An Interview with S.J. Harper

The Reading Cafe is happy to welcome the writing team of S.J. Harper as our guest today.
Cursed, which is written by S.J. Harper was released yesterday, and they are both here to talk about their book, as well as tell us a bit about themselves.
Before we start the interview, let’s learn a little more about S.J. Harper.
S.J. Harper is the pen name for the writing team of Samantha Sommersby and Jeanne C. Stein, two friends who met at Comic-Con in San Diego and quickly bonded over a mutual love of good wine, edgy urban fantasy, and everything Joss Whedon.
Samantha Sommersby left what she used to call her “real life” day job in the psychiatric field to pursue writing full-time in 2007. She is the author of more than ten novels and novellas including the critically acclaimed Forbidden series. She currently lives with her husband and cocker spaniel, Buck, in a century old Southern California Craftsman. Sam happily spends her days immersed in a world where vampires, werewolves, and demons are real, myths and legends are revered, magic is possible, and love still conquers all.
Jeanne Stein is the national bestselling author of The Anna Strong Vampire Chronicles. She also has numerous short story credits, including most recently the novella, Blood Debt, from the New York Times bestselling anthology, Hexed. Her series has been picked up in three foreign countries and her short stories published in collections here in the US and the UK. She lives in Denver, CO where she finds gardening a challenge more daunting than navigating the world of mythical creatures.
Let’s meet Samantha and Jeanne!

Hi Samantha & Jeanne. Thank you for taking the time to answer some questions today. We are always looking forward to reading about the authors behind the book, in this case as a writing team.
TRC: Would you each please tell us some background information about yourselves?
Samantha: I left what I used to call my “real life” day job in the psychiatric field to pursue writing full-time in 2007. I’ve authored a dozen novels and novellas including several single title Contemporary and Historical Romances as well as the critically acclaimed Paranormal Romance series, Forbidden. I’m currently writing the Fallen Siren series for Penguin/Roc as S.J. Harper in collaboration with author Jeanne C. Stein. Whew! That’s a mouthful!
I currently live with my husband and cocker spaniel, Buck, in a century old Southern California Craftsman. My son, who I’ve thoroughly enjoyed having home for the summer, is majoring in film production at Emerson College in Boston. He’s heading to the Netherlands for a semester abroad in the next couple weeks, so our home will be quiet once again. On the rare occasion when I manage to set aside play time for myself, you’ll most likely find me reading a book, at the movies, or out wine tasting. Most days, I happily spend my days immersed in a world where vampires, werewolves, and demons are real, myths and legends are revered, magic is possible, and love still conquers all.
Jeanne: My first book, The Becoming, was published by a small independent press, ImaJinn Books, in 2004. That was the beginning of my life as a professional writer and the end of a progression of past lives that included forays into education, secretarial and accounting fields, and most fun of all, being an order rep for a beer importing firm. A beer importing firm!! I worked with a great group of people, made good money and was given all the beer that I (and my friends) could drink! My husband and I had never been so popular!
But I digress.
I’ve always been a reader. Not always been a writer. But I’m convinced that’s the best preparation for a writer. Reading. Everything and anything. If you love a particular genre and see yourself writing in it, read your competition! The successful ones certainly, but the not-so-successful ones too. Once you put on your writer’s hat, you’ll find you can tell the difference very quickly. So, uh, what was the question? Oh, yes. I live in Denver with my husband, our daughter is grown and on her own, no pets. But I do feed the wild birds in our yard. I love birds.
TRC: How did you both meet each other, and then decide to write together as S.J. Harper?
S.J. Harper: We initially met during Comic-Con 2007. Sam had just recently left her day job and was there promoting the second book in her Forbidden Series. Jeanne was there promoting the release of the second book in her Anna Strong Vampire series. The two became fast friends, quickly bonding over a mutual love of good wine, edgy urban fantasy, and everything Joss Whedon.
Fast forward to Comic-Con 2011. Penguin U.S. had just contracted with Jeanne for the last (ninth) book in her series and they wanted something new, fresh, with romance cross over. Sam shared an idea she had—something that would draw on her experience with romance and Jeanne’s love of mysteries, wrapped in a smart, sexy, urban fantasy. After a weekend of brain storming the concept for The Fallen Siren series was born.
TRC: Would you please tell us something about the other person that you would like to share?
Samantha: I’m convinced Jeanne has the metabolism of a hummingbird. Maybe it’s the fact that she goes to the gym faithfully and kick-boxes. I prefer to think there’s dark magic involved. Check out what she had for lunch yesterday: giant pretzel pieces, jalapeno queso dip, mustard, and a beer.
Jeanne: Samantha is too smart for me (but don’t tell her I said that). She is a marketing guru so when she says, shall we do this or that? I just say, yes. And I only really eat that way at Con’s. Really.
TRC: Would you please tell us the premise of your new Fallen Siren series, which you write as S.J. Harper?
S.J. Harper: We pitched the Fallen Siren Series to Penguin as Without a Trace meets Angel, only this Angel is an age-old Siren turned FBI Agent who is cursed by a vindictive goddess and partnered with a hunky alpha werewolf. In search of redemption for past sins, they use the powers of seduction and strength, along with their knowledge of the supernatural and good old-fashioned detective work to rescue victims, bring Big Bads to justice, and capture one another’s hearts.
At the core, it’s urban fantasy—there’s a mystery to solve, plenty of action and suspense, and a romance arc which will play out over the course of the series.
TRC: Can you give us a brief description of the first book, Cursed, in that series?
S.J. Harper:
Meet FBI Agents Emma Monroe and Zack Armstrong. She’s cursed. He’s damned. Together, they make one hell of a team.
Emma Monroe is a Siren, cursed by the gods and bound to earth to atone for an ancient failure. She’s had many names and many lives, but only one mission: redemption. Now that she works missing persons cases for the FBI, it could be just a rescue away. Unless her new partner leads her astray.
Special Agent Zack Armstrong just transferred into the San Diego Field Office. He’s a werewolf, doing his best to beat back the demons from his dark and dangerous past. As a former Black Ops sniper, he’s taken enough lives. Now he’s doing penance by saving them.
Emma and Zack’s very first case draws them deep into the realm of the paranormal and forces them to use their own supernatural abilities. But that leaves each of them vulnerable, and there are lines partners should not cross. As secrets are revealed and more women go missing, one thing becomes clear: as they race to save the victims, Emma and Zack risk losing themselves.
Links to order Cursed: Amazon / Barnes & Noble / Kobo / The Book Depository
TRC: What difficulties or challenges do you face writing as a team?
Samantha: The greatest challenge is the planning. Prior to collaborating, by writing style was very organic. Since Jeanne and I live in completely different states, we knew in order to use our time effectively and to ensure the process is a smooth one, we’d need to put a great deal of effort into planning. It’s very important when you’re collaborating with someone to make sure you are both on the same page. No pun intended.
Jeanne: There are really no insurmountable problems. Our writing styles are very close so once we settle on who is going to write which scene, it’s just a matter of getting it on paper. Then we swap and tweak.
TRC: How do you divide the writing of a storyline? Was there any particular premise or scenario that one or the other focused on such as characters development or storyline flow?
Samantha: Jeanne writes all of the fight scenes. I write the sex scenes. We thumb wrestle over the rest.
Jeanne: Basically, once we’ve plotted the book and done our scene list, we start writing. We already know our characters and what we want to do with them so there is no division of labor. Except as mentioned above.
TRC: Has there ever been an issue where there was no compromise and therefore a character or premise had to be scrapped?
Samantha: Not yet!
Jeanne: Nope. Although we may come to blows if Sam ever decides a certain character has to go. That’s all I’m saying.
TRC: What do you believe is the biggest misconception about writing together as a team?
Samantha: That we spend a great deal of time having to negotiate with one another about the direction of the book. We don’t. Because we invest time in plotting everything out up front, the writing process has gone very smoothly.
Jeanne: What she said!
TRC: Jeanne, you have a series that is on the 9th book. Would you like to tell us the premise of your Anna Strong series?
Jeanne: Anna Strong is a vampire who was turned during the performance of her day job—she was a bounty hunter. So right away, you know she was a tough cookie before she was turned and that didn’t change. The entire nine books take place in a period of about two years. It details how her life changed, how she had to hide what she’d become from her friends and family, and the adjustment to not only being a vampire, but also one of the most powerful creatures in the supernatural community. She’s a strong female protagonist who is not afraid to fight for what she believes in—whether it’s a fight against a mortal antagonist or a supernatural one.
TRC: Samantha, would you like to tell us the premise of your Forbidden series?
Samantha: The Forbidden series is thus far comprised of four interconnected books, each featuring a different M/F pairing that’s set in the same universe. It really bridges Urban Fantasy and Paranormal Romance. Some have a happily-ever-after. Some end happily-for-now. The books feature werewolves, vampires, demons, magic and hot sex.
TRC: What are you currently working on?
S.J. Harper: We’re currently polishing the manuscript for Book 2 (not yet titled) in the Fallen Siren Series. It’s due into our publisher on September 15 and is due to be released in the fall of 2014.
Samantha Sommersby: I’m currently working on re-writing a book that was first published in 2005 and has been out of print for several years. It’s a contemporary suspense romance that will be released as a three volume set and is titled Once Upon and Heiress.
Jeanne Stein: A straight mystery that I’ve been working on for YEARS and am determined to finish; a short story for an anthology; a new Anna book; and Sam and I are ready to plot a YA.
TRC: Would you like to add anything else?
S.J. Harper: If you’re interested in learning more about CURSED, you can check out this S.J. Harper interview done at Comic-Con 2013!
Favorite Food:
Jeanne: Good Mexican anything (with guacamole preferably)
Samantha: Steak. No, potato chips. Hmm… No, steak.
Favorite Dessert:
Jeanne: Anything chocolate
Samantha: Crème Brulee
Favorite Movie:
Jeanne: Pulp Fiction (I just read Sam’s answer—explains why she does sex and I do action)
Samantha: Casablanca
Favorite Literary Character (Male or Female)
Jeanne: Spenser (Robert B. Parker’s protag)
Samantha: Early kick ass and take no names Anita Blake.
Milk or Dark Chocolate:
Jeanne: Dark (Really? That question has to be asked?)
Samantha: Dark. No question.
Favorite TV Show:
Jeanne: In our genre, Lost Girls. But overall, Sons of Anarchy.
Samantha: Game of Thrones.
Dog or Cat:
Jeanne: Dog.
Samantha: If I have to pick one, I’m going to say dog. I currently have a terrific cocker
who patiently keeps me company as I write.
Thank you, Samantha and Jeanne, for answering our questions. The Reading Café wishes you the best of luck with Cursed.

Samantha and Jeanne have has graciously offered to give one lucky member of The Reading Café a signed copy of their new release, Cursed
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