Secrets and Scallywags by Elizabeth Pantley – a Review

Secrets and Scallywags by Elizabeth Pantley – a Review


Amazon / Bookbub


When this club selects a book, magic happens. They become the main characters in the story when the mystery comes to life.

This month’s book selection takes them to a charming island community that’s abuzz over a mysterious boat that washed ashore. Rumor has it that it’s the same pirate boat that sunk a year ago in the bay. The one that supposedly sank with treasure aboard.

When the club meets the ghosts of the men from the boat, they learn the astonishing secrets of the treasure. These ghosts can’t move on until it is found.

Can the motley group find the treasure and free the ghosts? They better, since it’s the only way they can exit the book and get back home.




Secrets and Scallywags by Elizabeth Pantley is the 5th book in her fun entertaining Magical Mystery Book Club series. Refresher: Paige and her Aunt Glo, inherited the grandmother’s country inn, which comes with a magical library.  The magical library consists of 8 members, who choose a book, and they are transported into the story, with cozy mysteries that they have to solve. This is a lighthearted and fun series, with wonderful characters and a magical cozy mystery.

Our mystery book club gains a new member, Valeria, as all the current members welcome her, and explain how things work in their special secret magical library.   The book they choose contains pirates and lost treasure, which takes them to a charming island community. The residents are all taking about the boat that washed ashore, and it was the same boat that was attacked a year ago, by pirates.

The club meets the 4 ghosts and Bucko (ghostly parrot) from the boat, who are able to communicate with them, but unable to touch.  They learn about the secrets of the treasure, which the captain pleads with them to help take on a quest to free them.  Seems the pirates that destroyed their boat, stole their treasure, but most important, they stole a valuable bracelet that belonged to the captain’s mom. The club needed to retrieve the necklace, for them to enable them to be free and continue their mission to stop the bad pirates.

What follows is a fun story that has all the members trying to find clues where the missing necklace and gems might be found.  I really enjoy this series, as it is so very entertaining.  All the characters in the Magical Mystery Book Club are very good, with Paige and Glo being the leaders, and Frank (the talking cat) always enjoyable. I really like all of the club members, and get a kick out of Mollie, their own resident ghost.

Secrets and Scallywags was another terrific and fun addition to this series, with all of the members in the middle of this mystery; trying to save the ghosts. There were a few surprises throughout, which was so much fun and a blast to read. Secrets and Scallywags was a wonderful lighthearted fun magical mystery, which was very well written by Elizabeth Pantley.  I look forward to the next book.

Reviewed  by Barb

Copy supplied for Review
