Rewitched by Lucy Jane Wood – a Review

Rewitched by Lucy Jane Wood – a Review


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Belladonna Blackthorn hasn’t lost her magical spark . . . but she hasn’t seen it in a while, either.

Balancing work at her beloved Lunar Books with protecting it from her toxic boss, who’s running it into the ground, and all the while concealing her witchcraft from the non-wicches around her – Belle is burnt out. Perfecting the potential of her magic is the last thing on her mind.

But when her 30th birthday brings a summons from her coven, and a trial that tests her worthiness as a witch, Belle risks losing her magic forever. With the month of October to fix things, and signs that dark forces may be working against her, Belle will need all the help she can get – from the women in her life, from an unlikely mentor figure, and even an (infuriatingly handsome) watchman who’s sworn to protect her . . .

With found family, slow burn romance and an uplifting message about self-love, this is the cosy, autumnal read that you’ve been waiting for.




Rewitched by Lucy Jane Wood is a standalone novel revolving around witches.  Belladonna Blackthorn, loves her job at Lunar Books, even though her boss is very toxic to work for.  Belle hides her ability as a witch from her friends and other workers, though her mother is also a witch.   On her 30th birthday, Belle is summoned by her coven for a trial that could strip her of her magic; though she has not done much with her magic lately.  She risks losing her magic forever; and must prove herself worthy of the magic she possesses.

With the month of October (Halloween), to fix things, Belle will find help from some wonderful secondary characters; an older retired mentor, Arty, who will train her; her mother, Bonnie; and Rune, a charming watchman, who is sworn to protect her; as well as her bff, Ariadne, who will eventually learn about Belle being a witch.

The story follows Belle, as she learns to come into her magic and herself more. Arty turned into a wonderful (elder) who was always helpful working with Belle, and teaching her how to build up her magic.  I love Rune, who was determined to be the protector, while at the same time, found himself falling for Belle.   Both Belle’s mother, as well as her friend, Ariadne were great.  I also got a kick out Jinx, Belle’s cat.

The two sister witches with one determined to have Belle’s magic removed, but the other sister turns out even worse later on.  Things got difficult when the evil begins to bring the coven down, and Belle will have to bring her magic forward to save everyone.  The last third of the book was extremely exciting, with Belle’s powers rising to stop the evil sisters. 

Rewitched was a wonderful, heartwarming, paranormal story, though a bit slow early on.  It is a story of healing, building self-confidence, accepting their ability and learning to love. Rewitched was very well written by Lucy Jane Wood, as this was a cozy fantasy that was wonderful tale of family and slow-burn romance. The end was very exciting, with a magical and fantastic read.

Reviewed by Barb

Copy provided by Publisher



