Corvus Ascending by Dale Sale-Review & Interview

Corvus Ascending (Corvus Ascending 1) by Dale Sale-Review & Interview

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ABOUT THE BOOK: Release Date

When wisecracking star-sailor Gus Johansson hauls a 1400-year-old accident-prone robot out of the sea and boards a long-lost sentient spaceship his beach bum retirement goes from boring to blazing.

Captain Harrison “Hazy” Grey is out for revenge and convinced that he can finally get his Admiral’s flag, if only he can capture that ship; and he doesn’t care who he has to kill to do it.

Gus must assemble a team of old friends and add some new ones to escape. Maybe he should have stayed on the beach.


REVIEW:CORVUS ASCENDING is the first instalment in Dale Sale’s TALES OF CORVUS sci-fi adventure series focusing on the crew of the space-ship Corvus.

Told from third person perspective CORVUS ASCENDING follows former Chief Warrant Bosun and star-sailor Guster Johansson as he is tasked with captaining a sentient spaceship that has returned from the depths of the sea. With his trusty side kick, a 1400 year old robot named HAM, Gus Johansson begins to amass a crew of oddballs and renegades but not before our hero finds himself a prisoner of Captain Harrison Grey and the ruling Governance, who sets their sights on acquiring the spaceship Corvus. Outfitting the Corvus for potential war, Gus and the crew find themselves the target of Captain Grey, a target that must out maneuver a mad man desperate to claim the Corvus for his own.

CORVUS ASCENDING is a fast paced, sci-fi adventure ala Star Wars™, Star Trek™, Battlestar Galactica ™ and Babylon Five™. Dale Sale meshes together AI, cyborg and robots, a sentient star ship, a holographic constructed intelligence (CI), and an eclectic assortment of humanoid personas resulting in a quirky yet talented crew whose journey has only started. The premise is captivating; the world building includes some scientific and fictionalized terminology; the characters are diverse, distinctive and unconventional but such are the personalities of every entertaining story of science fiction.CORVUS ASCENDING begins slowly but accelerates at ‘warp speed’.

Copy supplied for review

Reviewed by Sandy

TRC: Hi Dale and welcome to The Reading Café. Congratulations on the release of CORVUS ASCENDING.

We would like to start with some background information. Would you please tell us something about yourself?

Dale Sale: I served in the US Coast Guard for over 30 years. I was a Chief Warrant Officer (like my characters) for over 20 years. I served at rescue stations, large and small patrol cutters, a construction tug, and 4 different icebreaker tugs. Lots of sea time, lots of time to dream up ideas.

Social Media links:  Website / Goodreads/ Facebook / Amazon Author page / Newsletter

TRC: Who or what influenced your career in writing? In writing Science/Speculative fiction?

Dale Sale:I grew up reading the classic science fiction authors: Asimov, Clarke, Heinlein as well as great pulp writers like Robert E. Howard. The experimental stuff from the 1960s and 70s just doesn’t do it for me.

I did a lot of technical writing in the Coast Guard. I worked at the school that trains mechanics and electricians writing curriculum and reviewing lessons. I was happy to go back to sea after that, lol.

TRC: For those who do not know, what is the difference between Science Fiction and Speculative Fiction?

Dale Sale: All Science Fiction is Speculative Fiction, but all Spec Fiction is not Science Fiction. I would say that Spec Fiction is the big tent and Science Fiction is one of the bleacher sections inside. Spec Fiction could be anything from Atwood’s Handmaid’s Tale to King’s The Stand. For example: one of the hardest science fiction books recently is Weir’s The Martian. It is very detailed and follows real principles of science and physics. Contrast that to Man in the High Castle which is an alternate history. Both could be called Speculative Fiction but only The Martian is Science Fiction.

One of my pet peeves is searching for Science Fiction and seeing Epic Fantasy or Urban Fantasy lumped in there.

TRC: Why do you think there are a limited number of female / women authors of Science Fiction, and what do you think can be done to increase the female / women readership?

I am hoping that as more women enter the STEM fields it will encourage them to also write and read science fiction. I think that people want to write what they know about and that women without a STEM background may not be comfortable writing those stories. I enjoy writing strong female characters. They definitely aren’t damsels in distress.

TRC: What challenges or difficulties did you encounter writing and publishing your first book?

Dale Sale: The oddest problem I had actually occurred because of my name. Amazon’s bots always think that I am trying to trick them using my name, Sale, to fool the algorithm. I have to send a copy of my driver’s license to prove that is my legal name.

TRC: Would you please tell us something about the premise of CORVUS ASCENDING?

Dale Sale: The main character, Gus Johansson, has been involuntarily retired and put out to pasture on an out of the way planet. Gus is bored and feeling sorry for himself. While fishing he drags an ancient robot out of the sea that is connected to a sentient spaceship. An old enemy, Captain Harrison Grey, wants the ship for himself and will do whatever it takes to get it. Gus has to assemble a team of misfit veterans and his robot friends to avoid destruction.

TRC: How many books do you have planned for the TALES OF CORVUS series?

Dale Sale: This first story arc will be three books. I do plan to continue writing in the Corvus Universe, but I want to branch out from the large ensemble cast of the first three books to focus on some smaller first-person stories. I’m thinking about writing a set of adventures for a female detective character from the second and third books.

TRC: What kind of research/plotting did you do, and how long did you spend researching /plotting before beginning CORVUS ASCENDING?

Dale Sale:  started with a loose plot and let the story unfold. I do research as needed during the writing process.

TRC: Do you believe that science fiction/ speculative fiction should be based in factual statistics or information?

Dale Sale:  I’m really trying to keep from breaking physics too badly in this story. As such, there are no faster-than-light spaceships, instant communications, super aliens, or teleporters etc. I don’t think those are bad things, but that’s not the story I’m telling. I used several online calculation tools to help with orbital mechanics and asked questions of some actual scientists about the orbital behavior of asteroids.

TRC: Do you believe the cover image plays a deciding factor for many readers in the process of selecting a book or new series to read?

Dale Sale:I did use a professional cover designer. I feel that a trope heavy genre, like military science fiction, should convey that basic genre information on the cover. You really need a good cover.

TRC:  When writing a storyline, do the characters direct the writing or do you direct the characters?

Dale Sale:I do use a loose outline for the story, but the characters often start thinking for themselves. One of my characters owns an arms manufacturing plant, she decided to load her fancy space yacht full of guns in the next book and take them to the underdogs in the big battle. I was just writing along and there she was!

TRC: The mark of a good writer is to pull the reader into the storyline so that they experience the emotions along with the characters. What do you believe a writer must do to make this happen? Where do you believe writer’s fail in this endeavor?

Dale Sale:I think dialogue is key to expressing your characters emotions. You really need to avoid exposition data dumps and let characters talk. Exposition is common in science fiction because writers are trying to compress the world building and get right to the story.

TRC: What is something that few, if anyone, knows about you?

Dale Sale:I play the concertina, poorly.

TRC: Who is your favorite author (living or dead)?

Dale Sale:Philip K. Dick, that guy was one strange dude.

TRC: On what are you currently working?

Dale Sale:I’m working on book three of the series. It should be out by June. I need to tie up some loose ends and plot lines.

TRC: Would you like to add anything else?

Dale Sale: I would love to hear from readers. You can email me at I have some free stories available at if you sign up for my newsletter.


Favorite Food: Good pizza with a nice porter for the beverage

Favorite Dessert: Anything sweet

Favorite TV Show: Black Mirror

Last Movie You Saw: The Old Guard on Netflix

Dark or Milk Chocolate: Dark

Secret Celebrity Crush:  Scarlett Johansson as Black Widow

Last Vacation Destination: No vacations due to the Covid, booo.

Do you have any pets? : I got volunteered to take care of my stepdaughters Pomeranian “temporarily” 3 years ago.

Last book you read:  Reading Deacon King Kong now

TRC: Thank you Dale for taking the time to answer our questions. Congratulations on the release of CORVUS ASCENDING.


418: I Am A Teapot by Edgar Scott-a review

418: I Am A Teapot by Edgar Scott-a review

ebook ONLY 99¢ / / B&N / Chapters Indigo / KOBO /

ABOUT THE BOOK: Release Date March 23, 2021

418: I Am a Teapot is a near-future dystopian science fiction novel that explores a world where people by choice, birth, or punishment, relinquish the rights to their physical body. Their brains exist in a constantly-connected virtual interface where they enjoy a fantasy world of endless indulgences. However, while their minds have fun, their bodies are controlled by implants doing the filthiest and most dangerous jobs known to humanity.

Stripped of their identities, these dredges of society are simply called staff and they are disposable. But what happens when a staff becomes cognizant of its situation and tries to break free?

When staff number 418’s physical body is broken, he must come to terms with reality before a kangaroo court determines his fate. Will an unlikely friendship save 418 from permanent retirement?


REVIEW:418: I AM A TEAPOT by Edgar Scott is a futuristic, dystopian, sci-fi story line focusing on ‘staff’ 418 aka George, and Brian ‘King’ Agarwal, who runs a staffing business.

Told from first person perspective (418) and third person (King) 418: I AM A TEAPOT follows 418 aka George between his daily routine as a staff, and his virtual persona online. Staff are considered the lowest of the low, either born into poverty and the lower class, or relegated by punishment to become one of the many minions to do the work that no one else wants to do but an accident, also known as an exception, finds 418 fighting for his life, a life that is about to change in many ways. Believed to be ‘brain damaged’ as a result of the exception, 418 is saved from ‘retirement’, and in the ensuing days and weeks quickly realizes that his virtual interface is no longer working as it should. Sentient, and with the ability to become self-aware, 418 begins to reconsider all that he knows, in both his virtual and real worlds. 418 works for King, and in this King is about to set 418 on a path to self-actualization and freedom from control. But all is not well in King’s once-ordered world when King finds himself facing the possibility of a life of outside control.

As mentioned above, staff are the lower class, the workers and minions who have been surgically and pharmaceutically altered as mindless drones to do the work no one else wants to do. While their minds and brains are connected to a virtual world, their bodies are controlled by artificial intelligence, and subjected to outside forces where death and dismemberment are frequent and considered part of the job-‘retirement’ is met with indifference by the people in charge. With his virtual interface working at less than optimal levels, George begins to re-evaluate the meaning of life, and his place in the world.

418: I AM A TEAPOT is, like many futuristic, dystopian, sci fi tales, a philosophical and sociological look at discrimination, power and control. I am not sure where geographically the story line takes place, or when, but the first names are all anglicized and the surnames are all East Indian in nature.

418:I AM A TEAPOT is another, complex and detailed story line of what ifs and hows but I struggled with the lack of delineation between perspectives that changed often and without preamble. A slow building story line, 418: I AM A TEAPOT does not pick up speed until part way through the book.

Copy supplied by Netgalley

Reviewed by Sandy


Code Word Access (Code Word 1) by Alex Schuler-a review

Code Word Access (Code Word 1) by Alex Schuler-a review

ebook only 99¢ at Amazon & Nook: / / B&N /

KOBO / Chapters Indigo /

The future is in code.

Shawn Muller is a prodigy and he knows it. It is 2051 and the militarized AI he created to hunt terrorists has begun to dominate the network that controls everything from traffic to climate. Fearful of the power of the AI he calls “Lazy Jack” and the politicians who will use it, Shawn installs an algorithm to give his creation a system of ethics.

But when that very ethical standard causes Lazy Jack to declare Shawn a profound threat to society, he is forced into terrified flight to avoid summary execution as a terrorist.

Off the grid for the first time in his twenty-seven years, Shawn will find himself pursued not only by his creation and the government it has started to control, but also by the shadowy elements of society that reject domination by AI. Captured by the outlawed Organites, Shawn falls into the hands of their charismatic captain, Destiny.

Born to be enemies, Shawn and Destiny discover that their lives and the survival of their worlds are inextricably linked. Together with a host of unforgettable characters, they will struggle to bring down the system Shawn thought would save the world, leading them to face one of the most profound questions of human existence: Will we or will our creations decide what is right and what is wrong?


REVIEW:CODE WORD ACCESS is the first instalment in Alex Schuler’s post apocalyptic, near future, CODE WORD speculative / science fiction series focusing on prodigy Shawn Muller in the year 2051.

Told from several third person perspectives CODE WORD ACCESS follows PhD prodigy Dr. Shawn Muller in the aftermath of an attack by a counterterrorism AI (Artificial Intelligence) he designed to eliminate terrorists for the military-controlled Cyber Command, but LAZ-237 is unable to distinguish between good and bad, and in this, many innocents are about to die. Hoping to stop the onslaught of death and destruction, Shawn Muller secretly uploads a ‘virus’ but his command for the ‘Greatest Good for the Greatest Number’ pushes the AI to go rogue killing anyone and everyone it deems to be bad. As Shawn struggles to stay one step ahead of the AI he calls Lazy Jack, his commands are seemingly countered by the military and politicians in charge.

Dr. Shawn Muller is considered a ‘transhuman’-an enhanced human with a ‘fully integrated brain to operating system interface –a highly sophisticated CPU’ that allows our ‘hero’ to communicate with both man and machine. As a young child, Shawn’s parents implanted a neuro-chip into his brain rendering Shawn a virtual participant in a virtual world. Everything about his life was an illusion, an illusion of which he was completely unaware.

Years earlier, a terrorist attack by the al Tehrani killed Shawn’s parents, and along with his mentor Lt. Colonel Amun Gurk, Shawn set to work on an counterterrorism AI that would eliminate the man and people responsible but as pandemics, environmental disasters and wars ravaged the earth, a resistance group known as the Quills, members of the organization who call themselves Organites, takes aim at our hero, in an effort to shut down the systems destroying the world.

CODE WORD ACCESS is a complicated, complex and multi-levelled tale of what if. A dramatic, richly detailed and gritty story of a world controlled by artificial intelligence. CODE WORD ACCESS is a philosophical and sociological look at the ethical conundrum of integrated man and machine; of the potential for sentient and self aware artificial intelligence; a computer with a conscience and reasoning, and the ability to act on its’ own. There are numerous references to late 20th and early 21st century sci-fi movies and stories including The Matrix ™, Terminator ™, Star Wars ™ and War Games™; climate change, plagues, pandemics, nuclear power, the ‘Cloud’ and social media- reading like a warning of things to come if man doesn’t change the current direction of power and control.

Copy supplied by Netgalley

Reviewed by Sandy


Shades of Allegiance by Sandy Williams – a Review

Shades of Allegiance by Sandy Williams – a Review


Amazon / B&N / Kobo / Google Play / Apple


Lieutenant Ramie Ashdyn takes a leave of absence from the Fighting Corps to return to the hellhole that is her home world. With vengeance in mind, she searches for a dangerous criminal who could help her unravel the conspiracy that’s threatening the Coalition. But old enemies sabotage her efforts and jeopardize the lives of the few people she trusts. She will need to be cunning and ruthless to accomplish her mission, and that means scrapping her conscience and burying emotions her adversaries could exploit.Being cold and heartless would be easier if the Coalition hadn’t sent “Rest in Peace” Rykus to retrieve her. Ash is their only way of detecting the telepaths who have infiltrated the government. Rykus must keep her safe until they can escape the planet, but with secrets between them and Ash determined to contact the Known Universe’s most feared crime lord, staying alive and together might be an insurmountable feat.





Shades of Allegiance by Sandy Williams is the 3rd and final book in her Anomaly series.  I have read and loved the first two books in this series, but I worried that after a 4-year absence, that I would not remember much.  No worry, since I just needed to read my previous reviews, and once I started this book, I could not put it down.  Refresher: Ramie Ashdyn (Ash), our fantastic heroine, is an Anomaly, a human who is smarter mentally and physically than the normal person, which makes her an elite soldier, who is faster, stronger, with phenomenal endurance then the regular soldiers. Because of her training, though she is close to her friends and team, she can be difficult to get along with, as she is very tough, brash and independent. 

Ash returns home to Glory, after being away for 5 years, and assumed dead. She is determined to use her old contacts to find a crime lord to get information to fight a conspiracy trying to destroy the Coalition. As Ash meets some of her old friends, who are shocked and upset not knowing she was still alive; she also must face many of her enemies who hate her and want her dead for real.

Rykus, our hero, is a well-known commander for the Coalition and is Ash’s fail safe, and lover.  Over the first two books, we know about the strong chemistry and feelings they have for each other, and us loving them together.  Rykus follows Ash, making sure to have her back, since she is always getting into terrible situations.  Some of our old friends, Hauch, Chance, Mira are back, but not pleased about her return.

What follows is an all-out battle that will put their lives constantly in danger during this non- stop, exciting, intense, wild adventure. Ash also tends to keeps things secret from her friends, as she is determined to find the people who were responsible for the deaths of her team years before, as well as learning more about the conspiracy.  As they continually face battles, Ash & Rykus‘s love for each other, continues to be hot and heavy. I do love them together, but with Ash’s penchant for putting her life on the line, we worry about their future.  Ash and Rykus will accept some help to get where they need to go, even if they can’t trust the source.  To say too much more would be spoilers, as a lot happens. 

Sandy Williams does a fantastic job in continuing the flow of this complex world , and she has created some great characters.  Most of all, I love Ash, and her chemistry with Rykus is off the wall. Shades of Allegiance was an action packed, exciting, dangerous, pulse pounding story that had me unable to put the book down, especially as we raced to the tense climax. I was very happy with Williams giving us a fitting end to this series.   If you like Sci-fi, lots of action, great romance, and twists and turns along the way, then you should be reading this series.

Reviewed by Barb

Copy supplied for Review


One’s Evil Desire by M. Short-Review & Guest Post

One’s Evil Desire ( A Saga of Dogs of War-A Story of Mercenaries 4) by M. Short-Review & Guest Post

/ paper / Paper/


ebook ONLY 99¢  Amazon/B&N / KOBO / Chapters Indigo / books2read /

ABOUT THE BOOK: Release Date October 27, 2020


XTECH and The Corporate Alliance collaborated to create The Earth Space Alliance to start the exploration of space outside of the Earth’s Solar System. But others were not happy with the alliance between XTECH and The Corporate Alliance. With only two of the original Big Six Corporations still unaligned, one’s evil desire conceived a plot to take over the remaining two unaligned corporations. After years of plotting and planning, surgeries and the implantation of a voice synthesizer the doppelganger was ready to infiltrate the SME Corporation with the killing of its CEO.

Stone and Zhivago soon caught wind of the plot. While Stone and Zhivago were trying to reveal the doppelganger plot, The Earth Space Alliance built their first Starship to explore beyond the Earth’s Solar System. As they sped towards the outer limits of the Solar System at the speed of light, they were confronted by Senior Emanuel’s Starship from the Confederation of Planets. Will Stone and Zhivago be successful in their efforts to reveal the doppelganger? Will the Confederation of Planets be a friend or a foe?


REVIEW:ONE’S EVIL DESIRE is the fourth instalment in M. Short’s A SAGA OF DOGS OF WAR-A STORY OF MERCENARIES science fiction series set in a futuristic twenty-third century. I recommend reading the series in order for back story, history and cohesion as ONE’S EVIL DESIRE picks up shortly after the events of the previous story line.

SOME BACKGROUND: Approximately one hundred years earlier Earth suffered a cataclysm, and close to half of the Earth’s population escaped to Mars and its’ surrounding moons. Fast forward a century, and the governing Corporations are now resettling Earth with the people on Mars. Four regulating Corporations formed the Corporate Alliance, while the remaining two were driven from Earth because of their tyrannical rule.

Told from third person perspective following several intersecting pathways, ONE’S EVIL DESIRE covers approximately a twenty year span wherein the newly formed Confederation of Planets discovers the existence of a race of people who call themselves the Kapacaras, an early descendant of the people of Earth but all is not well as the Kapacara’s enemies, the Trajan and the Cnut, are readying for war in an effort to claim more of valuable space, and targeting the Confederation of Planets along with the Kapacarians. Forming their own alliance, the Confederation of Planets and the Kapacarians prepare for war, amassing a large fleet of spaceships and technology in defence of their area of space. War ensues several times, with new combatants at each battle but in the end the Confederation of Planets is victorious, once again.

ONE’S EVIL DESIRE reads like a serialized or episodic television program akin to Star Wars ™ and the numerous Star Trek ™ franchises with all of the familiar jargon from Earth’s twentieth and twenty-first century science-fiction/ speculative fiction movies and shows-the characters reference several of these programs and movies, including important battle strategies of WWII. There are a number of time-jumps throughout the story line from days to weeks, months and years, in an effort to explain how the Confederation was able to prepare for a war, years in the making.

I had a few issues that I want to address: From the outset, the reader is thrust into the story line without any preamble or introductory build up. There was more telling rather than showing, and in this the story reads like a script for a television series. The numerous characters and references to previous plotlines was a little confusing therefore I recommend reading the series in order. ONE’S EVIL DESIRE is awash in repetitive and redundant text whereby the characters often recapitulate instructions, directives, stories and scenarios when new visitors arrive without prior information. The individual characters, most of whom were introduced in the previous story lines, are identifiable via too many names, nicknames and aliases for the same character, often leading to confusion wherein I had to go back and forth several times throughout the story to ensure that I didn’t miss the introduction of someone new. There was also no marked delineation between different points of view-often, each successive paragraph would address or concern a different scenario, a different character, and a different timeline, all within a few sentences of one another.

ONE’S EVIL DESIRE is an interesting and entertaining story similar in presence and style to the Star Trek™ franchise. As I read, I imagined watching Star Trek Voyager or Deep Space Nine, in an effort to place myself into the story line action.

99¢- Book 2 -THE GRIM CLAN: Amazon/ /Amazon CA /Nook / Indigo


Copy supplied for review

Reviewed by Sandy

Young Women, the next generation’s readers of Science Fiction.

I started writing my science fiction series, A Saga of Dogs of War-A Story of Mercenaries, in the fall of 2019. Everything I read about writing a book always said you should write about what you know best, first. My first book was based on experiences as a combat helicopter pilot in Vietnam at the ripe old age of 19 and my passion for science fiction. I wanted to write my books from a military point of view, but stay away from the horrors of war. I wanted to emphasis the honor of serving your country and the strong relationships developed in combat. That was the predominate theme in my first book Cry Havoc.

One day my daughter pointed out to me that there were no strong female roles in the book. She told me that if I want women to read my books, I needed to incorporate strong women role models. Young women do not want to read the old James T. Kirk style science fiction books. Young women want to read about strong women role models in science fiction now.
So, with my daughter’s advice in mind, my next book in the series The GRiM Clan introduced three strong women Carrie, Marge, and Madeline. These three characters, one a strong influencer in her family, the second a strong woman ascending to Territorial Governor and the third that rose up to lead a large Corporation where the first strong women role models in the series.

In my third book The Vendetta Against Vendetta a fourth strong woman role model, Elizbeth joined Carrie, Marge and Madeline. Elizabeth grew in the book to control another large corporation.

In my fourth book One’s Evil Desire Mia a Kapacarian and Senior Coritha a Corilian joined as the next generation of strong women role models. Mia would be the first woman of the Confederation of Planets to head their new Military Intelligence Department and Senior Coritha one of the first women to achieve Senior (Captain) on a battle class Starship.

In my fifth, not yet released, book Frontier Space Chronicles, the strong women characters increase with the introduction of Senior Cynthia an Earthling commanding one of the biggest Starships ever built, the Explorer Class Starship, Captain Alala of the Amazon Warrior Class and last but not least Queen Adria, Queen of the Helenistic Kingdoms. As the numbers on my book list increase so does the number of strong women role models.

I wanted to convey in my books that while women are different in many ways, they have the same mental ability as men. In some way women are even stronger than men.

This next generation of young women are seeing more and more strong women roles in science fiction movies which has seemed to draw their attention. If we want to bring these young women to join the readership of science fiction books, we need those strong women roles in our books.

My grandson, 13, reads my books and likes strong women roles as well. He says they remind him of his Grandmother and his Mom.

~~Michael Short~~

Social Media: Blog/Website/Goodreads /Twitter / Facebook / Instagram

As a 19 year old CW2 helicopter combat pilot, M. Short served as an aircraft commander being awarded the Distinguished Flying Cross, Bronze Star and eleven Combat Air Medals while serving the U.S. Army in the Vietnam war. His passion for Science Fiction and his experiences in combat as a pilot gave him his inspiration for the series -A Saga of Dogs of War. A Mercenaries Story.

The series started with him first writing forty nine short stories that were later combined into his first book Cry Havoc. From those first short stories he was encouraged to continue his writing, which now consists of three books with many more on the horizon.


The Bright and Breaking Sea by Chloe Neill – a Review

The Bright and Breaking Sea by Chloe Neill – a Review


Amazon / B&N / Kobo / Google Play / Apple / BAM / Book Depository


Kit Brightling, rescued as a foundling and raised in a home for talented girls, has worked hard to rise through the ranks of the Isles’ Crown Command and become one of the few female captains in Queen Charlotte’s fleet. Her ship is small, but she’s fast–in part because of Kit’s magical affinity to the sea. But the waters become perilous when the queen sends Kit on a special mission with a partner she never asked for.

Rian Grant, Viscount Queenscliffe, may be a veteran of the Continental war, but Kit doesn’t know him or his motives–and she’s dealt with one too many members of the Beau Monde. But Kit has her orders, and the queen has commanded they journey to a dangerous pirate quay and rescue a spy who’s been gathering intelligence on the exiled emperor of Gallia.

Kit can lead her ship and clever crew on her own, but with the fate of queen and country at stake, Kit and Rian must learn to trust each other, or else the Isles will fall….




The Bright and Breaking Sea by Chloe Neill is the first book in her new Captain Kit Brightling series.  I always enjoy Chloe Neill’s books, but wasn’t sure about this new seafaring fantasy series.  WOW I totally loved the book and can’t wait for more about our wonderful heroine, Kit.  I enjoyed this wonderful story from start to finish, and absolutely loved Kit, Grant and all the secondary characters that Neill created.  It did not take long to read this book, as I could not put it down.

Kit Brightling, our heroine, is one of the few female captains for the Queen’s fleet.  Kit, who has a magical affinity to the sea, and is only in her mid-twenties, has risen up quickly through the ranks of the Isles’ Crown Command, and has gained much respect from the Queen, and especially her magnificent crew.  She has successfully completed all her assigned missions, even though her ship, Diana is small, but it is the fastest ship.  Kit has such a fantastic crew, especially her top people, who were totally loyal to her. 

Upon completion of her assignment, Kit is surprised to be called to see the Queen.  She learns that the exiled emperor of the previous victorious war, is secretly getting help to plan a revolt.  Seems there is a traitor in the Crown Command, as one of their best undercover agents has been kidnapped, and the Queen wants Kit to find a way to rescue the agent, as well as find the traitor.  But she is told that someone else will go this dangerous mission with her, and she isn’t too happy about that.

Colonel Rian Grant, Viscount Queenscliffe, is a former soldier and veteran of the previous war; and because the missing agent is a respected friend, he agrees to join the mission.  Rian may be a veteran of the wars, but he too is not thrilled to be sharing the mission with Kit, whose crew and ship will be used. The start of this mission pits Kit and Rian constantly sniping at each other, and their banter was fun to watch.  Rian feels his experience should allow him to lead, but he will learn quickly that Kit is a master at what she does, and her alignment to the sea is a definite plus, not to mention how her crew respects and adores her.  In a short time, Rian will see Kit in a different life, especially when she puts her own life in danger to rescue one of her crew members.  He not only begins to respect her decisions, but finds himself slowly falling for her.  The chemistry between them though slow burn, was flirty, fun and sassy.  But the knowledge that he is a viscount and she is a captain destined to be at sea, keeps them at a forced distance. 

What follows is a wonderful exciting tense adventure, where Kit and Rian work together to find the traitor, as well as stop the exiled emperor from regaining his power; the Queen will send them both on another mission that is also dangerous. The more time they spent and work together, the more they learn to respect each other.  I totally loved them together, and cannot wait to see what Neill has in store for them in future books.

The Bright and Breaking Sea was a wonderful magical world created by Neill, filled with two great heroes, fabulous secondary characters, exciting adventures, seafaring escapades, pirates, and a budding romance.  I for one look forward to the next book in this series, so very well written by Chloe Neill.

Reviewed by Barb

Copy provided by Publisher





Deception (Dark Desires:Origins 2) by Nina Croft-a review

DECEPTION (Dark Desires Origins #2) by Nina Croft / / KOBO / Chapters Indigo / Google Play

RELEASE DATE: November 23, 2020

Brave new world or the same old crap?

Warlock Milo Velazquez has always dreamed of a day when “monsters” like him don’t have to hide in the shadows. Now, on a planet far from Earth, he’s hoping the old prejudices have been left behind. Though from what he’s seen so far—not a chance.

Their new leader could make life a living hell for Milo and the other immortals illegally transported across the galaxy. Under cover, he scopes out the threat, but he never expected to find a beautiful woman locked in a cell underground. He should ignore her and focus on his mission, but instead he sets her free.

Milo has met all kinds, paranormal creatures and humans, in his centuries of life, but Destiny is like nothing he’s ever encountered before. She’s flawless, and strangely naïve, though she can spout off facts like a walking encyclopedia. He isn’t sure who—or what—she is, or why someone so innocent would be a prisoner.

All he knows is Destiny is different…and finding out why could be their only hope for survival.


REVIEWDECEPTION is the second instalment in Nina Croft’s sci-fi, DARK DESIRES: ORIGINS paranormal/ fantasy romance series. This is Warlock Milo Velazquez, and Destiny’s story line. DECEPTION can be read as a stand alone without any difficulty. Any important information from the previous story line is revealed where necessary. DECEPTION and the Dark Desires : Origins is a prequel series, set five hundred to a thousand years earlier, to the author’s DARK DESIRES series.

SOME BACKGROUND: One thousand years earlier Earth was dying, and one hundred and twenty thousand of Earth’s Chosen had set off in search of a new planet able to sustain human life. Fast forward five centuries wherein the seven surviving space ships and their crews find themselves following a self-declared profit and leader, and the formation of the Church of Everlasting Life. These are their stories.

Told from dual third person perspectives (Milo and Destiny) DECEPTION follows Warlock Milo Velazquez, and the crew of the Trakis Two as they are called to a meeting where the goal of the mission is about to be changed. Milo, along with Wolf shifter Dylan, have stepped in to represent the Trakis Two, a space ship manned by a crew of supernaturals, supernaturals considered to be abominations and against the law of God. But all is not well on the planet’s surface as Milo and Dylan will soon discover when an underground armament of nuclear weapons threatens the lives of thousands of people, and an intriguing young woman crosses paths with our hero. Enter Destiny. What ensues is the building romance and relationship between Milo and Destiny, and the potential fall-out as Destiny’s future is about to be revealed, and the crew of the Trakis Two are targeted for who they are, and their interference in the formation of a brand new Order.

Milo Velazquez is a warlock-the product of a demon/wizard breeding and as such is considered an abomination for his use of magic and power.Meeting Destiny, a young woman whose naïveté borders on innocence and childlike, but a woman who is quick to learn about life and everything it has to offer, gives Milo pause but our hero discovers there is more to the mission, a mission that is no longer focused on reestablishing a planet for Earth’s Chosen but a planet ruled and controlled by a chosen few.Destiny’s existence raises too many questions for the crew of the Trakis Two, an existence that shouldn’t be, yet an existence whose sole purpose is that of supply and demand.

The relationship between Milo and Destiny is one of immediate attraction yet there is something about our heroine that doesn’t quite fit into the objective of Earth’s Chosen and the Church of Everlasting Life. Destiny was ‘born’ while everyone else was in cryo- hibernation, and awoke to find herself without direction or purpose. Curious as the reality of her new-waking world, our heroine finds herself confined to a cell until a stranger’s visit affords Destiny the opportunity of freedom. The $ex scenes are intimate and erotic, without the use of over the top, sexually graphic language and text but I have to shake my head at the need for $ex when an entire army is on the hunt for our story line couple.

There is a large ensemble cast of secondary and supporting characters including wolf shifter Dylan, and Trakis Two captain vampire Rico; geneticist Elvira; self-proclaimed leader Luther Kinross, and Silas Wynch.

DECEPTION is a story of secrets and lies, deception and betrayal; friendships, relationships and love. The character driven premise is edgy, engaging and captivating; the romance is passionate; the characters are colorful , energetic, and charismatic.

Click HERE for Sandy’s review of book one MALFUNCTION.

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Reviewed by Sandy

MALFUNCTION book ONE is ONLY 99¢ for a limited time B&N KOBO Google Play / Apple Books


BREAK OUT book one in the DARK DESIRES series is FREE





Sentience by Courtney P Hunter -Review & Giveaway

Sentience by Courtney P. Hunter -Review & Giveaway / / / /

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ABOUT THE BOOK: Release Date October 30, 2020

Robots, sex, lies, adventure, and chaos. Who can you trust when you can’t trust yourself? And what truly defines humanity and consciousness?

Running from a violent past, Leo Knox desperately decides to participate in a scientific experiment conducted by the infamous and greedy tech-giant, AlgorithmOS. Soon, Leo learns that she has agreed to take part in a Turing Test, a test that measures the ability of artificial intelligence to blend in among humanity, but what she doesn’t know is that the test set to take place is unlike any other of its kind.

Leo enters Eden, the contained preserve where the test will occur, with twenty-three others. While everyone appears to be human, four of the individuals are an indistinguishably advanced form of humanoid AI. The task is simple: identify the AI while trying to survive. The twist? The four AI are completely unaware of their nature, causing every participant to question what they know as reality.

The group embarks on a journey within the preserve, rigged with obstacles devised by the controllers of the experiment to elicit human response and emotion. Quickly, madness ensues and divides form, partnering Leo up with Avery Ford, a Marine who wears his demons on his sleeve. Romance falls together for the two as the world around them falls apart, revealing the lengths people will go to protect those they love, to achieve monetary gain, or simply to survive.

Back at AlgorithmOS, the story unfolds on the screens of Nathan Aimes, a scientist responsible for monitoring the experiment’s surveillance cameras. Nathan studies the humans involved as they wrestle with where they stand on the polarizing issue of AI and its applications. He watches the AI unknowingly fight to prove their humanity just to leave the experiment unscathed. All the while, Nathan is intimately aware of his company’s plans to weaponize or commodify the AI should they pass the test, and he must reconcile this with the chaos that plays out before him.


REVIEW: SENTIENCE by Courtney P Hunter is a sci-fi story line, set in the not too distant future focusing on a sociological and psychological experiment grouping AI (Artificial Intelligence) with human beings.

NOTE: Due to the graphic nature of the story line premise, there may be triggers for more sensitive readers

Told from several third person perspectives SENTIENCE follows twenty-four volunteers and recruited participants on a dangerous journey of survival. The tech-giant AlgorithmOS is conducting a closed experiment known as the Turing Test to determine if artificial intelligence is able to integrate into human society without being detected. Unaware of which four of the twenty-four are human or machine, two weeks together will prove that humanity, whether real or artificial, is unable to resist the drive for power. Emotions running high, injuries, murder, the fight for food, issues of trust, and a struggle for control split the group where survival of the fittest plays out on the screens of AlgorithmOS.

The group of twenty include physician and lawyer, prisoner and biker, former service men, teacher, student, priest, dancer, architect ,corrections officer, FBI forensic artist librarian and more. The mixed blend of professionals and ideologies is perfect fuel and fodder to pit man against man, whether real or machine.

SENTIENCE is a haunting, twisted and edgy amalgam of Westworld™, The Hunger Games™ , I,Robot, and Lord of the Flies™. A sociological experiment, of ‘man’s inhumanity towards man’ regardless of the real or perceived, SENTIENCE delves into the perspective of Karl Marx’s Conflict Theory where social order is maintained by power, domination and control. On the flip side, can artificial intelligence be aware, autonomous, conscious or able to distinguish between right and wrong-if they are soulless, will punishment fit the crime if the conscious is not aware?. As AlgorithmOS directs the story line, the end result will prove whether or not artificial intelligence can be programmed to be the ultimate weapon in man’s ability to survive.

Copy supplied for review

Reviewed by Sandy

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Courtney Hunter is a serial creator from Philadelphia, PA with experience in writing, the fashion industry, and live performance. After eighteen years of studying contemporary dance, she set out to carve herself a path in fashion and retail buying. Upon graduating from Philadelphia University and settling into her career, she turned back to dance. While working as a retail buyer for Burlington Stores, Courtney began producing contemporary dance and burlesque performances under her production company Stolen Fire Collective, aptly named after Prometheus the fire-stealing god. Sentience, her debut Science Fiction novel, is a written extension of a contemporary dance piece that was produced for the Philadelphia Fringe Festival in 2017 based on artificial intelligence.

A lifelong Sci-Fi fan (her favorite movie as a little girl was and still is Jurassic Park), Courtney loves anything Promethean in nature and her favorite books, movies, and television shows are the ones that challenge the ethics of the future that we are rapidly heading towards. Some of her favorites include Jurassic Park (obviously), The 100, The OA, Westworld, The East, and Ex Machina.

She still resides in Philadelphia with her partner, Will, and her rescue pups, Rickie and Billie. In her free time, she records a podcast called The Sentience Podcast, which started as a behind the scenes look at the making of her novel and has evolved into an auditory hub for all things science fiction, creative process, true crime, and the occult.

Sentience is due out Friday, October 30, 2020, three years to the date after Courtney first started writing it.

Courtney P Hunter is graciously offering a paper copy of  SENTIENCE  to ONE lucky commenter at The Reading Cafe.

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10. Giveaway runs from October 30-November 4, 2020
