Wedding Bells Brew Murder by Carolyn Arnold – a Review

Wedding Bells Brew Murder by Carolyn Arnold – a Review


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With all the guests at Sara and Sean’s wedding suspected of murder, her walk down the aisle will need to wait…

Everything is going perfectly on the big day until Sara opens the door of her bridal suite. Darlene Day, who made the wedding cake, falls into the room, a serving knife plunged into her back.

As the organists start to play “Here Comes the Bride,” Sara calls a pause to the proceedings. There’s a murder to solve, and the motive may be in the icing.

Darlene wasn’t the most loved person in the small town of Cotton Spring Falls, but rumor has it that she refused the offer of a big franchise to buy her bakery. Did they go so far as murder to put her out of business?

But when it’s discovered their wedding cake was poisoned, Sara and Sean could have been the intended victims all along. Did Darlene stumble upon the killer’s conspiracy and they silenced her before she could reveal their secret? Is it someone on the invitation list or the mysterious wedding crasher?

As long as the coffee is hot, and Sara has Sean and her beagle, Magnum, at her side, she isn’t going down in a heap of tulle and lace.




Wedding Bells Brew Murder by Carolyn Arnold is the 2nd book in her Sara and Sean Cozy Mystery series. I am a big fan of Carolyn Arnold, having read all her different series; and I am happy to say I have been enjoying Sara and Sean Cozy Mysteries.

Sara and Sean are getting married, with Sara, her mother, and bridesmaids ready to move out of the dressing room, when Darlene, the wedding cake baker pushes through the door.  She stumbles and collapses, with a knife in her back, crying “icing” and dies.  Of course, the wedding is now on hold, with 400 guests locked in the venue, while the police arrive and begin their investigation.

Sara and Sean decide to do some of their own investigation, since it was their wedding and the victim was a friend.  The detective in charge, Ryan, who used to work with Sara, was very belligerent, threatening them to be arrested, if they tried to do their own sleuthing. In time, Ryan and his partner agree to let them help with the investigations, especially with so many suspects.  Darlene, it seems had enemies, since a company was pushing to sell her bakery to them, and many townsfolk wanted her to sell, so that it will help promote the town better. We learn that another person was also out to hurt Sean from a past case.  Who poisoned the icing on the wedding cake? Who killed Darlene and was the person trying to kill Sean part of the murder?

There were so many suspects, with Sara and Sean looking at every angle; Darlene’s niece, Mercer the bad guy after Sean, Bakery company owner who wanted her to sell, a wedding crasher and other suspects along the way. I really loved Sara and Sean together, as they made such a great couple.  I adored their dog, Magnum (a beagle), and their ex-Sargent, Jimmy was a great help.

What follows is an exciting, suspenseful, entertaining, and fun story. Both Sara and Sean manage to find a number clues with some twists, that will help find the real killer. To say too much more would be spoilers, especially with so many suspects that keep you on the edge of your seat.  Wedding Bells Brew Murder was a wonderful murder mystery, in a small town, dangerous killers, as well as a fun romance. Wedding Bells Brew Murder was very well written by Carolyn Arnold. This is a fun series, which I suggest you start to read with the first book.

Reviewed by Barb

Copy supplied for Review


Bowled Over Americano by Carolyn Arnold – a Review

Bowled Over Americano by Carolyn Arnold – a Review


Amazon / B&N / Kobo / Google Play / Apple / BAM / Book Depository


Sara Cain isn’t your typical thirty-two-year-old woman. Murder detective by day, writer and… sleuth by night? Just as long as there’s enough coffee to keep her going…

When her first novel gives her trouble, Sara goes for a walk to clear her writer’s block and ends up stumbling right into a real-life murder mystery. Magnum, an adventurous beagle, comes running off leash toward her in the local park, and she returns him home only to find his master dead on the entry floor.

Cliff Cunningham was a championship bowler with a mean streak and a temper, and police are pegging his Golden Pin bowling trophy as the murder weapon. While any number of people could have clocked a strike by knocking him on the noggin, the prime suspect is a friend of Sara’s mother—and she expects Sara to prove the woman’s innocence. A tall order, as the case isn’t officially hers and belongs to a rival detective.

But a promise is a promise, and Sara soon finds herself sleuthing undercover—and off the clock—in a world of polyester shirts and rental shoes. It’s not all bad, though, as she’s taking her friend and partner Sean McKinley along for the ride. They are better together than they’ve ever been split, and they’re not amateurs at finding killers.

Despite being up against small-town hijinks and colorful characters who threaten to roll their efforts into the gutter, they are having fun. That is, until they get close to the killer and a dangerous twist puts their lives at risk.

A completely addictive caper full of twists that offers up a serving of murder, a dollop of romance, and a dash of humor. This perfect blend of robust and sweet is bound to hit the spot with readers who are fans of Verity Bright, Tonya Kappes, and Agatha Frost.




Bowled Over Americano by Carolyn Arnold is the first book in her new Sara and Sean Cozy Mystery series.  I am a big fan of Carolyn Arnold, having read all her different series; and I looked forward to this new cozy mystery.

We meet Sara Cain, our heroine, who is a homicide detective with the Albany police department.  She is a detective by day, and writes a mystery novel at night; one night she decides to take a walk and finds a loose dog she recognizes. When Sara brings the dog, Magnum back to his home, she finds the owner of the dog dead.  Another detective is assigned to the murder of Cliff Cunningham, a famous bowler; but when Sara’s mother asks her to investigate the murder, because her friend was arrested, Sara decides to be a sleuth at night.  Her partner Sean McKinley is currently working with Sara, on another case, searching for the killer of Aubrey Southgate; but he agrees to help her with looking into this other case, without letting their boss know.

We learn quickly that Sean has a strong crush on Sara, though she likes him, but she won’t let any possible romance happen between them, since it against the rules.  I really liked Sara and Sean together.  Sara is smart, savvy, independent, fun and is a coffeeholic; Sean is the opposite, more skeptical, but very charming.  It was great to watch how both Sara and Sean work on the two different investigations. The third partner is Magnum, the cute beagle, who Sara brought home, and occasionally helps.

What follows is an exciting, suspenseful, entertaining, and fun story. Both Sara and Sean manage to find clues with some twists, that will help find the real killer in their case, including discovering the person behind the wrongful arrest of Sara’s mothers friend.  To say too much more would be spoilers, as once you get to the second half of the book, you really need it all. Detective Davenport was not a good cop, and totally bad news with his minimal quick investigations, thankfully Sean and Sara will discover the truths. Bowled Over Americano was a wonderful murder mystery, in a small town, dangerous killers, as well as a fun romance and some humor.   Bowled Over Americano was very well written by Carolyn Arnold.

Reviewed by Barb

Copy supplied for review
