Triple Threat by Regina Kyle – Review, Guest Post & Giveaway

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Sabotage and Seduction!
The Playwright: It’s emerging playwright Holly Nelson’s big break. Broadway. Having survived her traumatic marriage and divorce, Holly is now aiming for success, not love. And any naughty dreams about Nick Damone,the gorgeously dishy star who was her crush back in high school, must remain a fantasy.
The Star: For Nick, Broadway is a chance to go from big-screen eye candy to serious actor, and to explore the lust blazing between him and Holly. But life-threatening accidents will force a chain of events that could bring down the curtain on the whole production, or give Nick and Holly a chance to finish the sexy something that started fifteen years ago!
Triple Threat by Regina Kyle is her debut novel, in what is expected to be a 4 book series. This was a very sexy and sweet romance. Nick Damone is our hero, a Hollywood star, who is getting a bit older. Nick’s agent wants him to take the lead role in a Broadway show, because it is a meaty role, which will go towards showing that he can act, not just be a Hollywood hunk. Nick wasn’t comfortable with the role, as his character was a mean wife beating bastard.
When he meets the playwright, Holly Nelson, Nick is shocked. The young lady standing before him, was someone from his school days that he never forgot. Holly is our heroine, and this is her big chance to put a show on Broadway. But she is also shaken that the man being offered the leading role is the one whose kiss she never forget from years before. Holly’s script is sort of an autobiography of her marriage to a man who was an abuser, and the scars she still carries.
What follows is a story of two people rekindling what might have been, in between the making of the show, which is cursed by many incidents that threaten to stop it before it even starts. The romance is sizzling, as Nick immediately goes after Holly. She is of course, afraid of any relationship; however, she cannot resist the devilishly handsome Nick. Make no mistake, this is a very steamy sexual story, with an excellent background subject.
Can Holly open her heart to Nick, despite her fears? Will Nick truly stay with Holly, or is this just a short affair until he moves on to his next job? Who is trying to destroy the show, could it be Holly’s ex?
You will need to read this book to find the answers. It is a good storyline, a nice couple and very steamy. Excellent start for Regina Kyle.
Reviewed by Barb
Copy provided by Promoter

A Funny Thing Happened On The Way To Publication
Hello all, and thanks Sandy and Barb for having me here at The Reading Café! As a brand-spanking new author, I’m asked a lot of questions about my path to publication and how my life has changed since getting THE CALL. And it sure has. I’ve got deadlines to deal with, revisions and edits to do, marketing and publicity strategies to learn. And of course more books to write. But the really important changes in my life came well before then thanks to the wonderful people I’ve met on this journey.
I started to seriously pursue writing romance back in 2011. I’d gotten my first e-reader, a Nook, and in browsing the free offerings I saw several from Harlequin’s different category lines, including Leslie Kelly’s Slow Hands, a Blaze. I fell in love with the line, reading all Leslie’s books and moving on to ones by Tawny Weber, Vickie Lewis Thompson, Karen Foley and others.
Then my husband was diagnosed with tonsil cancer. He’s fine now (almost three years in remission – yea!), but it really got me thinking. While I love my day job as a lawyer, I’ve always wanted to write a novel. What was I waiting for? Why not write a romance? And why not try to write for the line I so loved reading?
I found the Harlequin boards and started soaking up all the information I could. I knew nothing about writing guidelines, critique partners or GMC (goal, motivation and conflict). What the heck was Save the Cat, and why did the cat need saving in the first place? (In case you’re interested, it’s a screenwriting technique many writers use to plot compelling stories.) With help from some of the lovely ladies on the board, I started to fill my cup of knowledge and dabble in some of the short writing challenges Harlequin sometimes hosted there. While I didn’t win any of them, I got some encouraging, constructive feedback, applied it and soldiered on.
Then came the luckiest day of my writing career. No, it wasn’t the day I found out I won Harlequin’s Blaze contest, which ultimately led to my first sale. And it wasn’t the day I got THE CALL telling me Harlequin wanted to buy not one but FOUR books (you could have knocked me over with a feather). While both those days are indelibly etched in my brain as watershed moments, my luckiest day by far was the day I stumbled upon the Connecticut Romance Writers of America, without whom neither of those moments could have possibly occurred.
My first in-person experience with CTRWA was their annual conference, Fiction Fest, in 2012. I knew no one, and even though I’m an uber-extrovert, I was petrified. There were workshops by some authors whose books I adored, including Barbara Wallace and Kristan Higgins, and a keynote speech by the incomparable Sherry Thomas (who read hysterical excerpts from rejections she’d received from agents and editors). Everyone welcomed me with open arms, and I started attending the group’s monthly meetings after that.
Flash forward two years and I’m on the board (see, I told you they were welcoming), going to CTRWA writing retreats and working with an awesome critique partner I found through the group, not to mention my fabulous mentor (we call them Obi-Wans) and three plotting buddies. My Facebook friends list is chock full of writers, not just from CTRWA but from all over, friends I’ve made virtually thanks to the world wide web.
The one thing all my writer friends have in common, whether live and in-person or virtual, is the incredible amount of help they freely and willingly give. I come from the land of stage mothers (my now 16-year-old daughter is a professional actress), and I wasn’t prepared for the real, honest-to-goodness support in the writing community. My author pals are there to cheer for me when I reach a particular milestone, whether it be getting an agent or a contract or typing “The End.” And they’re there to boost me up (or kick my butt, as the case may be) when I’m stuck or feeling frustrated. There’s none of the cut-throat competitive attitude I dealt with regularly in my past life.
Maybe that’s because we authors realize we succeed better when we succeed together, and our individual success doesn’t have to come at the price of someone else’s. Romance readers are a voracious lot (thank you!), and there’s plenty of room for all of us in the market, especially now with so many new and different roads to publication (that’s a subject for another whole blog post). Whatever the reason, meeting these wonderful, inspiring, smart, savvy women (and a few men) has been, by far, the best part of this adventure, and their friendship and camaraderie is something I’ll always cherish.

Regina Kyle knew she was destined to be an author when she won a writing contest at age ten with a touching tale about a squirrel and a nut pie. By day, she writes dry legal briefs, representing the state in criminal appeals. At night, she writes steamy romance with heart and humor.
A lover of all things theatrical, Regina lives on the Connecticut coast with her husband, teenaged daughter and two melodramatic cats. When she’s not writing, she’s most likely singing, reading, cooking or watching bad reality television. She’s a member of Romance Writers of America and treasurer of her local RWA chapter
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Regina is graciously offering an e-copy (gifted through either Amazon or Barnes & Noble) Triple Threat to ONE (1) lucky commenter at The Reading Cafe.
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7. Giveaway is open Internationally
8. Giveaway runs from September 24-28, 2014