Sydney’s Battle/Ripper’s Redemption/Bama’s Babe by Elizabeth Knox

Sydney’s Battle/Ripper’s Redemption/Bama’s Babe (Reaper’s Rejects MC: Second Generation 1-3) by Elizabeth Knox

Bama’s Babe
Reaper’s Rejects MC: Second Generation 3)
by Elizabeth Knox
Genre: adult, contemporary, MC,erotic, romance / / / /

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ABOUT THE BOOK : Release Date July 6, 2024

Not even a warning could keep me from her.

My brothers knew I had my eye on Jordyn and told me to stay away.
She was everything I ever wanted in a woman—beautiful, smart, and confident.
Jordyn wasn’t just any MC princess. She was one of Kat’s younger sisters, and most of the old heads in the club watched her grow up.
One night, I was at a bar in Billings, minding my own business when she strutted in with some sleazy jerk.
I knew he wasn’t good enough for her, but I kept my nose out of it. If she wanted to go on a date with some joke like him, I’d let her.
At least, I let her until he said something so out of line, I was left no choice—I had to intervene.

I don’t know how it happened, but one thing led to another and we were in a hotel room that night.
We made a vow it was a one-time thing, and at first everything was fine.
Yet, over time all I wanted was more.
Nothing would keep me from Jordyn. Not her parents, or the miserable POS who took her out on that date.
I discovered something about him that is nerve-wracking, and Jordyn had no idea who he was.


REVIEW: BAMA’S BABE is the third instalment in Elizabeth Knox’ contemporary, adult REAPER’S REJECTS MC: SECOND GENERATION adult, erotic, MC romance series. This is prospect Bama Thomas, and Jordyn Harold’s story line. BAMA’S BABE can be read as a stand alone without any difficulty. Any important information from the previous story lines is revealed where necessary. Jordyn is the daughter of club president Zane, Dracus, Blackjack and Olivia.

NOTE: Due to the nature of the story line premise, there may be triggers for more sensitive readers.

Told from dual first person perspectives (Bama and Jordyn) following two time-lines, BAMA’S BABE follows the building but forbidden relationship between our story line couple. Bama Thomas is a prospect for the Reaper’s Rejects MC, and as such, the president’s daughter Jordyn Harold is off limits but when Jordyn’s ex Blake Ojai threatens our story line heroine, Bama steps in and claims Jordyn as his own but Blake refuses to back down, and targets Jordyn in a vengeful act of retaliation, believing he is safe with own family connections. What ensues is the quick building relationship between Bama and Jordyn, and the potential fall-out as the past threatens to expose our story line hero.

The world building follows the building relationship between Bama and Jordyn; the sins of the past; and the retribution aimed at our story line couple.

The relationship between Bama and Jordyn is a friends to lovers. Bama found himself guardian and protector of his club president’s daughter, and in this, they had to tread carefully in the face of a forbidden love. The $ex scenes are limited but passionate and intense.

There is a large ensemble cast of energetic and familiar secondary and supporting characters including several from the original Reaper’s Rejects MC: Zane, Dracus, Blackjack, Octavia, , as well as Jordyn’s sisters Nova and Kat.

BAMA’S BABE is a story of secrets and lies, power and control, betrayal, vengeance and acceptance, forgiveness and love. The fast paced premise is dramatic and tragic; the romance is impassioned and edgy; the characters are determined and impulsive.

Copy supplied for review

Reviewed by Sandy


(Reaper’s Rejects MC: Second Generation 1)
by Elizabeth Knox
Genre: adult, contemporary, MC,erotic, romance / / / /

ABOUT THE BOOK: Release Date June 28, 2021


I’m in love with a criminal, which shouldn’t be a problem, the only issue is he’s an enemy of my father’s club. An enemy he’s held captive for ages, and I managed to fall in love with him.

I was warned not to talk to him, but I couldn’t help it. Since I was a child my mother always instilled the fact there is good in everyone, even those we don’t believe have any.

Now I’m here, stuck in the middle of the road, wanting to be with the man I love and betraying those who would give their lives for me.

I have quite the battle on my hands, but I have to convince them he’s not all bad.


REVIEW: SYDNEY’S BATTLE is the first instalment in Elizabeth Knox’ contemporary, adult REAPER’S REJECTS MC: SECOND GENERATION erotic, MC romance series-a spin off from the author’s REAPER’S REJECTS MC series. This is eighteen year old Sydney, and thirty-six year old Gear’s story line.

NOTE: Due to the nature of the story line premise, there may be triggers for more sensitive readers.

Told from dual first person perspectives (Sydney and Gears) SYDNEY’S BATTLE follows in the aftermath of a shoot out at the Reaper’s Rejects MC club house. Approximately one year earlier, Gears and Boomer of the Corrupt Kings MC were tasked with returning a member of the Reaper’s Rejects MC when Boomer looses control, and a gunfight ensues. Left on his own, Gears becomes a prisoner of the Reaper’s Rejects MC, a prisoner who is about to fall in love with the Club President’s daughter but a year of abuse under the guise of demanding information finds Gears struggling to accept the woman that is about to be his ticket to freedom. Enter Sydney, an aspiring singer, and the woman with whom Gears will fall in love. Still a prisoner, Gears will have to prove himself first to Sydney, then to her father, a man who is willing to forgive when someone targets his daughter.

The world building follows the building but forbidden relationship between our story line couple. Gears is a prisoner having been caught in the crossfire of his former ‘brother’s’ madness, and for all intents and purposes, everyone he knew, thought he was dead. Befriending Sydney, Gears would gain a little bit of freedom, freedom that brings the couple closer together.

The relationship between Gears and Sydney is a forbidden romance. Sydney struggles to understand her father’s need to keep Gears prisoner, and over the weeks and months, Sydney becomes an ally when Gears needs it the most. The $ex scenes are intimate and provocative.

We are reintroduced to several members of the Reaper’s Rejects MC including club president Zane, Inc and Octavia, Sydney’s ‘parents’.

SYDNEY’S BATTLE is a story of betrayal and vengeance, power and control, family and acceptance. The fast paced premise is intriguing but Sydney and Gears’ ability to fly under the radar for so long was unbelievable. The romance was passionate; the characters were desperate and determined.

Copy supplied for review


(Reaper’s Rejects MC: Second Generation 2)
by Elizabeth Knox
Genre: adult, contemporary, MC,erotic, romance / / / /

ABOUT THE BOOK: Release Date May 29, 2024

I should have stayed far away.


I had no idea the Reapers Rejects MC had agreed to take me under their wing.
It turned out, the club promised my father they’d keep me safe in exchange for information, and my job offer was nothing more than them keeping their end of the deal.
There I was, in a place I wasn’t genuinely wanted.
I understood my father wanted to keep me safe, but I wanted to make him pay for giving me false pride.
There was only one thing I wanted to drive my father batshit crazy.
But, I kept asking myself how I was going to do it.
Then it clicked, I needed to shack up with someone in the club and found the perfect volunteer.
We agreed to have a fake relationship and all was going according to plan, until Ripper saved me from imminent death.
That day something shifted, and I knew nothing would ever be the same.


REVIEW: RIPPER’S REDEMPTION is the second instalment in Elizabeth Knox’s contemporary, adult REAPER’S REJECTS MC: SECOND GENERATION romance series-a spin off from the author’s Reaper’s Rejects MC. This is club prospect Ripper, and MC princess Tara’s story line. RIPPER’S REDEMPTION can be read as a stand alone without any difficulty. Any important information from the previous story line is revealed where necessary . Tara is the daughter of Gear-Sydney’s Battle #1.

NOTE: Due to the nature of the story line premise, there may be triggers for more sensitive readers.

Told from dual first person perspectives (Ripper and Tara) RIPPER’S REDEMPTION follows the fake but building relationship between our story line couple. When Tara’s father was sent to prison, the Reaper’s Rejects MC was tasked with taking care of our story line heroine but Tara was unaware, and in the wake of discovery, Tara is determined to take back control starting with a ‘fake relationship’ with of the MC’s new prospects. Enter Ripper, the man with whom Tara will fall in love. Someone is taking aim at the Reaper’s Rejects MC, and someone else is taking aim at our story line heroine.

The world building follows several paths including a past that refuses to let go, and a present that is taking back control of the illegal market.

The relationship between Tara and Ripper begins as an act of revenge. Tara wants to stick it to her father for keeping secret the threats against our story line heroine, and in this, Tara chooses Ripper to push her father over the edge. The $ex scenes are intimate and passionate without the use of over the top, sexually graphic language and text.

There is a large ensemble cast of secondary and supporting characters including several members of the Reaper’s Rejects MC, many of whom we met in the original series.

RIPPER’S REDEMPTION is a story of secrets and lies, betrayal and vengeance, family and relationships, desperation and love. The fast paced premise is intriguing and entertaining; but not as dark or dramatic as others; the romance is subtle-much tamer that many MC series; the characters are determined and charismatic.

Copy supplied for review

Reviews by Sandy
