all the way to the end with you.

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Rachel Van Dyken is the New York Times, Wall Street Journal, and USA Today Bestselling author of regency and contemporary romances. When she’s not writing you can find her drinking coffee at Starbucks and plotting her next book while watching The Bachelor.

She keeps her home in Idaho with her Husband, adorable son, and two snoring boxers! She loves to hear from readers!


The Unperfects by Rachel Van Dyken-review tour

The Unperfects by Rachel Van Dyken-review tour

ebook only 99¢ usd / / B&N / KOBO /

ABOUT THE BOOK: Release Date September 18, 2023

From the moment he landed in her lap, he knew they were meant to be. That is, until he started to see double, and doubt everything that happened. Find out if it was truly insta-love or just insta-lust in #1 New York Times bestselling author Rachel Van Dyken’s steamy new adult romance, The Unperfects.

I saw her. Liked her instantly. May have slept with her twice only to… well, never mind. It gets confusing after that point.
You see, there are two of them. Identical twins.

All I wanted was a vacation from the bullshit but what I got was evil twin number one and innocent twin number two.
They say things come in threes, so help me God, if there’s another.

I’m healing from past trauma but may have created more for my future.
Anyone got any sage?
A candle?
At this point, I’d take Barney.

Send help.

Love, Quinn


REVIEW:THE UNPERFECTS by Rachel Van Dyken is a contemporary, new adult, romance focusing on eighteen year old Chloe and nineteen year old Quinn. Quinn was first introduced in The Perfects. Several characters cross over from the author’s other series

Told from dual first person perspectives (Quinn and Chloe) THE UNPERFECTS follows the madness and mayhem that is Chloe’s life. Quinn met Chloe on a skydiving expedition, and immediately fell for our story line heroine but all is not well in Chloe’s life including a debilitating illness, and a manipulating twin sister, a sister that is about to destroy the growing love between our story line couple. What ensues is the building relationship between Chloe and Quinn, and the potential fall-out when the truth reveals several acts of betrayal against our story line couple.

The relationship between Chloe and Quinn is one of immediate attraction but Chloe is struggling with her health, and dealing with absentee parents who have basically left the twins in charge. Quinn is about to discover the true nature of manipulation, and the sadistic nature of jealousy and hate. The $ex scenes are intimate and passionate without the use of over the top, sexually graphic language and text.

The secondary and supporting characters included Ambrose and Mary-Belle (The Perfects) , as well Chloe’s twin sister Sophie, and several characters first introduced in the author’s interconnected series.

THE UNPERFECTS is a story of betrayal and trust, secrets and lies, manipulation and vengeance, illness, forgiveness and love. The fast paced, character driven premise is intriguing and engaging; the romance is seductive ; the characters are struggling, determined and strong.

Copy supplied for review

Reviewed by Sandy

Follow: Website / Facebooks / Goodreads / Twitter /  Instagram

Rachel Van Dyken is the New York Times, Wall Street Journal, and USA Today Bestselling author of regency and contemporary romances. When she’s not writing you can find her drinking coffee at Starbucks and plotting her next book while watching The Bachelor.

She keeps her home in Idaho with her Husband, adorable son, and two snoring boxers! She loves to hear from readers!


The Godparent Trap by Rachel Van Dyken-Review tour

The Godparent Trap by Rachel Van Dyken-Review tour / / B&N / KOBO / Chapters Indigo /Apple / Google/

ABOUT THE BOOK: Release Date July 19, 2022

Colby’s living her best life: as a popular food blogger, she gets to fulfill her dreams of exploring the globe. But her world comes crashing down when a tragic accident leaves her co-guardian of her best friend’s two adorable children. Not only does she need to put down roots—fast—but she’ll be sharing custody with the one man she can’t stand sharing a continent with, let alone a house.

Accountant-extraordinaire Rip values rules and plans. But when he loses his sister and his best friend and becomes an insta-guardian all in one night, Rip sees his organized life imploding. What he really doesn’t need is his sister’s irresponsible, flighty—albeit kind and gorgeous—best friend making it worse.

Rip doesn’t trust Colby to take their new responsibilities seriously, while Colby can’t believe Rip thinks children will thrive under his rigid control. Yet soon Rip and Colby discover they need each other more than they hate each other. Could it be possible that following their hearts is just what their new little family needs?


REVIEW:THE GODPARENT TRAP by Rachel Van Dyken is a contemporary, adult, stand alone romance story line focusing on blogger Colby Summers, and accountant Rip Edison.

Told from dual first person perspectives (Colby and Rip) THE GODPARENT TRAP follows in the wake of the death of Colby’s best friend and Rip’s sister Monica and her husband Brooks. Colby and Rip are the godparents of Monica and Brooks two children Ben and Viera, and thusly began co-guardianship of the young children but neither Colby nor Rip had any experience in parenting young children, and the resulting chaos pushed our couple to the edge of insanity. What ensues is the enemies to lovers relationship between Colby and Rip, as our couple struggle to navigate instant the combined fall-out of grief and instant parenthood.

Colby Summers believes Rip Edison is the ultimate evil. One date, years before, resulted in a lack lustre evening, leaving Colby struggling with everything that went wrong. Rip Edison believes Colby is lazy without a real job or direction in life, while Colby sees Rip as a numbers nerd whose ego is bigger than anyone can handle. From the outset our heroine Colby Summers is a mess; a woman inexperienced in child care, cooking, cleaning and basic survival, inexperience that screams failure in the eyes of our hero. Rip Edison is a man solely focuses on his career and the bottom line but he is no better at raising a family, regardless of ability to get things done.

The relationship between Colby and Rip is an enemies to lovers in which our couple are thrown together ,in their time of grief, to raise two young children who have just lost their parents. Rip believes Colby should be responsible for the children at home but quickly realizes neither one is capable of looking after themselves, let alone someone else’s children. Colby and Rip must band together in an effort to look after and raise Monica and Brooks’ children, children that will become a part of their forever home. The $ex scenes are intimate and passionate without the use of over the top, sexually graphic language and text.

We are introduced to the children-Ben and Viara, as well as Rip’s best friend and co-worker Banks, and PA Heather.

THE GODPARENT TRAP is a story of loss and grief, family and friendships, acceptance and love. The premise is emotional and captivating; the romance is seductive; the characters are energetic, struggling but learning to cope.

Copy supplied by Netgalley

Reviewed by Sandy


Follow: Website / Facebooks / Goodreads / Twitter /  Instagram

Rachel Van Dyken is the New York Times, Wall Street Journal, and USA Today Bestselling author of regency and contemporary romances. When she’s not writing you can find her drinking coffee at Starbucks and plotting her next book while watching The Bachelor.

She keeps her home in Idaho with her Husband, adorable son, and two snoring boxers! She loves to hear from readers!


The Anti-Fan and the Idol by Rachel Van Dyken-Review tour

The Anti-Fan and the Idol (My Summer in Seoul 1.5 / 1001 Dark Nights) by Rachel Van Dyken-Review & Excerpt tour / / / /

Don’t own a Kindle? Download the FREE Amazon Kindle App for your mobile device or pc

ABOUT THE BOOK: Release Date July 5, 2022

Make it or break it…

Or maybe just break them?

Ai-Ri has been training under YK Management in Korea for two years without any results. She doesn’t fit the typical mold for a successful K-POP idol image, literally down to her blood type. She has six more months before college entrance exams which means she only has six months to make it as an idol before her dreams are crushed.

Things take a turn when two of the most famous male idols break away from their group and decide to form their own co-ed group, a rarity.

And wonder of all wonders, they need one more girl.

It would be the perfect opportunity, except she hates them.

They are arrogant, entitled, rich little snobs who want the world to worship the ground they walk on. To make matters worse, the only reason they came to her was because they are desperate, which means she needs to prove herself even more.

Tempers and personalities collide when she’s forced to either accept the position or give up on her dream.

But what happens when you suddenly go from anti-fan and enemy number one to stuck in a love triangle between two boys you were born to hate but are somehow falling in love with? And will the group survive the heartbreak that follows when she finally makes her choice?


REVIEW:THE ANTI-FAN AND THE IDOL is the second instalment and novella in Rachel Van Dyken’s contemporary, new adult MY SUMMER IN SEOUL erotic, romance series, and the author’s latest addition to the multi-authored 1001 Dark Nights series. This is twenty-five year old, Korean/Canadian K-Pop star Ryan, and nineteen year old, Korean/American singer/dancer/actor Ah-Ri’s story line. THE ANTI-FAN AND THE IDOL can be read as a stand alone without any difficulty. Any important information from the previous story line is revealed where necessary.

NOTE: Due to the nature of the story line premise including talk of suicide, there may be triggers for more sensitive readers.

Told from dual first person perspectives (Ryan and Ah-Ri) THE ANTI-FAN AND THE IDOL focuses on the trials and tribulations of becoming the next big K-Pop star. Ah-Ri is all out of options having failed to gain a foothold in the Korean entertainment business but one final audition brings her up close and personal with her nemesis Ryan, a young man who pushes all of our heroine’s buttons but to Ah-Ri’s surprise, Ryan offers Ah-Ri a spot in his fledgling K-Pop group, a co-ed group he is hoping to take to the top. Along with Ryan’s best friend and former K-Pop star Haneul, and dancer Jisoo, the foursome must work together in an effort to prove themselves worthy of K-Pop stardom. This is Ryan’s final attempt to make it to the top, an attempt he is doing for someone else. What ensues is the acrimonious but building relationship between Ryan and Ah-Ri, and the potential fall-out if their romance becomes public knowledge.

Relationships in the K-Pop industry are frowned upon. In fact, every aspect of their lives is guided and controlled by the people behind the scenes but Ryan and Haneul have ventured off on their own, in an effort to take control of everything they lost. Ryan and Ah-Ri’s strained relationship is exacerbated by their barely veiled and palpable sexual attraction, an attraction that will not be acceptable if the fans becomes aware. The $ex scenes are intimate and passionate without the use of over the top, sexually graphic language and text.

We are introduced to Ryan’s friend and fellow K-Pop star Haneul; Jisoo, and SWT star Sookie.

THE ANTI-FAN AND THE IDOL is a story of obsession and revelations, desperation and love. The author takes the reader behind the scenes for the making of a K-Pop star, revealing some of the adversity, rules, regulations and demands for be perfect, an industry in which many do not survive. The premise is engaging and heart breaking; the romance is impassioned; the characters are energetic, broken but healing.

Click HERE for Sandy’s review of book one MY SUMMER IN SEOUL

Copy supplied for review

Reviewed by Sandy

We both start to sing the chorus, and then she breaks apart from me and takes the higher harmony.
It sounds how I imagined it would, and I want to keep going because it feels good being in here with her, so I motion for her to keep singing her part.
She does it flawlessly.
We hit the chorus again before it goes into my rap line. I get lost in the words. Music always has a way of distracting me. The chorus pops up again.
Ah-Ri joins in and starts to dance a bit next to me.
I smile and keep singing.
We do four more takes, all of them perfect yet slightly different. By the time we finish the last one, I have so much adrenaline pumping through my system that I could record all day.
She pulls off her headphones and holds up her hand.
I make a fist and punch it lightly.
Ah-Ri throws her head back and laughs. “I guess I deserved that.”
“You really did.” I smirk, then hold up my other hand. “One last chance?”
She sets her headphones on the stand, moves in front of me, and then slowly presses her palm against mine.
Instinct takes over. My fingers slide into hers. Her smile falters as she stares at our joined hands. “Looks like our palms like a seriously long kiss.”
“A lingering kiss,” I tease, licking my lips.
“Lingering, huh?” Her eyes focus on my mouth.
This is a bad idea, my brain screams. Do not fall for your bandmate, the very one you could hate later or have to see on tour every day. In the history of bad ideas, this would be the worst.
Slowly, I pull my hand away from hers.
It falls empty at my side.
It doesn’t hurt, but it doesn’t feel good, either.
It feels like she’s missing when she’s standing right in front of me.
She stares down at her hand, then over at mine before slowly grabbing it again and pressing a kiss to my palm.
Her lips burn a hole through my skin. They create a memory with zero effort, one I’ll never escape from unless someone chops off my hand.
“You guys alive in there?” Haneul’s voice comes through the sound system. I jerk away from Ah-Ri, look through the glass, and leave the booth.
It was a moment of temporary insanity, brought on by high emotions, close proximity, and touching.
No more high-fives.
No more palm kissing.
Am I a toddler or something?
I wipe my hands on my black sweats and casually run a hand through my hair as I walk toward Haneul. Jisoo is in the corner on her phone.
Haneul smirks like he caught me making out.
It was just our hands.

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Rachel Van Dyken is the New York Times, Wall Street Journal, and USA Today Bestselling author of regency and contemporary romances. When she’s not writing you can find her drinking coffee at Starbucks and plotting her next book while watching The Bachelor.

She keeps her home in Idaho with her Husband, adorable son, and two snoring boxers! She loves to hear from readers!


Office Date by Rachel Van Dyken-Review Tour

Office Date by Rachel Van Dyken-Review Tour / / / /

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ABOUT THE BOK: Release Date June 2, 2022.

I’ve known Jack my entire life.
We went from being high school enemies to making out one fateful night at college to him being a giant D and making me cry.
Now we’re both interns at the same company.
Mortal enemy interns.

So when the chance pops up to finally beat him at something, to land my dream job plus a bonus? I don’t even blink.

I’m in. All in.
I mean, how hard can it be?
The managers say it’s like the Olympics for interns. All we have to do is play a few silly games, and if we win—our futures are unicorns and free wine for all.
The only problem? Jack’s my partner, and in order to win, we will have to get along.

As the stakes get higher, so does the heat, and damn is he hot when he’s… never mind. I can focus. I can totally focus and not make out with him or end up in his bed—again.
I can do it.
For the sake of my career, I can do it.
I just need a blindfold, sage, and a lot of prayers.

My job is the only thing I have right now. My focus is strong.
But when that stupid guy smiles, all I can think about is that one kiss, followed by the second, and I wonder if my priorities are in order or if I’m falling for the enemy once again.


REVIEW:OFFICE DATE by Rachel Van Dyken is a contemporary, adult, stand alone rom-com set in the author’s OFFICE HATE world. This is twenty-two year old, office interns Jack and Ivy’s story line. OFFICE DATE can be read as a stand alone. Any important information form the previous story line is revealed where necessary. For fans of Rachel Van Dyken, you will recognize the game master-Max Emory-from THE CONSEQUENCE OF REVENGE (Consequences 2).

Told from dual first person (Ivy and Jack) and third person (Max) perspectives OFFICE DATE is an enemies to lovers story line in which Ivy and Jack, vying for the same position at Emory Enterprises, are paired together in a Hunger Games /Squid Games style competition. Max Emory is offering two positions at Emory Enterprises, and is sponsoring the second annual Emory Games where applicants turned partners vie for a chance to work at Emory Enterprises but below the surface, Max Emory sees more than most, and has ulterior motives to partnering up our story line couple. What ensues is the enemies to lovers, building romance and relationship between Ivy and Jack, as our couple must work together if they are to succeed.

Ivy has struggled with Jack’s attitude and ‘shenanigans most of her life, and Jack is always likely to take aim at our story line heroine. Ivy has known our hero since childhood, and their relationships ala frenemies with spite, often results in Ivy battling not to cry. Paired together for the Emory Games, Jack and Ivy must learn to work together in order to succeed, a lesson needed to flourish and prevail in the real life. The underlying, barely veiled, palpable sexual attraction quickly becomes part of the story, as people behind the scenes, begin to wager on our story line couple. The $ex scenes are passionate and seductive without the use of over the top, sexually graphic language and text.

We are introduced to fellow competitors Jude and Stacey; Ivy’s ex Connor, as well as the ‘game master’ Max Emory and his assistant slash cousin Dustin.

OFFICE DATE is a fast paced, quick  and light read; a fun, flirty and quirky story. The premise is engaging and entertaining; the romance is fated; the characters are colorful and charismatic.

Copy supplied for review

Reviewed by Sandy


Follow: Website / Facebooks / Goodreads / Twitter /  Instagram

Rachel Van Dyken is the New York Times, Wall Street Journal, and USA Today Bestselling author of regency and contemporary romances. When she’s not writing you can find her drinking coffee at Starbucks and plotting her next book while watching The Bachelor.

She keeps her home in Idaho with her Husband, adorable son, and two snoring boxers! She loves to hear from readers!
