Riot House /Riot Rules(Crooked Sinners)by Callie Hart-Review Tour

Riot House /Riot Rules (Crooked Sinners 1 & 2) by Callie Hart-Review Tour


Crooked Sinners
by Callie Hart
Genre: new adult, contemporary, erotic romance / / / /

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ABOUT THE BOOK: December 11, 2020

You think you know me, but you’re wrong.


You look at me and see Carrie, the girl with the wild hair and the wild clothes.
Reliable Carrie. Friendly. Quirky. Perhaps a little strange.
What do you really know about me, though?
The details of my past are up for debate.
I’ve been careful to hide my sins, and even more careful to follow the rules.
I do as I’m told. I keep to myself. I don’t mess around with boys, and I’m always ready to run.
At least that’s what I tell myself, anyway.
Since I met him, I’ve broken every single rule in the book.
He’s impossible. Arrogant. Terrifying.
If I’m not careful, Wolf Hall’s golden boy will do more than make me break the rules. He’ll wind up breaking me.


First, they hate me, then they hate themselves for wanting me. That’s how it always goes.

I’m the smart one. The charming one. The guy with the accent that makes girls go weak at the knees. As a resident of Riot House, I’m destined to rule Wolf Hall. Doesn’t matter where you come from. How much money you have. What your future holds. Cross the path of a Riot House Boy and you’re guaranteed to pay the price.
The girl isn’t special. She’s just another cog, turning in the wheel. So why, then, am I protecting her? And why am I keeping her a secret?

Call me a monster.
Call me a fiend.
Call me reprehensible.

Call me Lord Dashiell Lovett IV.


REVIEW:Holy Freaking Book Gods! My mind was a conundrum of excitement and fear with this one friends! First! Read the first book please! I know some people will say you can read it as a standalone, but I promise reading the first book -Riot House- will help you so much. Plus, it’s a freaking awesome book. Second! I am going to try to keep this a spoiler free as I possibly can, it’s too good to ruin for other readers. Third! I hope you’re ready to join team Dash.

A little back story first; when I read Riot House, I HATED Dash lol. He was Lord D-Bag, he was a pompous rich boy who didn’t care what he did or who he hurt. You meet him and all the other guys of Riot House in the first book, along with all the other characters. So much of Dash and Carrie’s back story is in the first book, which is why I think it’s a good idea to read it first.

Anyway; Dash’s entire world is rocked by Carrie, the guts of the book are dark and sexy, there’s drama, betrayal, vulnerability, hate and love. Everything you could fit into one book is in this one! I went into this book knowing it was going to be a long read, and at one point I almost stopped because it was starting to feel like it was dragging and then BAM! Dash opens his dirty mouth and I’m living for him all over again. Carrie is the light to his darkness, but don’t take her as a pushover, she has a will of steel and knows how to use it. I love how in depth we get into Carrie and her secrets; we see her at her worst, then her best. Dash and Carrie are so similar, it’s a little sad to read how much they want to be better for not only one another but for their friends as well.

If you’re not ready to cry, like I mean really cry; like your soulmate has been ripped from you cry, then don’t read this book. It’s going to hurt, like crawl into your spouse’s lap and cling to them like a kitten, cry. -Yes, I did that- This was my final read of 2020 and can I say, with a year that by far was the worst year yet, it was a little better ugly after reading this.

Copy supplied for review

Reviewed by Sarah


Crooked Sinners #1
by Callie Hart
Genre: new adult, contemporary, erotic, mystery,romance / / / /

ABOUT THE BOOK: Release Date April 2020

They might be richer than gods, but they’re morally bankrupt.
As far as the boys who run America’s most exclusive international academy are concerned, I’m an unwelcome interloper, an inconvenience, and they’re determined to make my life a living hell.

When Wren Jacobi sets eyes on Wolf Hall Academy’s newest inductee, all he sees is an easy mark. A reserved little girl with a target painted on her back. He knows nothing of my troubled past, though. Nothing of my mother’s suspicious death, or the horrific treatment I’ve had to endure at the hands of my psychotic father.

And he has no idea of the lengths that I, unassuming little Elodie Stillwater, will go to in order to break the savage beast who dreams of breaking me first.

There’s a wolf stalking the forests that surround my new school.
Little does he know…
There are far scarier predators lurking out there in the dark.


REVIEW: As complete virgin reader to Author Callie Hart, I was both very excited and nervous to sink my teeth into this book. From the blurb alone, I was unsure what type of adventure it was going to lead me on, but I was pleasantly surprised and addicted.

Welcome one and all to Wolf Hall Academy, the knock off version of Hogwarts, just take away the magic, throw in a dash of crazy rich kids and a bunch of steamy goodness and your good to go. Riot House is a mystery suspense romance that revolves around new girl Elodie Stillwater and resident bad boy Wren Jacobi. This book is recommended for mature readers and does have dark triggers, it is also a standalone and a perfect way to dip your toes into Callie Harts world.

Wren Jacobi is one of three guys of Riot House, filthy rich with nothing but time of their hands, and at Wolf Hall Academy they are kings. When new girl Elodie is sent to the Academy by her father, she is surprised by what she finds. Nothing is what it seems in this school, teachers swear, students do what they want and one of the resident bad boys seems to have taken a shine to her. To bad she wants nothing to do with him.

Wren is cold as ice and not just his personality, the Riot House guys seem to thrive on causing others pain, they live on it. They are friends and brothers, this comes into play in the book more and it’s an intriguing depth to the story I was expecting. Elodie changes all of that though. They have a relationship of give and take, there are moments when I was screaming at Wren, then others when I couldn’t love him more. Elodie and Wren are cut from the same cloth and though it takes time for them to realize what they have, their connection is so strong that it changes them forever. While Wren determined to make Elodie his, she is busy fighting the attraction she feels for him and the strong feelings he brings out in her. When Wren learns of what Elodie’s father has done, well lets just say, I have NEVER loved a character more.

The story line is indeed darker than I would normally read, but its quick paced and easy to keep up with. Hart has a way of weaving the mystery and romance together in way that you will never see the next twist coming. The suspense is awesome, you can’t wait to read the next page and see what is going to happen. Riot House is an enigma, wrapped in a mystery shrouded in shadow, or at least that’s what I felt while reading it. The mystery of the journal, the steamy scenes, the connection of two emotionally damaged souls, nothing beats this dark read. I give Riot House 4.5 stars and a personal “Yahoo!!”

Copies supplied for review

Reviews by Sarah

Callie Hart is a USA Today bestselling author of dark romance novels. She is an obsessive romantic who loves throwing a dark twist into her stories. Her characters are imperfect, flawed individuals who dictate when she eats, sleeps and breathes. She loves to travel, and often pens her books when she’s on the road, drawing inspiration from unique and wild surroundings.

If she’s not writing, you’ll undoubtedly find her with her nose buried deep in a book, hiking a mountain, or trying to perfect her downward-facing dog. 


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